this is a very thorough and detailed video, I'm going to replace my springs and bearings on my Octavia later today, as the left front one snapped on my way to work yesterday. And it's good to have a clue as to what I'm going to face when I disassemble this:)
Very helpful video. Pretty much Identical to my 03 Leon Cupra. I was able to remove the nearside strut assembly without compressing the spring, but I had to compress the Offside spring as the longer drive shaft hit the subframe and restricted the downward movement of the suspension.
this is a very thorough and detailed video, I'm going to replace my springs and bearings on my Octavia later today, as the left front one snapped on my way to work yesterday. And it's good to have a clue as to what I'm going to face when I disassemble this:)
Very helpful video. Pretty much Identical to my 03 Leon Cupra. I was able to remove the nearside strut assembly without compressing the spring, but I had to compress the Offside spring as the longer drive shaft hit the subframe and restricted the downward movement of the suspension.
hello, as it is called the die of 19 mm and 6 daN.m (2:40) ... to tighten the nut ...
Great video!Is it the same strut assembly to vw classic jetta 2012?Thanks a lot
howcome you guys work with gloves and you all using impact wrenches
ou trouver la bar de 6 dn pour le remontage ?
Le gauche c'est facile mais le droit sur ce modèle est pas évident.
Like playing buck buckarooo haha
Moi jesui mécaniciens aux bénin ciment je peu vou voit .
Ou bien ciment ont peu fait.
anyway thanks a lot