How GOOD Was Arsenal's Invincible Season? GREATEST Premier League Team of all Time?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @Maqwell
    @Maqwell  3 года назад +112

    Which PL team do you think had the greatest season of all time?

  • @squidsseeghosts4533
    @squidsseeghosts4533 3 года назад +472

    "Man City fans are all glory hunters" Me who liked boat bird

    • @thereporterofroblox294
      @thereporterofroblox294 3 года назад +41

      I just liked blue like how maxqwell liked red lol

    • @thatguyalan5370
      @thatguyalan5370 2 года назад +63

      I like city because my dad like united and i was a rebellious child 💀

    • @duante2735
      @duante2735 2 года назад +3

      @@thatguyalan5370 lol I saw that video they had with dude perfect in like 2015 and said they would be my team, now I’m labeled a bandwagon lol. Funny they had arsenal in that video too and I could’ve become a fan of them

    • @dippyboi1029
      @dippyboi1029 2 года назад +8

      Me who just fucking hated Liverpool and man United

    • @Musydid911
      @Musydid911 2 года назад +3

      @@thatguyalan5370 you should have just became a Liverpool fan

  • @cr7legacy746
    @cr7legacy746 3 года назад +300

    Thierry Henry inspired a whole generation of pain

    • @aaaak4
      @aaaak4 2 года назад +3

      Made me fall in love with football and made me suffer ever since.

  • @henryreturns1397
    @henryreturns1397 3 года назад +451

    The greatest PL team run of all time is Leicester winning the PL against all odds , for many reasons :
    - They fired there coach and many other players from last season due to a scandal during the pre-season
    - Last season they were safe from relegation , and their aim that year was just to avoid relegation
    - They were holding the number 1 position for such a long time and didnt let it go until they won the Premier League
    - Players like Jamie Vardy or Kante , were fucking nobodies , they just came from low divisions , and they came on top during that campaign
    - A team that was expected to be relegated or fight not to be relegated , end up winning the Premier League and with wins against the BIG 6
    - They have so many last minute clutch goals on key games , I swear that their journey of 38 games felt like a movie itself
    - They got 0 star players , all their players were hard working and they all play for the team. They became STARS after winning the PL
    - Probably the biggest underdog story of all time , a team that was low budget was consistent for fucking 38 games !

    • @Fatihadil04
      @Fatihadil04 3 года назад +4

      Vardy carried them

    • @KnightmareGambit1260
      @KnightmareGambit1260 3 года назад +55

      @@Fatihadil04 vardy was a nobody too

    • @KnightmareGambit1260
      @KnightmareGambit1260 3 года назад +1

      I agree with you mate

    • @DarkwearGT
      @DarkwearGT 3 года назад +35

      This is career mode

    • @justsomeguy2743
      @justsomeguy2743 2 года назад +18

      You see the points total they had would have only won about 2 titles since the premier league has begun, it’s an incredible story but the main reason they won the title is because the “big” 6 where very bad and spurs are huge bottle jobs

  • @blem5552
    @blem5552 3 года назад +509

    Invincibles in 2004, invisibles in 2021

    • @mira9640
      @mira9640 3 года назад +18

      Are you here just to make fun of Arsenal

    • @sathiyapriyasreekumar6110
      @sathiyapriyasreekumar6110 3 года назад +60

      @@mira9640 yes

    • @mira9640
      @mira9640 3 года назад +12

      @@sathiyapriyasreekumar6110 not true anymore tho lol

    • @MorrisseyMuse
      @MorrisseyMuse 2 года назад +2

      @@mira9640 still true now, just cos they've finally started listening to Arteta doesn't mean they'll be title challengers this century lol

    • @GarfLoaf
      @GarfLoaf 2 года назад +4

      @@mira9640 it is very true now

  • @AA-vd2lm
    @AA-vd2lm 3 года назад +14

    Honestly these sort of video essays are the best sort of videos

  • @aidenhorton18
    @aidenhorton18 3 года назад +53

    As a Pompey fan, I’m sad you didn’t mention that Arsenal failed to beat us both times.

    • @faceless_fables
      @faceless_fables 2 года назад

      What you gonna do? Go bite your neighbors ear off?

  • @vitorpavani7125
    @vitorpavani7125 2 года назад +6

    4:33 - "Arsenal's fullbacks were probably the earliest version of what we call today the modern fullback. They were encouraged to stretch the play in order to outnumber the oppostion in the break"
    Roberto Carlos and Cafu: are we a joke to you?

  • @rourketaylor9436
    @rourketaylor9436 3 года назад +81

    Great review of an amazing season for Arsenal! I feel like this keeps getting downplayed the farther away we get from this season. Its a nice reminder of how brilliant this really was

    • @richard_nj
      @richard_nj 2 года назад +3

      I actually think it's remembered pretty fairly. Recency bias and nostalgia seem to cancel each other out quite nicely on this one

    • @ThatGuy-tx4vm
      @ThatGuy-tx4vm 2 года назад +1

      It's actually so overhyped it's crazy... How can they be the best prem side ever when chelsea literally won the league with 95 points the season after.

  • @mira9640
    @mira9640 3 года назад +18

    If you haven’t done already please do Leicesters 2015/16 title winning season.

  • @pedrobelle5623
    @pedrobelle5623 2 года назад +2

    4:00 Thank you for sending us this incredible talent

  • @kazbye79
    @kazbye79 Год назад +2

    I was born 1979 and I lived Highbury all my life and I see are greatest season from the clock end ❤

  • @blem5552
    @blem5552 3 года назад +86

    People under appreciate the invincibles because they drew a lot of games but I’d still say the record breaking 17-18 Man City team were better. Even the 18-19 team should be up there for holding their bottle against a Liverpool side who would have won the title in pretty much any other year

    • @Maqwell
      @Maqwell  3 года назад +27

      I definitely agree, although I see the Invincibles as incredible as they were, Man City 17/18 were the better team

    • @younusbendame742
      @younusbendame742 3 года назад +9

      @@Maqwell don't you think the prem was less competitive in 2017/18? I feel like after 2014 we entered kind of a dead era of competition

    • @aidenhorton18
      @aidenhorton18 3 года назад +10

      @@younusbendame742 yep for sure I mean back in the invincible days you had clubs near the bottom of the table giving Arsenal a run for their money. You never see that these days with the likes of Norwich and Watford who get thrashed by Man City, Liverpool etc

    • @younusbendame742
      @younusbendame742 3 года назад +9

      @@aidenhorton18 no kidding, relegation favourites leeds put the final nail in the coffin of arsenal's 03 season

    • @smharyanto4660
      @smharyanto4660 2 года назад +12

      @@younusbendame742 please take off the nostalgia googles mate. Premier league now more competitive than ever. All team can beat each other (because the money from tv deals spread evenly). Sure city and liverpool still stand above them all, and thats because they are the anomally

  • @asapoluu9885
    @asapoluu9885 2 года назад +2

    I was a young kid didnt know the first thing about football and i got fifa 09 as a gift for Christmas, started a career mode with the one the only Arsenal FC. And pain has never left my soul ever since

  • @boas7742
    @boas7742 2 года назад

    0:18 and that’s why I support Sunderland also like most of my family did aswell but when I decided at age 4 it was because of that reason

  • @JoDyMa
    @JoDyMa 3 года назад +13

    Oh you think you got it bad? I started supporting Arsenal just after the CL final because my best friend was called Henry...

  • @Dz73zxxx
    @Dz73zxxx 3 года назад +5

    Unrelated, but i have similar issue too, but ended in a...kind of good way which i can express by short poem
    Roses are red, sky is blue
    and my favourite color is blue
    but thanks to stevie G and his shoots
    Since 2006 till death, a big fan of liverpool
    fortunately, not a toffee lmaooo, miss that bullet

  • @Nolaris3
    @Nolaris3 2 года назад +4

    I had the opposite story. My favorite color was yellow, then my dad convinced me to support Liverpool and suddenly I decided red was favorite color

  • @thelightfixture
    @thelightfixture 3 года назад

    Such a dope jacket on wenger @ 2:05

  • @veraxiana9993
    @veraxiana9993 Год назад

    I did not expect odst music in the into, Massive W right there ❤

  • @m3rcurialz
    @m3rcurialz 2 года назад +1

    I love how you can be serious when needed, but funny at times

  • @ShadowElectricity
    @ShadowElectricity 2 года назад +2

    I was spoiled. I started watching football in 2012. Instantly fell in love with Chelsea. The next 6 years were great for the club, truly, and I was lucky to witness it.

    • @abdullahbashir5297
      @abdullahbashir5297 Год назад

      I just started supporting Chelsea in this horrible time, still waiting 🥲

  • @driziiD
    @driziiD 2 года назад

    10:30 what was that??!!!?? looool 😭😂

  • @jcdova29
    @jcdova29 2 года назад +4

    This team was so fun to watch. My favorite player was Robert Pires. He was an extension of Patrick Viera. What can you say about the dynamic duo of Bergkamp and Henry.

  • @jcar4lifemancity4life5
    @jcar4lifemancity4life5 2 года назад +20

    I’m American and I’ve been a City fan since 2004 because of Claudio Reyna. Have some respect all us Americans aren’t glory hunters.💙

    • @EliasRoy
      @EliasRoy Год назад

      Don’t worry. He himself is an American 😂

  • @LeoGuidi
    @LeoGuidi 2 года назад +14

    I remember the exact day I became an Arsenal fan:
    It was 2014. I was 6 or 7 and getting into football after the Euros, where my beloved Italy had went all the way to the final. (I’m Scots/Italian)
    It had come to the point of choosing a team to support. We were watching Man United vs Norwich when my father, who is a Celtic fan and as such hated Sir Alex, told me ‘support whoever you want, just don’t support Man United.’ My favourite colour was red, so I started looking for another team who wore red and who also played just one day before, beating spurs 5-2? Arsenal.
    From then on, I’ve felt every second of pain this club could throw at me. And I wouldn’t change it for a second

  • @ecfrt
    @ecfrt 2 года назад +1

    Yes I also become arsenal fan because my favourite colour was red and9 at that time I was trying find red and i thought arsenal where they only red team

  • @wigglekon4537
    @wigglekon4537 2 года назад

    2:38 what’s the background music it’s fire I need it noww

  • @LucienVonKreuz
    @LucienVonKreuz 2 года назад

    I've been an Inter Milan fan since I was 9 years old, wasn't a big football fan, but one day a friend lend me his copy of FIFA 99 for the PS1, so I started playing and scrolling through teams I chose Inter just cause I liked its shirt, and that's it, I can't even explain my love for this club, I just love Inter with all my heart. Chi non salta bianconero e'!!

  • @lmaoofish937
    @lmaoofish937 2 года назад

    0:14 yeah that is the reason why i support Arsenal. and i now in pain

  • @_3xistance
    @_3xistance Год назад +2

    I was around 10 years old when I discovered a player called Kevin De Bruyne, I followed him until this day, why? Well, my name is Kevin. And now I'm to emotionally attached to Man City to change my allegiance. And believe me, I've tried.

  • @amazingazblo0239
    @amazingazblo0239 Год назад

    I can say interms of no loses arsenal are the team at the time, at it's own system, at their player's peak and most importantly their team moral. One of the best in form team which had the mentality to go through 38 matches unbeaten is no fluke. I don't think anyone as lucky as arsenal can replicate their unbeaten streak without a loss in a single season which will be heart wrenching. I do respect other teams for their achievements but this 03/04 squad is seriously at the next level and their fans should be proud it.

  • @giocastillo4804
    @giocastillo4804 2 года назад

    W for the halo 3 odst music in the intro

  • @Accion_y_Pasion
    @Accion_y_Pasion 2 года назад +1

    Mate in 2011 i saw England was filled with blue and red teams and I didn’t know who I was gonna follow (American btw) and west ham and villa had colors like the ones in the soccer team I played but then I saw a light blue shirt and was like ooooo I like now I’m a city fan

  • @2kdavv
    @2kdavv 2 года назад

    halo 3 odst music at the beginning pog

  • @rodrigolima633
    @rodrigolima633 Год назад +1

    Não, esse não foi o melhor time da história da Premier League e não teve a melhor campanha da história do Campeonato inglês!

  • @dobbsdurkin5721
    @dobbsdurkin5721 2 года назад +1

    My dad, whilst on his honeymoon with my mother, went to the bar at a hotel in Jamaica. While he was waiting on his drinks he was watching a game on the TV. Some random dude came up to him with a gunner's shirt on and said "you should support Arsenal" and he never looked back. That is my reason for eternal pain and suffering. :)

  • @schwierig3100
    @schwierig3100 Год назад

    I have just recently decided to comit to being a gunners fan because of kai Havertz, since he is my favorite player/Idol. But i have to say that the teams rich history is probably also a reason why i always liked Arsenal.

  • @davidlamers874
    @davidlamers874 2 года назад

    Honestly went on your page looking for something about the quadruped

  • @milandebruin2649
    @milandebruin2649 3 года назад +2

    Vid 37 of waiting for the new san marino career.

  • @tangomenace
    @tangomenace 2 года назад +1

    nice video

  • @casper6405
    @casper6405 Год назад

    As a dutchman I mostly support a foreign team when a player from my country plays at that team

  • @gigi-bl5yu
    @gigi-bl5yu 2 года назад +1

    "Pain and suffering every year"
    -Like me and Hajduk Split :')

  • @sorryminati4719
    @sorryminati4719 3 года назад +7

    2005 Chelsea and 2008 Man Utd are the top two in my living memory

  • @olypiad4609
    @olypiad4609 2 года назад

    Mine was "I open packs with family members and a purple card with a bird on ball guy keeps coming up, I like purple card," And that's how I became a tottenham fan.

  • @auritone
    @auritone 2 года назад +10

    I became an Arsenal fan because the first thing I ever won in football was an Arsenal jersey. I was 6 and had no idea who they were until I saw a game on television. Ahhh, the simplicity of childhood.

  • @bloweyblowster
    @bloweyblowster 2 года назад

    i support huddersfield because my dad grew up there so gotta follow his footsteps

  • @T.Mokoena
    @T.Mokoena 2 года назад

    FIFA 14 Career mode + Suarez and Gerrard's Amazing goals every week , That's how i started supporting Liverpool .

  • @ddgaxelnilsson7855
    @ddgaxelnilsson7855 3 года назад

    those first few seconds hit me in the feels man. h3odst best game

  • @gggg-uy3ux
    @gggg-uy3ux 2 года назад

    The reason why I watched football was when I was very young and Portugal was in the finals with France in Euro 2016 Portugal woodwind and I remember celebrating in Toronto with a lot of Portuguese people as a kid I didn't know what was happening but all I knew was these people were celebrating for the same reason that we were and have the same religion and background as me but I didn't really get into it all that much but I really got interested when Euro 2020 happen I was interested and wanted to watch all the games the reason was because a light soccer just didn't watch it at the time and I really liked history and geography and I want to learn more about history and geography and also football or soccer

    • @gggg-uy3ux
      @gggg-uy3ux 2 года назад

      Win the Euros ended I saw how many different flags there were and as a kid not knowing what flags and where they from but now knowing where they're from and what the backgrounds were and because of the virus I was scared to talk to people but just because somebody used the time to put flags on something or anywhere now I know one more thing about them

  • @J6S4LFootball
    @J6S4LFootball 2 года назад

    Good thing my favourite colour was blue when I was watching the UCL final against Bayern

  • @randomfootballfan6469
    @randomfootballfan6469 2 года назад +1

    I chose my favorite club for the same reason, except it was a Bayern Munich game on the TV

  • @footyinfive7864
    @footyinfive7864 2 года назад

    Lol same. Luckily my favourite colour was Blue back in the day. Not too upset with Chelsea over the years!

  • @karlosdeevs
    @karlosdeevs 2 года назад +5

    Man U and Chelsea won their fair share of titles, so too Man City in recent years. Then again in 2012 they won theirs in most prolific & climactic fashion with that injury time turnaround v QPR so that's arguably the best win. But in terms of greatest individual seasons overall it's a 3-way toss between Arsenal 03/04, Leicester City 15/16 and Liverpool 19/20.

  • @RoboRoboRobotsLOLzy
    @RoboRoboRobotsLOLzy 3 года назад

    Underrated af

  • @Zorto___1
    @Zorto___1 2 года назад

    Music at 6:43?

  • @LeDardeursPalace
    @LeDardeursPalace 2 года назад +2

    I saw Dennis Bergkamp score a crazy goal as a boy, around 1999. I decided then and there, this my guy and my club.

  • @ryder8237
    @ryder8237 2 года назад

    I can't decide which team I should Support at the prem league manchster United ore arsenal. They are both lovely clubs

  • @jarvis911
    @jarvis911 2 года назад +4

    I was at the 'battle of old trafford' as a 14 year old, if Van Nistelrooy would've just buried that pen the invincibles would never have existed, mad ending too bad it happened up the other end lol

  • @persianrug1172
    @persianrug1172 2 года назад

    My dad cheers for Liverpool because he liked red as a kid too lol

  • @sgarridojr
    @sgarridojr 2 года назад

    Just found your channel. Great content. Which is your favorite jersey in your collection ?

  • @raycasta10
    @raycasta10 2 года назад

    Well my fav color was red n I became a manu fan lol tbf my dad was always watching manu . Somehow doesnt have same effect on my closest friends…..they were arsenal fans -_- “TOP 4 TOP 4” i do love henry tho

  • @MrPek-fe9fp
    @MrPek-fe9fp 6 месяцев назад +1

    Bergkamp ❤

  • @janisraitums5571
    @janisraitums5571 3 года назад +7

    Centurions would beat the invincibles, but surely slip up at some point... Just city things

    @FOOTBALLisKNOWLEDGE Год назад +1

    They get so much grief for drawing 12 games but they won the league and didn't lose a bloody game. People seem to underestimate how difficult that is to do

    • @gautman-t7w
      @gautman-t7w Год назад

      it's definitely a big achievement, but it's also become somewhat of a joke now since arsenal fans keep going on about it 'oh have you been invincible? didn't think so' to hide the fact their team hasn't won the league since then. not to mention that they won with 90 points, meaning that of the 19 prem champions after them, 10 would have won it over them. and finally, they weren't even first. preston north end, a now championship club, went invincible back in 1888/89

      @FOOTBALLisKNOWLEDGE Год назад

      @@gautman-t7w I get that but we can say that about most league winners through history but you can't dismiss the. Because of that.
      You can look at the relegated teams who need 40 points to survive but that's hasn't been the case lately.
      My point is for 100 points city we're still beatable where as 52 games unbeaten in any completion is impressive. A english team has done the treble 24 years after united but I'm not sure a team will be unbeaten in that same time frame

  • @giratina7865
    @giratina7865 6 месяцев назад

    life would be so different if Liverpool were on the tele

  • @LordBucket-hl3tp
    @LordBucket-hl3tp 2 года назад

    My whole family has been a gaggle of Arsenal supporters. So, when I took an interest in football at the age of 5, I started supporting Arsenal and never looked back.

  • @the_real_idoit8166
    @the_real_idoit8166 2 года назад

    I honestly became a fan of Arsenal because they had a canon and I thought that look cool and also Alexis Sanchez but in an ironic twist I ended up loving the club more than Sánchez and hated him when he left😂

  • @charlie9353
    @charlie9353 3 года назад +3

    I picked Arsenal because they were the default team in FIFA 08 😅

  • @thewelshtraingeek4895
    @thewelshtraingeek4895 2 года назад

    As a city fan, it’ll always be 18/19

  • @acatwithwiskers9273
    @acatwithwiskers9273 8 месяцев назад

    I liked the way the FIFA videogame announcers said Arsenal 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @rafas3472
    @rafas3472 Год назад

    you completely forgot to mention 2018-19 liverpool were 11 milimetres away from going invincible...

  • @Davetubeproductions
    @Davetubeproductions 3 года назад +4

    Just turned 2 when this happened. Was born into an arsenal family and was kind of forced to be and arsenal fan because my dad named me David Seaman

  • @amzinolive
    @amzinolive 3 года назад +1

    Henry got robbed of the balon dor

  • @jessesmith-garcia5313
    @jessesmith-garcia5313 Год назад

    Hey don't feel bad Maqwell, I became a fan of Juventus, because their kits had black and white stripes...And their name was "Juventus"....don't need to say anything else.

  • @meganefanatic9218
    @meganefanatic9218 2 года назад

    Funny how I became a fan of Chelsea because my favourit colour was blue. And here I thought that that was normal

  • @metalmadsen
    @metalmadsen 2 года назад

    Up Gunners ❤

  • @Messi_Goat_Forever
    @Messi_Goat_Forever 2 года назад

    Don't worry I started liking Barcelona because of them having blue in their jersey's

  • @alishariff1914
    @alishariff1914 2 года назад +1

    I'm not Arsenal fan but the Invisibles was amazing. For Leicester City is the greatest team to the PL

    • @lewis5645
      @lewis5645 2 года назад +3

      No they are not the greatest premier league side get in the bin😂

    • @LordBucket-hl3tp
      @LordBucket-hl3tp 2 года назад +1

      @@lewis5645 While they aren't the best, that isn't what this guy means. He means that Leicester are the greatest emotionally, they captured the hearts of everyone during their campaign. But if you wanna keep being stupid and taking what he is saying at face value then you do you.

  • @The6Foot4Asian
    @The6Foot4Asian 2 года назад +1

    Nothing will ever top Leicester winning the PL.

  • @stufftimdoes6327
    @stufftimdoes6327 2 года назад +1

    I’m a United fan cuz my mate in primary supported them 💀

  • @driziiD
    @driziiD 2 года назад

    red for PAIN 😭😂

  • @driziiD
    @driziiD 2 года назад

    0:47 kenichiro nishihara - nebulosa - yo this is fxn dope -видео.html

  • @NYCfrankie
    @NYCfrankie 2 года назад +1

    I honestly think ppl 4get how brilliant Pires was

  • @mrgaming4626
    @mrgaming4626 3 года назад +1


  • @jasonmillsom2981
    @jasonmillsom2981 Год назад +1

    I would not say thierry Henry is one of the greatest premier league players of all time, he was the greatest Premier league player of all time

  • @conwaynathan
    @conwaynathan 2 года назад

    In div one pne did the same

  • @prasannabalaji1886
    @prasannabalaji1886 2 года назад

    Wtf the professor? He is le professeur

  • @stephenmcdowell5711
    @stephenmcdowell5711 2 года назад


  • @liltone9614
    @liltone9614 3 года назад

    Steven Gerard’s Rangers

  • @JamesClepper-j7f
    @JamesClepper-j7f Год назад

    Try being a Man United fan now, but I won’t abandon my club.

  • @leohendrix7696
    @leohendrix7696 Год назад

    Halo 3 odst rain In the beginning for anyone wondering

  • @Jurico_Noes
    @Jurico_Noes 2 года назад

    I am a favorite color is red but I’m heavy Real Madrid fan aswell and in the Premier League … Manchester United yes I know .
    Walk to the corner of shame with a Holes in a bag*

  • @matthewmclean9012
    @matthewmclean9012 2 года назад

    Nations league prediction video??

  • @naisiunnaheireann1752
    @naisiunnaheireann1752 2 года назад

    Amen 🙏

  • @iamdc21
    @iamdc21 3 года назад +4

    didnt united break their undefeated run next season ?

    • @Maqwell
      @Maqwell  3 года назад +4

      I don’t believe so cos I’m pretty sure United lost 5 times that season

    • @blem5552
      @blem5552 3 года назад +9

      @@Maqwell I think they mean that United ended Arsenals run

    • @Maqwell
      @Maqwell  3 года назад +9

      @@blem5552 ah shit im dumb

    • @blem5552
      @blem5552 3 года назад +2

      @@Maqwell Aight calm I thought I was missing something lmao

  • @rafaelzelaya1783
    @rafaelzelaya1783 2 года назад


  • @d2xr
    @d2xr 2 года назад

    Barcelona Sextuple wants to have a word

  • @rodrigolima633
    @rodrigolima633 Год назад +2

    No futebol, o que conta para se ter uma melhor campanha não é se o time foi campeão invicto mas sim o número de rendimento!

  • @avelez1812
    @avelez1812 Год назад

    How can any one consider them great without winning Champions