i think Rekkles and Rhuckz will do very well together, and as long as Humanoid is realtively decent in the regualr split, they will be fine. but he needs to be 100% for the playoffs. wunder is solid as always, and Razork is hopefully getting more and more confident.
@@giantbear3422 idk, rekkles problem allways has been being to pasive. He is the kind of player that has every stat in order but lacks the ability to flip teamfights and in top tier gamplay is what you need.
@@diegojorda2600 could be something that changes this upcoming season. but most times when he is the only one alive after his team dies in a teamfight, im sure that he thinks: its better that i back off instead of dying, so there might be a chance for me to defend the base untill the respawn.
@@diegojorda2600 but as we all have learned after watching his worlds analasys, his game knowledge is through the roof. so if fnatic are smart. they will listen to what he says and thinks, and not avoid/disagreee with him like they did in G2, which caused them to play horribly.
Ain’t no way Berserker is better than the LCK player of the spilt and MVP candidate. The same guy that single handedly turned a 9th place team into a 3rd place team
LS is hard coping on this one. That said i think zerker is really insane, maybe undervalued. No way he is better than like top 4 maybe 3 ADC in the world though.
Beserker is younger and has higher skill ceiling. He is also not playing with high level LCK supports or mids. And yet he is probably just as good if not better than Prince
As good as Odo is, he is still a weakside top. Xerxe is like okay I guess, you can't really say you'd want him to win LEC. Vetheo has finished top 4 for the 3 splits and hasn't won a bo5, not to mention losing the last 2 0-6, and we're going into a bo3 format. Patrik wants to be a lane dominant adc while Targamas wants to roam. Not much more to think here not that complicated.
for me the problem with XL is that both their top and jungle are complete dog players. Xerxe has more games on Ivern than any carry champion throughout his entire career and Odo is only good at playing "weakside tank". They have no option when it comes to playing through toplane or jungle which makes them ridiculously predictable. The team would be A LOT better if they still had Markoon so they would have more carry options.
Given the relative weakness of EU toplane, I think Odo will be absolutely fine playing even more carry-oriented toplaners, and thus XL will do a lot better than LS is rating them IMO
@@hampustornros Whats they want to do is turn targamus into a lane dominant support and have xerxe be dog for vetheo and leave odo on an island. As a player whos only going into his second LEC year tar can gro
i feel like FNC can pop off because Rhuckz and Rekkles are like Mr. consistent and razork can finally play solely around humanoid instead of playing around bot all the time
@@xyhgn The guy carried SK for 2strait splits to play-offs, managed to catry that bad VIT team 2 strait splits to play-offs ( where he took over from Comp btw ) and he was the main reason BDSA got to bouth finals of LFL to 5 games and reached the final of EUM again losing only in the 5th game. He has shown he can be really good, but just like Comp he needs a good team. People forget Comp was looking like an average adc who was worse than Crownshot but became super good when he went to RGE and had a good team.
@@stefankatsarov5806 "that bad VIT roster" said roster: szygenda selfmade lider crownshot labrov. sure fam. even when he was playing in SK he had selfmade with him. also by the way, comp wasn't looking like and "average" adc. people considered him good that split, their bot lane was the saving grace of that team. their mid jungle just inted games away. i consider crownie good the same way i consider comp good. they're good but they're no hans sama/rekkles/upset
Papasmithy at the helm as well. Should be very interesting to see what they do. I think they’ll probably get Reapered as head coach but we’ll have to wait to see who they get
im glad TL is taking a different approach. their approach since 2018 has been to throw money at the perceived best available players and they have missed more often than they have hit, culiminating in the fiasco of 2022. i like that they are looking to use some academy players. i also like that bwipo is taking a split off and i would love to see him return as a jungler because he was a top 3 jungler in europe by the end of summer 2021 with only one split of playing the role and his way of thinking about the game fits way more into the jungle role
Wishing them both the best but I'm assuming their best form is behind them since they both pushing 30. U know what tho with them on the same team again I finally have a reason to watch lcs again. I havent watch lcs since ls draft gaps.
i am paying attention to the investment on head coach of TL Marin. if Tl board gives full support to him, LCS would be more interesting. LCS : 1st FLY (2022 LCK best top 3 adc & no.1 young player), 2nd TL(well balanced team including Pyosik), 3rd EG (top top-jungle-mid but questionable bot lane) 4th C9
I genuinely think SK are underrated. They can surprise and irrelevant with markoon were already atleast top 5 in their position this year and botlane will be atleast mediocre with room to improve
I watched Ruby in primeleague the last splits and he was a monster. He dominated in EU masters too. This guy is a beast and could be a top3 mid/jungle next year with jankos. Bot will hold heretics back imo but they could be interesting to watch
Nah jackspectra is crazy. Coming from someone who rlly liked flakked I wanted to see how bad jackspectra was only to realize that he’s cracked and deserves to be starter on this team
i think HRTS can reach 4th place maybe not in the first split but second or third . they have 2 good rookies jankos , not sure about top and sup , mersa has to step up or better grow this year and idk about evi
i dont know where some of the information given came from tbh regarding lec, bds has been pretty solid and i didnt hear anything to do with personality clashes with them unless you take about crownie and him as a person, as well i guess at this point the g2 scrim domination rumours werent going around yet and why wasnt there any mention about the rekkles situation with his past coaches not liking him in team enviroments? also how has EVI been said to be not good enough, he has been showing up to worlds for the past few years and has a good reputation that i dont think its bad unless you only take language barrier but that also doesnt seem bad.
As good as people are saying Prince is, I don’t think he will change NA. NA will change him as it does most imports. The region has a way of taking someone great and making the slump because of infrastructure and culture.
While I agree with this statement. The one player I see who hasn't really succumbed to this is Berserker. He plays insanely well and so far hasn't really been exposed like other imports. In most cases he performs solid and is held back by teammates.
Is it just me or is it wild to not feel strongly that BDS is an absolute bottom feeder. Like I understand having some faith in Crownie but look at what he's working with The Mountain couldn't carry those animals
@@Darkstormsun9865 you do realize that mr beast is more popular than tsm right? tsm has 2.3 mil subs on youtube meanwhile mr beast is casually sitting on 113 mil. it's not even close. i hate tsm but i dont want them gone just yet. seeing tsm fans seethe every split is still fun, maybe in 2 or 3 years they'll be irrelevant but not yet.
I'm surprised someone takes double lift and signs him over unforgiven, he was one of the best ADCs from the west at world's and performed much better than double lift in any international event ever this being his first year
why BDS roster rated higher than the astralis roster and even capable to reach higher than 8th? I don't see anyone really mechanically gifted or "good" in that team and even LS said they have personality problem and stuff
Adam was smurfing in masters, think he carried them to the win and actually expanded his champ pool (looked good-ish on aatrox and gnar from what I remember in the finals), I assume that he's comming back with hype around him
@@hehexd5317 Adam is just a gate keeper, he still mainly played his Olaf and Darius and was terible off lane, literally the same player from his KC days, problem is he looked the best from the ERL tops. The real reason why they can be better than Ast is Crownshot, he has shown many times he can carry a team to play-offs, espetialy in a bo1 system which the first part is. Also Crowshot was the main carry of BDSA.
@@stefankatsarov5806 you don't really get to playoffs through bo1s anymore though, if he's just good at bo1s then he's done, + he has that dog labrov so...
Very little, they are in a partnership with a Spanish streamer called Ibai where they gave up a percentage of their org in order to use Ibai's branding. Underneath the surface everyone involved with RGE this year is still there. It is very similar to when the owners of Splyce bought the rights to the MAD Lions branding.
there is allot of potential in this "new" team. i think Rekkles and Rhuckz will change the way the team plays which will benefit them. no need for them to focus 100% on Upset as their carry, and give other players a chance too. pretty sure that humanoid woudnt mind getting focused, or even wunder. and iknow that if Rekkles wants it, he can easly get some prio and dominate lane more than usual. we all saw what he and Hylli did in worlds 2020, how they ruined Jackeylove
No idea. I feel like bot and supp is a downgrade. Rekkles didn‘t even dominate the lfl, Rucks doesn‘t have the same experience as Hylli,.. yeah, Upset and Hylli have their flaws, but on paper and regarding recent results, they are the better botlane… and with that better botlane, they were not able to win spring or sommer, how does LS predict them to place 1st with a worse botlane?
@@yume7335 the thing is, yes Hylli might have more experience than rhuckz, but dont forget that rhuckz is not a rookie. he has played professionally for a long time, just not in the lec. and the issue with hylli is that when he dies/ints allot, it doesnt only affect him, but also the adc, hence Rekkles and upset. so it really depends on how the chemistry between rekkles and rhuckz will be the upcoming season. dont need to be the best adc and supp in the league to be able to win. look at Comp and trymbi. no one expected them to do as good as they did. but it will be excititng to see how things will turn out in the end. me personally think that this roster could do some really good things.
@@giantbear3422 Sounds fair. Still not convinced though as far as prediction goes;). I mean, LS predicted them to be 1st. I don't see any signs that they will 1st just by looking at their new roster,.. They can be a good team, and I highly believe they will be a good team,.. but just by looking at their new roster, there's now way LS can bluntly state "FNC will be 1st". FNC also has a new coach,.. i mean, Yamato had to leave in my opinion, but I don't think Crusher is a good replacement.
Am I the only one higher on Golden Guardians? They have possibly the best midlaner in Gori, Huhi has been a top 3 all pro and finished top 4 in the LCS for 5 splits straight, River is above average for LCS junglers. If they can have Licorice and Stixxay not blow the games for them I see this as a playoffs team that will take games off top teams.
I just really don't understand How is prince who played against the best adcs in the world and still came out as top 3 at worst and top 2 at best adc in lck WORSE than berserker who played at T1 academy and then played in the LCS against fucking luger and FBI and other randoms like seriously and he still didn't win spring it's not like he even dominated NA all year Like legit this needs explanation cause it makes no sense LSB vs GenG was so hyped because it was prince vs ruler like that was the match of the week And still berserker is better??? How
Berserker didn’t get to play in LCK. LS has seen both players play in Korea. He thinks Berserker is still better maybe he knows something we don’t and maybe his opinion has more value than ours with him being in Korea and actually evaluating how both players play and used to play back when Berserker was still in Korea.
@@ofardo8046 well exactly berserker didn't play in the lck but prince did Berserker talent is really high but you no matter how high your talent is if you go from hard working culture that is lck and lck academy to NA for an entire year you absolutely would be worse than you were when you were playing at T1 academy because you've spent a year playing against low skill level players and playing with a lazy culture Suddenly prince comes who just came in fresh from lck from facing gumayusi ruler teddy ghost deokdam etc and you still think berserker is better than prince right now?
@@sleakseal2133 that’s just what LS thinks. I agree with you in theory Prince should perform better. We’ll have to wait until spring to see what happens. The Prince vs Berserker matchup will be interesting to watch but FLY on paper has a better roster than C9. Also I think C9 and berserker will regret letting Jensen go.
@@ofardo8046 yeah I'm excited for spring for both lcs and lec Eh idk about Jensen tbh like the guy never stood out to me and when he returned people made a big deal out of it but really the only thing that I can remember when I think of Jensen right now in terms of plays is the backdoor he did against CLG? Or 100T can't even remember but yeah the ori backdoor but that's literally it He got mechanically stomped compared to people like jojopyun he wasn't ahead in cs most of time and in teamfights he just really didn't do something that says "Jensen" Like when you think of jojopyun right now you remember akali solo kills or crazy 1v2 situations or sylas etc you have those moments where you say this was played by jojopyun You got the bjergsen zilean where it's an instant win if he locks it Closer Lee sin Even when Jensen plays his champions which is like ori LeBlanc viktor he looks like every other player who played those Champs idk man I just think he's the most boring player In a top team don't know what's so appealing about him
LS thinking FNC will be good is just an indicator that he barely watched them this year. Humanoid will be asleep during regular split again, and Rekkless can't 1v9 in LEC, when he can't even 1v9 LFL XD
@@ofardo8046 MAD will either be the best bot lane in EU or the worst with absolutely no in between. Hyli and Carzzy are legit the double coinflip bot lane.
@@ofardo8046 Recency bias. Hyli was the best support when he was still playing with Rekkles. Tell me you know nothing, without telling me you know nothing.
Whichever comes first in the grading is more likely: KOI (RGE) - Sidegrade G2 - Up/Sidegrade FNC - Up/Sidegrade MAD - Down/Sidegrade VIT - UPGRADE+++ HRT (MSF) - Downgrade XL - Upgrade SK - Down/Sidegrade BDS - Sidegrade AST- Sidegrade
EU is much stronger overall next season compared to this past season. VIT can be a threat to eastern teams. Prediction: 1. VIT 2. FNC 3. KOI 4. G2 5. XL 6. MAD 7. HRT 8. SK 9. AST 10. BDS
@@TristanSune wow I would actually predict it in the exact same way I think VIT are gonna be really fucking good their roster on paper is by far the best and they have fucking Bo that guy is miles ahead of any western (even lot of eastern) junglers
fnc is playerwise def downgrade but maybe more consistency in supp and better synergy. KOI is downgrade in weak side top but maybe more carry potential. g2 is upgrade playerwise but bb and hans are both hard carry players and want resources. mad downgrade bot maybe upgrade top. Hylli and carzzy will be the sprinting bot of the league. vit overall upgrade, dont think its debatable XL upgrade I think. Partick and vetheo carry and odo weak side xerxe dog seems solid to me. rest doesnt matter
Fun Fact: The player EMENES isn't pronounced Em-en-ay-us. It's just pronounced M and S (Em -En-Es). "is derived from "M and S" the first letters of his given name Min-soo.".
I agree with most of what he said expect XL . What the fuck ? First of all you have Xerxe and Odo together both Romanians . Odo is not the best top but he is a consistent top 3 you can even argue with the fall of Wunder he is a top 2 in the League . Xerse is indeed a question mark . Vetheo dragged the whole MSF for a fucking year almost solo . Patrik is again a very good ADC with I mean Targamas was making Flaked look good and my man Flaked could play 2 champs by the end of summer and one of them was a support . So top 3 toplaner Volatile Jungler Biggest Prodigy Mid (not the best but a prodigy) And a very good botlane . Like what in the fuck will make me choose Rekkles and Rucks over Patrik Targamas ? Rekkles did not do amazing in a minor league . And Rucks is 26 years old support player who even if is consistent is he a world class player like peak Hyli or Peak Miky ? I very much don't believe so . Rekkles had peak Hily in 2020 when they had that run at worlds and that was the last time Rekkles looked amazing compared him with Upset last year ? Nah Upset was the only Reason we even got to see Rucks play . No upset no worlds
i think this is LS worst predction on the LEC. XL isnt fielding the best players in there role, but there floor is prob one of the highest in LEC. I would bet my life and my family's life on XL more then MAD or HRT, even if i love nisqy and jankos
@@guido_slapnutz4871 mad Lions being higher then Xl is just bonkers . Even if we make an argument for Rekkles Rucks being decent . Carzzy Hily ? That bot is absolutely atrocious they will int half of the games solo if peak Hily does not come back and I really don't believe so . I love Jankos and my wish was for him to play with Vetheo actually that would have been fire. Imagine the best jungler who knows how to help midlane with the Prodigy that is Vetheo . That would have been absolutely insane.
Summit with no language barrier might bring back MVP Summit. But both of TL's carries are rookies. You can't put them over EG. Inspired and Jojo will be the best jungle mid in the league.
His problem was language, it was the champion pool. MVP Summit coud play only 3 champions and when they got banned he played much worse and became an easy target for ganks.
Ls prediction on XL is just horrible 🤣 other then Xerse who is indeed a question mark . Patrik top 2 ADC last year . Targamas top 3 supports last year. Odo top 2 toplaner . Vetheo is a god damn prodigy who dragged the whole MSF for a year single handle (some good Neon games here and there). I mean if they have good sinergy this team is playing for top 3 . It's VIT G2 XL this year maybe and I have a big maybe for FNC and Koi/RGE . I love Comp but this year he actually has competition in the botlane . If Neon has a godlike jungle he can match Comp (also Neon now has a support). Hans Miky is a bit of a flip but if peak Hans returns he is the best in the League . Rekkles is back . The only fucking shit that happened is that Upset is not in the League but the ADC role is quite staked this year.
@@AdmiralMug nah but Vitality last year had every right to suck . By far the most overrated toplaner in the west Alphari who I am sorry did what in his career ? I have comments going years back calling for somebody to prove me what Alphari does so good to be even consider the best toplaner in a League. Selfmade is an arogant bastard. Carzzy with all due respect always seems to be an airhead on drugs and Lebrov is a prodigy in solo Q but like we saw with MagicFelix that does not matter in competitive. And you have Perks left who mostly won his lane but had nobady to follow him because of the egos . Wunder Mickyx and Jankos are some of the most versatile and humble players on the rift . While Caps was just Caps but he is also humble. Perks could be a captain . Even in C9 they listen to Perks I very much doubt Alphari would take much consideration in Perks since if you watch his playstyle nothing changes he is a ego player with good mechanics that even with big leads is very much a cointflip.
So hard to be a proud 100T fan this split everyone says they want to watch them play, but only cause everyone knows they are going to flop hard smh. What happened to this team?!
really glad to see fun rosters in lcs while also having a good amount of old and new talent, cant wait for 100t - TL rivalry and FLY - C9
Dread it run from it but TL 100T ply off series is going to happen. They play like every split.
11:50 LS is truly haunted by his favorite champion, it follows him everywhere ge goes
now i can't unhear *renekkles*
i hate you
the dinosaur lives.
I support FNC, but, this seems a bit optimistic unless humanoid goes worldsform for 10 weeks
i think Rekkles and Rhuckz will do very well together, and as long as Humanoid is realtively decent in the regualr split, they will be fine. but he needs to be 100% for the playoffs. wunder is solid as always, and Razork is hopefully getting more and more confident.
@@giantbear3422 idk, rekkles problem allways has been being to pasive. He is the kind of player that has every stat in order but lacks the ability to flip teamfights and in top tier gamplay is what you need.
@@diegojorda2600 could be something that changes this upcoming season. but most times when he is the only one alive after his team dies in a teamfight, im sure that he thinks: its better that i back off instead of dying, so there might be a chance for me to defend the base untill the respawn.
@@diegojorda2600 but as we all have learned after watching his worlds analasys, his game knowledge is through the roof. so if fnatic are smart. they will listen to what he says and thinks, and not avoid/disagreee with him like they did in G2, which caused them to play horribly.
But Rekkles style that we need right now …. With Humanoid as star just like FNC 2018
Ain’t no way Berserker is better than the LCK player of the spilt and MVP candidate. The same guy that single handedly turned a 9th place team into a 3rd place team
Yeah I agree, Prince was second best player in the LCK, and Beserker was second best in LCS.
Fly looks to be by far the strongest team IMO.
LS is hard coping on this one. That said i think zerker is really insane, maybe undervalued. No way he is better than like top 4 maybe 3 ADC in the world though.
@@koosvandenberg5612 he was the first in the lcs what do you mean?
Beserker is younger and has higher skill ceiling. He is also not playing with high level LCK supports or mids. And yet he is probably just as good if not better than Prince
@@Lacon1x Prince made Effort look fine. lol
Hey Nick, glad to see new content! Take care!
So who came back here after FLY beat C9? 9:48
I actually like XL I feel like they’d do very well
Bet he did the same with Rogue this past summer…
As good as Odo is, he is still a weakside top. Xerxe is like okay I guess, you can't really say you'd want him to win LEC. Vetheo has finished top 4 for the 3 splits and hasn't won a bo5, not to mention losing the last 2 0-6, and we're going into a bo3 format. Patrik wants to be a lane dominant adc while Targamas wants to roam. Not much more to think here not that complicated.
for me the problem with XL is that both their top and jungle are complete dog players. Xerxe has more games on Ivern than any carry champion throughout his entire career and Odo is only good at playing "weakside tank". They have no option when it comes to playing through toplane or jungle which makes them ridiculously predictable. The team would be A LOT better if they still had Markoon so they would have more carry options.
Given the relative weakness of EU toplane, I think Odo will be absolutely fine playing even more carry-oriented toplaners, and thus XL will do a lot better than LS is rating them IMO
@@hampustornros Whats they want to do is turn targamus into a lane dominant support and have xerxe be dog for vetheo and leave odo on an island. As a player whos only going into his second LEC year tar can gro
Glad to see LS's return
is his new phrase "it is one of the most perplexing things"?? i watched half the video and he already said it like 6 times
"its all fine"
an ADHD thing, pretty common
good to hear that everything is all fine and that that is all fine. All fine!
For people who dont know Jarge was Fnatics analyst in 2015 season.
was KOI edited out of the video?
Berserker being better than prince is crazy
i feel like FNC can pop off because Rhuckz and Rekkles are like Mr. consistent and razork can finally play solely around humanoid instead of playing around bot all the time
Can't wait to see Bo performing
no way bds is that high, they're dead last. this guy only puts them higher than 10th because he's friends with crownie
Yeah i'm really not sold on by crownie, ls dom etc rate him way higher than the reality because they are friends
Crownshot might carry them in the bo1s to 8th.
@@xyhgn The guy carried SK for 2strait splits to play-offs, managed to catry that bad VIT team 2 strait splits to play-offs ( where he took over from Comp btw ) and he was the main reason BDSA got to bouth finals of LFL to 5 games and reached the final of EUM again losing only in the 5th game.
He has shown he can be really good, but just like Comp he needs a good team.
People forget Comp was looking like an average adc who was worse than Crownshot but became super good when he went to RGE and had a good team.
@@stefankatsarov5806 "that bad VIT roster" said roster: szygenda selfmade lider crownshot labrov. sure fam.
even when he was playing in SK he had selfmade with him.
also by the way, comp wasn't looking like and "average" adc. people considered him good that split, their bot lane was the saving grace of that team. their mid jungle just inted games away. i consider crownie good the same way i consider comp good. they're good but they're no hans sama/rekkles/upset
I was so confused at first about the Spica being korean and had to go to lolpros to make sure I am not crazy.
Ok, really important question. Where can I buy that blouse LS is wearing?
Fly is 3 (4 if you count winsome) Koreans, 1 china and 1 oce, looks promising
Papasmithy at the helm as well. Should be very interesting to see what they do. I think they’ll probably get Reapered as head coach but we’ll have to wait to see who they get
@@ofardo8046 Same PapaSmithy who was the reason we were tormented by fucking Ryoma for borderline two years.
Word of day: perplexing
im glad TL is taking a different approach. their approach since 2018 has been to throw money at the perceived best available players and they have missed more often than they have hit, culiminating in the fiasco of 2022. i like that they are looking to use some academy players. i also like that bwipo is taking a split off and i would love to see him return as a jungler because he was a top 3 jungler in europe by the end of summer 2021 with only one split of playing the role and his way of thinking about the game fits way more into the jungle role
Been waiting for this 👌
Interested to see how Hormone Replacement Therapy does :)
100T is practically the new TSM if they're signing Bjergsen and Doublelift.
Wishing them both the best but I'm assuming their best form is behind them since they both pushing 30.
U know what tho with them on the same team again I finally have a reason to watch lcs again. I havent watch lcs since ls draft gaps.
How old is that list on reddit? I thought Freeze was pretty much confirmed as coach for EG.
LS is back PotFriend
i am paying attention to the investment on head coach of TL Marin. if Tl board gives full support to him, LCS would be more interesting. LCS : 1st FLY (2022 LCK best top 3 adc & no.1 young player), 2nd TL(well balanced team including Pyosik), 3rd EG (top top-jungle-mid but questionable bot lane) 4th C9
Yes! A LS vid, my Monday will be a lot better now that I'll watch this vid b4 sleep :)
Same haha
New ls video 👍
I genuinely think SK are underrated. They can surprise and irrelevant with markoon were already atleast top 5 in their position this year and botlane will be atleast mediocre with room to improve
Prince vs Berserker lets go!
No way Eyla gets benched for WInsome.
I watched Ruby in primeleague the last splits and he was a monster. He dominated in EU masters too. This guy is a beast and could be a top3 mid/jungle next year with jankos. Bot will hold heretics back imo but they could be interesting to watch
Top, jackspektra is really and i mean really good... not sold on evi yet hype for sure but not sold yet
Nah jackspectra is crazy. Coming from someone who rlly liked flakked I wanted to see how bad jackspectra was only to realize that he’s cracked and deserves to be starter on this team
i think HRTS can reach 4th place maybe not in the first split but second or third . they have 2 good rookies jankos , not sure about top and sup , mersa has to step up or better grow this year and idk about evi
i dont know where some of the information given came from tbh regarding lec, bds has been pretty solid and i didnt hear anything to do with personality clashes with them unless you take about crownie and him as a person, as well i guess at this point the g2 scrim domination rumours werent going around yet and why wasnt there any mention about the rekkles situation with his past coaches not liking him in team enviroments? also how has EVI been said to be not good enough, he has been showing up to worlds for the past few years and has a good reputation that i dont think its bad unless you only take language barrier but that also doesnt seem bad.
Could you make lck rosters video too?
Kaas game knowlage is insane, he was one of the best coaches in LEC in last years
WE GOT MIKY BACK!! Sad to see Jankos go but I hope he does well on his journey :) let's have a fun season #G2Army
Gori is going to be the best mid in lcs next split- LS, 2022
Big '10th Jin Air would beat all NA and EU' and "GBM will be the best mid in NA" energy
Yeah, I laughed at that as well XD
bro he was right on this too? it's almost like he's a coach or something
@@tenki_ looks like he was wrong
after watching this i feel there is gonna be a fnc LS coach announcement
As good as people are saying Prince is, I don’t think he will change NA. NA will change him as it does most imports. The region has a way of taking someone great and making the slump because of infrastructure and culture.
While I agree with this statement. The one player I see who hasn't really succumbed to this is Berserker. He plays insanely well and so far hasn't really been exposed like other imports. In most cases he performs solid and is held back by teammates.
Finally kicking out that Black paycheck stealer. Probably the best move any LCS org has done to date.
Do you guys know what 113 means? Why is that a cool nickname like ls said?
yo where's that jungle change video mane?
Reminds me of the “we got _____ at home” memes, but I hope they do good
I wonder why you rate XL so low. They have some promising players.
Bcs bias
Can't wait to see another Adam/upset like episode.
Who's upset this time?
Yeah I’m curious about why LS said players don’t already like each other. I’m assuming Adam and Crownie? That’s all that comes to mind.
Aint no way SK is worse than BDS and AST
The way he just scimmed over Bjerg and DL
I agree I think FLY will actually be good. In Papa we trust.
Hey LS
It's everyone
No it's not. As a part of "everyone" I deny participation in this comment
you dint talked about koi!
Is it just me or is it wild to not feel strongly that BDS is an absolute bottom feeder. Like I understand having some faith in Crownie but look at what he's working with The Mountain couldn't carry those animals
Xl "is just a disatser waiting to happen" according to LS thats a funng way to say it lmaoo 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i love ls content for his flaming 😂
Immortals roster just shows that they’re going for the Mr Beast buyout speedrun
nah mr beast best shot to esports stardom and success is buying tsm.
@@Darkstormsun9865 my god you tsm fans
@@Nobody-pv9jt fuck tsm I just want him to take it from regi. also tsm is still the most popular org in NA.
@@Nobody-pv9jt my god, you tsm haters
@@Darkstormsun9865 you do realize that mr beast is more popular than tsm right? tsm has 2.3 mil subs on youtube meanwhile mr beast is casually sitting on 113 mil. it's not even close. i hate tsm but i dont want them gone just yet. seeing tsm fans seethe every split is still fun, maybe in 2 or 3 years they'll be irrelevant but not yet.
Infeel like/hope Agresivoo will be playing as of week 2
Danny can't play in front of a crowd, any adc that can is an upgrade imo
So sad about prince going to LCS man
I'm surprised someone takes double lift and signs him over unforgiven, he was one of the best ADCs from the west at world's and performed much better than double lift in any international event ever this being his first year
Belilve in Jankos can carry and make playoffs 🥺
I will need a clip of this when I laugh my ass off at the end of the season (regarding NA ) 😂😂😂😂😂
drinking game, take a shot everytime LS says perplexing
TL Pyosik
LS seeing the TL roster: "yea this team is racially motivated" 😂
cr0wnie 8th? He's winning the whole things folks let's goo
TL has coach MaRin not spawn
why BDS roster rated higher than the astralis roster and even capable to reach higher than 8th? I don't see anyone really mechanically gifted or "good" in that team and even LS said they have personality problem and stuff
Adam was smurfing in masters, think he carried them to the win and actually expanded his champ pool (looked good-ish on aatrox and gnar from what I remember in the finals), I assume that he's comming back with hype around him
@@hehexd5317 Adam is just a gate keeper, he still mainly played his Olaf and Darius and was terible off lane, literally the same player from his KC days, problem is he looked the best from the ERL tops.
The real reason why they can be better than Ast is Crownshot, he has shown many times he can carry a team to play-offs, espetialy in a bo1 system which the first part is. Also Crowshot was the main carry of BDSA.
@@stefankatsarov5806 you don't really get to playoffs through bo1s anymore though, if he's just good at bo1s then he's done, + he has that dog labrov so...
what happened to Rogue???
They merged with KOI and they will use their brand now.
Very little, they are in a partnership with a Spanish streamer called Ibai where they gave up a percentage of their org in order to use Ibai's branding.
Underneath the surface everyone involved with RGE this year is still there. It is very similar to when the owners of Splyce bought the rights to the MAD Lions branding.
@ls they announced selfie as coach
Selfie will be the positional coach for LCS academy mid laner Emenes.
did he say anything on why he thinkes fnc 1st, genuinely cant understand it. or is he just meming and copium farming as usual lol?
there is allot of potential in this "new" team. i think Rekkles and Rhuckz will change the way the team plays which will benefit them. no need for them to focus 100% on Upset as their carry, and give other players a chance too. pretty sure that humanoid woudnt mind getting focused, or even wunder. and iknow that if Rekkles wants it, he can easly get some prio and dominate lane more than usual. we all saw what he and Hylli did in worlds 2020, how they ruined Jackeylove
@@giantbear3422 just getting rid of hyli is already a huge upgrade.
No idea. I feel like bot and supp is a downgrade. Rekkles didn‘t even dominate the lfl, Rucks doesn‘t have the same experience as Hylli,.. yeah, Upset and Hylli have their flaws, but on paper and regarding recent results, they are the better botlane… and with that better botlane, they were not able to win spring or sommer, how does LS predict them to place 1st with a worse botlane?
@@yume7335 the thing is, yes Hylli might have more experience than rhuckz, but dont forget that rhuckz is not a rookie. he has played professionally for a long time, just not in the lec. and the issue with hylli is that when he dies/ints allot, it doesnt only affect him, but also the adc, hence Rekkles and upset. so it really depends on how the chemistry between rekkles and rhuckz will be the upcoming season. dont need to be the best adc and supp in the league to be able to win. look at Comp and trymbi. no one expected them to do as good as they did. but it will be excititng to see how things will turn out in the end. me personally think that this roster could do some really good things.
@@giantbear3422 Sounds fair. Still not convinced though as far as prediction goes;). I mean, LS predicted them to be 1st. I don't see any signs that they will 1st just by looking at their new roster,.. They can be a good team, and I highly believe they will be a good team,.. but just by looking at their new roster, there's now way LS can bluntly state "FNC will be 1st". FNC also has a new coach,.. i mean, Yamato had to leave in my opinion, but I don't think Crusher is a good replacement.
when i heard “sk is irrelevant” i just thought “yeah that sounds about right”
Spica is not KR he's CH?
Am I the only one higher on Golden Guardians? They have possibly the best midlaner in Gori, Huhi has been a top 3 all pro and finished top 4 in the LCS for 5 splits straight, River is above average for LCS junglers. If they can have Licorice and Stixxay not blow the games for them I see this as a playoffs team that will take games off top teams.
I just really don't understand
How is prince who played against the best adcs in the world and still came out as top 3 at worst and top 2 at best adc in lck WORSE than berserker who played at T1 academy and then played in the LCS against fucking luger and FBI and other randoms like seriously and he still didn't win spring it's not like he even dominated NA all year
Like legit this needs explanation cause it makes no sense LSB vs GenG was so hyped because it was prince vs ruler like that was the match of the week
And still berserker is better??? How
Berserker didn’t get to play in LCK. LS has seen both players play in Korea. He thinks Berserker is still better maybe he knows something we don’t and maybe his opinion has more value than ours with him being in Korea and actually evaluating how both players play and used to play back when Berserker was still in Korea.
@@ofardo8046 well exactly berserker didn't play in the lck but prince did
Berserker talent is really high but you no matter how high your talent is if you go from hard working culture that is lck and lck academy to NA for an entire year you absolutely would be worse than you were when you were playing at T1 academy because you've spent a year playing against low skill level players and playing with a lazy culture
Suddenly prince comes who just came in fresh from lck from facing gumayusi ruler teddy ghost deokdam etc and you still think berserker is better than prince right now?
@@sleakseal2133 that’s just what LS thinks. I agree with you in theory Prince should perform better. We’ll have to wait until spring to see what happens. The Prince vs Berserker matchup will be interesting to watch but FLY on paper has a better roster than C9. Also I think C9 and berserker will regret letting Jensen go.
@@ofardo8046 yeah I'm excited for spring for both lcs and lec
Eh idk about Jensen tbh like the guy never stood out to me and when he returned people made a big deal out of it but really the only thing that I can remember when I think of Jensen right now in terms of plays is the backdoor he did against CLG? Or 100T can't even remember but yeah the ori backdoor but that's literally it
He got mechanically stomped compared to people like jojopyun he wasn't ahead in cs most of time and in teamfights he just really didn't do something that says "Jensen"
Like when you think of jojopyun right now you remember akali solo kills or crazy 1v2 situations or sylas etc you have those moments where you say this was played by jojopyun
You got the bjergsen zilean where it's an instant win if he locks it
Closer Lee sin
Even when Jensen plays his champions which is like ori LeBlanc viktor he looks like every other player who played those Champs idk man I just think he's the most boring player In a top team don't know what's so appealing about him
LS thinking FNC will be good is just an indicator that he barely watched them this year.
Humanoid will be asleep during regular split again, and Rekkless can't 1v9 in LEC, when he can't even 1v9 LFL XD
Rekkles will perform better with Rhuckz. Hyli is so bad I don’t understand why he’s still in LEC
@@ofardo8046 the int goat deserves to stay
You're so Clueless it's hilarious XD
@@ofardo8046 MAD will either be the best bot lane in EU or the worst with absolutely no in between. Hyli and Carzzy are legit the double coinflip bot lane.
@@ofardo8046 Recency bias. Hyli was the best support when he was still playing with Rekkles. Tell me you know nothing, without telling me you know nothing.
Whichever comes first in the grading is more likely:
KOI (RGE) - Sidegrade
G2 - Up/Sidegrade
FNC - Up/Sidegrade
MAD - Down/Sidegrade
HRT (MSF) - Downgrade
XL - Upgrade
SK - Down/Sidegrade
BDS - Sidegrade
AST- Sidegrade
EU is much stronger overall next season compared to this past season. VIT can be a threat to eastern teams.
1. VIT
2. FNC
3. KOI
4. G2
5. XL
6. MAD
7. HRT
8. SK
9. AST
10. BDS
@@TristanSune wow I would actually predict it in the exact same way I think VIT are gonna be really fucking good their roster on paper is by far the best and they have fucking Bo that guy is miles ahead of any western (even lot of eastern) junglers
@@ysosowoskx First time excited for a LEC team since 2019 G2
fnc is playerwise def downgrade but maybe more consistency in supp and better synergy.
KOI is downgrade in weak side top but maybe more carry potential.
g2 is upgrade playerwise but bb and hans are both hard carry players and want resources.
mad downgrade bot maybe upgrade top. Hylli and carzzy will be the sprinting bot of the league.
vit overall upgrade, dont think its debatable
XL upgrade I think. Partick and vetheo carry and odo weak side xerxe dog seems solid to me.
rest doesnt matter
Sk worst team? This is either will be your worse prediction or your best prediction...
Did I mishear or did he call spica Korean?
The editor noticed as well. Spica is Chinese ofc
Fun Fact: The player EMENES isn't pronounced Em-en-ay-us. It's just pronounced M and S (Em -En-Es). "is derived from "M and S" the first letters of his given name Min-soo.".
I hope bwipo comes back to LEC. I will wait until bwipo retired
0:44 would :DD
I agree with most of what he said expect XL . What the fuck ? First of all you have Xerxe and Odo together both Romanians . Odo is not the best top but he is a consistent top 3 you can even argue with the fall of Wunder he is a top 2 in the League . Xerse is indeed a question mark . Vetheo dragged the whole MSF for a fucking year almost solo . Patrik is again a very good ADC with I mean Targamas was making Flaked look good and my man Flaked could play 2 champs by the end of summer and one of them was a support .
So top 3 toplaner
Volatile Jungler
Biggest Prodigy Mid (not the best but a prodigy)
And a very good botlane . Like what in the fuck will make me choose Rekkles and Rucks over Patrik Targamas ? Rekkles did not do amazing in a minor league . And Rucks is 26 years old support player who even if is consistent is he a world class player like peak Hyli or Peak Miky ? I very much don't believe so . Rekkles had peak Hily in 2020 when they had that run at worlds and that was the last time Rekkles looked amazing compared him with Upset last year ? Nah Upset was the only Reason we even got to see Rucks play . No upset no worlds
i think this is LS worst predction on the LEC. XL isnt fielding the best players in there role, but there floor is prob one of the highest in LEC. I would bet my life and my family's life on XL more then MAD or HRT, even if i love nisqy and jankos
@@guido_slapnutz4871 mad Lions being higher then Xl is just bonkers . Even if we make an argument for Rekkles Rucks being decent . Carzzy Hily ? That bot is absolutely atrocious they will int half of the games solo if peak Hily does not come back and I really don't believe so . I love Jankos and my wish was for him to play with Vetheo actually that would have been fire. Imagine the best jungler who knows how to help midlane with the Prodigy that is Vetheo . That would have been absolutely insane.
Summit with no language barrier might bring back MVP Summit. But both of TL's carries are rookies. You can't put them over EG. Inspired and Jojo will be the best jungle mid in the league.
His problem was language, it was the champion pool. MVP Summit coud play only 3 champions and when they got banned he played much worse and became an easy target for ganks.
@@stefankatsarov5806 But his teammates will be able to better communicate to him about an incoming gank if there's no language barrier
G2 Caps Hans Sama and Mikyx look scary
i just want to see berserker being a berserker
Now I'm even more hype for xl, ls always regrets giving his early opinions before doing the full body of research!
Ls prediction on XL is just horrible 🤣 other then Xerse who is indeed a question mark . Patrik top 2 ADC last year . Targamas top 3 supports last year. Odo top 2 toplaner . Vetheo is a god damn prodigy who dragged the whole MSF for a year single handle (some good Neon games here and there). I mean if they have good sinergy this team is playing for top 3 . It's VIT G2 XL this year maybe and I have a big maybe for FNC and Koi/RGE . I love Comp but this year he actually has competition in the botlane . If Neon has a godlike jungle he can match Comp (also Neon now has a support). Hans Miky is a bit of a flip but if peak Hans returns he is the best in the League . Rekkles is back . The only fucking shit that happened is that Upset is not in the League but the ADC role is quite staked this year.
@@alexandrubodnar5914 Out of all the languages you could’ve spoken, you chose to speak facts.
When he said this about Vitality last year, he was right soooo...
@@AdmiralMug nah but Vitality last year had every right to suck . By far the most overrated toplaner in the west Alphari who I am sorry did what in his career ? I have comments going years back calling for somebody to prove me what Alphari does so good to be even consider the best toplaner in a League. Selfmade is an arogant bastard. Carzzy with all due respect always seems to be an airhead on drugs and Lebrov is a prodigy in solo Q but like we saw with MagicFelix that does not matter in competitive. And you have Perks left who mostly won his lane but had nobady to follow him because of the egos . Wunder Mickyx and Jankos are some of the most versatile and humble players on the rift . While Caps was just Caps but he is also humble. Perks could be a captain . Even in C9 they listen to Perks I very much doubt Alphari would take much consideration in Perks since if you watch his playstyle nothing changes he is a ego player with good mechanics that even with big leads is very much a cointflip.
@@alexandrubodnar5914 👁️👁️
Am i the only one that realised that Team BDS has nothing to do with BDSM?
Ppl saying lec got weaker is definitively trolling lol.
Fudge not kicked? Welp welcome to LCK/LPL next year Berserker.
"Renekless" - role swap to top leaked.
Idk about Lcs but lec ranking is the most delusional ranking ive ever seen in a while.
Bo is gonna poop on all the other LEC junglers, VIT 1st
Humanoid = Budget Chovy
Sleeping on XL
G2, Mad Lions and FNC in depth Breakdown and analysis be like: yeah those names i just read are the players of the team and yea dats kinda it
Could you please turn the volume up before uploading the video so Ads don't fuck the ears up of the headphones users like me? 🙏
Next split SK will bring out Febiven and then become a top team. I’m from the future.
So hard to be a proud 100T fan this split everyone says they want to watch them play, but only cause everyone knows they are going to flop hard smh. What happened to this team?!