John MacArthur Q&A: What is the Lordship salvation?

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 17

  • @dynaordie8083
    @dynaordie8083 6 месяцев назад +2

    Outstanding clarity every time Pastor John speaks

  • @HiThereHeyThere
    @HiThereHeyThere 6 месяцев назад +4

    Very important points Pastor John makes. At salvation Christ is on the throne of your life. You recieved the righteousness of Christ and are led by God as you follow Christ. If you are a Christ follower he IS Lord over your life... immediately.
    Scripture is very clear about this.
    Now as far as killing sin in your life that is part of sanctification. And through the sanctification process (over your lifetime) you are becoming more like Christ (whom you follow). You are conquering sins and becoming more righteous and holy as God is holy. As Christ is holy. So the idea or notion of a carnal Christian is nonsense. You are simply growing in holiness and make mistakes along the way. Just as a baby learning to walk "falls down". He gets back up and keeps growing into adulthood.
    If you are not, and you are still in the world... then you are simply a false convert as youve never been converted by God.
    But if you can see the radical transformation, you hate sin, and now want to live righteously and are progressing in that direction then it shows fruit of salvation.
    People ask what is righteousness. God is perfect. His moral law reflects his unchanging character and nature. We are to be growing in reflecting moral perfection. It is progressive growth for us humans who have been born again, but we are, in all the areas of moral character, growing. There is growth and growth and growth.
    This is why reading and applying the Scriptures is also important daily because we grow in faith but also obey what we read. If we love and follow Christ then we will obey our King. He is our Lord.

  • @Fehrfamilyhomestead
    @Fehrfamilyhomestead Месяц назад +1

    [8]For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it(eternal life) is the gift of God: [9] not of works, lest any man should boast.
    Ephesians 2:8‭-‬9 KJV
    The grace of God is not cheap, it cost God the precious blood of his only Son. We are saved by believing in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    John 3:16 KJV
    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.
    John 6:47 KJV

  • @AllSven
    @AllSven 6 месяцев назад +3

    I can’t believe anyone would think that intellectual assent to the facts about Christ means you’re saved - scary that someone would be that deceived.

  • @ianrena1
    @ianrena1 6 месяцев назад +2

    You will know them by their fruit.

    • @wib50
      @wib50 6 месяцев назад

      Mathew 7. You will know whom by thier fruit,? And what is the " fruit" speaking of??

  • @PietStassenAdamastor
    @PietStassenAdamastor 3 месяца назад

    Those who deny the Lordship of Christ should revisit Revelation Chapter 22.

  • @seniorscientist590
    @seniorscientist590 2 месяца назад +2

    Lord doesn't mean Jesus' diety? Where in scripture does it say to repent of sin to he saved? Yes, people can believe Jesus died on cross, etc. and not be saved but has nothing to do with repenting of sin, but rather they are those who are convinced by the evidence all those things but still want nothing to do with Jesus. They still reject him. An example is in scripture where there were those who believed it was true but desired the praise of man and refused to put their faith in Jesus. He's not going to force Himself on anyone. A more modern example would be the late atheist richard dwakins (spell). Heard him say once that he's not an atheist because the evidence on his side is overwhelming, but because even if God were true he still wouldn't believe because he hates Him. That's exactly why confession with the mouth, romans 10:9-10 is an acceptance of the free gift of salvation. For it says if one believes in their heart Jesus died on cross for your sin, buried and rose from the dead, and confesses with their mouth Jesus is Lord (God, yehovah, Adonai, almighty creator) then they are saved. We believe in our hearts and those things and Jesus' not only is payment for our sin, but He clothes us in His righteousness! Repenting of sin is heretical and here's why this is so important. 1) These people have redefined repent which biblically always means a change of mind (metanoia, or meta=change as in metamorphosis, noia=mind), no work involved.
    2) Repenting of sin contradicts gospel in bible. For gospel (john 3:16, romans 10:9-10, 1 cor. 15:1-4, elsewhere) is first believing Jesus died on the cross FOR YOUR SIN. A false gospel, the devil, says you have to turn from your sin. In otherwords, you come to cross sinless. They're completely contrary.
    MacArthur even contradicts himself when he said you have to confess your sin, then turn from sin. Well, which is it?
    Bottom line is nobody can turn from sin. Greater men have tried and all failed. God's standard is way to high. Heck, Adam and Eve couldnt even obey one command. Hence our need of a savior!
    Jesus is offering to take the yoke of your sin and give you His yoke of grace which He purchased through His death, burial and resurrection. All sin has been dealt with. These wolves, however, want you to keep you enslaved and yoked to sin, keep you in their pews and control you. MacArthur, Billy Graham, Paul, King David or any other person could never turn from their sin before or after they were saved.
    3) This false gospel means you can lose your salvation of at very least never know you're saved. And of there is one work needed for salvation, whether that's turning from sin (Impossible. Unquantifiable. Undefinable) or even as simple as not eating an apple on a specific tree, and not solely by believing in Jesus and His finished work, then news flash, nobody in history of all humanity is nor ever will be saved for all fall short of the glory of God, all our works are filthy rags to the Lord and 1 john clearly states to the already saved believer (thats who he is writing to) that if we claim we have no sin (as MacArthur claims to have turned from of his sin) then the truth is not in us and we make God out to be a liar. Galatians 3:3 "Are you so foolish (MacArthur)? Having begun in the spirit (given when we believe in Jesus), are you now made perfect in the flesh (thinking you have to turn from your sin, be good person or doing something in the flesh like living a certain way, etc.)?"
    Romans 10:10 KJV
    [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

  • @RonAllenTaylor
    @RonAllenTaylor 6 месяцев назад

    “Historically” John?

  • @wib50
    @wib50 6 месяцев назад +6

    This misrepresents the free grace position. We absolutely do not deny that Christ is Lord. No one could ever be saved if he wasn't already Lord. Also we don't say just believe some facts. It's a personall trust in Christ as Lord and savior, wich demons do not have.

    • @meta4282
      @meta4282 4 месяца назад +1

      The risk you run is that you place the power of salvation in the hands of the person making the choice to simply believe. Im not saying you're not saved, but it risks giving the idea to young believers or newcomers that they only need to say they believe in JC and then they are saved, which is not Biblical.

    • @samsacco6979
      @samsacco6979 Месяц назад

      @@meta4282no one in Free Grace believes you only need to “say you believe”. Again…a “straw man”. No one says you need to “raise a hand, walk an aisle, pray a prayer, etc.” You actually have to believe in Him!

    • @frankmichaud9107
      @frankmichaud9107 22 дня назад

      Yet like you,demons James 2:19 Beleive and know Jesus is Lord 😮. Every knee will bow and mouth confess in the end,even easy believisim beleivers 😂. Happy trails. Remember John the Baptist pulled no punches. Publican went home justified because he beat on his chest knowing his wretched condition and submitted and went home justified. Happy trails.

  • @samsacco6979
    @samsacco6979 Месяц назад

    He misrepresents the other side constantly. Easy to create “straw men” and knock them down.