How to get Apple Carplay for a 2010-2014 Mustang!! Installing Huge Amazon Touchscreen Headunit!

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 360

  • @finnleygordon577
    @finnleygordon577 Год назад +96

    for a new youtuber the video quality is phenomenal

  • @vibe.shuffle
    @vibe.shuffle 3 месяца назад +12

    Thank you for posting this super quality video so that you could help thousands without earning anything back. A truly selfless act. I appreciate you, a real gigachad

  • @Ai-Tronix
    @Ai-Tronix Год назад +15

    The most comprehensive of its kind RUclips video. Thank you so much.

  • @1SloStang-Arxv
    @1SloStang-Arxv Год назад +16

    Should do a review on this unit after few more months to get your take on it or something like that.

  • @travism559
    @travism559 Год назад +37

    perfect timing for the video just bought this yesterday and was worried about not knowing how to get the apple carplay going and the install process. great in depth video too bro!

    • @herethereandgone
      @herethereandgone  Год назад +3

      Glad I could help!

    • @b58jt
      @b58jt Год назад

      what brand did you go with?

    • @Freeway5mobbin
      @Freeway5mobbin 8 месяцев назад

      @@herethereandgone is it still working ? Send link where I can buy it

    • @kendenning3078
      @kendenning3078 Месяц назад

      @@herethereandgonewhere does the cable for the car climate control go?

  • @user-pd8ud9hn6o
    @user-pd8ud9hn6o Год назад +11

    Wondering what your thoughts are on this now? Is everything still working properly?

  • @Cheeseburgerplug
    @Cheeseburgerplug Год назад +23

    Just bought mine, watched this video and then finalized my purchase on eBay. Really appreciate you.

    • @kevinhhn
      @kevinhhn Год назад +3

      Is it still working well man? How’s the experience? I’m thinking about getting the 2gb ram 32gb rom

    • @Freeway5mobbin
      @Freeway5mobbin 8 месяцев назад

      @@kevinhhn is it working ? I wanna buy one send the link

    • @kevinhhn
      @kevinhhn 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Freeway5mobbin ya it still works, had it for the past 6 months, it’s on eBay.

    • @Freeway5mobbin
      @Freeway5mobbin 8 месяцев назад

      @@kevinhhn how much was it my friend ? Is the audio still as loud as the original one

    • @kevinhhn
      @kevinhhn 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@Freeway5mobbin I think around like $200, plug and play. It has apple car play preinstalled for iPhone so it has very good sound via blue tooth

  • @JaxieDoggo
    @JaxieDoggo Год назад +9

    Thank you for the thought out explination. You clearly done this a million times and know what youre doing

  • @danielblanco793
    @danielblanco793 Год назад +5

    5 months later, what can u say about it? still working good? what about the sound, conectivity, touchscreen lag?

  • @uuganbatbayar6165
    @uuganbatbayar6165 Год назад +6

    Any tutorial on setting up the rear camera ?

  • @Dduck_007
    @Dduck_007 Год назад +4

    I don’t have a car but I was nice watching ur video dude

  • @alexkhoshaba3185
    @alexkhoshaba3185 Месяц назад +1

    Hi there I know this video has been one year old but I just got same screen and I installed it but the music from my phone is not connected to it and no incoming call connection to the car no AC or any of temperature or a heated seat showing on the screen.

  • @Toutvids
    @Toutvids 2 месяца назад

    Thanks for this you made a perfect, clear video of this job. I'm getting this exact radio today from UPS. Installing a stereo in this car is even easier than My 2014 Wrangler that I used to have. Especially removing the center console. Ford really did make these jobs simple to do.

    • @kendenning3078
      @kendenning3078 Месяц назад +1

      I have a 2010 mustang I’m getting ready to install this in. I also did an Alpine install in my 2014 wrangler and yes not as easy.

  • @ProdColdVoice
    @ProdColdVoice Год назад +2

    What if you already have a back up camera on the rear mirror

  • @pabloreyes6896
    @pabloreyes6896 5 месяцев назад

    Hi thanks for the instructional video helped a lot with my installation but how do I fix the km to miles

  • @Jxy-n3o
    @Jxy-n3o 11 месяцев назад +1

    Do you know the exact model of the kit you got from Amazon? Please respond

  • @Zaeholmes25
    @Zaeholmes25 2 месяца назад

    You saved me bro I just installed mines like 1 hour ago and I’m going to do the camera tomorrow. Took me a few attempts but I figured it out

  • @Out_And_About1872
    @Out_And_About1872 Месяц назад

    Any reviews now from anyone that’s installed this and had it running a few months? I’m looking for a system to install in my Mustang after the stock ACM gave up.

  • @AdamWulfric
    @AdamWulfric 7 месяцев назад +1

    Totally worth it my stock radio was busted and it sucked anyways I got mine for $160 on sale

  • @ricardozazueta4447
    @ricardozazueta4447 Год назад +1

    Also the settings for the steering wheel can’t get them to work, what would I need to download?

  • @christianmaldonado1089
    @christianmaldonado1089 Год назад +5

    Considering buying this. Do you still recommend this months later?

    • @LawezeanaS197
      @LawezeanaS197 3 месяца назад +1

      Don’t do it I learn the hard way

  • @mowhiskey1
    @mowhiskey1 Год назад +1

    Nice video. Mine looks nothing like your screen and the controls on bottom don't work. Maybe got a bad one

    • @msg.motty48
      @msg.motty48 8 месяцев назад

      my buttons just stopped working any solutions yet?

  • @Zighast
    @Zighast 4 месяца назад

    Man. I got this and everything works great. One problem. The unit isn’t pushing back into place. I’m afraid to push too hard and break the tabs off.

  • @PedrosChannel
    @PedrosChannel Месяц назад

    Buddy, thank you so much for this video. Helped me install my unit and made it an absolute breeze. The backup camera too! Loving the new unit and it looks spectacular.
    Only weird thing is my volume and skip buttons don’t work properly. Not a big deal, but would love to know if you had this issue and how to fix it?
    Stellar video though man! Thanks again!!

  • @Dylan-kw8pz
    @Dylan-kw8pz 3 месяца назад

    It will not fit, even without any clips, there seems to be something stopping it from going in on both the top and bottom. I've made sure there's no wires or anything blocking it. Do you have any help or advice?

  • @michaelsprouse5277
    @michaelsprouse5277 2 месяца назад

    Just installed today it did not work at all the screen does not work and the buttons do not work either any help would be appreciated thank you

  • @mikevehovec
    @mikevehovec 3 месяца назад

    I have automatic transmission. Is there a trick to popping the center console up?

    • @Dylan-kw8pz
      @Dylan-kw8pz 3 месяца назад

      Hey! You actually don't need to remove the shifter at all! I'm just doing it now haha

  • @HarleysNHemis
    @HarleysNHemis Год назад +3

    great video, where did you get the leather seats are they covers or re-upolstered.

    • @HarleysNHemis
      @HarleysNHemis Год назад +2

      Nm figured it out when I seen the Katzkin tag.

  • @pp6496
    @pp6496 6 месяцев назад

    Been looking at videos trying to understand where to install the backup camera reverse wire on the head unit. It looks pretty much plug and play. Give power to the camera at brake light and just plug in yellow video plug at radio. Thank you so much!

  • @quarantinedreviews4577
    @quarantinedreviews4577 3 месяца назад

    Any idea why only audio from radio works but not audio from carplay? Only subwoofers work when in carplay mode

  • @allanlopez4818
    @allanlopez4818 Год назад +2

    i bought one from ebay it’s works the same 100% the camera just stop working but that’s not my issue the thing is that the ac screen comes and go like if iam turning it on or off

    • @AllstarproductionsHD
      @AllstarproductionsHD Год назад

      Mine does it too. It's so annoying and it's a distraction

    • @whosyvng
      @whosyvng Год назад

      Should I purchase mine off Amazon or EBay?

    • @whosyvng
      @whosyvng Год назад

      @@AllstarproductionsHDany fix?

    • @AllstarproductionsHD
      @AllstarproductionsHD Год назад

      @@whosyvng haven’t found a fix for the ac popping up. It seems to only do it when it wants to. I bought mine through amazon.

    • @HellcatCharger707
      @HellcatCharger707 8 месяцев назад

      @@whosyvng I bought mine from eBay right now how about you ? How’s it working man

  • @159skater
    @159skater 7 месяцев назад

    I ordered a similar system for mine. I have a shaker amp so that complicates the install.

    • @sla92311
      @sla92311 6 месяцев назад

      Did you bypass the amp?? I have the Shaker Pro and my sound went out so I bought this unit and it works great just still don't have sound. Thinking my amp is blown but I can't find info on it.

  • @yvettealdaz2581
    @yvettealdaz2581 Год назад +2

    Hello can you please help, did every step in the video, but I can’t hear the music. However, I made I call and they were able to hear me so that’s good. Is there something I may have missed to be able to hear the music. Please help

    • @teddydavid2816
      @teddydavid2816 Год назад

      Did you fix the problem (I hope by now lol) and if so how do you like the device overall is it working out well for you?

  • @keithbratten5848
    @keithbratten5848 Год назад +2

    Does it work with steering wheel controls!?

  • @curls_off3064
    @curls_off3064 5 месяцев назад

    The cable that is originally for the oem screen what happen to it were did you connected it (the first plug you took off from the beginning from the old head unit )

  • @pabloreyes6896
    @pabloreyes6896 6 месяцев назад

    Thanks for your video made my installation very easy how do I change the kilometers back to miles on the dashboard

    • @UpAllNight91
      @UpAllNight91 5 месяцев назад +1

      Can be done on the steering wheel buttons in the cars settings

  • @dougcoppeler8181
    @dougcoppeler8181 5 месяцев назад

    Loving the video but how are you getting any sound? I didn't see you connect the RCA cables to anything. What did I miss?

  • @TheSnoopshow
    @TheSnoopshow Год назад +2

    You got the touchscreen and it came with the backup camera or you bought them both

  • @12_5-0Coyote
    @12_5-0Coyote 5 месяцев назад

    This is the best instructional video on this I have ever seen! Thank you! How is the unit holding up?

  • @OsamaQassas37-dx4cq
    @OsamaQassas37-dx4cq Год назад

    I got the same one from Amazon can you make video how we can install speaker on that type of radio ,, thank you 😊

  • @aloncito1111
    @aloncito1111 10 месяцев назад

    Great video!!
    So I ordered the same unit, only problem I'm having is the climate control, once I turned it on it won't turn off. I don't see a off button for the ac or fan, does anyone else experience this issue?? Thank you an advance

    • @sebastianrea2959
      @sebastianrea2959 9 месяцев назад

      Did you fix the issue?

    • @aloncito1111
      @aloncito1111 9 месяцев назад

      Yes, I did, so I had to do the steering wheel button learning setup. Once there, I programmed the A/C option to one of the buttons on the steering wheel. That allowed me to see the full option screen and be able to turn on and off the system. Does that make sense?

    • @sebastianrea2959
      @sebastianrea2959 9 месяцев назад

      @@aloncito1111 not necessarily im ordering mine and should arrive in a few days hope ot makes the stang a little nicer inside

    • @aloncito1111
      @aloncito1111 9 месяцев назад

      @sebastianrea2959 let me know when you received yours. Hopefully, you won't have the same issue. I realize there are some many different brands for the same type of unit. I bought mine from Amazon

    • @sebastianrea2959
      @sebastianrea2959 9 месяцев назад

      Hey quick question what if theres no sound ??

  • @SuperGreedyboi
    @SuperGreedyboi 10 месяцев назад

    My question is how did you get the camera installed inside

  • @jackvejar4575
    @jackvejar4575 Год назад

    is it possible to give a more in depth explination on how you spliced the back up camera with the rear light cable?

    • @kevinhhn
      @kevinhhn Год назад

      I’d like to know as well, I don’t wanna mess things up

    • @dphitch
      @dphitch Год назад +3

      I just installed one. You will need to buy a couple of connectors from any auto store, they have quick connectors available that allow you to splice into an existing wire with out cutting it and a ring style crimp connector. There is a red and black plug pigtail that plugs into the power for the camera the red wire you will splice with the blue tail light wire the black wire needs to connect to ground. I used a quick splice/tap connector to the blue wire with the red from the pigtail and used a crimp ring connector on the black from the pig tail and attached it to the ground bolt that is near the rear tail light. If you pause the video as he talks about this you can actually see the black wire is grounded in the video. Then plug the pigtail into the power connector from the camera. The red wire that is hanging from the side of the long video cord is not used if you do it this way. The splice connector I mentioned has open on one side and has two channels in it. Lay the blue wire inside first and the red wire next to it and close the connector with some pliers and it will tap into both wires. Just be careful when you put a ring connector on the black wire, it is very thin. I put electrical tape around the connector as strain relief. @@kevinhhn

    • @kevinhhn
      @kevinhhn Год назад +1

      @@dphitch nice man, ima try it soon. I installed the head unit yesterday and finished the wiring from the head unit to the trunk,I gotta drill a hole where the license plate is first to snake the camera cable through the trunk, then I can tap into the blue tail light cable and ground the black one like you did. I wanna do this sometime this week, this head unit isn’t too shabby for $200~. The fit into the car could be better though, it didn’t seem like it was a perfect fit. It’s Chinese but you’re looking at 3x times the cost for other units not to mention installation/wiring/labor cost. Hopefully, it’ll last us! Will let you know how it went soon after I am finish with the installation.

  • @rafisoltys
    @rafisoltys Год назад +1

    Did you compare audio quality ? Is any difference between stock and this one ?

    • @jeffkeis8666
      @jeffkeis8666 Год назад

      Not sure why some said quality was bad because it was an improvement over stock and sounds fantastic others issues not sure if it is an amp, sub woofer system or other mine was a basic stock system. Best thing I did to my mustang so much better than stock radio.

    • @halenreeves3154
      @halenreeves3154 Год назад

      I have this unit and the audio quality was worse than stock. For me I won’t say it’s terrible but it definitely could be a lot better

    • @Freeway5mobbin
      @Freeway5mobbin 8 месяцев назад

      @@jeffkeis8666 hey man how’s it working can you send me a link of the one you got ? I wanna buy one but these mixed reviews are having me hesitant

  • @evo2500
    @evo2500 2 месяца назад

    does this work on base model 2012.

  • @ericmcelroy2300
    @ericmcelroy2300 5 месяцев назад

    Does this head unit illuminate where the AC controls are. My is not illuminating and the the Bluetooth doesn't work

  • @dudenamednelly
    @dudenamednelly 3 месяца назад

    Did u plug in the radio?

  • @RayWall
    @RayWall 2 месяца назад

    Anyone have an issue with the screen and everything working but the audio stopped?

  • @bt.racing535
    @bt.racing535 5 месяцев назад

    When I installed it my odometer started reading in km instead of miles, do you know how I can change it back to miles

  • @raehorrell4160
    @raehorrell4160 10 месяцев назад

    Have you by chance seen any settings for subwoofer level? Thank you

  • @saedabdul1661
    @saedabdul1661 Месяц назад

    Hey how has this held up for you?

  • @williamcowan4936
    @williamcowan4936 11 месяцев назад

    Wish I could get the radio to connect. Something is missing in my kit

  • @KoolVaybz
    @KoolVaybz Год назад +4

    Great video
    I just got mine today and watching your video made the installation process very quick for me.

    • @HellcatCharger707
      @HellcatCharger707 8 месяцев назад

      How are you liking it I ordered the same one from eBay hopefully it works man

    • @HellcatCharger707
      @HellcatCharger707 8 месяцев назад

      I ordered it man it cost me 217$ hopefully the ac and everything works crossing my fingers

    • @Gartonman
      @Gartonman 8 месяцев назад

      @@HellcatCharger707did you get it put in?

    • @HellcatCharger707
      @HellcatCharger707 8 месяцев назад

      @@Gartonman yessir

    • @GioVilla-su4kl
      @GioVilla-su4kl 8 месяцев назад

      @@HellcatCharger707how is it so far

  • @briannash7960
    @briannash7960 4 месяца назад

    Which plug and play radio is that

  • @khalid4715
    @khalid4715 4 месяца назад

    cleanest install of touch screen system

  • @surge0266
    @surge0266 2 месяца назад

    After hooking it all up, no sound is coming out…did I miss something?

  • @jonathanbauman6667
    @jonathanbauman6667 Год назад +3

    Does it work if you have heated seats ?

  • @mikebland5960
    @mikebland5960 Год назад +1

    Will this work with a 2014 Mustang Automatic transmission?

  • @mowhiskey1
    @mowhiskey1 11 месяцев назад

    Well I'm on my 3rd unit and actually got most working. Radio was working then sound quit. A/C wasn't working now working. Any idea what Protocol to use for a 2011 Mustang

    • @sargentflipper5066
      @sargentflipper5066 11 месяцев назад

      My AC isn’t working either I updated and used every protocol I could.

    • @mowhiskey1
      @mowhiskey1 11 месяцев назад

      I fixed mine

    • @mowhiskey1
      @mowhiskey1 11 месяцев назад

      I found a download that fixed mine, if you need let me know.@@sargentflipper5066

    • @Shxine
      @Shxine 10 месяцев назад

      how do u fix it pls help @@mowhiskey1

  • @Mo_dom
    @Mo_dom 8 месяцев назад +1

    How did you get you a/c to work ? Because mine is not working. Before I took the og radio off I turned up the ac and turned down the volume. But it’s still not working. So I’m just wondering what did you do to make it work?

    • @michaelcuenca7207
      @michaelcuenca7207 7 месяцев назад

      Did you figure it out , my air runs hot and it doesn’t let me turn it off

    • @briana177
      @briana177 7 месяцев назад

      ​​@@michaelcuenca7207 it's a fuse that happened to me last summer. Passengers side fuse box. Red can't remember which one sorry.

    • @dalastmrbattle
      @dalastmrbattle 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@michaelcuenca7207did you find the problem

  • @mhs.5339
    @mhs.5339 6 месяцев назад

    I just bought one today, I have a question, the bottoms from the steering wheel still working? Also yo know if the heater seats can work with this unit ?

  • @LuisGarcia-el9rl
    @LuisGarcia-el9rl Год назад +1

    Great video.. just installed my screen with this video, everything worked great EXCEPT my volume. I cant hear any music not even thru the regular radio.. any advice??

    • @herethereandgone
      @herethereandgone  Год назад

      Turn up your phone volume all the way. If that doesn’t help their are a couple of volume settings you can mess with in the audio controls. Hope this helps

    • @abrahamsabillon6437
      @abrahamsabillon6437 Год назад +2

      Did you ever solve this issue? Having the same one

    • @92chuks
      @92chuks 7 месяцев назад

      Did you solve the issue? I just figured it out!

    • @LuisGarcia-el9rl
      @LuisGarcia-el9rl 7 месяцев назад +1

      @92chucks I did thankfully! But now I have an issue where it keeps glitching to the AC screen on its own randomly

    • @mekhiwilliams6737
      @mekhiwilliams6737 5 месяцев назад

      @@92chukswhat did you do in having the same problem

  • @PoweredGeneral1
    @PoweredGeneral1 4 месяца назад

    How do you get to satellite radio?

  • @dyal91189
    @dyal91189 6 месяцев назад

    Is this unit compatible with the shaker radio?

  • @WMUCarGuy
    @WMUCarGuy Год назад +1

    Do they make a version of this for the 2005-09 Mustangs?

  • @builtforspeed5274
    @builtforspeed5274 2 месяца назад

    So any 1yr reviews? Does the screen dim at night or blinds the hell out of you?

  • @Braydyn
    @Braydyn 7 месяцев назад

    Is this still going strong, great video !!

  • @rustanL
    @rustanL 4 месяца назад

    Hey, great video. After 1 year, how is the unit doing?

  • @kamrenrickey6290
    @kamrenrickey6290 Год назад +1

    Just purchased this same radio off Amazon but won’t power on when connected. Any suggestions?

  • @colbygunter2
    @colbygunter2 4 месяца назад

    I bought one of these. I am wanting to install it myself but my friend is warning me to just take it to ford and have em do it because of security features and stuff

  • @Chris-zm7wh
    @Chris-zm7wh 10 месяцев назад

    Can I download Pandora straight to the unit?

  • @Aymsodone
    @Aymsodone 5 месяцев назад

    I just ordered and returned mine , i got issues with the sound cuz i have shaker package

    • @andrewreddic8919
      @andrewreddic8919 5 месяцев назад

      I’m having issues with mine do you know hot to connect to to the shaker subwoofer?

  • @erickestrada8943
    @erickestrada8943 Год назад +1

    Why can’t I get the guidelines on my rear camera ?:/

  • @danjourjouklis1719
    @danjourjouklis1719 4 месяца назад

    I installed Android car play on my 2011 Mustang GT and the AC screen doesn't display when I press the AC button. Any Ideas.

  • @CaptWho
    @CaptWho Год назад

    Just curious if the external temperature sensor still displays somewhere with the new radio?

  • @kevinham013
    @kevinham013 4 месяца назад

    Does your steering wheel volume control work with this unit

  • @patriotwoodworker6092
    @patriotwoodworker6092 3 месяца назад

    will this work in a 2013 shelby gt500? i have the shaker 1000 with nav and dual climate controls

  • @Fluxy71
    @Fluxy71 6 месяцев назад

    What’s the link for this one on Amazon?

  • @luilliyoseparroyo5762
    @luilliyoseparroyo5762 Месяц назад

    Muchas gracias amigo excelente video. Saludos desde México

  • @mayragamez3208
    @mayragamez3208 6 месяцев назад

    Love the way everything was explained! Thank you 😊🎉

  • @Tradbow85
    @Tradbow85 Год назад

    I put one in today and I can't figure out where my RCA cords from my amp go

  • @shateproductions806
    @shateproductions806 Год назад

    Hi can you tell me how’s the sound is? I have a alpine w928 and I want to make sure that the new radio got a nice sound like the alpine. Greets from Germany

  • @carnellthompson4883
    @carnellthompson4883 7 месяцев назад

    My sound just randomly went out one day any tips?

  • @kevinhhn
    @kevinhhn Год назад +6

    Dude this is one of the best installation vid. I’m thinking about doing this to mine too. Is it still running well on your car? Any issues that you’ve encountered?

  • @Eastonmartinez-zl2cx
    @Eastonmartinez-zl2cx 8 месяцев назад

    The AC panel does not work? Is it a fuse or wire issue. What are your thoughts? It’s brand new just bought this

    • @92chuks
      @92chuks 7 месяцев назад

      Did you figure it out? I just got mine set up and figured it out after 2 mental breakdowns 😂

    • @Eastonmartinez-zl2cx
      @Eastonmartinez-zl2cx 7 месяцев назад

      @@92chuks no did not. How did you get it going. The AC works and the buttons somehow work but no display shows. Or the speed is inaccurate. AC display doses not work on the screen tho. Only on the bottom display where the nibs are at but speed don’t work. Very frustrating

    • @dalastmrbattle
      @dalastmrbattle 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@Eastonmartinez-zl2cx did you find the problem?

  • @cafe.calories
    @cafe.calories 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks for the great video and details, I have Mustang 2013, but when I replaced mine the Sync voice control commands not working ( like when you talk to activate blue-tooth , USB ,.... and other commands ) , it's at the controls of the steering wheel , the music button next to the forward and back word, so is that still working ?

  • @Kasperblk
    @Kasperblk 8 месяцев назад

    How has this headunit held up?

  • @johnnyboi6342
    @johnnyboi6342 Год назад

    Where can I get a splicer like that red one?

  • @streamsniper_628b.6
    @streamsniper_628b.6 8 месяцев назад +2

    Anyone know where I can turn the air off because it’s hasn’t been wanting to shut off?

    • @92chuks
      @92chuks 7 месяцев назад

      Did you figure it out? I can try to help.

    • @tyrese1034
      @tyrese1034 7 месяцев назад

      I can’t turn my air off also

    • @tyrese1034
      @tyrese1034 7 месяцев назад

      I found a solution! First you want to go to protocol settings. Make sure it says Network Can Set! Skip over raise. Scroll down to “BSJ”, to the right select ford, then select 2009-2014 mustang . Your ID should be 9005008. This will for sure fix the AC, steering wheel buttons and more!

    • @dalastmrbattle
      @dalastmrbattle 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@tyrese1034im going to try it thank you

  • @briana177
    @briana177 7 месяцев назад

    So I don't have to get my ACM repaired 😢

  • @gracidaadalberto
    @gracidaadalberto Год назад +1

    What happens if you have heated seats?

    • @sla92311
      @sla92311 6 месяцев назад

      My seats work with it

  • @ricardozazueta4447
    @ricardozazueta4447 Год назад

    What can I do if I don’t have that air conditioning settings also the dial doesn’t work at all

    • @DavidChavez-qj9zz
      @DavidChavez-qj9zz Год назад

      Did you ever figure out this issue? Bc I just got mine installed and im having issues with the a/c as well

    • @sargentflipper5066
      @sargentflipper5066 11 месяцев назад

      @@DavidChavez-qj9zzcurrently going through this. Any updates?

  • @jaylam7920
    @jaylam7920 10 месяцев назад

    This one isn’t available anymore. Can anyone recommend another one that works?

  • @ashlamea2874
    @ashlamea2874 6 месяцев назад

    can anyone tell me what wire to tap into for the backup camera?

  • @GrandeHombreYT
    @GrandeHombreYT 6 месяцев назад

    What tools did you use

  • @raehorrell4160
    @raehorrell4160 Год назад +3

    Quick question. I have a 2014 Mustang with heated front seats. Does this unit include options for heated seat controls?

    • @isaacsalas9813
      @isaacsalas9813 Год назад +1

      I was wondering the same thing!

    • @raehorrell4160
      @raehorrell4160 Год назад +2

      @@isaacsalas9813 Yeah, be nice if the content creator answered this question.

    • @ryanlemke6193
      @ryanlemke6193 Год назад

      It appears that it does.. idk for sure but when he checks to make sure everything is working, there are heating controls on screen for the seats

  • @Richiewhite686
    @Richiewhite686 Год назад

    Where can I get those little white clips because all of my clips are gone?
    I’ve had to resort to other methods to get my stereo Consol to stay in the dash

  • @pat1475
    @pat1475 Год назад +2

    Great video! What’s the verdict on the unit so far? Sound quality?

    • @p4rke522
      @p4rke522 Год назад

      Did mine earlier today I love everything about it besides for the sound, it is significantly quieter than before

    • @whosyvng
      @whosyvng Год назад

      @@p4rke522where did you get yours from?

    • @Casig
      @Casig Год назад

      @@p4rke522how much quieter is it? Is it a big difference or what would you say the comparison of loudness is?

  • @crucfx.
    @crucfx. Год назад

    Got one using the link in the description, not sure if its the exact same model, interface is different and not as responsive, side buttons are glowing in rgb, and im having trouble setting up my iphone via zlink its telling me to enable siri despite having it already enabled

  • @josevelez1773
    @josevelez1773 Год назад +1

    Link for the kit on Amazon? Thank you