Parable Of The 10 Virgins Explained | Matthew 25: 1-13 Explained and Its Meaning

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 102

  • @evelynsmith3957
    @evelynsmith3957 Год назад +3

    I happen to come across you this is what my Sunday school lesson is going to be about for my children you really help me to explain it to them too they are Younger yes and we should strive to get closer to Jesus🙌🏻❤️

  • @BiblestudywithMelissa
    @BiblestudywithMelissa Год назад +1

    Yes be ready and do what we can because GOD never promises us another day and He is coming soon.

  • @Forgivenmuchlovingmuch
    @Forgivenmuchlovingmuch Год назад +1

    Wow! So practical! I have worried to no end about what this parable means and keep thinking there’s something I have to do, but salvation is of the Lord! Now I see that as I am daily in His Word and asking for His help to navigate throughout this life and share with others that this is being wise and being ready. The last part also got me too! Yes! May I forgive others their trespassed against me as He has forgive mine! ❤ Thank you! I will be subscribing and sharing!

  • @sonicmax7
    @sonicmax7 2 месяца назад

    thousands of Christians stand tall and firm a look god straight in the face and say im going up with jesus on that day but when the time comes they will say why did he not pick us up maby he will come later for us but that time will never come

  • @breadoflife2075
    @breadoflife2075 2 года назад +1

    It's the Bride and the Groom that comes.
    Mat 25:1 "Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be compared to ten virgins; the same took their lamps and went to meet the groom and the bride.

  • @ttc_juzzyy8318
    @ttc_juzzyy8318 2 года назад +1

    I would get closer to christ and change all of my ways to reach the lord and let him live through me

  • @Peaka01
    @Peaka01 2 года назад +2

    I fear that most of the Christian community has this parable in the wrong dispensation. Why do most believe this pertains to the rapture when in context of this book it is clearly speaking of His second coming which is at the end of the tribulation. The church is the bride of Christ not the bridesmaids. Why isn’t the bride mentioned? Because we are already with Him. This parable speaks of the tribulation saints. When read in context it makes more sense.

    • @stevegoode1504
      @stevegoode1504 2 года назад +1

      you are correct . anyone who cant understand, should check this reality out on DR Andy Woods you tube site.

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад +1

    Those who humble themselves will be exalted and those who exalt themselves will be humbled

  • @LadyAvN
    @LadyAvN Год назад

    Whew...that test on your life 🙌🏾 we don't know the day or the hour

  • @brianabattle6247
    @brianabattle6247 3 года назад +2

    1) I would forgive my parents,family and freely give them love and forgiveness.
    2) I would diligently work on the idea God has planted in mind for years now.
    3) I would dedicate my time serving, praying, and diligently reading the word!
    4) I would call Danny and tell him I love him.

    • @PastorBHOG
      @PastorBHOG 3 года назад

      I will...

    • @jeffmatts2919
      @jeffmatts2919 3 года назад +1

      @@PastorBHOG the parable is this. the "lamp" is your heart and the "oil" is love. 5 foolish virgins had not enough love to keep their lamps burning and the 5 wise virgins kept extra love with them to get through the dark times. its that simple 😉

    • @josedopwell9645
      @josedopwell9645 2 года назад

      @@jeffmatts2919 while it may sentimentally seem "right" to you to say that the lamp represents the heart and the oil love, does this line up with the truth of scripture? I don't see that, especially in the context of this bible study.
      The best interpreter of the bible is the bible itself. Scripture interprets scripture. So can you produce scriptures that say "the heart is the lamp" and "the oil is love" ?
      This is the difference between EXEGESIS (i.e. THIS IS WHAT GOD MEANS BY WHAT HE SAYS) and EISEGESIS ("This is what I THINK/FEEL it means or I WANT IT to mean.").
      One of the things God in his mercy will do to help us fallen, limited human beings to understand His word is repeat Himself. For example, there is plenty of evidence that God and Jesus consider their people to be sheep. They use that figure of speech often in scripture (e.g. Psalm 23, Ezekiel 34, John 10:1-18, John 21:15-17, 1 Peter 5:1-4).

    • @jeffmatts2919
      @jeffmatts2919 2 года назад

      @@josedopwell9645 show me where in the bible it says scripture interprets scripture? i didnt say i think the oil is love and the lamp is the heart . i said it is.

  • @FloridaBikeVlogger
    @FloridaBikeVlogger 2 года назад +1

    I am not part of this faith but lately I the explaining of most of these, it's interesting

    • @TANKS3V3N
      @TANKS3V3N Год назад

      That means the Holy Spirit's calling you to Him. I pray you answer that call and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit will guide you in the process, I can already tell He's calling for you. He'll gently and lovingly humble you, you'll admit and know within you need a Savior to cover you and wash you clean from your sins that every human has because we are fallen, but God came In the flesh and paid that price for those who accept Him. He'll push you to get baptized in the water and then He'll baptize you in His Spirit or vice versa. I would humbly argue with some that I was actually baptized in the Spirit before I was in the water, at least officially. But I digress...anyways, prayers up for you. God bless.

  • @thewitness7061
    @thewitness7061 2 года назад +1

    1 Thessalonians 5:1-5
    [1]But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.
    [2]For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
    [3]For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
    [4]But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
    [5]Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

  • @josedopwell9645
    @josedopwell9645 2 года назад

    Thanks once again, pastor Stan, for concise, well-supported biblical interpretation. We need more just plain T-R-U-T-H with all of the deception that's not only in the world, but the church today. This parable reminds me of 2 Corinthians 13:5 (ESV): "EXAMINE YOURSELVES, to see whether you are in the faith. TEST YOURSELVES. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you -- UNLESS INDEED YOU FAIL TO MEET THE TEST!" Better to fail the practice exams while we can still do something about it, than to fail The Final the Chief Shepherd gives. It's PASS/FAIL with no makeup exam.

  • @danielbu2611
    @danielbu2611 Год назад

    There is no room for laziness in following Jesus I've been learning which is not to say that we don't take proper bodily rest when we need it.
    I'll have to review, but I'm pretty sure this teaching was to the disciples, not the crowds, so this would not be a message about coming to trust in Jesus, but just like the (two?) other parables beside it, it was about not being slack or lazy in serving Jesus.
    I've been asking God for clarification on why Jesus said, "I NEVER knew you" (just like in the similar verses in Matthew about not every one saying "Lord, Lord" would enter the Kingdom of Heaven). So I've been asking Jesus "How do I truly KNOW you?" and I believe it is about walking as Jesus walked. The NT talks about the fellowship of his suffering in being persecuted like Jesus. I think the other half is being led by the Spirit as Jesus "did only what he saw his father doing". I feel a closeness to Jesus when I'm stepping out in faith and when I get ridiculed for believing the Word of God.
    So KNOW Jesus and be ACTIVE in stepping out in trusting faithfulness to his commands by which we know we love him. As John said, if we say we have fellowship with Jesus, but do not obey his commands, we are LIARS and the truth is not in us.

  • @stevejeffries6945
    @stevejeffries6945 Год назад +1

    This is not referring to the Christian Church. It is to the churches during the great tribulation. Having enough of the Holy Spirit is not scriptural. The Holy Spirit is enough and will seal you unto the day of redemption. The 5 foolish virgins had to go buy oil which would require them to take the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell.

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    There can be no other reason given they have no excuse when Truth has been available.. ample time we gave for you to humble yourselves

  • @catherineangella
    @catherineangella 2 года назад +1

    Thank you

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад +1

    Those who didn't want me to be king over them dispose of them in front of me and give them their portion with the hypocrites

  • @59thanks61
    @59thanks61 2 года назад

    So the Bible says because the groom was delayed they all fell asleep. Does that mean that at this point in time we're All asleep?

  • @shokitalisadiq8285
    @shokitalisadiq8285 3 года назад

    Thank you Lord Jesus

  • @edvardzv5660
    @edvardzv5660 2 года назад

    Reading the books of the New Testament, we probably asked ourselves more than once: *"Why 2000 years we do not see those miracles that accompanied the Сhurch of Christ in the I century, as described in the New Testament?"* Why do the so-called preachers of Christ have to prove that Jesus really existed and atheists boldly deny the historicity or divine origin of Christ? Maybe because the Сhurch of Christ has not existed for 2000 years?
    The Сhurch does not exist in the form in which it is presented in the books of the New Testament, but there are Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and other christian sects claiming to be the place of the Church, but they not have the only thing that distinguishes the divine from the human and is characteristic of just the Сhurch of Christ -the reinforcement of the word with signs, that is, miracles (Mark 16:15-20). Therefore, some researchers doubt the historicity of Christ, and some of them are not opposed to declaring him a an ordinary philosopher, teacher. But even if Jesus were an ordinary philosopher, his disciples would be ordinary followers of Jesus. And they would not dare to write about the miracles that not only Jesus, but also his disciples, could perform. If there were the Church in our time as described by the authors of the New Testament books, where miracles are performed, the sick are healed, where prophesied, and the dead are raised, no one would doubt the historicity of Christ. Then there would be the same controversy throughout the world as in the first century - Jesus the Son of God or the false prophet who seduces the world by miracles. As a result, we can say that the emergence and development of christian sects and atheism was the result of the fact that over the 2000 years the Сhurch of Christ did not exist.
    Find *"The Mystery about the Church of Christ"* video on RUclips. The video reveals the prophecy of the disappearance and reappearance of the Church of Christ before the End of the World. Watching this video will give hope to all who sincerely seek God and will interest those who are not too lazy to think freely. Click on my name to watch the video (The video is in Russian, but English subtitles are included).

  • @ajung498
    @ajung498 2 года назад +1


  • @m109rider1956
    @m109rider1956 2 года назад +4

    “Rightly Dividing” clears up this ridiculous misinterpretation. This teaching is for the Jews during the tribulation, this has absolutely Nothing to do with the church age.

    • @91woct
      @91woct 2 года назад

      I knew he would come up with some religious pious ridiculous heretical explanation when he first started reading from a PERVERSION! Is he deliberately spreading darkness? He’s accursed according to Galatians 1:6-9 as well.видео.html

    • @olegig5166
      @olegig5166 5 месяцев назад

      You are correct. The first mistake made by the speaker is using one of the many wrong versions. The word is "virgins" not bridesmaids. If one only reads the corresponding passage at Luke 12:35-36 one sees the bridegroom is coming from the wedding. The wedding is over!

  • @medic4christ777
    @medic4christ777 2 года назад

    I would argue this passage is referring to believing the gospel and not your performance. How many good works have you done? How often have you read your Bible? How many prayers have you said? Have you watched movies in your life? That isn't the basis of salvation. If it was the basis, salvation would NOT be a gift. It would be earned.
    I don't believe Jesus is saying here - "Have you done enough to make sure you have saved yourself?" That is contrary to the entire Biblical account and makes a mockery of the cross and the finished work of Christ. If He isn't the one doing the saving, then what is any of this about Him being Savior about? Is "Savior" just a flattering word we give Him out of respect, but we don't really mean? Or is He actually the one doing the saving?
    That's a question for us all to ask.

  • @jennifercrews3175
    @jennifercrews3175 3 года назад +3

    “He’s coming this Friday, I think I read it on the internet.” 😂😂 Great teaching!

    • @Swiftie_all-the-way
      @Swiftie_all-the-way 3 года назад +3

      Please don't make fun of JESUS and his return,watch the film "a thief in the night "and you'll really understand... Please don't make fun of his preaching don't make fun of GOD. These are the last days and Satan making you think that it wouldn't happen or JESUS is not real and most importantly when JESUS come he'll make you think that it's the UFO and aliens but no,it's GOD plese repent there's not much time to play JESUS IS COMING seek GOD praise and worship HIM give HIM GLORY and when you get to HEAVEN you'll get a beautiful most magnificent crown and every one who has READ AND FOLLOW GOD'S WORD WHO HAVE OBEY HIM.And he'll say to us"WELL DONE MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT....GOD LOVES YOU Jennifer crews no matter what... please please I'm warning you and please turn to GOD before it's too late GET RIGHT WITH HIM

    • @Swiftie_all-the-way
      @Swiftie_all-the-way 2 года назад

      @@jarrasmith1 oh yeah maybe

    • @jarrasmith1
      @jarrasmith1 2 года назад

      @@Swiftie_all-the-way oh you know what?? At 6:57 in the video, the preacher says this. She is laughing at his statement. Sorry. I should have watched the whole video before bothering you. Lol. Have a great day!!

    • @Swiftie_all-the-way
      @Swiftie_all-the-way 2 года назад

      @@jarrasmith1 no no it's okay 😁😁 , have a great day as well GOD BLESS

  • @bethphilip3419
    @bethphilip3419 Год назад

    Isn't that working for your salvation instead of accepting it as a free gift that you don't have to do anything for though? And you couldn't ever know when you'd done enough?

    • @wngrisy
      @wngrisy Год назад

      yeah very confusing.

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    I have a busy life I don't have time to deal with your discord

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    Believe me when I say I do not know who you are

  • @davidneufeld8824
    @davidneufeld8824 Год назад

    The foolish do not have the power, spirit of truth.

  • @laimi1347
    @laimi1347 3 года назад

    Who is the bribe and who are the ten virgin?

  • @jewishbride5010
    @jewishbride5010 3 года назад

    I loosen each one's anointing oil for myself, my friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, acquintances and the body of Christ, while binding every unequal yoke and common share with those having no anointing oil, in accordance with matthew 25:1-13, 2 corinthians 6:14-15, matthew 6:24, 1 john 3:10, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!

  • @ginaidoma4368
    @ginaidoma4368 3 года назад +2

    That is your typical religious interpretation of the parable of the 10 Virgins...but not true.
    This is the true meaning according to scripture.
    Israel is the wife of God and the Bride of Christ. Israel is represented in the parable of the 10 Virgins...5 are wise and 5 are foolish. This parable is set during the Tribulation Period where these Virgins have to believe that Christ is their Savior and follow the Commandments in order to be saved at the Second Coming of Christ. Those who endure till the end will be saved. Those who will be saved are acknowledged by Christ and allowed to enter the Kingdom.
    These are they who had oil in their lamps...the lamps representing their faith and the oil representing their works (their works consisting of enduring till the end through the myriad of persecution brought upon them including refusal to take the Mark of the Beast).
    Now, the foolish Virgins took what they thought was the easy way out. They took the Mark of the Beast and had the ability to buy and sell...which is why the wise told the foolish to go to town and buy their oil. The wise had no ability to buy or sell because they refused the Mark. When the Savior came to judge between the wise and foolish...those who had the Mark were turned away from entering the Kingdom and were cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Hell). The wise were admitted to the Kingdom and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
    The Kingdom of Heaven is Heaven come down to Earth (the New Jerusalem)...not Heaven itself. The Body of Christ is not promised to inherit the Earth...nor are we promised to reside in New Jerusalem. Our promise is Heaven...the Throne Room of God.

    • @jusprazem1
      @jusprazem1 3 года назад

      I'm thinking It would be hard to slumber and sleep during a time in which the beast is forcing people to take the Mark.

    • @ginaidoma4368
      @ginaidoma4368 3 года назад

      @@jusprazem1 It will be easy for Israel to slumber especially since they are the only ones supernaturally protected by God during the Tribulation Period. Some will slumber because God protected them during the Gog/Magog War...when God wipes out all the forces gathered against Israel during that invasion.

    • @silvertenzin
      @silvertenzin 3 года назад +1

      Your interpretation is more puzzling than the parable🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    • @ginaidoma4368
      @ginaidoma4368 3 года назад +1

      @@silvertenzin What is puzzling about it? All the parables of Jesus were concerning Israel during the Tribulation Period.
      The Body of Christ were not in existence till well after the death of Jesus Christ. None of the parables can be applied to the Body of Christ.

    • @silvertenzin
      @silvertenzin 3 года назад

      @@ginaidoma4368 I call it Baloney. Every parable stories apply to any Christian to understand the Kingdom of God or heaven.
      Heaven is not a contract for Jews and Israel alone but for all that can hear 👂 & see 👀
      To all believers ☝🏾...all believers from Genesis to Revelation is body of Christ.

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    Well my answer is why did they seek to entertain evil thoughts and do those things to begin with

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    if you know you have someone to talk to that someone has something against you do it now in person an apology thru the grapevine anyone can do

  • @yiskah3584
    @yiskah3584 3 года назад

    I would change everything about my life. Everything!!!

    • @RajSingh-sz1nb
      @RajSingh-sz1nb 3 года назад

      Matthew 25 also reveals if God is a Capitalist Or A Communist. Part 2 reveals the Keyвидео.html Part 1видео.html Part 2

  • @rigaudmoise3679
    @rigaudmoise3679 Год назад

    The parable of the vergins is over because the groom is already here....The vergins represent the church, you mist it.

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    After the door is shut much suffering will ensue

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    Even though you do not believe me at least believe my deeds that I do

  • @jjsam5375
    @jjsam5375 2 месяца назад

    You have to factor in the Bible changes or you’re not going to understand it

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    They will be naked and in shame and in their sin with no one to intercede for them filthy in my presence in the presence of The Great I am

  • @labltvnetwork6594
    @labltvnetwork6594 3 года назад


  • @DavidKfilmmaker
    @DavidKfilmmaker 3 года назад

    Brother, I respectfully disagree with your assessment. All in heaven (the 10 in this example) are not treated the same based (reigning with Christ, the inheritance Paul spoke of)...Please check the beam seat and rewards parts that Paul speaks of. Paul often worried about losing his inheritance. His reward. That wasn’t salvation.

  • @Mike65809
    @Mike65809 3 года назад

    The church must get ready to dig in for the long haul, like the 5 wise virgins (that's what made them wise, they didn't expect him to come back early in the evening), and endure until the end. Remember, he will raise us up on the Last Day. Amen?

    • @marylamb6063
      @marylamb6063 3 года назад +1

      No. We don't get ready. We are in Christ and thus ready. The body of Christ was a mystery that revealed only to Paul. Paul alone was given the mystery of what we call the rapture. The entire body of Christ will be raised from the dead. All Christians remaining will then be caught up with him to meet the Lord in the air, as one body. "And so we shall evermore be with the Lord."

    • @Mike65809
      @Mike65809 3 года назад

      @@marylamb6063 Well, the 5 wise virgins took extra oil since they didn't know when the Groom was coming, knowing it could be in the wee hours of the morning. So they were prepared to wait all night. As for the rapture why do you believe Paul is talking about a different coming of our Lord than what Jesus taught? To me that would be pretty presumptuous to assume he is talking about a different "coming."

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    Or when did you see me naked or sick or in prison

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    Those of you who attend begrudgingly they only insult me more and more

  • @Truthintheword777
    @Truthintheword777 3 года назад

    He did not say I never knew you had that parable he said I know you’re not and they were all virgins which means they were all a part of the church

    • @56pjr
      @56pjr 3 года назад

      I am ready. Lord, speed the day.

  • @azeezmicheal676
    @azeezmicheal676 4 месяца назад +1

    I pray that Jesus help us till the end Amen

  • @emergus4christ186
    @emergus4christ186 2 года назад +2

    Pastor Stan, this a very good message about the ten virgins parable. I was thinking right before watching the video that the Lord Jesus probably didn't just mean His second coming only, but possibly our death. Thank you and I subscribed and rang that bell!

  • @silvertenzin
    @silvertenzin 3 года назад +1

    The 5 foolish virgins don’t have sufficient faith & they slept away. They ran out of battery 🔋...
    The 5 wise virgins were fully charged with Faith & they waited with great excitement ☝🏾
    Jesus said in luke “will I see any Faith when I come back again. “ 🤔!!!!!

  • @ashzole
    @ashzole 2 года назад

    People!!! Come on!! Don’t you have eyes and ears to understand this story???? A parable also means READ BETWEEN THE LINES! Ask your self what tradition has the brides groom pickup 10 VIRGINS at MIDNIGHT?

  • @sansebastian13
    @sansebastian13 2 года назад

    Return- when we die, rapture or end time return when the world will see him and millennium begins. What return is this talking about???

  • @miachevydude
    @miachevydude 2 года назад

    This parable refers to the Tribulation Saints,not the Church age.Read scripture in context and the correct dispensation.

  • @douglasgraham2774
    @douglasgraham2774 2 года назад

    Scripture needs to be read in context. This passage of is not about the, the body of christ, it is about Israel.

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад +1

    You killed the phattened calf for him. Son, all I have is yours

  • @phuthishore9237
    @phuthishore9237 3 месяца назад

    Short and sweet ! Thank you 🙏

  • @billygore3847
    @billygore3847 Год назад

    Grace vs Law (works)

  • @antonycmi1228
    @antonycmi1228 18 дней назад

  • @VikkiG1970
    @VikkiG1970 3 года назад +1

    Thank you...

  • @jarrasmith1
    @jarrasmith1 2 года назад +1

    I agree. Thank you.

  • @benfcormier
    @benfcormier 2 года назад +1


  • @kevinsmith3274
    @kevinsmith3274 2 года назад

    For a much more thorough treatment of this parable look up the parable of the 10 virgins by Amir Tsarfati.

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    All authority is mine whether it be thrones dominions principalities or Powers everything is under my feet

  • @Ariados_Segura
    @Ariados_Segura 3 года назад

    First gather the wheat into my barn and then burn the chaff with unquenchable fire

  • @Colors.TF1
    @Colors.TF1 3 года назад


  • @RogueWarrior79
    @RogueWarrior79 3 года назад +2

    The parable of the ten virgins is about the Wise = one who hears and obeys (obedient) [Psalm 19:7, Matt 7:24], Foolish =Those who are disobedient [Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 10:8, Matt 7:26], Lamp = The commandment [Proverbs 6:23], Light = The Law (Torah) [Proverbs 6:23], Oil = Desire for obedience (Pressing/Tribulation) [Lev 24:2].
    Lev 24:2 - Command the people of Israel to bring you pure oil (desire to obey) from beaten olives (our tribulation) for the lamp (commandment), that a light (the Law) may be kept burning regularly (go forth continually).
    Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their [lamps/commandments] and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were [foolish/disobedient], and five were [wise/obedient]. For when the [foolish/disobedient] took their [lamps/commandments], they took no [oil/desire to obey the commandments] with them, but the [wise/obedient] took [flasks of oil/their desire to obey] with their [lamps/commandments]. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their [lamps/commandments]. And the [foolish/disobedient] said to the [wise/obedient], 'Give us some of your [oil/desire to obey], for our [lamps/commandments] are going out.' But the [wise/obedient] answered, saying, 'Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.' And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, 'Lord, lord, open to us.' But he answered, 'Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.' Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
    Provers 23:23 - Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding
    John 16:13 - When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. What is truth? Psalm 119:142 - Your righteousness is righteous forever, and your law (Torah) is true.
    This is why the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). Yeshua answered them, My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me (John 7:16). He is the Messiah teaching the perfect Torah (Law) from the Father. Believe in the testimony of the One who conquered sin and death and repent, turn from your sin back to His ways - the Torah (Law).
    The fact is The Mark of the Beast is the opposite of the Mark of God. Both are on the hand or the forehead. In Deuteronomy 5 and 6 we are commanded to write the Torah (Law) on our hands and forehead. Meaning our actions and thoughts should always be centered on the Torah. The Mark of the Beast is the opposite. It is lawlessness. It is the reason he is called the lawless one.

    • @medic4christ777
      @medic4christ777 2 года назад +2

      Couple problems with your twisting of God's word. What you are claiming is that nothing has changed from the Old Covenant to the New. Salvation is still by the law, and obedience to it. This means that the Jews who put Christ on that cross had it right, and there should have been no tension between them and Christ. It was THEM wanting strict adherence to the law. So, why the tension between them and Christ, if that was Christ's message? If Christ only came to reinforce the law that had already been given 400 plus years before Him, it makes His entire ministry and death meaningless.
      What you are essentially saying is that Christ only came to repeat what God has already said through the law to the Jews. If they couldn't obey it the first time, what would make you think they would obey it from Christ? Under your false theology, nothing has changed from the Old Covenant and the New. It goes in the face of everything Gods word says about the New Covenant in Jeremiah and Isaiah. As a student of the Torah, you should know this. The New Covenant is a unilateral covenant. Where as the Old Covenant was bilateral. That means under the Old Covenant, there were expectations on Israel. There was work involved for them. Obviously, they failed to uphold their end of the covenant, over and over again. God knew they would, and that is the point of Him bringing in the New by His grace.
      Under the New, God places His Spirit in the believer. Just as Jeremiah and Isaiah said. The SPIRIT of His law, which is love, is now written on the believers heart, because God Himself lives in them under the New Covenant. It is not a covenant according to the letter, as you suggest. God made this abundantly clear in his prophetic books. "I will take from you the heart of stone (the letter of the law) and give to you a heart of flesh (he Spirit indwelt new creation). I will put my Spirit in you. I will be your God, and you will be my people."
      Oil, both in the passages you quoted and in the New testament passages is FAITH. It's the only thing God desired. FAITH. It's the fruit that Jesus was looking for in all His parables, which israel did not have. FAITH.
      You claim Proverbs 23:23 is referring to the law as truth, and that Proverbs 6:23 refers to the law. But what does Jesus say about truth and the light? "I AM THE TRUTH, the way, AND THE LIFE." You are teaching error. The Old Testament is a shadow of Christ. Not the other way around. All of those commands in the Old Covenant are a picture of Christ, who is their true fulfillment. No man has ever fulfilled Gods law but Christ. He is the one with Gods approval. We must clothe ourselves with HIM. "That we might become the righteousness of God THROUGH HIM."

    • @59thanks61
      @59thanks61 2 года назад

      So because the groom was delayed they all fell asleep, so does that mean that in this point in time we're All asleep?

  • @csmoviles
    @csmoviles 3 года назад


  • @yestofuture.byethost5._om
    @yestofuture.byethost5._om Год назад

    Wrong teaching: A false gospel is being preached, i.e., work-based salvation.
    Salvation is by Grace and does not depend on our own works or righteousness. Salvation is a gift; you either accept it by faith or reject it through unbelief.
    Salvation does not depend on how you live. It depends on whether you believe Jesus is your saviour or not.
    John 3:16-18 & Ephesians 2:8-9
    The 5 unwise virgins are not believers; Jesus said never knew them or I once knew you (if not being good enough).
    We are saved by Grace (Christ's righteousness).

    • @pastorstan3720
      @pastorstan3720  Год назад

      Where in this parable explanation do I say salvation is by works and not grac?

    • @yestofuture.byethost5._om
      @yestofuture.byethost5._om Год назад

      @@pastorstan3720 The impression given in your talk at 5.19, 7.07, 8.01, 8.28 - ie changes in your life, have enough oil to be acceptable in God's eye.. ...sound like you need to work to get that oil .
      What if I "believe" Jesus as saviour but make no changes in my life , am I saved?
      If your answer is yes, then I have misunderstood your message.
      If your answer is no, then salvation is based on works ie our performance. I have the impression that this is the point you want to show us for this parable.