Specifically with the tpod? That's more likely to be parallel error than drift. Try aiming for a point on the ground just next to a wheel or something. You can have more success like that.
Specifically with the tpod? That's more likely to be parallel error than drift. Try aiming for a point on the ground just next to a wheel or something. You can have more success like that.
Use markpoints to mark the targets and don't make hard turns after designating, the F-16 has INS drift moddeled. Also use the laser before saving a markpoint to get precise coordinates or point it at the ground in front of the target.
Very nice, look forward to the next one, Dan!
Nice and simple. Thank you Sir.
The trouble I have with JDAM ripples is that TGP set markpoints seem to drift big time
Specifically with the tpod? That's more likely to be parallel error than drift. Try aiming for a point on the ground just next to a wheel or something. You can have more success like that.
Specifically with the tpod? That's more likely to be parallel error than drift. Try aiming for a point on the ground just next to a wheel or something. You can have more success like that.
Use markpoints to mark the targets and don't make hard turns after designating, the F-16 has INS drift moddeled. Also use the laser before saving a markpoint to get precise coordinates or point it at the ground in front of the target.