It wasn't a contract - it was a first offer. Jordan Petersen took 5 months to negotiate his contract with DW until they reached a mutually acceptable arrangement, but Crowder is no businessman, has burned a lot of bridges and I think he thought he could dictate how they should run their business. He was saying it wasn't about the money but he wanted $30million per year - more than double their offer. The secretly recorded phone call finished any hope he had of further negotiation, you just don't do that to friends.
You should see what just came out. Tim cast irl. Daily wire was wrong. What “friend” lowballs at 50 mil when willing to pay 100mil? Why did they ignore the fact that Steven hires his own people? This money doesn’t go just to Steven. DW knows this. It’s insulting to offer such a low amount with 100% control. Crowder is bigger than the DW. His fans would dump money into his pockets just to do it. The daily wire makes cringe movies while trying to sell you a subscription with tons of hosts that say the exact same thing. Y’all need to think. They all say the same thing because they have “bumpers” in what they are allowed to say. Keeps them in line with the company. DW cares about money. Not the conservative movement. If Steven cared about money so much. Why would he let the offer fall through? He’s not dumb.
@@garretwithmore4642 did you not listen to Jeremy’s response…he explicitly states that the 50 million was to cover all costs and was including production cost. He also said that he thought it would end up around 70 million and then discussed additional costs that DW would spend that are not a part of the payment to Crowder. There is more than one way to fight a war and Crowder’s assessment of DW was wrong at best and self-serving at worst.
@@mystdragon8530 and did you not listen to Crowder's response? None of this was about money for crowder. You guys keep wanting to make it about money but it's not about money. It's about freedom. It's about the movement. The fact that the daily wire keeps pushing a narrative about money. Well, Steven has specifically never mentioned money, as well as his reasons shows who's really focused on money and who's focused on the movement. Steven said he sent over a revised deal with specific deal breakers highlighted -none of which were money- and when they wouldn't bend Steven let it go (it being him working for DW). However, being the man of integrity he is, he couldn't just ignore the contracts daily wire was created. It is explained so much better, in the Tim Pool video, and anyone who genuinely seeks the truth would watch it! Although I am certain there are plenty of daily wire fans who would rather just blindly support Shapiro and the daily wire... rather than learn what daily wire is actually doing.
What Crowder is saying, the point is you shouldn't be beholden to Big Tech money you have to find other ways of making your own money because conservatives are getting stopped etc, on the Big Tech platforms.
@@dondon9221 yeah. The CEO of daily wire said they were inspired by Crowder's piss off RUclips segment, where the stuff he says that gets him banned is behind a paywall.
Steven already does everything himself, Steven would be paying them for his own content and he would be censored on top of it. You people do not understand the contract. Daily Wire would make 3 times the amount that they offered him.
But he does the same as DW - in fact they copied him, being guarded in how you deliver info and putting whatever might get you kicked off behind a paywall. Crowder does this with Mug Club. So many of his followers don't seem to be particularly informed about business and how it's run and going public with an offer and secretly taping phone calls is a death knell for any negotiation, or future ones.
@@dondon9221 Can you blame him for riding the train for as long as he can? As long as he isn't permanently banned, there will always be the possibility of being able to collect ad revenue.
Yeah he was free. He just had to decline the offer and move on. It was a first offer the way it works in business and you counter offer back and forth until you get to a contract that you both can agree with. Or you don't. But he was a crybaby went online. Deceptively recorded his friend and then just played little parts of it so he could look good. Go watch how daily wire talks about the first offer gives you a whole different perspective than his. He's a crybaby. I'm a contractor. If I don't work I don't get paid. If he doesn't produce videos why should he get paid? You know he's a crybaby
If you would listen to Crowder, you would see it isn't about the money, and it isn't even just about him. I am so tired if people misrepresenting this story in the reporting.
Money was part of it, otherwise he wouldn't have referenced the pay reductions if he get suspended and stop bringing in revenue. Otherwise he'd have been fine with the $50m deal. DW isn't a charity and can't pay millions to those who can't make anything in return for them. They also don't control what their content creators say and don't limit them in the projects they want to do. This was all a strawman that Crowder used to go after them and it makes no sense.
It's definitely about the money, he wanted 30 million dollars a year and The Daily Wire offered him about 12.5 million a year so he had a cry about it.
Crowder doesn't have a single principle. he's the Shaq of politics: pay him and he'll try and sell you anything. He wouldn't be bitching about the 'slave contract' if he were to get the 120 mil that he asked for.
Apparently, one of the demands was that Crowder had to submit to a hazing ritual where Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Tom Pool took turns in tea bagging him.
@Monolith Studios profitable, yes... however .... if you listened to everything, then you know there are strings attached to making all that profit. And that is what upsets Crowder the most. Honestly, it should upset every person who supports #FreedomOfSpeech.
@@Sunshine-is_here_to_stay Why should DW take on rich Crowder as a charity when they could risk their $ on the young unknowns that SC supposedly cares about?
The main points are...Steven never mentioned Daily Wire...they outed themselves and it never was about the money. It was about the big tech strikes, monetization, and the being penalized financially issue. That part was non negotiable on the "terms". A "friend" wouldn't even offer a contract like that in the first place. Plus Daily Wire is now getting more views by the sensationalized story.
Crowder is so full of shit and of course it was about the money. Also he doesn’t understand anything about business contracts he’s never had to go it alone, he’s always Ben funded by billionaires. A ton of right wing media is. And the left has one, George Soros. 😂 Now he’s throwing around antisemitic jokes aimed at Ben Shapiro. It’s so clear he’s trying to spin this as if he’s trying to save the conservative movement and all the up and coming conservative content creators, what a load of horse crap.
You must be torn Shlomo. You support both these money grubbing Right wing grifters. A racist and a Zionist extremist walked into a bar. Climate Change is a hoax.
I was appalled! Deceptively taping and then cherry picking the parts you want people to hear. The smug look on his face when he played the tape - he looked psychotic! Not following crowder anywhere. He’s lost all credibility.
Didn't know who Crowder is before this. Sounds a bit obnoxious, tbh. Louder with Crowder is a fitting title but I doubt I'll be listening. From what I've heard, the initial 'terms' from DW were $12.5m a year, but Crowder's counter offer was $30m. Perhaps DW saw that negotiations weren't going to work out when Crowder wanted almost 2.4 times as much as they initially offered and walked away...and now Crowder think's he's a crusader doing it for the little guy.
There is also a direct economic interest in playing the crusader, since he wants to exploit his new "role" to sell subscriptions to his new media platform.
You are ignoring the part when DailyWire enforced Big Tech community guidelines on their employees. The same guidelines they say are unfair and arbitrary, they penalized their employees if they break big tech "rules".
12.5m is not guaranteed. Can’t get a strike. Which he had currently. I wouldn’t take my negotiations with my friend public, but I wouldn’t go to my friend sideways with a contract.
@@nanasenoah8139 DW is a business, not a charity organization. If a DW show gets demonitized on RUclips, then that DW host must be paid less, otherwise DW cannot cover the costs associated with that show, which can lead to the company going bankrupt.
@@_petertaylor Sure, but these clauses are normal for professionals. Sharing the risks allows to increase the fee without a potential bankrupt. By launching his own platform, SC will take all the risks on himself. Thus, he will have to follow even stricter rules if he wants to maintain his success, although with potentially greater rewards.
aS sOmEOnE whO uses clichés to write comments, you are pretty dumb. Crowder didn't start anything, he didn't mention names *but if the cap fits on DW...*
Shapiro is a corporate neocon. For all of Crowder's faults, he actually stands by the ideals he espouses. Shapiro still hasn't revealed the full details of what went on during his dinner with Mark Zuckerberg, and he's thrown millions of dollars at Facebook so he and he alone won't get throttled. Not to mention that he was acting catty on Twitter, he treated the Jan. 6 protestors like a bunch of insurrectionists attacking our country, and he has a lengthy history of shilling the vaccine. He even got into a fight with Elijah Schaffer over it.
spot on! I tried watching a crowader vid, but he thinks hes a comedien, he doesnt stop trying to tell unfunny jokes and he laughs nonstop. Dude, you are not a comedian.
To be fair almost every political commentator is insufferable, or even fucked up in some way, yet again why we're not perfect, no ONE. Like Didn't Ben said some f'ed up thing about "better for poor kids to die, than waste money on them"? And the left is the same way, like how trevor noah supposedly left his country to escape oppression or something, only to lie about the truckers, and act like they're terrorist and pretty much contribute to what made him left his country in the first place.
$50 million MINUS all production cost, all his content would be owned by the daily wire. In the end SC would be paying to have his material taken. He most likely makes more than what he was offered.
Crowder recorded the phone call with Jeremy Boreing. That is pretty low to do that to a friend. Especially a friend who has helped you numerous times. I think the contract was pretty sweet. Steven should have taken it. But I think his ego got in the way. This was an offer that could have been negotiable. I really like Steven and am a proud member of Mug Club. But he made a very bad business decision and career decision. It's sad to see this happen when America needs everyone fighting the unholy Demon-crat hordes.
@@MAX3D2 I'm pretty disappointed in the right, you guys when full tribal mode. You don't care about facts, you are a DW fan who won't listen to reason. You already decided your heroes at DW are infallible and can do no wrong. I guess there's stupid people on both sides, go figure.
@MAX3D2, you and Dw can say the contract is sweet, but that doesn't say anything. What we know is that Crowder his agent gave a minimum number to start any contractual conversation. Dw is saying that they offered "their own" minimum, which should be a great, fair, friendly deal for Crowder. Dw is only heavily implying that they offered Crowder's minimum. So if $50M was the supposed implied minimum, why would Crowder ask for a $120M (125% more) after that initial offer? If it's a friendly, fair and reasonable offer, why lowball the offer with $25M (50%) less? If Crowder wanted a whole new contract, how can the first one even be great or fair? Why imply that Crowder will make 8 figures, while 90% of that $50M goes into employees and production? Dw's statements and contract are contradicting in many ways. Jeremy calls it in his own words: great, fair and friendly deal (in his 50 min explanation). While on the phone admitting it to be one for wage slaves. That's why i'm getting pretty sceptic with Dw's explanations. Now for my final question, and it's a low blow. TYT is saying that Crowder is in the wrong. So are you saying TYT is right? I'm a fan of the persons on both sides, but if I have to choose... Then for now, I'm with Crowder.
@@MAX3D2 so you think daily wire are also being asses for outing Crowder then saying he is spoil rotten for not taking the money when there were tons of stipulations in the contract. The money isn't even that great when you consider that Steven Crowder employs more people then Joe Rogan yet is offered a contract that is half of his. All while being if he meets all there criteria does he get that money. For instance if cancel culture cancels him he gets royally screwed in the deal.
@John Anthony So are you suggesting he gets rid of his complete staff? If you pay attention to the detail, the contract expected Steven to deliver his content on his own budget. Full marks to Steven not to chase the dollar, but stand firm to his convictions.
@John Anthony what other aspect of business? Posting RUclips ads? Slapping a DW logo on there? He had to produce the content with that money, he also had to pay himself with that money.
@@phloog who cares? It was an insulting rip off that they should’ve been ashamed to send in the first place. They would’ve allowed him to accept had he done so? Then it doesn’t matter if they would’ve negotiated upwards. ALSO he asked them to make him a better offer, to which they REFUSED.
@@phloog Okay, and a negotiation would ahve to go back and forth so if you respond to this Contract they would expect him to comrpomise but there is nothing worth keeping in this contract they proposed, it was full of more poison pilsl then the average Democrat legislation.
People are listening to DW because they are blitzing their argument. But what their argument boils down too, is that is mean and he's a cry bully. Boring misrepresented Steven's position and gave a weak defense as to why they are will to punish creators for getting banned.
@@Sunshine-is_here_to_stay then he should've made a decision to either maintain his current wealth and create content with DW or to go independent and expand his brand however he saw fit. The combination of claiming the StopBigCon domain name and the timely fashion in which he orchestrated this grand gesture of his should make it clear its about his own platforms growth. You genuinely have to be kidding yourself to believe any of his reasoning for what he has done. In the day we live in people are more comfortable buying into the lie than they are to find a new content creator. Remain a mindless consumer I guess.
This coverage is wrong. The DW outed themselves lol. I've lost all respect for DW, especially Candace and Ben. Steven never said who it was. Candace and Ben just had to insert themselves and started personally attacking him. Candace was unhinged and scary.
As a viewer of both DW and LwC, I’ve watched this drama unfold with intrigue. I don’t pay money to either. 1) this was a non-binding term sheet in order to facilitate negotiations in order to lead to a formal contract 2) DW should’ve been more thoughtful about the initial offer (e.g Crowder is demonetized on YT) 3) Crowder wanted DW to guarantee him his money, which given Crowder specifically that is a non starter. DW wanted this risk shared. Crowder is a bit of a loose cannon. 4) Crowder’s counter offer was a deal killer. ($30m per year and no ‘penalties’ ) Either to purposefully kill the negotiations or naively do so. 5) Crowder has ethical issues in how he deals in business (e.g recording a call well after negotiations ended). I wouldn’t do business with him after this. 6) I think if Crowder would’ve sat down with DW they could’ve worked thru the issues. He likely would’ve been able to get some revenue sharing, and access to a list of paid subs at the end of the term. 7) I can’t speak to DW’s initial offer but it may have been lower than it should’ve been. 8) not sure Crowder and DW would really have been a good fit. I’ll close by saying I don’t think Crowder cares about the ‘young’ talent. Suggest you check out Brett Cooper’s Instagram video on this topic.
It was literally 12 million a year. 50 mill for 4 years. The offer was great. And that was the lowest DW was going to offer. Im sure he could've gotten 65 or even 75 if he actually negotiated the deal. Crowder def has some issues in business ethics
@@FitnFresh7343 agreed. Likely even could have gotten revenue sharing on merchandise or bonus on DW subs. Assuming he needs a staff of 25, his salary costs are probably $3-4m tops. Add in $2M for other expenses (e.g rental, overhead, etc), the offer is likely a reasonable starting point.
Terrible analysis. It’s not called being a “loose cannon” it’s called basic good-faith contracts. He would gain nothing if he were to make them an excess profit? You share risk, you share reward.
@@FitnFresh7343 crowder said his production cost is around 12 million a year. 50 million over 4 years is nothing when you have employees to pay, skits and commercials to film, studio rent, equipments and costumes. He’s been demonetized on RUclips for over 3 years. It was a bad term sheet, if crowder didn’t have the brains to say no and just signed on the dotted line, Dailywire would’ve taken full advantage.
It seems pretty trivial to me, and an unnecessary bridge burning. It would have been so much better to have an actual discussion about it, instead of back biting.
It wasn't a contract. It was a first offer. That's the way it works in business and then they come back with a counter and you sit down and you work out what you like and you don't like. He's a crybaby and he deceptively recorded his friend and then he just uses little pieces of it on his show...
I loved the video of cartoonist Scott Adams saying the anti-vaxcxers are the Winners after he heckled and berated them earlier but now admits he is worried about his long term health . " You won you won completely l did not end up in the right place , the right place would be natural immunity , you should take victory and l should take defeat , now my position is the weakest and yours is the strongest , you win " aka Cartoonist Scott Adams . I rest my case your honour .
Adams is smart enough to know he's playing Russian Roulette if he gets infected without being vaccinated. He also knows his audience is dumb enough to think he regrets getting vaccinated. When the rube is ready, the grifter shall appear.
I respect him for saying it, but it wasn't a problem that he had a different opinion on vaccines. It's that he was an incredibly condescending jerk while doing it. And he didn't apologize for that.
@@michaelconnor1542 yes l don't expect any apologies saying they were wrong from any top media personalities in Australia that openly told everyone to get the 💉 . Warny can't cause he paid the ultimate price with d:eath sadly .
37 Million actually, one of the penalties was already triggered, with more that could equal 110% of the pay wasn't it Ben Shaprio who said a business owner should be the one who takes on all the risk of the business since he gets all the profits when it succeeds?
@@melporean8394 Right. Crowder is attacking those who do the most work and who've had the most impact politically and culturally, all over a contract that wasn't bad and that could've been improved even more if he wanted. And not only that, he's leaking private phone calls behind his "friends" backs to degrade them in front of the world. I don't get what happened with Crowder.
@@anacc3257 Steven does not own his mailing list which can be monetized. So he created this "stop big con" campaign to generate his own mailing list. His actions makes sense under this lens
@@melporean8394 "taking down others from his side." Here's your reminder that Crowder didn't name names and made no effort to slander DW or any other media company. DW outed themselves as the party sending that predatory offer.
how? DW is creating an alternative platform behind a paywall. With a monthly subscription, which is what Crowder wanted? At the end of the day, you are here on RUclips. Crowder has 6M subscribers on RUclips and the Daily Wire wants Crowder's content that would be censored behind their paywall.
You too since you are watching this on RUclips. Better get off now, your helping big tech get Money from your views or…..are you like DW and need to use a platform not friendly to your ideology, but must use it none the less to fight.
On the conservative right, there seems to be people who really like DW and folks who despise DW. Crowder prolly made a business based on the fact that he could entice the faction that despises DW. In the process, he stepped all over folks who have helped him in the past and made himself look like a pre Madonna and a snake. DW has been fully transparent and had no intention of dragging Crowder through the mud. Crowder, on the other hand, was just self serving.
Two non-entities fighting but Boomer news catches up a week later. I love the fact traditional media doesn't understand how outdated or increasingly irrelevant it is. Not a fan of either party but Crowder shouldn't have brought his business dealings into the public forum.
@South Efrikan lmao don't project your T people love on to others, you should keep that shit to yourself. Yeah everyone knew so what they didn't have to confirm it with an hour long bitchy video from one of the fakest people out there, lmao you throwing shade at Crowder but acting like Jeremy Boring and Ben "My Wife Is A Doctor" Shapiro are real lmfao
@@melporean8394 crowder didn't say who when he first made a video about 'big con'. DW volunteered the information that it was them he was complaining about. Crowder then released his business discussion phone call. I wouldn't have done that, even if the company was first to spill the beans. Neither side has kept their own counsel nor chosen discretion as the better part of valor.
@@thilli1859 yes, point being every new story about this frames it in terms of the $ being for Crowder. Only DW,'s Boring made note that the funds are for Crowder to pay his people and expenses and of course himself. There's a large gap between $10m /yr to 1 person and $10m /yr to 4, 5 or 6 people (whatever it is), less other expenses. The pay wasn't as an employee but like a contractor or a vendor (probably 1099-NEC but possibly MISC).
@@vinlago It was obvious that it was DW. Only DW wis big enough to offer that contact and is a company that has 5 ad reads per show and daily, monthly and annual content. I like both but Steven is 100% in the wrong. I suspect he wants to create his own media company and is tearing down the competition.
Say it ain’t so. But I’m fgetfing the feeling crowder saw something horrible wrong let alone heard. Shapiro doesn’t know what’s going on behind doors that not even the hosts don’t know what’s happening. Truly. Someone’s puppeteering their lives right now. I pray this all gets resolved, both are great people.
“both are great people”? Does a “great person” publicize a private contract offer then secretly record private conversations with friends and post it online without any regard for the damage he’s doing to the other party? It’s is astonishing how anybody could defend Crowder. He’s a rat.
@@Dj13e36 yes both great people. A contract… what would you had done learning what he had learned? I’m very interested how what he found out whether misunderstood or not how come he’s coming out as a crazy person?? We should listen and see why he’s saying this don’t you think? It’s only fair.
The issue is that if Crowder’s show gets banned, he loses out on money. He’s upset about this because unlike the other Daily Wire members who stay monetized by using dog whistles, Crowder is too blatantly racist. Therefore, Crowder would have his racism hampered or lose money. The reason for this revenue clause is because it’s a large investment (paid for by oil barons, the DW could not afford this otherwise, they only make $100 mil a year).
Is the Daily Wire Shapiro's company? The ticker tape in this story is saying: "Shapiro's Daily Wire offered Crowder $50M", which would seem to imply that.
I don't know if it's excellent research. Or they would know 50 million was actually a low ball offer. Considering all he brings and the offer was for all his staff too.
@@Grace2HelpInTmeOfNeedEvenIjits That might also be because he'd cost too much. He has a big subscriber base. DW was one of the few people that could make an offer.
@@thilli1859 No but he dosen't offer 100 bucks for a 1000 dollar item and expect someone to only pay 200 at most this offer wasn't just low it was insultingly low and the fact Jeremy said he thought it was fair with all the stipulations to remove money (thus putting the risk on Crowder but none of the reward should trhe business overshoot) is just shit.
Crowder can earn 12.5m a year with mug club and sponsers, so daily wire didnt offer him any money he couldnt already generate.. He even said take him off the table, It was the terms he was against, He wanted content creators to own their own content and have free speech. Everyone should be all for that. He didnt want anyone to get penalized for having free speech, and that if their content got demonetized they didnt get fined, Daily wire would have put the demonetization on the content creators PLUS a fine which daily wire would benefit from and still get paid at the expense of their own employees whom which they say they care about and care for free speech. That clearly is a lie and thats what steven was getting at.. So many people fixated about the money offered, not knowing crowder could earn more then what daily wire offered, With their ad reads forced, granted some free will in saying no to some, but not all even if he doesnt agree with any of the products to ad read he has to choose some. But with those ad reads as well, They would earn that 50m back with in 2 years plus profit. Shame it come to this, but i think steven is in the right i support him, the louder family and his message
No matter who comes out on top of this feud, the Babylon Bee wins for best trolling
@Rabble Rouser It's not, communists and their NPCs like you are unintentionally.. thats the whole point of The Bee 😂😂😂
Daily wire = "CENTRE right"! God help us if Rita ever had her way ...
I love how this is a news worthy story
You saying American conversations don't deserve attention? You with the MSM liberal agenda?
It’s Australia so not even a domestic news segment
That’s what I’m saying!!
Channels like this profiting off USA propaganda
It wasn't a contract - it was a first offer. Jordan Petersen took 5 months to negotiate his contract with DW until they reached a mutually acceptable arrangement, but Crowder is no businessman, has burned a lot of bridges and I think he thought he could dictate how they should run their business. He was saying it wasn't about the money but he wanted $30million per year - more than double their offer. The secretly recorded phone call finished any hope he had of further negotiation, you just don't do that to friends.
Yup in the end Jordan peterson agreed to a contract with blackrock and vanguard big tech aka the globalist lol
You should see what just came out. Tim cast irl. Daily wire was wrong. What “friend” lowballs at 50 mil when willing to pay 100mil? Why did they ignore the fact that Steven hires his own people? This money doesn’t go just to Steven. DW knows this. It’s insulting to offer such a low amount with 100% control. Crowder is bigger than the DW. His fans would dump money into his pockets just to do it. The daily wire makes cringe movies while trying to sell you a subscription with tons of hosts that say the exact same thing. Y’all need to think. They all say the same thing because they have “bumpers” in what they are allowed to say. Keeps them in line with the company. DW cares about money. Not the conservative movement. If Steven cared about money so much. Why would he let the offer fall through? He’s not dumb.
@@garretwithmore4642 did you not listen to Jeremy’s response…he explicitly states that the 50 million was to cover all costs and was including production cost. He also said that he thought it would end up around 70 million and then discussed additional costs that DW would spend that are not a part of the payment to Crowder. There is more than one way to fight a war and Crowder’s assessment of DW was wrong at best and self-serving at worst.
@Garret Withmore Yeah, of course DW is just controlled opposition grifting, look at (((who))) owns it.
@@mystdragon8530 and did you not listen to Crowder's response? None of this was about money for crowder. You guys keep wanting to make it about money but it's not about money. It's about freedom. It's about the movement. The fact that the daily wire keeps pushing a narrative about money. Well, Steven has specifically never mentioned money, as well as his reasons shows who's really focused on money and who's focused on the movement.
Steven said he sent over a revised deal with specific deal breakers highlighted -none of which were money- and when they wouldn't bend Steven let it go (it being him working for DW). However, being the man of integrity he is, he couldn't just ignore the contracts daily wire was created.
It is explained so much better, in the Tim Pool video, and anyone who genuinely seeks the truth would watch it! Although I am certain there are plenty of daily wire fans who would rather just blindly support Shapiro and the daily wire... rather than learn what daily wire is actually doing.
50 million for 4 years or 100 million years is still more money than most will ever see. You know in this recession is a big deal?
What Crowder is saying, the point is you shouldn't be beholden to Big Tech money you have to find other ways of making your own money because conservatives are getting stopped etc, on the Big Tech platforms.
then he should go on his own way and leave youtube altogether
@@dondon9221 yeah. The CEO of daily wire said they were inspired by Crowder's piss off RUclips segment, where the stuff he says that gets him banned is behind a paywall.
Steven already does everything himself, Steven would be paying them for his own content and he would be censored on top of it. You people do not understand the contract. Daily Wire would make 3 times the amount that they offered him.
But he does the same as DW - in fact they copied him, being guarded in how you deliver info and putting whatever might get you kicked off behind a paywall. Crowder does this with Mug Club. So many of his followers don't seem to be particularly informed about business and how it's run and going public with an offer and secretly taping phone calls is a death knell for any negotiation, or future ones.
@@dondon9221 Can you blame him for riding the train for as long as he can? As long as he isn't permanently banned, there will always be the possibility of being able to collect ad revenue.
Kanye was right about these 'contract' makers..
What was wrong about this contract?
@@thilli1859 Apparently that Shapiro is Jewish.
Steven Crowder has 6+ million subscribers he will be a success wherever he goes
Crowder is a racist.
Yeah he was free. He just had to decline the offer and move on. It was a first offer the way it works in business and you counter offer back and forth until you get to a contract that you both can agree with. Or you don't. But he was a crybaby went online. Deceptively recorded his friend and then just played little parts of it so he could look good. Go watch how daily wire talks about the first offer gives you a whole different perspective than his. He's a crybaby. I'm a contractor. If I don't work I don't get paid. If he doesn't produce videos why should he get paid? You know he's a crybaby
@@Grace2HelpInTmeOfNeedEvenIjitsAgreed., i initially sided with Crowder on this but after all the details came out- I -- Changed my MIND.
@@heyitsanthony6366 what changed your mind? I’m trying to get updated on this
@@rocketta.chique5761 JESSE on EVERYTHING makes a compelling argument here’s the link to his video :видео.html
More fox opinions. No news!
Crowder is perma demonetized. he is the model for how to promote conservativism on these platforms with as little compromise as possible
@@Grace2HelpInTmeOfNeedEvenIjits *He doesn't shove a filthy contract on anyone while doing that, Einstein...*
Yes. And also the limited minded fans of DW are thinking Crowder is a small creator just because DW people wear a tie and put out D-grade movies...
@@Grace2HelpInTmeOfNeedEvenIjits and the contract says if Crowder gets demonetized on platforms such as RUclips he gets a 20% paycut
@@redacted2275 I think the DW reaches more people than crowder full stop.
@@redacted2275what about the NDA of Not gay Jared and Sven the computer.
If you would listen to Crowder, you would see it isn't about the money, and it isn't even just about him. I am so tired if people misrepresenting this story in the reporting.
Money was part of it, otherwise he wouldn't have referenced the pay reductions if he get suspended and stop bringing in revenue. Otherwise he'd have been fine with the $50m deal. DW isn't a charity and can't pay millions to those who can't make anything in return for them. They also don't control what their content creators say and don't limit them in the projects they want to do. This was all a strawman that Crowder used to go after them and it makes no sense.
It's definitely about the money, he wanted 30 million dollars a year and The Daily Wire offered him about 12.5 million a year so he had a cry about it.
Crowder doesn't have a single principle. he's the Shaq of politics: pay him and he'll try and sell you anything. He wouldn't be bitching about the 'slave contract' if he were to get the 120 mil that he asked for.
That good ole media divisive, omission spin. Makes me sick.
Crowder: it's not about money.
Also Crowder: I Expect 140 million.
Part of the demands from the Daily Wire are that he hand over his subscriber list with emails etc. They would then solely control it.
Is that bad?
“Demand” lol. Next, these people are going to accuse Daily Wire of demanding Crowder to work under them.
Crowder is a sook, he has misrepresented the contract because he's bitter that The Daily Wire wouldn't pay him 30 million dollars a year.
@Thilli if u like to control your own shit then yes of course it is
Apparently, one of the demands was that Crowder had to submit to a hazing ritual where Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Tom Pool took turns in tea bagging him.
Crowder spoke the truth👉👉👉Daily Wire & co hosts are upset that light was shined on the darkness of the company.
But crowder LOVED capitalism, shouldn’t he be supporting them for running a very profitable business? ;)
@Monolith Studios profitable, yes... however .... if you listened to everything, then you know there are strings attached to making all that profit. And that is what upsets Crowder the most. Honestly, it should upset every person who supports #FreedomOfSpeech.
Lots of vague statements = mark of the moron.
@@Sunshine-is_here_to_stay help me out here - he was happy to ask for $120m though for the same deal…
@@Sunshine-is_here_to_stay Why should DW take on rich Crowder as a charity when they could risk their $ on the young unknowns that SC supposedly cares about?
The main points are...Steven never mentioned Daily Wire...they outed themselves and it never was about the money. It was about the big tech strikes, monetization, and the being penalized financially issue. That part was non negotiable on the "terms". A "friend" wouldn't even offer a contract like that in the first place. Plus Daily Wire is now getting more views by the sensationalized story.
Crowder is so full of shit and of course it was about the money. Also he doesn’t understand anything about business contracts he’s never had to go it alone, he’s always Ben funded by billionaires. A ton of right wing media is. And the left has one, George Soros. 😂 Now he’s throwing around antisemitic jokes aimed at Ben Shapiro. It’s so clear he’s trying to spin this as if he’s trying to save the conservative movement and all the up and coming conservative content creators, what a load of horse crap.
@@masonmiles1533 It was not a pay cut. What are you talking about?
Seriously this is being a made a much bigger issue than it really is
You must be torn Shlomo. You support both these money grubbing Right wing grifters. A racist and a Zionist extremist walked into a bar. Climate Change is a hoax.
No, some people have principles and won't just take the money and shut up.
@@LGB-FJB That must be why he doesn't do it all on his own.
I was appalled! Deceptively taping and then cherry picking the parts you want people to hear. The smug look on his face when he played the tape - he looked psychotic! Not following crowder anywhere. He’s lost all credibility.
Didn't know who Crowder is before this. Sounds a bit obnoxious, tbh. Louder with Crowder is a fitting title but I doubt I'll be listening. From what I've heard, the initial 'terms' from DW were $12.5m a year, but Crowder's counter offer was $30m. Perhaps DW saw that negotiations weren't going to work out when Crowder wanted almost 2.4 times as much as they initially offered and walked away...and now Crowder think's he's a crusader doing it for the little guy.
There is also a direct economic interest in playing the crusader, since he wants to exploit his new "role" to sell subscriptions to his new media platform.
You are ignoring the part when DailyWire enforced Big Tech community guidelines on their employees. The same guidelines they say are unfair and arbitrary, they penalized their employees if they break big tech "rules".
12.5m is not guaranteed. Can’t get a strike. Which he had currently.
I wouldn’t take my negotiations with my friend public, but I wouldn’t go to my friend sideways with a contract.
@@nanasenoah8139 DW is a business, not a charity organization. If a DW show gets demonitized on RUclips, then that DW host must be paid less, otherwise DW cannot cover the costs associated with that show, which can lead to the company going bankrupt.
@@_petertaylor Sure, but these clauses are normal for professionals. Sharing the risks allows to increase the fee without a potential bankrupt. By launching his own platform, SC will take all the risks on himself. Thus, he will have to follow even stricter rules if he wants to maintain his success, although with potentially greater rewards.
For someone who has followed Crowder for many years, it's hard not to be disappointed with what he started here for no reason.
He's been a total douche about this, he's acting like a cry baby who didn't get what he wanted.
Yes, he should just do what he's told by his controlled opposition masters.
Lol yeah he should just bend over for DW and it's shills, ridiculous
aS sOmEOnE whO uses clichés to write comments, you are pretty dumb. Crowder didn't start anything, he didn't mention names *but if the cap fits on DW...*
@@jdg9999 I'm finding out with this whole circus that DW conservatives are woke af
They're both cringey AF but at least Shapiro doesn't believe he's 10 times funnier than he really is like Chowder
Shapiro is a corporate neocon. For all of Crowder's faults, he actually stands by the ideals he espouses. Shapiro still hasn't revealed the full details of what went on during his dinner with Mark Zuckerberg, and he's thrown millions of dollars at Facebook so he and he alone won't get throttled. Not to mention that he was acting catty on Twitter, he treated the Jan. 6 protestors like a bunch of insurrectionists attacking our country, and he has a lengthy history of shilling the vaccine. He even got into a fight with Elijah Schaffer over it.
spot on! I tried watching a crowader vid, but he thinks hes a comedien, he doesnt stop trying to tell unfunny jokes and he laughs nonstop. Dude, you are not a comedian.
To be fair almost every political commentator is insufferable, or even fucked up in some way, yet again why we're not perfect, no ONE. Like Didn't Ben said some f'ed up thing about "better for poor kids to die, than waste money on them"?
And the left is the same way, like how trevor noah supposedly left his country to escape oppression or something, only to lie about the truckers, and act like they're terrorist and pretty much contribute to what made him left his country in the first place.
$50 million MINUS all production cost, all his content would be owned by the daily wire. In the end SC would be paying to have his material taken. He most likely makes more than what he was offered.
@John Anthony Crowders cult don’t believe in learning.
Then give the numbers on his production costs and staff costs. It's 50m over a period of 5 years, not per year.
@@vulthurmir2478 37.5 actually, he already loses 20 Million right off the bat cus he's been demonetized permenatnly for years
Crowder did not name daily wire. Jeremy from daily wire outed themselves. It’s a pretty important point in the entire story.
Has any other major conservative news company been hiring new faces like the daily wire?
Crowder recorded the phone call with Jeremy Boreing. That is pretty low to do that to a friend. Especially a friend who has helped you numerous times. I think the contract was pretty sweet. Steven should have taken it. But I think his ego got in the way. This was an offer that could have been negotiable. I really like Steven and am a proud member of Mug Club. But he made a very bad business decision and career decision. It's sad to see this happen when America needs everyone fighting the unholy Demon-crat hordes.
@@MAX3D2 I'm pretty disappointed in the right, you guys when full tribal mode. You don't care about facts, you are a DW fan who won't listen to reason. You already decided your heroes at DW are infallible and can do no wrong. I guess there's stupid people on both sides, go figure.
@MAX3D2, you and Dw can say the contract is sweet, but that doesn't say anything.
What we know is that Crowder his agent gave a minimum number to start any contractual conversation. Dw is saying that they offered "their own" minimum, which should be a great, fair, friendly deal for Crowder. Dw is only heavily implying that they offered Crowder's minimum.
So if $50M was the supposed implied minimum, why would Crowder ask for a $120M (125% more) after that initial offer?
If it's a friendly, fair and reasonable offer, why lowball the offer with $25M (50%) less?
If Crowder wanted a whole new contract, how can the first one even be great or fair?
Why imply that Crowder will make 8 figures, while 90% of that $50M goes into employees and production?
Dw's statements and contract are contradicting in many ways. Jeremy calls it in his own words: great, fair and friendly deal (in his 50 min explanation). While on the phone admitting it to be one for wage slaves. That's why i'm getting pretty sceptic with Dw's explanations.
Now for my final question, and it's a low blow. TYT is saying that Crowder is in the wrong. So are you saying TYT is right?
I'm a fan of the persons on both sides, but if I have to choose... Then for now, I'm with Crowder.
@@MAX3D2 so you think daily wire are also being asses for outing Crowder then saying he is spoil rotten for not taking the money when there were tons of stipulations in the contract. The money isn't even that great when you consider that Steven Crowder employs more people then Joe Rogan yet is offered a contract that is half of his. All while being if he meets all there criteria does he get that money. For instance if cancel culture cancels him he gets royally screwed in the deal.
I love how you guys have no idea or info on the story and are trying to make a news segment about it. Talk about trying to generate views…
Keep in mind the amount is not for Steven only, but for the total staff of 25 people plus production costs.
@John Anthony So are you suggesting he gets rid of his complete staff? If you pay attention to the detail, the contract expected Steven to deliver his content on his own budget. Full marks to Steven not to chase the dollar, but stand firm to his convictions.
Keep in mind it wasn’t the final offer.
@John Anthony what other aspect of business? Posting RUclips ads? Slapping a DW logo on there? He had to produce the content with that money, he also had to pay himself with that money.
@@phloog who cares? It was an insulting rip off that they should’ve been ashamed to send in the first place. They would’ve allowed him to accept had he done so? Then it doesn’t matter if they would’ve negotiated upwards. ALSO he asked them to make him a better offer, to which they REFUSED.
@@phloog Okay, and a negotiation would ahve to go back and forth so if you respond to this Contract they would expect him to comrpomise but there is nothing worth keeping in this contract they proposed, it was full of more poison pilsl then the average Democrat legislation.
People are listening to DW because they are blitzing their argument.
But what their argument boils down too, is that is mean and he's a cry bully.
Boring misrepresented Steven's position and gave a weak defense as to why they are will to punish creators for getting banned.
🚨🚨🚨Crowder said this is NOT about money! #WakeUp 🚨🚨🚨
"#Wakeup" from the person who believes it's not about money😂
I've watched a lot of Steven's content over a long time, and I can tell you I use not about the money foe him.
It's partially about the money.
@@chrisjhanley Crowder has more followers & already makes millions & millions of dollars & has before daily wire was even around.
@@Sunshine-is_here_to_stay then he should've made a decision to either maintain his current wealth and create content with DW or to go independent and expand his brand however he saw fit. The combination of claiming the StopBigCon domain name and the timely fashion in which he orchestrated this grand gesture of his should make it clear its about his own platforms growth. You genuinely have to be kidding yourself to believe any of his reasoning for what he has done. In the day we live in people are more comfortable buying into the lie than they are to find a new content creator. Remain a mindless consumer I guess.
As a conservative myself, I much prefer Crowder over Ben ‘the Imposter’ Shapiro.
This coverage is wrong. The DW outed themselves lol. I've lost all respect for DW, especially Candace and Ben. Steven never said who it was. Candace and Ben just had to insert themselves and started personally attacking him. Candace was unhinged and scary.
If you believe DW is I’m the wrong you’re low IQ.
Crowder really just self-reported as the biggest grifter here.
Rekieta Law on Rumble with Robert Barnes is ALL you need to know to clear your feeling to actually understand the FACTS.
As a viewer of both DW and LwC, I’ve watched this drama unfold with intrigue. I don’t pay money to either.
1) this was a non-binding term sheet in order to facilitate negotiations in order to lead to a formal contract
2) DW should’ve been more thoughtful about the initial offer (e.g Crowder is demonetized on YT)
3) Crowder wanted DW to guarantee him his money, which given Crowder specifically that is a non starter. DW wanted this risk shared. Crowder is a bit of a loose cannon.
4) Crowder’s counter offer was a deal killer. ($30m per year and no ‘penalties’ ) Either to purposefully kill the negotiations or naively do so.
5) Crowder has ethical issues in how he deals in business (e.g recording a call well after negotiations ended). I wouldn’t do business with him after this.
6) I think if Crowder would’ve sat down with DW they could’ve worked thru the issues. He likely would’ve been able to get some revenue sharing, and access to a list of paid subs at the end of the term.
7) I can’t speak to DW’s initial offer but it may have been lower than it should’ve been.
8) not sure Crowder and DW would really have been a good fit.
I’ll close by saying I don’t think Crowder cares about the ‘young’ talent. Suggest you check out Brett Cooper’s Instagram video on this topic.
It was literally 12 million a year. 50 mill for 4 years. The offer was great. And that was the lowest DW was going to offer. Im sure he could've gotten 65 or even 75 if he actually negotiated the deal. Crowder def has some issues in business ethics
@@FitnFresh7343 agreed. Likely even could have gotten revenue sharing on merchandise or bonus on DW subs.
Assuming he needs a staff of 25, his salary costs are probably $3-4m tops. Add in $2M for other expenses (e.g rental, overhead, etc), the offer is likely a reasonable starting point.
Terrible analysis. It’s not called being a “loose cannon” it’s called basic good-faith contracts. He would gain nothing if he were to make them an excess profit? You share risk, you share reward.
@@FitnFresh7343 crowder said his production cost is around 12 million a year. 50 million over 4 years is nothing when you have employees to pay, skits and commercials to film, studio rent, equipments and costumes.
He’s been demonetized on RUclips for over 3 years. It was a bad term sheet, if crowder didn’t have the brains to say no and just signed on the dotted line, Dailywire would’ve taken full advantage.
@@hrmpug1092 Terrible analysis on your part, sure.
It seems pretty trivial to me, and an unnecessary bridge burning. It would have been so much better to have an actual discussion about it, instead of back biting.
Crowder did this so he can build his brand. I can’t see anyone in business trusting him after this.
what's there to discuss DW outed themselves as a con that wanted to make wage slaves out of their talent.
Rogan setting Crowder straight was worth a look.
Yeah, it was Rogan's finest work.
Rogan dismantling Twitter pre Musk was also a good show
That was on marijuana!
@@staggeringdeath8479 The best part was when he blew the smoke right into Crowder's face.
DW sounds more reasonable quite movement , crouder is just loud and gathers nonsense crouds
The Daily Wire will never hurt its income and creates content based on that fact!
It wasn't a contract. It was a first offer. That's the way it works in business and then they come back with a counter and you sit down and you work out what you like and you don't like. He's a crybaby and he deceptively recorded his friend and then he just uses little pieces of it on his show...
@@jejunamja "Ben Shapiro Gets CAUGHT On A Hot Mic" this what op mentioned c'mon man it was obvious hint
I loved the video of cartoonist Scott Adams saying the anti-vaxcxers are the Winners after he heckled and berated them earlier but now admits he is worried about his long term health .
" You won you won completely l did not end up in the right place , the right place would be natural immunity , you should take victory and l should take defeat , now my position is the weakest and yours is the strongest , you win "
aka Cartoonist Scott Adams .
I rest my case your honour .
Adams is smart enough to know he's playing Russian Roulette if he gets infected without being vaccinated. He also knows his audience is dumb enough to think he regrets getting vaccinated. When the rube is ready, the grifter shall appear.
Scott Adams is honest enough to apologize. That deserves respect.
I respect him for saying it, but it wasn't a problem that he had a different opinion on vaccines. It's that he was an incredibly condescending jerk while doing it. And he didn't apologize for that.
It's Clott Adams btw
@@michaelconnor1542 yes l don't expect any apologies saying they were wrong from any top media personalities in Australia that openly told everyone to get the 💉 .
Warny can't cause he paid the ultimate price with d:eath sadly .
Crowders already demonetized 😂
Let’s hope so!
@@deborahborders3160 wdym let’s hope so ? It’s a fact he doesn’t get any ads from RUclips.
50 mill over 4 years and 25 mill for two additional years. Just to talk. Wow!
37 Million actually, one of the penalties was already triggered, with more that could equal 110% of the pay
wasn't it Ben Shaprio who said a business owner should be the one who takes on all the risk of the business since he gets all the profits when it succeeds?
Crowder could make $35m+ a year on his own with the subscribers he supposedly has.
Then he should do that and get his money. I know he needs to build his own email list but he shouldn't do this by taking down others from his own side
@@melporean8394 Right. Crowder is attacking those who do the most work and who've had the most impact politically and culturally, all over a contract that wasn't bad and that could've been improved even more if he wanted. And not only that, he's leaking private phone calls behind his "friends" backs to degrade them in front of the world. I don't get what happened with Crowder.
@@anacc3257 Steven does not own his mailing list which can be monetized. So he created this "stop big con" campaign to generate his own mailing list. His actions makes sense under this lens
@@melporean8394 "taking down others from his side." Here's your reminder that Crowder didn't name names and made no effort to slander DW or any other media company. DW outed themselves as the party sending that predatory offer.
@@underpant There is no defending Crowder in this, and the people who continue to just show their bias nothing more.
Crowder is 100% right.. DW in bed with big tech
how? DW is creating an alternative platform behind a paywall. With a monthly subscription, which is what Crowder wanted? At the end of the day, you are here on RUclips. Crowder has 6M subscribers on RUclips and the Daily Wire wants Crowder's content that would be censored behind their paywall.
and the contract could have been negotiated
You too since you are watching this on RUclips. Better get off now, your helping big tech get Money from your views or…..are you like DW and need to use a platform not friendly to your ideology, but must use it none the less to fight.
It's not about the money Steven said that open your ears
You should post Crowder's rebuttal to that argument.
Do you feel invested in this drama within the far right fascist movement
@@colonizingpuertoricoisunde2971 far left and you're troll who does this like others of your your kind
Doesn’t help to have dirty laundry aired to the world
Well Crowder's constantly soiling himself, so what else is he going to do with his underpants?
It exposes big con. It exposes the lip service paid to conservatives but doesn't tactical the underlying issues.
On the conservative right, there seems to be people who really like DW and folks who despise DW. Crowder prolly made a business based on the fact that he could entice the faction that despises DW. In the process, he stepped all over folks who have helped him in the past and made himself look like a pre Madonna and a snake. DW has been fully transparent and had no intention of dragging Crowder through the mud. Crowder, on the other hand, was just self serving.
Two non-entities fighting but Boomer news catches up a week later. I love the fact traditional media doesn't understand how outdated or increasingly irrelevant it is. Not a fan of either party but Crowder shouldn't have brought his business dealings into the public forum.
Non entities, what the f**k are you talking about?
not in league but getting rich off the backs of up coming talent with unfair contacts
@@Grace2HelpInTmeOfNeedEvenIjits go have a look at viva frei or lauren chens take on it
@@Grace2HelpInTmeOfNeedEvenIjits also they have the monopoly atm which favours crappy deals
Such as? Crowder certainly isn't up & coming, and Brett Cooper sounds pretty happy.
Dam....please get along guys...we need u
DW still was willing to work with Steven. It is Steven alone that doesn't want to get along
you see candace owens go off on crowder ? like wtf is it to do with her to be so triggered what crowder does ? probably caused a small divide
Steven needs to man up and tell his dad how mean the Daily Wire is being to him.
Is that why DW outed themselves lol
@South Efrikan lmao don't project your T people love on to others, you should keep that shit to yourself. Yeah everyone knew so what they didn't have to confirm it with an hour long bitchy video from one of the fakest people out there, lmao you throwing shade at Crowder but acting like Jeremy Boring and Ben "My Wife Is A Doctor" Shapiro are real lmfao
This is BS. He could’ve just turned the offer down. Crowder way over exaggerated and is being very dramatic all for clout.
these people have no dignity, all this money and for what ? babbling all day long repeating the same arguments again and again....
Is this for real or is it preparation for a April Fool's Day prank? Are they real life feuding?
Really. Just say 50 million and other restrictions. Say what the restrictions are then you know hwhat happened. Cowered is right
Crowder FOREVER...
2:15 thank you lost is the right word
Sky news sounds jealous
Here comes Crowders D sucker fans
Remember the $ goes not just to Crowder but is for him to pay expenses as well. Both sides seem to have faults here.
But only one side is releasing information that was meant to be private. Only one side is trying to take down the other
That was included in the contract no?
@@melporean8394 crowder didn't say who when he first made a video about 'big con'. DW volunteered the information that it was them he was complaining about. Crowder then released his business discussion phone call. I wouldn't have done that, even if the company was first to spill the beans.
Neither side has kept their own counsel nor chosen discretion as the better part of valor.
@@thilli1859 yes, point being every new story about this frames it in terms of the $ being for Crowder. Only DW,'s Boring made note that the funds are for Crowder to pay his people and expenses and of course himself. There's a large gap between $10m /yr to 1 person and $10m /yr to 4, 5 or 6 people (whatever it is), less other expenses. The pay wasn't as an employee but like a contractor or a vendor (probably 1099-NEC but possibly MISC).
@@vinlago It was obvious that it was DW. Only DW wis big enough to offer that contact and is a company that has 5 ad reads per show and daily, monthly and annual content.
I like both but Steven is 100% in the wrong. I suspect he wants to create his own media company and is tearing down the competition.
Not about the money.
Say it ain’t so. But I’m fgetfing the feeling crowder saw something horrible wrong let alone heard. Shapiro doesn’t know what’s going on behind doors that not even the hosts don’t know what’s happening. Truly. Someone’s puppeteering their lives right now. I pray this all gets resolved, both are great people.
“both are great people”?
Does a “great person” publicize a private contract offer then secretly record private conversations with friends and post it online without any regard for the damage he’s doing to the other party? It’s is astonishing how anybody could defend Crowder. He’s a rat.
@@Dj13e36 yes both great people.
A contract… what would you had done learning what he had learned? I’m very interested how what he found out whether misunderstood or not how come he’s coming out as a crazy person?? We should listen and see why he’s saying this don’t you think? It’s only fair.
The issue is that if Crowder’s show gets banned, he loses out on money. He’s upset about this because unlike the other Daily Wire members who stay monetized by using dog whistles, Crowder is too blatantly racist. Therefore, Crowder would have his racism hampered or lose money.
The reason for this revenue clause is because it’s a large investment (paid for by oil barons, the DW could not afford this otherwise, they only make $100 mil a year).
@@ornerybeefalo8387 ….. Crowders not racist. Against who?
Is the Daily Wire Shapiro's company? The ticker tape in this story is saying: "Shapiro's Daily Wire offered Crowder $50M", which would seem to imply that.
Shapiro was but it's Jeremy Boring's( spelling) company now .
The source of 80% of Rita's 3rd hand recycled content.
Yes i know bout this but why do i have to use a magnifying glass to read smallprint Rita???
Your eyes are bad or aging?
yea, some writing is small as a barcode, anyways, good morning 🙂👍
0:40 An American conservative-podcasting guy with Lithuanian blood named Ben Shapiro is here!
Shapiro isn’t conservative m, he’s America last, he’s not Lithuanian either. He’s a parasite looking to censor and control
@@ginabelcampo5311 wrong and I saw the article about him on the Wikipedia!
I don’t watch either one
Sneaky way to censor Mr Crowder
Well done excellent research
I don't know if it's excellent research. Or they would know 50 million was actually a low ball offer. Considering all he brings and the offer was for all his staff too.
@@Grace2HelpInTmeOfNeedEvenIjits That might also be because he'd cost too much. He has a big subscriber base. DW was one of the few people that could make an offer.
@@Grace2HelpInTmeOfNeedEvenIjits I would record any call I take with him. But truth be told his followers don't really care if he's wrong or right.
@@wkadalie of course it’s a low ball offer. If you watch pawn stars you can see that Rick never opens with the top amount he’s willing to pay.
@@thilli1859 No but he dosen't offer 100 bucks for a 1000 dollar item and expect someone to only pay 200 at most
this offer wasn't just low it was insultingly low and the fact Jeremy said he thought it was fair with all the stipulations to remove money (thus putting the risk on Crowder but none of the reward should trhe business overshoot) is just shit.
Darkness cannot exist where the light shines. Big con is in bed with big tech. Thank you Steven for shining the light on this #stopbigcon
Lol, the cope is real.
Crowder can earn 12.5m a year with mug club and sponsers, so daily wire didnt offer him any money he couldnt already generate.. He even said take him off the table, It was the terms he was against, He wanted content creators to own their own content and have free speech. Everyone should be all for that. He didnt want anyone to get penalized for having free speech, and that if their content got demonetized they didnt get fined, Daily wire would have put the demonetization on the content creators PLUS a fine which daily wire would benefit from and still get paid at the expense of their own employees whom which they say they care about and care for free speech. That clearly is a lie and thats what steven was getting at.. So many people fixated about the money offered, not knowing crowder could earn more then what daily wire offered, With their ad reads forced, granted some free will in saying no to some, but not all even if he doesnt agree with any of the products to ad read he has to choose some. But with those ad reads as well, They would earn that 50m back with in 2 years plus profit. Shame it come to this, but i think steven is in the right i support him, the louder family and his message
The daily wire is independent, they refuse to do any contract with big tech so he’s a liar.
I love Ben Shapiro.. I think they lucked out not getting that guy. I've never liked him..
PooTube=Ebegging grifters.🤡👎
The whole thing is sad.
But, kudos to Steven for standing for his principals.
Principles?,seriously? Do you even know the entire story?
Come one man!
@@kristoftinder576 Do you?
What's growing out of her shoulders?
Madonna's tits from the 80's.
I stand with crowder
The Lord is my Shepherd and I will follow, wherever he sees me wherever he goes.
Stop spamming this religious gobbledygook
Lord Fauci will guide you to Booster World TM
Are your ancestors from the Middle East ?
Don't be a sheep
every human has a slot where a faith token goes, if you dont pick your chosen token one will be picked for you
Crowder has been following the same bs ytube rules and kept going back.
He's not submitting other creators to filthy contracts. DW is perpetuating the shady ways YT acts.
@@redacted2275Yutube is the main problem. Then again Crowder could stay off it with a quarter of the pay..if its not about money.
What a ghoul. Truly terrifying.
Drama within the us far right fascist movement
Again: Nazi = National Socialist. Fascism is a left-wing, big government system.
Are you ignorant or lying?
So you believe the J and think they on your side 🤣