Doug Batchelor - The Ten Virgins

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • Dive into the Word of God with these inspiring 60-minute sermons from Pastor Doug at Sacramento Central Church. The perfect program for every Bible student!
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Комментарии • 153

  • @dalebent6858
    @dalebent6858 8 лет назад +8

    I love all of Doug Bachelor preach ing

    • @lindalee4431
      @lindalee4431 8 лет назад

      dale bent that's preacher need to have the Holy Ghost he doesn't believe in women to preach the gospel then he only supposed to teach men And let the woman leave but it's all about money and control and the wife walk behind him women was not allow to study the Bible in that time but God change that when everyone has a right to the kingdom where is his name at to preach study the word for your self listen what he preach one subject and another subject then he say to do what God said do then he tells you dont this man is preaching another gospel who is he to tell God who or what to do concerning his word he don't want his wife to here or see God for herself so I guess he will answer for her some pastors don't want the church to know the truth God bless you by the way there was 7 Apostles woman who was with Jesus and in ministry I will name one for you Mary Magdalene was a chief Apostle ordained by Jesus Christ to teach his disciples when he left please Study for yourself also women been in leadership in the church God call his church The House of Pray For All People OK for decades in the NT as well as the OT all you have to do is study for yourself and you would know this for yourself God bless you

    • @BrideTV
      @BrideTV 7 лет назад

      Linda Lee Women does not have right to any leadership offices as far the the five fold ministry is concern

  • @tzanniedaneapa-apanar4432
    @tzanniedaneapa-apanar4432 3 года назад +2

    💖GOD bless you pastor Doug
    GOD bless us all with the blessings of the Holy Spirit ✨💖

  • @MsWonderfulman
    @MsWonderfulman 12 лет назад +3

    i feel God is so good. He wants me to prepar . i listen many times . God will give more longlife .thanks.

  • @Godsbutterfly4923
    @Godsbutterfly4923 4 года назад +1

    Good teaching! Thank You Jesus!

  • @cecilganda695
    @cecilganda695 4 года назад +1

    Thank you pastor Doug for this message, it really helps me a lot❤️ Godbless children of God

    • @gracenjaramba3847
      @gracenjaramba3847 2 года назад

      A,leah, l value, let's very versatile a,let's via, l all, l all, l vvaa, let's all, let's all, l vvaa, l vvaaaa, l vvaaaa, l am, l a,

  • @LosehinasTocaLife
    @LosehinasTocaLife 6 лет назад +2

    Bless you Pastor Doug and your family.

  • @singmysong1167
    @singmysong1167 7 лет назад +7

    Hi, Doug, thanks for the insight on this particular parable, which has been puzzling to me, seeing we live in the days of electricity and all. You are right, if the Bible is the lamp we hold in our possession, but without oil in the lamp, the lamp is pretty much useless to us, so it is without the Spirit of God shining truth into our hearts. I also like the part about the lamp shining the light of God on our faces to the darkness around us. I am not really a SDA, being brought up a Baptist, but I will take truth (light) where ever God illuminates it, thanks again, sir.

    • @oksills
      @oksills 6 лет назад +1

      SingMySong Friend, Doug is a talented speaker but he does NOT have the truth!! Ask your pastor! Sooo much incorrect. Even ask a Jew about the broken glass at their wedding. They will tell you it Is a remembrance of of the shattering of the temple!! This is a cult. As to your comment about light where you find it--
      Scripture continually goes similar examples of the galaxy of this idea. -- good fruit doesn’t come from a bad tree/root-- no sweet water from a bad well./ steam .......please carefully consider this Friend!

  • @toosiyabrandt8676
    @toosiyabrandt8676 7 лет назад +1

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The most oil filled breakdown of this troublesome parable to help me trim my lamp. Shalom in Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

    • @tozwaldron
      @tozwaldron 6 лет назадвидео.html

  • @jenniferthom4066
    @jenniferthom4066 6 лет назад +3

    There is an awakening when we look at 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 when speaking to spiritual gifts..verse 11 "It is the one and only Holy Spirit who distributes these gifts. HE alone decides which gift each person should have."

  • @dreamsonshylla6502
    @dreamsonshylla6502 8 лет назад +8

    God bless you doug. I love what you preach.

  • @rosaolvera6585
    @rosaolvera6585 3 года назад +1

    Ilovethisman! Is like waters to my soul!😍

  • @kimberlymartin2314
    @kimberlymartin2314 2 года назад


  • @tonyaolsen1844
    @tonyaolsen1844 7 лет назад +10

    To those people who say that this pastor does not understand scripture are being blinded by Satan who does not want them to know the truth.

    • @tozwaldron
      @tozwaldron 6 лет назад


    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      They are Jesuits.

    • @steelepowell806
      @steelepowell806 4 года назад

      @@tozwaldron , You are correct. This is about the Kingdom of Heaven and not the Kingdom of God!

  • @amacro11
    @amacro11 12 лет назад +6

    This message never gets old! God bless you guys for the spreading of the word!

  • @dalebent6858
    @dalebent6858 8 лет назад +4

    God love you

  • @sandychatt8444
    @sandychatt8444 7 лет назад +9

    I love the way Doug Batchellor preaches.

    • @oksills
      @oksills 6 лет назад +1

      Sandy Chatt I agree, the WAY he preaches is very good. However, it is WHAT he teaches that is the problem. The 7th Day Adventists follows a false prophetess! Ellen White adds and adds and adds to the Bible! Scripture very strictly, as an abomination to God, forbids adding or subtracting from the Bible. Maranatha!

    • @oksills
      @oksills 6 лет назад

      Sandy Chatt Has Sandy, question. He says the oil is the Holy Spirit. Where you you find it is possible to BUY the Holy Spirit.? Are we told to buy it or are we to SELL the Holy?Spirit???? Never!!! Talk to your pastor before you believthis false teaching hinge

  • @MsWonderfulman
    @MsWonderfulman 12 лет назад +1

    good message for my soul. god bless you..

  • @AM5743
    @AM5743  12 лет назад +2

    thank you

  • @blain5882
    @blain5882 Год назад


  • @menshealingmiles
    @menshealingmiles 7 лет назад +3


  • @paullavoie5542
    @paullavoie5542 5 лет назад

    Another truth from this parable is: Don't be part of the market place either. After all they still have to go to the market place to get the oil. There has to be sellers of the oil. After the rapture people will probably go about on the internet, and to the churches where everybody is gathering. They will realize when they read the verse " I did not know you," that Jesus never knew them because they never spent time with him to allow him the time to get to know them. A relationship takes two people. Jesus wants to spend time with us, we should want to spend time with him.
    As I'm writing this it's hitting my heart because I spend more time listening to the internet preachers and teachers then actually spending time with God. It's a completely different experience.

  • @RogueWarrior79
    @RogueWarrior79 3 года назад

    The parable of the ten virgins is about the Wise = one who hears and obeys (obedient) [Psalm 19:7, Matt 7:24], Foolish =Those who are disobedient [Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 10:8, Matt 7:26], Lamp = The commandment [Proverbs 6:23], Light = The Law (Torah) [Proverbs 6:23], Oil = Desire for obedience (Pressing/Tribulation) [Lev 24:2].
    Lev 24:2 - Command the people of Israel to bring you pure oil (desire to obey) from beaten olives (our tribulation) for the lamp (commandment), that a light (the Law) may be kept burning regularly (go forth continually).
    Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their [lamps/commandments] and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were [foolish/disobedient], and five were [wise/obedient]. For when the [foolish/disobedient] took their [lamps/commandments], they took no [oil/desire to obey the commandments] with them, but the [wise/obedient] took [flasks of oil/their desire to obey] with their [lamps/commandments]. As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, 'Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their [lamps/commandments]. And the [foolish/disobedient] said to the [wise/obedient], 'Give us some of your [oil/desire to obey], for our [lamps/commandments] are going out.' But the [wise/obedient] answered, saying, 'Since there will not be enough for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.' And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, 'Lord, lord, open to us.' But he answered, 'Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.' Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.
    Provers 23:23 - Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding
    John 16:13 - When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. What is truth? Psalm 119:142 - Your righteousness is righteous forever, and your law (Torah) is true.
    This is why the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14). Yeshua answered them, My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me (John 7:16). He is the Messiah teaching the perfect Torah (Law) from the Father. Believe in the testimony of the One who conquered sin and death and repent, turn from your sin back to His ways - the Torah (Law).

    • @mdsmithson
      @mdsmithson 2 года назад

      You ignore dispensation. Jesus is talking to Jews not Christians. Our obedience does not make us eligible for salvation, we are not kicked out of salvation because we dont have enough oil (desire to obey).. The mystery revealed to Paul explains the gospel by which gentiles are saved. Believe on the Lord! Repent (Change from unbelief) to Belief on the Christ, Savior, Messiah Jesus! Requiring "turning from sin" is another way of saying "obey the law" Are we still under that school master?

    • @RogueWarrior79
      @RogueWarrior79 2 года назад

      It is unfortunate that you believe in the error of dispensationalism, invented in the early 1800s. The Scriptures disprove dispensationalism throughout. Hebrews 4:2 is a good example - For good news came to us just as to them (those in the wilderness in the Old Testament), but the message they heard did not benefit them because they were not united by faith with those who listened. The same Gospel has been preached from the beginning.
      Faith in Hebraic thought is action. If I genuinely believe, then there will be action. You can always tell what a man believes by what he does, not by what he says. God told Noah that the floods were coming, so Noah built an ark. This is a picture of faith. There was action. I am sure you have heard that faith without works is dead (James 2:17). A few verses earlier, James says, "So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty." The Law(Torah) is freedom/liberty (Ps. 119:45; John 8:32; James 1:25).
      The Messiah obeys the Law (Torah) perfectly (Matthew 5:17-18). He is the goal (Romans 10:4) because he is the example. We, as believers, must follow his example. The Law (Torah) was never given to bring life (save). It was given to protect the life (Proverbs 12:28) we have in Messiah. He alone is the perfect sacrifice that sets us free. The Scriptures tell us that it is belief in the work of the Messiah on the cross and repentance, turning away from our sin, that saves us. That turning away from sin is our desire and willingness to recognize that we are sinners, breaking God's Law (Torah). As believers, repentance causes us to continuously humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness from the Father and other people. It is undeniably one of the things that sets us apart from the world. That is holiness, being set apart.
      The Deceiver works by mixing and confusing his ways with God's ways. But Daniel told us this would happen in 7:25, He (the fourth beast) shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the SAINTS of the Most High, and shall think to change the TIMES and the LAW (TORAH); and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. It is not that the Deceiver can change God's Torah (law) or His appointed times, but he can change them in people's minds by mixing in his ways and confusing them.
      Peter told us to be careful that we are not carried away by lawlessness. 2 Peter 3:15-18 And count the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, as he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the IGNORANT and UNSTABLE TWIST to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are NOT carried away with the ERROR of LAWLESS people and lose your own stability. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
      Isn't it interesting how the wicked one that is coming will be called the lawless one (2 Thessalonians 2:8-10). But these are the times we are living in, and the Mark of the Beast is upon us. It will be a mark placed on the right hand or the forehead (Revelation 13:11-18). The hand signifies our actions, and the head our thoughts. Lawlessness will be on their minds and in their actions. You see lawlessness in commerce everywhere today with the promotion of wicked and unnatural things. BUT if you know the Father and have a relationship with him, you know that his people have a mark, coincidentally, the same places, the hand, and forehead. Deuteronomy 6:8 - You shall bind them (commandments of Torah) as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
      Your righteousness is righteous forever, and your law (Torah) is true. (Psalm 119:142)

    • @mdsmithson
      @mdsmithson 2 года назад

      I dont subscribe to "dispensationalism", I dont apply the entire Bible to myself. Not every story applies to the reader. Jesus often spoke to the Jews only as he came for the Jews first.
      Dispensations predate "dispensationalism"
      For example this commentary by Matthew Henry was written in the 1600's mentions a different gospel dispensation
      "The best privileges the ancient Jews had were their gospel privileges; the sacrifices and ceremonies of the Old Testament were the gospel of that dispensation; and, whatever was excellent in it, was the respect it had to Christ. Now, if this was their highest privilege, we are not inferior to them; for we have the gospel as well as they, and in greater purity and perspicuity than they had." @ Hebrews 4:2
      Those who dont understand dispensations think they are running out of oil like the 5 foolish virgins so they need to keep working to be eligible to be seen by Jesus to be let into heaven..
      Christians are under the Law of Christ, we are not under the same school master.
      "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. " Romans 3
      Gal 3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
      Gal 3:25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
      Rom 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
      Rom 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
      Repentance is turning from self-righteousness to trusting in God our Messiah. We should turn from sin and obey the Law of Christ by faith (Gal 6:1-10,Mark 12:28-31, Romans 3:27) in our lives, being obedient to the Will of the Father.
      Joh 6:39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
      Joh 6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.
      Joh_6:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
      Also 1 Thes 4:3-7,1 Thes 5:18-24
      Walking in lawlessness is walking in iniquity, and iniquity is standing in a position of guilt deserving of punishment.
      We repent of our self righteous works; we go from unbelief in Jesus as Savior to belief in Jesus as Savior. Our filthy rags and our iniquity have no standing before a perfect Judge. Before we trust in Jesus’s righteousness over our own we are working all things from a position of guilt deserving of punishment. Working iniquity is to continue in guilt; it is to continue washing your own filthy rags by our own efforts, it is to deny Jesus’s righteousness for your own, it is to reject the pardon of Jesus’s blood, it to reject the Work of God (See Psalm 69:26-29), walking in guilt is walking in lawlessness because we are instructed to believe on the one whom God has sent; we are instructed to believe on Jesus as it is the work of God. We are instructed to have the peace of God rule in our hearts.

  • @bheasy1
    @bheasy1 6 лет назад +1

    I was with ya til the gazillion years comment. But it went back on track, I still love Torah man =)

  • @nicumarinoiu5358
    @nicumarinoiu5358 7 лет назад +1

    du-te la nani si lasa-ne in pace cu povestile de adormit copiii, Dough! :)

  • @z.louisecoombsrambouillet8395
    @z.louisecoombsrambouillet8395 2 года назад

    I am so shocked that Pastor Doug Batchelor doesn't see the symbolism about a couple getting married, taking each of their own single🕯and lighting one larger candle🕯! Because this is the same meaning of the Trinity God Head where the Three become One. So this is a sign that is the same where they are saying that, hopefully, with God at the center, the two with God have now become one. But definitely no old flames, lol 😆

  • @Roxsandee
    @Roxsandee 6 лет назад +2

    When you study with the best...don't mess with the rest...

  • @yolandosoquite3507
    @yolandosoquite3507 7 лет назад +4

    Jesus was very sober when telling the parable of the 10 virgins..Any story in the bible with the word SLEEP is always death! The first death!

  • @montemeridith150
    @montemeridith150 6 лет назад +1

    The Syriac Peshitta(1896), as well as the Aramaic Peshitta (5th century), both state in Matthew 25:1, "Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to greet the bridegroom and BRIDE". The word "BRIDE" was omitted from the KJV and other newer versions, but if you look at the original text, this proves the BRIDE is already with the bridegroom when the ten virgins go out to meet the bridegroom, which means that we are already in heaven. Therefore, the ten virgins very well could be the wedding guests, or the Jews and those left behind. God bless you.

    • @willempasterkamp862
      @willempasterkamp862 Год назад

      it are the 5 ancient planets double counted 5 + 5 , funny enough :
      they are in heaven

  • @godislove363
    @godislove363 5 лет назад

    To all of you who are doubting this word you've got to understand context read line upon line precept upon precept recall of the scriptures that coincide with topic that are subject matter as well as I understand that things about prophecy and also what Shadows are and what they represent this is very simple what he's saying as long as you're paying attention I don't have any preconceived notions because I came from a Catholic church with preconceived notions and didn't read the Bible now I read the Bible and with the Holy Spirit understand these things and only because of that.

  • @hummer40316
    @hummer40316 5 лет назад +1

    Guidelines; does that apply to church today? Is that one of many reasons why this generation of church-going bible-thumping by-the-book My God Good believers have no none not an ounce thereof of spiritual power! Can say, but who'd listen. God bless

  • @valeriebwilliams701
    @valeriebwilliams701 4 года назад +1

    Weren't those two different times the one time when they did sleep but the other time they were able to witness Elijah and Moses because they said this is a good thing let us stay here

  • @godgivenglory5842
    @godgivenglory5842 5 лет назад

    Don’t ask the question, was still happening in upper Egypt until couple decades ago

  • @willempasterkamp862
    @willempasterkamp862 Год назад

    it are actually the 5 ancient known planets, dwellers or swingers.
    the ebionites : those who give poor lght, the tiny 'people'
    arch-angels and lesser gods. For example
    David sought 5 'smooth' stones to fell Goliath, and the 5 loaves
    even so, the 2 fishes are the Twin, 2 witnesses

  • @onetruefaith5750
    @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад +2

    SDA's: What does GOD's promise in Hosea 2:11 and what Jesus Christ did in Colossians 2:14-17 have in common???

    • @itslifeitsme
      @itslifeitsme 8 лет назад +1

      those do not refer to the weekly sabbath but the high sabbaths. the weekly sabbath cannot be abolished see matt 5:18 matt 5;17

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад +1

      Rena Rich​ At least that's what your 1863 "man made" Protestant denomination just another one of 35,000 and growing told you.
      Hosea 2:11 doesn't say "high" or "low", but in context "END ALL......SABBATHS" plural of the true Biblical "harlots".
      So, you would be a "harlot Sabbath keeper" man made Protestant denomination per the Bible right???

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад +1

      Rena Rich​​
      One cannot even remotely understand the NEW COVENANT without properly understanding the old covenant, i.e. all the other various covenants (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Mosaic, David, Levi), and all the covenant promises being “fulfilled” by Jesus Christ.
      Are you aware Jesus was prophesized to be a NEW MOSES? Deuteronomy 18:18.
      Leading a NEW EXODUS like Moses through “water (Baptism) and Spirit (Laying of Hands)” John 3:5 fulfilling Ezekiel 36:25-27 prophecy being “reborn” no longer liturgically bound by the old “written” covenant law (Baptism is per Romans 6:3-13 and explained in Romans 7:6)???
      Establishing a NEW ISRAEL by choosing “12 Apostles” to represent the “12 Tribes” and gathering them all into the “NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH” where “ALL MANKIND” can come to worship Him (both Jew and Gentile alike) fulfilling Isaiah 66:22-23 prophecy???
      Through Jesus Christ the NEW ADAM (Romans 5:12-18) we become part of the NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15) as “adopted” sons and daughters of GOD (Galatians 4:4-7)???
      How like Moses Jesus went up on a mountain and gave us NEW LAW in the NEW COVENANT that “fulfill” (Matthew 5:17, Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14), elevate and “perfect” the old covenant laws (Matthew 5:1-12 and especially John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17, 1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2)???
      Aware that Jesus Christ transformed the Exodus 12:14 “forever” GOD commanded passover in the upper Room in the “Last Supper” into the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19-20) replacing the lamb in all the Synoptic Gospel accounts (Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20) with Himself by becoming the “Lamb of GOD” (John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Peter 1 :19) for “Death to Passover” (John 6:54)???
      Giving us a NEW SABBATH as the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER "fulfills" all the Leviticus 23 "forever" GOD commanded Feasts that point to what "day" in Leviticus 23:11,15 and verse 21 "on the same day" with a “day of rest”, and verse 39??? Further, see “AGAIN HE SET A CERTAIN DAY” and “another day” per Hebrews 4:7-9 with what conclusion in verse 9???
      Aware that Jesus gave us a NEW PRIESTHOOD as He fulfilled His Father’s “forever” WORD (Exodus 29:7-9, Exodus 40:15, 1 Chronicles 23:13), covenant promise to Levi (Numbers 25:12-13, Malachi 2:4-7), and NEW COVENANT PROMISE (Jeremiah 33:14-22) to take in some “Gentile” priests (Isaiah 66:21) so it will no longer be based on tribal lineage??? Are you aware an old covenant Jew could not go directly to GOD to receive His forgiveness for his personal sins??? Leviticus 5:5-6 and Numbers 5:5-9. The same is true in the NEW COVENANT as the ONE MEDIATOR gave what “power” to His Church in Matthew 16:19, 18:18 and specifically stated to newly certain ordained “men” in John 20:21-23???
      Aware Jesus Christ gave His very self to us as the NEW MANNA in the Holy Eucharist (John 6:31-35) to sustain us until we reach the NEW PROMISED LAND (Heaven)???
      Doubts about the “real presence” of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist??? If the old covenant is a mere “shadow” of the revelation in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:1), then what do you believe the “forever” liturgically GOD commanded “Bread of the Presence” (Exodus 25:30, Leviticus 24:5-9) becomes in the NEW COVENANT???

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад +1

      Rena Rich This one keeps getting deleted by SDA false teachers and followers. I wonder why??? Just in case there was any confusion over the NEW MOSES post.
      The 10 Commandments are the "forever" immutable and immovable first step of GOD'S LAW. It will "forever" be convicting the WORLD of the need for the "sacrifice" of Jesus Christ to be "forgiven" or "released" through Baptism (Romans 6:3-13) into "NEW LIFE OF THE SPIRIT" (Romans 7:6, 8:2) to live in the "Spirit of the Law" which is LOVE (John 13:34) of the "second step" of revealed Law towards Heaven.
      NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH (Isaiah 66:18-23), NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15), NEW ADAM (Romans 5:12-21, 1 Corinthians 15:22, 15:45), NEW STAGE, NEW STEP, NEW COMMANDMENT IN THE NEW COVENANT IS LOVE (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17) = NEW SABBATH (Hebrews 4:7-9).
      Additionally, the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19) “fulfills” all of the “forever” Leviticus Chapter 23 Feasts that are commanded on what “day” per Leviticus 23:11-14, 15-21, and verse 39 with a commanded “day of rest”??? All the Feast dates you say??? Moot point as the Catholic Church celebrates the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER “daily” as Jesus Christ compared Himself to the old covenant “manna” that came down “daily” per John 6:31-35.
      Now back to the Laws, as a NEW COVENANT CHRISTIAN (Catholic) not only can I still break the old laws of the immovable and immutable first step or stage of law, but the second step or second stage of revealed LAW refusing to LOVE as Jesus Christ commands (John 13:34).
      I can commit sins of "commission" by "morally" breaking the old covenant laws (10 Commandments) and sins of "omission" not LOVING AS CHRIST DID.*
      What "fulfilled" means is I am no longer "liturgically" bound to worship by the old covenant (Hebrews 8:13) through Jesus Christ's "sacrifice", but still "morally" REQUIRED TO FOLLOW THE 10 COMMANDMENTS AS IT IS THE FIRST STAGE OF GOD'S LAWS THAT ARE "FOREVER" IMMUTABLE AND IMMOVABLE LAWS.
      Do you understand??? I am to "die" to my old "fleshly" sinful self to be "born again" and "LIVE IN THE SPIRIT". John 3:3-6. Verse 6 "THAT WHICH IS BORN OF THE FLESH IS FLESH, THAT WHICH IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT IS SPIRIT".
      If I don't choose to "LIVE IN THE SPIRIT" of the Law of the second step up, then what does Romans 8:13 say about that specifically or Hebrews 10:26 what happens to Jesus Christ's "sacrifice" if I “deliberately sin”???
      Welcome to Matthew 5:17 paraphrase "I DID NOT COME TO ABOLISH, BUT FULFILL" which means to elevate and "perfect" the old laws or first stage of revealed law. Sin???
      Ultimately, in the NEW COVEANNT we have a NEW ADAM (Jesus Christ), NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH (Catholic Church where “all mankind” both Jew and Gentile alike can worship Him), NEW CREATION, NEW LAW = NEW SABBATH!!!

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад +1

      Rena Rich
      In the Book of Hebrews Chapter 10 in context the author was talking to “baptized” Christians (Hebrews 10:22) telling them to not be “neglecting to meet together” in “the Church” - being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Why “the Church”???
      What does Sacred Scriptures clearly say “IF WE SIN DELIBERATELY” or willfully break any of the commandments whether the old (10 Commandments) or NEW (Laws of LOVE or refusing to LOVE as Christ commands per John 13:34)??? If “THERE NO LONGER REMAINS A SACRIFICE FOR SINS, BUT A FEARFUL PROSPECT OF JUDGMENT”, then how does one obtain reconciliation with GOD again???
      We must examine the old covenant to fully understand the NEW COVENANT. In Leviticus 5:5-6 and Numbers 5:5-9 we can understand what an old covenant Jew had to do to receive GOD's forgiveness. Additionally, GOD in the Books of Leviticus and Numbers any time personal “sin” is mentioned you will read over and over again “THUS THE PRIEST SHALL MAKE ATONEMENT FOR A MAN’S SINS AND IT WILL BE FORGIVEN” (Lev 4:20, 4:26, 4:31,4:35, 5:6, 5:10, 5:13, 5:16, 5:18, 6:7, 7:7, 12:8, 14:18, 14:19, 14:20, 14:29, 14:31, 15:15, 15:30, 16:32, 16:33, 19:22 Num. 6:11,15:25, and 15:28). In the old covenant, GOD uses ordained “men”, the Leviticus Priesthood, to administer His forgiveness.
      Now, does GOD keep His WORD and covenant promises??? GOD promises to have a perpetual priesthood per His covenant in Numbers 25:12-13 and Malachi 2:4-7 and has WORDS of “forever” in Exodus 29:7-9, 40:15, and 1 Chronicles 23:13. Then, GOD promises to have a perpetual priesthood in Jeremiah 33:14-22 NEW COVENANT PROPHECY. Additionally, in context of “gathering the nations” in Isaiah 66:18 GOD states in Isaiah 66:21 “some of them also I will take for priests” meaning no longer based on Levi tribal lineage in the NEW COVENANT. In John Chapter 13, we see Jesus Christ fulfilling His Father’s Levi Covenant promise and Malachi 3:3 prophecy, when He sits down in the upper room “purifying” the NEW COVENANT PRIESTHOOD with a “washing”. This “washing” was a “forever” priestly liturgical GOD command in Exodus 30:21 in order to perform any altar work or sacrifice.
      What “same” power does the Son of GOD give to His ONE and ONLY established Church or “the Church” per Matthew 16:19, 18:18 and specifically explained to the NEW COVENANT PRIESTHOOD by Jesus in John 20:21-23??? In 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 St. Paul describes what Jesus Christ did was He “GAVE US THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION” and concluded “SO WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST”. An “ambassador” wields what kind of power as an “official representative” of Christ or more specifically explained in “the Church” as “persona Christi”???
      Please come to your real home and be “reconciled” to “the Church” HIS ONE BODY (Ephesians 4:4-6). What did Jesus Christ create, pray for in John 17:21-23 and die for??? If you really LOVE Jesus Christ, then you will respond to His prayer and join the “ONENESS” that He created. The “Lamb of GOD” wants to unite with you in the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19) in His ONE and ONLY established Church, so we all can be “perfectly ONE”. May GOD richly bless you on your journey.
      Lastly, do you love Jesus??? Do you want what Jesus wants???
      John 17:21-23. Jesus Christ established ONE CHURCH, prayed for and died for what???

  • @bonolib8979
    @bonolib8979 6 лет назад +2

    Who is the bride? Pastor asks at 5:24 Answer:Rev 21:9,10 ''Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife''. (vs 9) And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem'' (vs10) The marriage and the bride is Christ receiving His kingdom, not the church. His people are the ''guests'' Rev 19:9 This will take place, and to a degree has already taken place before He comes.

    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      You must study this parable in the context of the second coming of Christ. Read the previous chapter, Mat.24. You will now see the beginning of Ch.25 begins with then...
      Lamp represents scripture Ps.119:105
      Virgin represents a pure church 2 Cor.11:2
      Oil represents Holy Spirit Zec.4:6 read previous verses.
      Doug Bachelor is one of the best pastors out there. God bless you and happy studying through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    • @mdsmithson
      @mdsmithson 2 года назад

      @@BeriiQueen Absolutely false. Can a believer run out of the holy spirit? Is our works keeping us eligible for salvation?

  • @breadoflife2075
    @breadoflife2075 2 года назад

    The 10 virgins are not the Bride.
    The wise virgins are NOT the church of Philadelphia (Rev. 3:10). All of the 10 virgins fell asleep when they were told to WATCH and pray that they might be accounted worthy to escape (Luke 21:34) the time of trial written about about in Revelation 3:10.
    The Aramaic Translation says. (I believe this is correct)
    Mat_25:1 "Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be compared to ten virgins; the same took their lamps and went to meet THE GROOM AND THE BRIDE.
    And John the Baptist says
    Joh_3:29 ((((He that hath the bride is the bridegroom)))):
    More on the 10 virgins
    Luk 12:35 "Let your waist be girded and your Lights (lamps) burning." (Aramaic Version says lamps)
    Luk 12:36 "Be like people waiting for their Lord when he will return FROM the wedding, so that whenever he comes and knocks, they may open to him at once."
    There is a picture of the bride of Christ in Genesis 24
    ​Gen. 24. Abraham=God the father. Isaac=God the son (Jesus).Abraham's servant=Holy Spirit. Rebekah=bride of Christ. The Canaanites=the world. Abraham/my country and kindred (Gen. 24:4) is the main harvest (10 virgins).
    Psalm 45:15-18: Says
    ‘The king’s daughter is glorious within,
    And she’s wrapped in embroidered fringes of gold.
    Then, all the virgins that follow in her train,
    Those closest to her, will be carried to you.
    They will be carried in, giving praises in joy,
    And led to the king’s Most Holy Place.’
    As you can see, it is the same parable, and the daughter (the bride) is accompanied by virgins following her train. They are separate people.
    So the fact that the virgins were invited to the celebration (the wedding banquet) would indicate that they were indeed not the bride, but guests. It would seem strange for a man to marry, and thereafter be found traveling along the road to invite some of his brides to their own wedding banquet, while not allowing the rest of the brides to enter.

  • @MoonPhaze5
    @MoonPhaze5 5 лет назад

    How many grooms have "invited" their brides to the wedding? 😩
    GUESTS are invited to the wedding!
    He who HATH the bride is the bridegroom.(JOHN 3:29)
    If Jesus doesn't have us already, then WE cannot be the "bride".
    *The new Jerusalem is the bride,* (REV. 21:2, 9-10)and we are the guests, because we are the Lord's FRIENDS. WE have been invited with the gospel. And the rest should be obvious; You accept the invitation, and you prepare yourself to attend the wedding. *But don't be found not having on the proper attire:*
    MATTHEW 22:11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:
    12 And he saith unto him, *Friend,* how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.
    13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
    14 For many are called, but few are chosen.
    JOHN 15:14 Ye are my *friends,* IF ye do whatsoever I command you.
    Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: *but I have called you friends;*

  • @DKA1951
    @DKA1951 2 года назад

    We should be prepared for our groom will come like a thief in the night! SDA formed out of a mistake then corrected the mistake with another that is divine guidance?

  • @geniepaf9364
    @geniepaf9364 2 года назад

    Sorry, but the church is not the bride of Christ, but the body of Christ. 1:45: Eph 5.25 is a misinterpretation. Read verse 23:" ...Christ is the head of the church, which is his body...
    This parable does not apply the church but to Israel during the tribulation time.
    None of the body of Christ will be left behind, for they are sealed with the Holy Ghost, and Jesus himself is the one preparing his body,taking care of them, not the Christians theirselves.

  • @petrosdengamo6531
    @petrosdengamo6531 9 лет назад

    Very insightful reflection on the parable. Just wanted to comment on the Africa illustration that I thought is a little far-fetched and negative as well. Having known what kind of vehicles are normally in use by Westerners like the preacher, it is very unlikely that he would ride a kind of taxi that would run out of gas in the middle of the road. I don't know how long Westerns continue to degrade Africa even in their sermons, mind you! Am most certain that Doug Batchelor would be provided the best of vehicles in any of his Africa trip - not an old auto that cannot even gauge its fuel content.

  • @13kimosabi13
    @13kimosabi13 4 года назад +2

    If the Holy Spirit is = to the Oil, how does one get the Holy Spirit and then run out ? How does one BUY more HS ? I call BS !

    • @richardgates3439
      @richardgates3439 4 года назад +1

      @Rowtheboat nice camber. Isaiah 55 will give you insight. "Buy" in the text means "to redeem." When something has already been purchased by someone else and thus made available ro someone who was the intended recipient, then all one would do is redeem that commodity. It's not BS, it's symbolic language since Jesus Christ has paid the price for salvation and made Holy Spirit available for those who come unto Him in true repentance and faith. They receive the Holy Spirit at conversion. That's what "buy" means.

    • @13kimosabi13
      @13kimosabi13 4 года назад +1

      @@richardgates3439 So.....the foolish VIRGINS are to go out and REDEEM more Holy Spirit ? Stay in context with what the SPEAKER IS SAYING ! Not what JESUS did.
      Are you and THE SPEAKER putting forth that JESUS told this parable to a group of JEWS => who knew nothing about THE CHURCH AGE or being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT => so we could tell the parable later to ourselves....and be amazed that HE was really speaking to US => THE CHURCH => even though it would have been a complete secret to everyone in the audience to whom HE was speaking ? Interesting. Still BS. But interesting.

    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      All had oil, however, the five wise virgins had extra; they spent time with God even more, they delighted in self-sacrifice. When people behave like the wise virgins these days they are mocked and scoffed and laughed at, called pious prudes and other such names but really they are the strong of the world. Like the five wise virgins who did not care what people thought of their perrsonal relationship with Christ.

    • @steelepowell806
      @steelepowell806 4 года назад

      You are correct. Not about the Holy Spirit. This is all about the Kingdom of Heaven, not the Kingdom of God.

  • @greglindstrom2733
    @greglindstrom2733 7 лет назад +1

    Doug will you engage me about the content of my next post?

  • @AM5743
    @AM5743  14 лет назад +2

    @jacob964 Thank you very much Jacob , God bless you :)

  • @yoonpender5661
    @yoonpender5661 7 лет назад +3

    There are always big "If"s and "Till"s in Scriptures! Be obedience in delight!

    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      It is more than a delight to be obedient to the Word.

  • @mattchildress7006
    @mattchildress7006 6 лет назад

    We in the famine now the kjv has changed

    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      Not to the extent that you cannot be saved. God is God and is still in control. Remember that.

  • @MarkPolley
    @MarkPolley 8 лет назад +1

    Not even close!

  • @DavidKing-qd3sp
    @DavidKing-qd3sp 6 лет назад

    Pastor Doug - this sermon is always more interesting when it is preached within the context of the great disappointment of 1844, otherwise the sermon becomes a repetition of warnings

    • @tozwaldron
      @tozwaldron 6 лет назад


    • @DavidKing-qd3sp
      @DavidKing-qd3sp 6 лет назад

      another scholar bites the dust

    • @DavidKing-qd3sp
      @DavidKing-qd3sp 6 лет назад

      you are entitled to your own opinion but not to your own deals with the great disappointment of 1844 when the christian world thought Christ was coming in 1843-4, read about it on line- the great disappointment of 1844...have a good day!

  • @lisawallace921
    @lisawallace921 2 года назад


  • @Zeus_DV917
    @Zeus_DV917 7 лет назад

    Question, were all the guests in the Wedding feast required to have a lamp? Is this some sort of Night Wedding? I thought the Bridesmaids or Ten Virgins are to give assistance or light the way for the Groom on the dark night. Could it also be talking about Pastors or Preachers that should be wise and keep the lamp lighted preaching about the Messiah or the Kingdom of God.

    • @tozwaldron
      @tozwaldron 6 лет назад


    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      It was custom for weddings to take place at evening.

    • @willempasterkamp862
      @willempasterkamp862 Год назад

      the 5 planets, they were meant to be dwellers, if they give enough light they can guide you, if they don't they will lead you astray.

  • @Sarah-mr3wd
    @Sarah-mr3wd 3 года назад

    Thank you for your explanation. However, I'd like to point our that according to Rev 21:2, the bride is New Jerusalem, NOT the Church.
    I still don't understand the transaction part. We're not able to give the Holy Spirit to other people. We can't buy the Holy Sprit or get free from other people.

  • @curiousgeorge555
    @curiousgeorge555 4 года назад

    when was this taped?

  • @jk11222
    @jk11222 4 года назад

    The parable of the ten virgins does NOT apply to us. You have to rightly divide the word of truth (2Tim 2:15).
    If you believe it applies to us, you don’t believe the gospel of Paul which is believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus (1Cor 15:1-4) and saved by grace through faith NOT of works (Eph 2:8-9) and we are sealed by the Holy Spirit upon salvation till the day of redemption Eph 1:13-14).
    Pay heed to Acts 17:11.
    Search the scripture to prove what you have heard or read from just anyone with the word of God for yourself. Don’t accept wholesale and wholeheartedly whatever you hear or read without searching the scripture whether it is so.

  • @jameswiliams
    @jameswiliams 2 года назад

    The Parable of the 10 virgins
    The torch held by the 10 virgins symbolizes the victory of man upon death (spiritual death) begotten at Baptism. The 10 women who carry the torches are all virgins (pure from sin) which is a description of the Holy Spirit within when Baptized. Baptism however must be the type Holy Sacrament of Baptism as delivered by the Holy Spirit the day of Pentecost. Baptism as deliverer to the Holy Spirit the day of Pentecost unites man with God and redeems all sin.
    (Galatians 3:27) “You were baptized into union with Christ, and now you are clothed, with the life of Christ himself”
    During Baptism a person receives the gifts of the Holy Spirit however it is up to each and every individual to energize them or set them in motion at will based on their greatest gift from God which is their freedom.
    When the brides-made arrive to enter His Kingdom only five of the brides torches have the oil needed for their torch to be lit. These five torches held by the 5 brides that are lit represents divine liked individual lives pleasing to God that were based on their free will to obey His commandments. The oil that kept the torches of the five virgins lid was Gods Divine Grace that was attracted by them shining in their hearts!
    [2 Corinthians: 4:6] “God makes His Light shine in our hearts, to bring us the knowledge of God’s glory shining in the face of Christ.
    The torches without oil belonging to the 5 virgins who were not ready, symbolize “the gifts” provided by the Holy Spirit during Baptism ~that were not energized (put to use properly)~ in order to attract the Life Saving Grace of God.
    A description of the way of being of His Saints after His Second Coming!
    [CORINTHIANS 1:39:41] 41 Another is the brightness and majesty of the sun, and another is the brightness of the moon, and another is the splendor of the stars; for star differs from star to shine.
    The Image and Likeness of Godвидео.html
    [Acts 6: 14] "And all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel".
    Jesus did not come to teach philosophically but THERAPEUTICALLY.
    “You can not come to where I am going with sins”. [John 8:21]
    The words "Orthodox Psychotherapy" do not refer to specific cases of people suffering from psychological problems of neurosis. iI refers to people disabled because of sin from ever being able to having communion (PERSON to person) with God.
    What Is the Orthodox Church? - Fr. Andrew Stephen Damickвидео.html
    Greek Orthodox by country
    God bless

  • @johngreenwood7899
    @johngreenwood7899 5 лет назад +2


  • @vickieguthrie5523
    @vickieguthrie5523 6 лет назад

    1 John 5:16 states: All sin is sin but there is a sin unto death I'd have you not ask of this. By was of the Holy Spirit while praying for my sibling who just hates me, the oppressor he is, when the spirit told me to quit praying for him and I hear Jeremiah 7.
    Here when we see in Jeremiah 7:1-16 it speak of a large group of believers have their righteousness removed for they repented not of their sin unto death of simply put, they defied the supreme law of God to love him first, and second your neighbor as thyself. This must include unborn baby's for life is in the blood. So it seems like to be honest that not only do democrats who call themselves christians will be rejected along with idolators and oppressor.
    This man goes on and on, but I cut through the fat of it~on who does not go in the rapture!

  • @kolyomhashem8711
    @kolyomhashem8711 4 года назад +1

    The wise virgins told the others to GO AND BUY OIL. Associating the oil in the parable with the holy spirit is BLASPHEMY. Look at what Peter said to Simon when he offered to buy the spirit -
    And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,
    Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.
    But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.

    • @willempasterkamp862
      @willempasterkamp862 Год назад

      Gabriel (mercury) the messenger
      Michael (martius) the warrior
      Samael (venus) the priest
      Uriel (Uranos) the healer
      Saturiel (saturn) the concealer ;
      the five ancient known planets or archangels .

  • @steelepowell806
    @steelepowell806 4 года назад

    You're not even close! This is about the Kingdom of Heaven, NOT the Kingdom of God. You can't buy more Holy Spirit. Rightly divide the Word...

  • @dansaber4427
    @dansaber4427 2 года назад

    Why 10?

  • @batickmanusia6153
    @batickmanusia6153 7 лет назад

    Pr Doug ,Spirit of prophecy and Bible confirms that JESUS bride is the City and Not the church as you mentioned

  • @artmclellen4611
    @artmclellen4611 5 лет назад

    Im glad your church is the bride. Im no a bride.... im in the body of Christ. so i guess you are jewish and will go through the tribulation. Its not quickly because the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah and God postponed it and showed Paul the mystery hidden in Him which started the dispensation of Grace until the rapture. Hang on to your socks if you are still here after the body of Christ is gone.

  • @diana80458
    @diana80458 7 лет назад

    Rib Eve came from ...

  • @BeFoundReady
    @BeFoundReady 11 лет назад +2

    I seriously doubt that Jesus carried a huge olive tree big enough to be crucified on all the way up to that hill. I'm pretty sure he died on a cross just like the bible says.

    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      Why couldn't the tree be made crudely of olive?

  • @newmoonsyzygy
    @newmoonsyzygy 4 года назад

    The bride of Christ, the Lamb's wife, is a CITY. New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:9-12

  • @tmcge3325
    @tmcge3325 4 года назад

    I had to stop listening....sorry. Proverbs 6:23 the lamp is the commandments, the oil = Holy Spirit (Isaiah 61:1) and the Light well, you know who the Light is....Christ! Now, before Christ the light was the Laws! But, we have our Savior! Which does not mean forget about the Laws....but Christ is the Light!

  • @allanrandall52
    @allanrandall52 7 лет назад +1

    no he dosent understand,,,

    • @tozwaldron
      @tozwaldron 6 лет назад

      I AGREEвидео.html

  • @jimoaks9270
    @jimoaks9270 5 лет назад

    all of the scriptures used are jews, speaking to jews, and the 2nd coming. the bride is not the church, the nation of israel is. (isaiah 62:4) the delay was when the jews rejected Messiah again when they stoned stephen, so that Jesus reveals the mystery to paul of the gospel of grace. the little flick is on hold until the church (body of Christ) is raptured. the the kingdom churches are reestablished during the tribulation which is God’s redemptive plan for them. 🙏🏼

    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      God is always on time. It may appear to us that he is not but I would say He knows what He is about. Whether its testing our faith, or something else, believe me He's always on time. After all He is God who created everything including you in His time.

  • @radarman
    @radarman 6 лет назад +1

    read up on SDA church before you heap too much laud on false prophets like doug ..... Jeremiah 14:14

  • @jenniferthom4066
    @jenniferthom4066 6 лет назад

    While I agree according to God's word with all you have preached except the topic of women in the BODY OF the church. MAN is the head of his wife... Christ is the head of man (mankind) A wife doesn't go through her husband to pray to Jesus.. And all mankind have CHRIST as our head. GOD gives each person individually their gifts.. spiritual gifts. It may be that women being called to pastor or Shepard is more rare than for men... however mankind is not to say who is called to do what. Phoebe was a deacon-ess... Priscilla and her husband pastored together in their home... both those and several more were named by Paul and recognized for what role God called them to. ...Men are head of one woman.. their wife if they have one...but man is not head of all women. TO the church in Corinth when Paul specifically addressed their immoral behavior and false teachings - their chaotic public meetings and worship needed order. Women as to over speaking or arguing with her husband or others in public was inappropriate - as was the over bearing pride of others claiming to know their own truth. All mankind has a responsibility to act peacefully and orderly in worship and meetings so they learn and are prodictive. Basically they had to be taught like a young child as to right behavior. Therefore calling for silenced voices when others are speaking and not arguing in public meetings. Men and women are equal in the body of Christ. In Hebrew man was used to mean mankind.. humankind....

  • @paulgabler1476
    @paulgabler1476 5 лет назад

    Seems to me He preaches works for salvation. The truth isn't that, in this age of grace

    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      Seems to me you could be a Jesuit.

  • @standaman378
    @standaman378 8 лет назад +5

    Dough does not understand Bible.

  • @dalebent6858
    @dalebent6858 8 лет назад +5

    God love you

  • @dalebent6858
    @dalebent6858 8 лет назад +4

    I love all of Doug Bachelor preach ing

  • @batickmanusia6153
    @batickmanusia6153 7 лет назад

    Pr Doug ,Spirit of prophecy and Bible confirms that JESUS bride is the City and Not the church as you mentioned

    • @BeriiQueen
      @BeriiQueen 4 года назад

      In the parable of the Ten Virgins, the bride is the church.