A fost rapsodia romana , acum nu se mai pune preț pe așa ceva ! Sunt oamenii (decizia politică ) care nu înțeleg necesitatea unui ansamblu cu artiști așa prestigioși ! Asta este zestrea neamului nostru , și poate sa ne încânte inimile noua românilor cat și străinilor care ne ar vizita tara !
Sa spui extraordinar e atat de putin, nu stiu, am mai vazut ansambluri , din patriotism local sa zicem, ii iubesc pe ai nostri din Cluj de la Martisorul, le apreciez munca lor si multora din alte ansambluri populare, insa ca acesta NU AM MA VAZUT ! Absolut exceptionali ! Mi-ar placea nespus sa va pot vedea intr-un spectacol, nu cred ca prea veniti in Romania, sau nu stim noi ?
Suuuuper super felicitari BAFTA si la mai mare, acum ca putem impartasi cadouri de Craciun tuturor celor dragi in conexiune cu noi, sa va vada publicul invizibil, de cind folosesc tehnologia web , cea mai iubita meserie este aceasta, de suporter virtual ca la stadion, sa incurajam artistii sa se simta campioni mondiali intocmai ca la Olimpiade, tocmai pt ca sunteti multi nationali din nastere, moldoveni rusi romani si nemti, turci polonezi si englezi, de toate culorile ca la ciorba si ce gustoasa este, adunarea generala de legume este?
As author of this upload, I would like to thank to all the people who left a comment to my video. Since different opinions related to choreography and music related to my video have been expressed, I feel obliged myself to come with the following clarifications: The first dance is called "Polka", which originates from Bohemia (Czech Republic), but is also very popular in many European countries, including Moldova. This dance is mostly performed in the northern part of the country. The music comes from this region of Moldova. The style and rhythm of the original music was kept exactly. The second dance and musical accompaniment originates from Transylvania (Baia Mare, Romania). The third dance and music comes from Hungary. The forth one is from Shopsko folk zone of Bulgaria. The fifth is a dance of Bessarabian (Moldovan) gypsies. The sixth dance originates from Oasi county (Satu Mare, Romania). The last dance and music comes from southern part of Moldova (Cahul & Vulcanesti). Hope now is everything clear. Thank you.
Олег, не хочу вас огрочать, но это не Флуераш а оркестр Лэутарий с Николаем Ботгросом (под его руководством) который тут же на сцене. И этот танцвальный ансамбль был создан в 1988г именно при Лаэтурах (по разрешению Министерства Культуры), а в 1990г был административно отделён от Лэутар и назван "Флоаря Молдовей" (Цветок Молдовы) но продолжал репетировать и выступасть с Лаэтурами. ...
The dance (and the folk costumes) between 5:36 and 7:02 is from the Shopsko region of Bulgaria. Greetings from an American descendant of Bulgarians from Aegean Macedonia and Pirot!
Untill what I know, the first dance (music) is Ukrainian (1:11), the second (2:32) is Romanian, the third (4:04) is Hungarian, the fourth (5:34) is Bulgarian, the fifth is Romani (Gypsy) (7:06), the sixth is Romanian (from Maramures) (9:05) and the last one (10:46) is Moldovan
@Oleg Malancus Is there a video of the full concert/full length individual videos? I remember seeing something like this 3-4 years ago, but as the full concert, and I can't find it anymore. Anyway, a wonderful concert, with my favourite maestro Nicolae Botgros -- music is world class from him as usual.
I am glad "we have so many experts" on folklore, especially Marin K. Please know that only the first dance (except the costumes) and the last dance are Moldavian. The costumes of the first dance have nothing to do with Moldova, they are typical for the Balkans - Vratsa region in N-W Bulgaria, although the music itself it's Moldavian (Romanian). Choreographic folk dances depend more on the vision of the Choreographer than on real ethnographic substance and since I have conducted a thorough study on the folk dances in all the Eastern Europe, I and any experts can tell you that folk dances in Moldova have been corrupted with different other elements (such as Russian Ballet steps) in the USSR era to denationalize the ethnic population. Moving forward, the second dance it's from the Romanian ethnographic region of Codru (in Maramures) so N-W Romania . The third dance in Hungarian (barbunk) although with a powerful note of Moldavian sounding music because of the Orchestra of Botgros. The 4th dance it's indeed Bulgarian from Schop region ! The 5th dance is a Russian Gipsy Dance! The 6th Dance is from Oas region, again NW - Romania! The 7th dance it's typical for the South of Republic of Moldova, very similar to the dances of the Southern province of Moldova in Romania. However about this last dance it's quite obvious the choreographic "addendum". Lastly, if there is folklore similar to Serbia's folklore that would be in Southern Romania and Banat as they are neighbor provinces to Serbia's. The Moldavian Folklore if such thing exists it's most similar to the Romanian Folklore of Moldova province, in Romania. Signed, a Romanian Ethnographer and Folklore enthusiast from Piatra Neamt, Moldova Province, Romania! .
😂😂😂 du-te bă în p.ula cu englezoida ta noi suntem Geți și tot ce vezi legat de Balcani e folclor Getic nu bolharesc ce îs tiuki mongoloizi bolharii adevărați au format bașkirii și tătarii du-te și vezile folclorul lor spurcatule
The 4th only presents dances from Central Western Bulgaria - the Shopluk or Shopsko area around Sofia, although the music sounds more Serbian than it does Bulgarian.
B o r i s s l a v Да, вероятно, защото за шопското са потребни други инструменти - кемене, гайда, например. Но този оркестър очевидно не разполага с тези инструменти, няма тази възможност и свири с едни и същи инструменти фолклорът на различните народи.
Strange mixture of the neighbouring folk. Authentic? The Romanian instrumental core, but tunes and choreography known to me as Ukrainian, Slovak, Russian and even sometime Polish (at the begining). Anyway very nice and I agree ",profesionalidad"
Здравствуйте, MsLoki1111. Благодарю за Ваш отзыв к моему видео клипу и рад что он Вам понравился. А выкрик девушек на 12 минуте, в ответ к выкрику ребят "Хопша", в переводе с румынского "Uite-asa!", означает "Вот так!"
dallanie1 E un atac de tip marxism cultural menit să slăbească identitatea Moldovenilor. Aceste ansambluri "folclorice" sunt o invenție comunistă și ele distrug de fapt adevărata cultura a unui loc.
Moisa Ciprian Romania is made od Wallahia and Moldavia in 19. Century ! Before that there is no Romania or people call Romanians. Bassarabia is antient land and region originaly serbian tribalic land Beala Sarabia, in Roman times in 60% linguisticaly latinized, today and in a past populated with many different ethnic groups...
@@onjegin6984 ,you delirious troll! Wallachia ,Moldova,Transilvania was and will be forever romanian! We identify like romanians,from imemmorial times!We dont give a shit on your opinion or others, enemy of romanians!
@@onjegin6984 ,Who is the liar?! 20 mil.of romanians or a poor troll like you with texts inspired by russian propaganda?! As i said ..we dont give a shit on your opinion trolls!
Ansamblul NATIONAL de danuri poulare "Fluieras" ??? Nu stiu asa ansamblu. Poate ANSAMBLUL DE CANTECE SI DANSURI POPULARE "FLUIERAS" ? Poate grupul de dansatori de la Ansamblul de cântece şi dansuri populare "Fluieraş" cu Orchestra Naţională "Lăutarii" din Chişinău ? Imi pare ca ultima varianta e mai corecta.
Virgiliu, eu stiu care este denumirea oficiala a ansamblului, insa, pentru a atinge scopul postarii acestui video clip pe youtube - gasirea unor eventuali parteneri de colaborare, am creat o denumire cu cuvinte cheie in engleza frecvent utilizate in motoarele de cautare din lumea artei folclorice gen "folk", "dance", "ensemble", etc. Consider ca nu e nimic criminal in asta.... Te salut!
bine ca stiti de guta... ansanblu asta nu are nici o importanta ,,,,,,mai conteaza cum se cheama? sau ce legatura ar avea cu ,,youtube ca sa nu poata fi publicat ....INVIDIA E MARE
mihali toader care guta...? care ansanblu asta nu are nici o importanta...? a cui ....INVIDIA E MARE? citeste omule mai atent ca nu e scris nimic de rau si cu invidie e doar o discutie pe tema a denumirii clipului. Consider ca daca in scena e orchestra Lautarii trebue sa scrim Lautarii si daca e grupul de dansatori e al ochestrei Fluieras la fel. Sau cumva N. Botgros dirijaza alta orchestra? Oleg a raspuns clar care a fost ideia lui cu denumirea clipului, si tot e clar. Nu mai vad sens la discutii pe acasta tema.
+Vergiliu Gorii stié despre ce vorbesté pentru ca a fost de prima generatie, kind toate asta coreagrafia a fost pussé - pentru grupa de dansurile Floaria Moldovei - in Lautarii ! ... Si ce ei au facut cu dansul russe care a fost foarte frumos ??! ... P.S. privet Vilia ot tvoei pervoi partnërshi vo Floaria Moldovei v Lautarax ))
Adevarati profesionisti..............asa orchestra .......asa dansatori.............extraordinar
Thank you very much for these wonderful 14 minutes, an absolute joy!
Foarte frumos cel mai mult mi-au placut dansurile noastre populare... parca obiceiurile noastre sunt cele mai frumoase...
Să întemeieze astăzi statul român un asemenea ansamblu, ar trebui miliarde de euro numai pentru vestimentație. Bravo Moldova !.
A fost rapsodia romana , acum nu se mai pune preț pe așa ceva ! Sunt oamenii (decizia politică ) care nu înțeleg necesitatea unui ansamblu cu artiști așa prestigioși ! Asta este zestrea neamului nostru , și poate sa ne încânte inimile noua românilor cat și străinilor care ne ar vizita tara !
Sunt multe și în România. Vezi Junii Sibiului de exemplu.
@@IonBrad-d4c😂😂😂. Care nu sunt profesioniști cu adevărat exact ca toți acordeoniștii voștri care nu știu a cânta la bași
sunteti extraordinari de buni..felicitari!
Bravo thank you from Bulgaria!!
Sa spui extraordinar e atat de putin, nu stiu, am mai vazut ansambluri , din patriotism local sa zicem, ii iubesc pe ai nostri din Cluj de la Martisorul, le apreciez munca lor si multora din alte ansambluri populare, insa ca acesta NU AM MA VAZUT ! Absolut exceptionali ! Mi-ar placea nespus sa va pot vedea intr-un spectacol, nu cred ca prea veniti in Romania, sau nu stim noi ?
Suuuuper super felicitari BAFTA si la mai mare, acum ca putem impartasi cadouri de Craciun tuturor celor dragi in conexiune cu noi, sa va vada publicul invizibil, de cind folosesc tehnologia web , cea mai iubita meserie este aceasta, de suporter virtual ca la stadion, sa incurajam artistii sa se simta campioni mondiali intocmai ca la Olimpiade, tocmai pt ca sunteti multi nationali din nastere, moldoveni rusi romani si nemti, turci polonezi si englezi, de toate culorile ca la ciorba si ce gustoasa este, adunarea generala de legume este?
Bine făcut! Uimitor dans. Bravo!
As author of this upload, I would like to thank to all the people who left a comment to my video. Since different opinions related to choreography and music related to my video have been expressed, I feel obliged myself to come with the following clarifications:
The first dance is called "Polka", which originates from Bohemia (Czech Republic), but is also very popular in many European countries, including Moldova. This dance is mostly performed in the northern part of the country. The music comes from this region of Moldova. The style and rhythm of the original music was kept exactly.
The second dance and musical accompaniment originates from Transylvania (Baia Mare, Romania).
The third dance and music comes from Hungary.
The forth one is from Shopsko folk zone of Bulgaria.
The fifth is a dance of Bessarabian (Moldovan) gypsies.
The sixth dance originates from Oasi county (Satu Mare, Romania).
The last dance and music comes from southern part of Moldova (Cahul & Vulcanesti).
Hope now is everything clear. Thank you.
Nice video - thank you !
Олег, не хочу вас огрочать, но это не Флуераш а оркестр Лэутарий с Николаем Ботгросом (под его руководством) который тут же на сцене. И этот танцвальный ансамбль был создан в 1988г именно при Лаэтурах (по разрешению Министерства Культуры), а в 1990г был административно отделён от Лэутар и назван "Флоаря Молдовей" (Цветок Молдовы) но продолжал репетировать и выступасть с Лаэтурами. ...
pielea de gaina!Foarte Frumos!!!!
The dance (and the folk costumes) between 5:36 and 7:02 is from the Shopsko region of Bulgaria.
Greetings from an American descendant of Bulgarians from Aegean Macedonia and Pirot!
Как же давно это было:"Флуераш", "Жок",приезжали в Киев на гастроли,мы ходили смотреть, танцевали в ансамбле молдавский танец....
foarte frumos!
va ador!!!!!!!!!
foarte frumos, bravo !! :)
Bine făcut, mă uit și eu plâng cu mândrie
dallanie1 iti uiti originea
they rock!
Untill what I know, the first dance (music) is Ukrainian (1:11), the second (2:32) is Romanian, the third (4:04) is Hungarian, the fourth (5:34) is Bulgarian, the fifth is Romani (Gypsy) (7:06), the sixth is Romanian (from Maramures) (9:05) and the last one (10:46) is Moldovan
montielito81 5:34 is serbian, not bulgarian..
It is from Bulgaria but is danced by romanians that Bulgarians ostentatiously call vlahs.
Maria: Va ador ,felicitari III
Thank you, yes, probably it is so.
I would like to ask: what's title of the music at the very beginning of the video (0:00 up to 1 minute) ?
Hora lui Mitica Fieraru. Marin Bunea played it m.ruclips.net/video/oZuXT1ISqag/видео.html
Este şi un dans maghiar drăguţ la min. 4:45
Yes, it looks hungarian
The music is also familiar(I'm hungarian)
@Oleg Malancus
Is there a video of the full concert/full length individual videos? I remember seeing something like this 3-4 years ago, but as the full concert, and I can't find it anymore.
Anyway, a wonderful concert, with my favourite maestro Nicolae Botgros -- music is world class from him as usual.
I have full lenth videos from it was on You Tube
I am glad "we have so many experts" on folklore, especially Marin K. Please know that only the first dance (except the costumes) and the last dance are Moldavian. The costumes of the first dance have nothing to do with Moldova, they are typical for the Balkans - Vratsa region in N-W Bulgaria, although the music itself it's Moldavian (Romanian). Choreographic folk dances depend more on the vision of the Choreographer than on real ethnographic substance and since I have conducted a thorough study on the folk dances in all the Eastern Europe, I and any experts can tell you that folk dances in Moldova have been corrupted with different other elements (such as Russian Ballet steps) in the USSR era to denationalize the ethnic population. Moving forward, the second dance it's from the Romanian ethnographic region of Codru (in Maramures) so N-W Romania . The third dance in Hungarian (barbunk) although with a powerful note of Moldavian sounding music because of the Orchestra of Botgros. The 4th dance it's indeed Bulgarian from Schop region ! The 5th dance is a Russian Gipsy Dance! The 6th Dance is from Oas region, again NW - Romania! The 7th dance it's typical for the South of Republic of Moldova, very similar to the dances of the Southern province of Moldova in Romania. However about this last dance it's quite obvious the choreographic "addendum". Lastly, if there is folklore similar to Serbia's folklore that would be in Southern Romania and Banat as they are neighbor provinces to Serbia's. The Moldavian Folklore if such thing exists it's most similar to the Romanian Folklore of Moldova province, in Romania. Signed, a Romanian Ethnographer and Folklore enthusiast from Piatra Neamt, Moldova Province, Romania! .
😂😂😂 du-te bă în p.ula cu englezoida ta noi suntem Geți și tot ce vezi legat de Balcani e folclor Getic nu bolharesc ce îs tiuki mongoloizi bolharii adevărați au format bașkirii și tătarii du-te și vezile folclorul lor spurcatule
wath's this first musik name? please.
Hi! The name of the music is: Hora lui Mitica Fieraru. Orchestral arrangement - Marin Bunea played it m.ruclips.net/video/oZuXT1ISqag/видео.html
@@FolkShowTour Hi, ok thank you my friend, i am Mirza Shvelidze from Georgia Georgian music teacher and i very like Moldovian Romaniam music.
The 4th only presents dances from Central Western Bulgaria - the Shopluk or Shopsko area around Sofia, although the music sounds more Serbian than it does Bulgarian.
B o r i s s l a v cause it is serbian !
B o r i s s l a v
Да, вероятно, защото за шопското са потребни други инструменти - кемене, гайда, например. Но този оркестър очевидно не разполага с тези инструменти, няма тази възможност и свири с едни и същи инструменти фолклорът на различните народи.
Oleg what is the name of the first melody that plays from 0:00 to 1:00 min? Thank you for the video!
Hora lui Mitica Fieraru. Marin Bunea played it m.ruclips.net/video/oZuXT1ISqag/видео.html
Stie cineva unde pot gasi Jalea tiganului a Lautarilor de pe album care se aude la inceputul acestui video?
Подскажите есть ли отдельное видео Венгерского танца? 4:03
Yes, it is Hungarian
Strange mixture of the neighbouring folk. Authentic? The Romanian instrumental core, but tunes and choreography known to me as Ukrainian, Slovak, Russian and even sometime Polish (at the begining). Anyway very nice and I agree ",profesionalidad"
Здравствуйте, MsLoki1111. Благодарю за Ваш отзыв к моему видео клипу и рад что он Вам понравился. А выкрик девушек на 12 минуте, в ответ к выкрику ребят "Хопша", в переводе с румынского "Uite-asa!", означает "Вот так!"
"Flueras" - cu domnul Botgros ??! o gluma ??! Este ansamblu Lautari cu gpupa des dansuri Flaoria Modovei.
bine punctat.
dallanie1 E un atac de tip marxism cultural menit să slăbească identitatea Moldovenilor. Aceste ansambluri "folclorice" sunt o invenție comunistă și ele distrug de fapt adevărata cultura a unui loc.
Подскажите, где в интернете можно скачать музыку для танца (9.13 минута)
It is same like Serbian dance. :DDD
You serbian dont have dances like romanians not even close! Ok, you have some from romanian comunity from Serbia like vlachs!
Dont forget Basarabia nad south of Ukrain was Romanian teritory
Moisa Ciprian Romania is made od Wallahia and Moldavia in 19. Century ! Before that there is no Romania or people call Romanians. Bassarabia is antient land and region originaly serbian tribalic land Beala Sarabia, in Roman times in 60% linguisticaly latinized, today and in a past populated with many different ethnic groups...
@@onjegin6984 ,you delirious troll! Wallachia ,Moldova,Transilvania was and will be forever romanian! We identify like romanians,from imemmorial times!We dont give a shit on your opinion or others, enemy of romanians!
@@falxus9962 i am not enemy of Romanians, actually i see them as brothers, i am enemy of lie.
@@onjegin6984 ,Who is the liar?! 20 mil.of romanians or a poor troll like you with texts inspired by russian propaganda?! As i said ..we dont give a shit on your opinion trolls!
Rominian lies, rominian propaganda and information war
Ansamblul NATIONAL de danuri poulare "Fluieras" ??? Nu stiu asa ansamblu. Poate ANSAMBLUL DE CANTECE SI DANSURI POPULARE "FLUIERAS" ? Poate grupul de dansatori de la Ansamblul de cântece şi dansuri populare "Fluieraş" cu Orchestra Naţională "Lăutarii" din Chişinău ? Imi pare ca ultima varianta e mai corecta.
Virgiliu, eu stiu care este denumirea oficiala a ansamblului, insa, pentru a atinge scopul postarii acestui video clip pe youtube - gasirea unor eventuali parteneri de colaborare, am creat o denumire cu cuvinte cheie in engleza frecvent utilizate in motoarele de cautare din lumea artei folclorice gen "folk", "dance", "ensemble", etc. Consider ca nu e nimic criminal in asta.... Te salut!
Oleg Malancus
bine ca stiti de guta... ansanblu asta nu are nici o importanta ,,,,,,mai conteaza cum se cheama? sau ce legatura ar avea cu ,,youtube ca sa nu poata fi publicat ....INVIDIA E MARE
mihali toader care guta...? care ansanblu asta nu are nici o importanta...? a cui ....INVIDIA E MARE? citeste omule mai atent ca nu e scris nimic de rau si cu invidie e doar o discutie pe tema a denumirii clipului. Consider ca daca in scena e orchestra Lautarii trebue sa scrim Lautarii si daca e grupul de dansatori e al ochestrei Fluieras la fel. Sau cumva N. Botgros dirijaza alta orchestra? Oleg a raspuns clar care a fost ideia lui cu denumirea clipului, si tot e clar. Nu mai vad sens la discutii pe acasta tema.
+Vergiliu Gorii stié despre ce vorbesté pentru ca a fost de prima generatie, kind toate asta coreagrafia a fost pussé - pentru grupa de dansurile Floaria Moldovei - in Lautarii ! ... Si ce ei au facut cu dansul russe care a fost foarte frumos ??! ... P.S. privet Vilia ot tvoei pervoi partnërshi vo Floaria Moldovei v Lautarax ))
All I know is, I am not going to monkey with the Moldavians.
Наркотик ,подсееела на ВСЁ И УЖЕ ДАВНО.КАК И ВЕСЬ МИР,включая ДЖЕЙМС ЛАСТА🥲подписка,естественно
Hello ! What is the name of the song playing with 8:32 minutes?