I was in a cult & I didn't know it | Escaping Shincheonji (SCJ)

  • Опубликовано: 13 окт 2024
  • There's a cult in Cape Town? In this video, I share my experience with Shincheonji and how I was recruited into this cult. They are known to be deceptive in their recruitment methods. From lying to you, to encouraging you to lie to your friends and family, to gaslighting when you seemingly go against their extremely works-based faith... this is just the beginning.
    Shincheonji was founded in 1984 by Lee Man-Hee, a man who claims to be the only one who has the gift and ability to correctly interpret the Bible. He also claims that salvation is found through faith in him rather than in Jesus Christ. Prior to establishing SCJ, Lee Man-Hee was part of another cult called the Olive Tree Movement.
    Some extra resources:
    "What is Shincheonji? Is it a cult?" www.gotquestio...
    “They seemed so genuine”: How one woman fell into the trap of alleged Singapore chapter of Shincheonji" saltandlight.s...
    "I think I’ve accidentally joined a cult" www.abc.net.au...
    / shincheonji
    Cape Town ex-Member video: • My Cape Town cult stor...

Комментарии • 191

  • @mosamaloka5961
    @mosamaloka5961 5 месяцев назад +3

    I'm yet to watch the video but I'm still shaken by the fact that I ALMOST fell for this! I was 2lessons in and when I told my mom I'll be attending their Sunday classes (Bible Study), she insisted I research it and... I'm grateful that you and other's are genuinely sharing your experiences because things could've easily gone South for me as well. I was approached on by one of the ladies on LinkedIn. Thank you! Now let me get back to the video.

  • @waynevanderberg153
    @waynevanderberg153 6 месяцев назад +8

    Thank you! I was in for 2 months. It's going by the name Equipped now. You had to do 9 one on one sessions with a leader and then you start with in-person group classes. The group classes had lots of people attending. There were probably 50 of us in a big meeting hall venue. Ironically enough it was the class they did on discernment where I realised that a lot of things they were saying did not sit well with me. I never went back. Praying for the friends that I made there that God opens their eyes to the truth🙏

    • @tsieellen2071
      @tsieellen2071 3 месяца назад

      I also just left a month or so ago.

  • @iprefertoremainanonymous8611
    @iprefertoremainanonymous8611 2 года назад +49

    Part 2 of 2
    I belonged to the Port Elizabeth church and we travelled to Cape Town end of March 2015 when Mr Man Hee Lee (or Seonsaengnim as referred to) as well as the apostle of the Phillip branch who we fell under since we were the Phillip(of the 12 disciples) branch when they came to South Africa. I remember sitting in the 2nd row the day of the service and I was so tired because so much preparation had to be done for his arrival such as practicing doing dance routine to welcoming him at the airport, run like a mad person at the airport after him and all the prep we had to do for the service, all this while having to pretend to have positive energy. The next day in the service, I had to sit upright and smile whole service and shout "amen" at the top my lounges, consistently. I hated that experience so much, it just didn't feel right. I remember asking James after the service if there wasn't a way I could go home. I have family in Cape Town and wanted to contact them so I could go home but my request was met with rebuke. I was asked how I could make such a request that when I just received the water of life directly from the One who Overcame, New John. I was just so sleep deprived since we didn't sleep since arriving in Cape Town the day before.
    At the end of 2015 I had exams and I really wanted to focus of them since my time at SCJ had a negative impact on my academic progress but I can tell you that period was the least focused I could possibly have been. I started missing services and activities and the harassment began. They started coming to my house unannounced. I stayed with my dad at the time and he started asking questions like who are these faces are that I've never mentioned or introduced to him, as you know in black homes, especially religious ones, parents want to see who your friends are. I fell ill because the anxiety was killing me, resulting in me missing an exam and I was starting to lose my hair the way I was stressed. The tipping point for me was when I got a call from Ziggy, who was one of the main guys in Port Elizabeth at the time. I was busy studying and I don't know why I took his call since I usually don't answer my phone while studying. He started the call all friendly and concerned, telling me he's happy to hear that I've recovered and he hopes my studies are going well. Then he changed the subject and the tone of voice as he changed the subject was one of the most chilling things and most difficult things to forget. He asked me if he could read me a scripture which I agreed to. I can't remember exactly what scripture it was but it was regards to those that don't make the 144000. Then he asked me what do I think will happen to me if I don't attend services, activities, etc. implying all those things he read was going to happen to me. I was so shocked and I remember telling him that it's really not a good time to speak because my mind was consumed with studies. I think that response triggered him and he started going off at me with scriptures and demanding I say which side I belong to (good seed/bad seed). I didn't respond and he switched the phone off in my ear. I was so shaken and that I struggled to study further. They would continue call me from different numbers and privates numbers since I didn't answer their calls and messages.
    Holidays arrived and my varsity friends which I became close with throughout the year invited me to go with them on holiday. I was so anxious during that time because it was holiday and it would've become incredibly difficult to hide what I was involved in from my family since university was my cover for where I've been disappearing to and was the only way get my dad's car. I decided to go on the holiday with my friends which was one of the most incredible getaways I've had. This wasn't received well by them but for the first time in my life I put my foot down and did something for myself. I felt my age again (21 at the time), young and refreshed and it gave me time to reflect on what I was involved in and whether it was a cult on not. I decided that I wouldn't go back and YOOOH I can't explain the fear and anxiety I went through. Every time something went wrong in my life, I was like, Ooooh, the Lord is punishing me for leaving.
    2015 was probably the most difficult year of my life, and I still say that after years like 2020 and 2021 happened. 2016 came and until this day I regard it as the best year of my life. Not only did I feel liberated, but the religious chains that I was bound by, both through Shincheonji and the Pentecostal church was broken. I started genuinely enjoying and appreciating my life. I started being open to experiences, I mingled with people outside of the religious environment and made all kinds of friends, nationally and internationally. As much as the Shincheonji experience was a horrid experience, it changed my mindset about religion. Even growing up Pentecostal, which is considered radical, they are very judgmental to other Christian denominations. We strongly believed in being filled with the Spirit which many denominations don't preach and practice. Even the way we do praise and worship is different compared to those that say, sing from a hymn book.
    I think the word that was being preached at SCJ was good but it came with a catch and the emotional manipulation and how they trap you using the word, in my eyes don't make them distinctive from what I grew up with religiously. When I visit my old church, I just feel so disconnected and I cannot receive the word the way I used to. I wouldn't say I'm atheist but I'm just done with religion. I believe there is a God because to me, the Big Bang Theory is an even more absurd idea then the possibility of there being a God. I still have dreams about the anxiety I experienced during Shincheonji days. I haven't spoken to anyone about this ever and I plan on seeing a psychologist or therapy for my experience because as I typed this message I had to relive all the pain and negative emotions that I've been avoiding.
    My advice to anyone reading this, NEVER EVER stop asking questions and don't just believe anything, no matter how good it might sound. Be open to learn but don't allow anyone to indoctrinate you with their beliefs unless you can positively say that's the truth. Always trust your intuition. Cherish each moment with family and loved ones. And finally, you don't need a religion to be a good person and to be a productive member of society.

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +8

      Hey! Thanks so much for taking the time out to share your experience. It really gives so much insight for people who are wondering what is this all about. It does take a lot to sort of take your life after an experience like this, especially if you’re part of that organisation for a while. Glad you made it out. You can connect with me on my insta. Feel free to message me

    • @hoodangel99
      @hoodangel99 Год назад +3

      Thank you I just left this week and this is exactly what I needed to hear especially since my mom and stepdad or making me feel guilty for leaving

    • @oliverborlagdatan3516
      @oliverborlagdatan3516 Год назад +1

      Our enemy will always make a away to be disconnected from God. Hope you all can overcome the lies, from the enemy.

    • @GustavoRivasMendez
      @GustavoRivasMendez 11 месяцев назад +3

      The bible warns us about these situations. It also tells us that when Jesus does come back, it will be not in secret, but in such power that it will be as evident as a lightning covering the whole sky:
      "Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect. Behold, I have told you in advance. So if they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go out, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe them. For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be." Matthew 24:23-27
      Hold fast to the knowledge that God exists, that Jesus resurrected, and that God is good and therefore doesn't lie. As such, you can trust that Jesus alone has authority for truth, and you can thus hold fast to and trust what is said about Him in the bible. That is what you must trust in: the bible. If you have doubts about how much you can trust the bible though, I urge you to seek answers. Unlike cults, real Christianity is not afraid of questions and doubts. If your church is, that is not a good sign of your church. Seek and you shall find! Trust God and his word alone, because men will always disappoint, and you never know when you will encounter a wolf in sheep's clothing.

    • @bonolob2596
      @bonolob2596 8 месяцев назад +4

      Yohhhh I’m part of the Bible study and I’m only seeing these “cult” videos now after 6 months, I relate to a lot that’s being mentioned 😔😔 I’m so sad

  • @GuardedHeartsInChrist
    @GuardedHeartsInChrist 2 года назад +54

    The Lies and Deception are Real!!! I'm glad you got out of there! Just like you, I'm trying to create awareness. Their doctrine is so dangerous to one's faith as believers. I was also in there and so thankful to God for bringing me out. Still praying for those who are still there, for them to be aware and come out. Thank you so much for sharing your story!

    • @rdo4609
      @rdo4609 2 года назад +1

      Im currently on it..and now having second thought aside from feeling something strange that i dont understand.

    • @UniteAgainstEvil
      @UniteAgainstEvil Год назад +1

      @@rdo4609 friend, please leave immediately.. try to screen shot the names of those in the class so you can message them later and warn them

  • @iprefertoremainanonymous8611
    @iprefertoremainanonymous8611 2 года назад +54

    PART 1 of 2
    I created this anonymous RUclips account because of the anxiety I still have from that experience. I've been trying to speak about it more and see other people's experience of it. It's been over 6 years since I've left but SCJ definitely left a mark in my life.
    In 2014, my parents were going through a divorce, they just split and moved into separate houses and it was probably one of the lowest points of my life. I felt so alone and heartbroken and I looked for refuge in my church as well as praise and worship. I didn't fit into social groups at my church at the time so I was very lonely and I started making varsity friends but we weren't close yet then. One day in the university library, I did a short prayer asking the Lord to help me grow closer to Him and send help, little did I know that the same prayer that would keep would get me involved in SCJ. When I left the library(Oct/Nov 2014), I bumped into this really pretty and friendly girl named Lerato. She asked me if I was Christian and if I'd be interested in joining a bible study with her for which I agreed on. I felt in that moment that the Lord was answering my prayer. I started having one of one session with a guy named Simon. He was a really nice guy, he was always reaching out to me and regularly took me out for lunch and this meant a lot to me at the time.
    When I went for the interview to join the bible study, that was the first time my gut feeling was against it. I was interviewed by a guy named James, who was very eager but there was just something about his eyes and aura that made me uneasy. In the interview they were very intent on letting me know that they're looking for people who are hungry to learn, which I was but I also wanted to know what I was getting myself into, then already they were very dismissive of my 10 thousand questions and told me to attend to find out. Also, they gave me Jehovah Witness vibes since they all wore black and white in the middle of the day and the lady wore white, which I later found out was the "heavenly attire". Our first few classes were done by a Korean guy named Joshua, I think. As I mentioned, I've got an inquisitive personality trait and as we got to the section about the scripture about the fisherman and the boat, and I remember being told something like God keeps the good fish on the boat and bad fish gets tossed back into the sea. So us leaving is the bible study is not our own doing, but simply God tossing out the bad fish. I also remember being told that the fish that wiggles and resists these preaching's are bad fish and will get tossed back into the sea(which is the world until they later taught us it's Christianity). I started realizing that this was theme of many of the classes when the parables were being reveled to us, especially when it was started being revealed who the one is who overcomes (Mr. Man Hee Lee). I stop questioning things because I didn't want to be "bad seed" and I wanted to be part of the 144000.
    Eventually our class was introduced into SCJ (Passed over - New Heaven, New Earth) and they had a massive service for us newcomers. I can remember how overwhelmed I felt that day. Everyone was so hyped and happy which is the opposite of my timid nature and everything was Korean cultured which also was quite a culture shock. I continued on but things in my personal life were unbearably difficult plus the demands of being part of Shincheonji was incredibly stressful. I was studying at the time (BSc degree). Due of my parents divorce a lot of responsibilities fell on my shoulders. The demands from Shincheonji were also insane, you are required to be involved in everything, and since I drove my dad's car I had to drop off people late at night after the midweek services or events, participate in funding raises, walks on campus trying to get people to join us and studying for the tests that you need to write in order to pass over(We graduated/passed over before completing our classes because we had to prepare for Mr Man Hee Lee's arrival is Cape Town in March 2015). Things were said to me like, because of the sacrifice and because I'm being martyred like those that were martyred to spread the word, my family will enter into the kingdom of heaven and receive all the heavenly gifts. I mean my family was going through hell so of course I was going to do everything to "save them". I stayed on and suffered throughout 2015. I had so many fights with my parents because of my behavioral and lifestyle changes(always seeking around secretively) and in my eyes they were doing satan's work when they challenged me. I remember the shock I had when my mom asked me if I had joined a cult, because that was the thing they said would happen to us in the bible study classes.

    • @thobanitytus9898
      @thobanitytus9898 Год назад +4

      i read this and literally was in tears, I hope you in a better place now.

    • @kazbaby261
      @kazbaby261 Год назад +1

      How can I get in touch with you to talk more about this ?

    • @maitelemakungo2760
      @maitelemakungo2760 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@kazbaby261 wena ngati you are part of it

    • @ntombimotshopi1733
      @ntombimotshopi1733 Месяц назад

      I’m so sorry you had to go through this, been listening to these stories but yours 😢. I’m sorry, hope you are doing well

  • @paaf4768
    @paaf4768 2 года назад +20

    This has validated everything I have felt for the last 2-3 months. Wow, I thought I was going crazy. I left in April ( cold turkey) and have never looked back. Thank you Jesus

    • @yessygarcia2020
      @yessygarcia2020 Год назад +4

      I’ve been doing the studies since July 2022 (Revival Class). I decided to leave today.

    • @citamora
      @citamora 3 месяца назад

      I think that the hard part thinking you are not the normal one

  • @Uhcxx
    @Uhcxx 2 года назад +16

    Love that you shared your story❤️🥺 thankful you got out of it .. thinking of those who are in it still and praying they’ll get out of it too! Proud of you my girl🤍

  • @liambeck2793
    @liambeck2793 2 года назад +10

    You are very brave Chelsea. I hope everyone affected has the opportunity to see them for who they truly are and get out. Thank you for sharing ❤

  • @lynda_cebekhulu
    @lynda_cebekhulu 2 года назад +12

    geez, man! So sorry, dude! At least you realized this sooner. Most people normally get sucked in. Praise God!

  • @nzkid2599
    @nzkid2599 Год назад +13

    Hello there, I was invited to a bible study by a friend online and at first thoroughly enjoyed the study until about 7 months in the zoom classes they revealed themselves as Shincheonji. I felt like I was being punk’d! They told us not to research who they were which was a RED FLAG for me. They are very, very discrete and everything appears sophisticated and inconspicuous

    • @nicoletitus7110
      @nicoletitus7110 Год назад

      Hi.we had to register online today, fully equipped.... Did not start with classes yet, how can I unregister? Please help

    • @maitelemakungo2760
      @maitelemakungo2760 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@nicoletitus7110 bro just run, delete their numbers , go to any church in your areas' bible study just not these funny ones that dont have a location

  • @simonegallant3298
    @simonegallant3298 2 года назад +8

    Thank you for sharing Chelsea. Its not always easy to share these things 🙈 im sure it will help someone 🌼

  • @iya3697
    @iya3697 2 года назад +17

    This is actually so crazy , thank God that you managed to leave that cult and get away from everything related to it.
    And thank you for sharing your story 🙇🏽‍♂️

  • @narolinreyes1378
    @narolinreyes1378 3 месяца назад +2

    I too was part of this cult. I studied the Bible with them for about 7 months and then realized this is a CULT! After leaving I struggled a lot with mental health until finally diagnosed with PTSD. Part of their process is isolating you from others who do not have the "relevation." Moving forward, after 2 years God finally placed me in a wonderful church, filled with amazing brothers and sister. I learnt just because I had a bad experience with them God did not leave me, and he is not at fault for Shincheonji's deception; they're exercising their free will. I am now joyful, and growing spiritual. Kindly beware of these people, and Do not give up on God for he has not given up on you. BE BLESSED! :)

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  3 месяца назад

      This comment was so encouraging! Thank you for sharing. Praise God! 🥹🙌

  • @DaveundseineGitarre
    @DaveundseineGitarre 2 года назад +18

    same happened to me in Germany. Thank God for his Spirit of Discernment.

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +2

      Literally heard testimonies of people from all over the world, it does bring some kind of comfort knowing you’re not alone. But yes, thank God for His Spirit of Discernment and His sovereignty 🤍 glad you were delivered out of this false teaching.

  • @laurencassell9195
    @laurencassell9195 2 года назад +7

    Thank you for sharing Chelsea 🤍

  • @linsk9859
    @linsk9859 2 года назад +10

    Thank GOD you got out, i was invited to an intro session an quickly felt the foolishness and left and blocked them. They are false prophets. God bless you sister. Jesus Loves you, remember we follow him not other manipulators or cult leaders. I pray for constant healing for you xxx

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +3

      Thank you so much for your prayer & kind words. Thank God for His protection over you & your heart. May God bless you you too. ❤️

    • @michaellamacauley243
      @michaellamacauley243 Год назад

      I have just left after the intro session too. I was suprised to find out that I hadn’t even started the course yet

  • @nellynell1807
    @nellynell1807 Год назад +4

    Thanks for sharing I live in the states Maryland and I appreciate you sharing this information..May you grow closer to Jesus in a right relationship with him..🥰 God Bless

  • @racheltevis4790
    @racheltevis4790 2 года назад +15

    Thank you so much for sharing your story!! I was approached by a girl on Bumble BFF just last month who tried to recruit me into this cult. Thank God I have good Christian friends who know the Bible and helped me realize that the teaching I was hearing in these Bible studies was false. I only attended a few studies before getting myself out, but I still feel pretty shaky about the whole experience. In the last study I attended, there were over 100 people in attendance and the host mentioned how their Bible studies were getting larger... I'm so grateful that I got out so quickly and I pray for everyone that's still involved in it!

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +2

      Super super glad you got out early on! It’s sad because I do think many in SCJ are indoctrinated themselves and believe what they’re doing is truly obedience to God. So yes, we keep praying for them & trust that God’s truth will set them free!

    • @mostdivine6192
      @mostdivine6192 Год назад +1


  • @davethinkingsystems
    @davethinkingsystems Год назад +1

    They had me for a short while like you are describing. I'm glad Mr Holy Spriit pointed out what was going on and I ran. I think the way this can be countered is by people sharing their experiences Thanks for doing so,

  • @RayOfLetsatsi
    @RayOfLetsatsi 2 года назад +13

    Met a girl at Cavendish mall and she invited me to attend a virtual meeting (they called it Lift ME Up Encounter) which I attended, at the end of the meeting they asked if we wanna have one-on-one sessions with a mentor and join the bible school. Nothing was alarming about the first meeting, I was just too busy and did not have time for those weekly meetings so I blocked them because they wouldn't stop contacting me.
    I was actually in such a vulnerable space that if I wasn't busy I would've probably joined because I was longing for a Christian community. It's so sad because they are preying on Christians that are vulnerable. Thank you for sharing.

  • @JessicaJoy34
    @JessicaJoy34 Год назад +2

    Thank you so much for sharing this!

  • @loranjohnson6320
    @loranjohnson6320 Год назад +5

    Thank u Jesus I was about to join with them on zoom when the Holy Spirit lead me to do a research on them. Thank u Jesus 🙏

    • @citamora
      @citamora 3 месяца назад

      They never told who they are until last week Saturday.

  • @nataliehuman1431
    @nataliehuman1431 25 дней назад

    Exactly,I also felt violated😢Did'nt go in far,when they showed me that old man,and they always told me not to go on RUclips,cause that was my thing,listening to songs and preachers.I googled that man first thing after I saw him,I went home and my eyes was opened.I was on a group with 3 others and the facilitator,I mananaged to send the videos through,2 got it then she blocked me and asked me if we could discuss,they called themselves Equipped Bible Study school.I said ,leave me alone,you lost me.2 others tried to make contact,I said l would pray for your eyes to open,you are brainwashed,they the nicest persons,hope they get saved.They believe I'm the lost soul.

  • @amanicesar6953
    @amanicesar6953 2 года назад +7

    I was there too and when my family was moving to the USA, the SCJ didn't want me to move to the USA, they bought a flight ticket for me to go to jhb without my family knowing but I was smart when they drove me to Cape Town international Airport, I had no idea that I'm about to get in a flight to jhb ,when we got to the airport I told them I forgot my passport, so we drove back to my house ,when I got inside the house ,those two guys was waiting for me outside, I came back outside, I told them my passport is at my sister's house, I must go get it there, they said okay fine,when I went to my sister's house, I didn't come back outside, so what happened is that those two guys used to come in front of my house everyday sitting in the car all day waiting for me to come outside,

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +3

      That’s quite intense 😪😪 good for you & managing to leave this group. The longer you stay, the more damage is done. So glad you managed to get out. Also heard a similar story of SCJ members waiting outside someone’s house like that all day. I found that you need to be quite direct when you leave, they won’t bother you if you tell them to leave you alone. But thank God you got out 🙏🏼🙏🏼 your story can really help others from falling into the grip of this organisation

  • @jordankeel3787
    @jordankeel3787 2 года назад +22

    Hi Chelsea, also left SCJ and thank you for sharing your story, I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt uneasy about the ‘wisdom’ I couldn’t bring myself to lie to anyone about what I was doing either but stay strong and God bless, do you have anywhere we can chat and maybe go back and forth about the experience obviously as you said it’s hard to speak to others about it 🙏

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +1

      Hey Jordan. So glad you found the courage to leave. I don’t mind speaking about it in conversation/dialogue :) you can find me on Instagram @chelsearoseamroodt

    • @kassieville1037
      @kassieville1037 2 года назад

      Is it the zion holy spirit theological center?

    • @afroskywalker
      @afroskywalker 2 года назад +1

      @@kassieville1037 They go by different names.

    • @kazbaby261
      @kazbaby261 Год назад

      Can also be apart of this chat please 😢

  • @edward1412
    @edward1412 2 года назад +8

    I'm currently studying with them. I'll take a decision when I'm done with the Bible studies.
    The truth is, most of their teachings are Biblical, although I believe some interpretations are not correct, just like every Church.
    To be honest, I don't believe they teach that people have to believe in Lee-Man Hee to be saved. They teach that he received revelation from Jesus Christ to gather people to the truth, but only Jesus is the Saviour. My main concern with their teachings is that they seem to believe Jesus Christ sacrifice only saved those people during his time, and not us.
    Anyways, I've learned with a lot of different Churches so I'll definitely complete my Bible studies with them and I'll decide for myself after the book of Revelation.

    • @Penguinsxz
      @Penguinsxz 2 года назад +12

      That's the thing, this group doesn't really line up with the teachings of Christianity, especially with how they view Jesus.
      They only believe Jesus to be a "Promised Pastor" or basically a prophet, and that Lee Man Hee is now another mediator between us and the Father.
      That, and SCJ's long history of using deception and lying as an ends to justify the means also shows which "group" they actually belong to.

    • @edward1412
      @edward1412 2 года назад +10

      I didn’t complete the Bible studies with them. I’m now out of the group.

    • @charlottemisimake8565
      @charlottemisimake8565 Год назад

      I'm currently doing Bible studies with them too.. I'm 4 months in. And honestly loving it. How did you go with your studies?

    • @edward1412
      @edward1412 Год назад +1

      Well…I talked to the main tutor (the Asian lady) after my comment and I didn’t continue with them.
      I didn’t even start the book of Revelation.
      The truth is, when I started I was loving it although I disagreed with some of their teachings. One of the main reasons I started doubting their teachings was when they claimed that the Comforter/Advocate Jesus Christ promised to send to His disciples was Lee-Man-Hee ( the founder of that group) when the Bible clearly states that the Comforter is the Holy Spirit.
      Have they told you about Lee-Man-Hee yet?

    • @Kephers7
      @Kephers7 7 месяцев назад

      If anyone preaches another Gospel than that of Paul, let them be accursed.
      Galation 1:6-12
      They think knowing and recognizing prophecy and doing good works saves. No.
      The gospel is 1 cor 15:1-4

  • @shakebake1324
    @shakebake1324 Год назад +6

    These guys are bastards, they lured me in because they knew I was mourning my brothers death, I found out about them just after they were explaining the censor, God bless you for spreading awareness about this.

  • @glyvettedosado4900
    @glyvettedosado4900 11 месяцев назад +4

    I wasted three months on this. I was so diligent attending the study twice a week. Thank God, the Holy Spirit led me to find out what the group was leading me to. This is a cult!!!

  • @Kephers7
    @Kephers7 7 месяцев назад +2

    They never even spoke the gospel.. ever. Not one time. They dared say john the baptist was a betrayer and not saved. Went to hell.. just so many flags. Glad i recognized it early being a believer and actually reading my bible for so long. If i hadnt, they probably could have deceived me. But all those new people.. they are being decieved big time and dont know it.

  • @Naruske221
    @Naruske221 Месяц назад

    Thank you very much for this insight. Please spread and expose Them hard so more and more people leave this church and membership of them are low.

  • @emmanuelmoses7249
    @emmanuelmoses7249 2 года назад +13

    I was in it too. Glad you and others are getting out. But I feel so bad for the people that are still in it. There's people that genuinely want to serve God and yet they're under a false gospel and don't know it.

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +3

      My point exactly, many people who are lured in are seeking, searching and wanting to grow in their faith. Glad you managed to see through the lies & leave that deceptive false doctrine.

    • @orange7815
      @orange7815 Год назад

      Have you verified facts according to Bible and obeyed the Word of God before making a conclusion?

    • @emmanuelmoses7249
      @emmanuelmoses7249 Год назад

      @@orange7815 Yes. You should deeply examine it yourself as well.

    • @orange7815
      @orange7815 Год назад +1

      @@emmanuelmoses7249To obey the Word of God is great! From Genesis to Revelation, when does God's work begin and when does it end?

    • @OghenekomeMaseli
      @OghenekomeMaseli 10 месяцев назад +1

      That’s the sad part, we must continue to share the actual gospel and pray for those that are seeking but lost 🙏🏽

  • @Penguinsxz
    @Penguinsxz 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for having the courage to leave and speak out. The more who are aware, the better we can prevent others from joining this deceptive cult.

  • @yoliswamamane5953
    @yoliswamamane5953 2 года назад +3

    Thank you for sharing your story ❤️❤️

  • @miamo6457
    @miamo6457 Год назад +2

    Thank God I didn’t go as far as the course. I was pressured to sign up to the course and someone called me to book me into a class. I couldn’t be bothered to join, I decided to research the ‘new heaven and new earth’ church and first thing I saw on the internet was ‘cult’ and that was enough for me to be like in out. I

  • @stephansamba6674
    @stephansamba6674 2 года назад +5

    Thanks for sharing this.

  • @Cataphract3
    @Cataphract3 2 месяца назад

    I'm from the U.S. and they tried to recruit me and I ended up in a class for a few months just like you. What's crazy is how similar the tactics were, from the multiple people texting me kind words to the rules to the 9 month course and even the stringent rules. For me, they also said that family members keeping you busy were "traps from the Devil" to keep you from this truth. I thought to myself: this is just a Bible study. Why are you acting like this is salvific? I almost thought of staying in the class to try to warn people in the course but I knew I'd get shut down instantly if I tried to speak up.

    @ODEKEANTHONY-xg1iw Год назад +2

    Shincheoji is nation that has come according to the bible

  • @genierollins612
    @genierollins612 6 месяцев назад

    Ty for sharing to warn others

  • @orange7815
    @orange7815 2 года назад +7

    When Jesus Christ came 2000 years ago, many of God's people called Jesus a cult leader and refused Him. May God's grace be upon you and you will come to the knowledge of the truth.

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +17

      Hi there. I know you mean well, but I hope you really take the time to ponder on this response. As for calling a movement a cult, that word can be alarming but it really is just a simple way of saying you’re being stripped of your free will and being coerced to think and act a certain way. I will link an article that explains when your behavior, information you’re able to consume, thoughts and emotions are being controlled; it is a signifier of a cult.
      Think about why do you need to adapt to cultural norms during service? Why are you instructed to not do your own research on SCJ/Lee Man Hee? Why do they continuously withhold information, especially when recruiting new people? Why is so much of what you do given as instructions by SCJ?…
      While Jesus was rejected by religious leaders, He fulfilled all the prophecies. He was the Son of God born of a virgin, lived a life without sin, died on the Cross and rose from the grave, something that no other human has ever done. Jesus always showed obedience to the Father, bowing to the Father’s will. If you search the Scriptures by yourself, you’ll see that God’s redemptive plan was set in motion from the very beginning. Equating Jesus to Lee man Hee is blasphemous. Lee Man Hee is just a man, who was also part of another cult movement before forming SCJ (called the Olive movement).
      I can tell that you’re sincere in your pursuit of God. I pray that you’ll truly follow Him, not an organisation that does not acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah. (“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6).

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +1


    • @_sarah.
      @_sarah. 2 года назад +2

      @@chelsearoseamroodt wow, a perfect and well thought-out response Chelsea! 👏👏

    • @Iexposeevil
      @Iexposeevil 2 года назад

      Is scj leader Jesus ?

    • @_sarah.
      @_sarah. 2 года назад

      @@Iexposeevil No it is Lee Man-Hee

  • @Timothyjaredwilliamsofficial
    @Timothyjaredwilliamsofficial 2 года назад +5

    Knew a friend of mine who also was part of one. Shame man, glad you realised and got out 😬

  • @ericsimmons9785
    @ericsimmons9785 11 дней назад

    I just had the same problem just got out of it “the church of almighty god” they were preaching things that the Bible didn’t say.

  • @carmenmessiah5658
    @carmenmessiah5658 2 года назад +7

    I left them about a month ago, just found out today they actually a cult😰😰😰😰

    • @mostdivine6192
      @mostdivine6192 Год назад +1


    • @fynlilmama
      @fynlilmama Год назад +1

      ​@gwail-nara3312sounding like a true brainwashed member. Please seek God through the Holy Spirit and not your many mentors.

  • @Emmanuel-3.16
    @Emmanuel-3.16 9 месяцев назад

    Is there anywhere I can contact you I really want to get Thai stuff out my chest with someone who understands what I went through

  • @Cherry-to7mi
    @Cherry-to7mi 2 года назад +1

    Congratulations that you left this💐

  • @Kephers7
    @Kephers7 7 месяцев назад +1

    For those looking for an online pastor who follows the word, pastor jack hibbs, robert breaker, j d farag, amir tsarfati, hope for our times, all on youtube! Hear the word.. the biblical word. But above all, read for yourself.

  • @gabriellewooding3898
    @gabriellewooding3898 Год назад +5

    I’ve been doing Bible studies for 10 months I just found out it was scj the only way I found out is I was send people on Facebook the Bible studies invites and they asked was I apart or SCJ. So I texted my instructor and asked it took forever to reply and then wanted to talk on the phone then she said I shouldn’t look it up on the internet the knowledge of good and evil this just happened yesterday I’m so confused and upset right now.

    • @dnnaasher5844
      @dnnaasher5844 6 месяцев назад

      Hii, I also recently started this bible study . Did u stopped the study? What happened?

  • @NathanOlego
    @NathanOlego 10 месяцев назад

    We always make comments about what we don't know but let's repent and learn the true word of God not fighting the work of God.

  • @michaellamacauley243
    @michaellamacauley243 Год назад +1

    I was approached on Instagram as well. I left today after 1 to 1 sessions

  • @JoseManuelHernandez-qn6fx
    @JoseManuelHernandez-qn6fx 7 месяцев назад +1

    Yo actualmente estoy tomando las clases, nunca han sido asi como dicen y todo es bajo la biblia y si tienes dudas puedes una y otra vez tomar una clase personal, y en ningun momento dicen q este pastor sea jesus, solo es quien recibio una revelación. Yo también al principio crei que estaban mal, locos, porque toda mi vida he sido cristiano, pero he probado lo que enseñan y he no fue facil pero creo q la mayoría de los que no entendieron es porque no se dieron la oportunidad de conocer todo el cumplimiento.

    • @gemavazquezrodriguez6521
      @gemavazquezrodriguez6521 19 дней назад

      Ey sí, que tal ahora, yo recién estoy comenzando pero he querido informarme más al respecto, me hace sentido la interpretación de la biblia y exacto, no es como dicen en ningún momento hay una obligación

    @FAITHOVERFEAR15 Год назад

    Stay in prayer , have your relationship with Jesus, and you will be okay. The lord says the Shepard speaks and the sheep hear his voice ! He leaves the 99 for the 1 ! He will never leave nor forsake you. Thank you for your testimony ma, I’m almost done with the class it’s cool. I learned a lot but don’t consume everything . I know I am Gods child, nothing can ever separate me from Him. Hallelujah thankyou Jesus ! Definately this class may or may not be a stumbling block . His grave is sufficient . 😁 hope this encourages the body of Christ . Love is the most important . There is hope faith hope and love but the greatest is LOVE!! Ahhhh praise Yeshua ☺️☺️ HE LOVES YOU ALL

  • @carmenmessiah5658
    @carmenmessiah5658 2 года назад +5

    😥😥😥😨😨😨😨😨😨everything that you explain is exactly how I was introduce and the lessons and stuff.. the one on one, meet over for coffee. The Abraham part where he lied to Sarah 😳😳😳everything

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +1

      Many people have said the same thing. At least you know, praying for you sister ❤️

  • @rudeboi9458
    @rudeboi9458 Год назад +3

    Is this place close to hope st

  • @andreafliwer1977
    @andreafliwer1977 Год назад +1

    Do you still have the references about them being a cult?

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  Год назад

      There are some links to resources in the description of this video. I don’t have many other references/resources stored at hand… but I think it doesn’t take long to find evidence that shows why/how they’re a cult.
      Hoping to compile a list in the future & have all those resources in one place :)

    • @andreafliwer1977
      @andreafliwer1977 Год назад +2

      @@chelsearoseamroodt Thanks. I just got invited to a couple of meetings focused on the Bible. I only realised to actually investigate now about the company/church to find out it's a scam. It's extremely heart breaking thinking that you've found something good for studying Christianity but instead you get dragged into something darker.

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  Год назад

      @@andreafliwer1977 oh man, I’m so sorry. I understand the disappointment. I do think this whole experience will help you to identify false teachings (like it did for me). But I also hope you’ll have the courage to keep on keeping on & not stop seeking God 🤍 - just a reminder that He is personal & He meets those who seek Him with their hearts.

  • @kss7g961
    @kss7g961 2 года назад +3

    Hey what is this cult? They just Started Bible study in Hyderabad, India.

    • @angellasineus6329
      @angellasineus6329 2 года назад

      Don't join them! I unintentionally joined them and come to find out they were teaching false doctrines! they would spam me, call me, have people find my social media to follow me and message me everyday when I would miss a class!

    • @devadiksha9856
      @devadiksha9856 Год назад

      search more about scj in google ... its a church who says in second coming faithful servant will come and that servant is SCJ leader in whom jesus spirit is thrre... can search more n see there doctrine...
      Be aware

  • @amberrrrx
    @amberrrrx Год назад

    there was 2 guys that i worked with at my mom’s company. the 1 is friendship with my mom and i, he was in Arise. but he left because of finding this out. but there was 1 guy. not going to say names. he was trying his luck to push me and my mom to go there, and it all started with a zoom call that they sent us links to. My mom and i obv didnt be on the zoom bcs we are not interested. My mom and i are christians, we are part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. NOT a CULT!!!!
    so the 1 guy who pushed us the whole time started saying that my church is a cult even though they’re are not. i was born into this church, my grandfather worked at the Jhb temple…
    i got so upset and triggered whenever my mom used to even say oh maybe we should go and see how it looks. Bcs i knew that something was so fishy. but also i respect my dads wishes (RIP dad❤🕊️) he did not believe in other churches for this exact reason.
    thank you for sharing your story, i hope those in the world see what is actually going on. we are worshipping the same God.

  • @dossantos99moreno81
    @dossantos99moreno81 2 года назад +4

    History repeats itself in the time of the first coming of Jesus they also said that Jesus teaching was a cult I pray that Jesus will forgive you🙏🏾

    • @SCJSkeptic
      @SCJSkeptic 2 года назад +5

      Anyone that is labelled as a cult could use that line (Jesus was also labelled as a cult) to justify themselves. It has no explanatory power.

    • @pavlamariebernadettax6789
      @pavlamariebernadettax6789 Год назад +9

      Forgive what? That she speaks about her experience about those who lied her and collected personal info about her without her knowledge?

    • @maitelemakungo2760
      @maitelemakungo2760 11 месяцев назад

      lee man hee is really smart for dashing in the persecution complex

  • @deongroupe5826
    @deongroupe5826 4 месяца назад +1

    You need to ask yourself, why is only this Christian organization consider by others a cult, what proof the church you now believe in is not a cult, my dear Mt 11v27, only Jesus chooses, who God and Himself will be revealed unfortunately

  • @jackiesaucedo1412
    @jackiesaucedo1412 8 месяцев назад

    Can you send me the resources? Please

  • @Regular_Pigeon
    @Regular_Pigeon 2 года назад +5

    I got invited to join them for a bible study the other day. I know it's a cult but I want to go anyway. I'm going to bring my friends with me and we're going to check it out.

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад

      Woaw, you’re brave! I understand the curiosity though. All the best and God be with you! 🙏🏼

    • @rdo4609
      @rdo4609 2 года назад

      Whose teacher you belong to?😁

    • @Regular_Pigeon
      @Regular_Pigeon 2 года назад

      @@rdo4609 ??

    • @rdo4609
      @rdo4609 2 года назад

      @@Regular_Pigeoni was also recruited to join a group and im in..but lately been discover something strange..although i am still in but im having second thought .so im asking if you happen to join as well and want to know you're teacher just to validate my doubts😁

    • @Regular_Pigeon
      @Regular_Pigeon 2 года назад

      @@rdo4609 you know there's places all over the world right? I'd recommend you do some research and get out. Block everyone associated with the group and leave asap.

  • @adesokanmorayo-ol2vc
    @adesokanmorayo-ol2vc 8 месяцев назад

    I think what matters the most is that Jesus is being preach by them.

      @YESHUA_IS_KING7 День назад

      That’s the thing, the true Jesus IS not being preached to them.

  • @deongroupe5826
    @deongroupe5826 Год назад +1

    Just like the saducees and teachers of law in the OT, said about Jesus that he was a demom and cult, you 2 b:c you do not perceive, persecute, but this is what is suppose to happen if you believe the Bible, God please forgive them for they know not what they are doing 😢

    • @SCJSkeptic
      @SCJSkeptic Год назад

      People have a different interpretation of the bible than you. Criticism is not persecution dude

  • @deongroupe5826
    @deongroupe5826 Год назад +2

    I heard you, and took your points and I investigated your points that seemed valid, unfortunately your are incorrect, you have now caused many people to be deceived that have come across your post, what are you going to do about this now😮

    • @SCJSkeptic
      @SCJSkeptic Год назад

      What specifically is she incorrect about?

  • @regularwhatever4986
    @regularwhatever4986 Год назад +3

    It’s not a cult

    • @Kephers7
      @Kephers7 7 месяцев назад

      It is.

  • @modipeter
    @modipeter Год назад +1

    why do people use there thoughts use the bible please, i love shincheonji, shincheonji long live

  • @penieljoydelrosario4569
    @penieljoydelrosario4569 2 года назад +2

    Omggg! This is what happen right now in the philippines ! The classes layout and the figurative and parables teaching! Every time I do that it's like there's a question left, it's like you want to go back there but you don't want to because you found out and you saw that there seems to be something wrong with what they are teaching which is the Bible commentary they don't believe it's wrong dw yun please pray for me
    To get out and pray for all them who enrolled and deceive the false teaching please can u give me your messenger i want to pray for me to overcome this confusing my thoughts .. 😭😭😭

    • @rdo4609
      @rdo4609 2 года назад

      Ikaw din? Kaninong class ka? 😭

  • @billclintonsaragih
    @billclintonsaragih Год назад

    but the question is, if you are a Christian, you still sin, what about the invisible one?

  • @amahleblose6564
    @amahleblose6564 Год назад +1

    What is the point of the cult ? What do they gain ? If they are ubering you do they make money for it . This is so weird wtf

    • @siphokazimajozi4657
      @siphokazimajozi4657 Год назад +2

      They win your soul.

    • @mostdivine6192
      @mostdivine6192 Год назад

      She’s telling LIES & People are believing her 😢 Satan is BUSY!

    • @bbbmyaa5867
      @bbbmyaa5867 Год назад

      @@mostdivine6192 she ain’t lien seek god my love.

  • @deongroupe5826
    @deongroupe5826 Год назад

    What did they actually lie about regarding the Bible and the scripture s.

    • @SCJSkeptic
      @SCJSkeptic Год назад

      I have made numerous videos about issues with their doctrine. Check it out

  • @maitelemakungo2760
    @maitelemakungo2760 11 месяцев назад

    They go by equipped here in cape town

  • @Kafz30
    @Kafz30 Год назад

    yes this cult is also in new zealand

  • @mostdivine6192
    @mostdivine6192 Год назад +3

    I’d have to Disagree with you 100% Shincheonji is NOT a Cult.. Sorry you feel that way.. but don’t go spreading LIES to the world. GOD BLESS You all!

  • @oliverborlagdatan3516
    @oliverborlagdatan3516 Год назад +2

    Shes talking non sense😅

  • @bisonhigginbotham500
    @bisonhigginbotham500 Год назад

    Bullsht the Holy Spirit is present or it's not it's that simple

  • @amandahoffmann9831
    @amandahoffmann9831 Год назад +1

    Stop lying plz

  • @katojohnbaptistssonko7059
    @katojohnbaptistssonko7059 2 года назад +1

    Can you prove your allegations based on scripture?

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +27

      There are multiple scripture references...
      But for starters, SCJ emphasizes that you’re saved through works, and they’ll tell you attending classes & services is ‘keeping the covenant’. The basis of the Christian faith is that we’re saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ & what He has already accomplished on the Cross (Ephesians 2:8-9). The ideology of SCJ does not recognise Jesus as the Son of God & the Messiah.
      They don’t believe the Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead, exalt Lee-Man Hee as the ‘promised pastor’ & say that salvation is found through Lee-Man Hee. Which is blasphemous. Read 1 John 4:1-3. You’ll see that SCJ is indeed a false doctrine.
      Hope this helps!

    • @miakayuki1068
      @miakayuki1068 2 года назад

      @@chelsearoseamroodt in Philippines we have also a biggest cult who have millions of member now because they supported by government. They claiming their members and the only one will be saved. And Manalo the founder is the messiah. They are obligated to give money , they were monitored, their attendance etc its "Iglesia ni Cristo" cult in the Philippines. It's very dangerous I tried to attend their but I asked god if that is true and later their headlines of news about this church that higher positions is fighting over positions and money. They have death threats from each of them. I realized it's a sign.
      Then my sister almost joined because of a man. They cant marry someone if they are not member

    • @chelsearoseamroodt
      @chelsearoseamroodt  2 года назад +1

      @@miakayuki1068 that sounds really intense. Praying for God’s divine protection over you, sister. Jesus will be with you through it all. ❤️

    • @midnightmakingdifferencr8553
      @midnightmakingdifferencr8553 2 года назад

      Run if ur the

    • @Adonaymekonnen
      @Adonaymekonnen Год назад +3

      Litrally all these comments and views of schinchonji is absolutely false! Lee is not second coming jesus where do u get that? The story of Noah is repeated in this generation! May my God give u truth!!