First Ride On The Street Legal 1967 Volkswagen Dune Buggy

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 478

  • @lbdrummer3
    @lbdrummer3 Год назад +65

    That thing looks fun. I'm amazed at the amount of fuel that came out of the crank case. Couple of things I learned from friends that had bugs. Have 2 fire extinguishers, use braided steel fuel lines, make sure the fuel lines have hose clamps on them, fuel leaks next to the distributer will turn it in to a car-B-Q really fast.

    • @ridesliknacho4984
      @ridesliknacho4984 Год назад +2

      Haha mine caught on fire! Was a giant fireball going down the highway until it completely died. Definitely strap a small extinguisher somewhere on the front

    • @mortonmorton6083
      @mortonmorton6083 Год назад

      @@ridesliknacho4984 saw a few did the same thing lol 😂

  • @keithmishler4095
    @keithmishler4095 10 месяцев назад +1

    How ever I do love the fact you take the time to figure out the problem and fix it to run and drive. Kudos for you efforts.

  • @Brokefarm
    @Brokefarm Год назад +7

    I thought he was gonna light the place on fire again....also what a day for a dune buggy ride.

  • @henryman5809
    @henryman5809 Год назад +17

    Thank you for your videos dude. You got me interested in fixing engines and building stuff. I just started my first project; I took my family's old weed eater that would not start and cleaned the carb and replaced some gaskets. I mounted it onto my old bike with a chain drive and it starts first pull every time. Thanks for the inspiration and knowledge. I think I'll be doing a lot more projects like that in the future thanks to your videos.

  • @rickkinney1249
    @rickkinney1249 Год назад +5

    vw engines came with an electrical fuel shutoff to prevent "run on dieseling"----make sure you DO NOT DISCONNECT this electrical control-----get the keep your buggy running book (been around for forty years) nice vid thanx rick

    • @PreacherwithoutaPulpit
      @PreacherwithoutaPulpit 2 месяца назад

      The previous owner gave him that book as part of the sale he just needs to spend some time reading it.
      Good call out that hopefully he's read and picked that book back up if he still owns it.

  • @rhiantaylor3446
    @rhiantaylor3446 Год назад +30

    Great buggy. Rear tyres have quite a bit of positive camber which you might want to alter by resetting the torsion bars - relatively easy to do. If you plan to spend a lot of time off road you might prefer to leave it with lots of rear ground clearance.

  • @markwybierala4936
    @markwybierala4936 Год назад +8

    So jealous. I’d still be suspect of that fuel pump. It might be passing fuel to the crankcase only when the engine is running. Check and triple check your oil level over time and if it moves up on the dipstick, then you still have a problem.

    • @benny8300
      @benny8300 Год назад +2

      He won’t

    • @TheAwmartin
      @TheAwmartin Год назад +4

      Gravity shouldn’t be able to pull fuel through the pump. It’s bad.

  • @JohnnieBravo1
    @JohnnieBravo1 Год назад +20

    Hey Joe; sweet ride, from back in my younger days! One thing you may want to consider, is getting a different type fuel tank, and mount it down low, maybe swap places with your battery. Then it won't gravity feed past the fuel pump/carb setup and fill your engine case, if you ever forget to turn off the fuel cock, or it leaks. Lots of lawn mowers (and motorcycles) have that issue when there is a path for the fuel to flow into the crankcase via gravity. Like Mustie1, I can fine many lawn mowers that are "locked up" first attempt to start in Spring, and find nothing more than they are hydro locked. Some of these are literally brand new, 1 season on them, and folks don't know what to do. They just assume they got a lemon, dump it and get a new one. Quick spark plug pull, drain the cylinder, oil change, clean the carb and 9 outta 10 times it'll fire right up.

    @YOUTRIPPINMAN 9 месяцев назад +1

    Dude I really love your videos. I'd say they're pretty much perfect in every way for the type of content I'm looking for. I was in a motorcycle accident in November 20 20 left me a quadriplegic so it's videos like this that keep me close to the things I really enjoyed. Keep them coming.

  • @GandolBro
    @GandolBro Год назад +5

    Definitely have to get jade to drive it. Cool machine, great purchase

  • @mxwizzard
    @mxwizzard Год назад +4

    When towing the buggy back it on so the weight of the tongue of the trailer will be heavier than the rear it will make it pull better and keep the trailer from swaying side to side

    • @drummer4hire12
      @drummer4hire12 4 месяца назад +1

      FACTS!!!! Been there.....and never again

  • @markhensley9378
    @markhensley9378 Год назад +2

    Mirror movement is inevitable. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  • @markstebbins3916
    @markstebbins3916 Год назад +3

    I've always wanted one. Ever since my teen years. I'm 57 now. When one became available, I didn't have the money, when I had the money, I can't find any , anywhere.

    • @drummer4hire12
      @drummer4hire12 4 месяца назад +1

      Same here, except I finally found one......I feel like a kid at Christmas.....

  • @special_dx
    @special_dx Год назад +2

    Float height is set by varying the thickness of crush washer under the valve body.

  • @jplevesque5428
    @jplevesque5428 Год назад +4

    Awesome video 👍,,,and making memories with your brother is also awesome 👍,,,keep the great videos coming.

  • @puff427
    @puff427 Год назад +2

    Ur pops n Charlie in same video that deserves a thumbs up..nice buggy..b safe.peace..

  • @larrylyke4795
    @larrylyke4795 Год назад +8

    I think VW has non-syncro transmission. Need to blip throttle while clutch is in on downshifts so engine speed rises to match lower gear. Same as on a bike. I had '62 in high school and that's how I drove it.

    • @ArchwayPerformance
      @ArchwayPerformance Год назад +3

      They definitely have synchronized gears. When they start to wear they act like this one.

  • @chele-chele
    @chele-chele Год назад +2

    Look on the brightside, if there was any sludge in the motor it is sure clean now!

  • @sandmanbub
    @sandmanbub Год назад +5

    One more thing, a suggestion for your safety. When fuel is spilling out like it was, it's a good idea to un plug the coil before cranking the engine. Sometimes the insulation around the spark plug wires is faulty and can arc against the engine or any surface grounded to the battery and the fuel could make your day an unhappy one and none of your RUclips fans want to see that. stay safe brother.

    • @ofnaguycarlwatts8602
      @ofnaguycarlwatts8602 Год назад

      He's an idiot!! Didn't learn 1st time! Who cranks an engine over Knowing it's fuel of and locked up bc of it.Hes setting up another future failure so he can buy it back cheap and resell.Karma is mean!!

  • @MrGary2glaze
    @MrGary2glaze Год назад +1

    Oh how funny to watch you work a manual car , here in the UK we learn in a manual car , if you learn only auto thats all you can drive over here , but hey whatever ,the car looks good to ride in, but maybe during Spring/summer. Godd video mate well done!!

  • @corporalclegg914
    @corporalclegg914 Год назад +1

    04:58 - Afterburners
    Springtime = Minty Jade with Vin wearing goggles on her lap in the passenger’s seat with Big Joe from Kokomo at the helm. what, me worry? that’s livin’

  • @ar2043
    @ar2043 Год назад +3

    OMG!!! The gas coming out of the oil drain was like a racehorse pissing on a flat rock!!!!

  • @mrutherford8590
    @mrutherford8590 Год назад +5

    The carburetor has a shut off valve that should stop the flow

  • @micahhittinger6083
    @micahhittinger6083 Год назад +2

    It’s a rail buggy. The frame comes as a kit. You can get them pre welded or in pieces and weld it together yourself. Then you take the engine, tranny, and other stuff from a VW bug. It looks like yours is missing the tubing that protects the engine.

  • @baxterscientific
    @baxterscientific Год назад +13

    Great vid.
    Been doing vw a long time and glad you got one..
    One thing I would do is go one size up on idle jet.
    The new carbs are not set up for modern fuel. The aircooled motor will run hot.
    Typically that fuel is the fuel pump leaking by -in to engine.
    Be aware when working on pump there are 2 different actuator rods ( short and long)
    Always hi with high zinc as well..
    Anyway my 2cents..
    Hopefully it lasts for you!!

    • @PreacherwithoutaPulpit
      @PreacherwithoutaPulpit 2 месяца назад

      Yep all very well said and I agree he's got a bad fuel pump on that unit.
      Another thing that makes me think this is those pumps were not designed to allow gravity feeding when not actuated.
      Or at least I think that's right been many decades since I've messed around with a VW.

  • @mcmoffitt
    @mcmoffitt Год назад +4

    A few things to take note: Some new fuel line and some hose clamps would be well worth the investment. The degree pulley on your engine is a undersized power pulley. To keep the engine cooler, I would replace with a standard sized pulley. Next the cooling tins are missing under the cylinders (between cylinders and pushrod tubes). Volkswagens are great little engines however they don't like heat very much. Your videos are enjoyable, thank you. One last thing.. the solenoid on the side of the carb is a fuel shut off/on, works with ignition as does the heating element for the choke.

  • @gallejugon3350
    @gallejugon3350 Год назад +4

    Its so cool see all the family together.
    Keep up to the good work.

  • @nathanthreeleaf4534
    @nathanthreeleaf4534 Год назад

    I have almost the same rail - frame, engine, exhaust setup, mirrors,'s crazy! I do have a different carb however...In any case, I'm having all kinds of problems getting it running smoothly, so I'll be watching your channel a lot to see what I can learn.

  • @jcc3999
    @jcc3999 Год назад +2

    On west coast they are dune buggies with paddle tires here in the east coast we call them Bush buggies with At or mud tires we also used bigger cc engines like 1800 up to 2300 cc twin carburetors with lock out brakes I had few friends that ran Rabbit engines and 911 Porsche engines fun fun fun The VW stuff was much cheaper to run then the Porsche stuff buggies are a lot of fun you can go to a lot of places in the mountains with them they can crawl up almost anything enjoy

    • @drummer4hire12
      @drummer4hire12 4 месяца назад

      My 1600 was rebuilt by a buggy shop. I have 15.5x31's and the motor just roasts those tires on pavement. They did some magic on my motor as anyone with experience instantly comments on the power after I floor it. So much fun!!!

  • @backgardentips
    @backgardentips Год назад +1

    I watch all ur vids and am from uk where we drive clutch like that all time and found it quiet funny watching you trying to drive that keep at it and you will pick it up alot easyer and might want to play with the mix screw alittle bit seems like its struggling alittle bit

  • @roxnsky
    @roxnsky Год назад +11

    The engine's had a good flush out thats for sure. 👍

  • @rigguyjt
    @rigguyjt Год назад +5

    I was waiting for you to disconnect the coil so the spark plug wires wouldn’t spark near you spraying gas. If a Volkswagen engine catches on fire, it’s very hard to extinguish because it is magnesium. Be careful.

  • @RT-vo2vh
    @RT-vo2vh Год назад +3

    Get Chuck to certify on some excavating equipment to add to his cdl. Then he can use your land to "practice" (and build yer track😉)

  • @Michael-fl9qg
    @Michael-fl9qg Год назад +6

    On a positive note , the crank case will never be clearner.

  • @williampierce5615
    @williampierce5615 Год назад

    You and your brother had a great time. That's what life is all about.

  • @wsbill14224
    @wsbill14224 Год назад +2

    If your pipes are filling up with oil it's because your engine is worn-out, or maybe you're lucky and the rings are sticking. If your oil is contaminated with gas it's because your carb needs cleaning and it's dumping gas from the carb into the crankcase when the car is parked.

  • @joes.7536
    @joes.7536 11 месяцев назад

    The guy did tell you exactly what to do to fix it. He even bought you the part. Cool ride. enjoy.

  • @MrThegabbster
    @MrThegabbster Год назад +2

    2 vintage hey Brookings check out a old story about the Trumph oil well. It's a story of a guy who had a 650 boney. And he changed his oil then went for a ride the next day he checked his oil it was over filled leaking on his drive way so he drained out to the praper level mark. He went for a ride . Same thing it kept making oil. He thought it was magic and would be Ritch. Lol it turns out his float was sticking and letting the smallest amount of gas in to oil in the crank and oil tank . I'm shure you van find that on line I'm 67 I read it in motor cycle magazine 30 years ago. All we had was magazine back then no cel phones no GPS no internet and me and my budys was Gear Heads just like you. Every project you work on I want to call you and tell you our fix. But you allways get there pretty fast.

  • @michaelovitch
    @michaelovitch Год назад +2

    Crancking the engine to push gas out with the ignition on is a bad idea.
    If you get a spark jumping from a wire to a grounded part,it will ignite gas and your house can burn.
    You need to do that outside with one fire extinguisher minimum.

  • @clarenceberghout4954
    @clarenceberghout4954 Год назад

    Cool. An old girlfriends dad was a VW mechanic .He put a super beetle motor in one. When I drove it it would wheelie in 2nd, too much fun

  • @windspoint
    @windspoint 7 месяцев назад

    Great pair of videos. Really funny when you were struggling with the gears as in the UK we grew up on gears more than auto. Everyone does the kangaroo thing in the beginning. Keep up the good work

  • @TTOS69
    @TTOS69 Год назад +1

    Now that's what I call flooded! Lmao! This was a great video. Quite funny actually. Much love bro 🙏

  • @jamal4381
    @jamal4381 Год назад +3

    Wow its been awhile since i’ve visited this channel!

  • @Jes_se
    @Jes_se Год назад +1

    Love this oneJoel enjoy looks like it will be great fun. Keep up the good work always look forward to seeing your next video!

  • @robprice6573
    @robprice6573 Год назад +10

    Good to see Charlie back on video. He shifts it really well. You have to try that thing on the ice and do donuts!!

  • @halfwitt64
    @halfwitt64 Год назад +7

    V dub bug engines are easy to work on when you get familiar with em. Loadsa tuning parts available and you can put bigger cylinders/pistons on the block. Just remember it's air cooled so don't let it run lean. Super robust and will run forever even when a bit clapped out! Have fun, will be wicked when the weather warms up! Nice one, thanks for the fun vid mate!

    • @drummer4hire12
      @drummer4hire12 4 месяца назад

      My 1600 is enough for me. I had it rebuilt by a professional buggy shop......pucker factor was installed for free 😊

  • @AMD20070
    @AMD20070 Год назад +3

    Joe, you need to slow down first to downshift, so it reaches that lower gear speed and you will bot grind the gear, no need to rev up.

    • @AMD20070
      @AMD20070 Год назад +2

      its manual, you need to get used to it

  • @Kevin_Lessons
    @Kevin_Lessons Год назад

    That thing sounds awesome! like a cross between an old radial air engine and a WWII tank.

  • @jmendo2546
    @jmendo2546 Год назад +2

    Boy, the seat cover's look like my 1969 dodge charger pattern 29:16. You should be able to get a Legal license plate and drive it on country roads, Only thing is it might need mud flap's depending on Wisconsin law. It has windshield and all the light's to make it street Legal

  • @ryanjohnson1814
    @ryanjohnson1814 Год назад +4

    Could add some sheet metal, give it a body shell and some nerf pads. And some good nub tires. Would really make it more appealing.

    • @drummer4hire12
      @drummer4hire12 4 месяца назад

      I got 15.5x31's on the rear....... totally makes the look! 😊

  • @Masseyferguson65
    @Masseyferguson65 Год назад +4

    ENGINE IS CLEAN NOW ...CHECK 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😊😊😊😊😊

  • @Jayslife104
    @Jayslife104 Год назад +6

    Put a shutoff valve in-line before the carb so it never happens again

    • @ofnaguycarlwatts8602
      @ofnaguycarlwatts8602 Год назад

      Joe Joe is an idiot. Same thing I said.but it's the smart thing to do.hes doing damage to it so he can buy it back for a couple hundred bucks.patch it up and resell it again!! Scammer!!

  • @charlesgraham9954
    @charlesgraham9954 Год назад +5

    when i was in my early 20s i had a 67 Bug that became my money pit when it came to engine and trans, i spent a alot of money to make that thing quick, not fast, quick. light to light in a car less than 1600 pounds. anyways thank for the video, buggies are always fun.

  • @cjjorge6636
    @cjjorge6636 Год назад +2

    you need to bypass and get a after market and put hose clamps asap !!!!!!!!

  • @joshuaulrich6204
    @joshuaulrich6204 Год назад +1

    Need a vent on the gas tank it could be building up pressure and pushing gas to the carb

  • @Mr.SuperDuper-idk
    @Mr.SuperDuper-idk 4 месяца назад

    Just like my 67 hoodride patina 😂
    Slammed with narrowed beam
    Love it

  • @brianpappas8260
    @brianpappas8260 9 месяцев назад

    Had a similar issue with my GS 500. Filled the exhaust and cylinders with fuel. Float problem. Also it you get fed up with these carbs, check out Merlin’s old school garage as he seemed to find a readily available alternative that works well.

  • @davidlarson3920
    @davidlarson3920 Год назад +1

    I am so envious of the fun

  • @rangerddanger697
    @rangerddanger697 Год назад +4

    Wow scary, raw fuel spraying out of the cylinders very dangerous just one spark and that could be catastrophic, be careful I really enjoy your videos 👍

  • @keithproctor6380
    @keithproctor6380 Год назад

    Put the Bosch blue coil in and buy electronic ignition in. Find the Weber carb for it. I have built two, they are so easy. The rod tubes always leak. If it had a case that started with would have a 1600 cc. Best case available.

  • @63buggy66
    @63buggy66 Год назад +1

    Great looking Buggy. Keep the vids coming on it. Wish I knew what those seats came from. They look so much more comfortable than the poly shell seats many of us have.

  • @thebrothers4311
    @thebrothers4311 Год назад +5

    Geez!! It was just flooded with gas!! Always amazed with your work Joe!!

  • @snowyowl7042
    @snowyowl7042 Год назад

    Looks like a fun rig. Our go carts we're with a 5-10hp lawn mower engine

  • @eugenejankowski9977
    @eugenejankowski9977 Год назад +2

    Watch a few videos of double clutching and it will improve your down shifting. With older transmissions it’s a must

  • @metoon3092
    @metoon3092 Год назад

    Great Diag. on this one! *_I still want to see more street bikes_* !

  • @rcclassiccrawlers4368
    @rcclassiccrawlers4368 Год назад +10

    Appears to run out well. Might want to think about making a hood so it’s not so cold running down the road and maybe a couple front fenders to knock down some of the road spray. Overall a cool little buggy. 👍👍

  • @andrewmcewan8081
    @andrewmcewan8081 Год назад

    theres plenty of comments from us older types on additions and changes i think the most pressing is to drop the fuel tank if at all possible the only thing i would add to what i read is use a oil treatment pref one with zink in these old engines as it adds a sacrifitial layer to surfaces

  • @jcc3999
    @jcc3999 Год назад +1

    You can enclose the the front n sides with sheet metal to keep the weather out n rocks n mud coming inside

  • @patrickrooney5130
    @patrickrooney5130 2 месяца назад

    That is one cool looking buggy. Good luck with it.

  • @kennethstead3342
    @kennethstead3342 Год назад +1

    Good to see your brother ✌️🍻

  • @dubcab6039
    @dubcab6039 Год назад +7

    Pretty cool joe , I had plenty of vws and have currently a 1962 rare dusty conditions single cab truck , I would recommend that you give the heads a quick torque and that carb definitely needs a quick adjustment once warmed up ,
    you can here it build up a bit . Vws are amazing and do great can’t wait until you rip it in dirt I think you will be surprised how it does . Great channel learning a lot on bikes

    • @3613jeremy
      @3613jeremy Год назад +1

      I've never messed with those air cooled VW engines I could definitely tell it needed carb adjustment so not sure if that's his problem our if there's a little more but I don't believe someone would build that engine with all that chrome with out modding it

  • @j33pfyn4tik6
    @j33pfyn4tik6 Год назад +2

    Was good to see Chuck and Pops, especially back at the old 2vintage compound. That rig is dope and Chuck approved!

  • @dennisradle8663
    @dennisradle8663 Год назад +1

    Summer fun coming up.. next add. I will fix your bike or quad for a nice set of rims and tire.

  • @MM_in_Havasu
    @MM_in_Havasu Год назад +1

    The clutch sounds a bit funky, maybe time for a new one! It'd make a good video if you replaced the clutch. If you have to pull the flywheel, the big bolt that holds the flywheel on is torqued to about 200 ft. lbs! You will need a flywheel holder to keep it from turning when you retorque it.
    What a blast to drive! Great video!

  • @johnhicks735
    @johnhicks735 Год назад +1

    Joe I'd add in some sta bil fuel stabilizer fuel treatment in your fuel tank. It sounds like you're sucking moisture from out of the fuel tank through the carburetor when you give it throttle driving down the road.

  • @b62boom1
    @b62boom1 Год назад

    Atleast the engine has had a proper flush through! Great vid again dude. 👌

  • @BarnOwlProject
    @BarnOwlProject Год назад +6

    Thing is pretty sick. Definitely time for the Weber carb though lol. When it was puking gas out of it I had a tiny green motorcycle flash back. Glad nothing went boom.

  • @danielparsons3995
    @danielparsons3995 Год назад +1

    If you're going a curtain speed for each gear when you rev the engine to the speed of the gear you can shift without the clutch it's called power shifting. But doing that while using the clutch is how you drive bigger semis.

    • @chuckfry1227
      @chuckfry1227 Год назад

      Wrong, in a semi you don’t use the clutch if you know how to shift. It’s called floating the gears. VWs aren’t tough enough to power shift. 2nd gear will break very easily. I’ve had 4 VWs two of which died because of that.

    • @danielparsons3995
      @danielparsons3995 Год назад

      I got a Ford ranger I power shift her all the time especially going down hill. so....

  • @greathornedowl3644
    @greathornedowl3644 Год назад +1

    Love the channel. Great project. Webb's version of a Slingslot. Need to check out a Karmann Ghia or a VW Thing. Even Porshe 356 same engine

  • @mrutherford8590
    @mrutherford8590 Год назад +2

    A duel port will give you more power. But the single ports are more reliable. Buy a new 1600 cc cylinder kit. It will slip right on and give more power

  • @audiwankenobi361
    @audiwankenobi361 Год назад +1

    I would daily something like that! I live in Daytona Beach Florida,it's more than possible!

  • @MrZ281980
    @MrZ281980 9 месяцев назад

    Lucky it didn't hydro lock and bend a connecting rod or something. Cool project 😎 pretty awesome buggy

  • @terrancec1073
    @terrancec1073 Год назад

    Just found you through facebook videos… man I’ve been missing out

  • @mrutherford8590
    @mrutherford8590 Год назад +4

    It’s down on power. Most of the time the front wheels come off the ground.

    • @chuckfry1227
      @chuckfry1227 Год назад

      Your funny 😂 it’s only a 1300 single port motor. And that thing is heavy. Try that in 2nd an it’ll blow the transaxle. 😂

  • @nickrichards7646
    @nickrichards7646 10 месяцев назад

    the VWs had heat from heat exchangers on the cylinder heads..they wud rust out and when you turned on the heat exhaust wud fill the cabin... these cars were pretty stressful in winter..but they do go thru deep deep snow

  • @Aderin.
    @Aderin. Год назад +1

    Nice, I like how it looks hacked together

  • @RPA1026
    @RPA1026 Год назад +1

    great to see charlie

  • @lawrencemacdonald9454
    @lawrencemacdonald9454 Год назад

    Good to see chuck in a video again.

  • @benhoward4294
    @benhoward4294 Год назад

    The original carb has a 12v feed that activates a solenoid that should shut the fuel supply off when the ignition is off. Think they’re a Solex Pict 34 carb. Aftermarket air filters make the carb adjustment tricky as they can mess up the mixture. Your keeping your vw alive book should explain the carbs better.

  • @63buggy66
    @63buggy66 Год назад

    Ready for some more Buggy videos.

    @72mmALKYDRAGGIN Год назад

    Dude that would b fun at silver lake sand dunes!! There are many buggies up there all the time. A machine like what you have and great condition you would sell it for top dollar EASILY!! Or u will make alot of friends because everyone is so respectful to others and want to check out each other’s builds!! Cool sh_t and don’t forget to bring ur best quad paddles to switch off and on tearing up the dunes

  • @tomswift26
    @tomswift26 Год назад

    One of those electrical hook ups on that carb is the fuel shut off.

  • @bbrut3332
    @bbrut3332 Год назад

    If you filter the oil and gas you may have 5 gallons of 50 to 1 premix for your 2 stroke projects in the future. It is bad when your carb electric shut off valve doesn't function perfectly and your fuel tank is higher than the carb. Good save.

  • @peteraitken6494
    @peteraitken6494 Год назад +6

    Cracking job joe sounds mint vw are great engines needs a little two here and there on the carb I think but overall it’s defo sweet man good to see chuck having a go as well he did rather good what an awesome buggy will be great in the better weather take care to you all 🔧🔧🔧👍👌

  • @anthonynixon3220
    @anthonynixon3220 Год назад

    thats so cool.. down shift is the last gear before the next gear

  • @18wheeler77
    @18wheeler77 Год назад

    35:13 actually it’s Clutch, gas, gear. Your synchronization is off in the clutch. So you have to meet the speed of the next gear down. Pick up the rpm.

  • @davidingling9791
    @davidingling9791 Год назад

    Nice ! That was crazy about the gas in the oil

  • @edwardweisenburg16
    @edwardweisenburg16 Год назад +1

    Please disconnect the coil wire before you crank the crap out of it . I really don't want to see your new shop go up in flames 😊. Like that kx80.

  • @williamlanphar630
    @williamlanphar630 Год назад +7

    Pretty cool ! And when you get more familiar with shifting it will be even better.

    • @jamescole6846
      @jamescole6846 Год назад +2

      ya that boy needs ramp up the gas and ease into that clutch a little better.

    • @lucascady4992
      @lucascady4992 Год назад

      I once pulled one into Reverse instead of 2nd at W.O.T.!! Stalled instantly, through dirt all over us.. I thought for sure I grenaded the transaxle but nope.. Started right back up and drove fine.. I don't like the position of reverse..

    • @chuckfry1227
      @chuckfry1227 Год назад +1

      It only goes into reverse by pushing the shifter down. If you don’t push down it’s impossible to get it in accidentally.

    • @jamescole6846
      @jamescole6846 Год назад +1

      @@chuckfry1227 Your right. I forgot about that. I had mine a long time ago but I used to get in the motion of shifting normal with my right hand but when I need to go into reverse I would center the shifter and then smack my left hand down on top of my right hand to get it to go to reverse. I sat pretty far back and my seats were low so my shifter was basically straight in front of me to the right at arms length. After a day of riding and hitting my elbows every 5 seconds I just didn't have the strength to do it one handed. very fast at least.

  • @Canoga_Knuckles
    @Canoga_Knuckles 10 месяцев назад

    Clutch needs adjustment, should take care of grinding w downshifting,if not Syncros probably not good.66 VW was my first car, had more good times 11yrs never left me stranded