"Women look to the future for their happiness, men are looking to the past for their safety, and to keep things familiar" --- WOW. Profound Observation.
So true!.. Me and my man have worked through many irritations, edges, and differences in our personalities over the years because of our deeply shared value systems, visions and perspectives on life. As my partner puts it: we are dancing to the same song in life.
honestly i know this is about compatibility between people/couples but what you said about feelings not being enough, but values and what gives me meaning - that actually helped me think about what i want to do in life and how to make decisions bc i feel lost as to what my path is. perhaps i base my choices on feelings rather than my values and that is why i change course of career so often. i am choosing superficially and based on fleeting feelings... i needed this aha moment thanks
I think a lot of people struggle with this, including myself! Values are what lead our life, although feelings and desires can be so indulging. Thanks for sharing!
This has got to be teh most rational, honest take on gender i have ever seen! and teh fact that you did this under the lens of astrology warms my heart. this was deeply fascinating and I will likely use this as my litmus moving forward in all eros relationships. thank you
your videos helped me already a lot in my life, Jewel. Thank you for that. You seem to have an understanding of life that most ordinary mortals will never and also just very little astrologers have.
This is so true I knew a woman who Jupiter conjunct my Venus 21dergree her 22dergee mine.I found it easy to complement her or encourage her without trying.
I found you at just the right time Jewel! This is like the 30 something'th video ive watched of yours and you teach astrology with such a broad perspective and with a profound amount of understanding that really affirms the gut feelings ive been having while learning astrology, specifically regarding differing viewpoints on relationships. I love your videos, i love your style of content, and i am inspired by your lifestyle. Thank you for sharing and teaching us these things we need to know 🙏 you really are a true gem!
Thank you so much for this Jewel! It was super helpful! Because everytime I try to analyze the synastry or composites, I get confused of getting the whole picture of the relationship which is mentally tiring 😖 but after watching this, everything is so clear about compatibility! I remember watching a video that Jupiter represents the woman's mate and somehow I didn't get the reason why but with this video, you totally explained it so well that it's amazing! I finally understood the moon sign's needs for men thanks to you! ❤❤❤
This reminds me of how they say women want the man to change after getting married, and men want women to stay the same! Your delineation between Moon and Jupiter is refreshing! Thanks!
Jewel Would you ever consider doing a paid webinar on FaceBook live or the sort... I would love to learn from you as I think many would. Thak you for this video again, you area gift x
Yr lectures are so eloquent. To put Neptun's "dreamy" state in words like this requires a really deep understanding. Chapeau! By the way, I think we share the same AC, I could be yr blonde twin, even my glasses are similar.Greetings.
Wow you’re talking vedic ? Never knew you studied vedic system. I grew up in a traditional astrology family (meaning my family practiced this as a trade for generations) but I am the first in my lineage to incorporate the outer planets, the midpoints, all together with synastry. It gives an unparalleled insight into interpersonal relationship dynamics
I so appreciate your focused delivery on a particular subject - taking the time to shed light on how an aspect or house or sign can manifest in many ways. I would say that as a Virgo rising (like you) that you know how to speak to me, but reading the comments below I see you simply communicate beautifully. I look forward to a personal session.
Learned so much about compatibility in just this one video‼️ God bless your passion and knowledge‼️ Very grateful for you on Utube Jewel...Happy New Year 🍾😊
Funnily enough my Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in my 9th house. I have only had one long lasting relationship in my life and we had quite a bit of Jupiter and moon contacts. We had Sun/Moon double wammies so I agree for sure that Jupiter plays a huge role.
Interesting! I’m trying to understand- is it where my Jupiter falls in his chart & vice versa? Or is it what planets of mine are in his 9th house? Same with the moon. Is it my moon is in Aq so I’m looking for that? Or is it his moon is in Aries (my mom’s an Aries) so that feels familiar? Or is it his moon is in my 1st and mine is in his 8th? Or that our moons are sextile and our jupiters are trine? I’m not sure how to look at this.
Amazing video Jewel! Thank you for doing this one, I was really looking forward to it. Lately, Ive been studying and trying to understand how 11th house works too, in compatibility matters, since is typically our house of hopes and dreams as well...I wonder if it also makes sense! Anyway thank you for this video
Hi Jewel, What about the Moon-Moon quinkunx in synastry? Does it help the relationship or rather ruin? (Aries-Moon and Scorpio-Moon) Thanks for your answer and for your videos as well.
I found this video to be very informative and extremely helpful. I watch you often because I really appreciate you. I hope to have you do a synastry comparison for me, very soon. I have my moon in Aquarius in the 5th and jupiter in Aquarius, in the 6th house, he has Mars and NN in Aquarius in the 9th and Midheaven in Aquarius. My Mars is in Taurus in the 9th house. His Jupiter is in Cancer in the 1st house. His moon is in Sagittarius in the 6th house and his descendant is in Sagittarius. Meanwhile, my nadir is in Sagittarius and my NN is in Sagittarius in the 4th house.
Nevermind, I think I know now. I watched your synastry vs. composite chart video. Synastry is more about day to day interactions and a composite chart gives you the bigger picture of the relationship and where it's going. So, I do believe you're talking about composite charts here in this video.
I have my Jupiter in close conjunction with someones AC and their Jupiter is in close conjunction with my AC. I believe this is a very Good synastry aspect. Their Mars is in my 9th house however: not sure is this is a Good aspect as well? Thanks for The video Jewel xx
"9th house stuff" may apply to my Uranus-Saturn conjunction in my 9th house Sagittarius in nasty square to his Jupiter-SouthNode-Mars-Pluto at the end of Virgo??? I definitely felt there was something that could not be fixed in that relationship despite our moon-jupiter trines. Thank you so muh for this video ❤ it also helped me your video about his Pluto opposite my Mars in synastry 👐
Thanks Jewel! :-) This is highly interesting! His Moon 6deg. ARI in his 6th house trines my Jupiter 3deg. in LEO in my 1st house. Also my Juno at 6deg. LEO is conj. my Jupiter which makes a trine to his Moon by the same degree. His Jupiter is in ARI at a later degree too. My Jupiter conj. Juno is in his 10th house in synastry, while his Moon and Jupiter is in my 10th house as well. I'm using Porphry house-system, so his 9th house cusp is in GEM while my 9th house cups is in AQU at 29deg., so mainly filled with PIS. His 9th house has a bit more CAN than GEM. I just noticed that his 9th house cusp is at 19deg GEM which is the same degree as my IC/MC axis in VIR/PIS respectively. My Asc. is in CAN and his North Node is conj. my Asc by 2deg in the 1st house. I don't have any planets in my 9th, but he has his GEM Sun in his. His Chiron is in my 9th house, in the PIS section. My Asc. is in his 9th house in the CAN section conj. his MC, conj. his North Node (in the10th house already). What do you see with this, Jewel?
Could you do more videos on D9 compatibility? Analyzing it alongside birth charts of each individuals and also analyzing D9 to D9. Which is more important? If there are square between D9 charts for instance but many conjunctions between D9 and birthcharts in synastry what does that mean? Also could you do a video about your experiences looking at long term couples with incompatible charts but still work very well :)
My partner and I have some mixed aspects in our charts, but I recently noticed that in our composite chart, we have jupiter conjunct moon in the 9th, and it trines our Asc. Is that the kind of good indicator you're talking about?
When a man’s moon is Leo (ruled by sun) and the womans is cancer (moon) does the fact that they are yin yang together as rulers in their natural energies bring about compatibility, despite being different elements?
Interesting? With a certain person, we have Jupiter conjunction no more than 1 degree in his ninth house and in my twelfth house? (Or 11th) depends on which house system used? My moon with his sun is at exactly 36 degrees apart which I believe forms a quintile or part of that series? My sun with his moon is 168-169, our moons are at 47 degrees apart so not aspected unless it’s still considered at semi square? idk if that is an actual aspect in astrology? But I have looked the number up and that number does form a geometry shape I discovered of an hexagon?? What I noticed about all the aspects is they correlate to a geometric shape?? So I think it should have significance. Idk if that’s been affirmed though.
Jewel, what if my Jupiter in libra 10 house falls in his 2nd house of values? Does this mean he embodies the values that I look for in a mate? What if his moon falls in my first house? Does the way I project myself to the world is what he finds comforting?
Her and I both have our Jupiter's in each others 7th house in synastry and composite (her Jupiter exactly conjunct my DC) what would you say about that?
Thank you so much for clarification on gay and straight people. I wished I would have found this video sooner because I was looking years ago for this information because I have been married to a guy man for 12 years . A "belated "Thank you for the *Jewel* of knowledge !
Question Jewel: My so it's a Gemini Rising. Empty 7th house in Sagittarius. My Juno and mercury falls into their 7th empty house. My venus falls in their 9th house. Their Jupiter is in their 9th house, ruler of 7th house. My Jupiter/Asc exactly oppose it at (0 Degrees) . I am a Leo Rising with Venus in the 7th house. Their Venus falls into my 7th house. Do this means anything?
Not completely sure if I get it, tell me if I'm wrong. If jupiter or moon falls into other's 9th house in synastry = good sign. To look at the overall feeling of aspects of sun/moon/mercury/venus/mars to your moon (male) and jupiter (female). If squares = bad, opposition = can work through. Am I right?
Caroline Leduc id like to know too. I’m Taurus sun Scorpio moon Aries Venus mars Pisces and Jupiter cancer and he’s Scorpio sun Aries moon. I can’t stand Aries moon but we have my Venus on his moon. And my sun supporting his sun. I need a softer moon!
My ex has moon and Jupiter conjunct my fourth house cusp, I have my moon and Jupiter on his midheaven almost exactly, my Jupiter is conjunct his south node. We have moon conjunct Jupiter in the composite 7th house opposing Venus conjunct Saturn in the composite 1st. It feels like we will always be apart of each other's life even if we aren't together.
Huh. Interesting. My first love had his ASC conj my Jupiter & square my Mars and his Jupiter conj my IC. My Jupiter squared his Moon. We were very much on the same page. Our composite had jupiter conj North Node. The next love had Moon conj Jupiter (actually an aspect in my D9) in my 4th house. His Jupiter also sextiled my Moon. My Jupiter was in his 4th, trine his Sun/Saturn conjunction in my 9th. Again composite Jupiter conj North Node. and on and on.. Jewel, could you do a video on how to understand the navamsa or even a 9th harmonic chart? I know how to generate my 9th harmonic but haven't the foggiest about how to intepret and how it connects back to the mate. How descriptive or literal it actually is about the destined partner?
ok I want to know if I am the only person who immediately noticed the creepy doll in her cabinet??? Sorry Jewel, dolls just really freak me out. But your video is GREAT! I love all of your videos, you are very knowledgeable.
That is the doll from my childhood. Her name is Mandy. She was my sisters’s doll but I loved her so much that I adopted her. She is creepy, though. She has not aged well. (Let’s not tell her that 👀)
Would it be too...uh...*racy* for this channel for me to ask your opinion/video on transgender people? I just really identified with your elaboration on gay men and the Moon/lesbians with Jupiter with real people that I'm close to, and am fascinated with your opinions on trans people as a trans woman myself. You're really grasping the very intimate and intricate concepts of sexuality and gender and how they weave into the masterpiece that is astrology. Astounding depth Jewel
Hi Jewel, I love your videos - so insightful and accurate. I was wondering what you think about the Jupiter/moon placements of my partner and I, in terms of compatibility: Me: Jupiter in Sag in 6th, moon in Cap in 6th. 9th house placement= Pisces. Him: Jupiter in Virgo in 7th, moon in Aries in 2nd. 9th house placement = Libra. Thanks:)
Hi thank you for the great video. Just wanted some clarification. For gay men and their relationships, my understanding from your video is that the moon in both charts is most critical in compatibility. Gay men will be focused on their security needs represented by the moon, but since they have different relationships needs than women, how significant is Jupiter and 9th in gay male relationships? I'd imagine sharing the same vision and hopes is critical in all relationships. Or do gay men need to focus more on moon and perhaps 4th house dynamics for purposes of compatibility? Thank you
I'm don't really agree with all of this... I am a woman, but I do need and search for security and familiarity... Maybe because of my moon square saturn ? And my moon in the 8th house ? I feel like I am always searching for my true mother in a partner. Actually, I would be one of the few lady asking for her husband, instead of their parents... Anyone like me ? Edit : actually I just checked and I have the same placement for moon and jupiter. It's in sag 8th. So I think maybe that contributes to the fact that jupiter/moon meanings seem to blend in my case.
You are usually very precise and concrete but this time you'd need to be more specific about that Jupiter and 9th house compatibility. It kinda sounds like a referral to Vedic D9 charts but your explanation is very vague this time😃
Jewel, I have a very serious question that came to mind. If you would prefer me to subscribe on your site so you can answer then please let me know because this is going to drive me crazy!! Q: so if Jupiter is the ideal husband to a woman, then would you say that the 11th house could be describing your actual husband? or like what you look for in a true mate? (from a woman's perspective of course..)
It’s still Jupiter. Jupiter is where we get our inspiration and growth. The eleventh house is our reward for our diligence and hard work. It’s the answer to what we put out creatively. It’s not a romantic house. It’s independent. Jupiter and the ninth house are where we find what makes us want to get out of bed in the morning, he’s what gives our lives meaning. Jupiter is describing the qualities that fulfill our dreams about happiness.
Imagine having Jupiter in the 7th house with my Sun, Vertex, NN, and 7th house all in Aries 🤦🏼♀️ My Astrologist says that my man is an Aries? Not sure lol we never seem to want the same things in life...maybe I need an Aries with good Moon Aspects to me?
How are you only getting 100s of views? (View)Numbers don't mean anything. You course through hyper complex esoterica like umm, really can't think of a comparable example at your mighty level.😊 I'm a big fan of yours. Hhhmm, maybe offer a % off on astrology items/books. Of course, maybe your audience is very special, which I think is true.
"Women look to the future for their happiness, men are looking to the past for their safety, and to keep things familiar" --- WOW. Profound Observation.
I feel like it’s the complete opposite though
So true!.. Me and my man have worked through many irritations, edges, and differences in our personalities over the years because of our deeply shared value systems, visions and perspectives on life. As my partner puts it: we are dancing to the same song in life.
+Anna Rubin I love that! 💓 That’s so beautiful.
This gives me hope. I want someone whom I can share this with :) CONGRATS!
"We are dancing to the same song...... I love that. It reminds me of the song, Dance me to the end of love.... which to me is about an unending love.
I love that!!
Jewel: i hope this was helpful..
.. babe im literally obsessed with ur interpretation IM SO GLAD I FOUND YOU
honestly i know this is about compatibility between people/couples but what you said about feelings not being enough, but values and what gives me meaning - that actually helped me think about what i want to do in life and how to make decisions bc i feel lost as to what my path is. perhaps i base my choices on feelings rather than my values and that is why i change course of career so often. i am choosing superficially and based on fleeting feelings... i needed this aha moment thanks
I think a lot of people struggle with this, including myself! Values are what lead our life, although feelings and desires can be so indulging. Thanks for sharing!
oof that's GREAT introspection right there
I felt like this was a sermon. This hit home for me.
This has got to be teh most rational, honest take on gender i have ever seen! and teh fact that you did this under the lens of astrology warms my heart. this was deeply fascinating and I will likely use this as my litmus moving forward in all eros relationships. thank you
your videos helped me already a lot in my life, Jewel. Thank you for that. You seem to have an understanding of life that most ordinary mortals will never and also just very little astrologers have.
+ana maria I appreciate that.
Jewel is the epitome of Virgo rising..❤️
I do as well.....
As a ♍ Sun, ♍ Asc....I concur!!
She definitely is .. I’m a Virgo rising as well
Big Virgo vibes♍💖
Aka babealiciousness
This is so true I knew a woman who Jupiter conjunct my Venus 21dergree her 22dergee mine.I found it easy to complement her or encourage her without trying.
I found you at just the right time Jewel! This is like the 30 something'th video ive watched of yours and you teach astrology with such a broad perspective and with a profound amount of understanding that really affirms the gut feelings ive been having while learning astrology, specifically regarding differing viewpoints on relationships. I love your videos, i love your style of content, and i am inspired by your lifestyle. Thank you for sharing and teaching us these things we need to know 🙏 you really are a true gem!
Thank you so much for this Jewel! It was super helpful! Because everytime I try to analyze the synastry or composites, I get confused of getting the whole picture of the relationship which is mentally tiring 😖 but after watching this, everything is so clear about compatibility! I remember watching a video that Jupiter represents the woman's mate and somehow I didn't get the reason why but with this video, you totally explained it so well that it's amazing! I finally understood the moon sign's needs for men thanks to you! ❤❤❤
This reminds me of how they say women want the man to change after getting married, and men want women to stay the same! Your delineation between Moon and Jupiter is refreshing! Thanks!
Wow Jewel, just wow, such an incredible message ❤ thank you so much 🙏🏾
Jewel Would you ever consider doing a paid webinar on FaceBook live or the sort... I would love to learn from you as I think many would. Thak you for this video again, you area gift x
How valuable your videos are, jewel
Thank you so much for explaining about Jupiter ,Moon and the 9 house. It is very clear to me now .
sooooo beautifully done and such an amazing perspective this has given me. You deserve all your success and more jewel
+sam rae 💓 I dreamed of you recently. We both had a mustache. We are both coming into a more authentic use of our power. That’s good stuff.
hahaha thats hilarious! and apt as ever. See you next year for my upcoming solar return!!
+sam rae I'm looking forward to it. You know where to find me.
I LOVE you. Thanks for this video Jewel, always sharing amazing info and insights
You give THE BEST readings! Love your work!
+Taygete of Algorab I appreciate that. Thanks!
What an amazing video. Thank you!
Super nice
i feel like im listening to wisdom and knowledge
She said she would...she did!
Absolutely beautiful explanation for men and women= compatibility...one of my favorite video’s Jewel🤗💛🙏✨
Very insightful, as always. Thank You.
Yr lectures are so eloquent. To put Neptun's "dreamy" state in words like this requires a really deep understanding. Chapeau! By the way, I think we share the same AC, I could be yr blonde twin, even my glasses are similar.Greetings.
what an insightful video! Thank you so much for providing this wonderful information.
Wow you’re talking vedic ? Never knew you studied vedic system. I grew up in a traditional astrology family (meaning my family practiced this as a trade for generations) but I am the first in my lineage to incorporate the outer planets, the midpoints, all together with synastry. It gives an unparalleled insight into interpersonal relationship dynamics
I so appreciate your focused delivery on a particular subject - taking the time to shed light on how an aspect or house or sign can manifest in many ways. I would say that as a Virgo rising (like you) that you know how to speak to me, but reading the comments below I see you simply communicate beautifully. I look forward to a personal session.
it's been so hard for me to find the right guy because I'm not corporate career type, like most moms men would've had! Good to know, thanks♥️
Learned so much about compatibility in just this one video‼️ God bless your passion and knowledge‼️ Very grateful for you on Utube Jewel...Happy New Year 🍾😊
Please make a video with ryan kurczak
So does that mean that aspects from Moon to Jupiter in synaatry are key ?
What if you have all this (the things you mentioned in the video) but the composite chart unfortunately lacks aspects?
Funnily enough my Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in my 9th house. I have only had one long lasting relationship in my life and we had quite a bit of Jupiter and moon contacts. We had Sun/Moon double wammies so I agree for sure that Jupiter plays a huge role.
Thankyou Jewel, beautiful information
I like that the scene changes throughout the video❤️
I’m trying to understand- is it where my Jupiter falls in his chart & vice versa? Or is it what planets of mine are in his 9th house?
Same with the moon. Is it my moon is in Aq so I’m looking for that? Or is it his moon is in Aries (my mom’s an Aries) so that feels familiar? Or is it his moon is in my 1st and mine is in his 8th? Or that our moons are sextile and our jupiters are trine? I’m not sure how to look at this.
Amazing video Jewel! Thank you for doing this one, I was really looking forward to it. Lately, Ive been studying and trying to understand how 11th house works too, in compatibility matters, since is typically our house of hopes and dreams as well...I wonder if it also makes sense! Anyway thank you for this video
My Jupiter is in my hubby's 9th house in Pisces...My Venus is in my 9th in Leo
You and your sister must have incredible conversations!
Great vid! Anticipating your take on Pluto square Midheaven
Life lessons right here
This was immensely helpful! Thank you, as always!
Hi Jewel, What about the Moon-Moon quinkunx in synastry? Does it help the relationship or rather ruin? (Aries-Moon and Scorpio-Moon) Thanks for your answer and for your videos as well.
My Jupiter is his sun conjunct. His Venus is my moon conj. And his moon is my asc conj. His moon trine my Jupiter. Would this benefit compatibility? ❤
So perfect, just love your informative videos ❤ the best there are 😃
I found this video to be very informative and extremely helpful. I watch you often because I really appreciate you. I hope to have you do a synastry comparison for me, very soon.
I have my moon in Aquarius in the 5th and jupiter in Aquarius, in the 6th house, he has Mars and NN in Aquarius in the 9th and Midheaven in Aquarius. My Mars is in Taurus in the 9th house. His Jupiter is in Cancer in the 1st house. His moon is in Sagittarius in the 6th house and his descendant is in Sagittarius. Meanwhile, my nadir is in Sagittarius and my NN is in Sagittarius in the 4th house.
Jewel, for Jupiter in the 9th house, are you talking about a composite chart or a synastry overlay?
Nevermind, I think I know now. I watched your synastry vs. composite chart video. Synastry is more about day to day interactions and a composite chart gives you the bigger picture of the relationship and where it's going. So, I do believe you're talking about composite charts here in this video.
so then how would Moon square Jupiter in synastry play out?
I have my Jupiter in close conjunction with someones AC and their Jupiter is in close conjunction with my AC. I believe this is a very Good synastry aspect. Their Mars is in my 9th house however: not sure is this is a Good aspect as well?
Thanks for The video Jewel xx
Moon biseptile Jupiter at +0 22' in the composite, could you please share your opinion on this pocket of the relationship, Jewel?
Amazing insight.
This video was amazing!
"9th house stuff" may apply to my Uranus-Saturn conjunction in my 9th house Sagittarius in nasty square to his Jupiter-SouthNode-Mars-Pluto at the end of Virgo??? I definitely felt there was something that could not be fixed in that relationship despite our moon-jupiter trines. Thank you so muh for this video ❤ it also helped me your video about his Pluto opposite my Mars in synastry 👐
Thanks Jewel! :-)
This is highly interesting!
His Moon 6deg. ARI in his 6th house trines my Jupiter 3deg. in LEO in my 1st house.
Also my Juno at 6deg. LEO is conj. my Jupiter which makes a trine to his Moon by the same degree.
His Jupiter is in ARI at a later degree too.
My Jupiter conj. Juno is in his 10th house in synastry, while his Moon and Jupiter is in my 10th house as well.
I'm using Porphry house-system, so his 9th house cusp is in GEM while my 9th house cups is in AQU at 29deg., so mainly filled with PIS. His 9th house has a bit more CAN than GEM.
I just noticed that his 9th house cusp is at 19deg GEM which is the same degree as my IC/MC axis in VIR/PIS respectively.
My Asc. is in CAN and his North Node is conj. my Asc by 2deg in the 1st house.
I don't have any planets in my 9th, but he has his GEM Sun in his.
His Chiron is in my 9th house, in the PIS section.
My Asc. is in his 9th house in the CAN section conj. his MC, conj. his North Node (in the10th house already).
What do you see with this, Jewel?
Could you do more videos on D9 compatibility? Analyzing it alongside birth charts of each individuals and also analyzing D9 to D9. Which is more important? If there are square between D9 charts for instance but many conjunctions between D9 and birthcharts in synastry what does that mean? Also could you do a video about your experiences looking at long term couples with incompatible charts but still work very well :)
My partner and I have some mixed aspects in our charts, but I recently noticed that in our composite chart, we have jupiter conjunct moon in the 9th, and it trines our Asc.
Is that the kind of good indicator you're talking about?
When a man’s moon is Leo (ruled by sun) and the womans is cancer (moon) does the fact that they are yin yang together as rulers in their natural energies bring about compatibility, despite being different elements?
How has no one commented on the scene changes?
Very interesting!
Interesting? With a certain person, we have Jupiter conjunction no more than 1 degree in his ninth house and in my twelfth house? (Or 11th) depends on which house system used? My moon with his sun is at exactly 36 degrees apart which I believe forms a quintile or part of that series? My sun with his moon is 168-169, our moons are at 47 degrees apart so not aspected unless it’s still considered at semi square? idk if that is an actual aspect in astrology? But I have looked the number up and that number does form a geometry shape I discovered of an hexagon?? What I noticed about all the aspects is they correlate to a geometric shape?? So I think it should have significance. Idk if that’s been affirmed though.
Jewel, what if my Jupiter in libra 10 house falls in his 2nd house of values? Does this mean he embodies the values that I look for in a mate?
What if his moon falls in my first house? Does the way I project myself to the world is what he finds comforting?
Her and I both have our Jupiter's in each others 7th house in synastry and composite (her Jupiter exactly conjunct my DC) what would you say about that?
What if your moon and Jupiter are in conjunction in the composite chart? Is that compatible?
Thank you so much for clarification on gay and straight people. I wished I would have found this video sooner because I was looking years ago for this information because I have been married to a guy man for 12 years . A "belated "Thank you for the *Jewel* of knowledge !
Question Jewel:
My so it's a Gemini Rising. Empty 7th house in Sagittarius. My Juno and mercury falls into their 7th empty house. My venus falls in their 9th house. Their Jupiter is in their 9th house, ruler of 7th house. My Jupiter/Asc exactly oppose it at (0 Degrees) . I am a Leo Rising with Venus in the 7th house. Their Venus falls into my 7th house. Do this means anything?
So when his Jupiter is conjuct my ascendant .. his Jupiter is in his 10th .. we are older
That’s exactly what our synastry is. Except I’m the Jupiter in 10th conjunct his asc. Of course my moon in his 9th.
@@cadilac949 we have conjuct (10 degrees ) Pisces Moon his Moon falls in my 8th House mine falls in his 5th
Not completely sure if I get it, tell me if I'm wrong. If jupiter or moon falls into other's 9th house in synastry = good sign. To look at the overall feeling of aspects of sun/moon/mercury/venus/mars to your moon (male) and jupiter (female). If squares = bad, opposition = can work through. Am I right?
Caroline Leduc id like to know too. I’m Taurus sun Scorpio moon Aries Venus mars Pisces and Jupiter cancer and he’s Scorpio sun Aries moon. I can’t stand Aries moon but we have my Venus on his moon. And my sun supporting his sun. I need a softer moon!
My ex has moon and Jupiter conjunct my fourth house cusp, I have my moon and Jupiter on his midheaven almost exactly, my Jupiter is conjunct his south node.
We have moon conjunct Jupiter in the composite 7th house opposing Venus conjunct Saturn in the composite 1st.
It feels like we will always be apart of each other's life even if we aren't together.
Why? If Venus conjunct Saturn in the Composite it is the most beneficial aspect for a marriage and its durability.
Thank you so much
Will said! Will remember this! So sad about the old folks... Seems familiar....
Huh. Interesting. My first love had his ASC conj my Jupiter & square my Mars and his Jupiter conj my IC. My Jupiter squared his Moon. We were very much on the same page. Our composite had jupiter conj North Node. The next love had Moon conj Jupiter (actually an aspect in my D9) in my 4th house. His Jupiter also sextiled my Moon. My Jupiter was in his 4th, trine his Sun/Saturn conjunction in my 9th. Again composite Jupiter conj North Node. and on and on..
Jewel, could you do a video on how to understand the navamsa or even a 9th harmonic chart? I know how to generate my 9th harmonic but haven't the foggiest about how to intepret and how it connects back to the mate. How descriptive or literal it actually is about the destined partner?
ok I want to know if I am the only person who immediately noticed the creepy doll in her cabinet??? Sorry Jewel, dolls just really freak me out.
But your video is GREAT! I love all of your videos, you are very knowledgeable.
That is the doll from my childhood. Her name is Mandy. She was my sisters’s doll but I loved her so much that I adopted her.
She is creepy, though. She has not aged well. (Let’s not tell her that 👀)
Would it be too...uh...*racy* for this channel for me to ask your opinion/video on transgender people? I just really identified with your elaboration on gay men and the Moon/lesbians with Jupiter with real people that I'm close to, and am fascinated with your opinions on trans people as a trans woman myself. You're really grasping the very intimate and intricate concepts of sexuality and gender and how they weave into the masterpiece that is astrology. Astounding depth Jewel
+Alice Hagerty I will get to that fascinating topic eventually. Great suggestion.
May you neptune conjunct ascendant synastry? :) hope you are having a good day!
Jewel, you're so cute!
thanks jewel!
i dig it!!! -thanks!
Hi Jewel, I love your videos - so insightful and accurate. I was wondering what you think about the Jupiter/moon placements of my partner and I, in terms of compatibility:
Me: Jupiter in Sag in 6th, moon in Cap in 6th. 9th house placement= Pisces.
Him: Jupiter in Virgo in 7th, moon in Aries in 2nd. 9th house placement = Libra.
Hi thank you for the great video. Just wanted some clarification. For gay men and their relationships, my understanding from your video is that the moon in both charts is most critical in compatibility. Gay men will be focused on their security needs represented by the moon, but since they have different relationships needs than women, how significant is Jupiter and 9th in gay male relationships? I'd imagine sharing the same vision and hopes is critical in all relationships. Or do gay men need to focus more on moon and perhaps 4th house dynamics for purposes of compatibility? Thank you
I had the same question!
I have Saturn in Leo in my 9th house
I'm don't really agree with all of this... I am a woman, but I do need and search for security and familiarity... Maybe because of my moon square saturn ? And my moon in the 8th house ? I feel like I am always searching for my true mother in a partner. Actually, I would be one of the few lady asking for her husband, instead of their parents... Anyone like me ?
Edit : actually I just checked and I have the same placement for moon and jupiter. It's in sag 8th. So I think maybe that contributes to the fact that jupiter/moon meanings seem to blend in my case.
You are usually very precise and concrete but this time you'd need to be more specific about that Jupiter and 9th house compatibility. It kinda sounds like a referral to Vedic D9 charts but your explanation is very vague this time😃
Jewel, I have a very serious question that came to mind. If you would prefer me to subscribe on your site so you can answer then please let me know because this is going to drive me crazy!!
Q: so if Jupiter is the ideal husband to a woman, then would you say that the 11th house could be describing your actual husband? or like what you look for in a true mate? (from a woman's perspective of course..)
It’s still Jupiter. Jupiter is where we get our inspiration and growth. The eleventh house is our reward for our diligence and hard work. It’s the answer to what we put out creatively. It’s not a romantic house. It’s independent. Jupiter and the ninth house are where we find what makes us want to get out of bed in the morning, he’s what gives our lives meaning. Jupiter is describing the qualities that fulfill our dreams about happiness.
@@JewelMayberry thank you!!!
Imagine having Jupiter in the 7th house with my Sun, Vertex, NN, and 7th house all in Aries 🤦🏼♀️ My Astrologist says that my man is an Aries? Not sure lol we never seem to want the same things in life...maybe I need an Aries with good Moon Aspects to me?
How are you only getting 100s of views? (View)Numbers don't mean anything. You course through hyper complex esoterica like umm, really can't think of a comparable example at your mighty level.😊 I'm a big fan of yours. Hhhmm, maybe offer a % off on astrology items/books. Of course, maybe your audience is very special, which I think is true.
+Bryan Bryan It’s not bad to be obscure...sometimes the most valuable things are disguised as completely ordinary. (And thanks!)
Do you use tropical or sidereal in looking at the d9 chart?
+dah qc If I am doing a Vedic analysis I analyze the D-9 using sidereal. If I am analyzing the ninth house using tropical use the 9th harmonic chart.
Truth In Aspect Astrology/ Jewel Thanks, Jewel!
I have south node in 9th 😌
I am the same!
What if your jupiter is one degree away from the ninth house cusp...like mine 😂
So mook square moon is a no no
Vedic matchmaking is based on moons 90%