@@caelan8819 Because people aren't right in the head and are using politics to escape there sad miserable lives and feel like they are worth something.
The video is so full of lies and deceptions for the global warming scam and for making fake excuses for its failed catastrophic warming predictions because of the global cooling going on. It is totally absurd that the SOLAR CYCLE, the absolutely dominant factor affecting global temperature, is NOT mentioned in this video about temperature changes of the earth at all.
Failing to mention the Solar Cycle in this video is as absurd as claiming the slow rate of water that flows through a river during the dry season is caused by the high rate of water that flows through the river during the wet season without mentioning the real reason affecting the rate of flow of water in the river at all, i.e. the rate of rainfall at the source of the river.
Data from NASA in 2010 suggested that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) had not slowed down, but may have actually sped up slightly since 1993. The contrived slowing down and shutting down scenario of the Thermohaline circulation of the global warming scammers for their fake excuse for global cooling should result higher than normal temperature in regions near the equator EVEN IN WINTER TIME when the slowing down or stopping of the ocean current fails to bring cold sea water from the north to the equatorial regions. But the opposite is happening. Both Australia and Brazil are now in winter time and both of them are experiencing record low temperatures due to Solar minimum instead of the speculated higher winter temperature predicted by the theory of the global warming scammers. VIDEO: Unusual Snows Australia and Its Not Warming Oceans (874) (Copy and paste title for search) (Posted on Aug 20, 2019) VIDEO: Global Volcanic Feedback Loop Now Causing Unusual Cold Temperatures (851) (Posted on Jul 11, 2019) GOOGLE: ALL-TIME LOW TEMPERATURE RECORD FALLS IN BRAZIL (Posted on July 9, 2019) Obviously, this video was made not for telling people the truth but for deceiving the global warming sheeple by lying to them that an Ice Age can be caused by global warming when there is no such causality relationship and when the global warming scammers realize the earth is actually cooling instead of warming as they lied about.
In fact there was only normal and insignificant warming in the past decades due to the increase in solar activities, which could be observed from the increase of sunspots, instead of the catastrophic global warning due to CO2 that Al Gore lied about. Both NOAA and NASA had kept genuine temperature data in the past decades in the form of graphs. However, they were found to have corrupted the temperature data on the archived temperature graphs to create the false impression of rapid global warming on some new graphs in order to lie for their masters in the global warming scam. VIDEO: Corruption Of The US Temperature Record VIDEO: The truth about global warming Google: The Stunning Statistical Fraud Behind The Global Warming Scare
As quoted from The Day After Tomorrow, “Mankind survived the last ice age. We’re certainly capable of surviving this one. All depends on wether or not we’re able to learn from our mistakes.”
Is that implying the last Ice Age was a man made mistake? Or that man is even capable of curtailing the inevitable next one? Hollywood lies. You’d be better to avoid anything that comes from them.
@@BandAid350z No. It’s the second one. The last ice age was around 11,700 years ago. We as Homo sapiens started roughly 300,000 years ago. It’s not a lie.
@@camdenrafftery3555 so we as a species are at fault for the last one? The earth has gone through drastic changes and most of them occurred without man’s presence or even its root ancestors.
i remember reading about how the global temp increase of even a few degrees can cause another ice age, long before global warming was an issue talked about.
It's a lie though. An ice age would be caused by the snowball effect, where the ice caps expand too much. But the principle cause of that is snow coverage, which reflects the sun, which cools the earth, which causes more snow coverage, and so on. It's a run away effect. The earth warming would have no such effect. It might make things a bit cooler from all the cooler melt ice, but that doesn't lead to a snowball effect, and that cooling doesn't last for long, because that melted ice and snow is no longer reflecting light. With those facts in hand, one might think "Well then global warming is real! If the ice melts, the polar areas are going to warm and then there's nothing to cool the earth!". Except how do you think the polar caps developed in the first place? They don't develop based on global environment, they develop based on the earths tilt and distance from the sun, and because of the shape of the earth. So it is literally impossible for the ice caps to ever disappear. Even the planet Mercury, which is a blistering 330 degrees in most parts, has ice caps. If anything, global warming would be a second golden age for humanity. It might make living at the equator less comfortable, but the majority of land on the earth is not at the equator. Which means it would open up vast resource rich areas with very good and pristine farming soil, while also making the general populated colder areas much nicer. Most of our energy doesn't go toward cooling in the summer, it goes toward heating in the winter. That's why you might pay $30 to run an air conditioner for a month in the summer, but $300 to heat your home in the winter. One is clearly a much more energy intensive task. Which means even warmer summers, would mean less pollution. So the benefits of global warming are vast, to the point that there are basically no downsides, as any downsides would be completely counteracted by the benefits. And we would actually pollute less as a species.
@@peoplez129 Only time will tell if your theory is more feasible than other scientists more pessimistic prognostications ! Hope for the best but plan for the worst is my advice ...
@@peoplez129 no? many species would die from the earth heating up just a few degrees, weather would be a lot more extreme in some places, also how would we pollute less? heating your home wouldn't pollute much lmao.
@@peoplez129 True but not complete. Yes the ice albedo is decisive but the cause for cooling is known. It is the increasingly eliptic orbit of earth, the excentricity Milankovic cyle and earth is on its way to sling out to the aphelion in the next 80 thousand years. Another even larger factor is the continental distribution: Snow can not accumulate to large ice caps on the open sea, Antarctica often played the key role here. The ice will melt simply when Antarctica will leave the south pole again, in ~90 million years to form Pangea Ultima, then the whole cenozoic Ice Aeon will end.
@@tylerdurden3722 Yes, some of it takes that long. Some takes longer some shorter. There is a % that hasnt come out yet. All depends on the interactions the Photon has
@@dralord1307 What? :o You're saying there's light not moving at light speed? Or maybe it is, but just not in a linear fashion because of the suns gravity? I'm intrigued
@@kimvangvideomarketerbangko3265 Light created in the middle of the sun bounces off the other particles in the middle of the sun. It is super dense, so its like a pinball trying to make its way out of the star. It can take a very long time for it to actually get out of the star.
Also, we need to implement global communism because of it and tax you for everything you've got. Unless you don't live in the Western world and don't give half a rat's ass about poloution and have no money to be scammed out off.
After watching this video, the Irony of a certain American politician standing in the snow and saying something like "we need global warming" is depressing
What’s depressing is the people who explained it to them, the idea of globa warming destroying the planet had been a long going lie since the 70s. Go back and look at how many times the world was going to end from global events. There are magazines saying that by 2000 we where supposed to be an icey wasteland, the politicians arent ignorant, they are overtly aware of how ignorant everyone else is.
@@austinhawthorne6310 nobody except extremely hysterical tabloid rags has actually been saying that it would destroy the world at any point in the last 50 years. What has been said is that we have crossed multiple points of no return, which could have disastrous implications 50-100 years from now, because it takes time for released CO2 to actually trap the sun's heat. And for the record, parts of the world are already being devastated by climate change. Huge swathes of sub-saharan Africa have become uninhabitable due to droughts brought on by increased temperatures, extreme weather events like hurricanes have become more common, less rainfall in places like California and Australia has made wildfires far more catastrophic, the Maldives are literally sinking because the sea levels are rising, and we're a couple decades away from mass ecological collapse the world over. We're knee deep in the effects of climate change, but you're denying it because rag tabloids more concerned with celebrity diets than any facts painted absurd pictures of overnight global desertification and societal collapse, straight out of a gloomy sci-fi film. Just because it hasn't come to your doorstep yet doesn't mean that it's suddenly not real. The truth is that climate change denying politicians aren't wiser, they're selfish boomers pocketing cash from the oil industry because they know that they will die long before the climate change begins to affect us in the first world badly.
@@Slaking_ I think it's more that they are denying that humans are causing it. Cliamte change will obv happen, but instead of trying to prevent it, because we never will. we should prepare for it. keep in mind, the planet is currently in an ice age, and is the coldest it has ever been since life was on this planet. I mean places like wyoming, or even canad used to be swamps with dense forests and a large diversity of animals. Also keep in mind than plants and animals like more co2 and heat. More co2= more plant growth all over the planet, especially like palces that have droughts or low water, and more plants = more food for animals that will climb up the food chain. Animals and plants also can't grow in cold, where as they love warmer and warmer temps.
@Stirgid Lanathiel thanks for your reply. I don't deny that we are having intense climate change, and your points are well taken. If you are interested in the science I get my opinion from, please look up Ben Davidson's site, "Suspicious Observers". He has hundreds of links to scientific research papers on the subject.
@@sueyoung2115 That site is full of shit, the guy is a conspiracy theorist nutjob with no scientific degree and no understanding of climate science who cherrypicks "evidence" that agrees with him. Please listen to what actual climate scientists have to say. Human industrial and agricultural activity drastically increasing the atmospheric CO2 levels is the number one cause of the sudden and abnormally fast rate of global warming we are experiencing. We are seeing levels of temperature change within the span of a century that should take tens if not hundreds of thousands of years to happen. It is a man-made catastrophe that we need to undertake a concerted global effort to avert before billions of people die.
Theres bigger things at play here besides our influence. However maybe a drastic cooling is more destructive than a slow warming. Allthough id ve happy to see the damn mosquitos die.
@@ivobreeschoten5442 No.... Human influence has been proven to be the largest driver of climate change. Stop making claims that aren't scientifically supported, please
Imagine All those Russians getting all happy and excited for global warming freaking out because it's gonna be even colder in Russia after global warming
@unclejohnfromjamaica % You might have recognized the small shift from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate change' As data proves there is no global warming (the ones that started the discussion were manipulated)... However weather pattern changes somehow, and there is a tendency for more moisture in the atmosphere. However neither the frequency nor the severity of Hurricanes as example had increased... wich someone would expect with rising water temperatures... Water level rise is limited to land based Ice shields, of wich are two major left. Greenland and Antarctica. Antarctica show no tendency to melt, and Greenland is very limited melting. This is underlined by 3.7 mm water rise per year.... wich is not really threatening imo. So my guess is this all is a red herring to distract people from more pressing issues like unemployment, rise of world population and resource wars. War in general is far more threatening than climate change.
They're not happy n excited Melting of the permafrost has already caused huge craters, there's the methane release, increased wildfires (the latter cooling would still create dry conditions n thus drought N food insecurity) but perhaps most importantly n yet little known ... Both anthrax and bubonic plague have been found within the permafrost. 20 deer currently have contracted anthrax already n possibly 1 human death. Atm contained to non-populous areas
Hansjörg Kunde I’m just frustrated.. If you’re scientist or connected with any fields of science it’s very disappointing for you to make such statements and don’t trust climatologists. If you’re are not connected with policy making or science, then I guess I don’t have the right to change your opinion
@@kosatochca The the first claim about 'Global warming' was based on doctored data this is fact. They just chose what they wanted and what supported 'the trend'. Conflicting data with that had been removed from the study.. That's not science isn't it? Its 'proving' something on purpose and most likely for cash. The current data don't prove a global warming trend, not at all. Climate models are faulty, only recently they added water vapor to it, i can't imagine what else is left out. So these models are of no use. The next prognosis might be likely be a global cooling after they changed already to a more general 'Climate change' tag. So how is that in any way different from a fortune teller? It's not Science that i can tell you. Weather changes so does climate. You are aware that northern Africa was 2000 years ago the bread basked for the Roman Empire? Its now desert... So its safe to assume climate is getting warmer... wich is a directly connected of the end of the last ice age 12.500 years ago... Mankind had little to do with that trend. That might have changed, even if the data point more to a 'change' of weather patterns rather than a global warming trend at all. I'm no scientist but i got a solid physical background with a bachelor degree in CS. So i know exactly what a computer model can do and what not.. Decisions based on a faulty model is not a good idea. The rest is hype and the always present 'The sky is falling ' we are doomed mood. Which is not scientific at all. This all is a red herring we can pick on while they rule. Global sea level rises that is true, a few millimeters a year, and it rises since the end of the last ice age, right ? That summed up to about 120 meters at least. It picked up from 2.2 millimeters a year to about 3. And if you live near the coast you can start packing, in 100 years you might have to move. As i pointed out the number and frequency of Hurricanes have NOT changed. Wich is proof that oceans are not getting warmer in general. (if you might know about the connection between water temperature and the appearance of hurricanes you might even know why) What has increased is the damage they do if landfall. There are plenty of other examples that counters the claim of a Global warming, ah right they changed it to Global climate change.. so even they can't uphold the claim. And no you won't be able to change my opinion as it it based on solid facts, probably far more solid than what these payed windbags have to say. Your frustration stems most likely from a discrepancy between what is told to you by the media and what is really happen. This can be quite different after what i have experienced in my 58 years of life. They lie. They always have been lied and they are notorious liars. For the purpose to keep you distracted from what they are doing with the planet and with the public in general.
You do know that canadians have a summer too, right ? Sometimes it reachs 40°C there are only 4 months that are truly cold, December, January, February and the beginning of March...
Damn, we humans are hacking into the game's code and we're about to create a new patch of our own! I do not want to see the repercussions in the current meta if this happens, many ocean mains and players in the ecuator will leave to another server and change mains, or even, leave the game. I'm hopping that the people playing in the test servers point this out to the devs.
Death valley isnt the hottest place on earth. From an article: El Azizia took the record for highest temperature ever recorded on Sept. 13, 1922, when a thermometer on a weather station hit a whopping 136 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius), thanks to southerly winds blowing in hot air from over the Sahara Desert. The sweltering temperature displaced the previous record holder of 134 F, measured at the Furnace Creek weather station in Death Valley on July 10, 1913. --- And theres other places in the world like Dasht-e Loot, Iran, where the ground temp is about 70c [158f]
@@Angel-xe2tl so seems it changes year by year. Lut desert Iran, badlands of Queensland Australia and the flaming mountain in China purportedly the hottest in 7 years of satellite research. Based on ambient air temps in the shade.
I’m so glad someone is talking about the gulf stream! Many people don’t realize that it’s a climate tipping point, and if it collapses, everything above Spain and Italy will (basically) become polar climates. It’s honestly terrifying to think about.
@@tylerdurden3722 you wrote HYPO saline in earlier post. Haven't heard either before and haven't looked them up, so I can only point out that you wrote different things and can't clear it up. Sorry.
Most of the climatologists that had their papers misrepresented deliberately said that in their papers the earth is heading for a mini ice age by natural causes through a pattern seen throughout history
@@thedivide9559 Except it's not, because human activity is causing a massive amount of warming that far outweighs any tiny levels of natural changes that should be happening. CO2 levels are scarily and abnormally high and continuing to rise and it's our fault for burning a shit ton of fossil fuels for so long.
@Stirgid Lanathiel You're right, in fact things are even worse than that when it comes to our economic system. It's not only at fault for causing this disaster in the first place, putting profits over the warnings of scientists, but it's the reason why we can neither stop nor reverse climate change until we radically change the economic system. As long as we continue to practice capitalism there will never be a concerted effort to solve this crisis, because capitalism requires constant growth, it requires immediate profits, it is simply unsustainable, and it could never organize nor muster the political or economic will to sink money and effort into a project of a global scale that will deliver no financial gain. Capitalism simply cannot operate in a way that does not kill the environment. Capitalism is a system that is driven by the pathological need for profit at any cost, market economies are anarchistic and irrational and cannot help people, only enrich a few at the benfit of the many. We need a collectivized, planned economy before we can even begin to tackle global climate engineering.
nice one :D . Hmmm on the other hand, once you reached the north pole every direction is south... which means going 12 000 km north of London is impossible. (Or you just stamp your feet at the north pole until you are confident it's the equivalent of 12 000 km and you end up at the north pole)
It are the oceans and its currents that dictate the climate. Only the Sun can warm the ocean surface. CO2 back-radiation does not have the correct wavelength to penetrate the ocean deeper than its skin and therefore cannot heat the ocean. So we would need less clouds or a stronger Sun or less UV absorption in the atmosphere. Even so if the poles get colder because of a circulation breakdown we immediately would see more ice created so saltier denser water and less melt water the exact conditions for restoring the system. Also around the equator warmer seas would have more evaporation and therefore more cloud cover cooling the ocean.
@@ducthman4737 I think you’re forgetting the affects anoxia and acidification at the surface on everything that lives below that. With higher CO2 in the atmosphere, the ocean becomes more acidic, and with higher temperatures less oxygen rich. More CO2 can be held in water than is needed to become toxic to living things, let alone too acidic for exoskeletons of zooplankton to be built, so we don’t need to bother with CO2’s saturation since everything would be long asphyxiated before then. I should also say that the surface is where the depths get all their oxygen from. The depths will be slowly but surely asphyxiated. Nutrient flow would also be impacted. Without the waterfall system, the deep sea weakens in its ability to support life due to low trace minerals. This mixing helps drive oceanic life beyond thermal vents at the sea floor. The twilight zone becomes much more isolated from the surface zone since the warm surface water mixes less with the cooler deep water, with species that require journeying between the depths and surface for food by night getting whittled down in numbers due to less food, temperature shock, anoxia, and acidification. Eventually, marine snow volumes decrease, making the midnight and abyssal depth detrivores (those who eat dead animal and plant matter) eventually begin to starve too, causing their predators to also starve. Without the stable surface, the oceans cease to be the bustling place of life we know them to be. The poles’ cooling and subsequent cooling over northern Europe doesn’t do enough to fully stop the greenhouse effect either. If anything, the effects wouldn’t have time to take hold as the climate keeps warming in a feedback loop from already existent ice loss. At most, the ice we have might be holding on for dear life for an additional few years before greenhouse gases caught up again. It couldn’t do much for long enough or fast enough to not still see widespread damage from warmer winters, since it takes centuries or millennia to grow enough permanent ice to combat our current level of warming. Despite the ice holding on for just a little longer, we still have a much hotter equator anyway, levelling out the would be “benefits” of the cooler north even further. The temperate subtropics might have a lovely stable climate for a short while, less perturbed by seasonal variances (which many species rely on), but would see worse offshoots of freak weather from all that ocean evaporation in the tropics and drier cool air in the north and south. The evaporation wouldn’t do enough for cloud coverage, either. Clouds only last so long, only do so much for our albedo, and storms tend to wreck natural sources of greenhouse gas absorption anyway. The one positive thing from all the clouds would be the subsequent storms’ lightning making a tiny amount of extra ozone, as we’d really want it with all the heating going on.
What's even more worrisome is that I've read that by all rights, without all the crap we keep spewing into the atmosphere, Earth would actually be in a deepening ice age -- we're still in an ice age, since there is ice at both poles. Apparently this would-be trend is the only thing saving us from even more rapid warming than we already see. But given that we're warming the planet so drastically and rapidly, the resulting cold rebound may be even more desperate than is supposed in the video, considering that we should really be already heading into a deeper ice age.
@@hiitsme9958 I spent most of my life in Siberia, and I should say, -5° is considered very warm for winter, and it sometimes occurs even in the summers
@@Neversa As someone who lived in southern Siberia near Kazakhstan, I experienced much warmer summers but terribly cold winters. Summers were about (if we're lucky) 18°C and winters were about -20°C. It fluctuated a lot and even more recently due to increased climate change.
Seeing as we are still in the warm trend of an ice age, what you should mean is will the warm trend continue and end the current one, or will the climate flip back to cold ice age with glaciers. Seriously this doom and gloom the more I relearn about the planets history is distorting the trends the planets been going thru for billions of years.
It is also believed that Mohammed was Allah's messenger, the earth is flat, albino's are witches, clitorises need to be cut off, that there is a wage gap between equally capable and hardworking people and that biological evolutionary differences between the races skipped the brain because magic. Not sure that I get your point.
Humans, second most adaptable (none-microscopic) creature on earth after the sandfly/midge. We had northern tribes that lived on ice for multiple generations without ever seeing solid ground, we had tribes living in arid deserts where almost nothing grows, in swaps and in rainforests. Antarctica seems to be the only place we hadn't utilised and that's likely only because it was so hard to get to.
I live in the balkans of Europe. Here the winters are intense and the summers are extremely hot up to 40C. In the winter it can drop down to -20C. This happens because in the summer we have southern winds, and africa and the sea are close. But in the winter we get north east winds which come from russia bringing very cold weather. Its kinda cool
You should also notice that once it gets colder, more ice will form in the north and that will result in more sunlight being reflected back into SpAcE resulting in a even faster cooling.
@@Amaling This is absolutely false , the earth is also dying naturally , plate tectonics will end in around a billion years , that is in NO way enough time for the planet to regenerate and for complex life forms to re evolve , sure life will go on after us and even if all humans died out today , the earth would not recover enough to regenerate much more than slime algae and anoxic bacteria . Sure if we all disappeared today , complex life would have a short bounce back a few thousand years maybe 10 but not evolutionary timescales
if humans all died tomorrow the infrastructure we have in place would kill most animals and shit on the planet. mainly due to nuclear reactors going critical. and all the plastic that would be in the oceans. and petroleum that would start leaking. we are doomed either way.
aaron begon not in the jet stream as of yet but many other currents are experiencing disruption which has drastic consequences for marine life. Now imagine that on the scale of this current.
I lived in London and New York. New York is hot as shit in Summer and gets cold regularly in the winter. London is just a dreary New York day in April 10 months a year, w some hot and cold days mixed in
Looks like we are a few people old enough to remember that movie Anyway, in Russia we are prepared. If the ocean doesn't overflow us, everything is fine
Aaaand he didn't say anything about why exactly colder weather at the poles helps ice age to happen? Basically more ice means more sun light gets reflected, while the reflection near the equator doesn't change, so overall the entire system gets colder. Which means more ice at the poles, more reflection, you get the idea.
that is secondary cause. this only helps accelerate the rate of ice age . but to start it the ocean current and salinity of north Atlantic waters has to change both of which is caused by higher co2.
You forget this .. 1st the ice caps have to melt That means a loss of 50% oxygen production and collapse n extinction of all marine life. Ice age is part 2 First we gotta survive part 1
Difference between each term describing salinity less salty is more broad and the atlantic ocean changes in salinity frequently as it is a collecting basin for land rain run off the higher the salinity the dryer the climate
We're currently in the middle of an Ice Age. The Earth has experienced five major ice ages and this one is called the Quaternary. It has been characterized by alternating periods of glaciation averaging 70,000-90,000 years and interglacial warming periods of 10,000-30,000 years. There have been approximately a dozen epochs of glaciation interspersed with interglacials over the last million years. Our current interglacial, the Holocene epoch, began about 12,000 years ago. At the peak of the last glaciation, about 18,000 years ago, there were ice caps and glaciers over two miles high covering Detroit and much of North America, Europe, and the southern parts of South America and Africa.
Dusty Boot Yes but he’s talk about how global warming could possibly cause another glacial period. Probably won’t happen as humans are adding so much CO2 that we could see warming continue are hundreds of years. Earth will warm 4° to 5°C by 2100
@@PremierCCGuyMMXVI An average increase in temperature doesn't preclude an ice age. As he showed in this video, with a severely weakened system for balancing the temperatures between the equator and the poles, all of that extra trapped heat would largely remain around the equator, further worsening the potential for climatic devastation there.
Kim-André Myrvang While it’s possible, I don’t think CO2 is being constricted to one area. If GLOBAL CO2 levels hit 900-1,000 ppmv it will rust in a warming of more than 4°. It could cause some cooling with the AMOC. But I doubt it actually causes an ice age.
Most meteorologists can't get past the first 10 minutes of that movie because the writers were trying to be clever and ended up putting the horse before the cart. That tends to happen when dilettantes try to explain something they are ignorant about. Gelman Amnesia Effect.
Even if we intentionally melted all glaciers, we'd still be in the same ice age that started 2.6 million years ago. The factors that caused it to start and causes it to persist won't go away any time soon.
3:47 The thermohaline current is not the same as the Gulf Stream (it does push the Gulf Stream further north). The thermohaline current is based on water while the Westerlies or Gulf Stream is base on atmospheric or air movement caused by the rotation of the Earth.
Discovered your channel recently, pretty much binge watching all of it right now, I just want to say that one of the things I enjoy most is that you address global warming without going overboard like many people tend to do. It's a breath of fresh air to have someone talk about these issues in a reasonable manner.
Overboard? Global warming? Let's all research if the globe, is heating or cooling. We live on a planet with ever changing weather due to many factors. At 2000ft deep in the arctic they find palm bark, banana seeds, silica sand in the drilling fluid returns. It will freeze again and thaw again, if we are here or not.
@@walteroide1001 Not exactly, if I remember the event was caused by the colder air of the mesosphere having descended towards the surface, not ocean currents.
I have noticed a change in ground temp around me. Far north freeze level use to be 32" below ground. Lately, that water lines need to be 42" below ground to keep from freezing. In the southern region of America, same thing, but add to this ground heating has to reach deeper in the ground. Water lines that are place at 36" below ground has water that is hot. So, the heat from the sun is reaching deeper than before. I believe this is why it snows, and ground freezing is happening in the deep south. I have also noticed that humidity is greater, but for a longer time. Check your data and you may see how a new Ice Age may be coming fast then we think.
1.Wouldn't higher temperatues in the equator make the ocean even more salty which would potentialy offset the fresh water from melting ice up north? 2.Does fresh water not also cool the ocean, prolonging the process? 3.If there was no ice to melt anymore, would this not kick start AMOC because of increased salinity 4.Why would the westerlies stop blowing the water up north because of higher temperatures? 5.If ice age were to happen, would that not make the conditions perfect to start up AMOC again? Some of the effects you mention seem to counteract to the causes.
I know this comment is 5 yo and you probably forgot about it. That said, you are absolutely correct. I believe that's the reason the AMOC collapses and many years later, once the effects you told take place, reboots itself and hence create a more stable climate. hence why its cyclical.
I really love science and my science class is not good. I've learned more from this video than I have in school in the past 2 or 3 years. It sucks, but it shows that there are still people that are smart and still work on science to actually inform others. This one video and many others have made me want to become a scientist to study things like this. Thank you so much for the great content and keep up the good work man. Edit: grammar
Just make sure you just agree with the consensus and don't step over the line. If you keep repeating what they tell you to say, your grant money will be safe.
You should study for yourself reading books and use the school as a complement/way to solve doubts with your teacher, that's how the school was supposed to work
"It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop in the end" It's kind of accurate for this scenario too. It's not the relatively slow increase in temperature that will harm us, it's the quick and extreme change in weather that follows.
@@daksh8747 It is climate change, yes, and I agree with just about all of Atlas Pro's dire predictions (with the proviso that both he and I could well be totally wrong; we'll just have to wait and see). But, as we're due for another ice age anyway (at least a minor one), I don't see the need to necessarily blame it all on human activity. I mean, it might be us, but it also could all be virtually 100% natural climate change that we would have gotten anyway even if we were still pre-industrial. Still, famine + fire & ice seem like a believable outcome that people on either side of the climate debate are really not going to like.
@@spiderjuice9874 It doesn't detract from the fact that we're egging the climate change onwards. And yeah either way its going to be scary so might as well try to reduce the scare caused by us even if it only reduces the total scare by a very tiny amount.
@@daksh8747 I have no issue with erring on the side of caution (eg. I'm pro-solar but only as a bonus: it is too intermittent to rely on completely) when the costs are not too high: when policies are affordable, we may as well try not to make things worse 'just cause we can' but as we're either not really sure yet which way to jump we shouldn't pour all our resources into a solution which later turns out to be ineffective or - worse - is in fact wrong. I vote for more research, the kind that is discussed dispassionately, before we commit. This is stated as merely my personal opinion: I am not trying to brow-beat others to agree with me.
“Could global warming cause a new ice age?” *describes why Europe is as warm as new York or warmer despite being about as north or more northern* I’m getting some serious v sauce vibes
It's crazy how important water density and salinity plays a part in our planet. Along with temperature which effects wind, waves. Upwelling, down welling. All from density and salt content. Causing flow and layers
correction: europe isnt warmer because of the gulf stream, the gulf stream creates atmospheric waves and draws cold air from the arctic down to the east coast of the US, therefore it is technically the east coast that is colder
actuallly this guy failed to point out that he picked cities like madrid which is far away from the oceon or any major sea. and compared it to nyc which is right next atlantic oceon. if you pick lagos portugal for exaple which has much lower altitude than new york but is significantly cooler in the summer with high average of 78F compared to nyc 84F.
@@trevorj79 [Did you mean elevation?] "Theres no city with a lower *elevation than New York City!" *New Orleans*: Am I a joke to you? [The elevation New Orleans is between 0.3 meters and 0.6 meters below sea level. While New York City is 10 meters above sea level.]
Could you do an updated vid of this please? Temps are very hot in Siberia and the permafrost is melting faster than anyone suspected...how will this impact the above theory? Thanks 🙏
That's an easy answer. It will amplify both desalination and warm the planet due to the further increase in methane and Co2 released into the atmosphere, both will cause the ocean turnover to slow down. I suspected the permafrost would thaw around the arctic back in the 80's due to unbridled fossil fuel consumption. Also, there were scientist that had warned about melting permafrost way back in the late 60's and early 70's. Scientists btw that were paid by the fossil fuel industry (American Petroleum Institute) to see what effect burning fossil fuels would have on the atmosphere. I hate being right sometimes!
@@snowleopard9463 Hehe I would LOVE to see the bottle or stone flask it came in! But the real question is did you drink or taste any of it or did you make a fortune selling it to science?
@@MontyFly I believe this is why Russia is so focused on finding markets for their natural gas, I've heard that they cannot keep up with tapping and capping all the new sites that are outgassing right now! I'm so angered by the total lack of interest the industrialists show for the welfare of the human race, the planet or its' creatures! but I'm not surprised.
The short answer? We don't have a clue not the faintest. Some people think they know but their guessing based on the latest data but their guessing. The earth has been warming for a few thousand years. We get ups and downs a down occurred about 500 years ago then it warmed up again and the glaciers around the world have be retreating for a few hundred years,yes the glaciers have been retreating long before we started burning dinosaurs. Ocean level rising? Yes,10,000 years ago it was 400feet lower. Solution? Move up hill. Reality? The planet changes want to survive? Adapt or go extinct.
Hokkaido is around the same latitude as Oregon, but it's climate is in every way like Iceland and Faroe Islands. Some of the Azores have a mid-ocean climate, making it unique.
Just shows. The temperature of the ocean waters near you play a big role. The difference in temperatures over land vs oceans next to it determines wind, humidity, etc. The Sahara is a desert, because, ironically, it does not receive enough sunlight to heat it up enough for winds to blow from the Atlantic and bring rain.
"New" Ice Age? We haven't left the old one yet. We are just in a small interglacial that comes around every 100,000 years or so, that the glaciers will advance at some point in the future is a given. You might also want to consider that the average trend over the last 8,000 years is down. While the planet warms and cools every thousand years or so, the fact is that each peak is lower than the one before and each trough is deeper than the one before. The coldest part of the "Little Ice Age" is arguably the coldest the planet has been in over 8,000 years. But we are still in a planetary Ice Age and when the temps drop we will not be able to stop it. Moscow, Berlin, Paris, Scotland, Scandinavia and Canada will once again be under a mile or two of ice.
@@tylerdurden3722 You're very optimistic. Of the last 8 Interglacials the longest one lasted just under 10,000 years. Our current one has been around over 12,000 years, so by the records, we are at least 2,000 years overdue for a temperature plummet. What will happen when Europe invades north Africa is anybody's bet. Russia will be forced to invade northern China and the Middles East. It won't be pretty.
@@JohnJ469...I think the last interglacial was 20 thousand years (also, it spiked 2 degrees Celsius higher than the current interglacial has... So far, at least. The average interglacial is 15 thousand years... Glacials and interglacials are triggered when Jupiter tugs at our orbit and puts the earth in circular or elliptical orbits. The elliptical orbits last about 95 thousand years (hence the reason glaciation lasts 95 thousand years)... The circular orbits last 15 thousand years until Jupiter's next tug (hence the reason interglacials last 15 thousand years on average) All of that only applies if the right conditions exist (as they do today). Antartica being the main culprit in this story. The current interglacial is expected to be an unusually long one (regardless of human intervention)....hence the reason my estimate is 5 to 10 thousand years (which is actually a modest estimate).
@@tylerdurden3722 Not to be argumentative, but where are you getting your data from? We exited the last glaciation about 15k years bp. (Ignoring the Younger Dryas). The previous interglacials were at about 110k year intervals and none of the last 3 lasted anywhere near 15k years. The last interglacial to last as long as the current one was 410k years bp and it only lasted 10k years. I'm going by the Vostok ice cores which simply do not show what you are describing. AFAIK these are pretty definitive, so if you have data that contradicts them, I'd like to see it. And I have seen estimates that this interglacial will last 50k years. I doubt this simply because the average temperatures have been dropping for the last 8k years. The bottom of the "Little Ice Age", circa 1800 was the coldest the planet has been in about 8,000 years. While temps go up and down over a thousand years or so, the pattern has been that each peak is lower than the last and each trough has been colder than the last. Our current warming has not reached the Medieval Warm period temperatures yet, the MWP was cooler than the Roman Warm Period which in turn was cooler than the Minoan Warm Period. The trend is definitely down.
In Lithuania we had the warmest winter in January ever 15 c :( I really love the cold but -30c weather is impossible now last time I seen -30c. Was in 2012
I’ve notice a Change in climate in my short (19) I live in north west England and it snowed almost every year at Christmas when I was a kid but it hasn’t snowed properly in at least half a decade.
I'm in my twenties, and I remember very hot summers in Scotland & relatively mild winters! Memory and personal experience are not good metrics for measuring climate change.
Haha... you're 19? I went to London in 2002 for Christmas, and it snowed. I remember the hotel manager telling us that this was the first time they had snow after many years. Also, the road outside Big Ben was a sea of ice. Never forgot carefully crossing it... and seeing other pedestrians slipping.
@@jansen7640 That's very interesting to hear Because over here in Canada it was one of the hottest we've seen in years Recently broke the highest temperature record in the entire country by nearly 5 degrees which was set in the 30s
Here in the tropics we've had the coldest year I can remember. We've been in a covid lockdown over a year but luckily I've hardly had to run the aircon. Also the typhoons this year were more like a bad storm than a Typhoon.
Northern North-America is colder than maritime Western Europe due to: i) the Gulf Stream ii) continentality These are the TWO main factors, both B.C. and A.D.
It it warms will raise about 1 degree.Many ppl around the globe noticed that is getting colder compared with previous years.This is because an ice age is coming.Temperatures will be similar with Siberia or even lower.Ice will cover most of earth.This is coming because sun enters a minimum activity cycle.There is an ice age every 25-30000 years.
@@JSSQuelloAutentico Someone told you a lie and you believed it.I live in UK,here are max 31 degrees in the summer and min -5 or 6 in the winter,our body can adapt and surive about 40 degrees difference.To handle the heat we take off some clothes,go to the beach,have an ice cream or beer.To handle the cold we put warm clothes,but to survive we need to be most of the time in a warm place-home and use heaters.Most of earth population live in moderate climate areas not in the cold areas.Any idea how many ppl live in Alaska,Siberia etc?Any idea how many pl live in hot countries like Brasil,Spain,Portugal,arab countries,Africa?Can't even compare.If we talk about north and south pole there are almost no humans,it's -70 degrees,you believe you can handle?I used to lie in a colder country was 32-35 degrees in the summer and -20 or -30 in the winter.I can tell you the winter was horrible.
Being from Minnesota, I'm totally fine with this. It just means that Minnesota will be a more dominant state in the USA, due to our abilities to handle extreme weather conditions.
That is exactly what it means. We already have the infrastructure to handle extreme cold. We would be better off than almost every other state minus Alaska and maybe... maybe Colorado. Don't forget skywalks between buildings and insulation meant for -60 degrees Fahrenheit (-51 degrees Celsius). We're already prepared. If you go down south, like Arizona or Mississippi, they will literally break down over 1 inch of snow and 32 degrees. Minnesota would become more dominant because we would sell skill and product for insulation, infrastructure regulations, and so forth. I'm not saying we would take over the world, but we would be a more dominant state. Also you're acting like Northern Canada like conditions means an unlivable hell scape. It doesn't, it just means greater expenditures on infrastructure and more green houses with a higher emphasis on the agricultural sciences like The Netherlands has been doing.
Only Americans talk about dominance and dominant existence.........there is another world out there which has different focii. Your paradigm of dominance is passe!
Which is evidence that temperatures have risen at a faster and more significant scale than before largely without nearly as many humans and barely any of the supposed causes of climate change being produced
Gokce Ozdemır i do recognise the name of the city located there today as Istanbul, but back then it was called Constantinople. besides, Constantinople is how the English called it whereas Istanbul is in Turkish, and back then, the ottomans hadn’t even risen to power yet.
I loved the explanation about why latitude isn't indicative of a region's temperature, i've always wondered why that is! Learning about simple stuff like that is why i adore this channel, like your videos about how caves form and about the Coriolis effect explaining air currents!
Hate to break it to you... but climate change doesn't cause ice ages, ice ages ARE climate change. Or one form thereof. Could climate change cause an ice age is like asking could music cause sound.
It’s funny cos the ice that’s melting causes changes to the Gulf Stream and that affects the hot water coming from the Caribbean so Europe’s temperatures will drop
@@mcjamezyhd6723 That's an incorrect conclusion. Yes the Gulf stream will be effected by melt water. But this is because warm air/water next to cold air/water naturally wants to move into the colder air/water until they equalise. The Arctic is warming at a faster rate then the Caribbean so the result will be the gulf stream will weaken in strength relative to the increase in Arctic temperature. This gives us a net warming overall.
It was caused by, wait for it... The Mongels! There are theories that since they depopulated huge areas, that forests could regrow and absorb CO2, causing a reduction in global temperature.
jasonvideos5 natural causes but that was natural, the warming now is much larger and far worst then that in fact CO2 levels and Temperatures on Earth are the highest in 3 million years! Humans are causing this warm up, Earth should be cooling not warming! But we humans are careless!
The crazy part is that at least where I live in Europe, we had warm winters and dry summers but last year and this one as well we had cool summers and winters with a lot of snow, if this trend continues as fast as it appears to until now I will freeze in 4 years, goodbye
As you are considering your first trip to Europe I would mention my last one. This is in light of exactly what you are describing here, but on a smaller than global scale. I traveled in august 2003 to southern Germany near Lake Constance, or Bodensee as the Germans refer to it. Like you mentioned, I packed light, especially as the news from France a week before I traveled was of old people dying from an especially warm August. Was I surprised to find I was ill equipped for the weather during my week in Friedrichshaven. While layering my sweater and windbreaker worked for the dry days as a spectator/course marshal for a bicycle sporting event held there in conjunction with a Grand Bicycle Dealers show at the Messe(Convention center). When it rained I was shivering and wet as if it were October. Pack a jacket, I would advise. Returning I looked up the reasons for the great disparity in the two week period, and I remember that there was a short shift in the gulf stream that caused that wild swing in temperature.
Hey you're spoiling one of the worlds best kept secrets. Germany is paradise for hikers. A network of forests, castles, villages, churches, country lanes, rivers and lakes. And almost completely unused, as the Germans go elsewhere for holidays. Unbeatable for beauty, cost and access. So safe and so friendly.
My take on this ... it means there'll be some counter effect to the expected 40+celcius temps in northern Europe (2100. But Belgium had 42celcius n UK 38 Celsius recently that's 10 degrees higher than I have experienced in 37yrs. 28celcius used to b considered unusually hot in UK. When I was 9, went to Greece temps of 33celcius. It looked dry n barren compared to UK. Last week went to Glastonbury n everything looked like it was dead already) So, mix this 1 factor against all the warming factors n hopefully we end up with a Europe that's still habitable
The North Atlantic Current is responsible for much of your weather in the UK and western Europe.....and agreed it is warmer and dragging up warmer air. Have you seen reports of it recently bringing a lot of dust with it? This would be a huge increase in heat energy. If you understand a little how cosmic rays effect our atmosphere, it could explain the anomaly.
My comment couldve been written this summer too. I think that as long as the north atlantic current remains, uk will end up with Mediterranean climate with climate change. If it stops due to ocean acidification (climate change, increased melt water etc), uk will become colder than it currently is Have to say i personally prefer the Mediterranean scenario. Yet the consequences for other parts of the world becoming uninhabitable are what i find scary Resource wars, mass migration, wet bulb effect, starvation, famine etc
I realized a few years ago, living in Minnesota that many of out major winter snow storms start out on the west coast as rain. Being pushed up by the Rockies they turn to snow. We get cold weather and snow from Canada too. I suspect we would still have a milder winter if not for the Rockies. How would our winters be if we didn't maintain a snow cover all winter long?
I've been waiting for the next Ice Age for 11,700 years.
How's Manny and Diego?
@@radioactive1014 Chilling.
You really must get a life Noah
Not to worry. Brexit will leave people so salty that the Gulf stream's future will be secured for at least 1000 years.
Feynstein 100 underrated comment
Implying Brexit will actually happen and it won't be the brexiters who are salty.
Why did you have to open that pandoras box?
How did this get political?
Because people aren't right in the head and are using politics to escape there sad miserable lives and feel like they are worth something.
I'm going to classify ice ages based on their "size" from now on.
Yes please I’d like to be the person who started the classification scheme based on what size t-shirt each ice age would wear
The video is so full of lies and deceptions for the global warming scam and for making fake excuses for its failed catastrophic warming predictions because of the global cooling going on.
It is totally absurd that the SOLAR CYCLE, the absolutely dominant factor affecting global temperature, is NOT mentioned in this video about temperature changes of the earth at all.
Failing to mention the Solar Cycle in this video is as absurd as claiming the slow rate of water that flows through a river during the dry season is caused by the high rate of water that flows through the river during the wet season without mentioning the real reason affecting the rate of flow of water in the river at all, i.e. the rate of rainfall at the source of the river.
Data from NASA in 2010 suggested that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) had not slowed down, but may have actually sped up slightly since 1993. The contrived slowing down and shutting down scenario of the Thermohaline circulation of the global warming scammers for their fake excuse for global cooling should result higher than normal temperature in regions near the equator EVEN IN WINTER TIME when the slowing down or stopping of the ocean current fails to bring cold sea water from the north to the equatorial regions. But the opposite is happening. Both Australia and Brazil are now in winter time and both of them are experiencing record low temperatures due to Solar minimum instead of the speculated higher winter temperature predicted by the theory of the global warming scammers.
VIDEO: Unusual Snows Australia and Its Not Warming Oceans (874) (Copy and paste title for search)
(Posted on Aug 20, 2019)
VIDEO: Global Volcanic Feedback Loop Now Causing Unusual Cold Temperatures (851)
(Posted on Jul 11, 2019)
(Posted on July 9, 2019)
Obviously, this video was made not for telling people the truth but for deceiving the global warming sheeple by lying to them that an Ice Age can be caused by global warming when there is no such causality relationship and when the global warming scammers realize the earth is actually cooling instead of warming as they lied about.
In fact there was only normal and insignificant warming in the past decades due to the increase in solar activities, which could be observed from the increase of sunspots, instead of the catastrophic global warning due to CO2 that Al Gore lied about. Both NOAA and NASA had kept genuine temperature data in the past decades in the form of graphs. However, they were found to have corrupted the temperature data on the archived temperature graphs to create the false impression of rapid global warming on some new graphs in order to lie for their masters in the global warming scam.
VIDEO: Corruption Of The US Temperature Record
VIDEO: The truth about global warming
Google: The Stunning Statistical Fraud Behind The Global Warming Scare
As quoted from The Day After Tomorrow,
“Mankind survived the last ice age. We’re certainly capable of surviving this one. All depends on wether or not we’re able to learn from our mistakes.”
and the answer to that is "no"
Such a relavent movie
Is that implying the last Ice Age was a man made mistake? Or that man is even capable of curtailing the inevitable next one? Hollywood lies. You’d be better to avoid anything that comes from them.
@@BandAid350z No. It’s the second one. The last ice age was around 11,700 years ago. We as Homo sapiens started roughly 300,000 years ago. It’s not a lie.
@@camdenrafftery3555 so we as a species are at fault for the last one? The earth has gone through drastic changes and most of them occurred without man’s presence or even its root ancestors.
*Ocean.Exe has stopped working*
Kleropunt YEET it literally froze
Maybe Microsoft were onto something when they chose Control-Alternate-DELETE to cause a reset.
Hey wtf we have the same profile picture
My brother
@@hahabrown6596 how tf...
I remember when Atlas Pro was at around ten thousand subs, and everyone said he’s going to blow up. Well, it’s happened.
I was here before then. And he has done an amazing job on all his videos.
Hippatty Hoppatus I hope there’s an ice age
Earth: *Warms up*
Climate change: *UNO reverse*
@waylon lewin it is not too warm unfortunately
@waylon lewin It's not that warm. WarmER than it would be but still cold.
FarLAND MC Someone copied your comment 😂
its a peltier device ... one side gets hot while the other freezes :-D
i remember reading about how the global temp increase of even a few degrees can cause another ice age, long before global warming was an issue talked about.
It's a lie though. An ice age would be caused by the snowball effect, where the ice caps expand too much. But the principle cause of that is snow coverage, which reflects the sun, which cools the earth, which causes more snow coverage, and so on. It's a run away effect. The earth warming would have no such effect. It might make things a bit cooler from all the cooler melt ice, but that doesn't lead to a snowball effect, and that cooling doesn't last for long, because that melted ice and snow is no longer reflecting light. With those facts in hand, one might think "Well then global warming is real! If the ice melts, the polar areas are going to warm and then there's nothing to cool the earth!". Except how do you think the polar caps developed in the first place? They don't develop based on global environment, they develop based on the earths tilt and distance from the sun, and because of the shape of the earth. So it is literally impossible for the ice caps to ever disappear. Even the planet Mercury, which is a blistering 330 degrees in most parts, has ice caps.
If anything, global warming would be a second golden age for humanity. It might make living at the equator less comfortable, but the majority of land on the earth is not at the equator. Which means it would open up vast resource rich areas with very good and pristine farming soil, while also making the general populated colder areas much nicer. Most of our energy doesn't go toward cooling in the summer, it goes toward heating in the winter. That's why you might pay $30 to run an air conditioner for a month in the summer, but $300 to heat your home in the winter. One is clearly a much more energy intensive task. Which means even warmer summers, would mean less pollution. So the benefits of global warming are vast, to the point that there are basically no downsides, as any downsides would be completely counteracted by the benefits. And we would actually pollute less as a species.
@@peoplez129 Only time will tell if your theory is more feasible than other scientists more pessimistic prognostications !
Hope for the best but plan for the worst is my advice ...
@@peoplez129 no? many species would die from the earth heating up just a few degrees, weather would be a lot more extreme in some places, also how would we pollute less? heating your home wouldn't pollute much lmao.
Was thiat a chapter of '1984' ? Doublespeak from the ministry of truth?
@@peoplez129 True but not complete. Yes the ice albedo is decisive but the cause for cooling is known. It is the increasingly eliptic orbit of earth, the excentricity Milankovic cyle and earth is on its way to sling out to the aphelion in the next 80 thousand years. Another even larger factor is the continental distribution: Snow can not accumulate to large ice caps on the open sea, Antarctica often played the key role here. The ice will melt simply when Antarctica will leave the south pole again, in ~90 million years to form Pangea Ultima, then the whole cenozoic Ice Aeon will end.
Dude. I’m still trying to comprehend how some water takes 1500 years for it to return to the surface.
Then it would prolly break your mind to know that light created in the center of the sun still hasnt come out yet
@@dralord1307 I think it takes a million years for light from fusion to reach the surface.
@@tylerdurden3722 Yes, some of it takes that long. Some takes longer some shorter. There is a % that hasnt come out yet. All depends on the interactions the Photon has
@@dralord1307 What? :o You're saying there's light not moving at light speed? Or maybe it is, but just not in a linear fashion because of the suns gravity? I'm intrigued
@@kimvangvideomarketerbangko3265 Light created in the middle of the sun bounces off the other particles in the middle of the sun. It is super dense, so its like a pinball trying to make its way out of the star. It can take a very long time for it to actually get out of the star.
Moral of video: we aren’t sure what is going to happen exactly, but we know you’re not going to like it.
Unless you like chaos :3
Moral of the video - numbers are hard, but not that hard.
Sounds like the last season of Game of Thrones.... Ice and Fire indeed.
I’m hoping for forced cold weather. Still kills Africa, but also is confusing as guck
Also, we need to implement global communism because of it and tax you for everything you've got. Unless you don't live in the Western world and don't give half a rat's ass about poloution and have no money to be scammed out off.
0:57 "We'll need to move over 12,000 km north. To New Zealand."
Oh he said 12000 but it's actually 1200
@@pipelayer859 r/woosh
Hahah yeah I caught that one too 😂
yanks are still struggling to get to grips with the metric system
The strange thing is, where he's pointing is roughly the latitude of where old zealand is.
After watching this video, the Irony of a certain American politician standing in the snow and saying something like "we need global warming" is depressing
What’s depressing is the people who explained it to them, the idea of globa warming destroying the planet had been a long going lie since the 70s. Go back and look at how many times the world was going to end from global events. There are magazines saying that by 2000 we where supposed to be an icey wasteland, the politicians arent ignorant, they are overtly aware of how ignorant everyone else is.
@@austinhawthorne6310 ... Spot on.. 😞🤮😠
@@austinhawthorne6310 nobody except extremely hysterical tabloid rags has actually been saying that it would destroy the world at any point in the last 50 years. What has been said is that we have crossed multiple points of no return, which could have disastrous implications 50-100 years from now, because it takes time for released CO2 to actually trap the sun's heat. And for the record, parts of the world are already being devastated by climate change. Huge swathes of sub-saharan Africa have become uninhabitable due to droughts brought on by increased temperatures, extreme weather events like hurricanes have become more common, less rainfall in places like California and Australia has made wildfires far more catastrophic, the Maldives are literally sinking because the sea levels are rising, and we're a couple decades away from mass ecological collapse the world over. We're knee deep in the effects of climate change, but you're denying it because rag tabloids more concerned with celebrity diets than any facts painted absurd pictures of overnight global desertification and societal collapse, straight out of a gloomy sci-fi film. Just because it hasn't come to your doorstep yet doesn't mean that it's suddenly not real.
The truth is that climate change denying politicians aren't wiser, they're selfish boomers pocketing cash from the oil industry because they know that they will die long before the climate change begins to affect us in the first world badly.
@@Slaking_ I think it's more that they are denying that humans are causing it. Cliamte change will obv happen, but instead of trying to prevent it, because we never will. we should prepare for it. keep in mind, the planet is currently in an ice age, and is the coldest it has ever been since life was on this planet. I mean places like wyoming, or even canad used to be swamps with dense forests and a large diversity of animals. Also keep in mind than plants and animals like more co2 and heat. More co2= more plant growth all over the planet, especially like palces that have droughts or low water, and more plants = more food for animals that will climb up the food chain. Animals and plants also can't grow in cold, where as they love warmer and warmer temps.
Much hotter is bad. Much colder is bad. Disrupting the Gulf Stream via global warming will give us both. Swell.
No such thing as global warming. See about solar cycles. Esp. modern "Eddy minimum". (Minimum sunspot activity)
@Stirgid Lanathiel thanks for your reply. I don't deny that we are having intense climate change, and your points are well taken. If you are interested in the science I get my opinion from, please look up Ben Davidson's site, "Suspicious Observers". He has hundreds of links to scientific research papers on the subject.
@@sueyoung2115 That site is full of shit, the guy is a conspiracy theorist nutjob with no scientific degree and no understanding of climate science who cherrypicks "evidence" that agrees with him. Please listen to what actual climate scientists have to say. Human industrial and agricultural activity drastically increasing the atmospheric CO2 levels is the number one cause of the sudden and abnormally fast rate of global warming we are experiencing. We are seeing levels of temperature change within the span of a century that should take tens if not hundreds of thousands of years to happen. It is a man-made catastrophe that we need to undertake a concerted global effort to avert before billions of people die.
Theres bigger things at play here besides our influence. However maybe a drastic cooling is more destructive than a slow warming. Allthough id ve happy to see the damn mosquitos die.
@@ivobreeschoten5442 No.... Human influence has been proven to be the largest driver of climate change. Stop making claims that aren't scientifically supported, please
Imagine All those Russians getting all happy and excited for global warming freaking out because it's gonna be even colder in Russia after global warming
unclejohnfromjamaica % live in Brazil always hottt there hehe
@unclejohnfromjamaica % You might have recognized the small shift from 'Global Warming' to 'Climate change'
As data proves there is no global warming (the ones that started the discussion were manipulated)... However weather pattern changes somehow, and there is a tendency for more moisture in the atmosphere. However neither the frequency nor the severity of Hurricanes as example had increased... wich someone would expect with rising water temperatures...
Water level rise is limited to land based Ice shields, of wich are two major left. Greenland and Antarctica.
Antarctica show no tendency to melt, and Greenland is very limited melting. This is underlined by 3.7 mm water rise per year.... wich is not really threatening imo.
So my guess is this all is a red herring to distract people from more pressing issues like unemployment, rise of world population and resource wars. War in general is far more threatening than climate change.
They're not happy n excited
Melting of the permafrost has already caused huge craters, there's the methane release, increased wildfires (the latter cooling would still create dry conditions n thus drought N food insecurity) but perhaps most importantly n yet little known ...
Both anthrax and bubonic plague have been found within the permafrost. 20 deer currently have contracted anthrax already n possibly 1 human death.
Atm contained to non-populous areas
Hansjörg Kunde I’m just frustrated.. If you’re scientist or connected with any fields of science it’s very disappointing for you to make such statements and don’t trust climatologists. If you’re are not connected with policy making or science, then I guess I don’t have the right to change your opinion
@@kosatochca The the first claim about 'Global warming' was based on doctored data this is fact. They just chose what they wanted and what supported 'the trend'. Conflicting data with that had been removed from the study.. That's not science isn't it? Its 'proving' something on purpose and most likely for cash.
The current data don't prove a global warming trend, not at all. Climate models are faulty, only recently they added water vapor to it, i can't imagine what else is left out. So these models are of no use.
The next prognosis might be likely be a global cooling after they changed already to a more general 'Climate change' tag. So how is that in any way different from a fortune teller? It's not Science that i can tell you.
Weather changes so does climate. You are aware that northern Africa was 2000 years ago the bread basked for the Roman Empire? Its now desert... So its safe to assume climate is getting warmer... wich is a directly connected of the end of the last ice age 12.500 years ago...
Mankind had little to do with that trend. That might have changed, even if the data point more to a 'change' of weather patterns rather than a global warming trend at all.
I'm no scientist but i got a solid physical background with a bachelor degree in CS. So i know exactly what a computer model can do and what not.. Decisions based on a faulty model is not a good idea.
The rest is hype and the always present 'The sky is falling ' we are doomed mood.
Which is not scientific at all.
This all is a red herring we can pick on while they rule. Global sea level rises that is true, a few millimeters a year, and it rises since the end of the last ice age, right ? That summed up to about 120 meters at least. It picked up from 2.2 millimeters a year to about 3. And if you live near the coast you can start packing, in 100 years you might have to move.
As i pointed out the number and frequency of Hurricanes have NOT changed. Wich is proof that oceans are not getting warmer in general. (if you might know about the connection between water temperature and the appearance of hurricanes you might even know why)
What has increased is the damage they do if landfall.
There are plenty of other examples that counters the claim of a Global warming, ah right they changed it to Global climate change.. so even they can't uphold the claim.
And no you won't be able to change my opinion as it it based on solid facts, probably far more solid than what these payed windbags have to say.
Your frustration stems most likely from a discrepancy between what is told to you by the media and what is really happen. This can be quite different after what i have experienced in my 58 years of life.
They lie. They always have been lied and they are notorious liars.
For the purpose to keep you distracted from what they are doing with the planet and with the public in general.
Ice age: *starts*
Canadians: *I'm sorry but did something change?*
winter all year baby
You do know that canadians have a summer too, right ? Sometimes it reachs 40°C there are only 4 months that are truly cold, December, January, February and the beginning of March...
Most of Canada was covered by a 2 mile thick sheet of ice during the last ice age, they would notice.
@@en6928 on my part the summers are getting hotter and the winters are getting colder
We’re already in an ice age, always have been. An ice age is anytime there’s ice on the planet. Most of the history of life on earth has no ice.
Ice Age: **begins**
Russian, Nordic, Alaskan, and Canadian people: *"Must have been the wind."*
Atmostphere and water stream patch 2.1.1 release date 2050
@@psyrus728 lol it took longer than I expected xd
Damn, we humans are hacking into the game's code and we're about to create a new patch of our own! I do not want to see the repercussions in the current meta if this happens, many ocean mains and players in the ecuator will leave to another server and change mains, or even, leave the game. I'm hopping that the people playing in the test servers point this out to the devs.
The global warming will arrive irreversible point only 12 years later.
As a geo and environmental science major, you’re very articulate and you break things down in easy way to understand.
rdr2 reference
As a astronaut for nasa. I agree
You’re *, you’re clearly not articulate are you
@@RobertMJohnson for fuck sake man just shut up
@@RobertMJohnson there are multiple ways to pronounce it
"the equator would be hotter"
Dubai and Singapore: hold my hotel
Geography Globe underrated comment
@@ilikedogspepsi22 Tysm!
How about death valley? Far from the equator and hottest on the planet.
Death valley isnt the hottest place on earth.
From an article:
El Azizia took the record for highest temperature ever recorded on Sept. 13, 1922, when a thermometer on a weather station hit a whopping 136 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius), thanks to southerly winds blowing in hot air from over the Sahara Desert. The sweltering temperature displaced the previous record holder of 134 F, measured at the Furnace Creek weather station in Death Valley on July 10, 1913.
And theres other places in the world like Dasht-e Loot, Iran, where the ground temp is about 70c [158f]
@@Angel-xe2tl so seems it changes year by year. Lut desert Iran, badlands of Queensland Australia and the flaming mountain in China purportedly the hottest in 7 years of satellite research. Based on ambient air temps in the shade.
I’m so glad someone is talking about the gulf stream! Many people don’t realize that it’s a climate tipping point, and if it collapses, everything above Spain and Italy will (basically) become polar climates. It’s honestly terrifying to think about.
Atlas Pro asking the real questions.
Why is china cold but everywhere else warmer average tempratures??? CHINA IS BAD AND CAUSING AN ICE AGE
@lethal hipster your profile picture is a cat, china eats cats and why is it so blue on the map, and it is the leading polluter
@@alexh349 as a whole yes. But per person? Not even close.
Alex H that’s Russia. If you don’t know where China is, it’s the one in the yellow. Just a bit below Japan.
The word for unsalty is hyposaline.
Just say fresher
How about dilute?
So that means that hypersaline is not just a work I made up? 🤔
Ashwin Mouton nope, that means very salty
@@tylerdurden3722 you wrote HYPO saline in earlier post. Haven't heard either before and haven't looked them up, so I can only point out that you wrote different things and can't clear it up. Sorry.
Thanks for using the metric system despite ur American heritage
We use metric too.
The science community prefers the metric system.
It is 2019.
This is an American science channel, thus it should use metric anyway.
If the rest of the world could stop pretending that Americans don't learn the metric system in school, that would be great.
Average temperatures were even higher in previous interglacial periods so there’s no reason to expect an imminent begin of another glacial period.
"We'll have to weather the weather, no matter the weather, whether we like it or not."
Spelling Nazis missed this one ;-)
@@Dave5843-d9m yep
Just leave the weather alone!
believe me, you´ll not like it!
So is the globe warming or cooling?
Atlas Pro: Yes
Most of the climatologists that had their papers misrepresented deliberately said that in their papers the earth is heading for a mini ice age by natural causes through a pattern seen throughout history
Are we messing with it?
@@thedivide9559 Mind introducing me to most climatologists?
@@thedivide9559 Except it's not, because human activity is causing a massive amount of warming that far outweighs any tiny levels of natural changes that should be happening. CO2 levels are scarily and abnormally high and continuing to rise and it's our fault for burning a shit ton of fossil fuels for so long.
@Stirgid Lanathiel You're right, in fact things are even worse than that when it comes to our economic system. It's not only at fault for causing this disaster in the first place, putting profits over the warnings of scientists, but it's the reason why we can neither stop nor reverse climate change until we radically change the economic system.
As long as we continue to practice capitalism there will never be a concerted effort to solve this crisis, because capitalism requires constant growth, it requires immediate profits, it is simply unsustainable, and it could never organize nor muster the political or economic will to sink money and effort into a project of a global scale that will deliver no financial gain.
Capitalism simply cannot operate in a way that does not kill the environment. Capitalism is a system that is driven by the pathological need for profit at any cost, market economies are anarchistic and irrational and cannot help people, only enrich a few at the benfit of the many. We need a collectivized, planned economy before we can even begin to tackle global climate engineering.
So Ned Stark was Right
Winter is Coming....
And this one is gonna be a long one
we mus recruit little girls and give them daggers to hunt an ice king
I thought of game of thrones as soon as he said westerlies
Last one continued till like June
If he's correct, it'll only be a cold long winter up north and down south. It's going get really hot in the middle.
130,000 Years ago, when modern humans left Africa in large numbers, the sea level was 30 feet higher than now!
12 000 kilometres North of London will put you in Hawai'i.😀
I see what you did there ;)
nice one :D . Hmmm on the other hand, once you reached the north pole every direction is south... which means going 12 000 km north of London is impossible. (Or you just stamp your feet at the north pole until you are confident it's the equivalent of 12 000 km and you end up at the north pole)
@@thulyblu5486, head upwards on Earth's Z axis. I don't know how, though. 😀
@PremiumPlusReviews no of course not
I dont get this, can u explain?
Still in an ice age, just we are enjoying the current inter-glacial. Enjoy it while it lasts and don't sell your overcoat.
It are the oceans and its currents that dictate the climate. Only the Sun can warm the ocean surface. CO2 back-radiation does not have the correct wavelength to penetrate the ocean deeper than its skin and therefore cannot heat the ocean.
So we would need less clouds or a stronger Sun or less UV absorption in the atmosphere.
Even so if the poles get colder because of a circulation breakdown we immediately would see more ice created so saltier denser water and less melt water the exact conditions for restoring the system.
Also around the equator warmer seas would have more evaporation and therefore more cloud cover cooling the ocean.
We are a 1000 years over due for an ice age
@@TheGivenSnipers there is currently ice on the planet, therefore we are in an ice age
@@jamievangramberg5877 yes I’m an idiot I’ve done some proper research now
@@ducthman4737 I think you’re forgetting the affects anoxia and acidification at the surface on everything that lives below that. With higher CO2 in the atmosphere, the ocean becomes more acidic, and with higher temperatures less oxygen rich. More CO2 can be held in water than is needed to become toxic to living things, let alone too acidic for exoskeletons of zooplankton to be built, so we don’t need to bother with CO2’s saturation since everything would be long asphyxiated before then. I should also say that the surface is where the depths get all their oxygen from. The depths will be slowly but surely asphyxiated.
Nutrient flow would also be impacted. Without the waterfall system, the deep sea weakens in its ability to support life due to low trace minerals. This mixing helps drive oceanic life beyond thermal vents at the sea floor. The twilight zone becomes much more isolated from the surface zone since the warm surface water mixes less with the cooler deep water, with species that require journeying between the depths and surface for food by night getting whittled down in numbers due to less food, temperature shock, anoxia, and acidification. Eventually, marine snow volumes decrease, making the midnight and abyssal depth detrivores (those who eat dead animal and plant matter) eventually begin to starve too, causing their predators to also starve. Without the stable surface, the oceans cease to be the bustling place of life we know them to be.
The poles’ cooling and subsequent cooling over northern Europe doesn’t do enough to fully stop the greenhouse effect either. If anything, the effects wouldn’t have time to take hold as the climate keeps warming in a feedback loop from already existent ice loss. At most, the ice we have might be holding on for dear life for an additional few years before greenhouse gases caught up again. It couldn’t do much for long enough or fast enough to not still see widespread damage from warmer winters, since it takes centuries or millennia to grow enough permanent ice to combat our current level of warming.
Despite the ice holding on for just a little longer, we still have a much hotter equator anyway, levelling out the would be “benefits” of the cooler north even further. The temperate subtropics might have a lovely stable climate for a short while, less perturbed by seasonal variances (which many species rely on), but would see worse offshoots of freak weather from all that ocean evaporation in the tropics and drier cool air in the north and south. The evaporation wouldn’t do enough for cloud coverage, either. Clouds only last so long, only do so much for our albedo, and storms tend to wreck natural sources of greenhouse gas absorption anyway. The one positive thing from all the clouds would be the subsequent storms’ lightning making a tiny amount of extra ozone, as we’d really want it with all the heating going on.
Well, at least he said Celsius
Thanks god he used metric system
@Aquatic Typhoon more like foreign height
I’m an Asian and I’m so glad he did
Propaganda is propaganda whether Celcius, centigrade, calculus, smart maps or Fahrenheit . And NASA is NASA.
@Aquatic Typhoon ✨idc✨
What's even more worrisome is that I've read that by all rights, without all the crap we keep spewing into the atmosphere, Earth would actually be in a deepening ice age -- we're still in an ice age, since there is ice at both poles. Apparently this would-be trend is the only thing saving us from even more rapid warming than we already see. But given that we're warming the planet so drastically and rapidly, the resulting cold rebound may be even more desperate than is supposed in the video, considering that we should really be already heading into a deeper ice age.
Planet: freezes
Russians: Now this looks like a job for me!
As a Russian that lives in Portugal, I can't wait till the temperature is just about livable for me, around -5 degrees celsius!
@Safwaan 23
@@mrsauceman5721 -5°C i cant even stand 14°C
@@hiitsme9958 I spent most of my life in Siberia, and I should say, -5° is considered very warm for winter, and it sometimes occurs even in the summers
@@Neversa As someone who lived in southern Siberia near Kazakhstan, I experienced much warmer summers but terribly cold winters. Summers were about (if we're lucky) 18°C and winters were about -20°C. It fluctuated a lot and even more recently due to increased climate change.
Can I have greenhouse gases?
"To increase heat by a few degrees?"
Actually causes an ice age like a boss
Ice time
Mom can we have money for humanitarian aid in the middle east?
For humanitarian aid?
*actually starts a war like a boss*
*Drone strike time*
It probably would mean winds would become stronger too.
RiP tropics(rip me)
I can confirm as habbitant of an adriatic sea island that this season of winds was unremembered by the oldest of island folks.
Or maybe not. Like the doldrums not circulating the atmosphere. Creating stagnant air.
@@malcolmhardwick4258 The heat will have to circulate somehow, if it doesn't through the seas it will through the skies.
Seeing as we are still in the warm trend of an ice age, what you should mean is will the warm trend continue and end the current one, or will the climate flip back to cold ice age with glaciers.
Seriously this doom and gloom the more I relearn about the planets history is distorting the trends the planets been going thru for billions of years.
Interestingly enough, it is believed Iceland woudln’t be habitable without the gulf stream.
Þegiðu Helgi!
most of northern europe would be covered in ice without it.
It is also believed that Mohammed was Allah's messenger, the earth is flat, albino's are witches, clitorises need to be cut off, that there is a wage gap between equally capable and hardworking people and that biological evolutionary differences between the races skipped the brain because magic. Not sure that I get your point.
Humans, second most adaptable (none-microscopic) creature on earth after the sandfly/midge.
We had northern tribes that lived on ice for multiple generations without ever seeing solid ground, we had tribes living in arid deserts where almost nothing grows, in swaps and in rainforests. Antarctica seems to be the only place we hadn't utilised and that's likely only because it was so hard to get to.
NietzscheanMan Savage
I live in the balkans of Europe. Here the winters are intense and the summers are extremely hot up to 40C. In the winter it can drop down to -20C. This happens because in the summer we have southern winds, and africa and the sea are close. But in the winter we get north east winds which come from russia bringing very cold weather. Its kinda cool
Run while you still can
@@TheMisterDarknight trust me this is last place i want to be living in
You should also notice that once it gets colder, more ice will form in the north and that will result in more sunlight being reflected back into SpAcE resulting in a even faster cooling.
Uncle Varg SAE
Wether the weather is cold, wether the weather is hot-we’ll be together forever, wether we like it or not.
Mini Ice Age: I'm the coldest icey boi alive.
XL Ice Age: Hold my Antarctica...
Cryogenian: Hold my snowball.
Hahahahaaa MEEEEEMEESS!!!!!!
XXL ice age: cute, hold my snow ball earth
Good to know ol' mother nature will still be around long after we have gone extinct. She appears awfully resilient!
Even if we nuked and flattened the whole world nature would find it's way back. It's more a matter of preserving the beauty we have right now
Human is résilient too
@@Amaling This is absolutely false , the earth is also dying naturally , plate tectonics will end in around a billion years , that is in NO way enough time for the planet to regenerate and for complex life forms to re evolve , sure life will go on after us and even if all humans died out today , the earth would not recover enough to regenerate much more than slime algae and anoxic bacteria . Sure if we all disappeared today , complex life would have a short bounce back a few thousand years maybe 10 but not evolutionary timescales
if humans all died tomorrow the infrastructure we have in place would kill most animals and shit on the planet. mainly due to nuclear reactors going critical. and all the plastic that would be in the oceans. and petroleum that would start leaking. we are doomed either way.
yep all the way until the sun blows up... unless theres life in other planets
Should probably look into whether a disruption in the gulf stream/ocean currents could cause anoxia and potentially destabilize the ocean ecosystem.
Rovsea - well considering it already is then yes
That is pretty much guaranteed, no need to look into it.
@@stoutyyyy can you explain what you mean? Is the jet stream currently experiencing a disruption?
aaron begon not in the jet stream as of yet but many other currents are experiencing disruption which has drastic consequences for marine life. Now imagine that on the scale of this current.
Oh, anoxia. I read "anorexia" and wondered where that causation was coming from ...
I lived in London and New York. New York is hot as shit in Summer and gets cold regularly in the winter. London is just a dreary New York day in April 10 months a year, w some hot and cold days mixed in
So basically the movie “The Day After Tomorrow,” will actually take place?
Damn I still remember that movie
Most movies are predictions for the future. They don't say it though, but it is.
Looks like we are a few people old enough to remember that movie
Anyway, in Russia we are prepared. If the ocean doesn't overflow us, everything is fine
Kinda. Just the "Ice Wave" would be in meters/day instead of meters/second (but in geological terms it's pretty much the same)
Of course. One day. it was always like that. It's history repeaiting itself.
6:26 I love how I got a Chip's Ahoy ad in the middle of his sentence, so it was "Resulting in-CHIP'S AHOY!"
Sometimes those interruptions can make for a great laugh!
Aaaand he didn't say anything about why exactly colder weather at the poles helps ice age to happen?
Basically more ice means more sun light gets reflected, while the reflection near the equator doesn't change, so overall the entire system gets colder. Which means more ice at the poles, more reflection, you get the idea.
that is secondary cause. this only helps accelerate the rate of ice age . but to start it the ocean current and salinity of north Atlantic waters has to change both of which is caused by higher co2.
@@sumitshresth Co2 is dark so it should stop the sun rays to get in our atmosphere and give us a winter fallout
@@l.av.h7812 CO2 is colourless dude
@@l.av.h7812 CO2 doesn't block sunlight, it is a greenhouse gas, it traps heat. Increase in CO2 levels = global average temperature increase.
You forget this ..
1st the ice caps have to melt
That means a loss of 50% oxygen production and collapse n extinction of all marine life.
Ice age is part 2
First we gotta survive part 1
When the next Ice Age begins, we will remember wistfully all that talk of Global Warming.
Yes, I'm sure hoping not to be around for that. Global warming sounds good, another Ice Age definitely does not!
It’s gonna be pretty cool ngl. Seeing many of the polar animals migrate to the ‘temperate zones’
I'm wistfully remembering when all we worried about were pronouns and drag queen story hour.
"there's not really a single word to mean less salty, so I'll just say unsalty" ...you mean, fresh? or brackish? or even desalinated?
desalinated was the first word I thought of lol
Difference between each term describing salinity less salty is more broad and the atlantic ocean changes in salinity frequently as it is a collecting basin for land rain run off the higher the salinity the dryer the climate
Bland and tasteless water
Raw water
Cooked water
We're currently in the middle of an Ice Age. The Earth has experienced five major ice ages and this one is called the Quaternary. It has been characterized by alternating periods of glaciation averaging 70,000-90,000 years and interglacial warming periods of 10,000-30,000 years.
There have been approximately a dozen epochs of glaciation interspersed with interglacials over the last million years. Our current interglacial, the Holocene epoch, began about 12,000 years ago. At the peak of the last glaciation, about 18,000 years ago, there were ice caps and glaciers over two miles high covering Detroit and much of North America, Europe, and the southern parts of South America and Africa.
an ice age every winter
Dusty Boot
Yes but he’s talk about how global warming could possibly cause another glacial period. Probably won’t happen as humans are adding so much CO2 that we could see warming continue are hundreds of years. Earth will warm 4° to 5°C by 2100
@@PremierCCGuyMMXVI An average increase in temperature doesn't preclude an ice age. As he showed in this video, with a severely weakened system for balancing the temperatures between the equator and the poles, all of that extra trapped heat would largely remain around the equator, further worsening the potential for climatic devastation there.
Kim-André Myrvang
While it’s possible, I don’t think CO2 is being constricted to one area. If GLOBAL CO2 levels hit 900-1,000 ppmv it will rust in a warming of more than 4°. It could cause some cooling with the AMOC. But I doubt it actually causes an ice age.
@@PremierCCGuyMMXVI the temperature will probably rise like 3-5 celcius in 2100 but if we do something about it idk maybe it won't rise
I study enviromental protection and still find these videos so nice. Loving the work.
1 this video was super informative and easy to follow
2 it was beautifully edited
dont worry, if it happenes I have watched The day after tommorow so I know what do.
So basically try to hookup with Jake Gyllenhall?
@@zahrans yupp, or try to find a liberary
Most meteorologists can't get past the first 10 minutes of that movie because the writers were trying to be clever and ended up putting the horse before the cart. That tends to happen when dilettantes try to explain something they are ignorant about. Gelman Amnesia Effect.
It was meant to be entertainment not a documentary you know
Fact: As long as there is still snow in north and south pole. it is still the ice age.
Checka Minute soooo if it all melts then you’ll concede that there’s an issue? Cool (pun intended).
SFO14 concede what? The planet is cycling, like it has for far longer than we’ve been here or will be here?
@@SFO14 If
Even if we intentionally melted all glaciers, we'd still be in the same ice age that started 2.6 million years ago.
The factors that caused it to start and causes it to persist won't go away any time soon.
Technically yes. however the South Pole or Antarctica is also an icy desert
3:15 If Van Gogh animated maps 😳
3:47 The thermohaline current is not the same as the Gulf Stream (it does push the Gulf Stream further north). The thermohaline current is based on water while the Westerlies or Gulf Stream is base on atmospheric or air movement caused by the rotation of the Earth.
Discovered your channel recently, pretty much binge watching all of it right now, I just want to say that one of the things I enjoy most is that you address global warming without going overboard like many people tend to do. It's a breath of fresh air to have someone talk about these issues in a reasonable manner.
If you name a video 'Lands That Will FLOOD in Our Lifetime' I would say you're going overboard.
Yes I agree. Alarmism is not science its propaganda.
Overboard? Global warming? Let's all research if the globe, is heating or cooling. We live on a planet with ever changing weather due to many factors. At 2000ft deep in the arctic they find palm bark, banana seeds, silica sand in the drilling fluid returns. It will freeze again and thaw again, if we are here or not.
i dont get why he makes global warming sound like the quickest change this planet has ever seen when thats not true at all
Your background music is so soothing, wow. You learn a ton and are lulled by this anti-anxiety measure. Neat stuff!
Surprised you didn't make a reference to the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"
I just googled that and am now wondering how the hell I've never heard of or seen it.
@@anatypicallyhumanperson7200 the plot of the movie is basically this video but happening in early 2000s
@@walteroide1001 Not exactly, if I remember the event was caused by the colder air of the mesosphere having descended towards the surface, not ocean currents.
Making carbon dioxide the boogey man was science fiction enough without bringing that drama to mention for this video.
ya, the movie exaggerate too much, it change in weeks rather than years and it was a huge wave in NYC i mean what? but yeah its pretty good movie
I have noticed a change in ground temp around me. Far north freeze level use to be 32" below ground. Lately, that water lines need to be 42" below ground to keep from freezing. In the southern region of America, same thing, but add to this ground heating has to reach deeper in the ground. Water lines that are place at 36" below ground has water that is hot. So, the heat from the sun is reaching deeper than before. I believe this is why it snows, and ground freezing is happening in the deep south. I have also noticed that humidity is greater, but for a longer time. Check your data and you may see how a new Ice Age may be coming fast then we think.
I know Upper South had last drought in 2012
1.Wouldn't higher temperatues in the equator make the ocean even more salty which would potentialy offset the fresh water from melting ice up north?
2.Does fresh water not also cool the ocean, prolonging the process?
3.If there was no ice to melt anymore, would this not kick start AMOC because of increased salinity
4.Why would the westerlies stop blowing the water up north because of higher temperatures?
5.If ice age were to happen, would that not make the conditions perfect to start up AMOC again?
Some of the effects you mention seem to counteract to the causes.
I know this comment is 5 yo and you probably forgot about it. That said, you are absolutely correct. I believe that's the reason the AMOC collapses and many years later, once the effects you told take place, reboots itself and hence create a more stable climate. hence why its cyclical.
I really love science and my science class is not good. I've learned more from this video than I have in school in the past 2 or 3 years. It sucks, but it shows that there are still people that are smart and still work on science to actually inform others. This one video and many others have made me want to become a scientist to study things like this. Thank you so much for the great content and keep up the good work man.
Edit: grammar
Mhm just wait till you hit 8th grade and science gets hard
Just make sure you just agree with the consensus and don't step over the line. If you keep repeating what they tell you to say, your grant money will be safe.
You should study for yourself reading books and use the school as a complement/way to solve doubts with your teacher, that's how the school was supposed to work
he does have good videos, and a lot of the stuff he says is true, but some of the stuff he says is downright not true
@@originai1840 I was past 8th grade when I wrote that lol but it did get much harder compared to the earlier science classes
"It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop in the end"
It's kind of accurate for this scenario too. It's not the relatively slow increase in temperature that will harm us, it's the quick and extreme change in weather that follows.
Yeah, get ready for some hilariously intense weather in the next few decades.
Ooooh. Is it going to be super extreme like what we've seen for decades? *Eye roll*.
I bet that we see nothing particularly out of the ordinary.
@@KaiserMattTygore927 bruh hilariously intense
Thanks for this, i found this video so far as the best, describing what to expect
atlas pro answers the questions i never knew i had
So, we could actually have Global Cooling? Wow. That's quite a change in findings.
It's not a global cooling...the tropics will grow warmer and all in all its a *climate change* not *global cooling*.
@@daksh8747 It is climate change, yes, and I agree with just about all of Atlas Pro's dire predictions (with the proviso that both he and I could well be totally wrong; we'll just have to wait and see). But, as we're due for another ice age anyway (at least a minor one), I don't see the need to necessarily blame it all on human activity. I mean, it might be us, but it also could all be virtually 100% natural climate change that we would have gotten anyway even if we were still pre-industrial. Still, famine + fire & ice seem like a believable outcome that people on either side of the climate debate are really not going to like.
@@spiderjuice9874 It doesn't detract from the fact that we're egging the climate change onwards. And yeah either way its going to be scary so might as well try to reduce the scare caused by us even if it only reduces the total scare by a very tiny amount.
@@daksh8747 I have no issue with erring on the side of caution (eg. I'm pro-solar but only as a bonus: it is too intermittent to rely on completely) when the costs are not too high: when policies are affordable, we may as well try not to make things worse 'just cause we can' but as we're either not really sure yet which way to jump we shouldn't pour all our resources into a solution which later turns out to be ineffective or - worse - is in fact wrong. I vote for more research, the kind that is discussed dispassionately, before we commit. This is stated as merely my personal opinion: I am not trying to brow-beat others to agree with me.
So pretty much “The day after tomorrow” but in real life.
“Could global warming cause a new ice age?”
*describes why Europe is as warm as new York or warmer despite being about as north or more northern*
I’m getting some serious v sauce vibes
Slothster 0612 hey vsause micheal hear
@Charles Whitman And forgotten.
Its the gulf stream
@@arthurdewith7608 I know, I’m just saying about how off topic he gets like v sauce
I wonder how you will feel about your opinion after this winter and after 2025.
It's crazy how important water density and salinity plays a part in our planet. Along with temperature which effects wind, waves. Upwelling, down welling. All from density and salt content. Causing flow and layers
correction: europe isnt warmer because of the gulf stream, the gulf stream creates atmospheric waves and draws cold air from the arctic down to the east coast of the US, therefore it is technically the east coast that is colder
actuallly this guy failed to point out that he picked cities like madrid which is far away from the oceon or any major sea. and compared it to nyc which is right next atlantic oceon.
if you pick lagos portugal for exaple which has much lower altitude than new york but is significantly cooler in the summer with high average of 78F compared to nyc 84F.
ahrlj24 over simplification. By your logic, Albany would have the climate of madrid.
ahrlj24 also, I think you mean latitude. There are no cities on earth with a lower altitude than NYC. They would be under water.
@@trevorj79 [Did you mean elevation?]
"Theres no city with a lower *elevation than New York City!"
*New Orleans*: Am I a joke to you?
[The elevation New Orleans is between 0.3 meters and 0.6 meters below sea level.
While New York City is 10 meters above sea level.]
0:08 if you are wondering, this is Kotor, in Montenegro, an incredible place
I'm sorry my star wars fanboy in me had too..
@@wizard680 i was about to do the same, kotor was probably the best RPG i've ever played.
Could you do an updated vid of this please? Temps are very hot in Siberia and the permafrost is melting faster than anyone suspected...how will this impact the above theory?
Thanks 🙏
That's an easy answer. It will amplify both desalination and warm the planet due to the further increase in methane and Co2 released into the atmosphere, both will cause the ocean turnover to slow down. I suspected the permafrost would thaw around the arctic back in the 80's due to unbridled fossil fuel consumption. Also, there were scientist that had warned about melting permafrost way back in the late 60's and early 70's. Scientists btw that were paid by the fossil fuel industry (American Petroleum Institute) to see what effect burning fossil fuels would have on the atmosphere. I hate being right sometimes!
I recently found vodka inside a 5 meter deep permafrost meltwaters lol
@@snowleopard9463 Hehe I would LOVE to see the bottle or stone flask it came in! But the real question is did you drink or taste any of it or did you make a fortune selling it to science?
@@MontyFly I believe this is why Russia is so focused on finding markets for their natural gas, I've heard that they cannot keep up with tapping and capping all the new sites that are outgassing right now! I'm so angered by the total lack of interest the industrialists show for the welfare of the human race, the planet or its' creatures! but I'm not surprised.
The short answer? We don't have a clue not the faintest. Some people think they know but their guessing based on the latest data but their guessing. The earth has been warming for a few thousand years. We get ups and downs a down occurred about 500 years ago then it warmed up again and the glaciers around the world have be retreating for a few hundred years,yes the glaciers have been retreating long before we started burning dinosaurs. Ocean level rising? Yes,10,000 years ago it was 400feet lower. Solution? Move up hill. Reality? The planet changes want to survive? Adapt or go extinct.
Well documented, and well presented.😊👍
"1200 kilometers" is twelve-hundred kilometers, not twelve-thousand.
Robin Campbell it’s twelve-thousand buddy.
Haha...DEFINITELY *NOT* twelve-thousand when showing the number 1200. ;-)
Plex Sorry, but it's not. Twelve-thousand is 12,000. Looks like somebody needs a remedial math class.
@@strive2one low iq
Plex Duh doyyy
Hokkaido is around the same latitude as Oregon, but it's climate is in every way like Iceland and Faroe Islands. Some of the Azores have a mid-ocean climate, making it unique.
Just shows. The temperature of the ocean waters near you play a big role.
The difference in temperatures over land vs oceans next to it determines wind, humidity, etc.
The Sahara is a desert, because, ironically, it does not receive enough sunlight to heat it up enough for winds to blow from the Atlantic and bring rain.
i think that sunken landmass on the 3 plate conjunction in the azores area that sunk at around the end of the last ice age is were atlantis at
"New" Ice Age? We haven't left the old one yet. We are just in a small interglacial that comes around every 100,000 years or so, that the glaciers will advance at some point in the future is a given. You might also want to consider that the average trend over the last 8,000 years is down. While the planet warms and cools every thousand years or so, the fact is that each peak is lower than the one before and each trough is deeper than the one before. The coldest part of the "Little Ice Age" is arguably the coldest the planet has been in over 8,000 years.
But we are still in a planetary Ice Age and when the temps drop we will not be able to stop it. Moscow, Berlin, Paris, Scotland, Scandinavia and Canada will once again be under a mile or two of ice.
At least we have 5 to 10 thousand years before that happens. Perhaps, by then, we'll have the power to change the orbits of planets..... to save us.
@@tylerdurden3722 You're very optimistic. Of the last 8 Interglacials the longest one lasted just under 10,000 years. Our current one has been around over 12,000 years, so by the records, we are at least 2,000 years overdue for a temperature plummet.
What will happen when Europe invades north Africa is anybody's bet. Russia will be forced to invade northern China and the Middles East. It won't be pretty.
@@JohnJ469...I think the last interglacial was 20 thousand years (also, it spiked 2 degrees Celsius higher than the current interglacial has... So far, at least.
The average interglacial is 15 thousand years... Glacials and interglacials are triggered when Jupiter tugs at our orbit and puts the earth in circular or elliptical orbits. The elliptical orbits last about 95 thousand years (hence the reason glaciation lasts 95 thousand years)... The circular orbits last 15 thousand years until Jupiter's next tug (hence the reason interglacials last 15 thousand years on average)
All of that only applies if the right conditions exist (as they do today). Antartica being the main culprit in this story.
The current interglacial is expected to be an unusually long one (regardless of human intervention)....hence the reason my estimate is 5 to 10 thousand years (which is actually a modest estimate).
@@tylerdurden3722 Not to be argumentative, but where are you getting your data from? We exited the last glaciation about 15k years bp. (Ignoring the Younger Dryas). The previous interglacials were at about 110k year intervals and none of the last 3 lasted anywhere near 15k years. The last interglacial to last as long as the current one was 410k years bp and it only lasted 10k years.
I'm going by the Vostok ice cores which simply do not show what you are describing. AFAIK these are pretty definitive, so if you have data that contradicts them, I'd like to see it. And I have seen estimates that this interglacial will last 50k years. I doubt this simply because the average temperatures have been dropping for the last 8k years. The bottom of the "Little Ice Age", circa 1800 was the coldest the planet has been in about 8,000 years.
While temps go up and down over a thousand years or so, the pattern has been that each peak is lower than the last and each trough has been colder than the last. Our current warming has not reached the Medieval Warm period temperatures yet, the MWP was cooler than the Roman Warm Period which in turn was cooler than the Minoan Warm Period. The trend is definitely down.
The ice age ended 11,000 years ago.
A mini ice age like Victorian times when the river Thames froze solid may well happen in our life times
Good video. This winter has been the coldest and snowiest in Spain on record. On early january, we had a 60% national snow-cover
yeah, global warming he???? my ass.
In Lithuania we had the warmest winter in January ever 15 c :( I really love the cold but -30c weather is impossible now last time I seen -30c. Was in 2012
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how a great video is made.
But he wasnt talking about the world he was just talking on new york, how is it great?
@@arsal8917 no he not
@@arsal8917 what not watching past the first minute does to a mf
I’ve notice a Change in climate in my short (19) I live in north west England and it snowed almost every year at Christmas when I was a kid but it hasn’t snowed properly in at least half a decade.
I'm in my twenties, and I remember very hot summers in Scotland & relatively mild winters! Memory and personal experience are not good metrics for measuring climate change.
@@therewasoldcringe Summers have been hot in the Netherlands for the last 5 years. This summer was the coldest I can remember
Haha... you're 19? I went to London in 2002 for Christmas, and it snowed. I remember the hotel manager telling us that this was the first time they had snow after many years. Also, the road outside Big Ben was a sea of ice. Never forgot carefully crossing it... and seeing other pedestrians slipping.
@@jansen7640 That's very interesting to hear
Because over here in Canada it was one of the hottest we've seen in years
Recently broke the highest temperature record in the entire country by nearly 5 degrees which was set in the 30s
Here in the tropics we've had the coldest year I can remember. We've been in a covid lockdown over a year but luckily I've hardly had to run the aircon. Also the typhoons this year were more like a bad storm than a Typhoon.
Great video, very insightful 👍👍
Ice Age in Europe! 😲 ........”Honey, where’s my skis?” 👍 ⛷
Unless you live in Germany, where skiing is now BANNED.
Northern North-America is colder than maritime Western Europe due to:
i) the Gulf Stream
ii) continentality
These are the TWO main factors, both B.C. and A.D.
The cold Labrador current too, atleast near Newfoundland and Labrador
I rather have it cold, than melt in concrete, anyways..💀☠️👻👽
i would rather have it cold so we can have more of the pretty blankets of snow
It it warms will raise about 1 degree.Many ppl around the globe noticed that is getting colder compared with previous years.This is because an ice age is coming.Temperatures will be similar with Siberia or even lower.Ice will cover most of earth.This is coming because sun enters a minimum activity cycle.There is an ice age every 25-30000 years.
@@JSSQuelloAutentico Someone told you a lie and you believed it.I live in UK,here are max 31 degrees in the summer and min -5 or 6 in the winter,our body can adapt and surive about 40 degrees difference.To handle the heat we take off some clothes,go to the beach,have an ice cream or beer.To handle the cold we put warm clothes,but to survive we need to be most of the time in a warm place-home and use heaters.Most of earth population live in moderate climate areas not in the cold areas.Any idea how many ppl live in Alaska,Siberia etc?Any idea how many pl live in hot countries like Brasil,Spain,Portugal,arab countries,Africa?Can't even compare.If we talk about north and south pole there are almost no humans,it's -70 degrees,you believe you can handle?I used to lie in a colder country was 32-35 degrees in the summer and -20 or -30 in the winter.I can tell you the winter was horrible.
You wouldn't. In winter you have 7 hours of light in a day. Winter has a lot of problems. In live there where it gets to -35°C
Not Accurate at all.
10:52 “the cold spike from global warming”…come on man! Sounds like corn pop 😄
Being from Minnesota, I'm totally fine with this. It just means that Minnesota will be a more dominant state in the USA, due to our abilities to handle extreme weather conditions.
We would not survive an ice age just because Minnesota is cold
That is exactly what it means. We already have the infrastructure to handle extreme cold. We would be better off than almost every other state minus Alaska and maybe... maybe Colorado. Don't forget skywalks between buildings and insulation meant for -60 degrees Fahrenheit (-51 degrees Celsius). We're already prepared. If you go down south, like Arizona or Mississippi, they will literally break down over 1 inch of snow and 32 degrees. Minnesota would become more dominant because we would sell skill and product for insulation, infrastructure regulations, and so forth. I'm not saying we would take over the world, but we would be a more dominant state.
Also you're acting like Northern Canada like conditions means an unlivable hell scape. It doesn't, it just means greater expenditures on infrastructure and more green houses with a higher emphasis on the agricultural sciences like The Netherlands has been doing.
Only Americans talk about dominance and dominant existence.........there is another world out there which has different focii. Your paradigm of dominance is passe!
Hot : Cold
Trinidad : Tobago
Hotel : Trivago
Underrated Comment ^
Tobbaco; kills
RUclips comments are the new marketing strategy so effective that the advertisers don’t know they’re doing it
In my island in the medieval times, the temperatures got so high, that there was drought and the inhabitants had to leave to Constantinople.
Which is evidence that temperatures have risen at a faster and more significant scale than before largely without nearly as many humans and barely any of the supposed causes of climate change being produced
*İstanbul buddy :)
Gokce Ozdemır i do recognise the name of the city located there today as Istanbul, but back then it was called Constantinople. besides, Constantinople is how the English called it whereas Istanbul is in Turkish, and back then, the ottomans hadn’t even risen to power yet.
Anybody else remember how they very briefly explained this in “The Day After Tomorrow”?
Pepperidge Farm remembers
I knew I had heard it before. Thanks for the refrence.
I loved the explanation about why latitude isn't indicative of a region's temperature, i've always wondered why that is! Learning about simple stuff like that is why i adore this channel, like your videos about how caves form and about the Coriolis effect explaining air currents!
Volpe2077 yes! Something ive also wondered is why some same latitude countries can be more cloudy or rainy. What influences that?
Hate to break it to you... but climate change doesn't cause ice ages, ice ages ARE climate change. Or one form thereof. Could climate change cause an ice age is like asking could music cause sound.
Mikosch2 ik 🤦♂️
It’s funny cos the ice that’s melting causes changes to the Gulf Stream and that affects the hot water coming from the Caribbean so Europe’s temperatures will drop
@@mcjamezyhd6723 That's an incorrect conclusion. Yes the Gulf stream will be effected by melt water. But this is because warm air/water next to cold air/water naturally wants to move into the colder air/water until they equalise. The Arctic is warming at a faster rate then the Caribbean so the result will be the gulf stream will weaken in strength relative to the increase in Arctic temperature. This gives us a net warming overall.
It’s about the rate of change. Abrupt.
@@christinearmington What did you think the last little and big ice ages were? Very abrupt, not just in geological terms.
What caused the medieval warm period and subsequent little ice age?
"Environmentalists" will probably blame it on Trump or "human intervention" somehow eventhough people back then weren't industrialized.
@@dickmelsonlupot7697 Great point, really shut down that other point that you made up to fit your description of enviromentalist.
Which one? I made many comments I can't remember exactly what you're talking about
It was caused by, wait for it... The Mongels!
There are theories that since they depopulated huge areas, that forests could regrow and absorb CO2, causing a reduction in global temperature.
jasonvideos5 natural causes but that was natural, the warming now is much larger and far worst then that in fact CO2 levels and Temperatures on Earth are the highest in 3 million years! Humans are causing this warm up, Earth should be cooling not warming! But we humans are careless!
The crazy part is that at least where I live in Europe, we had warm winters and dry summers but last year and this one as well we had cool summers and winters with a lot of snow, if this trend continues as fast as it appears to until now I will freeze in 4 years, goodbye
great observation.
i know "how"
i know "what"
but i don't know "why/for" ocean water are salty. now, i know.
As you are considering your first trip to Europe I would mention my last one. This is in light of exactly what you are describing here, but on a smaller than global scale. I traveled in august 2003 to southern Germany near Lake Constance, or Bodensee as the Germans refer to it. Like you mentioned, I packed light, especially as the news from France a week before I traveled was of old people dying from an especially warm August. Was I surprised to find I was ill equipped for the weather during my week in Friedrichshaven. While layering my sweater and windbreaker worked for the dry days as a spectator/course marshal for a bicycle sporting event held there in conjunction with a Grand Bicycle Dealers show at the Messe(Convention center). When it rained I was shivering and wet as if it were October. Pack a jacket, I would advise. Returning I looked up the reasons for the great disparity in the two week period, and I remember that there was a short shift in the gulf stream that caused that wild swing in temperature.
Hey you're spoiling one of the worlds best kept secrets. Germany is paradise for hikers. A network of forests, castles, villages, churches, country lanes, rivers and lakes. And almost completely unused, as the Germans go elsewhere for holidays.
Unbeatable for beauty, cost and access. So safe and so friendly.
My take on this ... it means there'll be some counter effect to the expected 40+celcius temps in northern Europe (2100. But Belgium had 42celcius n UK 38 Celsius recently that's 10 degrees higher than I have experienced in 37yrs. 28celcius used to b considered unusually hot in UK. When I was 9, went to Greece temps of 33celcius. It looked dry n barren compared to UK. Last week went to Glastonbury n everything looked like it was dead already)
So, mix this 1 factor against all the warming factors n hopefully we end up with a Europe that's still habitable
The North Atlantic Current is responsible for much of your weather in the UK and western Europe.....and agreed it is warmer and dragging up warmer air.
Have you seen reports of it recently bringing a lot of dust with it? This would be a huge increase in heat energy.
If you understand a little how cosmic rays effect our atmosphere, it could explain the anomaly.
Aged well after recent europe heatwave
My comment couldve been written this summer too. I think that as long as the north atlantic current remains, uk will end up with Mediterranean climate with climate change.
If it stops due to ocean acidification (climate change, increased melt water etc), uk will become colder than it currently is
Have to say i personally prefer the Mediterranean scenario.
Yet the consequences for other parts of the world becoming uninhabitable are what i find scary
Resource wars, mass migration, wet bulb effect, starvation, famine etc
How ironic would it be to change our minds from "global cooling" to "global warming" only to find out that we were right with our first guess?
I realized a few years ago, living in Minnesota that many of out major winter snow storms start out on the west coast as rain. Being pushed up by the Rockies they turn to snow. We get cold weather and snow from Canada too. I suspect we would still have a milder winter if not for the Rockies. How would our winters be if we didn't maintain a snow cover all winter long?
Look up southern Idaho. That's more what you'd be like.
You'll probably stay more humid though...
1. We don't have to worry about the icecaps melting anymore
2. Finally it'll snow on my place :D
*I see this as an absolute win*
Ad I'll die from a heat stroke, I see this as a win win situation
3. Growing global population and a massive decline in food production. Still happy?
Potentially billions dying in global famines, and huge increase in severity of hurricanes. NOICE
Its ironic, the warmer we make the planet, the closer it will get to an ice age
It’s good to hear a real human voice!