Shocking Reason Why Penelope Asked Colin For Kiss In BRIDGERTON SEASON 3

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @medfeedsvideos6332
    @medfeedsvideos6332 4 месяца назад +1

    I think a lot of it comes down to jamming so much into 8 episodes. There’s still SO much more to come in part II for both Polin’s story and the side plots.
    As for Colin’s realization: So much of Colin’s character in both the book and the show is his introspection and him working through things on his own. And the whole feelings thing being fast makes so much sense because we’re told he’s had so many women since the end of last season, he’s been flirting with so many debutants since he’s returned, he’s been faced with how important Pen is in his life when she calls him out on what he said last season (his apology and offer of lessons shows true reflection on his account of why he seeks her out and how she helps him see the world), they had already gotten closer through his lessons, she had already confided in him some of her insecurities and made him feel good about his (when she complimented his writing), and she was driven out of a ball in humiliation for something that had to do with him (triggering the desire he’s always had to protect her). So kissing her? Feeling how different and life-changing it was with her versus every other woman he’s been with? Feeling how right it all felt with her when he felt distant and lonely during intimate moments with other women? Idk it seems right to me that it all came crashing down on him.

  • @mariamwaqar-rc4ne
    @mariamwaqar-rc4ne 4 месяца назад +2

    The kiss unleashed something that was already there, I'm hoping part 2 will elaborate on that, Nicola and Luke have said they make many a romantic declaration to each other this season so I'm hoping it comes up.

  • @unpluggedsongs3582
    @unpluggedsongs3582 4 месяца назад +1

    I think Colin always had feelings for Pen that he couldn’t necessarily place. They grew up practically as siblings since she’s so close to his little sister and was always around. It might have been weird for him to acknowledge romantic feelings for a girl he sees as his sister. It might have taken the kiss to realise it was always more.
    We see him trying to be like the other men in the ton. Going to brothels to hook up, travelling the world to find himself, and he realised that he doesn’t find enjoyment in it the same way the other men do. He feels lonely. So it’s plausible to assume that he said he’d never court Pen at that ball in season 2 to fit in with the other men, not out of destain for Pen. His realisation that he wants more than going to brothers or hooking up with random women abroad, together with his deep connection to Pen that built over years of friendship and familiarity probably made him realise that he does have feelings for her.
    I also think it would have been great to see him pining over Pen while she’s engaged to the Lord that was courting her. A bit more slow burn.

  • @MicahelWaqar
    @MicahelWaqar 4 месяца назад +1

    I was so disappointed with how rushed part 1 was. Especially Collin and Pens relationship. I was surprised because the way pen and Collin’s relationship turned out was nothing like how they portrayed it in the trailers and little tiktoks they posted. I thought I’d see more of Collin’s chasing after pen and her rejecting him until one finally big act of love brings them together or something (but I’ve never read the books so I didn’t mind the way it actually turned out). It’s just frustrating cuz as most ppl pointed out, there was no moment where we really got to see Collin reflect on the way he feels and felt and how he used to act towards Penelope. Along with that there was NO TENSION I was so shocked because last season had suuuucchhh good tension. But the only time I saw any spicy tension was in Collin’s dream after they kissed. And then in the carriage scene Collin was so random with his confession of love I was kinda cringing. I love bridgeton and will def watch the best part of season 3. Im just so confused, like why was part 1 rushed? Does it have something to do with the way the books storyline plays out? And if so, why would they stick to it when they didn’t really even stick to the order of the books? At least that what I’ve heard.

  • @burqawaliaunty7664
    @burqawaliaunty7664 4 месяца назад +1

    Another thing that is bothering me is that the season doesn't really feel centered around Colin and Penelope... I mean I do enjoy other stories but it's annoying how they keep diverting away from the main focus of the season just to show useless scenes about other characters. I'm really annoyed by the lack of polin scenes. They could've taken out more useless scenes about other characters and dove deeper into Colin's feelings for Penelope but noooo he had to realise his feelings after a kiss 😩

  • @theeditors7206
    @theeditors7206 4 месяца назад +1

    It was so rushed. It genuinly felt like: Colin kisses Pen. Colin stares at Pen or into the distance. Colin now loves Pen. Like ok bro, mushroom picking has more tension to it.

  • @JamesWaqar-f1m
    @JamesWaqar-f1m 4 месяца назад +1

    I get what you're saying. I read the book as well. But honestly we got almost nothing from the "lessons". They were so rushed and always interrupted with one of them running off. Like what did Colin really teach Pen??? The book makes more sense because it goes into dept explaining how Colin feels especially after Pen begs him to kiss her and I feel like the show didn't depict that properly? But this man had 2 seasons to show even the smallest interest and failed to do it each time, basically driving Pen to give up on him until he finally realises in season 3.

  • @waqarmasood6252
    @waqarmasood6252 4 месяца назад

    I feel far more angst between Eloise and Pen this season than Colin and Pen. Watching the friendship rift between the two of them so far this season has broken my heart.

  • @waqarmasood2016
    @waqarmasood2016 4 месяца назад +1

    here was so much drama with the featheringtons last season as well, it felt like this season was mostly filler scenes and they should have been more bratty.
    I think the whole disappearance of Benedict + art was confusing to me and they could have shown a more intellectual friendship between him and Tilley if they really wanted to include her. He seems very loose.
    Francesca shouldn't have been introduced this season yet. I love her and I think she could really be explored, but in more of that saphne painting scene type way. I felt like the whole new storyline felt too early.
    Similarly, they worked too hard to have new characters instead of focusing on the two main families, featheringtons, bridgertons. I appreciate the creative effort but if we had seen more of a story arc for Eloise, perhaps some theo-type interest instead of this hole she has fallen into. They should've given the other siblings more screen time. They are the titular characters, after all!
    The modiste didn't feature heavily enough. It should have been a place for gossip, and yet I felt like everything was in a ballroom.

  • @justwatcher5657
    @justwatcher5657 4 месяца назад +1

    Book Colin falls in love with Pen because she builds him up as a writer, because they share rogehter together in balls where he sees her as a strong and impressive woman, because she makes him laugh, because they are deeply connected. I couldn’t tell you why show Colin fell in love with Pen. A kiss, a dream, and a cake? It’s all so superficial. Which makes no sense considering his reaction to the purpose speech in season 2. None of it makes sense.
    2) He never once called her beautiful 😢 This kills me. They also had NO DANCES! They teased a season of romance and we didn’t get one single longing, tension filled dance between them.
    3) there’s so much going on. So so much. I don’t think it was all needed.
    4) the brothel stuff is ugh. I get that he grew up abroad but I would’ve rather seen Him work through his shit over too much alcohol with Benedict - this would’ve been much more entertaining.
    I have others but this is already too long. I hope part two is 4 hours of Polin.

  • @medfeedsnews2070
    @medfeedsnews2070 4 месяца назад

    ALSOOOO IDKKK why they didnt include this but the scene were Pen begs Colin to kiss her and she ends it by saying "Thank you". Colin also gets mad at that idea Pen thinks he kissed her out of pitty - when in reality it wasnt the case and he actually wanted to kiss her. The book described their kiss for a whole chapter basically explaining how Colin felt - which i feel like they didnt depict that properly in the show bc Pen just runs away after saying thank you??? LOOOOOOL

  • @waqarcpm4321
    @waqarcpm4321 4 месяца назад +1

    THis is already the halfway point? Huh. I feel like with the previous seasons, we were taken on quite a journey. But nothing much seems to have happened yet…?

  • @royalsinside5031
    @royalsinside5031 4 месяца назад +1

    I wasn't impressed when Jess was talking about the show. She made it feel bloated. How was Debling supposed to be a romantic rival when he was looking for someone to manage his estate? I hated it when it seem like Pen was pursuing Debling. There were too many unnecessary scenes. What was the point of the balloon? I wanted to see Colin with more longing glances.
    I think if they did some flashbacks of Penelope and Colin then it would have helped us see Colin's change.
    But I loved their flirtation scene when they were talking about how they first met. Also, the tree scene after they had kissed the night before. I loved Violet's advice to Colin especially when he didn't want to go to the ball.

  • @mariamwaqar-vu1gh
    @mariamwaqar-vu1gh 4 месяца назад

    lol the kissed is so ugly