Explain how a machine torch with an identical tip has BOTH oxy and fuel turn on together and then. and only then is the flame lit *with a resounding "pop" . The BOTH gasses are shut off together. Zero point no problems since machine cutting was invented. ,,,, BEST way to light a torch? Set the OXY and FUEL valves to their approximate setting for a neutral flame and POP. (And do not use matches or cigarette lighters)
Please tell me which oxyacetylene flame is better to melt and cast nickel chrome alloy????
Explain how a machine torch with an identical tip has BOTH oxy and fuel turn on together and then. and only then is the flame lit *with a resounding "pop" . The BOTH gasses are shut off together. Zero point no problems since machine cutting was invented. ,,,, BEST way to light a torch? Set the OXY and FUEL valves to their approximate setting for a neutral flame and POP. (And do not use matches or cigarette lighters)