Nails - What's in My Bag?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 601

  • @louderthangod
    @louderthangod 7 лет назад +1446

    I get the feeling that he’d rate his favorite record of all time no higher than 4/10.

    • @kicker4ld
      @kicker4ld 6 лет назад +162

      Voivod: "A lot of their stuff I don't like"
      Incendiary: "I'm not a fan of the type of music"
      Me & That Man: "I haven't checked out Me & That Man"
      Pallbearer: "Pallbearer is a band I really haven't been a fan of"

    • @marshmerry9819
      @marshmerry9819 5 лет назад +18

      I mean to be fair, the Voivod thing is understandable. They kinda went downhill in the 90's

    • @joannasforehead9715
      @joannasforehead9715 4 года назад +7

      Hahahaha 100%

    • @nycbren64
      @nycbren64 3 года назад +18

      Well, when your band is out of the violent, crime infested dangerous world of Oxnard you tend to give all things a 4/10

    • @MichaeMichaelMichael
      @MichaeMichaelMichael 3 года назад +6

      This is a hilarious comment.

  • @JunkyardGod89
    @JunkyardGod89 7 лет назад +2299

    You Will Never Be In My Bag

  • @hxcthomas
    @hxcthomas 3 года назад +449

    Him calling Sleigh Bells “so overwhelming”, “sensory overload”, and “like I was in a nightmare” has to be the funniest gd thing I’ve heard. Sir, do you know what band you play in?

    • @PseudoPseudoDionysius
      @PseudoPseudoDionysius 3 года назад +53

      At the beginning he calls a hardcore punk band “too heavy for him”. Like bro, have you literally ever heard your own music????

    • @idontevenlikemoney
      @idontevenlikemoney 3 года назад +14

      @@PseudoPseudoDionysius that's not at all what he said. Lol

    • @ancientatomicimmortality4016
      @ancientatomicimmortality4016 2 года назад +2

      It's called dry humor

    • @dekapitatorr
      @dekapitatorr 2 года назад +9

      @@PseudoPseudoDionysius its not hard core punk and he didnt said heavy. he said heady which Voivod really is.

    • @Arian545
      @Arian545 Год назад +2

      @@PseudoPseudoDionysius Heady, not heavy

  • @soadratmetc
    @soadratmetc 4 года назад +253

    Nails seems to be one of those bands who make really cool music but wouldn’t be, you know, fun to hang out with

    • @damianmann
      @damianmann 2 года назад

      Total douchebaggery

    • @oldschooldeathmetal8417
      @oldschooldeathmetal8417 2 года назад +92

      They don't wanna know us and we will never be some of them

    • @slappy2836
      @slappy2836 2 года назад +25

      Im sure you’re just so great to be around.

    • @drummachine5787
      @drummachine5787 2 года назад +2

      Corny, tryhard, and pretentious. Sounds about par for the course for hardcore bands

    • @andyk6792
      @andyk6792 Год назад +14

      LOL I feel the complete opposite way, Nails is crazy unpleasant music but I wanna jam out to the New York Dolls with Todd and his crew!

  • @jemiahdapap8053
    @jemiahdapap8053 7 лет назад +700

    If Jim Jefferies mated with Phil Anselmo

    • @lukess.s
      @lukess.s 7 лет назад +27

      It's scary how accurate this is.

    • @ramirof1986
      @ramirof1986 7 лет назад +4

      Seriously dude...I was gonna comment the same thing!

    • @DARKHORSE262
      @DARKHORSE262 7 лет назад +6

      Jemiah DaPap ha ha you nailed it...see what I did there

    • @jhhsgrfgkjgddhfhjgkd
      @jhhsgrfgkjgddhfhjgkd 6 лет назад

      Dead on

    • @hamupinhere
      @hamupinhere 6 лет назад

      I think he just looks like a chunkier version of Andrew Eldritch.

  • @hollywoodraptor0016
    @hollywoodraptor0016 7 лет назад +537

    Dude looks like Phil Anselmo's little brother or something. Nails is fucking awesome by the way.

    • @SlavomirG
      @SlavomirG 7 лет назад +3

      Yes but the voice is totally not there.

    • @colinibiris
      @colinibiris 7 лет назад +2

      Right? thought the same before reading the title of this episode

    • @eliash8903
      @eliash8903 7 лет назад

      Nine Inch Nails for life bro!

    • @hollywoodraptor0016
      @hollywoodraptor0016 7 лет назад +9

      Carefree CFC How about Nails and Nine Inch Nails for Life!? Love em both :)

    • @rickeyryan303
      @rickeyryan303 6 лет назад +1

      More like GG Allen..

    @THRASHZONE505 7 лет назад +594

    This guy's hilarious and not on purpose.

  • @Diatonic5th
    @Diatonic5th 7 лет назад +296

    "I think I like some music..." - NAILS

    • @gregorysmith6117
      @gregorysmith6117 6 лет назад +10

      LMAO dude I'm sitting here like "does this fool know if he even likes ANY of these bands?". Wtf.

  • @technodroog
    @technodroog 4 года назад +324

    "Sometimes my wife and I just kind of, like, hang out" - that's nice. Don't overdo it :)

    • @fackumon292
      @fackumon292 4 года назад +5


    • @benvervoort4878
      @benvervoort4878 3 года назад +3

      Shit 😂

    • @Andyface79
      @Andyface79 Год назад +3

      I don't trust anyone who uses the words "man cave." Even if he thought he was being Ironic.

    • @finestjellybeansrawlol9486
      @finestjellybeansrawlol9486 Год назад

      ​@@Andyface79they say "man cave", I hear "masturbation den"

    • @CantripsBongHits
      @CantripsBongHits 8 месяцев назад

      @@Andyface79 but its cool if they say mojodojo casahouse? HYPOCRITE!

  • @prime-directive
    @prime-directive Год назад +76

    "I'm not a fan of the bands these guys are influenced by."
    My good king, you played in Terror.

    • @danmcnamara1230
      @danmcnamara1230 5 месяцев назад +3

      Yeah hahahah was just thinking that

      @POOCOMESFROMFOOD 2 месяца назад

      i dunno why this showed up on my feed again after all these years haha, but I can respond, Incendiary isn't influenced by Terror , well i mean they are cause what hardcore band isn't haha
      but id assume he means the bands that sound like them, like upper new york bands, like Vision of disorder, One King Down, Earth Crisis, ect

  • @saucedonkey88889
    @saucedonkey88889 7 лет назад +448

    "i try to keep an open mind....
    I probably won't like this"

    • @igorbanach484
      @igorbanach484 6 лет назад +23

      having an open mind doesn't really mean you need to like everything, does it

    • @necratera6657
      @necratera6657 4 года назад +9

      Igor Banach No, but it means you should go into something with no expectations

    • @lexlutor7842
      @lexlutor7842 3 года назад +3

      @@necratera6657 i agree

    • @daveparer10
      @daveparer10 5 месяцев назад

      Would love to know what he thought of Me and That Man 😅

  • @gsboss
    @gsboss 7 лет назад +317

    i hate everything in my bag but still - nails

  • @Monte_Verita
    @Monte_Verita 7 лет назад +187

    Loving that LVTHN shirt. Represent

    • @elementofnaivity
      @elementofnaivity 7 лет назад +1

      James Grice hell yeah

    • @URLDEATH__
      @URLDEATH__ 7 лет назад +7

      first thing i noticed

    • @fyrlefanz
      @fyrlefanz 5 лет назад +1

      *Leviathan, LVTHN is a different band.

    • @paytonking4673
      @paytonking4673 4 года назад +3

      @@fyrlefanz no it’s not, it says leviathan on the front, they just sell some merch that says LVTHN on the back, plus it’s merch from massive conspiracy against all life which is a leviathan album (or lurker of chalice technically but still)

    • @fyrlefanz
      @fyrlefanz 4 года назад +1

      @@paytonking4673 I know who Leviathan is and that it's his shirt, but there is also a different band called LVTHN

  • @Crampsam
    @Crampsam 7 лет назад +757

    Did he just say Voivod is too heavy for him? He's in Nails ...

    • @goggleboyz420
      @goggleboyz420 7 лет назад +340

      I think he said "heady"

    • @genderqueergorehound
      @genderqueergorehound 7 лет назад +150

      Yeah, "heady" - as in, way too complex and, if you'll pardon the term, wank-y. Lol.

    • @joddeurter2448
      @joddeurter2448 7 лет назад +5

      deaf fuk

    • @lordabortion7374
      @lordabortion7374 6 лет назад +2

      Crystal Logik lol

    • @Joeynivek
      @Joeynivek 6 лет назад +7

      Either way, it’s like if George “Corpsegrinder” of CC said Black Sabbath was too heavy/heady for him. It’s surprising

  • @johnnye3160
    @johnnye3160 7 лет назад +161

    Really incredible picks and great breakdown of why he picked them, esp sleigh bells

    • @Atte093
      @Atte093 7 лет назад +15

      Yeah, he reeeally sold the Sleigh Bells.
      To me at least.

    • @ajsoprano526
      @ajsoprano526 6 лет назад +4

      Sleigh bells really suck.

  • @fr1702
    @fr1702 7 лет назад +411

    Todd looks like PC principal with those shades on 😂😂😂

  • @send9
    @send9 5 лет назад +45

    Everyone is saying he is hating on bands, but I think it's more like, "I thought I didn't like this stuff but this record changed my mind"

  • @GavStrange
    @GavStrange Год назад +7

    As a big NAILS fan AND a Portishead fan... and living down the road from Portishead the town that the band is named after... this all makes me very happy!

  • @Steaminlidz
    @Steaminlidz 7 лет назад +469

    He reminds me of your buddy's buddy who doesn't like ANYTHING that anyone else likes.

    • @Greatmeasures
      @Greatmeasures 7 лет назад +3

      mtemps 79 that's exactly what I thought.

    • @ChristopherBlackwell
      @ChristopherBlackwell 7 лет назад +46

      In the world of What's in My Bag, these are not even obscure picks. You must be crazy boring.

    • @Steaminlidz
      @Steaminlidz 7 лет назад +21

      Christopher Blackwell Sssh now. Grown-ups are talking.

    • @ChristopherBlackwell
      @ChristopherBlackwell 7 лет назад +14

      Ok dad.

    • @adolfstalin5257
      @adolfstalin5257 7 лет назад +7

      that was me in my crowd of friends

  • @berke2336
    @berke2336 6 лет назад +94

    Nails is easily one of the most HEAVY bands out there, plus his choices were pretty sick

  • @PseudoPseudoDionysius
    @PseudoPseudoDionysius 3 года назад +23

    “Yeah this is a Leonard Cohen record. I dunno, it’s too dark for me and the guitars are way too heavy. I don’t like it. This is the fourth time I’ve bought this one.”

  • @ZachyStugotz
    @ZachyStugotz 7 лет назад +39

    His breakdown of Sleigh Bells is incredible.

  • @Adrianovaz2007
    @Adrianovaz2007 6 лет назад +63

    I love his description of Sleigh Bells, I feel that sound even more on their debut. Pity they diluted it so hard for everything after Reign of Terror.

  • @hoosiermbj
    @hoosiermbj 7 лет назад +33

    The Incendiary album he recommends, 'Thousand Mile Stare', is one of my favorite albums of 2017. It's a great album.

  • @ThatMetalFan99
    @ThatMetalFan99 7 лет назад +19

    I love how much he mentions how he either dislikes something or will dislike something with each item he buys

  • @riffstud93
    @riffstud93 7 лет назад +422

    Surprised he didn’t just have a bunch of Nails records in his bag

    • @anarchybeaver26
      @anarchybeaver26 7 лет назад +20

      Adam Tracy I don't know why, but that cracked me the fuck up.

    • @niklalavideo
      @niklalavideo 7 лет назад +114

      Surprised he didn't just have a bunch of nails in his bag

    • @benjaminreichman1
      @benjaminreichman1 7 лет назад +3

      nthew lmao

    • @riffstud93
      @riffstud93 7 лет назад +45

      anarchybeaver26 lol “and this one is super important. It’s my album.”

    • @dekapitatorr
      @dekapitatorr 6 лет назад +14

      wait for Gene Simons episode

  • @MichaeMichaelMichael
    @MichaeMichaelMichael 3 года назад +8

    I love when the comments on a video make me feel like I'm not alone.

  • @trendmassacre8423
    @trendmassacre8423 3 года назад +11

    Nails are SOOOOOOOOO heavy! I fell in love with their music the first day I heard them.

    • @qombie
      @qombie Год назад

      Same LOL

  • @jackinblack19
    @jackinblack19 7 лет назад +142

    Nails is pretty cool, but I wish they weren't so "poppy" you know?

    • @splitface3481
      @splitface3481 7 лет назад +1

      Jack in Black poppy? They are heavy as hell

    • @infectedvoice7293
      @infectedvoice7293 6 лет назад +41

      Wasabian Multiverse, dude, Katy Perry is heavier than Nails, my nan listens to Nails while she sews up my bum bag.

    • @barsbay7598
      @barsbay7598 6 лет назад +33

      Nails is the definition of Pop Punk

    • @Lillulu.
      @Lillulu. 4 года назад

      Raphael crossed out goes so hard

    @SPIRITINTHEROOM1 7 лет назад +9

    was it bright in there?

  • @thomaskittock2866
    @thomaskittock2866 7 лет назад +55

    He doesn't seem to like much.

  • @dal.890
    @dal.890 6 лет назад +28

    I crack up every time he starts talking about Sleigh Bells. And it's so true. The fact he compares their music to extreme metal is amazing. This is one of my favs.

  • @JC_Denton_Lives
    @JC_Denton_Lives 3 года назад +15

    "Yo whats up? My name is Todd..."
    *Looks at face and agrees you're def named Todd*

  • @Drb777x
    @Drb777x 7 лет назад +25

    Voivod is one of the best bands ever! And Nails fucking rules 🤘

  • @convergefreak9643
    @convergefreak9643 7 лет назад +162

    So Full of Hell next!!

  • @kevinwilliams8849
    @kevinwilliams8849 Год назад +8

    4:45 “sometimes my wife and I just kinda hang out”
    You know I’d honestly hope so

  • @exitritual
    @exitritual 7 лет назад +8

    I appreciate his take on Sleigh Bells.

  • @jackburton3540
    @jackburton3540 4 года назад +4

    This guy is just like "I fucking hate this shit, but I'm buying it" on every record

  • @revolp69
    @revolp69 5 лет назад +4

    i still have the 1st 4 voivod albums on vinyl from when they came out from 84-88

  • @wpopopolo
    @wpopopolo 4 года назад +4

    Got legitimately hyped when he pulled the Big Star record out, fuck yeah

  • @DaDinkler
    @DaDinkler 7 лет назад +18

    Sleigh Bells are sick he totally nailed it with his description of them.

  • @HendersonHinchfinch
    @HendersonHinchfinch 7 лет назад +15

    Saw this video months ago. I am now also a Sleigh Bells fan. Who the hell would have thought it’s because of NAILS? 😂

    • @idontevenlikemoney
      @idontevenlikemoney 3 года назад +2

      It's because of Power Trip that I am a Marvin Gay and Sturgill Simpson fan.

  • @AbdulrahmanMuhammed
    @AbdulrahmanMuhammed 7 лет назад +6

    Thank you Todd!! I discovered Sleigh Bells after this episode!! really great band

  • @GregChipelski
    @GregChipelski 7 лет назад +29

    "Don't really like them, but this album is kinda cool. Probably won't like it."

  • @permafrost2064
    @permafrost2064 5 лет назад +2

    Every time i hear that Pallbearer song, I get the fucking chills... goosebumps.

  • @cstenzy9167
    @cstenzy9167 7 лет назад +10

    Love to see Ivar and Grutle from Enslaved do this when they tour the US for the new albun

  • @headbangersballroom662
    @headbangersballroom662 3 года назад +4

    Incendiary and pallbearer, hell yeah!!

  • @augustcampbell2375
    @augustcampbell2375 7 лет назад +19

    This guy had some damn good picks, especially that Pallbearer album. I love his band too, so fucking abrasive and grinding.

  • @FoolForRespect
    @FoolForRespect 7 лет назад +19

    Damn this Incendiary album is good! Never heard of them before. Thanks Toddddddd!

  • @RLSteffler
    @RLSteffler 3 года назад +2

    This is one of the most interesting episodes I've seen!

  • @Turtl289
    @Turtl289 7 лет назад +29

    I need that incendiary record

    • @hoosiermbj
      @hoosiermbj 7 лет назад +3

      randomassname One of my favorites of 2017. Just might be my favorite. It's a beast of an album.

    • @snakefarm5427
      @snakefarm5427 4 года назад +3

      Incendiary kicks ass

  • @crazyprayingmantis5596
    @crazyprayingmantis5596 7 лет назад +4

    Love his description of sleigh bells

  • @LividImp
    @LividImp 7 лет назад +29

    I'm not so sure about Jim Jefferies new metal look.

  • @michaelcali8304
    @michaelcali8304 4 года назад +4

    Reign of Terror is a total banger.

  • @franlovelsimic8421
    @franlovelsimic8421 7 лет назад +81

    Seems like a cool guy! Also, GET DEVIN TOWNSEND HERE!

    • @Torchbearer666
      @Torchbearer666 7 лет назад +1

      Devy FTW!!!

    • @hoosiermbj
      @hoosiermbj 7 лет назад

      Lol....Devin would blow our minds with his choices. As diverse as his catalog is who knows what the hell would be in his bag.

  • @TheCondorjc
    @TheCondorjc 2 года назад +5

    Dudes on here are so sure of his personality like they know this dude 😆 but if you guys ever went to a Nails show, you’d see how thankful he is of his fans.

  • @SteveDarby-uy1tq
    @SteveDarby-uy1tq 9 месяцев назад +1

    Wow Portishead!? Didnt expect that. I love them.

  • @gorehound3414
    @gorehound3414 5 лет назад +26

    Why does he look exactly like I thought he would from his music 🤣

  • @grahamchick1540
    @grahamchick1540 7 лет назад +20

    Wonder if he knows that the guitarist in sleigh bells was in poison the well

    • @keepitwolfson
      @keepitwolfson 7 лет назад +4

      And the drummer was in Trap Them

    • @grahamchick1540
      @grahamchick1540 7 лет назад +3

      keepitwolfson well that's something I didn't know. I'm gutted that trap them are splitting :(

  • @onaughto
    @onaughto 6 лет назад +2

    Dude I love the story about Pallbearer! Haha that's exactly how I discovered them.

  • @distort_acadiens
    @distort_acadiens 7 лет назад +9

    Seed Of Hysteria is one of the best records of the year

  • @SlaughterEngine
    @SlaughterEngine 5 лет назад +24

    I love how they make sure to show that he took the sunglasses off after he thought the interview was over lol. such a cool dude.

    • @briandesmond9003
      @briandesmond9003 4 года назад

      That’s cringey, your standard of cool is fuct

  • @Zenaphobe67
    @Zenaphobe67 7 лет назад +5

    He sounds stoked

  • @Gguy061
    @Gguy061 7 лет назад +5

    Thanks for introducing me to Slay(er) Bells

  • @douglaschilders915
    @douglaschilders915 4 года назад +11

    This guy doesn't like anything but he still buys it. What a cool guy

  • @prequeltothesequel3344
    @prequeltothesequel3344 7 лет назад +31

    Is he wearing a Leviathan shirt??

  • @Neel-ff4mn
    @Neel-ff4mn 7 лет назад +3

    He's got a Leviathan shirt. Awesome!

  • @therealheavyzee
    @therealheavyzee 7 лет назад +5

    That Exit Order record is so very good.

  • @brylehabits9209
    @brylehabits9209 2 года назад +3

    I feel like Todd is that friend who just funnels everything that he can get his hands on from other friends haha. I'm that friend, too.

  • @reJECT0
    @reJECT0 7 лет назад +11

    Good shit, love You Will Never Be One Of Us, and he had some neat picks on here.

  • @dal.890
    @dal.890 7 лет назад +2

    I could listen to that dude talk about records for hours

  • @manynukes11
    @manynukes11 7 лет назад +3

    I didn't expect to see him picking up a Sleigh Bells record, he's got a rad taste

  • @natewalker7064
    @natewalker7064 7 лет назад +10

    Sleigh Bells is a trip

  • @fackumon292
    @fackumon292 4 года назад +3

    His description of Sleigh Bells made me laugh so fucking hardddd KSJSKSJSKJSKSJSK

  • @cr2372
    @cr2372 7 лет назад +58

    El Komander tiene gustos interesantes

  • @82uros
    @82uros 6 лет назад +3

    Thanks for turning me on to Me And That Man

  • @katough
    @katough 7 лет назад +2

    One of the better bags i've seen so far.

  • @nycbren64
    @nycbren64 3 года назад +5

    This guy must be great at parties .
    Hey , enjoying the party?
    Well, I think I am I mean I might I’m just not sure but I’ll try to but I really don’t like people but I think I do but am glad you invited me but I’m not well at least I do t think I do

  • @softhell
    @softhell Год назад

    I love how he takes his sunglasses off right when the video ends, nice picks!

  • @pinkfloyd36123
    @pinkfloyd36123 7 лет назад +39

    damn why do so many ppl hate this guy? did he do something i'm not aware of? seemed pretty cool in this video

    • @slicingbones6096
      @slicingbones6096 7 лет назад +42

      People dislike them for two reasons. One because a lot of the extreme music fans leaning towards a "safer/more PC" extreme music scene dislike that NAILS has members that are seen as "too masculine/tough guy-esque" and it was offending people around the time of their last album's release.
      Also they cancelled a huge Euro tour and went on hiatus without an explanation then popped up again a few months later for a US tour like nothing happened.
      Whatever though, I dig their music and their live show was great when I saw them. I also think they seem like chill guys.

    • @relentlessvomit4361
      @relentlessvomit4361 7 лет назад +33

      Todd jones is awesome man, I saw NAILS live not to long ago and he was super humble and expressed how he felt like it was a privilege for them to play there and thanked everyone for coming to see them.

    • @jaredfitzgerald6878
      @jaredfitzgerald6878 7 лет назад +28

      Dude agreed, when Nails played in Dallas he was literally outside on a bench chilling as soon as the doors opened. Had a small chat with him and he was seriously nice and extremely humble.

    • @ianlangille558
      @ianlangille558 7 лет назад +4

      Slicing Bones I'm glad I left the scene before people got PC / soft

    • @Nintendodo64
      @Nintendodo64 7 лет назад +8

      Slicing Bones if you're basing point 1 off that MetalSucks hitpiece then you're a fool. Hipsters/"PC" music fans LOVE Nails and that article was entirely off base and jumped to conclusions more than it made any actual points...
      Point 2 is solid though. That was a big piss take.

  • @666slateran666
    @666slateran666 7 лет назад +2

    great to see people finally being turned onto Pallbearer, their first two are doom metal classic but their latest effort and the "Fear and Fury EP" that contained the Type O negative and Dio Sabbath Cover! seen them three times so far and everytime they ascend and pogress their sound but retain that girthy low end. top 5 live doom bands easy

  • @Lucols4
    @Lucols4 7 лет назад +4

    Excellent picks. Dummy is such a fucking amazing record.

  • @matthews852
    @matthews852 4 года назад +2

    I don’t really like any of these ppl, or bands, but I’ll listen to it.

  • @doomvitus88
    @doomvitus88 7 лет назад

    random comment as all, but i did get to see pallbearer open for hour of 13 in ashville nc n man, live, they sounded like reverend bizarre. it was before they got big n whatnot but goddamn, what a killer show. if ya aint heard em, check em out but first check out hour of 13. cheers

  • @karstenvonfjellheim5321
    @karstenvonfjellheim5321 7 лет назад +3

    Sleigh Bells' "Rill Rill" has over 22million playbacks on Spotify?? And I've never heard of the band before now.

  • @creekandseminole
    @creekandseminole 6 месяцев назад

    The guitarist from Sleigh Bells used to be in Poison the Well back when they did their third album.

  • @sugarspun4216
    @sugarspun4216 4 года назад +3

    Portishead 👍 Bristols finest!

  • @steve.addams
    @steve.addams 2 года назад

    WOW! Thanks for "Exit Order" 🔥 never heard of them 🙆🏻‍♂️

  • @TheProphegy
    @TheProphegy 6 лет назад +5

    Dude this guy has my exact music taste.

  • @spoonerluv
    @spoonerluv 7 лет назад +1

    Pallbearer is love, Pallbearer is life.

  • @Dhieen
    @Dhieen 7 лет назад

    Johnny Thunders

  • @OtherMike5000
    @OtherMike5000 Год назад +1

    I LOVE his song *88 Lines About 44 Women*
    EPIC 80s!!

  • @sqrrlface
    @sqrrlface 7 лет назад

    Great pics and great shirt

  • @Bravesandmetalfan
    @Bravesandmetalfan 7 лет назад +1

    Love this band!!

  • @aidocore
    @aidocore 4 года назад

    Sleigh Bells guitarist is Derek Miller of Poison The Well. Just an FYI

  • @dewittsnyder4212
    @dewittsnyder4212 4 месяца назад +1

    “It was like I was in a nightmare. She had a really nice voice“

  • @baphomick
    @baphomick 7 лет назад +136

    Todd, it's not a man cave if your wife is allowed in.

  • @jasonhobbs1345
    @jasonhobbs1345 6 лет назад +1

    Portishead album is awesome

  • @VillageIdiotFs
    @VillageIdiotFs 5 лет назад

    Incindiary!! Hometown dudes right there. Great band.

  • @arefx
    @arefx 3 года назад +2

    That incendiary album slaps