You mention relative risk reduction, but not absolute risk reduction. Why?. Also, this all asumes that all Ldl is bad. If it is that bad, then why do we have it in the first place?
LDL reduction does not equate to plaque reduction, correct? another question, does PCSK9 therapy show reduction in plaque deposits? And if not, doesn't earlier dosing translate to reduced deposits over time?
incredible talk, wow
So once the ldl receptor is eliminated by the pcsk9 does the live regenerate new ldl receptors? Thanks 🙏
You mention relative risk reduction, but not absolute risk reduction. Why?. Also, this all asumes that all Ldl is bad. If it is that bad, then why do we have it in the first place?
RRR is reported bc ARR is capped by the control group event rate, which can vary widely based on the sample and duration.
Nobody said all LDL is bad.
LDL reduction does not equate to plaque reduction, correct? another question, does PCSK9 therapy show reduction in plaque deposits? And if not, doesn't earlier dosing translate to reduced deposits over time?