When you have the 'house manager' taking your mentally disabled niece to walmart to shoplift, then you can't trust them to give you all your property later if you leave without it. The son wasn't listening to anything they said, he was just ranting and raving about where they're parked. All he had to do was listen to what they were asking for, say, "I don't have access to the garage, but I've called my dad, he's coming home now, and he can get it for you. Would you mind moving your car so I can back out, I need to leave." Instead, he's going off because somebody had the audacity to park near him and ask him for something. You've got 3 women in a vehicle, scared to death, with a sketchy looking dude they don't know running around videoing and making rude and snide comments. He obviously wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere, he stuck around for and participated in the entire show. Then the owner pulls up ranting and raving, and refusing to give them said property, and opening up their vehicle and removing their personal belongings while damaging their vehicle. I can see where they'd be scared to death to try to move. I'd be reporting all this to the services that recommended him, and I hope the families of all the residents heard about this stupidity.
He said!!! She said!!!!!
Give the lady her hamper.
Judge Judy has anger management issues that need to be addressed.
When you have the 'house manager' taking your mentally disabled niece to walmart to shoplift, then you can't trust them to give you all your property later if you leave without it. The son wasn't listening to anything they said, he was just ranting and raving about where they're parked. All he had to do was listen to what they were asking for, say, "I don't have access to the garage, but I've called my dad, he's coming home now, and he can get it for you. Would you mind moving your car so I can back out, I need to leave." Instead, he's going off because somebody had the audacity to park near him and ask him for something. You've got 3 women in a vehicle, scared to death, with a sketchy looking dude they don't know running around videoing and making rude and snide comments. He obviously wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere, he stuck around for and participated in the entire show. Then the owner pulls up ranting and raving, and refusing to give them said property, and opening up their vehicle and removing their personal belongings while damaging their vehicle. I can see where they'd be scared to death to try to move. I'd be reporting all this to the services that recommended him, and I hope the families of all the residents heard about this stupidity.
She looks ai generated.