I absolutely love your conclusion from 7:48 on. I was raised fundamentalist Baptist, and I can relate to much of what you say at that point. Like Grandma Mo Says, it took me a good deal longer. I was 39 when I recognized Yahweh as a mythological god, just like all of the other ancient Near Eastern gods. The weight of the evidence was simply too great, and I couldn't believe any of it, anymore. Fun fact: I went on a missions trip to the Salt Lake City area as a teenager to convert Mormons and hand out Baptist literature door-to-door.
So true. The perils of indoctrinating children and then drafting them to convince other people that the religion you were born into is the only true religion.
It is amazing how many believers can see the absurdity of another religion, and can see that its adherents are wrapped in a cocoon of confirmation bias, yet are unable to see that they themselves are using the same information deflection techniques to maintain their own cultural and social order.
Excellent as always Brian! It's amazing how pro Mormons are able to even think there is something defensible about mormonism. I really appreciate all you do. ✋😑👌
Having a strong interest in history and archaeology, I larfed big at the little bit of that nutter's book I was able to read. As you said, the ability to make steel weapons is huge and would indicate a number of important things about the culture. It would also leave a huge amount of archaeological evidence, hard evidence. Including evidence of mining iron ore, coal, and the minerals used in making steel. Where are the furnaces for steel production. Some furnaces for making iron, in Africa, are still being found in parts of Africa. Very old furnaces found in jungle covered areas. But not one has been found in the Americas. The only metal working in the new world, before the arrival of Europeans, was copper in the north and gold in the south There is a place in Canada called Yellowknife, which referred to copper being worked in that area and traded pretty widely. I don't believe they they had yet discovered bronze or even tin. I suppose they were disturbed to learn that native Americans came from two places in what is now Siberia, both genetic and archaeological evidence7 attest to these facts. The con man was inspired by the "missing tribe of Israel" story. One of the things I dislike about religion is the dishonesty that religions starts and ends with. The ceaseless dishonesty of, especially fundamentalists and evangelicals, calls into question their self proclaimed morality. When something starts with lies it can go nowhere but deeper into the lies.
misterdeity thanks, I was concerned that I was being too long winded. Real history and real archaeology are important studies of the reality of our species. I don't know what they are doing now but Brigham Young used to have a good archaeology department that avoided the Americas, for obvious reasons. I don't remember the name but there was an archaeologist from BY who did a lot of good original research regarding natives in the south west and BY lost it because his findings contradicted the bs of the book. I seem to recall that you mentioned him once.
It might have been Dee Green. There was also Thomas Stuart Ferguson(?) who wasn't officially schooled, but who was well thought of in the field and (if I'm remembering correctly) spent a lot of his own money looking for the Book of Mormon civilizations. He was very discouraged in the end. There's a good book about his journey, but I can't remember what it's called. Thanks again. You're comment was so valuable. And it's great to have some backup! Ah!!! Quest for the Gold Plates!!! That was the name of the book!
"When something starts with lies it can go nowhere but deeper into the lies." This is true as long as that thing clings to the lies, which is what makes religion especially dangerous. Belief is a commodity and the religious framework is so dependent on the beliefs that apologizing for past lies and mistakes means, in all likelihood, a disruption of the power structure, relationships, and lifestyles of the adherents.
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your videos. I completely sympathize with anyone who is struggling to overcome their childhood indoctrination. We grow up believing that the grownups are telling us the truth, and without a catalyst to make us really examine our beliefs, we remain willing to believe the unbelievable. It took 46 years for me to find my way out of my fundamentalist, creationist, Bible as the literal word of God, blind faith. If there was a god, I would thank him for the creation of the internet. Yes, you have to be careful to sort the truth from the lies, but it gave me access to knowledge that I never would have had otherwise. Thank you for being one of those that helped me find my way.
This is such a nice comment. You've made my fortnight!!! It is really difficult to stop trusting the people who've been good to you since you were young. Fortunately, my parents were assholes!!! So glad you found your way out though! Getting the info about Mormonism back in the early '90s was difficult. I had to buy a lot of very expensive books from these tiny little university publishing houses because there wasn't enough interest in the topic to warrant big runs. Now, the info is all over the web. Hallelujah!!! As they say, The internet is where religions go to die!!!
This reminds me of the Battle Hymn of the Republic..."I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel..." Song lyrics are often very revealing about the religious.
I mentioned the steel swords to a Mormon the other day, and got the response: "Where does it say steel swords?" Apparently they aren't mentioned outright. They mention swords crusted with rust. I'm in the process of leaving the church, Mr Deity, and you have been a huge help. I met with a former Stake President the other night to voice my doubts. He's the Sunday School president, and I'm his Second Counselor. In the many objections to this gospel, I said, "He looked at a rock in his hat." The SP pulled out his cell phone and said, "this is a rock". I really wanted to hand him a rock, and ask him to shoot me a text. But there wasn't one in my basement. I'll tell you though, he was really good. Had explanations for everything, apologetics to beat the band. When you accept a global flood, and deny evolution, you're putting yourself among the ranks of Ken Ham, and the Hovinds. When you need to excuse racism, when you teach kids that being gay is a sin, and if you're born that way there's something wrong with you. When you have to make explanations for horses, steel, chariots, goats, elephants, DNA, or the lack thereof, polygamy, a freaking rock in a freaking hat . . . What you end up with is a joke. A bad joke.
R B Laben’s sword is said to have been made of the very finest steel. Then Nephi says he taught his people to work in all manner of metal, listing each. Those people don’t know their religion. Hardly shocking. Amiright? And so glad to have been of value to you and your journey. It’s why I do what I do. So you made my fortnight!!!
As a young child, I was indoctrinated into mormonism so strongly that it took me 50 years to reason my way out. Unlike you, misterdeity, I had very good loving parents, so that's probably one reason it took me so long. I knew they wouldn't lie to me. And they didn't. They were brainwashed as children also, and thought they were teaching me good things. Sadly, they were never able to overcome their indoctrination, and none of my 5 siblings have yet either. My sibling's children and grandchildren are still in the brainwashed state as well. Very sad.
Almost as stunning as the steel and metal-working nonsense in the Book of Mormon in 600 BCE, but easier to miss, is the fact that Lehi and Nephi-supposedly deeply devout, faithful and religious Israelites in Jerusalem, also still in 600 BCE - are actually mature Christian theologians with a full blown high Christology. And although they would have also been faithfully temple-observant and worshipful, it turns out they are laughably indifferent and ignorant about Torah, Yahweh, the Jerusalem temple, purity, temple sacrifice, festivals and the Jewish learning the BOM specifically claims they were well versed in. These wholly fictional characters, and supposedly ancient authors of an ancient book, are obviously modern, mature, sectarian Protestant Christians from the gitgo, although Joseph Smith's script has them superficially pretending to be Israelites when they are clearly no such thing.
Shelama Such great points. One of my others favorites is population problem. They come here with 30 people at a time when any kind of population explosion is impossible and suddenly are populating the Americas at rates not seen until the 1960s. It’s all so ridiculous!!!
It fails on so many point and succeeds on none. For me, actually, the biggest and most glaring failure of Mormonism is their credulous acceptance of the Bible as the word of a god - whether or not "translated correctly" is irrelevant - and the Gospels as reliable history. Joseph Smith is even explicit in his BOM, at least twice I think, that Jesus was _"slain by the Jews."_ It's all a frickin joke - long before getting to steel, metal working, elephants, population, DNA, etc. etc. Btw, loved this video on steel swords and burning bosoms - deadonballs.
I wish I could get my wife to watch this, Mr Deity. She's really struggling with my confession that I no longer believe the church. It's really tough, treading the fine line between being nice, while being pissed after finding out I'd been lied to all my life. You're great though. Keep on keeping on.
@@misterdeity It's been a year since I first posted this, and over a year since I told my wife I no longer believe. She has dug her heels in, and believes more than ever. But our relationship has gotten better. It's been tough. Very. She's convinced, as is her family, that I have been led astray by the devil. Watching a young girl bear her testimony, and being asked to sit down, caused me to investigate the church, and put my beliefs to the test. I just don't see Satan in all that. The truth is worth standing up for, and lies need to be pointed out for what they are: lies. I'm so glad to be free from the superstitious beliefs I once held, and you were a big factor in that. I was so ready to hate you, Matt Dillahunty, Mike Norton, John Dehlin, et al, but you guys have literally set me free. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.
R B - another potential resource for you is RecoveringFromReligion.org They are a secular organization who helps you navigate and balance the journey you’re on.
@@Jupiter_Crash Thanks. It's been another year, and my wife is still deeply entrenched, and I'm still out. I have to watch this video every few months, as it's a reminder of the bullshit I used to believe. And check in with my past self.
At Age 27 you had recently developed your prefrontal cortex which allowed your brain to perform complex thought. Before hand you, like a lot of us, are sponges without the need to challenge someone else's beliefs that are being fed to us to alter our conscious thought. Far too many never challenge what they have been told, and remain blind followers of whatever tenets they feel comfortable with. Over a period of time we derive these beliefs as truths and become defensive when our beliefs are challenged. Works in many aspects of human life, but religion is often then dominant controlling force. I am a recovering Cathoholic, and found myself struggling against ideas that didn't make sense to me around a similar age.
Ether (chapter 2, verse 17) is Canon mormon description of oceangoing vessels - in the passage Ether speaks of the 'brother of Jared' and how he built the ships the ships. "And they were built after a manner that they were exceedingly tight, even that they would hold water like unto a dish; and the bottom thereof was tight like unto a dish; and the sides thereof were tight like unto a dish; and the ends thereof were peaked; and the top thereof was tight like unto a dish; and the length thereof was the length of a tree; and the door thereof, when it was shut, was tight like unto a dish."
Funnily enough I stopped believing because of the sexism. I wondered why on earth would God be sexist. If he's so perfect wouldn't he not have the same bigoted ideas as people? Then I found out that the lds church had not allowed black people to hold the priesthood in the past. That sealed the deal for me and I left. It didn't take long after to start doubting God too. I was a teenager when I stopped believing so the historical inconsistencies didn't even occur to me. Really interesting video.
Damn, I missed these videos because I didn't think you were doing anything past the Mr. Deity show. Wow, this is good material Brian. I wish I could afford to donate. I would because your material is so good. I still support your channel all I can. Truly appreciate your work.
8:17 that's the answer for the people that say "Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc. Killed 100 million! Atheism is WORSE than religion!" First of all, it's pretty debatable that these guys were actually Atheist(Hitler we KNOW wasn't). Second, had these guys had a god do you really think it would have stopped them from carrying out their ambition? All they would have to do is claim they WERE their god incarnate or claim some kind of divine inspiration or revelation and boom they're good to start killing. Worked just fine for all the religious tyrants before them!
@@ladyselenafelicitywhite1596 Maize was first domesticated in southern Mexico and the was later brought to South America. Chocolate was first produced in southern Mexico by the Olmecs and only later became known in South America.
All jokes aside I'm starting to gain respect for Smith in the same way I have respect for Trump and Madoff. These men did fine jobs of showing us that everyone is susceptible to the con even highly intelligent people.
Alexandre Fry "it's "javElin", not javalin." You should perhaps consult a dictionary because misterD uses the standard American pronunciation. He is American after all. --- ooops (edit) I thought the comment was about pronunciation rather than a typing mistake.
I spoke to a Mormon once. He made a huge deal out of the idea that the BOM was internally consistent. I said :What does that mean? That it's not a book that just doesn't make sense because it contradicts itself?" He said "Yeah.". Which honestly, confused me. So what?
If Joe Smith admitted he was writing fiction then perhaps he'd be remembered, with all due respect, as one of the literary giants of his time. Then he would be someone I might admire instead of despise. Just like L.Ron Hubbard.
"And it came to pass, that I will be known throughout the land as a writer of great worth. A pearl of great price, as it were." Chloroform in print indeed.
@@nathanjora7627 I don't know which one you're talking about, but you're giving the guy way too much credit and haven't read enough fantasy from history.
@@mastermarkus5307 I’m talking about Smith, and proper fantasy wasn’t nearly as developed in the early 19th century as after. There was folklore, which I guess you could count as fantasy, and epics and ballads, but not many works of fiction that plainly admitted they were fictional, and had all kinds of magical elements from folklore, let alone uchrony, which this book would’ve qualified as if it had been published as fiction rather than history. And just to be clear : for someone to be a pioneer of something, he doesn’t need to be the first, which I’d never say JS was, all one needs is to be from a time where the thing in question was scarce. Galileo was a pioneer of modern science, but the generally understood basic epistemological framework of science can be traced back millennia before Galileo. It’s a bit the same thing here, Joseph would certainly not have been the first fantasy author, but he belonged to a time where, as far as I can tell, this kind of work wasn’t too common. And yes I have read books from the 19th century, including fantasy and SF books, though I by no mean am an expert, so feel free to recommend me any book of that period if you want :)
Full confession: I come back to this video every few months. Just because it's awesome. This morning my lovely TBM wife asked me if I had heard about the chariot, with horse skeleton, recently discovered in Italy. She said it dates back 2000 years. I hadn't heard about it, but she said, I swear to god, I mean Mister Deity, "See, they had horses back then!" Um yeah, I told her there weren't any horses in America. "How do they know that?" she asks. I try, I really try to help me wife with these things, science, reason, logic, history, astronomy, geography, biology, not one of which I'm an expert it, but I know some stuff. But Mormonism has shut her brain down. It's so fucking sad to see the people I care about most in this world waste their lives on an obvious, clumsy hoax.
Joseph Smith annotated pictures in the Doctrine and Covenants Book of Abraham. It is a Book of the Dead Scroll and parts of the scroll were weathered away, so he drew Anubis in whiteface and included readable Egyptian hyroglyphs denoting the person he labeled as Abraham was "Hor". Maybe if you showed that to her...
Early metal civilizations in America had trade that's what led them to war. And their trade they didn't have to have wheels vehicles because there was so many of them that they would just have a relay race to trade goods back and forth. In fact it was the breaking down of this relay race which caused the wars that they're talking about.
😂 Who needs fantasy sci-fi and comedy literature with those bibles. Only Douglas Adams can write better stuff.... Watched "Parrots, the universe and everything"last night. Wasn't the first time... Good stuff ages well. Happy #42 everyone
Thank you for the great work and all the inspiration Mr. Deity. If I may, I would like to ask, why don't you make a video about the recent shooting in Texas? It could also be very informative, isn't it?
Some of the scenes out your windows on some of your videos were strongly reminiscent of yards out here, so seemed like a good guess. Even an atheist can't be right all the time!!! LOL
As a Tim (AKA Timmy) myself I love your "subtle" use of the diminutive form of the name Timothy. It kinda' puts the "conversation" all in place (intellectual maturity-wise) LOL I once had a Bro-in-law (a short ex marine, 'nuff said? LOL) who used to call me "Timmy" all the time when everyone else called me Tim in an obvious effort to get on my nerves. This in-your-face type of disrespect ended when I started calling him "Tommy" in front of everyone (his name was Tom, obviously) Of course, sometimes this familiarity can be not used as a sign of disrespect but of affection, right Bri Bri? LOL
Does mormons even realize how ridiculous their religion sounds like? At least they seem to be most polite christian group so far that I have been talking with.
Dude, so get what your journey has been. I came out of a cult by the age of 20. Such wreckage in our family. WorldWide Church of God, the Armstrong’s, etc. evil.
Entirely empirical claims that cannot be substantiated. God of the Bible never talked about the American continent. Native Americans’ antecedents were not Hebrew...confirmation bias is a powerful thing.
I agree that the Book of Mormon is fiction, but I disagree with your interpretation that 2 million were killed in a single battle (which is on one side - likely 4 million total). The way I read it, there were 2 million that died from the time the Ether warned Coriantumr to when they were nearly wiped out - a span of 10-15 years (I'm too lazy to add it up exactly.) My reason for interpreting in this way is that in the context of giving the number if references the prophecy by Ether of the destruction. Granted the Book of Mormon is poorly written and quite ambiguous. In any case the numbers remain unrealistic, but I think its useful not to overextend the interpretation giving ammo to apologists.
One of my younger colleagues recommended South Park's episode covering Mormonism. It was really good. 🤔 If you care about the environment why not switch your search engine to Ecosia? They are just like Google, but use all their profits on reforestation and afforestation projects.
A historical account, not an historical account. You wouldn't say, "an hill," would you? No, of course, because you're not Cockney and don't drop your initial H.
Also "an" with an unaspirated "h" (the way the French pronounce an initial "h"). It's a matter of euphony, not spelling. The same goes for vowels: "A European country" not "an European country."
I always use an before “h” words because it’s an old reference to a Mr. Deity episode where Mr. Deity is upset that the Bible uses an with “h” words. For the record, that used to be common usage even in the twentieth century.
I absolutely love your conclusion from 7:48 on. I was raised fundamentalist Baptist, and I can relate to much of what you say at that point. Like Grandma Mo Says, it took me a good deal longer. I was 39 when I recognized Yahweh as a mythological god, just like all of the other ancient Near Eastern gods. The weight of the evidence was simply too great, and I couldn't believe any of it, anymore.
Fun fact: I went on a missions trip to the Salt Lake City area as a teenager to convert Mormons and hand out Baptist literature door-to-door.
I was a Mormon at Temple Square when some Baptists were there trying to convert Mormon missionaries. Now I believe neither as well.
hahaha the irony -- oh the irony! SO much time wasted by so many people trying to convert others to THEIR way of worshiping artificial gods
So true. The perils of indoctrinating children and then drafting them to convince other people that the religion you were born into is the only true religion.
It is amazing how many believers can see the absurdity of another religion, and can see that its adherents are wrapped in a cocoon of confirmation bias, yet are unable to see that they themselves are using the same information deflection techniques to maintain their own cultural and social order.
fudgesauce Such a great point!!!
Excellent as always Brian! It's amazing how pro Mormons are able to even think there is something defensible about mormonism. I really appreciate all you do. ✋😑👌
Andrew Wood Thanks for the kind words. I’d love to see the Mormon Church crumble before I die. They cause so much gratuitous suffering to so many.
your honesty is refreshing. another great video!
So glad that there are still people in the world who do these little thought experiments to find out their own truths. Bravo, friend. Bravo.
Having a strong interest in history and archaeology, I larfed big at the little bit of that nutter's book I was able to read. As you said, the ability to make steel weapons is huge and would indicate a number of important things about the culture. It would also leave a huge amount of archaeological evidence, hard evidence. Including evidence of mining iron ore, coal, and the minerals used in making steel. Where are the furnaces for steel production. Some furnaces for making iron, in Africa, are still being found in parts of Africa. Very old furnaces found in jungle covered areas. But not one has been found in the Americas.
The only metal working in the new world, before the arrival of Europeans, was copper in the north and gold in the south There is a place in Canada called Yellowknife, which referred to copper being worked in that area and traded pretty widely. I don't believe they they had yet discovered bronze or even tin.
I suppose they were disturbed to learn that native Americans came from two places in what is now Siberia, both genetic and archaeological evidence7 attest to these facts.
The con man was inspired by the "missing tribe of Israel" story.
One of the things I dislike about religion is the dishonesty that religions starts and ends with. The ceaseless dishonesty of, especially fundamentalists and evangelicals, calls into question their self proclaimed morality.
When something starts with lies it can go nowhere but deeper into the lies.
Macnutz420 Thanks for taking the time to comment. That was REALLY well said!!!
misterdeity thanks, I was concerned that I was being too long winded.
Real history and real archaeology are important studies of the reality of our species. I don't know what they are doing now but Brigham Young used to have a good archaeology department that avoided the Americas, for obvious reasons.
I don't remember the name but there was an archaeologist from BY who did a lot of good original research regarding natives in the south west and BY lost it because his findings contradicted the bs of the book. I seem to recall that you mentioned him once.
It might have been Dee Green. There was also Thomas Stuart Ferguson(?) who wasn't officially schooled, but who was well thought of in the field and (if I'm remembering correctly) spent a lot of his own money looking for the Book of Mormon civilizations. He was very discouraged in the end. There's a good book about his journey, but I can't remember what it's called. Thanks again. You're comment was so valuable. And it's great to have some backup! Ah!!! Quest for the Gold Plates!!! That was the name of the book!
"When something starts with lies it can go nowhere but deeper into the lies."
This is true as long as that thing clings to the lies, which is what makes religion especially dangerous. Belief is a commodity and the religious framework is so dependent on the beliefs that apologizing for past lies and mistakes means, in all likelihood, a disruption of the power structure, relationships, and lifestyles of the adherents.
Rebecca Dalmas Yes, this has a point? Other than the obvious "if they lose original starting lie it changes"?
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your videos. I completely sympathize with anyone who is struggling to overcome their childhood indoctrination. We grow up believing that the grownups are telling us the truth, and without a catalyst to make us really examine our beliefs, we remain willing to believe the unbelievable. It took 46 years for me to find my way out of my fundamentalist, creationist, Bible as the literal word of God, blind faith. If there was a god, I would thank him for the creation of the internet. Yes, you have to be careful to sort the truth from the lies, but it gave me access to knowledge that I never would have had otherwise. Thank you for being one of those that helped me find my way.
This is such a nice comment. You've made my fortnight!!! It is really difficult to stop trusting the people who've been good to you since you were young. Fortunately, my parents were assholes!!! So glad you found your way out though! Getting the info about Mormonism back in the early '90s was difficult. I had to buy a lot of very expensive books from these tiny little university publishing houses because there wasn't enough interest in the topic to warrant big runs. Now, the info is all over the web. Hallelujah!!! As they say, The internet is where religions go to die!!!
This reminds me of the Battle Hymn of the Republic..."I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel..."
Song lyrics are often very revealing about the religious.
From childhood, they told me this was the truest of books. A little research told me it was just as true as Harry Potter.
The difference is that Harry Potter is a far better story with vastly superior writing compared to the BoM.
I mentioned the steel swords to a Mormon the other day, and got the response: "Where does it say steel swords?" Apparently they aren't mentioned outright. They mention swords crusted with rust.
I'm in the process of leaving the church, Mr Deity, and you have been a huge help. I met with a former Stake President the other night to voice my doubts. He's the Sunday School president, and I'm his Second Counselor. In the many objections to this gospel, I said, "He looked at a rock in his hat." The SP pulled out his cell phone and said, "this is a rock". I really wanted to hand him a rock, and ask him to shoot me a text. But there wasn't one in my basement.
I'll tell you though, he was really good. Had explanations for everything, apologetics to beat the band. When you accept a global flood, and deny evolution, you're putting yourself among the ranks of Ken Ham, and the Hovinds. When you need to excuse racism, when you teach kids that being gay is a sin, and if you're born that way there's something wrong with you. When you have to make explanations for horses, steel, chariots, goats, elephants, DNA, or the lack thereof, polygamy, a freaking rock in a freaking hat . . . What you end up with is a joke. A bad joke.
R B: Good luck to you, just keep thinking!
Thanks, I will. The apologist told me that for every rock of doubt I turn over, to turn over one of faith. They really have a thing with rocks.
Well, they have many in their heads, so,... LOL
Plus I think humor can help. This isn't on point, but I just watched it & thought you'd like it! ruclips.net/video/l9Aj7W3g1qo/видео.html
R B Laben’s sword is said to have been made of the very finest steel. Then Nephi says he taught his people to work in all manner of metal, listing each. Those people don’t know their religion. Hardly shocking. Amiright? And so glad to have been of value to you and your journey. It’s why I do what I do. So you made my fortnight!!!
As a young child, I was indoctrinated into mormonism so strongly that it took me 50 years to reason my way out. Unlike you, misterdeity, I had very good loving parents, so that's probably one reason it took me so long. I knew they wouldn't lie to me. And they didn't. They were brainwashed as children also, and thought they were teaching me good things.
Sadly, they were never able to overcome their indoctrination, and none of my 5 siblings have yet either. My sibling's children and grandchildren are still in the brainwashed state as well. Very sad.
Idaho Spud Heartbreaking!!! So glad my parents were awful. Wait...
Could we as a society stop referring to being a “young” child? All children are young. Cheese us Crisis! Tongue in cheek.
So, is it fair to say that, unlike Scientology, which is based on sci-fi (science fiction), Mormonism is based on hi-fi (history fiction)?
RustyTube I think you just coined a new term. Fantastic!!!
LOL, good one!
@misterdeity - Good. 😎
Thanks for the education, I am going to ask the next set of missionaries about this claim
Almost as stunning as the steel and metal-working nonsense in the Book of Mormon in 600 BCE, but easier to miss, is the fact that Lehi and Nephi-supposedly deeply devout, faithful and religious Israelites in Jerusalem, also still in 600 BCE - are actually mature Christian theologians with a full blown high Christology. And although they would have also been faithfully temple-observant and worshipful, it turns out they are laughably indifferent and ignorant about Torah, Yahweh, the Jerusalem temple, purity, temple sacrifice, festivals and the Jewish learning the BOM specifically claims they were well versed in. These wholly fictional characters, and supposedly ancient authors of an ancient book, are obviously modern, mature, sectarian Protestant Christians from the gitgo, although Joseph Smith's script has them superficially pretending to be Israelites when they are clearly no such thing.
Shelama Such great points. One of my others favorites is population problem. They come here with 30 people at a time when any kind of population explosion is impossible and suddenly are populating the Americas at rates not seen until the 1960s. It’s all so ridiculous!!!
It fails on so many point and succeeds on none. For me, actually, the biggest and most glaring failure of Mormonism is their credulous acceptance of the Bible as the word of a god - whether or not "translated correctly" is irrelevant - and the Gospels as reliable history. Joseph Smith is even explicit in his BOM, at least twice I think, that Jesus was _"slain by the Jews."_
It's all a frickin joke - long before getting to steel, metal working, elephants, population, DNA, etc. etc.
Btw, loved this video on steel swords and burning bosoms - deadonballs.
The book of mormon, an amazingly absurd document.
And yet so many believe in its lies.
Thanx for your story, Immeah.
Oh you're good 6:38
Photo of a pig. Ha ha ha ha ha.....
@@JosephNordenbrockartistraction Love both the pig and sheep references.
Thanks for promoting "BCE".
I wish I could get my wife to watch this, Mr Deity. She's really struggling with my confession that I no longer believe the church. It's really tough, treading the fine line between being nice, while being pissed after finding out I'd been lied to all my life. You're great though. Keep on keeping on.
Hang in there. I've been out for over 5 years, and my wife still refuses to listen to anything I have to say on the subject. It's rough, I know.
This is heartbreaking. I know too many Formons who have lost their families to a spouse who won't let go. Very sad. I'm with David. Hang in there!!!
@@misterdeity It's been a year since I first posted this, and over a year since I told my wife I no longer believe. She has dug her heels in, and believes more than ever. But our relationship has gotten better. It's been tough. Very. She's convinced, as is her family, that I have been led astray by the devil. Watching a young girl bear her testimony, and being asked to sit down, caused me to investigate the church, and put my beliefs to the test. I just don't see Satan in all that. The truth is worth standing up for, and lies need to be pointed out for what they are: lies. I'm so glad to be free from the superstitious beliefs I once held, and you were a big factor in that. I was so ready to hate you, Matt Dillahunty, Mike Norton, John Dehlin, et al, but you guys have literally set me free. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.
R B - another potential resource for you is RecoveringFromReligion.org They are a secular organization who helps you navigate and balance the journey you’re on.
@@Jupiter_Crash Thanks. It's been another year, and my wife is still deeply entrenched, and I'm still out. I have to watch this video every few months, as it's a reminder of the bullshit I used to believe. And check in with my past self.
At Age 27 you had recently developed your prefrontal cortex which allowed your brain to perform complex thought. Before hand you, like a lot of us, are sponges without the need to challenge someone else's beliefs that are being fed to us to alter our conscious thought. Far too many never challenge what they have been told, and remain blind followers of whatever tenets they feel comfortable with. Over a period of time we derive these beliefs as truths and become defensive when our beliefs are challenged. Works in many aspects of human life, but religion is often then dominant controlling force. I am a recovering Cathoholic, and found myself struggling against ideas that didn't make sense to me around a similar age.
Thank You!
Ether (chapter 2, verse 17) is Canon mormon description of oceangoing vessels - in the passage Ether speaks of the 'brother of Jared' and how he built the ships the ships.
"And they were built after a manner that they were exceedingly tight, even that they would hold water like unto a dish; and the bottom thereof was tight like unto a dish; and the sides thereof were tight like unto a dish; and the ends thereof were peaked; and the top thereof was tight like unto a dish; and the length thereof was the length of a tree; and the door thereof, when it was shut, was tight like unto a dish."
b dog They had just finished dinner and had to decide who was going to clean up. Maybe they obsessed over it a bit.
I guess Smith was a Metal fan! Rock on my Mormon brother!
Amen, well done.
Funnily enough I stopped believing because of the sexism. I wondered why on earth would God be sexist. If he's so perfect wouldn't he not have the same bigoted ideas as people? Then I found out that the lds church had not allowed black people to hold the priesthood in the past. That sealed the deal for me and I left. It didn't take long after to start doubting God too.
I was a teenager when I stopped believing so the historical inconsistencies didn't even occur to me. Really interesting video.
Damn, I missed these videos because I didn't think you were doing anything past the Mr. Deity show. Wow, this is good material Brian. I wish I could afford to donate. I would because your material is so good. I still support your channel all I can. Truly appreciate your work.
This series is dearly missed :’(
8:17 that's the answer for the people that say "Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc. Killed 100 million! Atheism is WORSE than religion!"
First of all, it's pretty debatable that these guys were actually Atheist(Hitler we KNOW wasn't).
Second, had these guys had a god do you really think it would have stopped them from carrying out their ambition? All they would have to do is claim they WERE their god incarnate or claim some kind of divine inspiration or revelation and boom they're good to start killing. Worked just fine for all the religious tyrants before them!
Adam Youdell I actually dealt with the Hitler/Stalin/Mao thing in my video “Atheist Fundamentalist.” Check it out if you haven’t already seen it.
It's interesting what the Book of Mormon doesn't mention. Chocolate, maize, you know the things that were actually around and used at the time.
Yeah, whoops!!!
@@misterdeity And isn't it odd that Joe Smith mentioned "slippery treasures" in the BoM?
Wasn't chocolate and maize from South America not North America?
@@ladyselenafelicitywhite1596 Maize was first domesticated in southern Mexico and the was later brought to South America. Chocolate was first produced in southern Mexico by the Olmecs and only later became known in South America.
@@artmoss6889 Thank you for the information. I made the common mistake of thinking of everything South of the USA as South America 🤷🏼♀️
Great job! You know what’s sad? The people who need to watch this, won’t.
Um heap big Oyvay.
You will believe anything you're told as long as it's all you've been exposed to.
That burning feeling in their bosoms is that cheap burrito they bought off the roach coach. 😆
The best Metal was from the 1980's 🤘
Video about mormonism? Better grab some coffee first.
MindLaboratory Ha! Great minds think alike. I put in a very subtle coffee joke - don’t know if you caught it. I misspelled Javalin. Get it?
The Book of Mormon=American history fanfiction.
The Book of Mormon = Bible and USA history fan fiction.
The Bible = Bronze Age historical fanfiction.
"Flash of Iron, Leather Spikes & Swords! Mighty Warriors with METAL in their ❤️'s" 😆
I wish I could "like" this video twice.
More like 2 million times :))
@@a.randomjack6661 - Make sure it’s 2M+1 so he gets the like.
Another Mayan super-city has just been discovered in the jungle. Watch the Mormons go crazy with this, crying: "Zarahemla!"
All jokes aside I'm starting to gain respect for Smith in the same way I have respect for Trump and Madoff. These men did fine jobs of showing us that everyone is susceptible to the con even highly intelligent people.
steel ... bows?
Yeah. Those are a thing. Not like the bows you put on presents. But bow and arrow bows.
it's "javElin", not javalin.
Alexandre Fry "it's "javElin", not javalin."
You should perhaps consult a dictionary because misterD uses the standard American pronunciation. He is American after all. --- ooops (edit) I thought the comment was about pronunciation rather than a typing mistake.
I caught that misspelling, too, but didn't figure it needed a comment. Too much other funny stuff in the asides!
steal boughs
brest playts
armme sheilds
C’mon people!!! You’re smarter than this. That was a coffee joke for the Mormons. Put that thinking cap on!!!
Well, possibly that I've never been Mormon, possibly I am dumb, but I don't get the javalin/coffee connection.
iron from Eeyor? XD
I spoke to a Mormon once. He made a huge deal out of the idea that the BOM was internally consistent. I said :What does that mean? That it's not a book that just doesn't make sense because it contradicts itself?" He said "Yeah.". Which honestly, confused me. So what?
It's amazing how persuasive the apologetics around these issues were when the ol’ confirmation bias was kicking in back when I was a TBM.
Boats? Have they rewritten the book of Moron or did I misunderstand what I read about it? I thought it was wooden submarines.
Well it's some kind of religious god-claim. It's immune to scrutiny. Exclusive magisteria or somesuch wibble. Bwa ha ha ha
If Joe Smith admitted he was writing fiction then perhaps he'd be remembered, with all due respect, as one of the literary giants of his time. Then he would be someone I might admire instead of despise. Just like L.Ron Hubbard.
He wasn't that great a writer though, so he probably _wouldn't_ have been remembered as such.
"And it came to pass, that I will be known throughout the land as a writer of great worth. A pearl of great price, as it were." Chloroform in print indeed.
@@mastermarkus5307 I don’t know, seems like a pioneer of the fantasy genre to me.
I don't know which one you're talking about, but you're giving the guy way too much credit and haven't read enough fantasy from history.
@@mastermarkus5307 I’m talking about Smith, and proper fantasy wasn’t nearly as developed in the early 19th century as after. There was folklore, which I guess you could count as fantasy, and epics and ballads, but not many works of fiction that plainly admitted they were fictional, and had all kinds of magical elements from folklore, let alone uchrony, which this book would’ve qualified as if it had been published as fiction rather than history.
And just to be clear : for someone to be a pioneer of something, he doesn’t need to be the first, which I’d never say JS was, all one needs is to be from a time where the thing in question was scarce. Galileo was a pioneer of modern science, but the generally understood basic epistemological framework of science can be traced back millennia before Galileo. It’s a bit the same thing here, Joseph would certainly not have been the first fantasy author, but he belonged to a time where, as far as I can tell, this kind of work wasn’t too common.
And yes I have read books from the 19th century, including fantasy and SF books, though I by no mean am an expert, so feel free to recommend me any book of that period if you want :)
Full confession: I come back to this video every few months. Just because it's awesome. This morning my lovely TBM wife asked me if I had heard about the chariot, with horse skeleton, recently discovered in Italy. She said it dates back 2000 years. I hadn't heard about it, but she said, I swear to god, I mean Mister Deity, "See, they had horses back then!" Um yeah, I told her there weren't any horses in America. "How do they know that?" she asks. I try, I really try to help me wife with these things, science, reason, logic, history, astronomy, geography, biology, not one of which I'm an expert it, but I know some stuff. But Mormonism has shut her brain down. It's so fucking sad to see the people I care about most in this world waste their lives on an obvious, clumsy hoax.
TBM wife?
@@ladyselenafelicitywhite1596 True Believing Mormon
Joseph Smith annotated pictures in the Doctrine and Covenants Book of Abraham. It is a Book of the Dead Scroll and parts of the scroll were weathered away, so he drew Anubis in whiteface and included readable Egyptian hyroglyphs denoting the person he labeled as Abraham was "Hor". Maybe if you showed that to her...
Early metal civilizations in America had trade that's what led them to war. And their trade they didn't have to have wheels vehicles because there was so many of them that they would just have a relay race to trade goods back and forth. In fact it was the breaking down of this relay race which caused the wars that they're talking about.
any lds have a follow up?
😂 Who needs fantasy sci-fi and comedy literature with those bibles. Only Douglas Adams can write better stuff.... Watched "Parrots, the universe and everything"last night. Wasn't the first time... Good stuff ages well. Happy #42 everyone
The Book of Mormon isn't any more illogical than Dianetics or any other science fiction book. A problem only arises when SciFi is taken as gospel.
Thank you for the great work and all the inspiration Mr. Deity. If I may, I would like to ask, why don't you make a video about the recent shooting in Texas? It could also be very informative, isn't it?
BTW, are you in the "Valley"?
phxbillcee No. I’m on the border of Orange and LA County near Long Beach.
Some of the scenes out your windows on some of your videos were strongly reminiscent of yards out here, so seemed like a good guess. Even an atheist can't be right all the time!!! LOL
will you be doing more mr deity soon?
Daniel Burnett Hoping to do another this month. Have you seen the recent episodes?
Daniel Burnett Forgive Timmy, Daniel. He wishes he could quit me, but he can’t.
As a Tim (AKA Timmy) myself I love your "subtle" use of the diminutive form of the name Timothy. It kinda' puts the "conversation" all in place (intellectual maturity-wise) LOL I once had a Bro-in-law (a short ex marine, 'nuff said? LOL) who used to call me "Timmy" all the time when everyone else called me Tim in an obvious effort to get on my nerves. This in-your-face type of disrespect ended when I started calling him "Tommy" in front of everyone (his name was Tom, obviously)
Of course, sometimes this familiarity can be not used as a sign of disrespect but of affection, right Bri Bri? LOL
Eeyore didn't exist until 11926, well after the publication of the BoM. Another anachronism?
Does mormons even realize how ridiculous their religion sounds like?
At least they seem to be most polite christian group so far that I have been talking with.
No, they don't.
the Scientologists said "hold my beer"
Damn it, there are 666 upvotes on this video. On one hand I want to like it, on the other I'd hate to change that triggering number LOL
Upvoter number 1000 here. Gotta say Bri, you don't get nearly enough credit for what you do.
Dude, so get what your journey has been. I came out of a cult by the age of 20. Such wreckage in our family. WorldWide Church of God, the Armstrong’s, etc. evil.
"and sheep"😂
Hey I LOVED "Book Of Morman", Oh wait, that was the one on Broadway, wasn't it? Oh well, fiction is as fiction does LOL (Gumpididilly stupid)
what if they only had that one sword and they BORROWED it? hah! checkmate norman.
You're thinking too hard.
Or are you thinking too little?
Doubt your doubts . . . give brother joseph a break!
@@robpaulson7992 Not a chance.
@@misterdeity - I know that the book of mormon is blue.
Rob Paulson I know it’s racist as fuck!
Entirely empirical claims that cannot be substantiated. God of the Bible never talked about the American continent. Native Americans’ antecedents were not Hebrew...confirmation bias is a powerful thing.
I agree that the Book of Mormon is fiction, but I disagree with your interpretation that 2 million were killed in a single battle (which is on one side - likely 4 million total). The way I read it, there were 2 million that died from the time the Ether warned Coriantumr to when they were nearly wiped out - a span of 10-15 years (I'm too lazy to add it up exactly.) My reason for interpreting in this way is that in the context of giving the number if references the prophecy by Ether of the destruction.
Granted the Book of Mormon is poorly written and quite ambiguous. In any case the numbers remain unrealistic, but I think its useful not to overextend the interpretation giving ammo to apologists.
One of my younger colleagues recommended South Park's episode covering Mormonism.
It was really good. 🤔
If you care about the environment why not switch your search engine to Ecosia?
They are just like Google, but use all their profits on reforestation and afforestation projects.
A historical account, not an historical account. You wouldn't say, "an hill," would you? No, of course, because you're not Cockney and don't drop your initial H.
Also "an" with an unaspirated "h" (the way the French pronounce an initial "h").
It's a matter of euphony, not spelling. The same goes for vowels: "A European country" not "an European country."
I always use an before “h” words because it’s an old reference to a Mr. Deity episode where Mr. Deity is upset that the Bible uses an with “h” words. For the record, that used to be common usage even in the twentieth century.
misterdeity Ack! Which episode is that? Now I'm going to have to go watch the whole series again to find it.