Fuck mean “TRYING TO PULL” Pre orders at that price have been a thing for over a decade, NOW YOUR PISSED ABOUT IT you know what I’m done with gaming, not because of the companies, but the fucking gamers man Insufferable, I can’t buy a game without hearing SOMETHING like come on, let me be
I don't speak English, so I used machine translation. I apologize if there are any inaccuracies. There is a big misunderstanding about the main issues with ACS; it's not about race, but rather the disregard for culture and the infringement of intellectual property rights. To begin with, most Japanese people are very welcoming to the appearance of non-Japanese samurai in fictional works, as seen with 'Nioh' and 'Tsushima.' As long as there is a disclaimer that "this story is fiction," and there are no legal issues, we do not call for the cancellation of such works. (There might be a vocal minority, but the majority of Japanese people respect creative freedom.) So why is ACS being called for cancellation? It's because UBI is promoting this work as if it were historically accurate, in addition to the legal issues it faces. Below are the details. The ACS director stated that "ACS faithfully portrays real historical figures and events from that time" and "we want people to learn about this era through ACS." (I don't know if the English version of this interview is available, but in Japan, it was released on the official XBOX site on May 16th.) Personally, based on this interview and AC's past achievements, I had high expectations for how faithfully ACS would depict the real history and culture of Japan. However, the trailers and concept art released were not only historically inaccurate but also contained many crude and insulting depictions. For example, in Japan, displaying a family crest upside down is akin to flying the Stars and Stripes upside down or disrespecting the Quran in other countries. In the 16th century, such an act could lead to war. When Japanese people criticized these insulting expressions and historical inaccuracies, UBI deflected the issue by using the fact that Yasuke was Black, claiming "those who criticize are racists." This response is extremely dishonest and cowardly for a large corporation. Next, there are issues of copyright infringement. This is against the law and is not permissible even in fiction. The following problems have been identified at this point: 1. Unauthorized use of the Sekigahara Gun Corps flag, for which they apologized. However, they ignored the Gun Corps' demand for removal and continued to try to sell the art books. 2. Unauthorized use of nationally protected Important Cultural Properties in the game. This act is not only illegal but also an insult to Japanese culture. 3. Displaying Zoro's sword from the manga "One Piece" as "Yasuke's sword" at Japan Expo, along with a Japanese-style Chinese doll. This not only upset fans of One Piece but also disappointed people with UBI's poor research, as they couldn't even distinguish between China and Japan. There are also major issues with Thomas Lockley's fabricated Wiki and papers, but due to length, I will omit those here.
I don't believe everyone misunderstands the issues with ACS, of course. I just wanted to clarify because there have been some comments suggesting otherwise. If there are any errors in the translation, please let me know.
When your audience will happily buy your product despite it being broken, unfinished, lazy, full of scummy mtx and guaranteed to be deleted from their library in a not distant future you don't really have to show them anything.
@@thelegendofstonecoldstevea3205 read it again... it costs also 130€ here in germany to get the FULL game. We are not getting some quests if we are not paying 130€...
As a Japanese person, let me tell you this. No matter what race the main character is, it would have been nice if they had some respect for Japan. Judging from the trailer, this game seems to be making fun of Japanese culture.
@@ToTheMaxGaming1 Altair was not American . Altair was "Arab Syrian". Read again .. and know the the history of Arab Hashshashins ( Altair's group ) . He was voiced by an American. Of course because the game is in English.
It's terribly sad that that is so true. Because I do think that both companies could've kept being successful they had not only stayed away of all that "progressive" bullshit but also put a little more effort into making things people want to see. I won't get into all of Disney's incredibly stupidity, but I do think that if Ubisoft tried to actually improve the Assassin's Creed games, even in little ways, over the years, we might've all been cheering for this game's announcement trailer. I just feel like far too many companies no longer understand how to effectively make profits that will keep coming in.
nothing like disney. Disney make stuff different for the sake of inclusion these days but forgot to make the writing and direction good. This sounds like EA and activision with madden and COD
@@RayValdezPhotography Sorry not sorry, but it is exactly like what Disney is doing. I mean, the idiots at Ubisoft are literally *choosing* a obscure character from Japanese history over several well known and legendary ninja just because he's a dark skinned African, and some no name girl who's no doubt going to leech off of her father's exploits. So do kindly stop trying to make excuses for such idiocy.
You haven't owned digital media for at least 30 years, even on physical discs. There's a reason you have to click "I agree" before installing any software. You might own the plastic that the software resides on, but you only ever had a license to use the software. A license which could always be taken away, should you do something with the software that you weren't allowed to do.
@@SleepyFen I bet you haven't played Wildlands, because that game from Ubisoft doesn't need internet to be played, only in coop. You can move it around in any drive and have it not appear on the library but will still be playable.
@@SleepyFen i don't know man. I have a lot of movies DVD and i'm pretty sure i own them all. I mean what are they gonna do? Break into my house and steal all of my CD?
Ubisoft and Japanese gamers "This game has a black protagonist": A little disappointing, but ok "We have thoroughly researched the history": Obviously wrong, but this is a game. No problem. "Yasuke was a legendary samurai respected by the Japanese": What...? "It is based on fact. Japanese people should learn history.": "Critical comments in Japanese are either white people pretending to be or far-right Japanese people.' "Those who object are historical revisionists and racists.": Thank you for introducing yourself Remember these are the same companies that said buying isn't owning. If buying isn't owning than piracy isn't stealing. Maybe I'll torrent one day when I get bored.
I think the most hilarious aspect is how they showed Yasuke literally butchering a bunch of japanese with a hip hop song playing in the background, lol what reaction do you expect from the "internet" when you promote something like this? It's obviously provoking the Twitter bubbles, the "woke" vs "anti-woke" bullshit. And honestly, I can see real japanese being offended by this, they were treated like cattle in the trailer, the hip hop samurai slaughtering them, this has the same "energy" of Resident Evil 5 in a way, the white buffy america fuck yeah soldier killing a bunch of black people, but the key difference is how RE5 is pure fantasy, they were not people, they were zombies. AC tries to portray "history" to some extent, so it's a twisted kind of marketing, just like many other products who tried to take advantage of the "woke" trend, if you think Yasuke looks out of place, that makes you a "racist"
@lordgrub12345 that's not greedy since the $60 version exists. More options isn't a bad thing. Let's use our brain. If you couldn't buy it for $60 you would be making sense.
- Too little too late - Shallow pandering and controversy mongering for free publicity - Putting up for preorder without showing a single microsecond of gameplay - Monthly subscription for a game that’s not even live service - Gotta make a blood sacrifice for the Ultimate Edition that has nothing but cosmetics and pay-to-win resources in a single player game - Ubisoft Need I go on?
Perfectly sums it up. Race is the least of the issue. Typical money trap Ubisoft scheme. Gonna wait for the game play and story before raging about race though lol
捕捉します。侍は戦士というだけではなく政治や領地経営に参加する臣下という役割をもっているのです。だから血族がいることが大事で結婚で同盟を結ぶこともしています。弥助のファミリーネームにこだわるのは彼が属する一族がなかったということなのです。彼は養子にすらとられなかった。侍は支配者層であるわけで、ファミリーネームのない弥助は支配者層ではないのです。 Capture. Samurai are not only warriors, but also vassals who participate in politics and territorial management. That is why it is important to have blood relatives, and they also form alliances through marriage. Yasuke's insistence on his family name means that he did not have a clan to which he belonged. He was not even adopted. Samurai are the ruling class, and Yasuke without a family name is not the ruling class. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Bad news you don't own any of your steam game either, its a lifetime licence only that they can revoke at any moment and if you pass away If you want to own it it has to be a physical copy and not tied to an online service
The quote you're referring to is without context. The ubisoft guy was asked what would it take for more gamers to buy Ubisofts's subscription service and he said they'd have to get used to not owning games. Mind you I'm not defending money hungry Ubisoft I'm just tired of seeing that misquoted
I remember when assassins creed was about templars vs the assassins throughout different ages in history, but I feel like they don’t do anything with that plot line anymore.
I feel like they don't do anything with the plot line anymore? What entry in the series is this? Is there any cohesion or story to actually follow anymore?
Assassin's creed story died along time ago when ubisoft fired Patrice Desilet, the literal man who came up with the idea of Assassin's creed and made the first game
・日本のアサクリファンやゲーマー、それ以外の一部の人まで怒っている理由について Why Japanese Asakuri fans, gamers, and even some other people are angry 日本人が怒っているのは、弥助が黒人だからではない。 The reason Japanese people are angry is not because Yasuke is black. 史実に添っていると言っていたのに、間違えてる所があまりにも多いからだ。 Even though they said it was based on historical facts, there were so many things wrong with it. 販売中止の署名の真意は中止にすることではなく、怒っているぞと言う意思表示だ。 The real intention of signing a petition to stop sales is not to cancel the sale, but to show that you are angry. そして発売しても買わないと言う意思表示でもある。 It is also a statement of intent that I will not buy it even if it is released. それでも中にはフィクションとして買う人は居るだろうし、事情を知らない人も買うだろう。 Still, there will be people who will buy it as fiction, and people who don't know the circumstances will also buy it. けど、他の作品に比べて売り上げは良くない可能性が高いと思います。 However, I think it is likely that sales will not be as good as other works. 日本はフィクションならば寛容であるが、史実や歴史に忠実と言ったから問題になった。 Japan is tolerant of fiction, but it became a problem because it was said to be faithful to historical facts and history. 元々フィクションだと言っている日本のアニメやゲームと史実だと言って異なっている物を出すUBIとでは話が違う。 It's a different story between Japanese anime and games, which originally claim to be fiction, and UBI, which claims to be historical fact. UBI本社が初めからフィクションだと全世界に言っていたら、日本人は誰も怒らなかっただろう。 If UBI headquarters had told the whole world from the beginning that it was fiction, no Japanese would have been angry. 怒っている人の多くは、このゲームが日本の正しい歴史だと海外の人に勘違いされることを危惧しています。 Many of those who are angry are worried that people overseas will misunderstand that this game is an accurate version of Japan's history. 弥助が侍かそうではないかについて Regarding whether Yasuke is a samurai or not 日本では弥助の存在はよく知られていない、侍ではないと思っている人も居れば、侍だと思っている人も中にはいるだろう。 In Japan, Yasuke's existence is not well known, and some people think that he is not a samurai, while others think that he is a samurai. 軽く調べてみると彼が元々奴隷や従者として日本に連れて来られて、見せ物的な意味で織田信長に気に入られたことが解る。 A quick investigation reveals that he was originally brought to Japan as a slave or servant, and was liked by Oda Nobunaga as a showpiece. 弥助は織田信長から、鞘巻と家を与えられて荷物持ちをしていたとある。 It is said that Yasuke was given a scabbard and a house by Nobunaga Oda, and he worked as a luggage carrier. 確かに家臣として向かい入れられているが、弥助に名字がないことから、侍ではない可能性が高い。 It is true that he was taken in as a vassal, but since Yasuke does not have a last name, it is highly likely that he is not a samurai. それくらい弥助の存在は、あやふやで認知度は低かった。 To that extent, Yasuke's existence was vague and poorly recognized. あやふやという事は、武勲がないと言う事でもある。 Ambiguity also means that there is no meritorious deed. 本能寺で弥助も戦ったが、直ぐに負けて投降している。 弥助は日本人ではないから罰せられなかったのだ。 Yasuke also fought at Honnoji Temple, but soon lost and surrendered. Yasuke was not punished because he was not Japanese. その後、南蛮寺に預けられた以降の詳細は良く解っていない。 After that, the details of what happened after it was entrusted to Nanbanji Temple are not well known. 上記を見る限りでは、確かに100%否定している文献はないが、これで侍だと言い切ってしまうのは誤りだ。 As far as I can see from the above, there is certainly no literature that 100% denies it, but it would be a mistake to conclude that they are samurai based on this. 日本でも、弥助を侍にしたフィクションのゲームはあるが、それはあくまでフィクションなのだ。 Even in Japan, there are fictional games that feature Yasuke as a samurai, but they are just fiction. 弥助についての間違った情報が、日本でもあるのは確かだけど、海外に出ている侍だと言う本はフィクションだ。 It's true that there is misinformation about Yasuke in Japan as well, but books published overseas that say he is a samurai are fiction. 公開された映像の間違いやインタビューでの問題発言について。 Regarding mistakes in the released video and problematic remarks in interviews. その時代には存在しない現代の物が、コンセプトアートに記載されていることや盗用が問題になっている。 There are issues with plagiarism and the inclusion of modern objects that did not exist in that era in concept art. フィギュアの家紋の向きが間違えている。 国旗を間違えていると同じレベルの間違いだ。 The family crest on the figure is facing the wrong direction. It's the same level of mistake as getting the national flag wrong. 関ヶ原鉄砲隊の旗を無断使用した件については、一度は日本支部に謝らせ、今後は使用しないと言ったのに本社はホームページから削除したが、何故か日本支部は消していない。 Regarding the unauthorized use of the flag of the Sekigahara Gun Corps, the Japanese branch once apologized and said it would no longer be used, but the head office removed it from the website, but for some reason the Japanese branch did not. 当初、関ヶ原鉄砲隊は全世界に関ヶ原鉄砲隊の旗だと紹介してくれているなら、旗を使っても良いと言っていたのに、紹介されたのは日本だけだった。 Initially, the Sekigahara Gun Corps said they could use the flag as long as they introduced it to the whole world as the Sekigahara Gun Corps flag, but it was only introduced to Japan. クレジットに紹介されていないことが発覚して、関ヶ原鉄砲隊が問い合わせしたのに回答をしなかったので、コンセプトアートを含めて削除を求められた。 It was discovered that it was not featured in the credits, and when Sekigahara Gun Corps made an inquiry, they did not respond, so they were asked to delete it, including the concept art. コンセプトアートに載っている田植えの風景が日本ではない。ミャンマーだ。 The rice planting scenery shown in the concept art is not from Japan. It's Myanmar. 日本の物以外の他のアジアの国の仏像が混ざってる。 There are Buddhist statues from other Asian countries in addition to those from Japan. 人の名前と読みが間違えている。 The person's name is spelled incorrectly. 人の名前の漢字が日本語ではなく、中国語になっている。 The kanji in a person's name is in Chinese instead of Japanese. 建物の外観の一部が日本の物ではなく、他のアジアの国の物が混ざってる。 Part of the exterior of the building is not Japanese, but a mixture of materials from other Asian countries. その為、日中韓を同時に怒らせ団結させて、他のアジアの国も怒っている。 Therefore, it has angered and united Japanese, China, and South Korea at the same time, and other Asian countries have also become angry. to be continued
弥助の着ている兜の顎紐の結び方が間違えている。 あんな結び目だと弥助が動くだけで兜は頭からズレてしまうだろう。 The chin strap of Yasuke's helmet is tied incorrectly. With a knot like that, just Yasuke's movement would cause the helmet to slip off his head. 使用料のある二条城の鷹の絵を反転させて使用している。 許可を得たのか、盗用なのかは不明である。 The painting of a falcon from Nijo Castle, which has a usage fee, is used inverted. It is unclear whether permission was obtained or whether it was plagiarized. 季節感の無視。 桜とすすきは同じ季節に咲かない。 日本語字幕に、田植えをしているのに豊作だと弥助が言っている。 Ignoring the sense of season. Cherry blossoms and Japanese pampas grass do not bloom in the same season. In the Japanese subtitles, Yasuke says that even though he is planting rice, there is a good harvest. 収穫した時に豊作かそうではないのかの判断が出来る。 When you harvest, you can judge whether it will be a good harvest or not. 斬首は当時の日本では日常茶飯事だった? そんなわけない。 余程の罪人か合戦中でないとそんな事にはならない。 Was decapitation a common occurrence in Japan at the time? That's not true. That wouldn't happen unless he was a serious criminal or was in a battle. 違う時代の服装を同じ時代に出さないで欲しい。 I don't want clothes from different eras to appear in the same era. 着物の着方は右が左の上に重なるように着なければならない。 左を上にするのは死装束です。 The kimono must be worn with the right side overlapping the left. The one with the left side up is the death costume. CEOや社員のインタビューで日本を軽視するような発言が見られる事が問題である。 The problem is that in interviews with CEOs and employees, statements that look down on Japan can be seen. 黄色人種への差別意識、文化の軽視、盗用など、明らかに日本をリスペクトしていないのが問題であり、これで歴史が学べるとは到底思えない。 The problem is that they clearly have no respect for Japan, such as discrimination against yellow people, disrespect for culture, and appropriation, and it is hard to believe that history can be learned from this. その為、本当に日本に詳しい専門家を雇っているのか疑問である。 Therefore, it is questionable whether they really hire experts who are knowledgeable about Japan. etc 上記の理由で日本のアサクリファンの多くをがっかりさせている。 For the above reasons, many Japanese Asakuri fans are disappointed. コンセプトアートやプレイ映像、プロモーションビデオだけでこれだけの間違いが発見されていたら、発売されたらもっとダメな間違いが見付かって物議を醸し出すだろう。 If so many mistakes were discovered in the concept art, gameplay footage, and promotional videos alone, even more bad mistakes would be found once the product was released, and it would cause controversy. 最後に私は日本人で英語が解らない為、翻訳機能を使い日本語から英語へ、英語から日本語へと変換して意味の違いがないか合わせて文書を作りました。 Finally, since I am Japanese and do not understand English, I used the translation function to convert from Japanese to English and from English to Japanese, checking for any differences in meaning and creating a document. それでも解りにくい表現になっていたら申し訳ないです。 I apologize if the expression is still difficult to understand.
I'm Japanese I feel like certain people are missing the point on what we are mad about this game. When you are using certain fact about history you have to respect that fact about them, one thing they got absolutely wrong was the building architectures being Chinese influenced and Oda clan mark being Upside down, think about it when it's you're culture that's being picked up you want them to do good but what We see is that they didn't do there homework even though they said they did and that's disappointing. And Yasuke man..... If he stared in a new IP I think there would be less backlash but he had to be the protagonist in a AC game... Why can't both protag be Japanese, They didn't do that in other AC games why do it here? Sure you could make it a fantasy and call it a day but you are using real clans and people so you have to respect that element, Ubisoft saying they did there research yet not actually calling in Japanese specialist to check is... From our point of view it's just racist
They shoehorn a black dude into Feudal Japan, the most isolationist country of the ancient world, and according to you, the architecture featured in this game appears more Chinese than Japanese, and they even got certain Japanese flags ALL WRONG... Yankees? Right?
I mean, I'd care if it wasn't the standard of all media these days. I was born and raised in Greece and I can count on one hand the books, movies, games, or other media that don't have glaring mistakes with regard to Greek culture, even with creative liberties in mind. So, while you have every right to feel the way you do...join the club.
@kona8832 yes you do. Sure you might "damage the disc" but that's all on you if you do that, not the developer. With digital developers can take away your game at any moment. Just look at "the crew"
Edward Kenway was 100% native to the setting. He was a Welsh privateer that became a pirate. If you're familiar with the age of piracy, most of the notorious pirates were English, Dutch, or Spanish. Oh, and they operated in the Caribbean because that was where a lot of lucrative trade lanes started or ended.
The reason characters are native is because the games are about hidden societies fighting each other and having a black guy in japan does not work at all in that case
There was a historical reason for him being there, but that's not the same thing as him being 100% native to the setting. You can still draw a parallel between that and there being a historical reason for Yasuke existing in japan. The criticisms of him not being able to blend in are valid, IF they were using him in stealth sections in the game. Last I heard, he's going to be the combat character, while the woman is going to be the stealth character.
The problem with the "representation" argument is that it is not representing Asians well at all. We've heard excuses time and time giving benefit of the doubt of why Asians are not casted in western entertainment, it is usually because the "setting" doesn't permit it. So here's a situation where the setting is literally Japan, a place filled with Asians, and they don't put in a full cast of Asians even here. Furthermore, Hollywood and Western media has a thing of including specifically "Asian Women" as token Asian characters. Asian Men are RARELY if ever represented. Here was a good opportunity to represent an actual Asian MALE in an Asian setting, but again they refused to do this. Anyone reading this and cares about this, should boycott this game.
Well and Im racial Chinese, stop calling me Chinese American, im not Chinese nationality I have no loyalty with China stop pointless racial identifiers!
I'm sorry, how is one Black Man based on a real historical figure and the rest of the entire cast being Asian "poor Asian representation"? You have passed basic math classes in grade school, correct? Or were you exaggerating because you were too blinded by your stance to realize how asinine your argument was? FYI, Yasuke has been determined by Japanese historians to either have been a real Samurai or fulfilled the role of one but due to the period he was in he predates the actual title of "Samurai" and concepts like giving family name for Samurai. Check out the channel Einfach Japanisch if you want to know more. You're logic is also quite racist. We don't actually know Yasuke's origins due to limited documentation. He could be born in Japan and Japan isn't "only Asians". The correct cast would be "Japanese" outside foreign visitors/invasion story elements, not "Asian". Ah, now you are making comments about Asian women as well... You're quite the prejudiced one dang.
To say Asian men are rarely if ever represented in Western culture is simply not true. Steven Yeun, who has starred in several movies and shows such as TWD, Invincible, Beef, Nope, The Legend of Korra, etc., is a prominent example of Asian male representation. Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and Ip Man are also incredibly well-known, referenced, and praised in the US. Daniel Dae Kim has an extensive list of popular shows and movies to his credit. Shonen, which typically features male protagonists, is widely consumed in the West. K-pop is also very popular in the US, with a Korean artist recently collaborating with one of the biggest rappers in the country. Additionally, Asian men were used as political tools to eliminate affirmative action, which they accomplished relatively quickly and easily. I am not suggesting that Asian men receive the level of representation they deserve. However, it feels disingenuous because the issue is currently being exaggerated. If people genuinely cared about proper representation, they would not oppose well-executed DEI efforts. Instead, they claim that all DEI is inherently bad and has become "woke." Also, if the DEI is bed representation they would give proper feedback on how to do so instead of readily dismissing it In reality, these individuals do not care about the representation of others and are attempting to control what and how things are shown and represented, currently at the expense of Asian and Black people. Also, I am never going to say this game is not disrespectful to Japanese culture that is not my place. I will however say many Japanese people are fine with Yasuke since he has been in referenced in Japanese media since forever. Do with that what you will.
It was Ubi who tried to use "based on historical facts" to persuade people to agree with their choice of Yasuke as the main character. Naturally, some people will use accurate historical data to examine Ubi's works, and now it seems obvious that Ubi's understanding of Japanese culture and history is shit.
As opposed to all the earlier games where you go after ancient alien artifacts. Or the climax of Assassin's Creed 2, where you fist fight the Pope. Or Assassin's Creed 3 where a Florentine man travels all the way to Constantinople. It's almost like Assassin's Creed isn't 100% accurate! But, God help us if a black person, based on a real historical figure, is used!
@mattmorehouse9685 Its their culture. Are you saying they should put up with it because its happened before? Whether any of us cares about it or not, if it bothers them its legitimate. If not then we move on.
@@skyereave9454 So we should take whatever a native says is their culture as correct? So when a US citizen says said country was Christian from the day it was founded that is true? Despite other US citizens saying it isn't and the First Amendment. People often lie or are deluded about their culture, trying to puff it up or twist it to fit their views. Native members of a culture may have a better knowledge base of said culture, but they can also believe/ say stuff to pump up said culture or try to portray it the way they want it to be. I know plenty of US citizens who will twist my nation's founding and founders into rhetorical knots to support their presuppositions.
@@adams13245 "a florentine merchant travels all the way to constantinople" is this a geografie problem or a history problem? Constantinople literally is within the mediteranien just like italy and constantinople was THE traiding hub before colonization. Many many many italiens visitet constantinople before and after the ottomens conquered the city so what are you on about? And fistfighting the pope is also not "historicly inaccurate" its historic fiction. Just like the magical artifacts. No one says that you cant have historic fiction within your games.
some historian of Japanese history got blocked from UBI. UBI knows that their fiction game uses a wrong Japanese history, but they don’t fix it. At least they have to say it is fake
@@GAZAMAN93X it was true I think. They show their screen so.. it’s fake. Almost all of this game is fake. First of all, He is slave. Second, he didn’t fight at all. Third, Nobunaga Oda uses him as his pet. In Japanese, we call 客寄せパンダ。 There is a tons of mistakes, but if UBI said it is fake, then most of Japanese don’t even know about this game. We hate this game because they change our history and speak as if their story is an original one. If you search in Japanese, u will find out that most of them r fake. Search アサクリ 炎上(asakuri enjyou)
@@timileyinowolabi857 there’s no white or black samurai. We don’t care about Shogun’s samurai because it’s game said that those white samurai is fiction. Well there is a person called Anjin Miura, who came to Japan but I think he is not samurai.
What annoys me is that UBISOFT itself claims that the game is based on real history, including Yasuke being a legendary samurai, not fiction, where historical evidence shows that Yasuke is just a porter who served Nobunaga for only one and a half year.
@@ktheone6000The single source that makes that claim is a guy named Thomas. Not Japanese but he does work in Japan. However, his work regarding yasuke is highly disputed, and he's just overall shady about all of it. Someone far better researched on yasuke than he was once referred to his work to his face as a "historical fiction". Yasuke was never a samurai.
Adding to the historical part of the controversy: There was a war on the wikipedia pages of Yasuke where people kept removing and readding the part that stated "there is no conclusive evidence on Yasuke being a samurai". That definitely didn't help when it was happening during the controversy.
My favorite part about it is that it doesn't even help either side's argument. People are arguing "it's inconclusive that he was a samurai" that kind of goes both ways if it has to be stated that it was inconclusive. Just food for thought for both sides of the argument
@@lolzu I am sure some do and other do not. Also almost all of the information about Yasuke comes from the Jesuits so there is nothing about him we don't know that the Japanese would know. Oda did give him the traditional honors of a samurai but unlike other samurai he was never officially stated to be one and Oda kept him around as an oddity. I also suspect the other samurai retainers would not have been happy about it.
@@VindexImperiusO9A samurai have a last name yasake does not the only position he is known to have held was one of oda nobunaga's retainers and that was only for a period of around 4-5 yrs before he disappeared and was likely sold to someone else
@@randomhero6365 You only go through like 1-2 flashbacks max if you stealth kill too much and that's like during the beginning of the game. I played the game almost exclusively as a Ghost and never got anymore flashbacks apart from those mentioned.
Which us weird because Assassin's Creed VR had plenty of good publicity and they updated the fans with developer diaries showing how it was going to be like So they def know how to do it
When did this ever work in history? Bad publicity means that many people will talk about you, but because of the bad news, no one will buy your product, or they will pirate it later. This is how many movies and games flopping nowdays, literally on a daily basis. Negative news aren't good for anything you do, ever.
@@danielhambalko7288 yeah with everything going on in the world people are more cynical than ever. Lot of them are fed up with the bullshit of it all and its thanks to corps like Ubisoft and their business practices. Fuck this game, Im sticking to skyrim modding.
Could someone please make a game about the French Revolution based on the historical fact that Joan of Arc was Asian? That's what this game is all about
@@terao1 lol are you serious ? 😂 i liked your comment. you couldn´t seriously think i wasn´t joining in with the joke. or are you double sarcasming me ? 😮
What's funny is that the whole Yasuke thing is distracting everyone from the Elephant in the room: that this isn't the 2007-2015 AC anymore, everyone assumes it's going to be a story about ninjas and samurai when it's likely that, 8 hours in, Yasuke is going to be fighting Japanese dragons armed with a laser rifle while riding on top of a creature that has a suspicious resemblance to a quadruped Pikachu.
This, people (tho having the absolute right to argue against Yasuke) have completely forgot what AC is. Dude. When's the last time you saw an Assassin killing a Templar? Syndicate tho rife with its own issues, was genuinely the last narratively AC game
@@digitaldruglord1815 But that's the thing, that's what Yasuke is meant to do, make people talk about a game that otherwise wouldn't have gained much attention, both because of AC's current strange fantasy-based direction and because of yet another big, fat elephant in the room: comparisons with Ghosts of Tsushima, which has an actual serious story that's historically accurate and is free of Ubisoft's writing with it's trademark "irreverent humor" that prevents any of these games from having the serious tone they should have.
The last Assassin's Creed game I played was Black Flag. I love loot based games like the last few AC games so I don't care about the controversy about this I'm still buying it
Okay, we are NOT gonna act like most modern fantasy samurai depictions also come with either LoFi or HipHop beats just because this samurai happens to be black. Nujabes is rolling in his grave right now due to people complaining about this.
Insecure White Men are so easily threatened by everything. Every game and every show that's coming out, the discussion is the gender and the race of the cast. The downside of consuming American media is you have to deal with American identity politics.
The issue people have (or at least I have) is that some online sites that talks about Yasuke's origins or facts (I know it ain't to reliable but...Wikipedia) have been "updated" to present this character as an actual samurai. These changes happened as soon as the Shadows trailer dropped or shortly after. So of course people will have issues with what's going on around that figure. And yeah, absolutely no one would have bat an eye if Yasuke was hyper important to the story/setting as an NPC character, but as a playable one? Something is up.
Find hilarious how many people are actually so wrong about this and how easily they can cave into conspiracy theories....if you actually know anything about history of Japan (and particularly of Portuguese - Japanese interactions then), you would know how Yasuke is probably one of the best real life characters to be a playable character....and how he was definetely a samurai... Absolute facts - from someone who studied this more than 20 years ago: 1 - Yasuke was brought to Japan (around 1581) as either a slave or as an indentured servant of the Portuguese Jesuit orders. Believed to be the personal slave/servant of either a Portuguese or Italian priest that was fairly minor - but still relevant - to the Jesuits plans to spread Christianity and Portuguese "order" in Japan; 2 - Oda Nobunaga made him a free man, named him Yasuke, and made him his retainer, aka a samurai; 3 - The Portuguese had this brilliant plan to plot and scheme their way around pitting Christian Damyos against Shinto/Budhists and gradually take over, and quote on quote, bring order to Japan. With the Jesuits being "plotters" in command of this - an order obsessed with order, peace, and control through knowledge; 4 - The word Samurai evolved drastically over the years...fact pre-1588 weapons were widely available across Japan and several people that excelled at using them were promoted, from Ashigaru (foot soldier), to Samurai. Many of these "promoted" Samurais were effectively what we would perceive today as a professional soldiers and would never form their own samurai clan (which is what many people perceive wrongly as Samurai - this notion was only implemented several decades later where the Tokugawa regime used social class as a barrier to be Samurai, hoping this would decrease the number of highly skilled soldiers in combat to just nobility; people who wouldn't necessarily be keen on dying in needless wars); For me the question is very simple and is all about what story are we going to see? If Ubisoft made the Jesuits and Christian Damyos the Templar order in this game (which it could be....if you read about them, there is a lot of similarities between the fictional AC's Templar Order and the very real Jesuit Order) then Yasuke is a very good playable character - a character without any backstory, that is completely alien to Japanese culture and society (so they showcase Japan through his, and most players eyes) and one of the view real people who would have had the opportunity of getting in contact with on all sides of this conflict. If this is not the game's approach to the character, then I totally agree and he should've remained as an NPC.
Naw it's not about the game or history, which is accurate. Not like the games need to be a history book. There's just something about blacks having iconic roles that pisses white folks off. Not even the Japanese people are this irrate and angery about Yasuke.
@jpazinho retainers aren't samurai though. There's no actual evidence of him being one. You saying you studied it 20 years ago is the equivalent of you saying trust me bro
@@darknesswave100 oh but that its the problem...is that during late Muromachi and Sengoku periods the definition of what a Samurai is included retainers. In fact, anyone in direct employment as a professional soldier (as we know Yasuke was) was a samurai. People seem to forget that during most of history, Samurai referred to a function and not a class - with different ranks and peasants and nobles both becoming samurai. Regarding the "trust me bro", I am writing as someone who read - in its original language - copies of the preserved letters written by Luis Frois (Portuguese Jesuit in Japan, regular at Nobunaga's court), between 1581 and 1594 (there are more...but these are the ones covering the period when he talks about Yasuke). I am also talking as someone who read Luis Frois book (re-released in 1974) called "Historia do Japam" - which is the first in-depth chronicle written by a westerner of Japanese Society & Politics. As well as a list of selected translated extracts from Matsudaira Ietada's Journal (Ietada Nikki) concerning the relationships between Portuguese & Japanese - particularly the friendship between Luis Frois and Oda Nobunaga...
It's simple really: The latest Ubisoft games disappointed huge crowds of long time fans and so nobody even dares to expect anything good, especially since Ghost of Tsushima took advantage of AC not going to Japan for decades and setting the bar ectremely high
Valhalla didn't do to good because Origins and Odyssey were so well loved. It is a bit of a downgrade but it still is a great game. Mirage didn't get as much love because the small minority of the AC community that wants stealth-focused games didn't really support it as much and the players that like the RPG style want more games like Origins and Odyssey.
@@ac_nerd9794mirage was originally a dlc for valhalla so that factors the quality and thought put into the "here a stealth game for the old fans" but it was just their left over dlc plan.
Theory: Ubisoft put a black samurai to shield themselves from real criticism and to deflect by saying "you just have a problem with the black protagonist"
tbf if everyone acted normal about it and focused on the actual problems then Ubi wouldn't be able to deflect. One bad apple spoiling the barrel and all that.
Exactly! Ubisoft is always gonna be able to find a "straw man argument" now to why people didn't like the game. "Online gamers are just racist and sexist thats why they are review bombing our game" yada yada. Just seen this tactic so much in movies and everything these days lol
As I said to a friend who asked me my take on this (I’m black): A Yasuke game isn’t a bad idea An Assassin’s Creed game in medieval Japan after the team idiotically said many years ago that such a setting wouldn’t work for the franchise and Sucker Punch embarrassed them and proved them wrong with Ghost of Tsushima - one of the best games of that year - is a pretty dumb idea that’s too little too late
Ghosts of Tsushima wasn't set in Japan. it was set on the tiny island of Tsushima, you literally never see or go to actual Japan. Im pretty sure their point was about an AC game not working in a setting like Japan had more to do with things like Parkour and the type of stealth that AC was known for at the time Tsushima is absolutely nothing like an Assassin's Creed game either
@@lutherheggs451The Island of Tsushima is based around Feudal Japan tho. It looks almost exactly like Japan. The only reason why they probably made the island was to make more convenient from a story standpoint
@@lutherheggs451 This is a hilariously dumb comment. Tsushima is part of Japan. Saying it's not would be like saying Ibiza isn't in Spain, or Mykonos isn't in Greece. Newsflash, islands that belong to a certain country are still part of that country.
I mean they don't make completely horrible games Like wether u like the new ac games odyssey was still a game of the year contender for example They can make good games but they're business model is fucked and is ultimately causing their games to be of less quality
Nothing from Ubisoft feels genuine anymore. I just can’t assume they’re ever acting in good faith with how predatory they’ve become over their pricing and their treatment of their players, not to mention how buggy, unfinished, and sometimes barebones their games have been lately. Them choosing to have Yasuke as one of the main characters feels less like them wanting to tell his story, and more like using him as a shield to try and discredit anyone who has a problem with the game. It’s scummy and reductive.
Before they were at least a bit better than they are now, then they would make games that were worth your time I’ll play the older games more than the newer ones since they are basically just the same
@@loadshedding_ Considering he never had a real battle and surrendered the real archetype subversion is to make the biggest buff black guy into a coward who makes jokes.
@jubei7259 Roughly a quarter to a third of all pirates in the Caribbean were black. There were also a significant amount of natives too, but I've yet to find any accurate metric for that one.
Bro tell me you don't understand the word Native without explicitly telling me. Oh wait you did. A native means they are ORIGINALLY from there like NATIVE Americans. Just because Colonizers were living there doesn't make them Native it makes them common this argument does not fit a real person who was actually there. But still it's a work of fiction they can add a Mexican man and it wouldn't mean anything.
@@triton5336 Umm...tell me how Native Americans were ORIGINALLY from America, when we can track their movement from Russia, into Alaska, down through Canada, into America and then into Mexico? No one is ORIGINALLY from anywhere. People move around. Indian tribes were very nomadic. Heck, ALL of early human history was nomadic tribes. The word "Native" is only used by people who saw people already on a piece of land they just arrived on. So Native merely means "Here before me".
@@triton5336regardless, they chose a character that 100% made sense in the setting and didn't require an awkward reshuffling of history for it to make sense
I am Japanese, but until the Assassin's Creed issue arose, I was unaware of Yasuke. In Japan, it is only known that Oda Nobunaga had a black "attendant (not a slave)." This indicates that Yasuke is not considered a significant figure. Despite Japan having an abundance of historical documents, Yasuke is only mentioned in a few lines. Furthermore, Lockley is spreading false information that Japan enslaved black people. The truth is quite the opposite: Oda Nobunaga rescued a black slave brought by white missionaries and gave him a job. Considering the distance between Japan and Africa, acquiring "slaves" would have been impractical due to the immense cost. Yasuke was a slave brought by missionaries, and upon seeing him, Oda Nobunaga was intrigued by his distinctly different skin color and made him an attendant. At that time, both white and black people were rare in Japan. Even in modern Japan in 2024, it is not very common to encounter black people. The first recorded meeting between Yasuke and Nobunaga was on March 27, 1581 (as noted in the "Nobunaga Kouki"), which shows how unrealistic it is to claim there were thousands of black slaves in Japan 443 years ago. As a Japanese person, I am angered by the distortion of my country's history, but I cannot stop everyone from enjoying this fictional game. Therefore, I hope that people with good sense can understand the truth and enjoy the game with this knowledge. A concerned Japanese man has uploaded a video explaining all the historical facts about Yasuke. If you are interested, please watch it and verify the truth for yourself. ruclips.net/video/gt6t0Yza6nQ/видео.htmlsi=pbnxJu0vu-Lo19I4 Also, I used AI to write this English message because I lack the language skills to convey my thoughts properly. If any part of it sounds unnatural, I apologize. Many Japanese people, like me, are not proficient in English, which Lockley took advantage of. He profits from books filled with lies, knowing that Japanese people wouldn't notice.
Wanting to play as a Japanese samurai set in feudal Japan is not "controversial". There's a reason why Shogun did so well, and this is flopping before it's even released.
@@mihaimatei255 yes...and the whole point of the show is that he will never be accepted or integrated into such an alien culture as feudal Japan, how confusing it all is for him, and how they are only keeping him and the Portuguese around for trade advantages, which from everything we know is exactly how outsiders would have been treated in Japan at that time. I have a problem with morons and Ubisoft (synonymous btw) portraying Yasuke as some kind of stunning and brave hero, when in reality he was only kept around as a novelty and then likely deported or killed after his Lord lost the only battle he ever took part in. It's got nothing to do with black or white or brown or yellow or pink or green or blue skin. It's got to do with the lies and ridiculousness of it all.
Edward is completely different because he is the most common kind of pirate which is what he is, he may not be NATIVE TO THE AREA, but he is the most common representation of what a pirate of those times would look like.
Nobody cares! No matter how much smooth brains might cry about it it was never a historical simulator or a documentary. Guess what besides Edward Kenway never existing, neither did Altiar, Ezio, Connor, Basim, nobody was fighting giant mummies and, nobody was fighting medusa. The only thing they've ever been "historically accurate-ish" about is the location
I hope you didn't buy the last few mass effect games or shadow of war, any cod game since 2011, halo reach, fable 3, any game with a collectors edition, drop money on any kick starters or play any game that has microtransactions because they all pull the same shit
They had so much time to make this game. Fans had been asking for AC set in Japan for YEARS! The only reason they’re doing it is because, Sucker Punch made the amazing, and successful, *GHOST OF TSUSHIMA* And now Ubisoft wants to copy them, but there’s ZERO chance they’ll ever compete with that masterpiece of a game. AC shadows is gonna SUCK!
"You dislike the new Assassin's Creed because of the protagonist, I dislike the new Assassin's Creed because the last good one that Ubisoft made was Black Flag. We are not the same"
I'd argue the the last good one was Brotherhood. However I did appreciate Mirage for what it was but it definitely needed a little more side activities.
@@shinndig1293 as a non AC game? yeah, the games after syndicate are barely Assassin's creed anymore but as their own game they're good, but the half assed assassin title being slapped into it is what turns me off
@@davianorajagukguk1011 definitely, reason why tons of people still hate unity is the state of release of it otherwise, it's the best AC game put out. Parkour and buildings to traverse on was the most fun I've had ever since the Ezio trilogy. it was also before they overcomplicated the combat system when it reached Syndicate and after which started feeling far from an AC game.
The battlefield 1 guy is a Harlem Hellfighter. They were a real unit in WW1 and were all black. I think playing as Yasuke is cool but everything from triple A studios feels like pandering now. Even if im being pandered to, it feels hollow.
I do have a straight up problem them having a black Samurai. I don't care if he existed or not. The fact they choose to have a non-Japanese person as the main character is infuriatingly racist and It's like they went out of their way to NOT have a Japanese protagonist. All the previous games had the local ethnic person as the protagonist. Because it fit with the country and theme. But now they are so politically correct damaged and need black rock ESG score they put in a black Samurai set in Feudal Japan. How the hell did they think this would go over? And rap music. WTF...... Who are they trying to appeal to here? Did they think gamers would just cheer: "yay he is black, we now feel so inclusive and all is right in the world". It's delusional and insulting. I am a white man. I want a Japanese fricken protagonist. Oh I guess that makes me racist. I should know better than black people existed everywhere and no other race is good enough. They already started with this crap with Valhalla.
Buddy, I am black and I can absolutely say this was a check box choice. Seriously, don't even pretend this isn't a purposely made decision for "diversity". Whether the game is good or not, my skin color has become a marketing ploy, and I'm not cool with that.
These games cost hundreds of millions to make, and developers want low interest rate loans, which they can get from Blackrock or Vanguard if they raise their ESG score enough. How do their raise their ESG score? By putting characters like this in the game. There is no love for Japan, and no love for black people either. They crunched the numbers and decided it was more profitable to use a black character, once all factors were considered.
It is slightly depressing how far down the comments i had to go to finally see someone making this point. But you and i both know, Act Man is taking the "safe" point of view on this topic. He'd get roasted and cancelled if he came anywhere near making the point you just did.
Because you represent black people, even if it was check list. Who cares? If the game is bad, you'll shit on it anyway? Why do you as a black man, feel the need to say, "I'm black and this is a check list"?
It feels like ever since Yasuke was mentioned in any form of media as an African Man made a samurai by Nobunaga, he’s become nothing more than the unfortunate tool that he would’ve originally been seen as. For the record, the first time I ever heard of him was his boss fight in Nioh, bastard killed me like four times before I got the rhythm
Nah all black people are actual Native Americans, also their Jews and Muslims and the moors that took North Africa. They’re whatever race they want to be except black lmao.
Imagine being told that, Yuaski was made by one dude with based everything on his Novel, with no Peer review and not only that rewriting Japanese history and not only that getting into trouble with the Japanese government, by one dude who rewrite a Wikipedia page based of his Novel that he wrote, that tells a complete different story than the western version.
the bigger issue is the complete disrespect and history revisionism that ubisoft and sites like IGN are pushing, IGN and multiple outlets are pushing the fact that Yasuke was a real historical "legendary samurai" of which there are zero records. they have put a large focus on Yasuke destroying inferior japanese men and even if I accept the fact that they are portraying him as a samurai, he is disrepecting his honorable position and making a sport out of battle. people would make a huge deal if an asian or a white guy went to Africa and started absolutely decimating the local tribes.
Not to mention the fact he was body guard was because he was tall. Not actually good with a sword also being bigger he was also stronger. Thats not skill, that's strength samurai need skill. Edit: he was sort of a body guard he was pretty much just carrying around weapons. So stop spamming me with "well actually" because we both know the real reason he's in the game.
@@cosygoose1813 Also, he only fought in a single battle, in which he surrendered, was captured and then released since everyone thought he had no value.
@@cosygoose1813 There is no record of him having a bodyguard role. Furthermore, there is no record of him having fought. All We knows is that he was there when his boss died. In the end, He were sent back to the Westerners.
People always say that last part but completely ruin the comparison. Nobody would have complained if the MCU's White Wolf (Bucky Barnes) was sent on infiltration missions or whatnot while working with Wakanda. You're basically saying a black man was killing every Japanese person he met, and saying it's the same thing, but forgetting to mention he also worked with Japanese people. And honestly, yes, if handled maturely (because colonization), it _COULD_ work having a white character work with an African tribe against maybe slave trading tribes. But only handled with care
@@lucasbroome1048 Considering the tribes that weren't slave trading we're slaves and when given the chance did not hesitate to be slavers themselves. That would be extremely difficult. But I get your points, but it definitely would cause alot of controversy. But there is a difference here, being that it's some servant that is the only notable black man in Japanese history. Out of everyone they chose him.
Looking at their track record... Ubisoft never chose Yasuke as a protagonist to tell his story but for the sole purpose of pretending that any and all criticism of their greedy practices is coming from a place of racism.
You're making up an argument to get mad at. We aren't calling y'all racists for rightfully criticizing their business practices or how they're literally selling the game for over $100 We're calling y'all racists for pretending AC magically is supposed to be historically accurate and how you're just now, only right now, getting mad about the MC of a game being native or not, accurate or not, and all that. If you don't do that, then this doesn't apply to you.
@@ShadowTheHedgehog003 You're acting like people disliking the choice of character automatically makes them racist. While sure there probably are some people who dislike the character because they dislike black people in games or whatnot, a lot of people just feel like the character was chosen specifically for his race, which comes off as tokenism. It's valid to be upset about that or at the very least suspicious of Ubisoft's motives
@@ShadowTheHedgehog003btw im black, and I just want an ac game about ASSASSINS, clearly yasuke isnt going to be one and the other protagonist will, so like switching between them in game will be a detriment to the whole game. U remember syndicate right. Ubisoft dont know what they are doing anymore and they are using yasuke to bait u into buying the game thinking its a samurai simulator when its meant to be an ac game😭
@@torukiaI don't know man I think they just chose him cause his story is cool like an African man whether being captured or born to slavery brought to Japan becoming a samurai and just vanishing from the history books. That sounds like a cool story to me. I don't get this tokenism argument about his character with out it just just boiling down to his black, oh but the game has not comeout so we have no clue what is character is like. literally just speculating because his black
@@ShadowTheHedgehog003man, every time someone writes "y'all" and then proceeds to talk about any sort of "ism", I instantly just tune out because clearly there's nothing of value being said.
Red flags in Assassins Creed Shadows: 1. Using an historical person as a main character. 2. Using a main character not from the culture and region. 3. Use of Chinese building structure in Feudal Japan. 4. Ubisoft stealing a flag from the recreational group for an army. 5. Hip hop music playing when Yasuke fights. 6. Ubisoft working with Sweet Baby Inc AGAIN. 7. Yasuke not acting like a Samurai in battle. 8. Yasuke being treated as a God when everyone is just bowing to him. 9. Ubisoft being involved with the edits around Yasuke on Wikipedia. 10. Ubisoft using Chinese Mandarin in the Kanji in a game set in Feudal Japan. 11. The pushing of LGBT stuff into the game (which also makes no sense in the realm of the animus). 12. Ubisoft working with a writer whose main "prominent" work is about monks being in relationships with young boys. 13. Ubisoft stealing the katana of Zoro from One Piece for Yasuke. Also the double standards media has to glorify Yasuke killing a bunch of Japanese people yet these same people attacked the likes of RE5. The double standards also continue with the people praising this game, a game that doesn't pay 100% correct tribute to Japan, were the ones attacking Ghost Of Tsushima, which did try to be as accurate as possible, simply because it was made an entirely European team. Those devs did their research. Ubisoft did not.
As an Asian guy myself, it feels like Ubisoft is saying hey you Asians aren't interesting enough to carry a project by yourself so we're adding Yasuke so people would relate to him. We're more than willing to use your setting and culture though. They broke a lot of convention to include him as a protagonist. Would I like a Yasuke game, hell yeah. Just not from Ubisoft and especially not as the first AC game that sets place in East Asia. I like Naoe though and wouldn't mind if she was the main focus. My issue is one hundred percent with Ubisoft and their shit practices.
I hope you tell your Asian friends and family that. Explain to them that Asians can buy Ubi games, but they are seen as not good enough to be male MC in games set in Asia.
Where was your pitchfork and torch when they made that AC platformer where you play as a chinese female assassin? Having another Japanese man play the role of a samurai for the 100th time in a videogame does not hurt Japanese representation it just limits the role a Japanese male protagonist, they can only be used in a videogame if it’s a samurai/shinobi game. Ubisoft just wanted to differentiate itself from other similar games and include DEI. Both arguments are true.
Are you asian or japanese?? Because from what I've seen, actual japanese people are pretty excited about this game and love Yasuke. I'm gonna assume you're not japanese for saying shit like that lol.
@@TheSpartan227 he starts off saying “as an asian guy myself” no matter what race or ethnicity you are, Japanese people don’t care. Japanese people do not view other asians as their equal or a representative of their culture. That’s like me saying I’m peruvian guy myself who speaks for mexican people even though all I know is tacos and churros….
For me it’s just too little to late I’ve gotten so bored of the rpg formula that Ubisoft has been doing since origins. And I feel like shadows is gonna be the same thing but just a different setting.
My main issue is that real historical figures have always been supporting characters in AC games, with the one exception to this being the Jack The Ripper DLC in Syndicate. I think they could have made this work better if Yasuke was a major supporting character and got his own DLC later on.
Just landed from Japan. I went to a lot of game stores and I didn’t see one advertisement about this game whatsoever. 😂. They REALLY don’t like this game.
OK I have a compromise, Next Assassins Creed game will be set in Mali. You can do parkour over grass huts or whatever. But you play as a Japanese man in Africa. And he's wearing a tribal print dashiki, running around killing hundreds of black dudes while looking for some ancient aliens thing. Pre-order costs $140. And all the marketing can be "U mad bro. It's set in Africa and our main guy is Japanese! He's dressed like a Zulu warrior running around killing black people with a spear. Does that make you angry? Oooooooh!"
@@00-JT until gameplay footage gets released….yea, they kinda are “forcing people who want to pre-purchase to do so without seeing any gameplay footage” There not giving us the option to see any footage. But 100% you can just not buy the game 😂❤
In Japan, instead of issues related to racial differences, people often point out various discrepancies in the depiction of the world, such as major structural mistakes in buildings or incorrect use of emblems. The size and arrangement of tatami mats are strange, for example. The place where the esteemed Nobunaga sits should be on tatami, while his retainers should sit on wooden floors. However, the video shows the opposite. The Oda clan's banner should display the "永楽通宝,"(Eiraku Tsuho) coin, symbolizing the importance of the economy. Yet in the video, the banner only shows the Oda family crest. Additionally, the banner that comes with the Yasuke figurine as a purchase bonus actually uses the crest of Nobunaga's retainer, Hideyoshi. Since Ubisoft is lamenting their mistakes, let's pretend we've been "isekai'd" into an incorrect version of Japan. (LOL) UBI should have used shadow clans like the Imbe clan, the Kamo clan, or the Hata clan rather than Yasuke, Nobunaga's page, for the assassin. The theory that the Hata clan are ancient Israelites is perfect for Assassin's Creed and ties in with the story of Assassin's Creed 1! I don't think UBI knows that Nobunaga is connected to the Imbe clan. Japanese shrines retain many influences from ancient Israelites and Persians. Many clans fled from the volcanic eruption in Japan around 7,500 years ago, moved to the area around Egypt, and then returned to Japan after many generations. ruclips.net/video/llAL_X8foDg/видео.htmlsi=kdCgOAtR80MJOaT1
I'm noticing some chinese architecture in them too. This game reeks of surface level research, even the "Historical" expert they brought in was a joke.
@@trvpmusic2569 The idea that the Hata clan might be ancient Israelites is just a theory. I think otherwise. The Hata clan fled from a massive eruption in Japan (the Akahoya eruption) and migrated to areas around Egypt and Turkey. Over many generations, they brought back the customs, ideas, civil engineering, and sericulture techniques from those regions to Japan. There were likely Persians and ancient Israelites who came along with the Hata clan. Wooden tablets from the Nara period, found in Japanese archaeological sites, mention that Persians held official positions in Japan. In ancient Japan, many people with roots in Persia and the regions around Egypt migrated here. The Hata clan is the lineage that established the Inari and Hachiman shrines. The shrines with red torii gates were built by the Hata clan and are different from traditional Japanese shrines. In the shrines built by the Hata clan, there are clear influences of ancient Judaism or Nestorian Christianity, mixed with traditional Japanese elements. Please come to Japan and visit these shrines. The character "秦" (Hata) is related to the ancient Chinese "秦" Qin dynasty, and if traced back further, it leads to the Yuzuki kingdom in Kazakhstan. Before coming to Kazakhstan, they were a clan that lived even further west. Please search for "Hata clan,"「秦氏」 "Yuzuki no Kimi,"「弓月の君」 and "Yuzuki kingdom."「弓月国」 Let's explore more about the Hata clan together.
Yasuke is an interesting character for sure, but what if they made the male protagonist Miyamoto Musashi? The dude was a samurai, he was known to use non-traditional methods of fighting (like purposely being late to a duel to tilt the other guy), and he also fought while dual-wielding swords. Having a samurai with a non-traditional fighting style/mentality would have been a really cool foil to the female protagonist, who seems to be much more serious and stealth oriented.
@@sebastianpijov8708 And Yasuke wasn't a samurai, nor was the pope a wizard wielding a magic alien artifact. Historical fiction allows for things to not make sense timeline-wise. Yasuke feels forced into this role much more than a slightly out of time character that would fit the tone of the series better.
@MrPWN96 there's a difference between fantasy elements and completely changing a historical characters age just so you don't need to play as a black dude. Musashi would've been even more "forced"
@@MrPWN96 how the hell is the pope villain we fought in ac having fictional powers "timeline wise" what? you guys are the ones constantly saying "historical accuracy" and "historical fiction" aren't the same thing and yet here you guys are saying the historical fiction aspect is a "timeline" thing? lol
The way I see it is that it must suck for Japanese guys who wanted a Japanese assassins creed for a decade and a half and with how they’ve been doing it they maybe would have you choose between a Japanese guy and a Japanese girl, but this is the one time where they decided to make the male character an actual historical figure who isn’t even representative of Japanese history.
What I gathered from a Japanese RUclipsr, one of the reasons why they said it’s disrespectful to Japanese History or Culture was two Plants that was supposed to be from different seasons is caught to be in one frame, the other was about that schtick of “historical fiction”, fiction in a historical setting, the era is not even right, the time period should be muddled with civil war, but then in that same supposed era a kingdom can be spotted (in a supposed civil war era), I think they have a legit reason to be pissed.
They also literally stole a flag design from a reenactment group and selling it as a part of the collectors edition. Doing this is a massive issue in Japan.
They had a Japanese man who was in that era who was a real life assassin but they seemed to have ignored him completely and that was Mitsuhide Akechi, the man who assassinated Oda Nobunaga.
Your argument makes no sense Oda committed suicide. And Oda is a very influential person in history playing as someone thats killed him even though he didn't doesn't make no sense.
@@triton5336 dude you again? What are your comment about? You don't even know what you're taking about. Can you understand what is the topic of the main comment?
Dear Samurai Man, Ubisoft has an ESG Risk Rating of 15.6, categorized as "Low Risk" by Sustainalytics. This rating places Ubisoft among the top 3% of companies in the Software & Services industry in terms of ESG performance. To get such a low score (lower = better), the company practices have to be perfectly aligned with the cult of diversity and inclusion. Given Ubisoft's high emphasis on diversity, statistically, what are the chances they would choose a black samurai from among the many historical Japanese samurai? Ubisoft's commitment to representation and inclusivity absolutely influences their choices. Why would they pick the black samurai if not for that? If their interest was purely in the story, why not pick Miyamoto Musashi, a beloved legendary samurai known for his undefeated record in his 60+ duels and his profound influence on Japanese martial arts and philosophy?
Exactly! You don't have to "wait and see" as Act Man suggest to find out what Ubisoft is up to. Frankly I couldn't have disagreed more with his point about "people getting a chance to be racist" because the info you just gave is pretty well-known. Plus the fact that one of the main consultant on the game is an activist should indicates what vision they were aiming for.
Thank you for proving you know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about. Musashi Miyamoto was born 2 years after Oda Nobunagas death and after Yasuke had already left Japan. I love how everyone is so peeved about the character choice without actually knowing anything about the game, the setting, etc. they are telling a specific story about a specific period of time and are choosing the characters that best go with the story they are trying to tell
@@thrillainthemanilla1409 These people are basically using "historical accuracy" as a blanket to disguise their blatant racism. There is literally no evidence this game is woke
Why are you acting like this is the first samurai / ninja game. There's countless samurai ninja games ALL of which having japanese protagonists. This is the first game where we've had yasuke as the main character, which already distinguishes it from the rest and makes it a one and only. That is a GOOD thing. We've already seen these other samurai guys a million times, but we've barely ever seen Yasuke. Also their interest can be purely in the story while having Yasuke as their main character. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Yasuke wasn’t a samurai. Never was. This wikipedia shit has to be purged. He is a retainer and a male servant. Samurai in Japan is a social class of nobles. They are given farm lands to cultivate, some work as artisans or scholars and are well educated. Musashi Miyamoto, one of the well known samurai was trained and educated. Before his death he wrote a series of books that is still used today. Yasuke only lived for 2 years in Japan. How tf would he be a samurai. Anyone can be a retainer, but not everyone can be a samurai.
You have to mention that ubisoft and their paid sponsored ads is marketing and highlighting Yasuke as a real historical "Legendary" Samurai and a Savior of Japan from its "Oppressors".
Its not just the fact that "Yasuke the Samurai" is a historical lie, its more the fact that the respect for japanese culture is just outrageously absent. Stop missing the bigger points
Bro, me choosing the only black dude in the whole Japan is totally a coincidence bro, I swear, it’s not like all the other black protagonists, it’s actually meaningful this time, please pay us $130, you aren’t racist, are you?
Ah yes it'd always a diversity checklist......always, everytime a black, women or LGBTQ char is in a videogame it's PURELY A CHECKLIST. BRING BACK ARE WHITE MAN PROTAGS, THATS THE ONLY THING WE MUST HAVE, SILENCE THE WOKE MOB Good lord get a grip yall
My biggest confusion with Yasuke being a protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game has nothing to do with his nationality or color. They advertise Yasuke's side as the player "becoming a legendary warrior" and "liberating Japan from its oppressors". Are we missing something here? Samurai were landowners with high ranking military positions and authority. So how is an Assassin's Creed protagonist "liberating Japan from its oppressors" when he is part of the militaristic oppression. Not to mention they glorify samurai at the same time as "legendary warriors". It's all such a joke.
Not only that but labeling Yasuske as "becoming a legendary warrior" and "liberating Japan from its oppressors" is really spitting the face on the Japanese.
Have you ever played an Assassins Creed game, ever? Think about what the "oppressors" in common in literally every game before were? This isn't some woke agenda shit it's the literal lore of the game series lmao, be fr
@@MinhNguyen-pk9qk I don't really see it that way. It's fictional alternate history. It doesn't matter that much. What matters I feel is that Yasuke becoming a samurai is basically like any other assassin becoming a templar and trying to stop some vague "oppressors", while they themselves are an oppressor at that time.
@@BeefBruh The way I see it is that it is not much of an alternate history when there are minor events that lead to a historical event that actually took place. I get your reasoning there but you also have to look at a historical context because samurai are basically landowners and known to be cruel, not all but some, so wouldn't that make Yasuke an oppressor himself even though there is no strong evidence that he is a samurai.
I'm in the camp of I don't trust Ubisoft with using Yasuke cause its probably to deflect people's criticism by calling them racist. Why did they choose this particular game to not have a period relevent insert protagonist like all the other games. Everyone you played was not a real historic figure, why break from that tradition with Shadows? I question the intent because they've never done a playable historic figure before and I won't accept that they're using Yasuke because they think it would be better to use him when they could have made a separate playable black samurai instead of Yasuke. They legitimately could have said there was another black person with Yasuke but he was erased from history by the templars and thats why so little information about him before and after. They could have played it that way and I probably would've only thought it was a DEI checkbox and that their game was overpriced.
This is such a nothing burger. When did gamers become a load of Karens who get their panties in twist over stuff like this? I've seen tens of thousands of Karens screeching for weeks now about the relatively minor historical inaccuracy of some character in a freakin' action game that has never been known for its historical accuracy. I mean I'm currently playing a game with monkey man who runs around killing magically furies in ancient feudal China and it's awesome. I'm surprised people aren't absolutely losing their minds over Black Myth Wookong's lack of historical accuracy or crying about some nothing burger quote one of it's dev made at some point. It's getting to the point where I am ashamed to admit I'm a gamer. Do you know what is worth being angry over? All the other BS Ubisoft is up to like there exploitative and abusive monetization schemes, or their uninspired game designs. But no, the thing every gamer Karen seems to be stuck on this nothing burger.
Gamers are not because he's black but its because Ubisoft claims that this title is based on historical facts when its not. -Yasuke is not a samurai. That's like knighting a Japanese person in medieval Britain -Yasuke is too unimportant. He's just a servant. When he was captured he was even spared because he is not a warrior. -They displaced the opportunity for an ASIAN Assassin's Creed Lead which is highly demanded -Obviously this is blatant Westernism but using a black person as a shield. Its basically "the last Samurai" all over again. Basically Yasuke is a black person with "white culture" saving an "inferior" Asian society. If you change Yasuke's color, the effect would still be the same.
IMO it was done entirely for diversity brownie points. This is the first time in the series that we play as a historical character instead of an OC, and there are plenty of famous Japanese samurai who fit the bill. Depending on what they are going to be doing with Nobunaga, Yasuke could have been one of the lead supporting characters or have a notable side story (or a villain if the portray Nobunaga as a villain, possible given the established lore). But you can't convince me that breaking series tradition of all OC protagonists to make the one notable black person in Japanese history the main character was anything other than for diversity, especially coming from Ubisoft of all studios.
@@ayjay579 yh... kinda reads like someone who couldn't even bother to use google. There's already been multiple real life characters as playable for years. They don't do it often but they still have done it.
@@ayjay579 don't be ridiculous. It's a fair point and I'd make the same point if it was a white character. Assassin's creed is naturally diverse as a series as it's set all over the world which is great. I'm sick of being called racist when clearly I want to play as an Asian character and had no issues with origins where everyone is African.
@@user-lj3po9fe5vYeah these people having a problem with the first comment are bots. Mention one thing about having a problem with the protagonist and you get called a racist 😂 its a joke
Two reasons for me: 1. It’s Ubisoft, they haven’t made anything worthwhile since Unity(and that’s being generous) 2. Ghost of Tsushima did it already and probably better than the slop that Ubisoft will put out
For me it's Syndicate, but then they dropped two games with infuriating garbage ruining the good gameplay that was there, with some of the worst writing ever on top (AC Origins and Far Cry 5). I've literally gone from an Ubisoft casual fan 10ish years ago to "they're better than Activision and M$... I guess... end of good things to say".
@@theliberation9061 THat's pretty much my stance as well. Syndicate was the last AC game I relatively liked. I'm ashamed to say that I purchased Origins and Odyssey to give it a chance and hoping that I would like it but I have avoided Ubisoft games like the plague since then. In the case of the AC series, the new style of games just completely stripped out what I loved about the AC games while amplifying what I didn't like.
Origins was the last good one if you ask me, and I will freely admit there is a bias because Ancient Egypt is something I've been fascinated by since I was a kid. Bayek was a badass too, and the first mentor. Syndicate was forgettable, and Unity was complete shit.
Unity was complete unplayable garbage if you ask me. In my opinion the last good Assassin's Creed game was Origins because of Bayek. His voice actor carried that game on his shoulders, and the Egyptian setting was amazing. Especially the different biomes you could visit like the Nile Delta and the arid foothills of the Libya/Egypt border. There's also the fact that Bayek is the guy who pretty much laid the foundations for the Assassin Brotherhood, every single character we played as, are only assassins because of him. He's forgotten by everyone but was by far the most influential figure in the Brotherhood. I just wish that they'd given Abubakar Salim more time to shine and made an Ezio-style trilogy with Bayek as the main focus, building the Hidden Ones and travelling all over the world to recruit people and stop the Order of Ancients. But as you know we don't live in that timeline.
The same people complaining about resident evil 5 having a white guy in Africa fighting Africans are now saying a black guy in Japan fighting Japanese people is somehow ok. Just another game where "the message" is more important than the actual product.
Yes these two examples are clearly exactly the same, and there's no nuance or context separating the two. My God you people are purposefully dishonest or you really are proud of being dense.
@@Lucax97 if you want to add context where I lack it, please go ahead. Hell I'll make my point even more clear cut. How would people feel if the main character for shadow was white instead of black? Surely everyone would still be defending it, right?
@@VictorStephens-en1wn I can pull up 5 articles right now trashing Nioh for having a white protagonist, so no this actually makes my point harder. Where are the articles from these outlets calling out shadows for the same thing?
exactly the only criticism he shows is from Western players. Why doesnt he show the criticism that Japanese players have? but its not "historical accuracy" its "historical fiction" he literally just made that up 😚
That's the biggest problem imo. Yasuke should've been in the game as an NPC with Nobunaga, NOT as a playable character. Having you play historical people is a bad precedent for AC.
@@jynxce Yasuke is marketed by Ubisoft as a historical legendary samurai. He's not a legendary samurai or a warrior. He's a swordbearer, part of an entourage. William Adams is a navigator and a shipwright that Shogun Ieyasu declared as a samurai for the aforementioned, but Team Ninja NEVER marketed him as a legendary samurai or a warrior.
@@jynxce People always bring up Nioh but that totally misses the point. The problem isn't that there is a video game with a samurai that happens to be a brother. If Yasuke was in some random AA game I doubt many if any people would care. The problem is that this is an AC and Yasuke does not make sense on any level and breaks like every MC convention the series has followed since it's creation. All so they can add extra "diversity" to a game that already has a cast made up entirely of POCs. The entire thing is a sick joke and it's absurd that people defend this nonsense.
Instead of making a cool Assassin's Creed game based in Japan and focused on Japanese culture, they shoehorn a black guy in and have the audacity to claim its historical. Yasuke was a retainer, calling him a samurai in the context that he was like actual Japanese samurai is laughable. He had no impact on anything, and was kept around much like a pet. Don't get mad at me, I am not calling him that, but to the nobles who were around him, he was a novel attraction. He did nothing and was sent home after doing nothing. It wouldn't be so bad if this wasn't the 1 millionth instance of media corporations black washing history and shoe-horning black people into other peoples' culture and history.
a retainer in japan was an elite swordsman who sold military services in exchange for land to live on. stop applying european definitions of retainers to japanese history. he was not sent home, he was sent to jesuits to be treated because he was wounded when fighting to protect his lord in the honno-ji incident.
If you wanna play an ASSASSINS creed in Japan you might wanna consider playing an actual Assassin instead of a samurai. Then non of this would be your problem. Considering the similarities of assassins and shinobi it makes sense to not play the samurai at all. Not because of black but because of no ninja.
But you could just, buy the base game. If you’re dumb enough or love the game enough to spend that much money on extras, power to ya. I never understood why people get mad over the existence of more expensive packages of the game. Nobody’s forcing you to spend more than the $70 every game costs
70 dollars. You don't have to be this disingenuous to make fun of ubisoft, criticize something that is actually worthy of criticism, like their game design. When you single out the most expensive version you could possibly buy and act like thats the standard price, it makes you look like you're grasping at straws for something to hate on
@@buckyhurdle4776it's gamers like you that let this kinda stuff slide bruh. What do you even get for paying extra?? A quest? A skin? Playing a few days early?? Trash dude. Ubisoft doesn't care about you, don't bother defending them. Those arent there for you, they're there to make more money due to ubisofts Corpo greed. As the original comment said.
@@prestigev6131 exactly it’s there if you want it but you don’t have to pay that much if you don’t want to, Sam can be so micro transactions I mean sure they shouldn’t be in there cause it’s single player game I get that but I mean I’ve never once bought anything from any assassin Creek game because if I didn’t like it, I’m just not gonna buy it
What? .... What? No, but seriously: what? What guard's first instinct would be: "Check for gaijin"? It's the Sengoku period, the first thing you are gonna check for, is traitors working for another Clan, not assume that some foreigner must have somehow fought past all the guards and assassinated the Emperor.
@@ALookIntoTheEulenspiegelThe joke is that somebody would’ve seen him assassinate the emperor and notice he isn’t asian. Also these bot comments above are insane.
1. This character doesn't seem to be focused on stealth. 2. Have you never seen what the protagonist normally wear in AC games? They almost never exactly blend in and regularly wear full Assassin regalia.
Regarding the protaganist of the game, I think it comes down to this: The real historical figure probably wasn't a real and big samurai, so Ubisoft went out of their way to prop him up and create loads of fiction to justify him as a character. That is, like you said, historical fiction and not a big deal. But the point is: WHY did Ubisoft pick him and spend time changing history to make him a lead character. Why couldn't he be in the story as a side-character and still be important or something? Why did specifically this person need to be the protagonist? And yeah I agree you cannot really ask Ubisoft if they did it for diversity checkpoint (and even if you did ask, they might lie about it) so you don't really know why they did it, but it is kinda weird because the real historical person is not really important and def totally irrelevent to Japan or Japanese history. Regarding racism: I have seen absolutely 0 drama or backlash when AC Freedom Cry released, starring a black man as only protagonist. Everybody was fine with that and liked it. I think it is just kind of weird to pick the only black person in Japanse history and prop him up and make up a whole fictional story about him. It reeks of woke diversity bullsh.
Why care though, putting all that thought into a black guy knowing good nad well Ass creed games are shitty regardless of who the person is real fake black white arab french etc. The games are boring trash.
Yes exactly, the issue is more that the historical fiction spits in the face of the historical accuracy here. Act Man literally says that AC uses historical accuracy as a base and then the actual game is the untold story, but the fact that Yasuke’s story is known well enough that he most certainly did none of what is shown in game means his argument of historical fiction making Yasuke as a protagonist not matter null itself. Not to mention that Ubi tried saying that this depiction of Yasuke was historically accurate means that argument of historical fiction also null.
the mental gymnastics yall go through is crazy if you guys spent 1% of your energy complaining about the shitty monetisation ubisoft pulls instead of crying about some black guy then maybe ubisoft would stop robbing people in broad daylight
@@ciggylegz oh please, there isn’t a need to explain why we hate the shitty monetization, the issue with Yasuke requires much more articulation so others don’t just call it racism. And it isn’t crying over a black guy, it’s complaining about the lies he represents in this game, if he was actually a samurai in real life I’d be more or less okay with it given his gameplay isn’t focused on stealth.
@@EmperorKaykore expecting or wanting detailed 100% accurate history in a shitty boring game about alien apple things that influence history with "magical powers"🤣
@@d-fens5866bro I finally gave ghost of Tsushima a try and I can’t believe it took me this long to play it. Now I understand why they got such high praise for this game.
The historical accuracy point you try to make falls apart when the devs say they’re being historically accurate, like they did with this game. This is the first time a historical character has been used as a protagonist. It matters because Yasuke was a historical person and they’re portraying him as a legendary samurai and saying they’re basing it on history. They’re using Yasuke strictly for DEI, ESG, Sweet Babay Inc. angle. The devs literally said they used him for a foreign perspective on Japan. And unfortunately, the diversity crap is being shoved in anything. Sweet Baby Inc literally exists for liters that reason.
Two things that bother me about this game:
- The price
- Made by Ubisoft
-Act Man's mustache
Buggy launch. Weak parkour
@@muhammadujaama631 nah thats glorious what are you on about
-forced politics
According to the developers the protagonist is also gay.
I’d be excited for this game if it wasn’t made by Ubisoft.
I'm more upset with the greedy practices that ubisoft is trying to pull in this game.
First time?
Wait until you find out about “insurance”
I know
@2wintowerssmokerare part of the kkk by any chance?
Fuck mean “TRYING TO PULL”
Pre orders at that price have been a thing for over a decade, NOW YOUR PISSED ABOUT IT
you know what I’m done with gaming, not because of the companies, but the fucking gamers man
Insufferable, I can’t buy a game without hearing SOMETHING like come on, let me be
I don't speak English, so I used machine translation. I apologize if there are any inaccuracies.
There is a big misunderstanding about the main issues with ACS; it's not about race, but rather the disregard for culture and the infringement of intellectual property rights.
To begin with, most Japanese people are very welcoming to the appearance of non-Japanese samurai in fictional works, as seen with 'Nioh' and 'Tsushima.' As long as there is a disclaimer that "this story is fiction," and there are no legal issues, we do not call for the cancellation of such works. (There might be a vocal minority, but the majority of Japanese people respect creative freedom.)
So why is ACS being called for cancellation? It's because UBI is promoting this work as if it were historically accurate, in addition to the legal issues it faces. Below are the details.
The ACS director stated that "ACS faithfully portrays real historical figures and events from that time" and "we want people to learn about this era through ACS." (I don't know if the English version of this interview is available, but in Japan, it was released on the official XBOX site on May 16th.)
Personally, based on this interview and AC's past achievements, I had high expectations for how faithfully ACS would depict the real history and culture of Japan. However, the trailers and concept art released were not only historically inaccurate but also contained many crude and insulting depictions. For example, in Japan, displaying a family crest upside down is akin to flying the Stars and Stripes upside down or disrespecting the Quran in other countries. In the 16th century, such an act could lead to war.
When Japanese people criticized these insulting expressions and historical inaccuracies, UBI deflected the issue by using the fact that Yasuke was Black, claiming "those who criticize are racists." This response is extremely dishonest and cowardly for a large corporation.
Next, there are issues of copyright infringement. This is against the law and is not permissible even in fiction. The following problems have been identified at this point:
1. Unauthorized use of the Sekigahara Gun Corps flag, for which they apologized. However, they ignored the Gun Corps' demand for removal and continued to try to sell the art books.
2. Unauthorized use of nationally protected Important Cultural Properties in the game. This act is not only illegal but also an insult to Japanese culture.
3. Displaying Zoro's sword from the manga "One Piece" as "Yasuke's sword" at Japan Expo, along with a Japanese-style Chinese doll. This not only upset fans of One Piece but also disappointed people with UBI's poor research, as they couldn't even distinguish between China and Japan.
There are also major issues with Thomas Lockley's fabricated Wiki and papers, but due to length, I will omit those here.
I don't believe everyone misunderstands the issues with ACS, of course. I just wanted to clarify because there have been some comments suggesting otherwise. If there are any errors in the translation, please let me know.
I like this.
looks good, thanks for taking the time to write this. Translation also looks good
exactly everything i have a problem with the game. I don't even mind if he's black or not.
this comment should have more likes. Nicely done.
"Gamers need to get comfortable with not owning their games."
Ubisoft needs to get comfortable with gamers pirating their games.
i cant wait for the george floyd skin to drop in the new assassins creed game!
why tf would you want to pirate THIS?
@@aleksm_cuz it’s free
@@MorphinGaming Time is money, and playing this game is wasting money
but they are not even worth pirating no more
Asking for pre-orders at all is annoying, but without showing a moment of gameplay is just outright insulting.
Come on, haven't they done this forever? Just don't pre-order anything, period.
and then proceed to buy the game just like every time
When your audience will happily buy your product despite it being broken, unfinished, lazy, full of scummy mtx and guaranteed to be deleted from their library in a not distant future you don't really have to show them anything.
Just goes to show the IQ of a Ubisoft fan. They prob know thag they're getting them preorders
A true "come on, u srs?" moment. Come on, you serious? Every company wants pre-orders. Imagine being so dumb.
Yasuke was hand-crafted to get everyone to forget they're charging $130 for the full game.
70 euros where I live🤷♂️
Fake money@@thelegendofstonecoldstevea3205
@@thelegendofstonecoldstevea3205 read it again... it costs also 130€ here in germany to get the FULL game. We are not getting some quests if we are not paying 130€...
12000 where I live 💀💀
The game is 7billion dollars in Louisiana 😂
As a Japanese person, let me tell you this.
No matter what race the main character is, it would have been nice if they had some respect for Japan.
Judging from the trailer, this game seems to be making fun of Japanese culture.
No surprise ... Typical American company fukking with other people's culture and history .
Arrogance is in their blood.
@@rahatzaman8120 you weren’t crying when Altair was American were you?😂
@@ToTheMaxGaming1 Altair was not American .
Altair was "Arab Syrian".
Read again .. and know the the history of Arab Hashshashins ( Altair's group ) .
He was voiced by an American.
Of course because the game is in English.
@@ToTheMaxGaming1 you saying an American had an Arabic name like ..
Altair ibn la Ahad ? 😂
Ubisoft is like Disney. They had some good stuff in the past. But now they just make the same game over and over again.
It's terribly sad that that is so true.
Because I do think that both companies could've kept being successful they had not only stayed away of all that "progressive" bullshit but also put a little more effort into making things people want to see.
I won't get into all of Disney's incredibly stupidity, but I do think that if Ubisoft tried to actually improve the Assassin's Creed games, even in little ways, over the years, we might've all been cheering for this game's announcement trailer.
I just feel like far too many companies no longer understand how to effectively make profits that will keep coming in.
frontsoft also make the same game in the last decade
nothing like disney. Disney make stuff different for the sake of inclusion these days but forgot to make the writing and direction good. This sounds like EA and activision with madden and COD
Sorry not sorry, but it is exactly like what Disney is doing.
I mean, the idiots at Ubisoft are literally *choosing* a obscure character from Japanese history over several well known and legendary ninja just because he's a dark skinned African, and some no name girl who's no doubt going to leech off of her father's exploits.
So do kindly stop trying to make excuses for such idiocy.
@@KABLAMMATS who is frontsoft?
If buying it isn’t owning then pirating isn’t stealing
If they won’t sell me a game, I’ll do them the pleasure of not buying it
You haven't owned digital media for at least 30 years, even on physical discs. There's a reason you have to click "I agree" before installing any software. You might own the plastic that the software resides on, but you only ever had a license to use the software. A license which could always be taken away, should you do something with the software that you weren't allowed to do.
@@SleepyFen I bet you haven't played Wildlands, because that game from Ubisoft doesn't need internet to be played, only in coop.
You can move it around in any drive and have it not appear on the library but will still be playable.
Wow such an original comment I've never heard that before
@@SleepyFen i don't know man. I have a lot of movies DVD and i'm pretty sure i own them all. I mean what are they gonna do? Break into my house and steal all of my CD?
"I want to see a game where everyone is an unapologetic stereotype"
That's literally GTA games bro.
and old farcry
good comment
The initial point of GTA was British people making fun of Americans
and Postal 2
As soon as he said that I was like, "Isn't that just GTA?"
Ubisoft and Japanese gamers "This game has a black protagonist": A little disappointing, but ok "We have thoroughly researched the history": Obviously wrong, but this is a game. No problem. "Yasuke was a legendary samurai respected by the Japanese": What...? "It is based on fact. Japanese people should learn history.": "Critical comments in Japanese are either white people pretending to be or far-right Japanese people.' "Those who object are historical revisionists and racists.": Thank you for introducing yourself
Remember these are the same companies that said buying isn't owning. If buying isn't owning than piracy isn't stealing. Maybe I'll torrent one day when I get bored.
Bit odd Actman only had a problem with the anti woke "culture warriors" but not the actual literal ones trying to revise and rewrite history and shit
@@vohlm Maybe I'm misunderstanding, am I dudeman?
@@fletchermoore5428 nah Act Man i ll just edit the post lol
@@vohlm ahh gotcha, my bad haha
I think the most hilarious aspect is how they showed Yasuke literally butchering a bunch of japanese with a hip hop song playing in the background, lol what reaction do you expect from the "internet" when you promote something like this? It's obviously provoking the Twitter bubbles, the "woke" vs "anti-woke" bullshit. And honestly, I can see real japanese being offended by this, they were treated like cattle in the trailer, the hip hop samurai slaughtering them, this has the same "energy" of Resident Evil 5 in a way, the white buffy america fuck yeah soldier killing a bunch of black people, but the key difference is how RE5 is pure fantasy, they were not people, they were zombies. AC tries to portray "history" to some extent, so it's a twisted kind of marketing, just like many other products who tried to take advantage of the "woke" trend, if you think Yasuke looks out of place, that makes you a "racist"
For me, I honestly miss the Assassin's Creed games where memory is stored in the balls.
Or when health bars and levels didn't exist...
Syndicate was the last good assassins creed
@@El_Negro2003Industrial Revolution hits hard when you’re finding the Apple of Eden.
@@optick3554 origins isnt that bad, its odyssey when they went all in on the magic combat ability bull that it _really_ went downhill
The RPG ones aren’t even fun to play, just a huge grind
Assassins Greed: Shadow Of Former Self.
Nothing greedy about japanese assassins creed, people have been asking for Japanese creed game for over a decade.
Its nit greedy, the series is just shit tho@mattmaas5790
@@MrWizardGG I think the greed comes from the 130 dollar pack....
@lordgrub12345 that's not greedy since the $60 version exists. More options isn't a bad thing. Let's use our brain. If you couldn't buy it for $60 you would be making sense.
@@MrWizardGGtell me you don't know the definition of "Greed" without telling me.
- Too little too late
- Shallow pandering and controversy mongering for free publicity
- Putting up for preorder without showing a single microsecond of gameplay
- Monthly subscription for a game that’s not even live service
- Gotta make a blood sacrifice for the Ultimate Edition that has nothing but cosmetics and pay-to-win resources in a single player game
- Ubisoft
Need I go on?
Took the words right out of my mouth
Perfectly sums it up. Race is the least of the issue. Typical money trap Ubisoft scheme. Gonna wait for the game play and story before raging about race though lol
😮mic drop
Don't forget about the absolute disrespect to Japanese culture due to the obvious pandering.
Yes go on 😂
日本人は弥助を好きだというのも嘘です。多くの日本人にとって弥助は、「弥助? 誰だっけ?」「ああ、そういえば、そんな奴もいたね」程度の認識でしかないです。
Capture. Samurai are not only warriors, but also vassals who participate in politics and territorial management. That is why it is important to have blood relatives, and they also form alliances through marriage. Yasuke's insistence on his family name means that he did not have a clan to which he belonged. He was not even adopted. Samurai are the ruling class, and Yasuke without a family name is not the ruling class.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Just say you are racist bro
Why do you take issue with the idea of a black samurai in the game if your only problem is with a specific interview?
@@shadow14805 それを”日本の正確な歴史だ”と言ったからだよ。”我々が日本の歴史を埋めた”と言ったからだよ。
@@shadow14805 this is what you narrow it down to after reading all of that? Wtf?
The second Ubisoft told me I wouldn't own my games is the second I told Ubisoft that I wouldn't buy theirs.
Indeed, i am not upset or angry at Ubisoft. I am actually amused: "Nice try, nope"
Bad news you don't own any of your steam game either, its a lifetime licence only that they can revoke at any moment and if you pass away
If you want to own it it has to be a physical copy and not tied to an online service
It took you that long to do that? lol
@@Alpha1598753not much of that anymore, I hate that everything has gone digital
The quote you're referring to is without context. The ubisoft guy was asked what would it take for more gamers to buy Ubisofts's subscription service and he said they'd have to get used to not owning games.
Mind you I'm not defending money hungry Ubisoft I'm just tired of seeing that misquoted
People seem to forget, this is Ubisoft. They don't deserve to be defended or even hated, they just deserve apathy.
Apathy is death
Apathy is death
Apathy is death
Because Apathy is death.
I’m tired of everybody using that word now like it’s “meta”
I remember when assassins creed was about templars vs the assassins throughout different ages in history, but I feel like they don’t do anything with that plot line anymore.
I feel like they don't do anything with the plot line anymore? What entry in the series is this? Is there any cohesion or story to actually follow anymore?
This game is going to have assassins and templars
@2wintowerssmoker Damn bro let it rip XD
Really? I remember it was about how about an ancient technology from a chariot of the gods -esque being fought for throughout the ages
Assassin's creed story died along time ago when ubisoft fired Patrice Desilet, the literal man who came up with the idea of Assassin's creed and made the first game
Why Japanese Asakuri fans, gamers, and even some other people are angry
The reason Japanese people are angry is not because Yasuke is black.
Even though they said it was based on historical facts, there were so many things wrong with it.
The real intention of signing a petition to stop sales is not to cancel the sale, but to show that you are angry.
It is also a statement of intent that I will not buy it even if it is released.
Still, there will be people who will buy it as fiction, and people who don't know the circumstances will also buy it.
However, I think it is likely that sales will not be as good as other works.
Japan is tolerant of fiction, but it became a problem because it was said to be faithful to historical facts and history.
It's a different story between Japanese anime and games, which originally claim to be fiction, and UBI, which claims to be historical fact.
If UBI headquarters had told the whole world from the beginning that it was fiction, no Japanese would have been angry.
Many of those who are angry are worried that people overseas will misunderstand that this game is an accurate version of Japan's history.
Regarding whether Yasuke is a samurai or not
In Japan, Yasuke's existence is not well known, and some people think that he is not a samurai, while others think that he is a samurai.
A quick investigation reveals that he was originally brought to Japan as a slave or servant, and was liked by Oda Nobunaga as a showpiece.
It is said that Yasuke was given a scabbard and a house by Nobunaga Oda, and he worked as a luggage carrier.
It is true that he was taken in as a vassal, but since Yasuke does not have a last name, it is highly likely that he is not a samurai.
To that extent, Yasuke's existence was vague and poorly recognized.
Ambiguity also means that there is no meritorious deed.
Yasuke also fought at Honnoji Temple, but soon lost and surrendered.
Yasuke was not punished because he was not Japanese.
After that, the details of what happened after it was entrusted to Nanbanji Temple are not well known.
As far as I can see from the above, there is certainly no literature that 100% denies it, but it would be a mistake to conclude that they are samurai based on this.
Even in Japan, there are fictional games that feature Yasuke as a samurai, but they are just fiction.
It's true that there is misinformation about Yasuke in Japan as well, but books published overseas that say he is a samurai are fiction.
Regarding mistakes in the released video and problematic remarks in interviews.
There are issues with plagiarism and the inclusion of modern objects that did not exist in that era in concept art.
フィギュアの家紋の向きが間違えている。 国旗を間違えていると同じレベルの間違いだ。
The family crest on the figure is facing the wrong direction. It's the same level of mistake as getting the national flag wrong.
Regarding the unauthorized use of the flag of the Sekigahara Gun Corps, the Japanese branch once apologized and said it would no longer be used, but the head office removed it from the website, but for some reason the Japanese branch did not.
Initially, the Sekigahara Gun Corps said they could use the flag as long as they introduced it to the whole world as the Sekigahara Gun Corps flag, but it was only introduced to Japan.
It was discovered that it was not featured in the credits, and when Sekigahara Gun Corps made an inquiry, they did not respond, so they were asked to delete it, including the concept art.
The rice planting scenery shown in the concept art is not from Japan.
It's Myanmar.
There are Buddhist statues from other Asian countries in addition to those from Japan.
The person's name is spelled incorrectly.
The kanji in a person's name is in Chinese instead of Japanese.
Part of the exterior of the building is not Japanese, but a mixture of materials from other Asian countries.
Therefore, it has angered and united Japanese, China, and South Korea at the same time, and other Asian countries have also become angry.
to be continued
弥助の着ている兜の顎紐の結び方が間違えている。 あんな結び目だと弥助が動くだけで兜は頭からズレてしまうだろう。
The chin strap of Yasuke's helmet is tied incorrectly. With a knot like that, just Yasuke's movement would cause the helmet to slip off his head.
The painting of a falcon from Nijo Castle, which has a usage fee, is used inverted.
It is unclear whether permission was obtained or whether it was plagiarized.
Ignoring the sense of season.
Cherry blossoms and Japanese pampas grass do not bloom in the same season.
In the Japanese subtitles, Yasuke says that even though he is planting rice, there is a good harvest.
When you harvest, you can judge whether it will be a good harvest or not.
斬首は当時の日本では日常茶飯事だった? そんなわけない。
Was decapitation a common occurrence in Japan at the time? That's not true.
That wouldn't happen unless he was a serious criminal or was in a battle.
I don't want clothes from different eras to appear in the same era.
The kimono must be worn with the right side overlapping the left. The one with the left side up is the death costume.
The problem is that in interviews with CEOs and employees, statements that look down on Japan can be seen.
The problem is that they clearly have no respect for Japan, such as discrimination against yellow people, disrespect for culture, and appropriation, and it is hard to believe that history can be learned from this.
Therefore, it is questionable whether they really hire experts who are knowledgeable about Japan.
For the above reasons, many Japanese Asakuri fans are disappointed.
If so many mistakes were discovered in the concept art, gameplay footage, and promotional videos alone, even more bad mistakes would be found once the product was released, and it would cause controversy.
Finally, since I am Japanese and do not understand English, I used the translation function to convert from Japanese to English and from English to Japanese, checking for any differences in meaning and creating a document.
I apologize if the expression is still difficult to understand.
フィギュアの家紋の向きが間違えている。 国旗を間違えていると同じレベルの間違いだ。
弥助の着ている兜の顎紐の結び方が間違えている。 あんな結び目だと弥助が動くだけで兜は頭からズレてしまうだろう。
斬首は当時の日本では日常茶飯事だった? そんなわけない。
You just made bunch of lies created by thomas lockey.
I'm Japanese I feel like certain people are missing the point on what we are mad about this game. When you are using certain fact about history you have to respect that fact about them, one thing they got absolutely wrong was the building architectures being Chinese influenced and Oda clan mark being Upside down, think about it when it's you're culture that's being picked up you want them to do good but what We see is that they didn't do there homework even though they said they did and that's disappointing. And Yasuke man..... If he stared in a new IP I think there would be less backlash but he had to be the protagonist in a AC game... Why can't both protag be Japanese, They didn't do that in other AC games why do it here? Sure you could make it a fantasy and call it a day but you are using real clans and people so you have to respect that element, Ubisoft saying they did there research yet not actually calling in Japanese specialist to check is... From our point of view it's just racist
The west IS racist by trying not to be .....🤬
I am not Japanese and I am pissed about a black samurai. ( Or whatever he was )
Fukking give us a real Japanese samurai.
Atleast the main character should be a Japanese samurai "MAN".
The black could have a supporting role.
They shoehorn a black dude into Feudal Japan, the most isolationist country of the ancient world, and according to you, the architecture featured in this game appears more Chinese than Japanese, and they even got certain Japanese flags ALL WRONG...
Yankees? Right?
I mean, I'd care if it wasn't the standard of all media these days. I was born and raised in Greece and I can count on one hand the books, movies, games, or other media that don't have glaring mistakes with regard to Greek culture, even with creative liberties in mind.
So, while you have every right to feel the way you do...join the club.
They executive said that we will not own their games.
Then guess what we won't own the new ones
You never owned any games, even the physical, you purchase the rights to play them, thats all, its in the agreement people never read lol.
“If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing,”
@kona8832 yes you do. Sure you might "damage the disc" but that's all on you if you do that, not the developer. With digital developers can take away your game at any moment. Just look at "the crew"
He's right. You can probably play this on gamepass or even Playstation Plus, eventually.
Edward Kenway was 100% native to the setting. He was a Welsh privateer that became a pirate. If you're familiar with the age of piracy, most of the notorious pirates were English, Dutch, or Spanish. Oh, and they operated in the Caribbean because that was where a lot of lucrative trade lanes started or ended.
Edward was even half english and half welsh. He fit right into the setting.
The reason characters are native is because the games are about hidden societies fighting each other and having a black guy in japan does not work at all in that case
So he was from another country and came per ship?
There was a historical reason for him being there, but that's not the same thing as him being 100% native to the setting. You can still draw a parallel between that and there being a historical reason for Yasuke existing in japan. The criticisms of him not being able to blend in are valid, IF they were using him in stealth sections in the game. Last I heard, he's going to be the combat character, while the woman is going to be the stealth character.
Um no he 100% was not him being a pirate doesn't make him a native idiot
The problem with the "representation" argument is that it is not representing Asians well at all. We've heard excuses time and time giving benefit of the doubt of why Asians are not casted in western entertainment, it is usually because the "setting" doesn't permit it. So here's a situation where the setting is literally Japan, a place filled with Asians, and they don't put in a full cast of Asians even here. Furthermore, Hollywood and Western media has a thing of including specifically "Asian Women" as token Asian characters. Asian Men are RARELY if ever represented. Here was a good opportunity to represent an actual Asian MALE in an Asian setting, but again they refused to do this.
Anyone reading this and cares about this, should boycott this game.
Well and Im racial Chinese, stop calling me Chinese American, im not Chinese nationality I have no loyalty with China stop pointless racial identifiers!
I'm sorry, how is one Black Man based on a real historical figure and the rest of the entire cast being Asian "poor Asian representation"? You have passed basic math classes in grade school, correct? Or were you exaggerating because you were too blinded by your stance to realize how asinine your argument was? FYI, Yasuke has been determined by Japanese historians to either have been a real Samurai or fulfilled the role of one but due to the period he was in he predates the actual title of "Samurai" and concepts like giving family name for Samurai. Check out the channel Einfach Japanisch if you want to know more. You're logic is also quite racist. We don't actually know Yasuke's origins due to limited documentation. He could be born in Japan and Japan isn't "only Asians". The correct cast would be "Japanese" outside foreign visitors/invasion story elements, not "Asian". Ah, now you are making comments about Asian women as well... You're quite the prejudiced one dang.
To say Asian men are rarely if ever represented in Western culture is simply not true. Steven Yeun, who has starred in several movies and shows such as TWD, Invincible, Beef, Nope, The Legend of Korra, etc., is a prominent example of Asian male representation. Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and Ip Man are also incredibly well-known, referenced, and praised in the US. Daniel Dae Kim has an extensive list of popular shows and movies to his credit. Shonen, which typically features male protagonists, is widely consumed in the West. K-pop is also very popular in the US, with a Korean artist recently collaborating with one of the biggest rappers in the country. Additionally, Asian men were used as political tools to eliminate affirmative action, which they accomplished relatively quickly and easily.
I am not suggesting that Asian men receive the level of representation they deserve. However, it feels disingenuous because the issue is currently being exaggerated. If people genuinely cared about proper representation, they would not oppose well-executed DEI efforts. Instead, they claim that all DEI is inherently bad and has become "woke." Also, if the DEI is bed representation they would give proper feedback on how to do so instead of readily dismissing it In reality, these individuals do not care about the representation of others and are attempting to control what and how things are shown and represented, currently at the expense of Asian and Black people.
Also, I am never going to say this game is not disrespectful to Japanese culture that is not my place. I will however say many Japanese people are fine with Yasuke since he has been in referenced in Japanese media since forever. Do with that what you will.
@@whatdidyouzay5688 Good response.
you do realize that in ACS the second main char is an asian lady, and the rest of the npc units will most likely be asian japanese folks right?
It was Ubi who tried to use "based on historical facts" to persuade people to agree with their choice of Yasuke as the main character. Naturally, some people will use accurate historical data to examine Ubi's works, and now it seems obvious that Ubi's understanding of Japanese culture and history is shit.
It’s Ubisoft lol they don’t understand much of anything
As opposed to all the earlier games where you go after ancient alien artifacts. Or the climax of Assassin's Creed 2, where you fist fight the Pope. Or Assassin's Creed 3 where a Florentine man travels all the way to Constantinople. It's almost like Assassin's Creed isn't 100% accurate! But, God help us if a black person, based on a real historical figure, is used!
@mattmorehouse9685 Its their culture. Are you saying they should put up with it because its happened before? Whether any of us cares about it or not, if it bothers them its legitimate. If not then we move on.
@@skyereave9454 So we should take whatever a native says is their culture as correct? So when a US citizen says said country was Christian from the day it was founded that is true? Despite other US citizens saying it isn't and the First Amendment. People often lie or are deluded about their culture, trying to puff it up or twist it to fit their views. Native members of a culture may have a better knowledge base of said culture, but they can also believe/ say stuff to pump up said culture or try to portray it the way they want it to be. I know plenty of US citizens who will twist my nation's founding and founders into rhetorical knots to support their presuppositions.
@@adams13245 "a florentine merchant travels all the way to constantinople" is this a geografie problem or a history problem? Constantinople literally is within the mediteranien just like italy and constantinople was THE traiding hub before colonization. Many many many italiens visitet constantinople before and after the ottomens conquered the city so what are you on about?
And fistfighting the pope is also not "historicly inaccurate" its historic fiction. Just like the magical artifacts. No one says that you cant have historic fiction within your games.
some historian of Japanese history got blocked from UBI.
UBI knows that their fiction game uses a wrong Japanese history, but they don’t fix it.
At least they have to say it is fake
Wasn't that proven to be fake?
@@GAZAMAN93X it was true I think. They show their screen so..
it’s fake. Almost all of this game is fake.
First of all, He is slave. Second, he didn’t fight at all. Third, Nobunaga Oda uses him as his pet. In Japanese, we call 客寄せパンダ。
There is a tons of mistakes, but if UBI said it is fake, then most of Japanese don’t even know about this game. We hate this game because they change our history and speak as if their story is an original one.
If you search in Japanese, u will find out that most of them r fake.
Search アサクリ 炎上(asakuri enjyou)
@@GAZAMAN93XIt was probably fake
okay but shogun with a white person in it is accurate
@@timileyinowolabi857 there’s no white or black samurai. We don’t care about Shogun’s samurai because it’s game said that those white samurai is fiction.
Well there is a person called Anjin Miura, who came to Japan but I think he is not samurai.
13:23 “I wanna see a game where everyone is just an unapologetic stereotype.”
I miss Punch Out Wii
Hogs of War!
@@Undergamer12 beat me to it... All I gotta say is pepperige farms remembers pizza pasta
Common Act Ma'am L. Maybe he was busy going to Pride parades.
Tf2 is kinda one.
What annoys me is that UBISOFT itself claims that the game is based on real history, including Yasuke being a legendary samurai, not fiction, where historical evidence shows that Yasuke is just a porter who served Nobunaga for only one and a half year.
Nah, a Japanese historian said yasuke was real and was a samurai
@@ktheone6000I am sorry, but you have been lied to.
@@Cheesemonkey231 no, you've been sadly, I'm gonna trust a Japanese historian than anyone here lol
@@ktheone6000 OK then, give me proof. What are this person's credentials and where do they say this.
@@ktheone6000The single source that makes that claim is a guy named Thomas. Not Japanese but he does work in Japan. However, his work regarding yasuke is highly disputed, and he's just overall shady about all of it. Someone far better researched on yasuke than he was once referred to his work to his face as a "historical fiction".
Yasuke was never a samurai.
Adding to the historical part of the controversy:
There was a war on the wikipedia pages of Yasuke where people kept removing and readding the part that stated "there is no conclusive evidence on Yasuke being a samurai". That definitely didn't help when it was happening during the controversy.
I think that happened *because* of this game causing controversy.
My favorite part about it is that it doesn't even help either side's argument. People are arguing "it's inconclusive that he was a samurai" that kind of goes both ways if it has to be stated that it was inconclusive. Just food for thought for both sides of the argument
@@VindexImperiusO9A Japanese people who have studied this history consider him a Samurai for multiple reasons
I am sure some do and other do not. Also almost all of the information about Yasuke comes from the Jesuits so there is nothing about him we don't know that the Japanese would know.
Oda did give him the traditional honors of a samurai but unlike other samurai he was never officially stated to be one and Oda kept him around as an oddity. I also suspect the other samurai retainers would not have been happy about it.
@@VindexImperiusO9A samurai have a last name yasake does not the only position he is known to have held was one of oda nobunaga's retainers and that was only for a period of around 4-5 yrs before he disappeared and was likely sold to someone else
A perfect Assassin's Creed game set in Japan already exists. It's called Ghost of Tsushima.
I missed out on the steam sale. Gotta wait for the next one.
Facts, such a great game.
Naw that game makes you go through annoying flash backs if you stealth kill too many people. Its a samurai game
People who praise Sony games and tell people not to play ubisoft are literal sellouts. Sony games are much worse than ubisoft.
@@randomhero6365 You only go through like 1-2 flashbacks max if you stealth kill too much and that's like during the beginning of the game. I played the game almost exclusively as a Ghost and never got anymore flashbacks apart from those mentioned.
Ubisoft knows what they’re doing. Bad publicity is better than no publicity. They just haven’t figured out that good publicity exists yet.
Well said. Think you might actually be right.
Which us weird because Assassin's Creed VR had plenty of good publicity and they updated the fans with developer diaries showing how it was going to be like
So they def know how to do it
@@thegamehoarder6887 That's exactly what it is,outrage bait works like a charm to get eyeballs.
When did this ever work in history? Bad publicity means that many people will talk about you, but because of the bad news, no one will buy your product, or they will pirate it later.
This is how many movies and games flopping nowdays, literally on a daily basis. Negative news aren't good for anything you do, ever.
@@danielhambalko7288 yeah with everything going on in the world people are more cynical than ever. Lot of them are fed up with the bullshit of it all and its thanks to corps like Ubisoft and their business practices. Fuck this game, Im sticking to skyrim modding.
Could someone please make a game about the French Revolution based on the historical fact that Joan of Arc was Asian?
That's what this game is all about
i like to see a game about the real historical truth about zulu warrior chief shaka, a cunning and ferocious japanese woman.
@@symmetrie_bruch Do you know the word sarcasm?
@@symmetrie_bruch If you're stupid, shut up. You like sausages, don't you? Hold on to Yasuke's sausage.
@@terao1 lol are you serious ? 😂 i liked your comment. you couldn´t seriously think i wasn´t joining in with the joke. or are you double sarcasming me ? 😮
@@symmetrie_bruch お前何が言いたいの?弥助のソーセージが気に入ったことしかわからん
What's funny is that the whole Yasuke thing is distracting everyone from the Elephant in the room: that this isn't the 2007-2015 AC anymore, everyone assumes it's going to be a story about ninjas and samurai when it's likely that, 8 hours in, Yasuke is going to be fighting Japanese dragons armed with a laser rifle while riding on top of a creature that has a suspicious resemblance to a quadruped Pikachu.
And the rest of the game would be in the future vr room
This, people (tho having the absolute right to argue against Yasuke) have completely forgot what AC is. Dude. When's the last time you saw an Assassin killing a Templar?
Syndicate tho rife with its own issues, was genuinely the last narratively AC game
@@digitaldruglord1815 But that's the thing, that's what Yasuke is meant to do, make people talk about a game that otherwise wouldn't have gained much attention, both because of AC's current strange fantasy-based direction and because of yet another big, fat elephant in the room: comparisons with Ghosts of Tsushima, which has an actual serious story that's historically accurate and is free of Ubisoft's writing with it's trademark "irreverent humor" that prevents any of these games from having the serious tone they should have.
The last Assassin's Creed game I played was Black Flag. I love loot based games like the last few AC games so I don't care about the controversy about this I'm still buying it
That's DLC
The hip hop beat for yasuke😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It's pathetic
Okay, we are NOT gonna act like most modern fantasy samurai depictions also come with either LoFi or HipHop beats just because this samurai happens to be black. Nujabes is rolling in his grave right now due to people complaining about this.
Can't wait for the reviews: "Yasuke has the exaggerated swagger of a black samurai"
*gay black samurai
90 critic review, 25 audience review.
@@mitsubeemowhere did we hurt you ?
He's got running from cops speed!
Insecure White Men are so easily threatened by everything. Every game and every show that's coming out, the discussion is the gender and the race of the cast. The downside of consuming American media is you have to deal with American identity politics.
The issue people have (or at least I have) is that some online sites that talks about Yasuke's origins or facts (I know it ain't to reliable but...Wikipedia) have been "updated" to present this character as an actual samurai.
These changes happened as soon as the Shadows trailer dropped or shortly after. So of course people will have issues with what's going on around that figure.
And yeah, absolutely no one would have bat an eye if Yasuke was hyper important to the story/setting as an NPC character, but as a playable one? Something is up.
Find hilarious how many people are actually so wrong about this and how easily they can cave into conspiracy theories....if you actually know anything about history of Japan (and particularly of Portuguese - Japanese interactions then), you would know how Yasuke is probably one of the best real life characters to be a playable character....and how he was definetely a samurai...
Absolute facts - from someone who studied this more than 20 years ago:
1 - Yasuke was brought to Japan (around 1581) as either a slave or as an indentured servant of the Portuguese Jesuit orders. Believed to be the personal slave/servant of either a Portuguese or Italian priest that was fairly minor - but still relevant - to the Jesuits plans to spread Christianity and Portuguese "order" in Japan;
2 - Oda Nobunaga made him a free man, named him Yasuke, and made him his retainer, aka a samurai;
3 - The Portuguese had this brilliant plan to plot and scheme their way around pitting Christian Damyos against Shinto/Budhists and gradually take over, and quote on quote, bring order to Japan. With the Jesuits being "plotters" in command of this - an order obsessed with order, peace, and control through knowledge;
4 - The word Samurai evolved drastically over the years...fact pre-1588 weapons were widely available across Japan and several people that excelled at using them were promoted, from Ashigaru (foot soldier), to Samurai. Many of these "promoted" Samurais were effectively what we would perceive today as a professional soldiers and would never form their own samurai clan (which is what many people perceive wrongly as Samurai - this notion was only implemented several decades later where the Tokugawa regime used social class as a barrier to be Samurai, hoping this would decrease the number of highly skilled soldiers in combat to just nobility; people who wouldn't necessarily be keen on dying in needless wars);
For me the question is very simple and is all about what story are we going to see? If Ubisoft made the Jesuits and Christian Damyos the Templar order in this game (which it could be....if you read about them, there is a lot of similarities between the fictional AC's Templar Order and the very real Jesuit Order) then Yasuke is a very good playable character - a character without any backstory, that is completely alien to Japanese culture and society (so they showcase Japan through his, and most players eyes) and one of the view real people who would have had the opportunity of getting in contact with on all sides of this conflict. If this is not the game's approach to the character, then I totally agree and he should've remained as an NPC.
Naw it's not about the game or history, which is accurate. Not like the games need to be a history book. There's just something about blacks having iconic roles that pisses white folks off. Not even the Japanese people are this irrate and angery about Yasuke.
@jpazinho retainers aren't samurai though. There's no actual evidence of him being one. You saying you studied it 20 years ago is the equivalent of you saying trust me bro
@@darknesswave100 oh but that its the problem...is that during late Muromachi and Sengoku periods the definition of what a Samurai is included retainers. In fact, anyone in direct employment as a professional soldier (as we know Yasuke was) was a samurai. People seem to forget that during most of history, Samurai referred to a function and not a class - with different ranks and peasants and nobles both becoming samurai.
Regarding the "trust me bro", I am writing as someone who read - in its original language - copies of the preserved letters written by Luis Frois (Portuguese Jesuit in Japan, regular at Nobunaga's court), between 1581 and 1594 (there are more...but these are the ones covering the period when he talks about Yasuke). I am also talking as someone who read Luis Frois book (re-released in 1974) called "Historia do Japam" - which is the first in-depth chronicle written by a westerner of Japanese Society & Politics. As well as a list of selected translated extracts from Matsudaira Ietada's Journal (Ietada Nikki) concerning the relationships between Portuguese & Japanese - particularly the friendship between Luis Frois and Oda Nobunaga...
Act Man, that mustache REALLY makes you look like Flanders
Hey gamerinos
Stupid sexy Flanders!!
if he would have longer hair, he would look like a 80s pron star with that mustache
Nah, he looks like ron burgundy with glasses
It's simple really: The latest Ubisoft games disappointed huge crowds of long time fans and so nobody even dares to expect anything good, especially since Ghost of Tsushima took advantage of AC not going to Japan for decades and setting the bar ectremely high
I’m gonna get Ghost on PC the moment I get one.
@@kl41256-p just got it. Worth it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@2wintowerssmoker jesus christ dude, wtf?
Valhalla didn't do to good because Origins and Odyssey were so well loved. It is a bit of a downgrade but it still is a great game. Mirage didn't get as much love because the small minority of the AC community that wants stealth-focused games didn't really support it as much and the players that like the RPG style want more games like Origins and Odyssey.
@@ac_nerd9794mirage was originally a dlc for valhalla so that factors the quality and thought put into the "here a stealth game for the old fans" but it was just their left over dlc plan.
Theory: Ubisoft put a black samurai to shield themselves from real criticism and to deflect by saying "you just have a problem with the black protagonist"
tbf if everyone acted normal about it and focused on the actual problems then Ubi wouldn't be able to deflect. One bad apple spoiling the barrel and all that.
Considering people are posting pictures online of Yasuke being portrayed as a monkey, I would say people do have a problem with a black protagonist.
Exactly! Ubisoft is always gonna be able to find a "straw man argument" now to why people didn't like the game. "Online gamers are just racist and sexist thats why they are review bombing our game" yada yada. Just seen this tactic so much in movies and everything these days lol
That's not even a theory, it's just real.
@@hollowheaded9319as they should.
It most definitely is 90% weaboos
ゴースト オブ ツシマのゲーム会社の、10分の1のリスペクトがあればこんなに炎上はしなかったのに。
As I said to a friend who asked me my take on this (I’m black):
A Yasuke game isn’t a bad idea
An Assassin’s Creed game in medieval Japan after the team idiotically said many years ago that such a setting wouldn’t work for the franchise and Sucker Punch embarrassed them and proved them wrong with Ghost of Tsushima - one of the best games of that year - is a pretty dumb idea that’s too little too late
Ghosts of Tsushima wasn't set in Japan. it was set on the tiny island of Tsushima, you literally never see or go to actual Japan. Im pretty sure their point was about an AC game not working in a setting like Japan had more to do with things like Parkour and the type of stealth that AC was known for at the time
Tsushima is absolutely nothing like an Assassin's Creed game either
Way too late considering we also have Like a Dragon Ishin and Rise of Ronin
@@lutherheggs451The Island of Tsushima is based around Feudal Japan tho. It looks almost exactly like Japan. The only reason why they probably made the island was to make more convenient from a story standpoint
@@lutherheggs451 This is a hilariously dumb comment. Tsushima is part of Japan. Saying it's not would be like saying Ibiza isn't in Spain, or Mykonos isn't in Greece. Newsflash, islands that belong to a certain country are still part of that country.
@@lutherheggs451 what de hell you taking about that place Iki Island belong to Japan literary
Can't wait to play as a Mayan Winged Hussar Eskimo when AC is set in the Mali Empire
If they're riding a jaguar into battle I'm down.
@@Delrithoand maybe also some kangaroos
Ubisoft need to get used to people not buying their games
People need to get used to not buying fukin ubisoft game or pre-ordering games.
I mean they don't make completely horrible games
Like wether u like the new ac games odyssey was still a game of the year contender for example
They can make good games but they're business model is fucked and is ultimately causing their games to be of less quality
@@ゴタンダタバサ 確かに。今記事の書き換えやら嘘情報も出回ってるから、その後弥助調べたら嘘八百並べた記事に行き着く海外勢が居るのか。
Nothing from Ubisoft feels genuine anymore. I just can’t assume they’re ever acting in good faith with how predatory they’ve become over their pricing and their treatment of their players, not to mention how buggy, unfinished, and sometimes barebones their games have been lately.
Them choosing to have Yasuke as one of the main characters feels less like them wanting to tell his story, and more like using him as a shield to try and discredit anyone who has a problem with the game. It’s scummy and reductive.
Before they were at least a bit better than they are now, then they would make games that were worth your time I’ll play the older games more than the newer ones since they are basically just the same
AC Mirage, Avatar, Prince of Persia are bug-free, well finished and had no performance problems.
@@astronotics531 unity still a buggy mess ran into 20 bugs while play recently couldn’t attack at all during combat
yea its in generell that it doesnt fell like they want to give us what we want, but what they want instead
Yeah mynfirst instinct is to defend the game by saying "hes an actual person with a cool story" until i remember its ubisoft
We know one thing, Yasuke wont be blending into the crowd
ofc he wont, he's a fkin samurai numbnuts
Japanese people must've been more racist to Yusuke than Russians were to general Ivan Abramovich Gannibal?
ye he is meant to be played as a brute for the rpg fans not an assassin...
@@loadshedding_ Considering he never had a real battle and surrendered the real archetype subversion is to make the biggest buff black guy into a coward who makes jokes.
He'll blend in with the shadows and in night time.
Edward kenway was a pirate in the Carribbean and it was super common to see European pirates, people seem to forget history
Pirates, privateers, whatever you want to call them were almost entirely of European descent so yeah, Kenway was right for the setting.
@jubei7259 Roughly a quarter to a third of all pirates in the Caribbean were black. There were also a significant amount of natives too, but I've yet to find any accurate metric for that one.
Bro tell me you don't understand the word Native without explicitly telling me. Oh wait you did. A native means they are ORIGINALLY from there like NATIVE Americans. Just because Colonizers were living there doesn't make them Native it makes them common this argument does not fit a real person who was actually there. But still it's a work of fiction they can add a Mexican man and it wouldn't mean anything.
@@triton5336 Umm...tell me how Native Americans were ORIGINALLY from America, when we can track their movement from Russia, into Alaska, down through Canada, into America and then into Mexico? No one is ORIGINALLY from anywhere. People move around. Indian tribes were very nomadic. Heck, ALL of early human history was nomadic tribes. The word "Native" is only used by people who saw people already on a piece of land they just arrived on. So Native merely means "Here before me".
@@triton5336regardless, they chose a character that 100% made sense in the setting and didn't require an awkward reshuffling of history for it to make sense
I am Japanese, but until the Assassin's Creed issue arose, I was unaware of Yasuke. In Japan, it is only known that Oda Nobunaga had a black "attendant (not a slave)." This indicates that Yasuke is not considered a significant figure. Despite Japan having an abundance of historical documents, Yasuke is only mentioned in a few lines.
Furthermore, Lockley is spreading false information that Japan enslaved black people. The truth is quite the opposite: Oda Nobunaga rescued a black slave brought by white missionaries and gave him a job. Considering the distance between Japan and Africa, acquiring "slaves" would have been impractical due to the immense cost. Yasuke was a slave brought by missionaries, and upon seeing him, Oda Nobunaga was intrigued by his distinctly different skin color and made him an attendant. At that time, both white and black people were rare in Japan.
Even in modern Japan in 2024, it is not very common to encounter black people. The first recorded meeting between Yasuke and Nobunaga was on March 27, 1581 (as noted in the "Nobunaga Kouki"), which shows how unrealistic it is to claim there were thousands of black slaves in Japan 443 years ago.
As a Japanese person, I am angered by the distortion of my country's history, but I cannot stop everyone from enjoying this fictional game. Therefore, I hope that people with good sense can understand the truth and enjoy the game with this knowledge.
A concerned Japanese man has uploaded a video explaining all the historical facts about Yasuke. If you are interested, please watch it and verify the truth for yourself.
Also, I used AI to write this English message because I lack the language skills to convey my thoughts properly. If any part of it sounds unnatural, I apologize. Many Japanese people, like me, are not proficient in English, which Lockley took advantage of. He profits from books filled with lies, knowing that Japanese people wouldn't notice.
Dude stop lying
Thanks for saying this and I hope you have a great day/night
Wanting to play as a Japanese samurai set in feudal Japan is not "controversial". There's a reason why Shogun did so well, and this is flopping before it's even released.
People should just get ghost of tsushina and wait for its second part instead of paying for ubitrash.
The main character of Shogun is an European man in Japan. But then, he's white, so why would you have a problem with someone who isn't black?
@@mihaimatei255 yes...and the whole point of the show is that he will never be accepted or integrated into such an alien culture as feudal Japan, how confusing it all is for him, and how they are only keeping him and the Portuguese around for trade advantages, which from everything we know is exactly how outsiders would have been treated in Japan at that time.
I have a problem with morons and Ubisoft (synonymous btw) portraying Yasuke as some kind of stunning and brave hero, when in reality he was only kept around as a novelty and then likely deported or killed after his Lord lost the only battle he ever took part in.
It's got nothing to do with black or white or brown or yellow or pink or green or blue skin. It's got to do with the lies and ridiculousness of it all.
@@loosegoose9647you don’t even know the story of ac shadows yet and how Yasuke is viewed/living in Japan. Hypocritical much.
@@loosegoose9647 so historical accuracy matters in AC matters now because ...?
Edward is completely different because he is the most common kind of pirate which is what he is, he may not be NATIVE TO THE AREA, but he is the most common representation of what a pirate of those times would look like.
This is too difficult for people like Act Man.
It still negates that stupid argument. Just means use a better one.
Nobody cares! No matter how much smooth brains might cry about it it was never a historical simulator or a documentary. Guess what besides Edward Kenway never existing, neither did Altiar, Ezio, Connor, Basim, nobody was fighting giant mummies and, nobody was fighting medusa. The only thing they've ever been "historically accurate-ish" about is the location
But there were black Caribean pirates that WERE native to the setting. They missed an opportunity to do that.
Oh. "Ubisoft presents"
I'm already out.
Oh, wait, $130?
I'm so out. Bye.
Oh. They Took Away The License?
I'm Definitely OUT.
Standard is 70
@@userunknown4331 That's still way too much
I hope you didn't buy the last few mass effect games or shadow of war, any cod game since 2011, halo reach, fable 3, any game with a collectors edition, drop money on any kick starters or play any game that has microtransactions because they all pull the same shit
@@mechanicpluto2430that’s the price of every AAA game
They had so much time to make this game. Fans had been asking for AC set in Japan for YEARS! The only reason they’re doing it is because, Sucker Punch made the amazing, and successful, *GHOST OF TSUSHIMA* And now Ubisoft wants to copy them, but there’s ZERO chance they’ll ever compete with that masterpiece of a game. AC shadows is gonna SUCK!
Agree and GTA VI will fail because I dont like it
@@shambles2723 sarcasm
"You dislike the new Assassin's Creed because of the protagonist, I dislike the new Assassin's Creed because the last good one that Ubisoft made was Black Flag. We are not the same"
Well said
Unity was good
Unity and Origins despite being kinda an RPG was good though.
I'd argue the the last good one was Brotherhood.
However I did appreciate Mirage for what it was but it definitely needed a little more side activities.
The biggest thing that bothers me about this game is that I was reminded that Assassin's Creed continued being made after Black Flag
could argue unity was the last good one but it went downhill from there, oh so downhill
Origins is fantastic.
@@Xephyranthagree, unity is peak graphics, combat, and parkour, that is peak ac game for me
@@shinndig1293 as a non AC game? yeah, the games after syndicate are barely Assassin's creed anymore but as their own game they're good, but the half assed assassin title being slapped into it is what turns me off
@@davianorajagukguk1011 definitely, reason why tons of people still hate unity is the state of release of it otherwise, it's the best AC game put out.
Parkour and buildings to traverse on was the most fun I've had ever since the Ezio trilogy.
it was also before they overcomplicated the combat system when it reached Syndicate and after which started feeling far from an AC game.
The battlefield 1 guy is a Harlem Hellfighter. They were a real unit in WW1 and were all black. I think playing as Yasuke is cool but everything from triple A studios feels like pandering now. Even if im being pandered to, it feels hollow.
I dont think was what people thouught was stupid with BF1 - it was mp games where there were black germans characters
I do have a straight up problem them having a black Samurai. I don't care if he existed or not. The fact they choose to have a non-Japanese person as the main character is infuriatingly racist and It's like they went out of their way to NOT have a Japanese protagonist. All the previous games had the local ethnic person as the protagonist. Because it fit with the country and theme.
But now they are so politically correct damaged and need black rock ESG score they put in a black Samurai set in Feudal Japan. How the hell did they think this would go over? And rap music. WTF......
Who are they trying to appeal to here? Did they think gamers would just cheer: "yay he is black, we now feel so inclusive and all is right in the world".
It's delusional and insulting. I am a white man. I want a Japanese fricken protagonist. Oh I guess that makes me racist. I should know better than black people existed everywhere and no other race is good enough. They already started with this crap with Valhalla.
Buddy, I am black and I can absolutely say this was a check box choice. Seriously, don't even pretend this isn't a purposely made decision for "diversity". Whether the game is good or not, my skin color has become a marketing ploy, and I'm not cool with that.
These games cost hundreds of millions to make, and developers want low interest rate loans, which they can get from Blackrock or Vanguard if they raise their ESG score enough. How do their raise their ESG score? By putting characters like this in the game. There is no love for Japan, and no love for black people either. They crunched the numbers and decided it was more profitable to use a black character, once all factors were considered.
It is slightly depressing how far down the comments i had to go to finally see someone making this point. But you and i both know, Act Man is taking the "safe" point of view on this topic. He'd get roasted and cancelled if he came anywhere near making the point you just did.
Because you represent black people, even if it was check list. Who cares? If the game is bad, you'll shit on it anyway? Why do you as a black man, feel the need to say, "I'm black and this is a check list"?
@@general330 this doesn't make sense.
It feels like ever since Yasuke was mentioned in any form of media as an African Man made a samurai by Nobunaga, he’s become nothing more than the unfortunate tool that he would’ve originally been seen as.
For the record, the first time I ever heard of him was his boss fight in Nioh, bastard killed me like four times before I got the rhythm
Some random grandmother: “I don’t care what they tell you in school, Samurai were also Black.'”
Nice reference
So were they or nah?
Nah all black people are actual Native Americans, also their Jews and Muslims and the moors that took North Africa. They’re whatever race they want to be except black lmao.
@@SpikeTheWolfthere were reports of probably a handful of black samurai in history so it's legit but very minorly
Japanese man stares at Yasuke: My ancestors
Even Wikipedia’s Japanese history is better than UBI
UBI literally took that from wiki that was fabricated by scam artist
Imagine being told that, Yuaski was made by one dude with based everything on his Novel, with no Peer review and not only that rewriting Japanese history and not only that getting into trouble with the Japanese government, by one dude who rewrite a Wikipedia page based of his Novel that he wrote, that tells a complete different story than the western version.
the bigger issue is the complete disrespect and history revisionism that ubisoft and sites like IGN are pushing, IGN and multiple outlets are pushing the fact that Yasuke was a real historical "legendary samurai" of which there are zero records.
they have put a large focus on Yasuke destroying inferior japanese men and even if I accept the fact that they are portraying him as a samurai, he is disrepecting his honorable position and making a sport out of battle.
people would make a huge deal if an asian or a white guy went to Africa and started absolutely decimating the local tribes.
Not to mention the fact he was body guard was because he was tall. Not actually good with a sword also being bigger he was also stronger. Thats not skill, that's strength samurai need skill. Edit: he was sort of a body guard he was pretty much just carrying around weapons. So stop spamming me with "well actually" because we both know the real reason he's in the game.
@@cosygoose1813 Also, he only fought in a single battle, in which he surrendered, was captured and then released since everyone thought he had no value.
@@cosygoose1813 There is no record of him having a bodyguard role.
Furthermore, there is no record of him having fought. All We knows is that he was there when his boss died.
In the end, He were sent back to the Westerners.
People always say that last part but completely ruin the comparison. Nobody would have complained if the MCU's White Wolf (Bucky Barnes) was sent on infiltration missions or whatnot while working with Wakanda. You're basically saying a black man was killing every Japanese person he met, and saying it's the same thing, but forgetting to mention he also worked with Japanese people. And honestly, yes, if handled maturely (because colonization), it _COULD_ work having a white character work with an African tribe against maybe slave trading tribes. But only handled with care
@@lucasbroome1048 Considering the tribes that weren't slave trading we're slaves and when given the chance did not hesitate to be slavers themselves. That would be extremely difficult. But I get your points, but it definitely would cause alot of controversy. But there is a difference here, being that it's some servant that is the only notable black man in Japanese history. Out of everyone they chose him.
I am Japanese.
There are a total of 1300 pre-orders for all editions on Amazon Japan.
Of course, it is out of the ranking range.
eh Amazon Japan has been known to inflate their numbers
That's 1300 more than it should be
With a massive population 1300 is nothing. Mostly excited kids/teens
Looking at their track record...
Ubisoft never chose Yasuke as a protagonist to tell his story but for the sole purpose of pretending that any and all criticism of their greedy practices is coming from a place of racism.
You're making up an argument to get mad at.
We aren't calling y'all racists for rightfully criticizing their business practices or how they're literally selling the game for over $100
We're calling y'all racists for pretending AC magically is supposed to be historically accurate and how you're just now, only right now, getting mad about the MC of a game being native or not, accurate or not, and all that.
If you don't do that, then this doesn't apply to you.
@@ShadowTheHedgehog003 You're acting like people disliking the choice of character automatically makes them racist. While sure there probably are some people who dislike the character because they dislike black people in games or whatnot, a lot of people just feel like the character was chosen specifically for his race, which comes off as tokenism. It's valid to be upset about that or at the very least suspicious of Ubisoft's motives
@@ShadowTheHedgehog003btw im black, and I just want an ac game about ASSASSINS, clearly yasuke isnt going to be one and the other protagonist will, so like switching between them in game will be a detriment to the whole game. U remember syndicate right. Ubisoft dont know what they are doing anymore and they are using yasuke to bait u into buying the game thinking its a samurai simulator when its meant to be an ac game😭
@@torukiaI don't know man I think they just chose him cause his story is cool like an African man whether being captured or born to slavery brought to Japan becoming a samurai and just vanishing from the history books. That sounds like a cool story to me. I don't get this tokenism argument about his character with out it just just boiling down to his black, oh but the game has not comeout so we have no clue what is character is like. literally just speculating because his black
@@ShadowTheHedgehog003man, every time someone writes "y'all" and then proceeds to talk about any sort of "ism", I instantly just tune out because clearly there's nothing of value being said.
Red flags in Assassins Creed Shadows:
1. Using an historical person as a main character.
2. Using a main character not from the culture and region.
3. Use of Chinese building structure in Feudal Japan.
4. Ubisoft stealing a flag from the recreational group for an army.
5. Hip hop music playing when Yasuke fights.
6. Ubisoft working with Sweet Baby Inc AGAIN.
7. Yasuke not acting like a Samurai in battle.
8. Yasuke being treated as a God when everyone is just bowing to him.
9. Ubisoft being involved with the edits around Yasuke on Wikipedia.
10. Ubisoft using Chinese Mandarin in the Kanji in a game set in Feudal Japan.
11. The pushing of LGBT stuff into the game (which also makes no sense in the realm of the animus).
12. Ubisoft working with a writer whose main "prominent" work is about monks being in relationships with young boys.
13. Ubisoft stealing the katana of Zoro from One Piece for Yasuke.
Also the double standards media has to glorify Yasuke killing a bunch of Japanese people yet these same people attacked the likes of RE5. The double standards also continue with the people praising this game, a game that doesn't pay 100% correct tribute to Japan, were the ones attacking Ghost Of Tsushima, which did try to be as accurate as possible, simply because it was made an entirely European team.
Those devs did their research. Ubisoft did not.
As an Asian guy myself, it feels like Ubisoft is saying hey you Asians aren't interesting enough to carry a project by yourself so we're adding Yasuke so people would relate to him. We're more than willing to use your setting and culture though. They broke a lot of convention to include him as a protagonist. Would I like a Yasuke game, hell yeah. Just not from Ubisoft and especially not as the first AC game that sets place in East Asia. I like Naoe though and wouldn't mind if she was the main focus. My issue is one hundred percent with Ubisoft and their shit practices.
I hope you tell your Asian friends and family that. Explain to them that Asians can buy Ubi games, but they are seen as not good enough to be male MC in games set in Asia.
Where was your pitchfork and torch when they made that AC platformer where you play as a chinese female assassin? Having another Japanese man play the role of a samurai for the 100th time in a videogame does not hurt Japanese representation it just limits the role a Japanese male protagonist, they can only be used in a videogame if it’s a samurai/shinobi game. Ubisoft just wanted to differentiate itself from other similar games and include DEI. Both arguments are true.
Are you asian or japanese?? Because from what I've seen, actual japanese people are pretty excited about this game and love Yasuke. I'm gonna assume you're not japanese for saying shit like that lol.
@@TheSpartan227 he starts off saying “as an asian guy myself” no matter what race or ethnicity you are, Japanese people don’t care. Japanese people do not view other asians as their equal or a representative of their culture. That’s like me saying I’m peruvian guy myself who speaks for mexican people even though all I know is tacos and churros….
Ubisoft loves to virtue signal while saying literally nothing. I see no reality where Shadows is better than Tsushima.
@@The_SafeKeeperbut that has happened multiple times but nobody cared
I feel like Rise of the Ronin is also a better alternative.
@@sgtroach1510 omg here we go again....were state you crap argument...
For me it’s just too little to late I’ve gotten so bored of the rpg formula that Ubisoft has been doing since origins. And I feel like shadows is gonna be the same thing but just a different setting.
@@derigel7662you dislike blk representation call it how it is
My main issue is that real historical figures have always been supporting characters in AC games, with the one exception to this being the Jack The Ripper DLC in Syndicate. I think they could have made this work better if Yasuke was a major supporting character and got his own DLC later on.
What a silly thing to have an issue with
Yes this!!
I mean assassins creed wasn't all about accurately representing history but I do see your point
@@Marjoss1agreed. Silly
I know you guys don't actually play games for historical accuracy now
Just landed from Japan. I went to a lot of game stores and I didn’t see one advertisement about this game whatsoever. 😂. They REALLY don’t like this game.
ayo mario man, what's up with the moustache
Bro is a viltrumite
wait i thought he is Luigi .
getting ready for pride month i guess
@@ryuno2097 i was just going to say he looks like a gey guy from the 80s
@2wintowerssmokerSo the n word is allowed but the moment I criticize someone, my comment gets removed. Got it youtube.
OK I have a compromise, Next Assassins Creed game will be set in Mali. You can do parkour over grass huts or whatever. But you play as a Japanese man in Africa. And he's wearing a tribal print dashiki, running around killing hundreds of black dudes while looking for some ancient aliens thing. Pre-order costs $140.
And all the marketing can be "U mad bro. It's set in Africa and our main guy is Japanese! He's dressed like a Zulu warrior running around killing black people with a spear. Does that make you angry? Oooooooh!"
Perfect counter point. It isn't racism until it's done to the black people. Such double standards these days.
That depends: WAS there a historical Japanese figure in Mali?
@@TimmyStreamsmost likely not....BUT there were white people born in South Africa at some point!!!
@@TimmyStreams well there was never a black samurai so whats your point? hes a random black guy who was just a glorified servant
@@TimmyStreams We don't have any evidence there wasn't.
they're making us to pre order it without showing us actual gameplay bruh
Making you are you being held at gunpoint? Get some self control wtf
Morons who pre-ordered this are the reason Ubisoft can get away with this type of bullshit. Disgusting behavior.
@@00-JT no i didn't pre order it i mean "telling us to pre order it" yeah that's better thanks for the correction
@@هايالقناةفقطتجربة thats fair
@@00-JT until gameplay footage gets released….yea, they kinda are “forcing people who want to pre-purchase to do so without seeing any gameplay footage”
There not giving us the option to see any footage. But 100% you can just not buy the game 😂❤
Pretty sure Sweet Baby Inc. had something to do with this....
this or one of their clones
In Japan, instead of issues related to racial differences, people often point out various discrepancies in the depiction of the world, such as major structural mistakes in buildings or incorrect use of emblems. The size and arrangement of tatami mats are strange, for example. The place where the esteemed Nobunaga sits should be on tatami, while his retainers should sit on wooden floors. However, the video shows the opposite. The Oda clan's banner should display the "永楽通宝,"(Eiraku Tsuho) coin, symbolizing the importance of the economy. Yet in the video, the banner only shows the Oda family crest. Additionally, the banner that comes with the Yasuke figurine as a purchase bonus actually uses the crest of Nobunaga's retainer, Hideyoshi. Since Ubisoft is lamenting their mistakes, let's pretend we've been "isekai'd" into an incorrect version of Japan. (LOL)
UBI should have used shadow clans like the Imbe clan, the Kamo clan, or the Hata clan rather than Yasuke, Nobunaga's page, for the assassin. The theory that the Hata clan are ancient Israelites is perfect for Assassin's Creed and ties in with the story of Assassin's Creed 1! I don't think UBI knows that Nobunaga is connected to the Imbe clan. Japanese shrines retain many influences from ancient Israelites and Persians. Many clans fled from the volcanic eruption in Japan around 7,500 years ago, moved to the area around Egypt, and then returned to Japan after many generations.
"Dayum dis nibba-san done did his homework " - Yasuke, probably
I'm noticing some chinese architecture in them too. This game reeks of surface level research, even the "Historical" expert they brought in was a joke.
Japanese ancient Israelites is crazy 😂 now that would piss people off
Lmao, none of that is true.
@@trvpmusic2569 The idea that the Hata clan might be ancient Israelites is just a theory. I think otherwise. The Hata clan fled from a massive eruption in Japan (the Akahoya eruption) and migrated to areas around Egypt and Turkey. Over many generations, they brought back the customs, ideas, civil engineering, and sericulture techniques from those regions to Japan. There were likely Persians and ancient Israelites who came along with the Hata clan. Wooden tablets from the Nara period, found in Japanese archaeological sites, mention that Persians held official positions in Japan. In ancient Japan, many people with roots in Persia and the regions around Egypt migrated here. The Hata clan is the lineage that established the Inari and Hachiman shrines. The shrines with red torii gates were built by the Hata clan and are different from traditional Japanese shrines. In the shrines built by the Hata clan, there are clear influences of ancient Judaism or Nestorian Christianity, mixed with traditional Japanese elements. Please come to Japan and visit these shrines.
The character "秦" (Hata) is related to the ancient Chinese "秦" Qin dynasty, and if traced back further, it leads to the Yuzuki kingdom in Kazakhstan. Before coming to Kazakhstan, they were a clan that lived even further west. Please search for "Hata clan,"「秦氏」 "Yuzuki no Kimi,"「弓月の君」 and "Yuzuki kingdom."「弓月国」 Let's explore more about the Hata clan together.
Yasuke is an interesting character for sure, but what if they made the male protagonist Miyamoto Musashi? The dude was a samurai, he was known to use non-traditional methods of fighting (like purposely being late to a duel to tilt the other guy), and he also fought while dual-wielding swords. Having a samurai with a non-traditional fighting style/mentality would have been a really cool foil to the female protagonist, who seems to be much more serious and stealth oriented.
Musashi wouldn't have been born yet.
@@sebastianpijov8708 And Yasuke wasn't a samurai, nor was the pope a wizard wielding a magic alien artifact. Historical fiction allows for things to not make sense timeline-wise. Yasuke feels forced into this role much more than a slightly out of time character that would fit the tone of the series better.
@MrPWN96 there's a difference between fantasy elements and completely changing a historical characters age just so you don't need to play as a black dude. Musashi would've been even more "forced"
@@MrPWN96 how the hell is the pope villain we fought in ac having fictional powers "timeline wise" what? you guys are the ones constantly saying "historical accuracy" and "historical fiction" aren't the same thing and yet here you guys are saying the historical fiction aspect is a "timeline" thing? lol
@@MrPWN96 Even to the Japanese Yasuke is predominately shown as a samurai
The way I see it is that it must suck for Japanese guys who wanted a Japanese assassins creed for a decade and a half and with how they’ve been doing it they maybe would have you choose between a Japanese guy and a Japanese girl, but this is the one time where they decided to make the male character an actual historical figure who isn’t even representative of Japanese history.
Yasuke is literally a part of Japanese history.
@@ohveregreen8945 i guess their point is that yasuke was a minor historical figure?
@@ohveregreen8945 He wasn't a samurai
We’re literally playing as a protagonist who is a native Japanese
@@sgtroach1510yeah but SHE'S A WOMAAN
What I gathered from a Japanese RUclipsr, one of the reasons why they said it’s disrespectful to Japanese History or Culture was two Plants that was supposed to be from different seasons is caught to be in one frame, the other was about that schtick of “historical fiction”, fiction in a historical setting, the era is not even right, the time period should be muddled with civil war, but then in that same supposed era a kingdom can be spotted (in a supposed civil war era), I think they have a legit reason to be pissed.
They also literally stole a flag design from a reenactment group and selling it as a part of the collectors edition. Doing this is a massive issue in Japan.
They had a Japanese man who was in that era who was a real life assassin but they seemed to have ignored him completely and that was Mitsuhide Akechi, the man who assassinated Oda Nobunaga.
Your argument makes no sense Oda committed suicide. And Oda is a very influential person in history playing as someone thats killed him even though he didn't doesn't make no sense.
We also already have a japanese assassin already in shadows that has been front and centre in most of the promo.
@@hawkeyemihawkgettingmoneylord Nobunaga was killed, the suicide theory is literally a myth.
Wow the Shinobi girl is doing her job so well not even guys like this knows that she's an assassin
@@triton5336 dude you again? What are your comment about? You don't even know what you're taking about. Can you understand what is the topic of the main comment?
Dear Samurai Man, Ubisoft has an ESG Risk Rating of 15.6, categorized as "Low Risk" by Sustainalytics. This rating places Ubisoft among the top 3% of companies in the Software & Services industry in terms of ESG performance. To get such a low score (lower = better), the company practices have to be perfectly aligned with the cult of diversity and inclusion.
Given Ubisoft's high emphasis on diversity, statistically, what are the chances they would choose a black samurai from among the many historical Japanese samurai? Ubisoft's commitment to representation and inclusivity absolutely influences their choices. Why would they pick the black samurai if not for that? If their interest was purely in the story, why not pick Miyamoto Musashi, a beloved legendary samurai known for his undefeated record in his 60+ duels and his profound influence on Japanese martial arts and philosophy?
I bet Ubisoft probably was more interested and excited to have discovered the existence of yasuke than the Demon King great unifier Oda Nobunaga.
You don't have to "wait and see" as Act Man suggest to find out what Ubisoft is up to.
Frankly I couldn't have disagreed more with his point about "people getting a chance to be racist" because the info you just gave is pretty well-known.
Plus the fact that one of the main consultant on the game is an activist should indicates what vision they were aiming for.
Thank you for proving you know absolutely nothing about what you are talking about. Musashi Miyamoto was born 2 years after Oda Nobunagas death and after Yasuke had already left Japan. I love how everyone is so peeved about the character choice without actually knowing anything about the game, the setting, etc. they are telling a specific story about a specific period of time and are choosing the characters that best go with the story they are trying to tell
@@thrillainthemanilla1409 These people are basically using "historical accuracy" as a blanket to disguise their blatant racism. There is literally no evidence this game is woke
Why are you acting like this is the first samurai / ninja game. There's countless samurai ninja games ALL of which having japanese protagonists. This is the first game where we've had yasuke as the main character, which already distinguishes it from the rest and makes it a one and only. That is a GOOD thing. We've already seen these other samurai guys a million times, but we've barely ever seen Yasuke.
Also their interest can be purely in the story while having Yasuke as their main character. The two are not mutually exclusive.
There already is a good Japan-themed AC game.
It is called Ghost of Tsushima
And its actually good? 😂😂 yes
@@bradleye660 ?????????????????
@@bradleye660UH WHAT do you mean?
@@bradleye660I just KNOW you clenched your jaw angrily when you typed “blacks”
Or Sekiro
Yasuke wasn’t a samurai. Never was. This wikipedia shit has to be purged. He is a retainer and a male servant. Samurai in Japan is a social class of nobles. They are given farm lands to cultivate, some work as artisans or scholars and are well educated. Musashi Miyamoto, one of the well known samurai was trained and educated. Before his death he wrote a series of books that is still used today. Yasuke only lived for 2 years in Japan. How tf would he be a samurai. Anyone can be a retainer, but not everyone can be a samurai.
Japanese: He wasnt a Samurai
White Americans: Yes he was!!!!!!
@@jamesoakley4570literally no the Japanese love this game and the black samurai while the white American are getting mad for them
You have to mention that ubisoft and their paid sponsored ads is marketing and highlighting Yasuke as a real historical "Legendary" Samurai and a Savior of Japan from its "Oppressors".
I don't think the acting male is gonna make a Red dead redemption 2 review and
"I'm afraid"😢
Maybe he will with his mustache
It's simple
It's made by Ubisoft.
Everything from them is blacklisted.
Get Assassin's Creed VR if you own a headset. You'll at least get mixed feelings from your own statement.
Its not just the fact that "Yasuke the Samurai" is a historical lie, its more the fact that the respect for japanese culture is just outrageously absent. Stop missing the bigger points
“Some people would see this as a diversity checklist.” Dude just call a spade a spade.
Bro, me choosing the only black dude in the whole Japan is totally a coincidence bro, I swear, it’s not like all the other black protagonists, it’s actually meaningful this time, please pay us $130, you aren’t racist, are you?
Ah yes it'd always a diversity checklist......always, everytime a black, women or LGBTQ char is in a videogame it's PURELY A CHECKLIST. BRING BACK ARE WHITE MAN PROTAGS, THATS THE ONLY THING WE MUST HAVE, SILENCE THE WOKE MOB
Good lord get a grip yall
@@max7971You can just not like a game made by Ubisoft because it’s made by Ubisoft you know, you’re not being held at gunpoint to play the game.
@@max7971 😂 HAHAH
I love this guy
@@max7971lol. That's how it be
My biggest confusion with Yasuke being a protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game has nothing to do with his nationality or color. They advertise Yasuke's side as the player "becoming a legendary warrior" and "liberating Japan from its oppressors". Are we missing something here? Samurai were landowners with high ranking military positions and authority. So how is an Assassin's Creed protagonist "liberating Japan from its oppressors" when he is part of the militaristic oppression. Not to mention they glorify samurai at the same time as "legendary warriors". It's all such a joke.
Not only that but labeling Yasuske as "becoming a legendary warrior" and "liberating Japan from its oppressors" is really spitting the face on the Japanese.
Have you ever played an Assassins Creed game, ever? Think about what the "oppressors" in common in literally every game before were? This isn't some woke agenda shit it's the literal lore of the game series lmao, be fr
No black guy ever liberates any of the Asian countries. We don't need them. Like ever!
@@MinhNguyen-pk9qk I don't really see it that way. It's fictional alternate history. It doesn't matter that much. What matters I feel is that Yasuke becoming a samurai is basically like any other assassin becoming a templar and trying to stop some vague "oppressors", while they themselves are an oppressor at that time.
@@BeefBruh The way I see it is that it is not much of an alternate history when there are minor events that lead to a historical event that actually took place. I get your reasoning there but you also have to look at a historical context because samurai are basically landowners and known to be cruel, not all but some, so wouldn't that make Yasuke an oppressor himself even though there is no strong evidence that he is a samurai.
I'm in the camp of I don't trust Ubisoft with using Yasuke cause its probably to deflect people's criticism by calling them racist. Why did they choose this particular game to not have a period relevent insert protagonist like all the other games. Everyone you played was not a real historic figure, why break from that tradition with Shadows? I question the intent because they've never done a playable historic figure before and I won't accept that they're using Yasuke because they think it would be better to use him when they could have made a separate playable black samurai instead of Yasuke. They legitimately could have said there was another black person with Yasuke but he was erased from history by the templars and thats why so little information about him before and after. They could have played it that way and I probably would've only thought it was a DEI checkbox and that their game was overpriced.
This is such a nothing burger. When did gamers become a load of Karens who get their panties in twist over stuff like this? I've seen tens of thousands of Karens screeching for weeks now about the relatively minor historical inaccuracy of some character in a freakin' action game that has never been known for its historical accuracy.
I mean I'm currently playing a game with monkey man who runs around killing magically furies in ancient feudal China and it's awesome. I'm surprised people aren't absolutely losing their minds over Black Myth Wookong's lack of historical accuracy or crying about some nothing burger quote one of it's dev made at some point. It's getting to the point where I am ashamed to admit I'm a gamer.
Do you know what is worth being angry over? All the other BS Ubisoft is up to like there exploitative and abusive monetization schemes, or their uninspired game designs. But no, the thing every gamer Karen seems to be stuck on this nothing burger.
Gamers are not because he's black but its because Ubisoft claims that this title is based on historical facts when its not.
-Yasuke is not a samurai. That's like knighting a Japanese person in medieval Britain
-Yasuke is too unimportant. He's just a servant. When he was captured he was even spared because he is not a warrior.
-They displaced the opportunity for an ASIAN Assassin's Creed Lead which is highly demanded
-Obviously this is blatant Westernism but using a black person as a shield. Its basically "the last Samurai" all over again. Basically Yasuke is a black person with "white culture" saving an "inferior" Asian society. If you change Yasuke's color, the effect would still be the same.
IMO it was done entirely for diversity brownie points. This is the first time in the series that we play as a historical character instead of an OC, and there are plenty of famous Japanese samurai who fit the bill. Depending on what they are going to be doing with Nobunaga, Yasuke could have been one of the lead supporting characters or have a notable side story (or a villain if the portray Nobunaga as a villain, possible given the established lore). But you can't convince me that breaking series tradition of all OC protagonists to make the one notable black person in Japanese history the main character was anything other than for diversity, especially coming from Ubisoft of all studios.
You could have just said “I’m a racist” it would have been a lot easier to type.
@@ayjay579 yh... kinda reads like someone who couldn't even bother to use google. There's already been multiple real life characters as playable for years. They don't do it often but they still have done it.
@@ayjay579 don't be ridiculous. It's a fair point and I'd make the same point if it was a white character. Assassin's creed is naturally diverse as a series as it's set all over the world which is great. I'm sick of being called racist when clearly I want to play as an Asian character and had no issues with origins where everyone is African.
@@user-lj3po9fe5vYeah these people having a problem with the first comment are bots. Mention one thing about having a problem with the protagonist and you get called a racist 😂 its a joke
But there is an Asian character you can play as
She is literally the other protagonist
Two reasons for me:
1. It’s Ubisoft, they haven’t made anything worthwhile since Unity(and that’s being generous)
2. Ghost of Tsushima did it already and probably better than the slop that Ubisoft will put out
For me it's Syndicate, but then they dropped two games with infuriating garbage ruining the good gameplay that was there, with some of the worst writing ever on top (AC Origins and Far Cry 5). I've literally gone from an Ubisoft casual fan 10ish years ago to "they're better than Activision and M$... I guess... end of good things to say".
@@theliberation9061 THat's pretty much my stance as well. Syndicate was the last AC game I relatively liked. I'm ashamed to say that I purchased Origins and Odyssey to give it a chance and hoping that I would like it but I have avoided Ubisoft games like the plague since then. In the case of the AC series, the new style of games just completely stripped out what I loved about the AC games while amplifying what I didn't like.
@@theliberation9061 far cry 5 was at least edgy. 6 is just irredeemable. nothing about far cry 6 spells risk taking. it's by the numbers safe.
Origins was the last good one if you ask me, and I will freely admit there is a bias because Ancient Egypt is something I've been fascinated by since I was a kid. Bayek was a badass too, and the first mentor. Syndicate was forgettable, and Unity was complete shit.
Unity was complete unplayable garbage if you ask me. In my opinion the last good Assassin's Creed game was Origins because of Bayek. His voice actor carried that game on his shoulders, and the Egyptian setting was amazing. Especially the different biomes you could visit like the Nile Delta and the arid foothills of the Libya/Egypt border. There's also the fact that Bayek is the guy who pretty much laid the foundations for the Assassin Brotherhood, every single character we played as, are only assassins because of him. He's forgotten by everyone but was by far the most influential figure in the Brotherhood. I just wish that they'd given Abubakar Salim more time to shine and made an Ezio-style trilogy with Bayek as the main focus, building the Hidden Ones and travelling all over the world to recruit people and stop the Order of Ancients. But as you know we don't live in that timeline.
The same people complaining about resident evil 5 having a white guy in Africa fighting Africans are now saying a black guy in Japan fighting Japanese people is somehow ok. Just another game where "the message" is more important than the actual product.
Yes these two examples are clearly exactly the same, and there's no nuance or context separating the two.
My God you people are purposefully dishonest or you really are proud of being dense.
@@Lucax97 Just admit you hate Asians already.
@@Lucax97 if you want to add context where I lack it, please go ahead. Hell I'll make my point even more clear cut. How would people feel if the main character for shadow was white instead of black? Surely everyone would still be defending it, right?
Well Nioh had a white protagonist so did Shogun so you kinda proved yourself wrong
@@VictorStephens-en1wn I can pull up 5 articles right now trashing Nioh for having a white protagonist, so no this actually makes my point harder. Where are the articles from these outlets calling out shadows for the same thing?
Can’t wait for his apology tweet after the game comes out. What about all the Japanese people that are offended? They are not culture warriors.
exactly the only criticism he shows is from Western players. Why doesnt he show the criticism that Japanese players have?
but its not "historical accuracy" its "historical fiction" he literally just made that up 😚
The fact that the main character has a Wikipedia page didn't ring alarm bells? Protagonists have all been fictional until this point.
That's the biggest problem imo. Yasuke should've been in the game as an NPC with Nobunaga, NOT as a playable character. Having you play historical people is a bad precedent for AC.
@@LordVader1094 Pretty sure that logic applied to Nioh, also. But here were are, no controversy to speak of.
@@jynxce Yasuke is marketed by Ubisoft as a historical legendary samurai. He's not a legendary samurai or a warrior. He's a swordbearer, part of an entourage.
William Adams is a navigator and a shipwright that Shogun Ieyasu declared as a samurai for the aforementioned, but Team Ninja NEVER marketed him as a legendary samurai or a warrior.
@@jynxce People always bring up Nioh but that totally misses the point. The problem isn't that there is a video game with a samurai that happens to be a brother. If Yasuke was in some random AA game I doubt many if any people would care. The problem is that this is an AC and Yasuke does not make sense on any level and breaks like every MC convention the series has followed since it's creation. All so they can add extra "diversity" to a game that already has a cast made up entirely of POCs. The entire thing is a sick joke and it's absurd that people defend this nonsense.
@@BrandonHeat243 "a cast made up entirely of POCs"
excuse me but.
Instead of making a cool Assassin's Creed game based in Japan and focused on Japanese culture, they shoehorn a black guy in and have the audacity to claim its historical. Yasuke was a retainer, calling him a samurai in the context that he was like actual Japanese samurai is laughable. He had no impact on anything, and was kept around much like a pet. Don't get mad at me, I am not calling him that, but to the nobles who were around him, he was a novel attraction. He did nothing and was sent home after doing nothing. It wouldn't be so bad if this wasn't the 1 millionth instance of media corporations black washing history and shoe-horning black people into other peoples' culture and history.
a retainer in japan was an elite swordsman who sold military services in exchange for land to live on. stop applying european definitions of retainers to japanese history. he was not sent home, he was sent to jesuits to be treated because he was wounded when fighting to protect his lord in the honno-ji incident.
@@aeoyndjuric1679 Why so pathetic?
Who cares? It’s a video game not a documentary.
If you wanna play an ASSASSINS creed in Japan you might wanna consider playing an actual Assassin instead of a samurai. Then non of this would be your problem. Considering the similarities of assassins and shinobi it makes sense to not play the samurai at all. Not because of black but because of no ninja.
You guys are getting the opportunity to play a Shinobi in an assassins creed game but complain about something avout a samurai. What's wromg wirh you
Ubisoft has truly embraced its reputation as an evil greed filled company. 130 fucking dollars for a game bro?
But you could just, buy the base game. If you’re dumb enough or love the game enough to spend that much money on extras, power to ya. I never understood why people get mad over the existence of more expensive packages of the game. Nobody’s forcing you to spend more than the $70 every game costs
70 dollars. You don't have to be this disingenuous to make fun of ubisoft, criticize something that is actually worthy of criticism, like their game design. When you single out the most expensive version you could possibly buy and act like thats the standard price, it makes you look like you're grasping at straws for something to hate on
$70 for the base game. Easy enough to look up. Don't let others think for you...
@@buckyhurdle4776it's gamers like you that let this kinda stuff slide bruh. What do you even get for paying extra?? A quest? A skin? Playing a few days early?? Trash dude. Ubisoft doesn't care about you, don't bother defending them. Those arent there for you, they're there to make more money due to ubisofts Corpo greed. As the original comment said.
@@prestigev6131 exactly it’s there if you want it but you don’t have to pay that much if you don’t want to, Sam can be so micro transactions I mean sure they shouldn’t be in there cause it’s single player game I get that but I mean I’ve never once bought anything from any assassin Creek game because if I didn’t like it, I’m just not gonna buy it
Man this aged like milk
did they raise even mors the price?😅
"Omg someone killed the emperor. Look around for anyone who doesn't look like us quick"
The emperor ain't death
He is in a vegetal state powering a thing call the astronomican
.... What?
No, but seriously: what?
What guard's first instinct would be: "Check for gaijin"? It's the Sengoku period, the first thing you are gonna check for, is traitors working for another Clan, not assume that some foreigner must have somehow fought past all the guards and assassinated the Emperor.
@@ALookIntoTheEulenspiegelThe joke is that somebody would’ve seen him assassinate the emperor and notice he isn’t asian.
Also these bot comments above are insane.
1. This character doesn't seem to be focused on stealth.
2. Have you never seen what the protagonist normally wear in AC games? They almost never exactly blend in and regularly wear full Assassin regalia.
@@ALookIntoTheEulenspiegelAre you trying to be intentionally dense or you just can't help it?
Regarding the protaganist of the game, I think it comes down to this: The real historical figure probably wasn't a real and big samurai, so Ubisoft went out of their way to prop him up and create loads of fiction to justify him as a character. That is, like you said, historical fiction and not a big deal. But the point is: WHY did Ubisoft pick him and spend time changing history to make him a lead character. Why couldn't he be in the story as a side-character and still be important or something? Why did specifically this person need to be the protagonist? And yeah I agree you cannot really ask Ubisoft if they did it for diversity checkpoint (and even if you did ask, they might lie about it) so you don't really know why they did it, but it is kinda weird because the real historical person is not really important and def totally irrelevent to Japan or Japanese history. Regarding racism: I have seen absolutely 0 drama or backlash when AC Freedom Cry released, starring a black man as only protagonist. Everybody was fine with that and liked it. I think it is just kind of weird to pick the only black person in Japanse history and prop him up and make up a whole fictional story about him. It reeks of woke diversity bullsh.
Why care though, putting all that thought into a black guy knowing good nad well Ass creed games are shitty regardless of who the person is real fake black white arab french etc. The games are boring trash.
Yes exactly, the issue is more that the historical fiction spits in the face of the historical accuracy here. Act Man literally says that AC uses historical accuracy as a base and then the actual game is the untold story, but the fact that Yasuke’s story is known well enough that he most certainly did none of what is shown in game means his argument of historical fiction making Yasuke as a protagonist not matter null itself. Not to mention that Ubi tried saying that this depiction of Yasuke was historically accurate means that argument of historical fiction also null.
the mental gymnastics yall go through is crazy if you guys spent 1% of your energy complaining about the shitty monetisation ubisoft pulls instead of crying about some black guy then maybe ubisoft would stop robbing people in broad daylight
@@ciggylegz oh please, there isn’t a need to explain why we hate the shitty monetization, the issue with Yasuke requires much more articulation so others don’t just call it racism. And it isn’t crying over a black guy, it’s complaining about the lies he represents in this game, if he was actually a samurai in real life I’d be more or less okay with it given his gameplay isn’t focused on stealth.
@@EmperorKaykore expecting or wanting detailed 100% accurate history in a shitty boring game about alien apple things that influence history with "magical powers"🤣
Honestly I need to replay ghost of Tsushima and then make a samurai build in Cyberpunk
Currently playing GoT for the first time. About 5 hours in I just said to myself “oh this is AC Japan, I can save my money now.” Game is pretty fun.
@@d-fens5866It destroys anything Ubislop has made in the last 10 years
I'm playing through Tsushima again. Such a great game. Try the Kurosawa mode!!
Cyberpunk is masterpiece now! What a come back
@@d-fens5866bro I finally gave ghost of Tsushima a try and I can’t believe it took me this long to play it. Now I understand why they got such high praise for this game.
The historical accuracy point you try to make falls apart when the devs say they’re being historically accurate, like they did with this game. This is the first time a historical character has been used as a protagonist. It matters because Yasuke was a historical person and they’re portraying him as a legendary samurai and saying they’re basing it on history.
They’re using Yasuke strictly for DEI, ESG, Sweet Babay Inc. angle. The devs literally said they used him for a foreign perspective on Japan. And unfortunately, the diversity crap is being shoved in anything. Sweet Baby Inc literally exists for liters that reason.