That transmitter is a nice step up! And I love how far the cab tilts forward. It seemed to bog down pretty good on the rocks. Hopefully for a rescue vehicle it can make it to where it’s needed for rescues! 😆
@CK4RC LOL, right. That one line has a very tough V shape. I'm surprised it even climbed it. I will bring it over during the next comp so you can check it out.
Yeah, waiting on mine. Hope it gets here soon, got no idea when it’s supposed to be shipped out. Also ordered the blue one because I wanted the black bed.
Yeah, right on, gosh I hope mine gets here soon. It’s only been a week. Well, sure appreciate the review. I’ll catch you on the next one until then. Peace and chicken grease😁👍👍👋👋😎
That transmitter is a nice step up! And I love how far the cab tilts forward. It seemed to bog down pretty good on the rocks. Hopefully for a rescue vehicle it can make it to where it’s needed for rescues! 😆
@CK4RC LOL, right. That one line has a very tough V shape. I'm surprised it even climbed it. I will bring it over during the next comp so you can check it out.
Yeah, waiting on mine. Hope it gets here soon, got no idea when it’s supposed to be shipped out. Also ordered the blue one because I wanted the black bed.
Great video, this truck has been on my want list for a while
@@rctraildriversuk-lone-wolfvide Thanks. HobbyPlus has outdone themselves this time.
Yeah, right on, gosh I hope mine gets here soon. It’s only been a week. Well, sure appreciate the review. I’ll catch you on the next one until then. Peace and chicken grease😁👍👍👋👋😎
It's a great rig. Especially for the price. HP did an awesome job on this one.
Great video i cant wait to see it
Ok i need a front winch also for difficult recoverys deep in the forest...
@@ka4172 That's a great idea. I can see it fitting in there.
sweee truck, the size of the flat bet??can it hold a 13" fms chevy, i will have to check it out , great infomation,,,thanks man!!
No 13 is too big. Looks goofy, and the wheel base is too long.
Very nice hope there is a way to swap a 370 motor in it
@carloshnunez You could go brushless with a Furitek setup, too.
Looks a little small for the 1/18 truck.
They could have made it look abit better..not a fan sorry..
@@michael-y8c Sure. We ate all aloud our own opinion. It's definitely not for everyone.
@@hyperc5249 I meant no disrespect you at all.
@michael-y8c No, sir. None taken. I have no problem with people being honest. There are definitely some RCs out there I'm not a fan of.
@@hyperc5249 Im glad keep up the good work ...
It really is disappointing, under powered. Maybe a better battery? Piece of crap!