  • Опубликовано: 8 окт 2024

Комментарии • 762

  • @mandypandyjack
    @mandypandyjack 2 года назад +279

    I really like how when I got to Shadowbringers I could solo a dungeon with NPCs. I didn't have to look up a guide and spoil the fight for myself just to make sure I wasn't slowing everyone else down. I could just jump into the dungeon and learn the mechanics at my own pace, instead of trying to memorize a guide and being so anxious about screwing up and going fast that I couldn't pay attention to the story elements of the dungeons. I like the idea of being able to run dungeons solo, for at least the first time, and then playing through them again through Duty Roulette with real people.

    • @DarkDyllon
      @DarkDyllon 2 года назад +14

      a ... dungeon guide?
      wait those exist? why? what?
      just go in and ... maybe 1 of the best life advices you'll receive.
      DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHERS THINK ABOUT YOU (this applies to everything in life)
      i know normal trials guides exist, which is still stupid tbh, at worst you'll get 2-3 wipes, but in most cases you don't.

    • @SemekiIzuio
      @SemekiIzuio 2 года назад +13

      Me too! I was happy ShB had NPCs dungeons. I was in a bit of a pickle. I had played 2 years had sprout status. I knew my mechanic and job skills except the new dungeon maps. I wanted to learn and go in blind making mistakes and having fun except it was ruin be people just telling me what to do right of the bat in the beginning of the dungeon without me saying I was new or needed help just because of mydumb sprout icon. I rather just run it solo without the expense of someone else time or enjoyment

    • @dragopy2410
      @dragopy2410 2 года назад +7

      Lmao, someone here is too dramatic about a guide for video game.

    • @ssjup81
      @ssjup81 2 года назад +1

      Just go in and play. One thing I do is I let the party know from the get go if I’m new to the dungeon or if it’s been a long time since I’ve played a dungeon.

    • @FuyuYuki92
      @FuyuYuki92 2 года назад +7

      I feel this comment XD Also the Trusts add great dialogues and lore... I love them.

  • @vaguely7040
    @vaguely7040 2 года назад +191

    Honestly half of my frustration as a sprout running dungeons is the desire to explore the new environments but not wanting to waste the time of everyone else running with me

    • @Zephy_Sky
      @Zephy_Sky 2 года назад +12

      Yeah, there is always this rushed feeling, even if the rest of the party Makes it clear they are fine with you taking your time.

    • @john_7000
      @john_7000 Год назад +2

      I mean u can look at the environment while also going fast, and plus there is really nothing to look at and u can always go to explore mode later on to read some of the stuff there

    • @0x80O0oOverfl0w
      @0x80O0oOverfl0w Год назад +3

      @@john_7000 If you haven't been in that dungeon before, then you wouldn't know where to go, or what there is to look at. I've been in the same boat as @Vaguely with other players simply running past a room and wondering what was in there. It wasn't until I was past level 60 that I learned how to give other players commendations, because I always watched the cut scenes and 99% of the party was gone before it was over.

    • @sartreaufarte
      @sartreaufarte Год назад

      i sometimes just texted everyone and said 'first time'. i just joined last week :D besides can't you just do it with npc?

    • @seanspreckelsen3496
      @seanspreckelsen3496 Год назад

      I have to agree with the one guy saying there isn't really anything to explore/look at in the dungeons. You see the entire thing just by doing it

  • @anglerfishtanking
    @anglerfishtanking 2 года назад +355

    I always thought it was kinda silly for the duties and dungeons that would be "solo" only storywise but you go in with a squad of 4-8 then they all dissappear during the very next cutscene where you're on your own.

    • @spriddlez
      @spriddlez 2 года назад +60

      even worse when you do a dungeon and then the scions or other NPCS show up at the very end like they were there all along but refused to help you. (it doesn't happen a ton but it does occasionally)

    • @kou7191
      @kou7191 2 года назад +14

      Meanwhile, Gaia being like WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!

    • @ZoraKurosagi
      @ZoraKurosagi 2 года назад

      Fr it bothers me so much

    • @Windupchronic
      @Windupchronic 2 года назад +31

      That's always bothered me with the primal fights. "We need you to do this, because you and only you are immune from primal influence!"
      Pop in with a group of randoms.
      Me: "Do I have to kill these three/seven guys because they all just got tempered?"

    • @peekatyou7315
      @peekatyou7315 2 года назад +27

      I always saw it as the WoL being so powerful they are as strong as 4 people, especially like in the Shadowbringers trailer like they can hot swap jobs in combat, essentially taking healing etc all by themselves

  • @lampdevil
    @lampdevil 2 года назад +93

    My husband came and tried out FFXIV with me, and he fell in deep with the crafting system, but only managed to make it to about level 30 as an Archer/Bard before he quit. He didn't like the group dungeons because he doesn't like the pressure of feeling like he might be playing wrong. He's still not sure if he'll come back to FFXIV once the whole MSQ is a solo-able experience, but that's mostly on account of having a lot of other games to play, he's told me. There are definitely more people like him out there, and I'm glad for these updates!

    • @Road_to_Dawn
      @Road_to_Dawn 2 года назад +8

      My brother's the exact same way. He ended up hitting like level 70+ on his fisher and his culinarian, but never got far into Stormblood because of the pressures of grouping up for MSQ.

    • @rufayniad6592
      @rufayniad6592 2 года назад +1

      Tell him to try the Trust system for solo down to the earliest dungeons. He may not be excited about the required leveling to meet levels of self and NPC's but can be fun ... I use it as I get discouraged easy and have been in this game continuously since BETA. I hate the attitude of some that ruin it for others as well but he is not alone so want to say I think he can enjoy it.

    • @denmanfite3156
      @denmanfite3156 2 года назад +3

      Just a reminder folks: if they aren't paying your sub fee you can block them for any reason. Or... well... No reason?
      And even if they are paying your sub, you could probably still block them, at least until they realize it's happened.

    • @ampaki7720
      @ampaki7720 Год назад

      @@Road_to_Dawn what a weakling hahaha

    • @john_7000
      @john_7000 Год назад

      Wtf guys!! Why would u feel this way!!! Nobody cares how u play ppl needs help like real HELP!!

  • @Kat-qw7ok
    @Kat-qw7ok 2 года назад +157

    as someone that could only handle one dungeon a day because of multiplayer anxiety and queue times when I first played arr, I am very supportive of making the story solo-able! I would have gone through arr so much fast if this was the case LOL
    On the other hand, it did push me out of my comfort zone and now I am a lot more comfortable doing multiplayer content :)

    • @WilliamBowles
      @WilliamBowles 2 года назад +12

      I had a very similar experience. There were days I was able to play for several hours more, but found myself stopping and deciding to log out because I just didn't want to deal with the anxiety that joining a PUG came with. I had to log in a few days later with the intent of queueing with other players in order to continue my story progress.

    • @cutecats532
      @cutecats532 2 года назад +7

      This was me but I did crafting and gathering content for weeks or months on the free trial until I could work up the courage to keep going.

    • @shintenkai1648
      @shintenkai1648 2 года назад +7

      I stopped playing for 2 years after hard-core raiding and now I've returned I've realised how much anxiety I have , not because I'm worried for my skill level, but because I can't be bothered with judgemental PC players staring down your DPS with their shiny little plugin or they can't grasp the fact that you didn't learn content on day 1 so they belittle you for failing when you do try.

    • @lordtaku
      @lordtaku 2 года назад +8

      I've beaten from start to Endwalker playing with other people the less I can, but my sister it's just stuck before Crystal Tower for more than half a year because she doesn't want to/can't deal with other players. We took -a lot- of sh*t while playing WoW, Ragnarok Online, etc with guilds and players really abusive and narcisistic. FFXIV community it's not like the ones from those games, but anxiety it's anxiety and it's entirely reasonable not to want to find yourself in similar situations, no matter how low the chances are

    • @DarkDyllon
      @DarkDyllon 2 года назад +1

      @@lordtaku there are multiple features to avoid the backlash.
      for starters is black listing (granted you need to see them talk first)
      the 2nd is ... just switch to another chat tab, now you can't see them talk. (kinda the ostrich poking it's head into the sand thing)
      sorry but if you got "anxiety" for playing with randoms you'll likely never see again ... fucking hell people are so easily startled nowadays.
      if i get mad and i say some damning words, after i leave that instance i forget about that and move on, i don't ponder over that.
      same vice versa, if someone gives me shit i either talk back to them or as soon as the duty is over i forget and move on, because that idiot ... i'll likely never see again.

  • @kellynine7438
    @kellynine7438 2 года назад +25

    A key point in all this is that for anti-social or anxious players who just want to experience the story they keep hearing about, altering the game so that those players can experience the story without ever actually needing to group with others literally does not take anything away from other players. There will still be people hopping into the roulettes, this won't make queue times longer, and if they want to do endgame content, they'll have to group up anyway, so it doesn't impair endgame. It just makes the game more accessible.
    I have a hard time seeing that as anything other than a win for everyone.

  • @bloodgodalucard4769
    @bloodgodalucard4769 2 года назад +57

    I love this idea. I want to play the game completely by myself for the story. I like to take my time and get immersed. If I'm doing a dungeon where I have to play with others, I feel like I have to rush and miss out on the ambience. Plus I'm on edge that I'm making their experience worse when I just want to focus on the cutscenes and NPC dialogue. Then I can party up with friends for endgame content. Then it won't feel forced and awkward. :)

    • @shintruth2716
      @shintruth2716 2 года назад +4

      Exactly, I like to explore the entire dungeon just for the sake of it, then afterwise I use the duty finder like 100% of the time, but just for the first time it's nice to not be overpowered and still being able to go at your pace.

    • @Sephtyx
      @Sephtyx 2 года назад +5

      And while you’re thinking that you’re making their experience worse just remember that they’re also making YOUR experience worse by making you rush. I will always say to the ppl who want to rush through to get it over with as quickly as possible go get your own group together to run through with and stop with the crap, otherwise shut up and go with the pace of the others the dungeon will get completed.

  • @wavypavy4059
    @wavypavy4059 2 года назад +49

    Solo rpgs have always been my main games, and I have mostly considered myself a solo player even though I run content with others since I tend to just group up for the dungeon and then split off from the people again, which doesn't stress me out the way I expected an mmo to do with requiring other people and finding groups. But I do know people who consider even that an intimidating amount of interacting with strangers, so I'm glad these things are being implemented so they can experience the story.

    • @mbovb006
      @mbovb006 2 года назад +2

      My Brother just started playing and he's solo'd almost all of the ARR MSQ. I started a new character to help out at the start and its been cool to use the Duty Support on my own as well. Instead of a random stranger Adventurer joining its a NPC. Same story behind them, another Adventurer like you. Its great for new players learning mechanics too. If you're used to hearing stories about game cultures treatment of new players its a really, really great way to learn the game without pressure or harassment from others. NPC's will move to safe zones so you can understand mechanics by following them. Then, if you're confident or up for it, join games with others.

  • @Qwtze
    @Qwtze 2 года назад +54

    Ive struggled a lot with anxiety going into duty’s, particularly as a tank even though I really enjoy tanking, because I’m self-critical and every time I get a dungeon I’m not used to I feel I did terribly and hindered other peeps. But I’m slowly getting more into doing bigger group content like raids, and I do want to eventually try my hand at the extremes.

    • @punishedbung4902
      @punishedbung4902 2 года назад

      You’re probably doing fine

    • @Qwtze
      @Qwtze 2 года назад +2

      @@punishedbung4902 oh yeah that might be true, I think it’s just that my anxiety is always going to find something to focus in on and when I’m doing multiplayer content, it’s unfortunately fairly easy for it to find the thing to focus in on

    • @punishedbung4902
      @punishedbung4902 2 года назад +1

      @@Qwtze nah m8 it’s fine only thing people will get worked up over is if you’re taking too much time between packs or if you won’t keep the boss still. If you were really pissing someone off they’d type something in chat.

    • @Itama22
      @Itama22 2 года назад

      At least you care about your own performance, which already puts you above many other players :D

    • @javieretomev
      @javieretomev 2 года назад

      Kee at it. The moment you realize you play for you, and also help others enjoy the game, you'll do better. If you go to a dungeon and find cool people, let them know and enjoy the ride. If you find as%@#$ people, don't mind them and enjoy the ride. I feel you about dungeons, playing with others, and tanking, after 7 years as a DPS I decided to start tanking a few weeks back, as I finally understood that I am there to enjoy the game. I don't get stressed anymore and I am a much better tank because of it. I practice my rotations, I ask people how to get better, and go and do it for the fun of it.... and to my surprise, I get a lot of commendations.... so yes.... chill and enjoy, and let cool people know when you are having fun, and ignore the shi@#$@#$ ones.

  • @projectw3060
    @projectw3060 2 года назад +24

    Hope everything goes well on the move, and farewell to Extinguisher-Chan!
    Having played the trial, I have to say that I have only had good experiences when it comes to social interactions, but the idea of being able to solo the story is very welcomed. Sometimes you just want to play at your own pace.

  • @B.Evil.C
    @B.Evil.C 2 года назад +40

    Doing the storyline dungeons with randoms generally give you no time to appreciate the environment or reading the text as they just complete it. I would appreciate being able to solo it at least once.

  • @DreamHachi
    @DreamHachi 2 года назад +43

    I’d just like to be able to get home after a 14 hour work day and run shit solo. I don’t wanna socialize these days

    • @tartatovsky
      @tartatovsky 2 года назад

      you literally do not need to socialize at all when using the duty finder lol

    • @Baryccyon
      @Baryccyon Год назад

      @@tartatovsky Then whenever I see you in duty finder I don't want to see your name in the chat. Put your money where your mouth is bitch.

  • @crowshroud
    @crowshroud 2 года назад +20

    I'd personally say that as someone who is not interested in MMO's much at all, FFXIV has been *the best* experience for me. It has crowned itself firmly as the only MMO I will ever play, which is absolutely a compliment to it, coming from someone who even avoids generic multiplayer games that aren't categorized as the 'massive' sort like the plague.
    I started out with some incredibly bad anxiety when it comes to other people judging me or feeling like I couldn't make a single mistake, which is why I didn't play anything with any kind of non-optional multiplayer aspect before this. FFXIV is both my first and only MMO haha!
    I first played with a small handfull of friends, enough to make a light party when going through ARR a few years ago, which helped that initial anxiety (and now that ARR has trusts, you don't need a group of friends if this is your experience too)... But pretty soon I started getting super into it, progressing faster than others went, or they dropped off or found new people to hang with, and I was off and doing stuff by myself only with the duty finder.
    It took a while for me to get used to playing a multiplayer game that's for sure! I was terrified to do any 8 person content when it first appeared, no matter how easy the people I played with then said it was. And looking back at it, it's also a little funny (said in the kindest way to my past self, lol) how scared I was to start the 24 raids. I couldn't even hop into levelling roulettes sometimes without forcing myself to look away as I hit 'queue'. Eventually I started getting comfortable, and things were less terrifying as I did them more often, just like with doing anything new really. I started doing more optional content that you have to play with others for just to get more of the story I loved, and here I am!
    Even though I'm generally an introvert and I still primarily use stuff like trusts for new dungeons, I try to be sociable and try to make things seem less intimidating for new players especially. I find that if you're the person who opens up and is chatty first, most people will also open up and be nice too.
    Every game has its jerks, every game has people who you will never meet again but will make you smile. So if you random reader have been putting off trying FFXIV specifically because you're scared or anxious like I was, please try not to fret too much, it'll get easier! Trust me :D

    • @Handledeeznuts89
      @Handledeeznuts89 2 года назад +1

      Wow. I thought I was the only one with this level of fear when it came to group content. My story with this game is VERY similar to yours and I absolutely agree this is the most comfortable mmo I’ve ever played. I even main tanks. That has become my main role and I absolutely love it. I used to do the same thing you did and look away in fear when I would Que, then when it would pop, my heart would immediately jump into my throat and the anxiety would take over. TL:DR I agree with your sentiments whole heartedly.

  • @WilliamBowles
    @WilliamBowles 2 года назад +11

    There were days during my ARR journey where I was able to play for several hours more, but found myself stopping and deciding to log out because I just didn't want to deal with the anxiety that joining a PUG came with. It usually delayed my progress by a few days because I had to be in the mood to log in and do group content with strangers in order to continue my story progress.
    In fact, I took like a 3 month break because I didn't want to log in and do my first Stone Vigil run.

    • @HolyShield
      @HolyShield 2 года назад

      I'm having a similar experience. I was playing for several hours each day until I had to join a full party as a PLD to continue with the msq, so I decided to try the CNJ/WHM before continuing with the msq. I watched guides and all but I still have to get mentally prepared or be in a "fck it" mood to join a group. I hate myself for liking to play tank and healer classes🥲

  • @Road_to_Dawn
    @Road_to_Dawn 2 года назад +5

    My brother has gone through all of 2.0 and 3.0 and, while he's greatly enjoyed his time with it, he eventually let his sub run out. He mostly just sticks to single-player games (so do I, tbh) and a big reason he hasn't come back to the game in a while is because sometimes he just wants to go through the story without having to deal with the stress of learning the game and learning his jobs under the potential scrutiny of his teammates. I told him they made all of 2.0 soloable, and he's actually told me that if they did that for the rest of the story, he's got a much bigger chance of coming back sooner than later.
    I'm also very grateful for the trusts being added to older content, because I also like running alt characters, and so often I play at a time when not a lot of people are on, making clearing dungeons on those alts so much harder when I'm forced to use duty roulette. The fact I no longer have to do that for 2.0 has encouraged me to make progress with a couple more of my alts already. I'm so glad they're doing this; it's really a great thing for many more reasons than one might initially think.

  • @DoktorWieg
    @DoktorWieg 2 года назад +14

    I think the addition of full solo support for MSQ-required dungeons is good. For one, it means that in the event that there's a lack of players to run old content with (which is partially solved with the leveling and MSQ roulette at the moment), you aren't gated in your story progressing due to others. However, I will say that a party of players will be far more effective and flexible in term of completing content and as such, I would still encourage "solo" players to play dungeons with other players.
    To be fair, since Shadowbringers, my first completion of MSQ required dungeons have always been with Trusts. Not because I dislike playing with other players, on the contrary; I simply love the immersive 'first feel' of those dungeons with NPCs that are part of that moment.
    Anyone who ran Holminster Switch with Alphinaud and Alisae in your party knows why.
    But I'm more than excited to run those dungeons again in roulettes while leveling my other jobs with people since they're great experiences in themselves. So I'm all for making the MSQ-required content "soloable" in its entirety for those few people who want to experience the game without interacting with other players and just want to enjoy a good Final Fantasy story but it is also a gateway to help those solo players see that there is FAR more to the game than just the story and all those side activities can be fun for their own reasons as well, nevermind the social aspect.

    • @KingTai64
      @KingTai64 2 года назад

      It does has its pros and cons. I think a major con is the fact that your NPC healer will not res you if you die, where as a real player will, and you and your squad can make a comeback.
      On the other hand, I don't know if you have experienced this, but I ran into abusive players who abuse the kick function as a ban for poor reasons, such as a disagreement, you can be cooperative as all get out but if you DON'T kneel and kiss your healers feet, your kicked. I think NPC duties remedy those who have dealt with such players.

    • @DoktorWieg
      @DoktorWieg 2 года назад +1

      @@KingTai64 I luckily never was on the receiving end of being kicked in this manner... in fact, I don't remember if I've ever been kicked to begin with...
      Anyway, I do remember once instance of running a dungeon as a tank recently where the Bard complained about how the healer was handling healing and they got into an exhaustive argument that led to the Bard just saying "Let's kick the healer, I'll come back as the healer and heal as healing should be done". I voted against as the healer was doing fine in my eyes but the other voted for.
      I'm guessing the other DPS was the Bard's friend or something. Nevertheless, he did come back and healed the rest of the dungeon (I was secretly hoping another healer dropped in before he did, really; can't stand elitist assh*les like those) and another DPS filled in.
      So if you ever read this healer buddy : sorry you got kicked out like that, that bard was an assh*le and I should've preemptively voted 'him' out for being that obnoxious while you were doing your job just fine.

    • @KingTai64
      @KingTai64 2 года назад

      @@DoktorWieg congrats on being a good player. Players like that bard are such a drag. I wonder if he realized BARDS ARE SUPPORT DPS and can back up the healer in healing, you know, working as a team. I play as monk and when I get Mantra, I use it knowing my healer will get a boost.

  • @ImSofaKingGood
    @ImSofaKingGood 2 года назад +10

    I typically try to solo in MMOs as much as possible so I appreciate them accommodating players like me.

  • @corn2454
    @corn2454 2 года назад +7

    Despite coming here from another MMO (ESO specifically) I deal with a lot of social anxieties due to my ASD, and I was surprised that I frequently felt more comfortable and welcome in FF14, FCs didn't expect me to hang out in voice, I didn't feel like I HAD to attend events, and most randos I see in dungeons are pleasant.
    I'm still terrified to start trying to Prog EX and Savage with PF though, something about doing harder content with people I don't know makes me incredibly anxious

  • @darthkamen6564
    @darthkamen6564 2 года назад +6

    I started it because I had enjoyed other FF games, and I heard the story praised. I did all of ARR solo, and didn't touch any side dungeons. When patch content came around, I bought a keyboard (I play on PS4) so I could easily type and tell people I am new, and forced myself to try Leviathan (I think he was the first patch content?) and did okay, and that made me feel really good about myself. Eventually I did more and more, and now I honestly love doing stuff online. I still occasionally screw up mechanics, and feel bad about that, but have never had someone be outwardly rude to me. Currently in the 64-65 quests of Stormblood.
    I have a friend who has no interest in online gaming but also wants to see the story who is waiting for HW and StB to have duty support implemented before trying it out. I hope when/if they do, they also end up enjoying the more social aspects of it.

  • @PansFolley
    @PansFolley 2 года назад +6

    I have enjoyed the new Duty Support system. Leveling a new character has been a joy. I'm not rushing through the duty, trying to keep up as I look at the new surroundings. Teaming up with others has its perks if I want to speed run, but I really enjoy being in charge and running it at a slower pace. I have learned so much more, seeing things I missed when grouped.

  • @Teloch
    @Teloch 2 года назад +14

    Played the game twice. Stopped playing twice just because of having to do group stuff for the story. Loved the game on the last try.
    And yes, I know it's a me issue in every possible way, especially as I haven't had a bad experience with anyone either. Anxiously waiting if that "totally soloable" promise ever comes to fruition.

  • @cutecats532
    @cutecats532 2 года назад +7

    I didn't know I had to visit every section of the dungeon for it to count as mapping the realm until I did it with a Squadron. Groups don't let you explore and they don't let you learn the dungeon the way it was intended, they speed run, they wall to wall, I also didn't know how the cannons worked in old Castrum until near the end beforr they redid it. I had to run Hakku Manor recently and they're still jumping into the basement to avoid the extra mob eventhough that mob is gone now. And the only reason I ran that was because I wanted to level up and I couldn't do the dungeons I wanted solo so I had to do leveling roulette. The story dungeons can get old if you use them for leveling even with the new Duty support or Squadron so it is not stopping anyone from doing group content if they want to do other dungeons.
    I joined because of EGGwalker so my intro to the game was pretty fun and pretty focused on glamour and community, so the multiplayer aspect didn't deter me going in but it was my first online multiplayer game. My first experiences in Dungeons had someone throwing flower petals on me and the other sprouts in the first dungeon, and second dungeon, which I saw in a stream beforehand, I had 2 lalas cheering me on when I came out of my cutscene. But I was so anxious in both dungeons and I didn't even know how to emote back. So when the next dungeon had people who didn't wanna wait for me and killed the boss without me I was already scared and I started avoiding doing the story because I knew I'd have to do another dungeon. It was a struggle to get through the story until I got a push from wanting to do the FFXV event. Thankfully there was other content for me to do but it was motivated by wanting to unlock the squadron. I'm so thankful no other nervous sprout will have to go through that if they don't want to. I'm thankful they tell you at the start of the dungeon if people are new so people have no excuse to be unaware and the sprouts don't have to speak up if they're scared of that either. Maybe the people complaining don't remember being a sprout or didn't have that experience of being brand new to MMOs but it can be very scary. I appreciate everyone who tries to make sprouts feel welcome, I will treasure the good interactions with strangers forever and I want to do the same for people when I can. But social anxiety can be debilitating and the game is supposed to be fun.
    Edit: after thinking for a minute after posting this maybe my bad experiences were from RMT bots. I don't think they even talked. So if that's the case even more reason to let people play solo, but I know there are players who don't care and do that too but they better not be the ones complaining.

  • @solidgaming1103
    @solidgaming1103 2 года назад +44

    I appreciate duty finder. Its a useful tool for solo players.

  • @Jiroxys25
    @Jiroxys25 2 года назад +37

    I'm a little torn on this because I was the shy person, having avoided multiplayer games like the plague before ffxiv... And I'm really glad I played before duty support! It broadened my horizons and I even continued playing with duty finder once I had access to trusts. I'm super happy to have more players, I just hope raids and 8-person trials help introduce solo players to group play

    • @justskip4595
      @justskip4595 2 года назад

      I've been playing MMOs for 20 years solo. Been playing FFXIV for 3 days now (about 25 hours) and so far it is like reading a book while going through a very long tutorial at the same time. Only interactions with others so far have been in the couple of dungeons I have completed and they have been okay with me watching the cutscenes.
      I've also been playing tank as my main for those 20 years and now I'm playing a healer with practically 1 offensive spell that's single target. This will likely end up being quite a different experience.

    • @tartatovsky
      @tartatovsky 2 года назад

      @@justskip4595 level up more. A healer typically has 3 offensives: 1 single target, 1 dmg per tick single target and 1 aoe.

    • @justskip4595
      @justskip4595 2 года назад

      @@tartatovsky I've mostly played Tibia and there healer has about 10 offensive spells that they actively use and can throw runes for more damage. Many times the healer or even the tank are top DPS.
      Hotkey settings seem to be lot more restrictive and cast bars are something completely new for me. Got to predict the damage or someone's going to die while casting the spell.

    • @Karloss00
      @Karloss00 2 года назад

      @@justskip4595 Sounds like you're in A Realm Reborn. It can be a little bit of a slog, with setting up the pieces that will be relevant in future expansions. I say keep at it; everyone says this but once you get to the first expansion the story really picks up. A Realm Reborn suffers from the situation it was born out of a failing MMO that had a complete disaster of a launch and in order to make it playable they swapped around the management and rebuilt the game on a budget. I hope one day they'll go back and bring the whole story of the first part in line with the expansions but for now focus only on enjoying it.

    • @tartatovsky
      @tartatovsky 2 года назад

      @@justskip4595 Just keep in mind that healers in FF14 are primarily regen focused.
      Particularly the 1 big self heal that also gives regen to your party, that's one of the key spells that can carry your team in a dungeon or in a large scale raid.

  • @katharinavonwalde2222
    @katharinavonwalde2222 2 года назад +11

    I’ve been playing alone for a long time snd i prefer it (i played with ppl before and i end up ghosting eventually as i get socially anxious after being bombarded with convo) - so I’m so grateful for the npc support system, i need that for msq trials too ..

  • @cloud347
    @cloud347 2 года назад +8

    I've been playing FF14 about a year now. At the moment, I pretty much only do Gold Saucer since dungeons require a time investment. My Crohn's makes it impossible for me to even sit through the queue and, when I do manage to get in, it's very tiring having to explain that I may randomly go afk to avoid shitting myself. I've just stopped trying after finishing the MSQ.

    • @cloud347
      @cloud347 2 года назад +4

      Loved the story btw. Glad I got to experience it even with constantly vomiting and afking to run to the restroom. Being able to solo queue the story would've been a massive boon. Though watching the Flow video turns me into a blubbering mess.

  • @katie-maureen8546
    @katie-maureen8546 2 года назад +3

    I have struggled with social anxiety for most of my life and one of my biggest struggles is having someone watch me learn something new, it feels awful. I get embarrassed to a point where I can't function, even if I could learn the task completely fine by being left alone to play with it and experiment on my own for a bit.
    I've started this game multiple times, because it's a beautiful game and I do genuinely enjoy it. But I think what really helped me was being able to do those first few dungeons with NPCs, just the ability to build my confidence and learn how to play without feeling like I'm being "watched" or letting the team down made it so much easier to learn.
    I've gone from getting nervous/anxious to a point of almost being sick to actively looking for groups to play with and reaching out to people on my own. (Therapy has had a role in this as well) I love having the ability to play solo until you feel comfortable enough to play with others and I think that there are plenty of people, like me, who can definitely benefit from this

  • @JetsetStealth
    @JetsetStealth 2 года назад +6

    I 1000% agree with "soloization". It's not hurting anyone, since those people weren't queuing if they didn't need to anyways. But more importantly, I love that I can practice and learn dungeons and bosses at my own pace. I've been "that tank" who accidentally turned titania around and wiped the party my first time. If I was able to run it with a trust a few times beforehand I would have known to expect something like that.

  • @blakemclendon4370
    @blakemclendon4370 2 года назад +11

    Omg I would absolutely love taking your retainers in dungeons. Next step would be to work on their gear and levels to tackle harder content. I'm thinking instead of raids, like a rogue like with a party you built

  • @unboundsky9999
    @unboundsky9999 2 года назад +34

    I know they want to make the entire story solo-able, but there’s just one Crystal Tower-shaped problem. They would have to create a brand new 4 or 8-Man version of the Crystal Tower Raids which would be a ton of work but it’s the only reasonable solution I see.
    I honestly wouldn’t mind if they made 8-Man versions of the Alliance Raids as a new spin on the old “(Hard)” dungeons.

    • @Road_to_Dawn
      @Road_to_Dawn 2 года назад

      I hadn't considered that, that's an excellent point.

    • @frankbrodie5168
      @frankbrodie5168 2 года назад +3

      They should never have made those ridiculously awful dungeons mandatory for progress in the first place in my opinion. I have several characters created years ago that are way past that point, and haven't even unlocked the Crystal Tower raids.

    • @Tioko
      @Tioko 2 года назад +8

      @@frankbrodie5168 Well, they kinda had to, because it’s mandatory information for Shadowbringers. Not just information, the events in ShB are a direct result of the events in Crystal Tower! But yeah, a rework of those raids would be nice…

    • @Hawkenwhacker
      @Hawkenwhacker 2 года назад +4

      Or people can get out of their comfort zone, accept their fear, and be willing to push past it so they can engage with other individuals who are no different from themselves. If that was too much to consider, take off the training wheels and see how well you do without them. You may surprise yourself. Or they can stay within their own bubble and never learn beyond their very limited scope of experience.
      And if that is not enough, they are free to remain a seed because having to grow is just too much work.

    • @katt.1787
      @katt.1787 2 года назад +7

      @@frankbrodie5168 Awful? I rather enjoyed them. My only complaint is that they are way too fast and easy. As a new player, they were a nice experience because it was my first real "sightseeing" into the beautiful arenas the game can have for raids. ARR dungeons are all rather simple, so the grand halls were amazing to me.

  • @Aster321
    @Aster321 2 года назад +13

    I know it will never happen and probably wouldn't even be possible without breaking a lot of the gameplay,
    but I would really love solo options for high end duties too.
    I just don't feel like commiting for at least an hour or two every time I want to play that content.
    Just being able to give it like 2 or 3 tries solo every now and then without any pressure would be so nice.

  • @antilarge7860
    @antilarge7860 2 года назад +5

    Sprout here. No one talks. The game is silent. When you say things in party most of the time there is only silence.

    • @Boyzby
      @Boyzby 2 года назад

      Yeah, when people say they're scared of interacting with other people or whatever, I'm wondering what they're afraid of. Unless it's like brand new content, the most you see is a "Hello" in a dungeon. And I was one of those people who didn't want to do it. Sometimes you have to actually try.

  • @Darkorb44
    @Darkorb44 2 года назад +3

    Online encounters give me a ton of anxiety for whatever reason so I was pretty happy to find that a lot of the early MSQ dungeons let you run them with a squad of AI. It let me ease myself in and learn the game without the added pressure of having strangers watch and judge me, even if the judging part is all in my head. Now after about 200 hours I've beaten the MSQ for Heavensward and I'm tanking with minimal anxiety. Letting me take the early game at my own pace gave me the experience I felt like I needed to play with strangers.

  • @dfloriza
    @dfloriza 2 года назад +11

    I got pretty close to soloing the game. I made a new character on a different data center and purchased a job skip (for Bard - I’m always a bard lol) and I could undersize everything up to The Burn. If I made it to ShB, I could use trusts, but there would still be some parts like Crystal Tower that still require other people

  • @ginacirelli1581
    @ginacirelli1581 2 года назад +3

    I really love the duty support for leveling the tank and healer roles, since I get very anxious about letting other people down.

  • @rhade2k
    @rhade2k 2 года назад +3

    I remember the first time I tried to play FF14 back in 2016, i got to Sastasha and waited in queue for hours without finding a party, and obviously I couldn't continue the MSQ because of that. So I quit the game, uninstalled, and only came back to it again last year. I wonder how many people had that experience.

  • @Mr.Dishwasher
    @Mr.Dishwasher Год назад +1

    I recently got back into the game after a pretty long break and when my friend told me about the duty support system I was so excited. I spent so much time putting off the story because when I would reach a mandatory dungeon I just didn't want to do it. I know that people are much more patient and kind than I think they'll be but I still have horrible social anxiety about it and the thought that I have to run through this brand new area SO FAST and there might be new mechanics I've never seen before just freaks me out.

  • @jeffreygoldberg7351
    @jeffreygoldberg7351 2 года назад +18

    MSQ needs to be solo!! I don't play for months at a time because I've reached a point that I need to interact with others. I'm the healer that doesn't know mechanics and always die.

    • @peekatyou7315
      @peekatyou7315 2 года назад +6

      if you can't learn mechanics, other people not being there won't make the mechanics go away lol

    • @vikkran401
      @vikkran401 2 года назад +2

      No it doesn't. Don't play an MMO if you only want solo content.

    • @JD730
      @JD730 2 года назад +10

      @@peekatyou7315 Trust runs will help learn mechanics

    • @JD730
      @JD730 2 года назад +12

      @@vikkran401 The story is great and could easily be a single player game or MMO, especially if someone wants to play but spent 10-12 hours at work and doesn't want to be social but still wants to play through the amazing story.

    • @jeffreygoldberg7351
      @jeffreygoldberg7351 2 года назад +3

      I've played every FF and never needed anyone else to help me complete the MSQ except FFXIV.

  • @4-kathryn
    @4-kathryn 2 года назад +19

    Feel relieved that FF14 made content you can opt to solo; last year I got to level 30 in my white mage class and failed horribly in a group dungeon, others though not mean in the chat... were starting to loose their cool when we kept wiping. Yes I'm aware on my end I need to know the class better but each time I failed... knowing I basically hurt real world people, slowed them down, 'bothered' fellow gamers around me... was a soul-crushing experience. I didn't touch the game till April of this year and decided to delete my old account because I was so ashamed. (Did create a new account with a new job class).
    Needless to say, I love the ability to solo content with NPC's. The only disadvantage I see is that sometimes other players are savvy and know what to do when better over the NPC-helpers.

    • @qamarqammar7629
      @qamarqammar7629 2 года назад +4

      Or try a dps job like BRD or SMN to learn to be comfortable in groups. Dps can't do much harm :).

    • @4-kathryn
      @4-kathryn 2 года назад +2

      @@qamarqammar7629 I'm a Summoner class right now and loving it

    • @qamarqammar7629
      @qamarqammar7629 2 года назад +1

      @@4-kathryn I've been a SMN since Heavensward. Glad you are enjoying it!

    • @yu_nuen9
      @yu_nuen9 2 года назад +3

      It's situations like that that make me hesitant to heal or tank with people I don't know, so I'm also glad they're adding more solo content. At the moment, I just do low-stake content (Eureka/Fates) to do tanking and healing to get used to it. I got yelled at once by a tank because I couldn't keep up heal-wise and that has scarred me. This game is supposed to be fun, not stressful.

    • @DarkDyllon
      @DarkDyllon 2 года назад

      @@yu_nuen9 you made 1 critical mistake that scarred you and i have no idea why it even happens. (doesn't happen to me since i always follow 1 simple stance in my life)
      i don't give a shit what people think or say about me
      someone shouts at me for being shit? i can analyze myself if it was me, or the tank not popping cooldowns as he/she should, hell, that idiot will also get some trash talk back from me (love those things)
      how can someone go through life (honest question) being so paranoid what others think about them, it's a game, if someone cusses you out ... oh wel, once i step through that portal at the end (or get kicked) i'll never see those players again.

  • @keiyangoshin3650
    @keiyangoshin3650 2 года назад +7

    The MSQ should be a solo adventure. After all, the ‘hero’ is a single individual. It’s logical. So it’s great that Yoshi P thinks the same way. 👍 But as this is an online game, it’s also logical that the rest of the content should be for multiple players. Duty support, Squadron, Trust, make it possible to solo dungeons and later even MSQ related content, already. Leveling crafting or gathering, and increasing your fortune in MGP can be done solo. So that leaves, raids, trials (above level 80), PvP and some unique Fates for ‘party mode’. Honestly, never before have online games been more soloable then today. 😂 Thanks!

  • @carolhayward4975
    @carolhayward4975 2 года назад +1

    I love the FF franchise but was adamant I would never play an MMO - until lockdown hit, and it was a way to socialise with my irl friends. I probably won't ever play another MMO, but I am so glad I gave FFXIV a try, and I'm so happy that they're expanding the soloable aspects because I think it's some of the best writing in the series and I would hate for people to miss out on that.

  • @walterkrueger5947
    @walterkrueger5947 2 года назад +2

    Duty support was the only reason I got back into the game so I'm glad they are expanding it.

  • @Adam-FR
    @Adam-FR 2 года назад +3

    I would actually love solo play... I don't have much time now days to find friends to play, schedule times to play, etc etc etc. But I have played FFXIV, and I'd love to play more. Just can't do the online thing like I used to.

  • @old_shupshe
    @old_shupshe 2 года назад +5

    Being able to solo FFXIV would be great! My wife refuses to play because she has to deal with others for instances. And it slows my progress because I balk at instances. I have to watch walk throughs before I'll try them. I've been kicked from a group for not knowing what to do. Admittedly all other groups have been great. I don't raid and don't plan on doing so.

  • @Amateracu1991DFFOO
    @Amateracu1991DFFOO 2 года назад +2

    I've been playing FFXIV for over a year now. I liked doing the dungeon with the trust system because of not having to wait but as soon as I reached 90 and completing the normal versions of the raids the game felt really lonely. Groups in the party finder was very exclusive with their ilvl requirements or having the duty completed beforehand.

  • @GravePlayGames
    @GravePlayGames 2 года назад +1

    Duty Support really helps me practices how to doing my job as healer and don't need to worry that I will make a whole team wiped out and waste their time.It's a good way to let me familiar with the spells that I just learned and try my strategy.
    For me it's really helpful.

  • @silvernode
    @silvernode 2 года назад +3

    One of the most fun parts of the game is leveling up my squadron members. Expanding on this feature would be great as well as adding retainers to the mix.

  • @Jozaros
    @Jozaros 2 года назад +11

    Many players haven't played mmorpg's like FF11 and FF14 and now both Matsui-P and Yoshi-P are doing some changes to solo these mmorpg's. FF11 is very difficult for new generation of mmo players so somethings will be tweak up. A group of the FF14 community have gotten a video game content creator known as Cloudie Mcdoom to try out the game and he is enjoying it as far as how I have seen his streams, nothing but laughter and joy with him. Also I have notice FF14 players are trying out FF11 and that's wonderful!!! Like the game is very old and is 20 years of content and still bringing in content, which many hope they remake it to have 1 sandbox mmorpg and 1 themepark. And I'm glad FF11 is much more friendlier than how it was back then, just wish it had 1 subscription fee instead of 2.

  • @KagagiouX
    @KagagiouX 2 года назад +1

    Stormblood mostly is the last of the story that is not "Duty Support"ed.
    For those not sure Duty Support does have other dungeons as opposed to the Adventure Squad.

  • @teddycrew9564
    @teddycrew9564 2 года назад +1

    Reminds me about GW1. The game litteraly was soloable as you could hire NPC henchmen to make your groups just like the squadron works.
    Well there were limitations as you couldn' really do expert content (even though they later added custom NPC where you could make their builds and such... making the whole thing way more easier.. and they added A LOT more henchmen for various group composition).
    So while people could play solo, they still went in groups and kinda expected to play the game that way. If they go down the soloable path, i suggest they do that instead of boosting the player"s stats for him to survive the ordeal.

  • @talancorwell
    @talancorwell 2 года назад +3

    I had a friend try the game, and the biggest thing that turned him off was actually how unfriendly the questing experience was for parties. His complaint was that there was too much solo-ONLY content for a game that "advertises itself as a multiplayer game".
    And I do kinda get it. Story stuff aside, the questing experience for parties is painful compared to WOW and other MMOs. You can't even share quest objectives with your party. And then there's solo instances that force you to disband or leave the party to enter.
    I'm glad they're improving the solo experience, but it'd be nice if they cleaned up some of the pre-made party experience for new players as well.

  • @kitsunehanyou09
    @kitsunehanyou09 2 года назад +2

    I think it's excellent to make the mandatory story stuff (minus the crystal tower raids, that's a whole different can of Allagan worms) something you can do solo so you can progress at your own pace. There's really no downside to allowing that option

  • @Jeimuzu17
    @Jeimuzu17 2 года назад +1

    Always enjoy games that give you the option to do stuff solo or in a group. I also think that idea you had if they let you make a group of your own custom made duty npc's that would be awesome, kinda like how you can make and name even choose your retainers personality type would be such a cool addition to the game.

  • @yojojojo5505
    @yojojojo5505 2 года назад +4

    B4 even watching the video, as someone who has been soloing since the beginning, it is 100% possible and still very fun

  • @Jaheira12
    @Jaheira12 2 года назад

    I have often considered writing a post on the topic of solo vs multiplayer and after watching your video felt that I really needed to finally speak up.
    Not everyone who prefers to play solo do so because they are shy or don't want to play with others and there are many reasons I personally often prefer to play solo such as:
    - I have a family and as such I am frequently interrupted or pulled away when playing group content. It often comes down to me needing to abandon a group which is unfair to the other players - NPC's are happy to wait or cancel a duty
    - I get quite overwhelmed with some of the mechanics (basic levels - no savages or extremes for me)
    - I play at low population times and have had to wait for over 2 hours some days for a required duty to pop to be able to progress my game - and I don't always have that time available!
    - All the party finder groups wizz through a duty the shortest and most efficient way possible - which is great when you just want to get it done - but I often like to check out those hidden rooms and passages for extra treasure or just to have a peek.
    - there are no decent solo games around that I know of?? MMO's are far more complex, enjoyable and interesting (probably due to the constant influx of subs ;)
    I actually think they need to enable this for more than just the 'story' and include standard level dungeons - particularly those that are needed to progress things along - such as job and company quests for example.
    I do agree though that the high end content such as most raids, savage and extreme content should remain multiplayer.

  • @koristrange9655
    @koristrange9655 2 года назад +12

    The main story is done with - Most of the players that would do that as a progressive MMO experience have already run through it. Making it soloable is a way of expanding it to a wider audience.
    It's a wait and see right now if the new story they choose to go with is as engaging as the first, and if it isn't they will now have the solo players to fall back on.

  • @Cinta-ed4mf
    @Cinta-ed4mf 2 года назад +2

    I personally would like it for trust to be used as a party filler, sometimes I feel like doing the msq with just my boyfriend, so we would both go in separately with trust

  • @Redo13164
    @Redo13164 2 года назад +2

    I just want to be prepared! I’m usually just trying to chill and I take lots of breaks in dungeons and randomly. I also hate to use my keyboard and my arthritic hands hurt if I use keyboard and mouse too long. When I really have a handle on my job and the all the rotations, I’m def going to jump in with some people.

  • @magd4670
    @magd4670 2 года назад

    This speaks to so many things I'm feeling rn. I just got back into FFXIV after a huge break. Burnt out on group content anxiety from Lost Ark only to have to complete a bunch of FFXIV raids to move past ARR.

  • @jamierose9095
    @jamierose9095 2 года назад +2

    I'm an introvert. People exhaust me. If it weren't for the strong solo experience, I probably would have yeeted this game.
    Well, that and glamour.

  • @lucalopez9604
    @lucalopez9604 2 года назад +2

    As someone with pretty bad social anxiety I have been very happy with the duty support, it did get added after I had gone through ARR and had learned to not fear randos in duty finder, but even then it has been huge for me to level the DPS classes xD
    One thing I would LOOOOVE they added for... "solo light" players let's call them, would be a normal version o the Coils of Bahamut that could be done through duty finder. I had a ton of fun going through the Alexander storyline and I'm so bummed you can't have a similar experience with Bahamut. As a free trial player I can't make my own party finder and you can't solo them at level 60 (turn 1-4 were very doable and fun as WAR, but Twintania was a pain and then after like 15 minutes of being stun locked, the divebombs killed me, lovely) I just want to see the story and experience the fight at my own time instead of having to ask my level 90 friends to delete it for me.

  • @Ugouka12
    @Ugouka12 2 года назад +1

    I'm personally a huge fan of making the story more soloable. I have pretty huge social anxiety and have to spoil the fights ahead of time so I don't mess up mechanics. With the trust system expanding, I can fumble my way through blind and happy. I'm also a fan of how they implemented it in ARR with your party transitioning from random adventurers to scions. Having them in the party feels better than my healer being Fluffy McNuggetmunch and arguing with the tank Iate Mypoop that he needs to pull more.

  • @redgeoblaze3752
    @redgeoblaze3752 2 года назад +1

    A few days ago, I tried out the Duty Support thing for some low level dungeons, and I found something interesting. It took forever.
    I was a bit worried that adding Duty Support by default for ARR story duties would harm the social aspect, but upon further reflection, I think it's a good addition.
    It's still faster to do it with real people, and duty support doesn't include optional dungeons, so when leveling new classes with dungeons, it'll still be advantageous to go with players. Though, there's also another factor. If you're on a DPS, and you see that the queue is 20 minutes, you might just choose to do it faster overall with the NPCs, which will lessen the queue for other DPSes.
    Also, not sure how big this is, but it might help new healers and tanks overcome role anxiety. I personally only had anxiety for the harder content as you don't need to learn some of the more advanced techs until Extreme or Savage content.

  • @Amaru7227
    @Amaru7227 2 года назад +7

    The news that FFXIV's MSQ is going to be soloable will always make me happy. I remember when I was a sprout and I held off doing Sastasha for weeks because I was hesistant to play with other players. Shadowbringers, when the Trust/Duty Support was 1st introduced, was a happy time for me. My story exerpeince was just that much richer. I remember hiding my chat box and being so immersed.
    For me it's as you said in the video 'some people just want 0 expectations when doing mandatory story content' and that's me exactly. Even now, sometimes, I get on and i just don't want to deal with people. Instead of doing an expert or something i'll just do a run or two of the latest dungeon with trust for my tomes. /shrug.

  • @jaybird7
    @jaybird7 2 года назад

    My best friend got me into XIV but only after talking about it for a year lmao, I was really hesitant at first because my only reference for MMOs was WOW -- I had never played, but I had heard that the community was super toxic. But my friend kept telling me all these cool things about the story (that I thankfully forgot about by the time I started) and I'm a long-time fan of FF so I caved, and I'm glad I did! I'm still a little uncertain about savage content and trying to find a static but most people in PF have been pretty nice.

  • @twelfthknight
    @twelfthknight 2 года назад +1

    I have issues with social anxiety, so when the ARR reached the 4-5 hour mark and I was forced to queue for my first dungeon it was definitely a hurdle to overcome. While my Sprout experience turned out to be generally quite positive at the end of the day my personal interest in playing the FFXIV was based on experiencing the story and if I had got caught into a toxic quagmire early on I'd probably have shied away from playing altogether.
    Still, even ignoring my social anxiety and various other beneficial reasons, I'd like AI teammates so I can feel more immersed into the experience. Not having to wait for potentially lengthy queue times just as you're about to hit a climactic show down, or getting to a dramatic story beat and being surrounded by PCs wearing underwear and Chocobo heads who will sometimes instantly clear fights before you even know what's happening and leave before you can even offer commendations -- I could do without that for the first time I'm clearing the content as someone trying to play it as a Final Fantasy game.

  • @Dadsezso
    @Dadsezso 2 года назад +12

    Here's my issue with group play. I'm old, I've had a stroke and am slow, and have partial motor skills problems with my right side (mouse hand). I love MMOS and have played them since I discovered EQ when it launched in 99. I've encountered enough groups that get pissed when you can't keep up well that it makes me want to avoid them. Maybe if they had a geriatric group finder, old farts could muddle our way through content together and get wiped hundreds of times trying to do the group content and not get bitched out. LOL

    • @frankbrodie5168
      @frankbrodie5168 2 года назад +2

      Just put that info up in party finder. (in brief.) and I reckon you would get people to help you chill through the dungeons. I'm also old(er) at 56, but I have totally random moods for how I play. When I'm in a 'can't be bothered rushing' mood, I will often just troddle along using squadron, or indeed now, duty support. But get me in a "BANZAII!" mood, and Lord alone help the poor healer who I end with when tanking. lol

    • @ZeepZerp
      @ZeepZerp 2 года назад +2

      I don't have the specific issue you have but I am 45 and my reflexes aren't what they used to be. Not only that, but my tolerance for min/maxing has gone down. I'm perfectly fine taking my sweet time running a dungeon.

  • @rupertocampo8965
    @rupertocampo8965 2 года назад +4

    I originally wanted to go as far as I could solo-ing the game when I started. At first I didn't want anything to do with other players because I got kinda burned from playing FFXI and initial research said I could do pretty much the MSQ solo...
    Turns it they didn't completely discuss how duty finder actually worked but when I jumped into my first dungeon with some randoms, it wasn't as bad as I made it up to be. Duty Finder was my first love/hate in the game in that I loved that it was just "do dungeon with random players for about half hour, curse at each other and all die, rinse and repeat, and you're done"
    After that, the game kicks you back to where you started and be on your merry solo way.
    But even then, along the way, I started to see how wonderful random players were that you encountered openly in the world. Players would root for you, would thank you when you help them, would greet you back when you greet them...
    Sure, that cat-girl player ran away when you were checking them out from across the room, then you ran over to them and chat-said, HHAAAAAIIIIII!!!! ... but thats another story for another day!

  • @mastodonfan6220
    @mastodonfan6220 2 года назад +1

    I'm really excited for this. I've tried to get into this game several times and I absolutely love the crafting and the story, but my social anxiety is just way too bad and the stress of doing group content is just too much. I love playing in persistent worlds with other people, but being forced to group for content where I have to stress about screwing everything up for others is just too much for me.

  • @trentblades6668
    @trentblades6668 2 года назад

    I'm a good example of what you are talking about 4mins in - I wanted to play b/c I'm a FF fan, and I was pretty against MMOs and multiplayer in general - however once I started and joined the Novice Network, I realized that how much I like being able to chat with people, how much fun it is to do raids with 23 other people, and some of the funny things that happen in multiplayer. Now I really like that it's online!

  • @spiritdancer36
    @spiritdancer36 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for this, it’s a video for me. I am that person who has played every FF game except the MMOs. I am that player who wants to play FFXIV so bad but the forced play with others stops me. This change is beyond exciting for me. It means I will now buy the game. It also means that there is a chance that I will try the online aspect. If I spend the money on the game and I can solo play it…I will play it, and give the online aspect a chance. Buying a game though without that option means the risk I take is huge. This alleviates that risk and gives me the opportunity to try it out on my own terms.

  • @cocolanfofolan2508
    @cocolanfofolan2508 2 года назад +3

    If you do arr dungeons on duty support, when you eventually reach dungeons that arent, you will already have learned a ton of stuff that might make that less daunting.

  • @BaithNa
    @BaithNa 2 года назад +8

    I think they learned their lesson from FFXI and now they know its important to make the game soloable so it doesn't die.

  • @ZeepZerp
    @ZeepZerp 2 года назад +1

    The best aspect of making solo-able story dungeons is leveling jobs that I am not comfortable running in a group. I'm specifically thinking of Tank jobs. I have no problem healing or DPSing in a group. My main for ages is WHM (until reaper lured out my darker side).
    Tanking, however, is something I'm just not comfortable doing in a group. It's not a matter of worrying about people getting upset with me for not pulling big enough. It's more the pressure I put on myself in that situation just makes it stressful as opposed to fun. Trusts/Support don't care and neither do I when I'm with them.

  • @hannahrosa9264
    @hannahrosa9264 2 года назад

    It's important to remember that solo content is not onlyfor new players. Some players that played the game for years may not have time for a dungeon with 24 people. They may just be in a break, or any situation that dont let them the time to intetract with other people. This is also why soloable content is important.
    Great vid btw

  • @jimmyletv
    @jimmyletv 2 года назад +1

    Having a retainer support you in battle would be fun. They can help us either via the new duty support system or Squadron system.

  • @MrWiibetrollin
    @MrWiibetrollin Год назад

    I like this change because it allows me to do dungeons based on my mood. When I feel sociable I will run with friends or new players, or I can just play be myself when I have anxiety or a mental drain from work

  • @Timotheuster
    @Timotheuster 2 года назад

    I've been soloing almost everything so far after my friends all bailed on the first day. Everything you need more people for you can meet them in game, and the mentor system, party finder, and roulettes really help.

  • @red5robb1
    @red5robb1 2 года назад +3

    my friend has never really liked MMOs, but he loves story driven games. i got him to play with me after telling him the FF14 story is considered some of the best game writing of all time.
    he started with PLD and switched to BRD around Titan since he wasnt liking 'being the leader' of the group and not knowing where to go, even though i was with him. he wasnt really enjoying the game at first but he said he would keep pushing forward at least to the end of 2.0 because i was playing with him (he wont play if im not there)
    so we did that, we did Prae around the time they announced the reworked dungeons and he liked that last section after Garuda but wasnt super invested yet, kinda wish we did the last section after the reworks but oh well.
    we will probably start playing again in a month or 2 since elden ring came out and we have been playing that.
    i loved ARR story, and knowing it gets better after the patch quests (which even i havent touched yet) has me excited for the both of us

  • @raleo7466
    @raleo7466 2 года назад +1

    I'm a bit shy but joining a random fate or overeworld boss, a hunt or just giving a heal or a rez to some random have been my most fun moments in the game

  • @technicalleon
    @technicalleon 2 года назад

    I just started playing FF14 free trial this week. The last MMO I played was Ragnarok Online a long time ago, which I picked up because of friends. Now, I don't have friends to play FF14 with since the people I know who do play it are in another region, so I was really thinking of doing the game solo. I'm glad to know about duty support because my main issue about playing the game was getting into group content and letting people down if mess up (A bit of PTSD from playing a lot of League). Generally, I don't mind playing with other people but I'd prefer to play at my own pace, so I'm glad they're trying to give us this option.

  • @mossy.forest.fae.
    @mossy.forest.fae. 2 года назад +2

    I would've appreciated being able to solo my first run of the msq, if only because leveling healer as your first job is kindof painful imo, but 30min+ DPS queues ate up most of the time I had to play for a while

  • @mannifinalsummer4544
    @mannifinalsummer4544 2 года назад

    Oh wow zepla have fun in france soon! I've never been there but I'm sure you gonna like it. As for today's content; I started the game long before the msq became soloable. I pretty much like both, solo and multiplayer content even if I'm going solo most of the time. But for starting a new character and experiencing the msq all over again as a whole its awesome. No breaks in between, no weird player experiences until the very end. I will definitely use it soon again. I just don't know if ppl who start the game cause now they can play the main game solo understand the importance of job quests on their own...but okay. I definitely like this option and many ppl will benefit from it for sure.
    Thanks for mentioning Island Sanctuary again. I almost forgot about it...just transferred my 2nd character to the oceanic server to finally be able to get a damn house. Urgh. Wasn't a great idea, it's pretty empty there. But yeah it's only until IS comes out. Hope they don't mess it up with almost 90% of players expecting housing there now...

  • @vtolxpatriot
    @vtolxpatriot 2 года назад +6

    FFXIV is in my opinion one of the best final fantasy stories ever made and every final fantasy fan should get a chance to play. Although I've played most dungeons and raids with the duty finder, when I'm not feeling like waiting and I'm really into the story, being able to solo The dungeons with NPCs is a nice feature.

    • @Real-Name..Maqavoy
      @Real-Name..Maqavoy 2 года назад

      Hold me Drink!
      Shows FF6: *No no! Go-on Continue*
      Another Note saying its the "Best thing Ever" Is HIGHLY Subjective. Seen SE Destroy themselves for Years.

    • @vtolxpatriot
      @vtolxpatriot 2 года назад +1

      @@Real-Name..Maqavoy I said "one of" not "the best" because I agree, nothing holds a candle to the earlier final fantasy games. But thanks for your opinion

  • @mixxling
    @mixxling 2 года назад +1

    As an ex-WoW player, I've found FFXIV to be a breath of fresh air in terms of mandatory multiplayer content. I do enjoy playing with other people, but it loses a lot of the entertainment when i feel forced to. The fact that so much of FFXIV lets me involve other players on my own terms feels great and it's exactly the MMO experience I want to have.

  • @tedwardturner7101
    @tedwardturner7101 2 года назад

    I think it's a good idea. I started playing in September 2020 in order to have some kind of social interactions with other people during the pandemic, but I was extremely nervous about the social aspects, I had bad experiences with some other MMO's. Having mained Bard, waiting for party to queue up in order to progress the story which I loved very quickly was frustrating, and it wasn't until I got through ShB is when I really started to be a lot more comfortable looking for more of those social experiences.

  • @krisessler1835
    @krisessler1835 2 года назад +1

    Im one of those people who can be extremely critical on myself, probably more than others. I like the solo elements because if I want to try tanking or healing and I mess up and we die. This could even happen with being a dps. I wont feel like I let the group down if its a bunch of bot or AI. I know that most of the people in FFXIV are forgiving, but its still something that I deal with.

  • @DontGiveUp_Skeleton
    @DontGiveUp_Skeleton 2 года назад

    I was one of the people who never even considered 14 because it's an MMO--I started playing it last year. As a fan of FF I'd known about it and it's 1.0 version, but then I heard of the free trial and I googled how much of it can be soloed. It was when I read that you could get up to the first dungeon (level 30 ish) before you have to group, and it was at that point I said to myself "I'll just play up to 30, there's nothing to lose by trying the game".
    Now that it's all done with and I can look back at it as a true internal journey, I'm glad I was confronted with that level 30 dungeon. It's what scared me, but it's also what encouraged me. I would be counting how many quests I had left between duties for the opposite reasons I do so now (all I wanted was to solo). And then through the tedium of ARR, the switch happened where beating dungeons became enough dopamine for me to keep on going (I really am not an MMO player so even those simple dungeons were hurdles).
    Today soloing a dungeon using squadrons Is so incredibly mind numbing, even on DPS I would queue the same dungeon 3 times but ask me to use NPC's and I'll just go do something else instead. There is definitely something in the experience missing, I don't think needed to be said. But I wouldn't know it was missing if I started playing the game today. I would have quit at level 50.

  • @fated2pretend
    @fated2pretend 2 года назад +1

    I am so happy that FF14 has this much solo content, and that they are only going to continue adding more.
    The command missions and TRUST system were two of the biggest pulls that made me switch from WoW (after 15 years).
    IMO, social interaction in an MMO should be optional, not mandatory, for progression.
    People who prefer to do solo gaming shouldn't be punished by having to stick to low exp questing while others can run things in group dungeons.
    The FF devs understand what makes gaming fun for everyone - I'm excited for what's coming.

  • @finalfantasyrocks123
    @finalfantasyrocks123 2 года назад

    I started the game before the duty support patch, and then took a break and came back after, and I actually appreciated the duty support so much over the regular duties. I could take my time and learn my class better, and practice skills without wasting other's time, and usually when you go in with other people, there's sometimes that pressure to get the dungeon over as fast as possible. After level 50, I do like the regular duties, but you're so right about the little communication between players. It's o/ & ggtyfp and you never see them again. However, it is nice when you get a polite constructive criticism on how to do your class better.

  • @animewolf16
    @animewolf16 2 года назад

    I was very reluctant to try out an MMO when I was first introduced to FFXIV back in 2016. My husband and a couple of our friends did a lot of convincing to get me to play a game where interacting with other people was required And it had a subscription. I had only ever played solo games up to that point and was very frustrated at the trend at the time where every new game coming out was centered around multiplayer. I now play FF14 most everyday. I was very nervous at first, especially since I chose to play gladiator at the start but my husband and friends gave me pointers and helped me along when I got to dungeons and such. They had played a few MMOs so they helped me to be a good tank until I could stand on my own experiences. They sadly stopped playing for a long time but my husband has been getting back into 14 here and there while I've plowed ahead. I'm kind of glad that you couldn't do early dungeons solo when I started since it essentially threw me into the deep end to conquer my fear of messing up or making people mad. I do see how having it as an option now to help people who wouldn't consider playing at all is better than having the social aspect be a barrier to new players. Having the trust dungeons also let me practice classes that I had leveled forever ago but hadn't touched in a while so that when I was ready to get back into duty roulette, I wasn't as worried about being terrible at it. It's a good change and I hope they do add more customization options. I love the idea of taking your retainers with you like your squadron with your grand company. We already set them up with jobs and considering the stuff they bring you back from certain ventures, they are clearly capable of doing dungeons.

  • @ChazEevee
    @ChazEevee 2 года назад +4

    Had this thought in my head for fun but I feel it’s reality for some people:
    *FF14 creates new content
    *I become excited looking forward to it
    *Realized I have to interact with possibly toxic people
    *Cautiously optimistic

  • @Emelia-Bear
    @Emelia-Bear 2 года назад +1

    As an unconfident player who is a bit slow and have had awful dungeon experiences I think making it solo possible is a great thing so people like me can enjoy it without all the stress!

  • @mami11017
    @mami11017 2 года назад

    My first time playing this game a long time ago, I remember being drawn off by long DPS story dungeon queues. I actually stopped playing completely for a year or so, just to come back rolling healer, being totally addicted and completed the whole story in a short time frame. I see a big benefit in this possibility due to this experience, not even because of social anxiety aspect. Maybe, it could even be super cool to duo/tripple queue and have an additional support from a bot if a specific role you need is not available.

  • @samstundis339
    @samstundis339 2 года назад

    One thing that attracts me to MMO's is hardcore solo PVE content. In Runescape you have the fight caves and inferno, in ESO you have Vet Maelstrom and Vet Vateshran Hollows. I have been looking into trying FFXIV, but I have yet to find any very difficult solo content.

  • @SpellboundTutor
    @SpellboundTutor 2 года назад

    I definitely agree with this! It's an amazing story and the MMO aspect enhances it by being secondary to the MSQ. I am really looking forward to how they plan to introduce the Duty Support System in Heavensward and Stormblood.
    Though I'd also appreciate a way to formally introduce the Duty Support NPCs to the player and roll them into a small side story as part of Hall of the Novice, like "Here are some other novice adventurers undergoing the same exercises you are!" and maybe find a way to roll that into Squadrons to enable outfit customization that way. They don't have to be complex developed characters as we already have the Scions, but just... some additional flavor.

  • @AlexanderMarkantonis
    @AlexanderMarkantonis 2 года назад +2

    Im not good at socializing...So Solo ff14 was in for me,MSQ was epic to play and story was so nice...

  • @revvys2101
    @revvys2101 2 года назад

    I was nervous to try FF14 because of the social aspect, but I'm glad I did because it turns out the community is far better than I could have ever imagined. I remember being SO nervous to queue for my first dungeon with other people! I get the point about making the game accessible to solo players, but I do worry about people who do all or most of the game solo, and then suddenly jump in with other people for the first time in much higher level content. There's a lot the game doesn't do a great job of teaching you, that I only learned because other players helped me out. But I learned it a little bit at a time, as I progressed. Jumping in to higher level content without that experience, both of how dungeons flow with other players, and general etiquette, it could be a rough transition.

  • @dirtbeard108
    @dirtbeard108 2 года назад +2

    I'll be back once the msq is 100% solo. I only made it to 48 before duty finder turned me away

  • @johnriggio9781
    @johnriggio9781 2 года назад +1

    I love that I can practice a class on controller without being in a group.