Doctors need to stop prescribing without testing

  • Опубликовано: 30 ноя 2024
  • I spent a year being “treated” for recurring sinus infections with random antibiotics. It took over a year to get a sinus endoscopy and bacterial culture, two years of suffering to get a CT scan, where I was informed the recurring infections had left me with nasal polyps and a blocked right maxillary sinus with trapped mucus inside it. I spent those two years being told by numerous doctors “well we gave you (random) antibiotics and you’re not better, and so there’s nothing more we can do.” Those were just straight up lies.
    I spent years with chronic UTIs, having random ABs thrown at me without urine cultures to ensure effective treatment. And no once asked “why is this woman in her early 20s getting UTIs constantly?” It was low estrogen!
    I spent a year with recurring vaginal yeast after a UTI. Numerous doctors refused to perform a vaginal swab and culture and instead prescribed clotrimazole and fluconozole over and over again, even though I said they didn’t work. Only one doctor eventually did a wet mount to even confirm I HAD yeast. It took a whole year to get a proper swab and culture where it was discovered I had a rare Candida yeast that was resistant to -azole anti fungals. It responded great to very tolerable daily oral nystatin. Why did it take over a year and my actually researching my illness myself to receive the appropriate treatment?
    I was put on the low-dose contraceptive pill as a teenager because of acne and because I wasn’t developing (signs of LOW hormones, amenorrhea, etc). I was just told “it regulates hormones.” No one ever tested my hormones to confirm how and why and if they needed to be regulated. Just looking at me (no body fat) a doctor should have own I had insufficient hormones. No one told me the pill actually suppresses endogenous hormone production and pill users have lower levels and bioavailability of sex hormones. This was the opposite treatment that I needed, and I was told to stay on it for the next 15 years. All subsequent disabling symptoms of hormonal insufficiency that I nexperienced- I was just told “we don’t know about that, but the pill is the only treatment.” It was the opposite treatment I needed, I needed HRT, hormone replacement therapy. All my bloodwork, that I had to beg for, and that doctor then dismissed, showed the estradiol normal for a menopausal women, and either low “normal” T or actually out of range low. No one cared.
    There was literally no reason I had to suffer this way. I developed numerous severe complications due to years of recurring infections; inflammation and issues caused by hormonal insufficiency. #chronicdisease #chronic #chronicpain #chronicillness #invisibledisability #pelvicpain #pudendalneuralgia #medicalsystem #medicalscience #modernmedicine #spoonies #interstitialcystitis #chronicyeast #vulvodynia

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