Foxy is a true gent. Met him on his book signing in Manchester a few weeks ago. A giant of a man, but gentle with it. Shook my hand and wished me well....I was lost for words. I have PTSD too and it's good to talk about it.
His book was brilliant! He really spoke the truth about mental health its not always how hollywood portrays it, sometimes it creeps up on you slowly and fucks with your head big time I suffer bipolar disorder and people just cnt relate to how u can feel like that good on Foxy for having the guts to talk so openly about it on TV and his book I would never have the guts to do that
In this day and age it's so refreshing to see such dignity in the face of adversity personified by Jason Fox. In my A+E department, we occasionally have special forces soldiers on placement as part of their patrol medic training, and they're really _really_ nice guys... because they've got nothing to prove - they've proved it all already.
I'm surprised you are aware of who they are. I've interacted with a few SF lads in my military career and I agree with your observations. Many of them are not built like Mr Fox either and it would be very easy to underestimate many SF troopers.
Ive just finished his book. I really feel for foxy, with what hes gone through and the strength to come forward and talk openly about mental issues. He deserves nothing but the utmost respect.
Thank you Jason Fox for honestly sharing your PTSD journey so that others may survive their journey. As someone once said we are all in fight club and no one talks about fight club regarding our mental health. Thank you.
Reggie Yates my favourite presenter and Auto Trader my favourite App put them together and this is what you get 👌🏾 hope this series just continues. So many cars, so many guests = so many stories and content. LOVE IT 😊
You can tell he has been in serious situations. They are willing to tell you that they are crapping themselves when the 1st rounds come flying past their heads. None of this robotic “I don’t feel anything”. Legend
That's because WE ARE BRITISH HMAF,@ we know @ are taught that being humble "IS" the right course of action UNLIKE certain other countries armed forces "who shall remain silent" where it's all Rough,Tough,DNT show Ur emotions u pussy etc,etc.#LOAD OF BOLLOCKS..,!!?
Seems a long time ago you were too embarrassed to tell people you got MD'd for PTSD and used to say it was because your hearing was knackered. So, so proud of you mate.
this hole thing about defenders are difficult do drive really annoys me, i own a 90 and its my only car... daily driver i do 100mile comutes Hampshire to London and all over uk.. i have also driven 110s around London regularly. what I'm getting to is that it is not a difficult vehicle at all, people who don't own them just aren't used to it after their stupid little Prius's... its just like learning to ride a bike once you can do it its just natural. i often hire vans and Luton's for work too around London.
craig davidson Not sure who the driver is but the guy on the right is called “Jason Fox”. He served in the SAS and has now retired and lives asa civilian. He has a show he runs on tv with his mates that served in the special forces too. I guess that makes him a celebrity?
When I see these guys with huge muscles and tight tops I think of what my oul dad used to say to me "don't bend over, don't touch your toes, you never know he could be one of those"
He's a badass and a true gent. Thanks for this episode.
Mikko Penttilä perkele
Huge respect for Foxy.
Foxy is a true gent. Met him on his book signing in Manchester a few weeks ago. A giant of a man, but gentle with it. Shook my hand and wished me well....I was lost for words. I have PTSD too and it's good to talk about it.
His book was brilliant! He really spoke the truth about mental health its not always how hollywood portrays it, sometimes it creeps up on you slowly and fucks with your head big time I suffer bipolar disorder and people just cnt relate to how u can feel like that good on Foxy for having the guts to talk so openly about it on TV and his book I would never have the guts to do that
How tall is he?
@@HXNZ99 well, he must be at least 6ft 3/6ft 4. He's huge. You should see the picture of me and him. I look like a midget! Well, I am only 5ft 8
Very good book, "Battlescars".
WR 10 he’s 6,5 mate
In this day and age it's so refreshing to see such dignity in the face of adversity personified by Jason Fox. In my A+E department, we occasionally have special forces soldiers on placement as part of their patrol medic training, and they're really _really_ nice guys... because they've got nothing to prove - they've proved it all already.
I'm surprised you are aware of who they are. I've interacted with a few SF lads in my military career and I agree with your observations. Many of them are not built like Mr Fox either and it would be very easy to underestimate many SF troopers.
Mark "Billy" Billingham did that. 10 weeks I think it was, on a medical placement with a hospital.
Ive just finished his book. I really feel for foxy, with what hes gone through and the strength to come forward and talk openly about mental issues. He deserves nothing but the utmost respect.
Always a pleasure to listen to Jason Fox. Plus this has the advantage of Reggie not being James Corden.
"Done some pretty challenging things", I feel, is an understatement.
Yeah that annoyed me like mate he’s been through more in his life than 10 of yours put together ya mug 🤣
2:27 - I love how he put "ponds" at the end of that list. I just pictured Foxy tearin' it up through some posh fecker's garden.
Amazing! been to the top of the british special forces and talks so easily and gentle .... refreshing to see a hard hard man talk about mental health
Reggie Yates is one of the coolest lads about... but Foxy is the ultimate cool bloke.
Cracking video and seems like will be a cracking series!
Foxy was SBS. Absolute legend. What a man. So open about his struggles with PTSD. Much respect. Can't wait to meet him in February. 😊
Fantastic video... 1 word for Foxy... HERO.
Such a brave bloke. Inspired so many. Loved his book couldn't put it down.
Jason Fox is my absolute hero
Most relaxed I’ve seen foxy on camera, pleasure to watch
Biggest respect for him and people like him.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Foxy is a legend, massive respect 🇬🇧
thanks for been a good fan , hope to see your response soon 💝 can we talk privately
The concept behind this show is brilliant!
Yeah, totally original.
Foxy, what a man ❤
Thank you Jason Fox for honestly sharing your PTSD journey so that others may survive their journey. As someone once said we are all in fight club and no one talks about fight club regarding our mental health. Thank you.
Reggie Yates my favourite presenter and Auto Trader my favourite App put them together and this is what you get 👌🏾 hope this series just continues. So many cars, so many guests = so many stories and content. LOVE IT 😊
great car, but greater bloke, upmost respect for him!
Jason is amazing
Foxy rocks top lad and great book.
Your honesty Jason is so refreshing.
thanks for been a good fan , hope to see your response soon 💝 can we talk privately
I dream to have a defender they are so cool !!!
Well done and excellent questions. Really enjoyed it 👍🏼😊
thanks for been a good fan , hope to see your response soon 💝 can we talk privately
You can tell he has been in serious situations. They are willing to tell you that they are crapping themselves when the 1st rounds come flying past their heads.
None of this robotic “I don’t feel anything”.
That's because WE ARE BRITISH HMAF,@ we know @ are taught that being humble "IS" the right course of action UNLIKE certain other countries armed forces "who shall remain silent" where it's all Rough,Tough,DNT show Ur emotions u pussy etc,etc.#LOAD OF BOLLOCKS..,!!?
Really interesting interview, good work as usual Reggie, Jason is badass too ✌🏻
Jason is a great guy, really good interview.
Big up foxy and reggie 💯💯💯
This Lads the real deal! You don’t get to the level within the special forces he did unless u are!!! 💪🏼💪🏼
God bless jason for helping people
4:34 really wish I had that sort of control with ceasing my laughter, once i start i can't stop.
Change the title, hes not just a royal marine he was in the SBS.
owen try SBS
@@BunaoMr No mate. Special Boat Service. There is more to UKSF than 22 SAS.
@Abe Froman Not all.
Respect foxy and thank you for your services
If you liked this. Go watch tim love joys interview in his kitchen with him its unbelievably good!
What a nice bloke foxy is,
Foxy is awesome !!
Big boys do cry well done mate tell it how it is
Get his book, it's fantastic!
Could listen to foxy all day long!
I could too.
4:34 Foxy is such a mood
what a legend
Seems a long time ago you were too embarrassed to tell people you got MD'd for PTSD and used to say it was because your hearing was knackered. So, so proud of you mate.
What a man
song at the start?
great man
Top guy !!
Love you foxy
Great guy.
So they kept droving around in the same circle?
Top soldier. Endex
Foxtrado, what an absolute ledg
thanks for been a good fan , hope to see your response soon 💝 can we talk privately
Rovers are sick, so customisable!!
I served with Foxy. Slowest eater in NATO, but a top lad.
Is he at the rice crispy squares one rice crispy at a time?
I'm impressed that you drive a stick so smoothly mr Yates...
charmaine alleyne *merica
petrol light?
Thank you/
0:46 oh no! we definitely don’t know who it is
I really enjoyed that interview. Intelligent questions
thanks for been a good fan , hope to see your response soon 💝 can we talk privately
A true gent.
Like reggie but where was his poppy
Grab Foxy's book; "Battle scars" - I recommend it.
this hole thing about defenders are difficult do drive really annoys me, i own a 90 and its my only car... daily driver i do 100mile comutes Hampshire to London and all over uk.. i have also driven 110s around London regularly. what I'm getting to is that it is not a difficult vehicle at all, people who don't own them just aren't used to it after their stupid little Prius's... its just like learning to ride a bike once you can do it its just natural. i often hire vans and Luton's for work too around London.
I love Reggie and Sas is dope
Lucy, Jason Fox is a retired Swimmer/Canoeist!
I’m sure he had a deal with Range Rover hence why there showing it aka product placement
a rea nice bloke.
Nice talk no confrontatiin just easy normal stuff
thanks for been a good fan , hope to see your response soon 💝 can we talk privately
My daughter drives an armoured BMW for her job.
Jobs in South London are tough
Has reggie been cut from the bbc?!?!?!?
How tall is Jason? The host calls him a "big fella" so I'm assuming he's tall...
i think he's referring to him being broad more so than tall, Jason is a pretty muscular guy
Jason is 6ft 3.
Former Royal Marine and SAS sergeant.
Rogerio Barbosa sbs Sergeant
Who is fact who are they? Are these "celebs" of some discription.
craig davidson Not sure who the driver is but the guy on the right is called “Jason Fox”. He served in the SAS and has now retired and lives asa civilian. He has a show he runs on tv with his mates that served in the special forces too. I guess that makes him a celebrity?
@@otto482 Hereford must be do proud....
Otto no sbs
Duty LR..
i like reggie but he knows fuck all about cars doesn't he
Glorified Royal marine
lol you're kidding right?
When I see these guys with huge muscles and tight tops I think of what my oul dad used to say to me "don't bend over, don't touch your toes, you never know he could be one of those"
Lol say that to foxy , the man is built like that through years of the hardest military training possible.
Terrorist springs to mind .
Song at the start??