Final Fantasy VII Remake: Top 3 Missed Opportunities

  • Опубликовано: 14 июл 2024
  • As great as Final Fantasy 7 Remake was, there were some things that kept scratching the back of my brain on multiple playthroughs: the little additions and changes that would've made it that much better. So with that, here are my Top 3 Missed Opportunities in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
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Комментарии • 12

  • @Koniving
    @Koniving Год назад +6

    The the second idea was actually pretty good. But I found that if you just lingered around you actually got a lot of that anyway. Like if someone actually took the time to listen to the gossip as you walk around there is a lot of information about a lot of different characters. For example we already know this but Barrett pulls the scary black guy act as a mechanism to get what he wants or to intimidate or it's basically a front. And she actually likes cats, he's a very gentle and caring person even though he terrifies people around him. Jessie is part of a group of actresses known as the Etolie girls. It is sort of implied that these girls might actually be struggling idols in every sense except for the fame. On chapter 3 if you walk around the sector 7 slums with Tifa, you'll actually find out that Tifa frequently buy from a certain clothing stall, who orders stuff from sector 8's big Macy's equivalent. However the order is special and meant for a date. Curiously as this is the outfit that is later used in the Wall Market situation, it does create a bit of a paradox because whatever you happen to say is what she already got before you said it...
    If you linger around the beginner's Hall, you'll find out there's a small committee for cleaning up sewage leaking out from midgar's underplate. Although Shinra dealt with the problem of it leaking, they don't bother with the cleanup. Around the same area you'll see people pointing at a second floor house and saying that the owner is a clean freak. They are talking about big however his actual house is a different location presumably because where you find them is somewhere completely different and he's cleaning outside an Open door. At first I thought this was a mistake but this other location though happens to be relatively close to where the other avalanche team hides.
    If you linger around a canned food store before you meet with Tifa, you'll actually get a covid-19 reference. I'm also talking about chapter 3 here. I thought this was hilarious at the time and was actually surprised at how international this phenomenon was in terms of what people actually bought when they realized they were going to be shut in.
    I felt that while the side quest could have done more, the ones in which you have to take care of monsters gave me a pretty clear impression that shouldn't isn't there to protect anybody. I mean they literally have two people that watch a checkpoint entering into and leaving sector 7 but beyond that they don't have any presence there and they don't give a s***. Basically between this and the two pasts novel, the purpose of the Dons and the fact that they're in almost every sector makes a lot more sense. It actually would have been cool to be able to find out if there was a Don in sector 7 and to possibly hear about the dawn of Sector 8 or what might be going on in the sector 3 because apparently shindra has a huge presence in sector 3. But apparently the dawn of Sector 5 was Elmyra's husband. Subsequently that makes Elmyra the new Don and Aerith is the person who does all the stuff. Understandably everybody loves that Don. In sector 7 I believe it's weiner, or the watch as a whole. Curiously a lot of the names that show up as part of the watch are also names that you hear in passing in dirge. These people after surviving end up becoming part of the WRO. So I thought that was pretty interesting.
    So while the side quests themselves didn't do a whole lot to really emphasize what's going on, a lot of background conversations are. But these conversations are completely optional whether or not you actually get to hear them or whatever is totally up to you, and a lot of people are probably going to go through the game without ever knowing what they actually have to say.
    Actually what's really really interesting are the conversations that allude to things that they couldn't actually fit into the age rating of the game. For example one conversation at Walmart actually sounds like it's a forced lascivious attack, but it's actually a conversation forced to start at the end of a conversational loop and when it's plays over you realize that they're actually talking about gotcha balls, specifically about bahamut and Alexander. For another decent one, being told I should be careful about going into dark alleys, and finding a guy holding his gut like he just got shivved. But it turns out he ate something foul.
    I would have liked to have seen Corneo's circus, the concert that's being held at the sector 8 parking structure that Tifa's so into, or to have seen commercials for Beaufort Cars, since it is a car manufacturer separate from Shinra's own line.

    • @Koniving
      @Koniving Год назад

      The kid in the park is unfortunately extreme example of what I was talking about in the wall of text above me here, but the game wants to convey so much more than age rating allows. I suspect for younger audiences I would probably chest appear to be a kid outside, for older audiences that's probably the proper reaction to that encounter. There are kids running out there throughout the day looking for work. Some are going to class nearby.
      Moving on, the train scene with Yuffie gives you everything you need up front, but if you take a look at the arrangement of the people around them, the protective arm on either side posture that's Sonon is using, the fact that the train is incredibly crowded, and you have a reference to the line that Jesse failed to give us in FF VII-5 'Remake': you never know what kinds of creeps will come out when the lights go off. One of those little platforms was that train molestation was an issue.
      No that brings me to another thing that kind of disheartened me. In the original game there's a lot of people in leather jackets. At the time, Japan in the 90s had a big leather jacket trend adopted from the 80s trend in the US. While it was originally gangsters and thugs that actually started the trend, a lot of people would wear them to look the part. An encounter outside of Honey Bee Inn was meant to showcase the clash between The pretender and the real deal, Johnny and the angry redheaded thug. We didn't get this encounter, or the whole trend. The loving couple at the pool ended up being dressed for business wear rather than fake delinquents wearing the style like some sort of goth fans. I was disappointed to learn at the stalls didn't even havs vests to sell. It was only something the goons wore.
      But with that, the goons are hunted toward as early as chapter 2, and their pickup lines are apparently absolutely dreadful.

  • @jonahsahn
    @jonahsahn Год назад +1

    Oh snap now the algorithm is giving me your old videos in recommended!!! You're on your way :D

  • @SubTXT_
    @SubTXT_  2 года назад +1

    Okay, I put a little more editing effort into this than I said up front. I couldn't help myself, but still wasn't as crazy time consuming as the first. I hope you all enjoy!

  • @shro_okee
    @shro_okee 2 года назад +2

    The quests being more focused on the lore of ff7 is indeed a necessity and one that could be handled as well, given the blueprint of other rpgs which have handled quests beautifully like the witcher 3 for example imo.
    Now this is an old criticism made by many but another thing that needs to be better in the next game is padding.
    Now tbh nothing's wrong with that as in any rpg you need to enjoy your fights and lvl ups, but they don't have to feel like a chore or a means to go from a to b (kinda felt it when going through the collapsed streets/ tunnel between sector 5 and 7 (the story with cloud and aerith made it enjoyable though), long story short, make buffing up fun and challenging, guess the more open ended part 2 of remake will do this aspect really good due to developers unleashing their creativity when you don't have to go by a strict formula of the og

    • @SubTXT_
      @SubTXT_  2 года назад +2

      Yeah, I was kind of lumping in that second point with the lore-relevant quests, but you're right, there is just flat out poorly-executed padding. In addition to the ones everyone talks about, my biggest one was the Train Graveyard. I guess it's more of a pacing complaint, but Aerith playing with ghosts when there's an entire sector to save drove me insane.

    • @shro_okee
      @shro_okee 2 года назад

      @@SubTXT_ yes, you're spot on with that one, both padding and a pacing issue with the train graveyard, it could've been handled well by having the ghosts act like a mystery in the first part before they entered the warehouse (or not having them enter the warehouse in the first place, the puzzle to get out of there took you out of the momentum of the current story arc) and then before you enter sector 7, have them fight eligor and that actually makes sense when listening to the people in the slums talking about 'something' that takes people away in the train graveyard, it makes it scary and it'll feel like something you have to defeat, making the entrance to sector 7 even more nervewrecking, because it was hinted, it was expected and it doesn't feel out of place, instead of "how long does this still go, I'm tired of it, take me to sector 7 now"

  • @Koniving
    @Koniving Год назад +2

    So the 5-year wait I suspect was actually a lot more than what was given. Consider how quickly they turned out locations and first soldier for example. These locations don't seem like they were actually designed for the game but instead just already designed for a different game like the actual series. Obviously for a phone they got down so that takes a little bit of time to or if they were made from scratch the for built up as like mock-ups. However there was a lot of content shown at the 2015 revealed that didn't actually make it into the game. Yes I know the trains were likely placeholders because they just look so out of place. But I suspect that they actually made a lot of this stuff a lot sooner than after remake. Consider this they're not going to switch to unreal 5 even though it came out you know very early on. This means that everything that they made hasn't already been set in motion made and so on. A lot of the content was originally created by a separate group in which square then took over and adjusted modified made it better. I confess clouds original 2015 look made a lot of sense to me as somebody who just came out of the whole trapped in a thing for 5 years... But as I was reading in a timeline Zack has been traveling with him for like 3 months, and then he dies or un dies on September 17th. And then it takes him awhile to actually get into midgar itself. And per the world preview, Cloud ends up insector7 all by own self on October 4th. There's a whole lead up in there telling us exactly where all the Turks are which happens to be Sector 5 with Cissinei herself happens to be near the Sector 5 Church on October 3rd. And then of course the big event so starts on December 12th. So he said a lot of time to get healthy.
    But this also means this is exactly where they could have put Zack in a way that would still separate him from cloud and possibly lead the sword with cloud from the very beginning of remake, keeping with the thing that anywhere the whispers are and whatever they do has already happened throughout time.
    And since Sephiroth it stated to actually just be screwing with the planet's memories from 7 seconds before it dies (the future), and how similar to all the hexagons plastered all over all the compendium material represents genetics, they also represent memories, and here we are, with Sephiroth wondering what happens if we swap this hexagon with that one, jigsawing a new reality and course of events to create a more desirable outcome.

    • @rleeton1
      @rleeton1 Год назад

      Where did you see confirmation they were sticking with UE4?

  • @emptymelodies3316
    @emptymelodies3316 2 года назад +4

    YES! Quality time with the peeps. Some leisurely conversations like Tifa and Aerith talking about shopping together with Cloud carrying their stuff. More of that. Making these characters tighter together

    • @SubTXT_
      @SubTXT_  2 года назад +1

      Yeah, it's funny because I played FF7 twice when it came out, but never really touched it again until it was ported to the PS4. What I remembered most during those years where it simply existed as a memory were all those character moments: The Gold Saucer dates (including the play), the "promise" scene at the well, Tifa and Cloud going through his mind in the Lifestream, the Wall Market experience -- I remembered all of those character moments far better than the ending or even whatever Sephiroth ever talked about (except for his scenes in the Nibelheim flashback). I loved seeing the post-credits of the DLC because of that character time.

  • @Koniving
    @Koniving Год назад

    Speaking of missed opportunities, I hope Rebirth doesn't miss the chance to show us leadership positions. The infamous green uniform, and the fact that their ranks are bought through wealth.