None is born a Christian,a Christian is a person who has admitted their sin and yielded to Christ under the true conviction of their sin by the Holy Spirit, and repented wilfully allowing the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to wash and cleanse them.
Believing in a God is a religion by the own definition silly goose. The only problem is that you have nobody to guide you. Christ Himself gave us a body, the Church. You cannot be a group of one.
I'm not religious, But everytime i hear this song i'm brought back to my grandparents place. Where we all used to celebrate christmass together. And shed a tear. Christmass was the only time in the year that i would have to come to the international church with them.
😊❤One of my friends is a sikh(I am Christian) and we have so much in common regarding 'redemption/salvation.Loving-kindness exists in all religions,and I personally don't believe that anyone is condemned as long as they're a decent human being.Blessings❤
It is Aug 25th 2023 8:35 am finished taking the dogs to the park (all 3 of them) and I am now feeding them. The Holy Ghost is here and I am so grateful to have gone from inactivity to striving in the covenant I have made with the Lord. Hallelujah.
I felt the Savior's love and the opening of heaven's glory as the Tabernacle Choir perform the greatest songs of all time."The song of the Righteous is a prayer unto me".
I am a Roman Catholic but I was moved by The Mormon Tabernacle choir. Such a wonderful version! I closed my eyes and i see angels singing and adoring Jesus our Savior... God bless you!
thats the power of Christ working through this music. Remember even if there is no God, being a Christian means you have nothing to lose, but everything to gain if God exists. I personally believe he exists, I feel the Holy Spirt and it gives me a level of joy I cannot compare to anything else.
@@olivergreer3690he actually has nothing to lose giving the fact that there is only ONE God . Religions have many names for God but in the end its the same god
I was raised a Catholic. I no longer believe in religion. But I believe in the good inside people. This is a beautiful song. I hope our good can outweigh our bad. I do.
I hate to correct you but it's not ' the best things ' that will happen to you but ' THE BEST THING ' and that is ' JESUS THE CHRIST AND GOD ' May you all live in eternal peace and happiness with our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen
I have listened to choirs from all over the world. Most of them are very beautiful, but none of them compares to The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Like angels from Heaven.
You can see some of them are in tears due to the overwhelming spiritual feeling when singing/playing this song. God bless us all! Merry Christmas everyone!
It is an amazing experience to sing this piece in a large choir. Sometimes it feels like the angels are singing with us. I'm not with the Tabernacle Choir. We've sung it in an 80-voice Christmas Festival choir. It's truly moving.
This impressive musical performance also moves me to tears, as it is indeed emotionally powerful, whether one is religious or not. I was born and raised Roman 6 agnostic, and then later became atheist.
Songs like this brings tears to my eyes an you start wondering YY do we sin like we do I know were just human but we can at least try after all JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS FOR ALL OF US
Thank you The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙏 Thank you God for sending us Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😇 I ❤ Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remarcable performance, wow, what a huge inspiration fans, bravo bravo bravo, celebrating Jesus Christ as the one who gave his life for the humankind salvation, no matter of which religion or not faithful, Jesus Christ changed everybody's life on this planet and He is still doing it. His sacrifice was just enough, nobody must be crucifyed anymore for the human sake, that is the point friends, it's never enough to remind it
My dear brother you know why.. Bcz this is Jesus Christ Name. And eternal and universe 🌌 comfort in just only Jesus Christ Name. Power and power and peace and peace and His name above all name. Hope you understand when you abey Bible study in your life. 😇 God bless you. Love and Greetings from to Lahore Pakistan 🇵🇰
Religion has nothing to do when it comes to peace of mind! I am in love with Gospel and Carols since my childhood even I am a Hindu!! I wonder how come I did not find this treasure box before today... :)
😊❤We are all God's(or whatever deities creations) we are all loved and worthy,noone is beyond redemption or whatever any particular faith believes in.Just be decent human beings.Blessings❤
Thanks, @Copperhead Airsoft. We’re glad you appreciate the music. For more music from The Tabernacle Choir on Temple Square, you can visit their channel here: Merry Christmas!
I can't tell about that part of they making the best music, because I truly enjoy music from different denominations, creeds and religions. But Mormons do have one of the most wonderful choirs indeed! Have all a Merry Christmas!
This was my grandma’s favorite hymn. She passed on December 24th 2017. As Christmas draws nearer the pain gets more intense. I know she’s with her savior now. She’s with all our family that’s passed on to heaven. She believed whole heartedly in the plan of salvation. I stopped going to the lds church when I was 14. I’m 33 now. I have a strong desire to go back because I was raised Mormon and my father was a bishop. I know God is real I just haven’t had much reason to trust him.
Hi, thanks for your comment and for tuning in to the video. You are known and loved by our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, and you are always welcome to return to church! We encourage you to reach out to our Heavenly Father in prayer to share your hopes and fears, and to begin by seeking help from missionaries and your local church leaders. Although church meetings are temporarily cancelled due to COVID-19, you can request a virtual appointment from missionaries near you here: You are missed and loved, and we hope to see you soon!
We believe that when Jesus was on the earth, He established His Church. After the Savior's death and resurrection, Peter and other Church leaders were rejected and killed, and key teachings and priesthood authority were lost from the earth. Then, in 1820, God and Jesus called a new prophet named Joseph Smith to restore the Church and its true teachings. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ's restored Church. To learn more, check out this short video about the restoration:видео.html
i'm a christian and i recently find out about this church in particular. even if our ideologies might be slightly different (not in my eyes tho) we all adore jesus at the end of the day. may i wish a marry christmas to all the faithfulls of the latter day saints
I am a Christian. Ill pray the living God convicts your heart and you get saved before its too late. But most and definitely more important than my wish for your salvation is for HIS WILL be done.
I lost my job last year . I’m going through most . I listen to this song to convince myself all will be well and God will see my heart !!! . I pray for my healing I pray To God to walk with me in this trying times
I am catholic that grew up in a Mormon high school and I regularly bash my heads with Mormon theology but this…😢this I will thank my Mormon brethren for providing! Beautiful voices in the most beautiful season! Merry Christmas
I do not call myself religious in the common sense of it but I do believe that music like this can lift your heart up and wipe away all the hate in the world. This video never fails to make me cry of joy.
Don't know why I ended up on this video in September but I don't care, it is great anyway. In reply to you though, just wanted to say that I agree with you. Music is very powerful. Nothing truly unites people like music can. No matter if you are an atheist or theist, Conservative or Liberal, black, white, hispanic, or asian, differences can be forgotten for a little while at least by music. Personally I am an atheist but I think some of the best inspirational and soothing songs can be found in religious hymns. Even at Christmas I will listen to Christmas hymns. I don't believe in the subject but the songs are very glorious and calming.
LeaLikesIcecream I feel the same way. I had perfect attendance in choirs at the Covina CA Baptist church and I credit the hymns I learned for my faith and knowledge of God The Father. Also hymns speak peace to my soul. Lastly; “Do what is right, let the consequences follow “
We all know that this universe is created by God the Father and creator whose name. We can not part Him in our created religions. He's the almighty God and He loves us all. He's a trustworthy and loving You Lord 🙌🙏 Praise be to thy name!
This maybe the only thing that we can come together for.. Worshipping Christ our Lord. There maybe war and evil separating us but for this is us who are willing to gather together for Christ, we shall overcome everything.
I am moved by all the non-religious people here who are moved by this song. I pray they wonder why they are moved by this hymn. Christ lives and he speaks to us through all mediums.
@@SpanishEnthusiastt I'm an LDS member (Mormon: what people prefer to call Latter-day Saints), Jesus said to love one another, don't be homophobic, accept everyone. I hope your comment wasn't to offend the LGBT+ Community just because his/her flag is a rainbow flag.
I am muslim, this song brings tears to my eyes...I feel very spiritual listening to it...we all love the same god..different names and languages..same love..god bless u all, merry christmas! Do you beleive I listen to it in september already!
Jesus: " I proceeded forth came from God. John 8:42, John 16:27-28 Jesus: "When I am gone up, I will send to you the Spirit of Truth (Holyghost) which proceeds from the Father." John 15:26 GOD: The Father, The Word, The Holyghost MAN: The Body, The Soul, The Spirit. (3 in 1) *Beautiful rendition song. But it's sung by Mormons. They aren't really Christians. Full of heresies as with Catholics and Jehovah's witnesses.
Jesus: " I proceeded forth came from God. John 8:42, John 16:27-28 Jesus: "When I am gone up, I will send to you the Spirit of Truth (Holyghost) which proceeds from the Father." John 15:26 GOD: The Father, The Word, The Holyghost MAN: The Body, The Soul, The Spirit. (3 in 1) Jesus died for our sins and rose again showing himself to his apostles. Only by the sinless BLOOD OF JESUS you can be purified and qualified to enter Heaven. Confess your sins and Call on the Blood today. Be not deceived. He is the only way to Heaven.
In My Father’s House Are Many Rooms 1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God;a believe in Me as well. 2In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?b 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going.c” The Way, the Truth, and the Life 5“Lord,” said Thomas, “we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” The Commissioning of the Disciples 6Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.” Matthew 28:19-20Go, therefore,* and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.* And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” May the Almighty God lead you to Him.
Amen praise the lord and thank you Jesus! I may not have everything I want but I am so thankful for what I have and we will never go without as long as we trust in the in Jesus
This has always been my number 1 Christmas hymn. I'm sure a lot of us can say there's no need to look at a book to know those words. My daughter and I are having a rough holiday season in 2022 due to family losses - my father-in-law passed in July 2022 and my husband passed in October 2022. I feel peace whenever I listen to this. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2023.
Alicia, we're so sorry for your losses. We're glad to hear you find comfort in this song. We know comfort and healing can also come through prayer and by relying on Jesus Christ during our most difficult times.
😂This particular version of O Come All Yea Faithful holds a particularly wonderful and unusual poignant meaning to me. That holiday 2019, Christmas Eve I had no particular celebration to go to and thought to myself, I’d go home and make Turkey roulaude since it was just me. As I had left work, and the grocery store, I made my way to the last turn off from my house and driving towards me was my 82 year old cousin “Mary”‼️lol she said to me, “look don’t just go home and eat by yourself, everybody is coming to my house and I have cooked everything and cakes and pies too!!” I said, well ok!! 🤓 It was special since I’d never had Christmas with that part of my family before. It was great food and wonderful to see them. When I got ready to go and said my goodbyes, I felt strange like something was about to happen. As a Christian and prophet, I had posted a prophetic word about it. As I drove the 2 miles to my house into the night, I turned on NPR radio for the annual Christmas Presentation and playing was this rendition of O Come all yea faithful! I stopped the Car and cried! 👋🏾😭😭😭‼️As I raised holy hands to the Lord, I worshiped and he began to speak to my spirit man and said “It will be ok”! I did not realize that it was for the word I got that actually meant later in Feb 2020, it concerned COVID 19!, and Jan 2021 Concerning COVID 19 DELTA‼️both deadly 🦠 viruses. He showed me, STAY IN ME AND I WILL KEEP YOU IN PERFECT PEACE. That’s in his word. This most beautiful rendition reminds me of his love power and soon return. Worship the Lord‼️
Always loved this song. I havent felt the Christmas spirit in a few years. So thankful, once again i do. I mean the Gift of Jesus Christ to the world🙏😍🙏🌺
I woke up with this song in my heart and I must say, what an incredible performance. I’ve never really been a Christmas music fan but my heart resonates with it deeply. ✨🙏🏽
I dated a guy once that lived in Utah where there temple is and I visited him and his kids once and we went to servic an sitting listening to the choir in person was one of my biggest thrills
Christmas is not about one Church or another... Christmas is Christmas, and anyone who are pleased to call ourselves Christians, celebrate the same thing... Bless you all Christian Brothers
I am not perfect; I am not as faithful as I could be, I struggle with a lot of things, including matters with the church leadership. However, the Choir is something I have always and will always adore. One of my most cherished memories was listening to the Choir when President Hinkley was still on this Earth with my Great-Grandma Betty. Can't remember the songs during that broadcast, but that feeling is indescribable.
As 2021 ended, we have survived the fate that has been bothering us for the past 22 months, and many people were vaccinated twice between March & September 2021, we hope that you and your families have a very safe Merry Christmas, and the very best of luck in 2022!
I'm a ROman Catholic but this is one of the best version of this song. we are all christians by the way and we celebrate Jesus in all forms. I love this version
John John catholic, Protestant, Etc. It matters not which idea you subscribe to. The Messiah said whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life, no specification was given for ideology or religion (some thing that God hates).
Hallelujah 🙌🏻 Glory to God, praise the Lord Jesus Christ. ❤️ I'm a Gospel worshiper. And I would love to sing this song in Urdu language. God bless you all Christians in Jesus Christ Name.
i remember this song.when i was young we family was foor family.every single cristmas comeing we spend time sad. other naver hood family was looking happy. so i thinkd when i grown up i want a rich and help my family prayer to jejus .i love my mom my brothers my family.happy marry cristmas love my family.
This must be a sweet fragrance like incense rising to the throne of God. Who are we to sing to Him, we are not even Seraphs. He could've let the rocks sing to Him and yet He delights on us. Its December 6 and I am just crying on my bed. I just fathom how He delights on His beloved creation and here we are trying our very best to sing our deepest praises and adoration to His Son. Omnia pro gloria Domini
The best thing about Christmas is the music, in a world full of trouble when it seems hell has frozen over, let us fill our hearts with joy and embrace in our neighbors warmth. Troubles will be tomorrow and tomorrow's again, we are made fragil in its the eye of its storm but we are made strong and merry in the goodwill of our humanity and our family and all its diaspora.
I have no idea why but I just randomly felt like listening to this song and I don't regret my decision. This is honestly one of the most underrated religious Christmas songs imo. God bless y'all.
This song "O come, All Ye Faithful" teaches me and the whole world that Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and no any other. He did what no man can do. He did what no god can do. So, all ye that are faithful, come and let's adore Him. He is Christ; He's Lord. Let's crown Him; He's Christ. He's Lord. Are you faithful? If so then, let's join the happy congregation of the faithful to sing this sweet and spirit filled song. Amen! I love this song to a fault. Oh how I wish I am seeing Jesus physically when this song is being sung. Halleluya!
I was born Christian and when the day comes where I would walk beside Jesus then I will gladly do so
Amen. Amen. All glory be to God.
amen thank you jesus
None is born a Christian,a Christian is a person who has admitted their sin and yielded to Christ under the true conviction of their sin by the Holy Spirit, and repented wilfully allowing the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to wash and cleanse them.
Even though I follow no religion....I follow God in Jesus name ....and this music some how puts me in a safe place with my lord my God 😌
Believing in a God is a religion by the own definition silly goose. The only problem is that you have nobody to guide you. Christ Himself gave us a body, the Church. You cannot be a group of one.
😊 ❤My favourite carol of all time.May the Lord be with you.
I'm not religious, But everytime i hear this song i'm brought back to my grandparents place. Where we all used to celebrate christmass together. And shed a tear. Christmass was the only time in the year that i would have to come to the international church with them.
Thanks for sharing your memories of this song, @r v! Visitors are always welcome at our weekly and Christmas worship services. Take care!
I am a sikh and this moved me. The power of human spirit in abundance singing here.
😊❤One of my friends is a sikh(I am Christian) and we have so much in common regarding 'redemption/salvation.Loving-kindness exists in all religions,and I personally don't believe that anyone is condemned as long as they're a decent human being.Blessings❤
I am a muslim, but I do really enjoyed to listen to this many many times. Merry Christmas everyone!
I think it's wonderful how music connects people from different cultures and religions. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too!
@@natekeeley1706 Wishing you and your family health, happiness, peace and prosperity this Christmas and in the coming New Year 😊
Merry X'MaS bro 🎅🌲
Music connects us all. Merry Christmas to you too!
Merry Christmas to you too.
Peace and joy be with us all.
Im not christian, but you have to admit, the Christians have some of the most beautiful songs.
It is Aug 25th 2023 8:35 am finished taking the dogs to the park (all 3 of them) and I am now feeding them. The Holy Ghost is here and I am so grateful to have gone from inactivity to striving in the covenant I have made with the Lord. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah indeed! Welcome back brother!!
I am a follower of Christ. Our true creator God will always be my father, no mather what onybody does, believes or things.
Merry Christmas December 2024. This hymn gives me goose bumps!
I felt the Savior's love and the opening of heaven's glory as the Tabernacle Choir perform the greatest songs of all time."The song of the Righteous is a prayer unto me".
Who's enjoying this just like me here in 🇬🇭
I am a Roman Catholic but I was moved by The Mormon Tabernacle choir. Such a wonderful version! I closed my eyes and i see angels singing and adoring Jesus our Savior... God bless you!
Amen brother
Humans can be so unbelievably passionate sometimes, i’m not christian but as a musician i can’t help but falling in love with this
thats the power of Christ working through this music. Remember even if there is no God, being a Christian means you have nothing to lose, but everything to gain if God exists. I personally believe he exists, I feel the Holy Spirt and it gives me a level of joy I cannot compare to anything else.
@@SuperPro0910you've got a lot to lose if one of the other hundreds of gods who wouldn't be very happy with you choosing the wrong one exists.
@@olivergreer3690he actually has nothing to lose giving the fact that there is only ONE God . Religions have many names for God but in the end its the same god
I was raised a Catholic. I no longer believe in religion. But I believe in the good inside people. This is a beautiful song. I hope our good can outweigh our bad. I do.
Jesus loves you
Merry Christmas
to all the people who’s listening this in 2020.. the best things will happen to you!!
I hate to correct you but it's not ' the best things ' that will happen to you
and that is ' JESUS THE CHRIST AND GOD '
May you all live in eternal peace and happiness with our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
God bless y'all
Amen peace be with you
I'm not Christian but I respect Christ the Lord and his wonderful supporters. This music is gold.
Beautiful music festiv an hart warming I don’t believe in god but the power of music an nature hope you have a jolly holly Christmas if possible
@@tonyflay4464 thank you, Tony. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas too.
God bless you brother. Wishing you the highest blessings in this fallen world
You feel it for a reason! ❤
I was raised Catholic and this was the song they played before every service, so it holds a certain place to me. :)
I have listened to choirs from all over the world. Most of them are very beautiful, but none of them compares to The Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Like angels from Heaven.
You can see some of them are in tears due to the overwhelming spiritual feeling when singing/playing this song. God bless us all! Merry Christmas everyone!
It is an amazing experience to sing this piece in a large choir. Sometimes it feels like the angels are singing with us. I'm not with the Tabernacle Choir. We've sung it in an 80-voice Christmas Festival choir. It's truly moving.
I'm listening to this on the bus and it makes me tear up. Such beauty
This impressive musical performance also moves me to tears, as it is indeed emotionally powerful, whether one is religious or not. I was born and raised Roman 6 agnostic, and then later became atheist.
This is real Christmas music. People who truly understand what Christmas is about will also realize that.
yes exactly dear..
Michael Dugan nice
Michael Dugan thanks for clearing that up. 😂
Songs like this brings tears to my eyes an you start wondering YY do we sin like we do I know were just human but we can at least try after all JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS FOR ALL OF US
Thank you The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙏 Thank you God for sending us Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😇 I ❤ Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. A truly impressive, emotionally powerful, beautiful performance of a great Christmas song!
I'm literally crying rn, i love god so much it makes me emotional everytime i think of him or the crucifixion
Remarcable performance, wow, what a huge inspiration fans, bravo bravo bravo, celebrating Jesus Christ as the one who gave his life for the humankind salvation, no matter of which religion or not faithful, Jesus Christ changed everybody's life on this planet and He is still doing it. His sacrifice was just enough, nobody must be crucifyed anymore for the human sake, that is the point friends, it's never enough to remind it
I have no idea why that was so relaxing listening to a million times.
This song is my childhood nostalgic
i can’t get enough of it either
It’s the Holy Spirit. Get into it. Stay blessed.
I sure it was all our favourite song an holds lots of memories for us all x
My dear brother you know why.. Bcz this is Jesus Christ Name. And eternal and universe 🌌 comfort in just only Jesus Christ Name. Power and power and peace and peace and His name above all name. Hope you understand when you abey Bible study in your life. 😇 God bless you. Love and Greetings from to Lahore Pakistan 🇵🇰
Religion has nothing to do when it comes to peace of mind! I am in love with Gospel and Carols since my childhood even I am a Hindu!! I wonder how come I did not find this treasure box before today... :)
😊❤We are all God's(or whatever deities creations) we are all loved and worthy,noone is beyond redemption or whatever any particular faith believes in.Just be decent human beings.Blessings❤
I love this song because the Holy Spirit likes to sing it and I just listen to Him ❤ Such a beautiful song to honor our Savior Jesus Christ
Imagine singing in heaven like this in the presence of the LORD JESUS CHRIST ❤️
🙏Great will be the day!
Absolutely Heavenly. Chills and tears. Merry Christmas!
I’m a Roman Catholic and I think that Mormons make the best music
Thanks, @Copperhead Airsoft. We’re glad you appreciate the music. For more music from The Tabernacle Choir on Temple Square, you can visit their channel here: Merry Christmas!
Really not, the catholic church have the Gregorian Chant, this is music of de heaven, and this musical piece is the "Adeste Fideles",
Thats Christmas spirit, not these Santa Claus Party thing with Reindeer or Rock n Roll garbage
Its not their Original Hymn tho
I can't tell about that part of they making the best music, because I truly enjoy music from different denominations, creeds and religions. But Mormons do have one of the most wonderful choirs indeed! Have all a Merry Christmas!
This song always makes me cry
I don't care what religion you are but this has to be the most beautiful sounding choir I have ever heard. Merry Christmas everyone!
I'm Roman catholic. But that was beautiful. I wish more of my fellow catholics had a stronger love for God
I am a buddhist but I love Jesus.
Excellent. Coming from the greatest Church Choir on earth.
As kids we sung this in our public school Christmas show in 1982. It was a beautiful song to me then because it made me believe that Christ was born.
Everyone listening attentively , enjoying
the carols sung by the choir.Thank you!!!❤
This was my grandma’s favorite hymn. She passed on December 24th 2017. As Christmas draws nearer the pain gets more intense. I know she’s with her savior now. She’s with all our family that’s passed on to heaven. She believed whole heartedly in the plan of salvation. I stopped going to the lds church when I was 14. I’m 33 now. I have a strong desire to go back because I was raised Mormon and my father was a bishop. I know God is real I just haven’t had much reason to trust him.
Hi, thanks for your comment and for tuning in to the video. You are known and loved by our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ, and you are always welcome to return to church! We encourage you to reach out to our Heavenly Father in prayer to share your hopes and fears, and to begin by seeking help from missionaries and your local church leaders. Although church meetings are temporarily cancelled due to COVID-19, you can request a virtual appointment from missionaries near you here: You are missed and loved, and we hope to see you soon!
I'm proud to be a member of the Restored Church of the Lord Jesus Christ!♥️
Restored church?
We believe that when Jesus was on the earth, He established His Church. After the Savior's death and resurrection, Peter and other Church leaders were rejected and killed, and key teachings and priesthood authority were lost from the earth. Then, in 1820, God and Jesus called a new prophet named Joseph Smith to restore the Church and its true teachings. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ's restored Church. To learn more, check out this short video about the restoration:видео.html
Most sounding and beautiful--enjoying the Christmas carols.Thank you!!❤
If this is what heaven is going to sound like, I definitely want to go there, Amazing!!
You might end up on the other one 😂
i'm a christian and i recently find out about this church in particular. even if our ideologies might be slightly different (not in my eyes tho) we all adore jesus at the end of the day. may i wish a marry christmas to all the faithfulls of the latter day saints
Right back at you! ❤️
Thank you for your comment, @simonepapasidero9741. We wish you a Merry Christmas as well and hope that the light of Christ brings you peace and joy.
Merry Christmas Simone!
Thank you for raising these tender hearts to know Christ. thank you for the beautiful singing. Merry Christmas Maranatha
I'm not Christian, but this is one of the most beautiful things on RUclips without a doubt.
exactly I have to follow your suit
glad you enjoyed it!
I am a Christian. Ill pray the living God convicts your heart and you get saved before its too late. But most and definitely more important than my wish for your salvation is for HIS WILL be done.
@@sarahburggraf907 I'm a Christian but I think it's funny everyone has to announce that they are Christian
You're not Christian? Neither is the choir singing the song. They sure can sing, though - I'll give them that.
I lost my job last year . I’m going through most . I listen to this song to convince myself all will be well and God will see my heart !!! . I pray for my healing I pray To God to walk with me in this trying times
I am catholic that grew up in a Mormon high school and I regularly bash my heads with Mormon theology but this…😢this I will thank my Mormon brethren for providing! Beautiful voices in the most beautiful season! Merry Christmas
I do not call myself religious in the common sense of it but I do believe that music like this can lift your heart up and wipe away all the hate in the world. This video never fails to make me cry of joy.
Don't know why I ended up on this video in September but I don't care, it is great anyway. In reply to you though, just wanted to say that I agree with you.
Music is very powerful. Nothing truly unites people like music can. No matter if you are an atheist or theist, Conservative or Liberal, black, white, hispanic, or asian, differences can be forgotten for a little while at least by music.
Personally I am an atheist but I think some of the best inspirational and soothing songs can be found in religious hymns. Even at Christmas I will listen to Christmas hymns. I don't believe in the subject but the songs are very glorious and calming.
I feel the same way. I had perfect attendance in choirs at the Covina CA Baptist church and I credit the hymns I learned for my faith and knowledge of God The Father.
Also hymns speak peace to my soul.
Lastly; “Do what is right, let the consequences follow “
I don’t think there was any need to mention your religious views. Just enjoy the video.
I so agree!!!
@@Engineer9736 Why? Loads of people here are commenting their religious beliefs. Why can't s/he?
Absolutely stunning and moving.
If only RUclips gave heart like button just like facebook ♥ ♥ ♥ Stay blessed brother
Accept Jesus bro
Ask him and he gave you a sign...ask with faith..
God will bless you!
Woh! Anyone just ask to accept jesus when infact he looks like him already.. Hahah
We all know that this universe is created by God the Father and creator whose name. We can not part Him in our created religions. He's the almighty God and He loves us all. He's a trustworthy and loving You Lord 🙌🙏 Praise be to thy name!
Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords every knee will bow one day
This maybe the only thing that we can come together for.. Worshipping Christ our Lord. There maybe war and evil separating us but for this is us who are willing to gather together for Christ, we shall overcome everything.
I am moved by all the non-religious people here who are moved by this song. I pray they wonder why they are moved by this hymn. Christ lives and he speaks to us through all mediums.
I too am non religious but I give this performance a mark of 11 out of 10!.
Felt like I was being welcomed into heaven
Me too friend.from RSA.
It will be much more Majestic and Beautiful to see our Lord in Heaven!❤
My friend, you are
You don't have to be Christian to appreciate the beauty of music
Is that flag a joke or not on your pfp
@@SpanishEnthusiastt I'm an LDS member (Mormon: what people prefer to call Latter-day Saints), Jesus said to love one another, don't be homophobic, accept everyone. I hope your comment wasn't to offend the LGBT+ Community just because his/her flag is a rainbow flag.
@@SpanishEnthusiastt Is yours?
It's magnificent🥺💖 Enough to make a grown man cry.
I am muslim, this song brings tears to my eyes...I feel very spiritual listening to it...we all love the same god..different names and languages..same love..god bless u all, merry christmas! Do you beleive I listen to it in september already!
@peace merry Christmas to u my friend ❤️
Merry Christmas 🎅
Jesus: " I proceeded forth came from God. John 8:42, John 16:27-28
Jesus: "When I am gone up, I will send to you the Spirit of Truth (Holyghost) which proceeds from the Father." John 15:26
GOD: The Father, The Word, The Holyghost
MAN: The Body, The Soul, The Spirit. (3 in 1)
*Beautiful rendition song. But it's sung by Mormons. They aren't really Christians.
Full of heresies as with Catholics and Jehovah's witnesses.
Jesus loves you!
awwww please give Jesus a chance and He will make your life beautiful 💗💖💖💗
I am a Buddhist but i like to listen to the Christmas songs very much, christmas songs are very beautiful to make me happy and also respect to Jesus.
Jesus: " I proceeded forth came from God. John 8:42, John 16:27-28
Jesus: "When I am gone up, I will send to you the Spirit of Truth (Holyghost) which proceeds from the Father." John 15:26
GOD: The Father, The Word, The Holyghost
MAN: The Body, The Soul, The Spirit. (3 in 1)
Jesus died for our sins and rose again showing himself to his apostles.
Only by the sinless BLOOD OF JESUS you can be purified and qualified to enter Heaven. Confess your sins and Call on the Blood today. Be not deceived. He is the only way to Heaven.
In My Father’s House Are Many Rooms
1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God;a believe in Me as well. 2In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?b 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going.c”
The Way, the Truth, and the Life
5“Lord,” said Thomas, “we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way?”
The Commissioning of the Disciples
6Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. 7If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”
Matthew 28:19-20Go, therefore,* and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.* And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”
May the Almighty God lead you to Him.
All this for christ birth! It is indeed glorious! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas 🎄
I'm a moslem and my father was a christian who comes from a Catholic family. I really enjoy listening this song
Thank you for you respect for our religious
Isn't it beautiful...
Love it. A lot. One of the very few good things that religion has ever done was inspiring composeres, musicians and artists.
It's December 1, 2022 have a great and peaceful Christmas everybody-as we remember and commemorate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Hey Aaron.
Merry Christmas In advance.
Amen praise the lord and thank you Jesus! I may not have everything I want but I am so thankful for what I have and we will never go without as long as we trust in the in Jesus
Merry Christmas and bless you
You too Merry Christmas
This has always been my number 1 Christmas hymn. I'm sure a lot of us can say there's no need to look at a book to know those words. My daughter and I are having a rough holiday season in 2022 due to family losses - my father-in-law passed in July 2022 and my husband passed in October 2022. I feel peace whenever I listen to this. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a blessed 2023.
Alicia, we're so sorry for your losses. We're glad to hear you find comfort in this song. We know comfort and healing can also come through prayer and by relying on Jesus Christ during our most difficult times.
Merry Christmas 2024
Thank You ❤
As a secular Sunni Muslim myself, I wish the entire Christians of any kind a very Merry Christmas.
Trima kasih .Amin
Happy 500 Years of Christianity here in our country Philippines!! Christmas is near approaching🥰🥰🥰
God bless you and the Philippines!! Wishing you a great Christmas my brother
Merry Christmas season :)
😂This particular version of O Come All Yea Faithful holds a particularly wonderful and unusual poignant meaning to me. That holiday 2019, Christmas Eve I had no particular celebration to go to and thought to myself, I’d go home and make Turkey roulaude since it was just me. As I had left work, and the grocery store, I made my way to the last turn off from my house and driving towards me was my 82 year old cousin “Mary”‼️lol she said to me, “look don’t just go home and eat by yourself, everybody is coming to my house and I have cooked everything and cakes and pies too!!” I said, well ok!! 🤓 It was special since I’d never had Christmas with that part of my family before. It was great food and wonderful to see them. When I got ready to go and said my goodbyes, I felt strange like something was about to happen. As a Christian and prophet, I had posted a prophetic word about it. As I drove the 2 miles to my house into the night, I turned on NPR radio for the annual Christmas Presentation and playing was this rendition of O Come all yea faithful! I stopped the Car and cried! 👋🏾😭😭😭‼️As I raised holy hands to the Lord, I worshiped and he began to speak to my spirit man and said “It will be ok”! I did not realize that it was for the word I got that actually meant later in Feb 2020, it concerned COVID 19!, and Jan 2021 Concerning COVID 19 DELTA‼️both deadly 🦠 viruses. He showed me, STAY IN ME AND I WILL KEEP YOU IN PERFECT PEACE. That’s in his word. This most beautiful rendition reminds me of his love power and soon return. Worship the Lord‼️
Say what you want about Mormons, but this choir has always been the gold standard.
Agreed 💯
Christs standard
Sorry for my bad English in advance. I was close to tears listening to this.
i listen to this every year. Still is awesome as ever.
What a great choir. I too.
Us christians and other religious persons love listening to a beautiful harmony of voices and the power that comes thru voice.
Always loved this song. I havent felt the Christmas spirit in a few years. So thankful, once again i do. I mean the Gift of Jesus Christ to the world🙏😍🙏🌺
I woke up with this song in my heart and I must say, what an incredible performance. I’ve never really been a Christmas music fan but my heart resonates with it deeply. ✨🙏🏽
“Son of the Father, now in flesh appearing”… chills every time!
I dated a guy once that lived in Utah where there temple is and I visited him and his kids once and we went to servic an sitting listening to the choir in person was one of my biggest thrills
Simply beautiful....Merry Christmas to everyone in 2019...
Grazie di cuore e a tutti voi PACE E BENE
Merry Christmas! ❤️✝️❤️
You too kevin... You too😁
Christmas is not about one Church or another... Christmas is Christmas, and anyone who are pleased to call ourselves Christians, celebrate the same thing... Bless you all Christian Brothers
I am not perfect; I am not as faithful as I could be, I struggle with a lot of things, including matters with the church leadership. However, the Choir is something I have always and will always adore. One of my most cherished memories was listening to the Choir when President Hinkley was still on this Earth with my Great-Grandma Betty. Can't remember the songs during that broadcast, but that feeling is indescribable.
Atheist here. This song is a banger. Can't argue with great music. This choir nails it. (No pun intended.)
Thanks. Perfect tonic for the soul.
Another random day in May. Find the need to come here again. Makes me feel better again.
It's Christmas eve where I am and all the candles are lit. Peace and blessings to everyone in the world.
I was raised Catholic but I’m not a religious person nowadays. However, I think this kind of stuff is absolutely beautiful
This gave me goose bumps amazing
I wish i could be that devoted as these people are.., its like you can see the holy spirit at work here and fill their hearts with joy..
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year in 2028!
As 2021 ended, we have survived the fate that has been bothering us for the past 22 months, and many people were vaccinated twice between March & September 2021, we hope that you and your families have a very safe Merry Christmas, and the very best of luck in 2022!
I'm a ROman Catholic but this is one of the best version of this song. we are all christians by the way and we celebrate Jesus in all forms. I love this version
John John catholic, Protestant, Etc. It matters not which idea you subscribe to. The Messiah said whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life, no specification was given for ideology or religion (some thing that God hates).
There is truth and beauty in every branch of Christianity.
Ha got you I’m not a Christian! You been played how do you feel?
I believe in the FSM, has I am a Pastafarian.
The Holy Trinity is not about religion but about FAITH.
A Very Happy Christmas, God Bless us all, especially the ones who are being persecuted in the name of Lord.
Hallelujah 🙌🏻 Glory to God, praise the Lord Jesus Christ. ❤️ I'm a Gospel worshiper. And I would love to sing this song in Urdu language. God bless you all Christians in Jesus Christ Name.
Hey brother God bless you!
I don't believe Mormons have the true gospel as taught in the Bible but I do love my Mormon friends and this choir does a beautiful job!
Jesus Christ is the truth and the life. Peace be with you all 🇺🇸✝️🕊️☃️🎄❄️
❤Jesus is the way,the truth and the light,noone comes to The Father except through me😊
Jesus is the Reason for the Season - the Bread of Life - A Savior is Born!✝️🙏✝️
i remember this song.when i was young we family was foor family.every single cristmas comeing we spend time sad. other naver hood family was looking happy. so i thinkd when i grown up i want a rich and help my family prayer to jejus .i love my mom my brothers my family.happy marry cristmas love my family.
God bless you n tour family brother
God bless bro,You can do it,just Pray to the God
Ask you, with absolute faith, and you shall receive it
Wow.. so grand.. I love it so much.. this carols had blessed me.. God is so great 🙏❤️
I finally found the best version of my favorite Christmas song
This must be a sweet fragrance like incense rising to the throne of God. Who are we to sing to Him, we are not even Seraphs. He could've let the rocks sing to Him and yet He delights on us. Its December 6 and I am just crying on my bed. I just fathom how He delights on His beloved creation and here we are trying our very best to sing our deepest praises and adoration to His Son.
Omnia pro gloria Domini
It seems that the Angels in heaven are singing calling for a peaceful and loving season.
The best thing about Christmas is the music, in a world full of trouble when it seems hell has frozen over, let us fill our hearts with joy and embrace in our neighbors warmth. Troubles will be tomorrow and tomorrow's again, we are made fragil in its the eye of its storm but we are made strong and merry in the goodwill of our humanity and our family and all its diaspora.
I have no idea why but I just randomly felt like listening to this song and I don't regret my decision. This is honestly one of the most underrated religious Christmas songs imo. God bless y'all.
❤❤❤Thank you Jesus! This song is beautiful Christian! I never looked at Joseph’s perspective before. What faith he had! God bless your ministry.
그리스도로 오신 예수님을 찬양합니다. 메리 크리스마스
If youre mormon, catholic protestant as long as the lord Jesus you kmow him are a part of him is what matters
Imagine just imagine entering heaven and hear the choir 😥
This song "O come, All Ye Faithful" teaches me and the whole world that Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and no any other. He did what no man can do. He did what no god can do. So, all ye that are faithful, come and let's adore Him. He is Christ; He's Lord. Let's crown Him; He's Christ. He's Lord. Are you faithful? If so then, let's join the happy congregation of the faithful to sing this sweet and spirit filled song. Amen! I love this song to a fault. Oh how I wish I am seeing Jesus physically when this song is being sung. Halleluya!