reply to pcmh1978: the title says "capricioso", which means the player can play as "idiosyncratically" as he likes! In fact this is the best rendition I know of this!
I have not been privileged to hear Gyorgy play before= he had a nice range of tonalties. This is one of those pieces that stays in your mind long after you've heard it.
There's an awful lot I don't and will never know, mate, but when I hear beautiful music and I have a platform like this one, I like to add my thanks and praise for their efforts to those who labour and have to courage to publicly make our sound world a far better place.
Cziffra is an absolute powerhouse and his articulation, speed, clarity, and accuracy in his performance of this piece is second to none. Mendelssohn would have loved this spirited performance, and Liszt would be proud!
I used to work at broadcasting, and Cziffra was always the top played pianist at the time. Price was the most played singer. The programming department must have been big fans of these two.
Danke dafür ..................................................................................................................................................................'s amazing. I think you're really good at play piano. I am happy to know you. wonderful.I will listening your playing everyday. Thank you very much...
I played this when I was 12 and it took me about two months to finish this piece. This was the hardest piece in my reportoire at the time it’s not easy
it's both very bad and very very good: very bad: the tempo is not stable at all, it's too fast, it sounds like Liszt sometimes and it shouldn't imho ; very good: the technical control is incredible, the touch is very delicate.
Dunno if you trolling, but Cziffra was a long, long time ago. Really decent sound didn't come around 'til the late 50's, and then only for the biggest labels. Cziffra happened before that. This is probably a 78 rpm record. Be grateful we have the music at all, there's no one like Cziffra and I"m glad to hear him in any medium.
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
@@Mirchettopianista I’ve been playing piano for 12 years (more than half my life). I don’t like the performance in this video because it is far too fast and feels so rushed. It is not just about how fast you are able to play it and how many notes you get right; it is about how beautiful it sounds. And this is anything but.
@@pianosenzanima1 Backhaus' execution of the sextuplet runs was not bad but Cziffra's execution is of another kind: keep firing no matter where until the end ... wherever that is!
"Impressionante!" ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉 Rest in peace Grande Maestro George Cziffra ❤❤❤ Giuseppe Perego Monza 16.2.1962 Grazie
It's so easy to get lost in Rubato while playing the Andante. There's so much room for interpretation. Such a great little piece.
Sureeeee very simple and little. I wonder what u consider big lol
@@wolfgang4067 L I S Z T B M I N O R S O N A T A
@@wolfgang4067 Beethoven Hammerkavier Sonata
hey bro ur wolfgang too@@wolfgang4067
yes but rondo a cappricio is not easy too@@alanleoneldavid1787
The first three melodic notes on the piano reminded me of the first three from Chopin's Raindrop Prelude. I liked this piece instantly from then.
Chopin was definitely inspired by Mendelssohn, I heard it
To me they reminded a lot of Schubert's "an die musik".
Cuz it is essentially the same notes
@@Whatismusic123 OMG you nailed it!
also Brahms violin concerto 2nd mvmt
I like how Mendelssohn described the differences of the fast parts and the slower part at the start
reply to pcmh1978: the title says "capricioso", which means the player can play as "idiosyncratically" as he likes! In fact this is the best rendition I know of this!
I have not been privileged to hear Gyorgy play before= he had a nice range of tonalties. This is one of those pieces that stays in your mind long after you've heard it.
Mate you dont even know
There's an awful lot I don't and will never know, mate, but when I hear beautiful music and I have a platform like this one, I like to add my thanks and praise for their efforts to those who labour and have to courage to publicly make our sound world a far better place.
@@catherinejones9396 Exquisite commentary
@@Neon-Geco Thank you.
Oooh,this is incredible performance... my heart beats harder and my breath stops. Lovely pianist ,lovely composer.
Amazing, I can’t believe there is such a good sound in this fast
"Fantastico!" ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉 Giuseppe
Cziffra is an absolute powerhouse and his articulation, speed, clarity, and accuracy in his performance of this piece is second to none. Mendelssohn would have loved this spirited performance, and Liszt would be proud!
To all the people that are saying this piece is being played “too fast”. Your hearing is too slow.
Haha true. I like when a passage gets so fast that you can hear individual notes. I makes the notes into a wave of some sort.
If music is played too quickly details get lost. His deliberate rushing of passages is tacky af.
No, it’s too fast, full stop. Not everything is a matter of taste or perspective in music.
It was a best 6-minute admiring the music thru ears and eyes ;_____;
He has good control over the music at such high speed, but I can't help but feel that it's probably too fast for a mere "Presto".
I used to work at broadcasting, and Cziffra was always the top played pianist at the time. Price was the most played singer. The programming department must have been big fans of these two.
Presto Is the fastest tempi it literally means Fast. So he plays fast it's right
@@alanleoneldavid1787 Don’t forget Prestissimo!
Very fine playing and also fine to watch to the score. Thank you for Uploading
Part 1: 0:00 ~ 2:23
Part 2: 2:23 ~ 6:12
진짜 치프라가 이곡을 치는것을 듣다니...영광스럽군...
03:02 this theme looks like the theme of the first mov of the 7th symphony by Beethoven
you fucking guy manㅗㅗㅗㅗ
I'd say that the main theme of the presto is very similar to the scherzo of Beethoven's 6th
내가 지금 들은 연두 중 최고
Excellent pour se détendre ! Merci pour cette belle interprétation !!
it's presto not prestissimo
Written by Mendelssohn when he was only 15...
Now I’m feeling bad for my playing
Ling ling r u a two-set violin fan? If so, lol love ur name XD
Nayantara Iyer yeah I’m Ling Ling and I like how they like my playing xD
That explains why it seems kinda simplistic tbh
Imslp says that it was composed between 1828-1830 so he was around 20
Praying RUclips reccoments more tunes like this one after searching the title
Very musical and techincally very good. One of my favorite pieces now :D
1:15~1:49 and 2:22~2:40 my favorite parts
Very unique with good technic
Danke dafür ..................................................................................................................................................................
such a lovely piece, thank you!'s amazing. I think you're really good at play piano. I am happy to know you. wonderful.I will listening your playing everyday. Thank you very much...
Igen mindennap
It was Cziffra, and the others.
very good performance, thanks for uploading
Cziffra total!
Te jó ég......micsoda tempó!!!
Почему то сейчас так не играют
내 취향😊💕
I like it
Please tell me this CD name.
(My English poor because I'm studying now.)
Ya la leí... Ahora a a pulirla
Es genial esta pieza
Is this cziffras gaveau piano
I am playing this piece now.i am 11 and this piece is very hard to play😅
I played this when I was 12 and it took me about two months to finish this piece. This was the hardest piece in my reportoire at the time it’s not easy
Sublime interprétation romantique...très lisztienne
wunderschön .
ja, aber das Tempo war zu schnell und damit verschluckte er einiges leider...
i prefer the elizondo interpretation
Quel monstre !
En plus c chantant!
Lyrical Cziffra ? J did't known that
it's both very bad and very very good: very bad: the tempo is not stable at all, it's too fast, it sounds like Liszt sometimes and it shouldn't imho ; very good: the technical control is incredible, the touch is very delicate.
It’s Cziffra That’s all I’m saying
What are you hearing is not fast, comparing a lot of other interpretations
Somewhat idiosyncratic musically but an impressive technical ability.
Presto part is a bruh moment
very much
Hi Chelsea 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
csodálatos a mű is a játék is!
wasn't Mendelssohn something like 15 when he wrote this?
What is wrong with the recording? There’s all this noise and scratchy interference. Detracts from the beaut of the playing.
Dunno if you trolling, but Cziffra was a long, long time ago. Really decent sound didn't come around 'til the late 50's, and then only for the biggest labels. Cziffra happened before that. This is probably a 78 rpm record. Be grateful we have the music at all, there's no one like Cziffra and I"m glad to hear him in any medium.
not too fast?...
No, it's slow
I wish the sex pistols had done a cover of this one
와 여긴 어렵다고 해놨네
pity, too fast though Presto abder then everywhere ..... and so much swallowed and irregularly almost hastily
What are you hearing is slow....
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
Cziffra apeelt ze allemaal onder de tafel als hij wilde.....
What is this background hiss, whistles and chirps?
It's impossible to listen.
Too fast....the music gets lost when it speeds like that
I finding it exciting. When you have the ability to play that fast sometimes you just let go and it’s really fun.
It's slow...
Everything was good but the ending was awful
Too fast!!!!!!
It's not fast
Worst performance of this piece I have ever heard. I'm 17, been learning this for 2 weeks, and still I play it better
Really? May I ask you to upload a piece of your performance? I doubt you can play it as well as you say.
@@Mirchettopianista I’ve been playing piano for 12 years (more than half my life). I don’t like the performance in this video because it is far too fast and feels so rushed. It is not just about how fast you are able to play it and how many notes you get right; it is about how beautiful it sounds. And this is anything but.
@@viksinha5410 hi Manchester city
Too fast
too dumb
It says Presto...
technical, but where is music?....maschine playing, though i admire him
Why is it that so many people don't hear music as soon as the technical demands get up the scale at all?
apparently you have an awful ear for music.
The music is obviously here.
If this is technical and lacks music listen to Wilhelm Backhaus then. LOL
@@pianosenzanima1 Backhaus' execution of the sextuplet runs was not bad but Cziffra's execution is of another kind: keep firing no matter where until the end ... wherever that is!