great review. I've had mine flying for about a week now. I got the version for my Vista system and using the vista air unit for command and control as well. I had to snip off the business end of the DJI wiring and attend to the fussy soldering of short wires to the air unit, but the process went along without a hitch. I'd like the DJI 3 someday (who wouldn't?), but the vista still broadcasts enough quality footage to work with in post to fit in with other 4k video. I mention using Vista because a lot of people are still on the original DJI/Vista air units and it works satisfactorily for my cinematic cruise-style flying. Since the flight time is just 2.5 minutes, I'm glad I purchased 4 extra batteries which I charge in parallel. I think it took a week from the date of the order to receive this little quad direct from BetaFPV.
When you said the best case use for this quad, at 3:50 I instantly said for being a fan boy and giving yourself more stress than if you ( the royal you NOT you in particular brother ) just manned up and used something bigger or use analog for it! 😅 talk about polishing a turd 😂 👍 ( this is from a self admitted fanboi and absolutely merch hype beast 😁🤝 )
This maybe the way I lean into Dji because I could make a killing filming these houses with this. Honestly a gimbal is better for most applications but when you have a nyc skyline this would make a great ending clip sorta usage for me
Great overview of the Pico 03 cruiser. Cute little guy. I could see uses for it, in particular indoor flying. The naked O3 should give it more flight time and agility. I'm not a content creator but I really like the fpv footage of the O3 air unit. I've got mine in an Openracer build 😎 Got the idea from Limon-Iven's Openracer + DJI O3 video. Happy flying everyone, stay greasy. 🥓
The O3 really does do a good job for most uses! I am just one of those weirdos who likes to spend forever color grading and that 10 bit out of a gopro just makes me giddy :p
I have the Pavo20 Pro version and it's pretty much a 2.2" cinewhoop + mild freestyle quad. All the points you mention about the Pico lacking the Pro delivers.
I bought one of these last week, as a beginner I wanted something I could fly inside as "Winter is Coming!" and I know stock on a lot of FPV drones are backordered. I love that you show a variation of the frame color in use! I wondered that. Great video and opinions given for your flight types!
If you wanna learn to fly, get a Mobula6 or the equivalent in BetaFPV and learn on a 65mm. They break way less than larger whoops because they're so light. Plus they will go anywhere...and every chair leg, lamp next to a wall, etc, etc... Becomes a gate! Best to learn on, many have done it and attested to it. 😎🤘
My 85mm whoop, with a very rugged frame, real battery strap so I can fly any lipo I want, and Naked Caddx Vista with Nebula Pro comes in at under 60 grams. I don't care about 4K video and don't sell my flights, so I'm over the novelty of recording 4K video in such a small craft, and know "It's all about weight with whoops!" I'll take the huge weight reduction that makes this a little freestyle RIPPER that still has crystal clear video with outstanding range and penetration. But, instead of this Pavo Pico that's a cruiser, mine gives me everything BUT the 4K, and it's actually a blast to fly and not nearly so fragile. Remember the two bonuses... It flies longer on the same lipo because it's lighter, and it gets damaged less often because of it has less inertia in crashes. Sure, if I sold flights, I'd get the 4K, but if you want something super fun to FLY build your own or buy this kit (or I think the Mobula8), add a Naked Vista and RIP IT UP! 😎🤘
it is a pretty sweet little quad! On the first batch, I wouldn't try to push a 3S pack on it. That run only had a 12A ESC rather than the 20A used in batch 2 so you have a higher likelyhood of desync and ESC failure when you up the voltage.
That's what I was saying! I could care less about the 4K video. I'm not in the video filming business and I know my videos would sit on a hard drive never getting watched after the first time viewing. So, since it's all about weight with whoops, it makes much more sense to put a Naked Vista in it! Now, I know with an 03, it's gonna fly like a bloated cow or flying barge. 🐮 🚢 It's really, Really heavy and that's top heavy too! My version I built isn't top heavy and is a low rider, meaning only a tiny camera sticks up from the top. It weighs under 60 grams with a battery strap that allows me to use any lipo I currently own. It's just a better idea to make it as light as possible and use a 95mm or larger whoop for carrying those heavier VTX/cameras. 😎🤘
I've put one flywoo extreme naked O3 in it and guess what cruise time went up to 5 min, amazing. The downsides of doing it is a) to use zip ties because the over all size is smaller and b) to go without a SD card and ending up with 20 MB internal storage.
@BaconNinjaFPV You have to take a notebook to cache some takes after let's say four or five packs. The O3 has to cool down anyway, haha. An other issue occured using these ND filters. They have two slits on the side that reflect light objects from behind onto the lense, e.g. windows or lamps while flying indoors. I covered them with black sticky tape
I would like to see a test flight with a 3S battery. How long would the flight take? smooth flight. I want to work in real estate and Shows! I am from Brazil! Success to you!
Honestly I think 2S is right at the sweet spot for this one. 3S would add some significant weight and likely make the flight time much worse. On something this small every gram counts and you would be way up in the throttle to keep it in the air on a 3S pack, so you might net a few seconds extra but likely wouldn't be worth it really.
The FC from the batch "two" is capable of 3S, but the original motors are not. When you try to change motors you will be faced with the problem that there are no other motors which will fit to the 3 hole mounting pattern. So you have to replace the carbon frame to a 4 hole one... I suggest to buy a frame kit and FC separately (and all other parts). We did and it flies great now as expected!
The big reason why I’m looking at this is because yes, I want something to fly in my house to be able to get super comfortable flying FPV before I go fly bigger stuff (I live in a big city where flying outdoors is pretty hard), but I don’t want to invest in an FPV system that I’ll have to upgrade in the future anyway. Yes, it’s kinda expensive with the Air Unit and the Integra goggles, but I’ll be able to use that gear (mostly the goggles unless I wanna take the entire air unit out, which I’m not entirely ruling out) with any future stuff I do. That makes it expensive now, but cheaper in the long run.
no shame at all!!! Honestly, there aren't any realllllly good BNF quads in that size at the moment. I think we will see more as this year plays out, but the prior market really didn't have much space for them. I would say your best bet is to go to someone like catalyst machine works and have them build you one on their frame. Almost guaranteed to rip!
Brother I need help Please! i have a 3.5 in quad that was working perfect until i crashed it and broke a motor. i replaced the motor but now the quad acts like i have the motor output limited to 10% . it will arm and it followes the sticks like rocking it back and forth or side to side with the sticks. i have checked everything. all is set right. but no mater how much throttle i give it it is not enough to take off from the ground. i have re flashed everything and tried older versions. checked the esc's in blhelisuit. nothing makes any difference. Do you have any idea where to start> have you ever seen this before? Please help! By the way i build quads for the public so i know what im doing. but this one has me stumped. im to the point of just randomly changing parts. i thought maybe the new motor was weak and the Fc was dumbing down the other motors to match the week one so i took it off and it still does it. it never tries to freak out or anything all seems correct.
Hmmmmmm, does it sound like it should be taking off or does it sound more like it is down at idle? Also, if you just full stick it roll or pitch while it is in the ground will it flip over and roll or does it barely lift in that direction too?
nice little one i just get it to burn in the air (first bash), just 10 flys on it. I dont know if I will get another one, Im still waiting to know if my o3 still alive or not...
well that makes me sad :( I never had any issues out of mine other than the whoop breakage...but I know that the scope of my experience with a product is only limited to the one, or one's, that I am given.
Yeah digital is way more sensitive my Walksnail broke after about 20 flights, granted I was flying inside with a 75mm. I was able to get it repaired, thanks to Happymodel. It has broke again though. This time I only flew it outside exclusively. I think it was the heat because it blew up on a 💯 degree day. I don’t know 🤷♂️ how good DJI is about warranting there products. Happymodel is awesome about warranty’s though.
You sure can! That is actually one of the best uses of it to be honest. Since it is so small and has prop guards, the risk is low and you can get into tight spaces. Using the O3 footage for indoor photography means making some manual settings adjustments to the camera so that it can handle the lighting conditions, but once you do it looks great!
ok now this exists lol, i understand but why not 2.5inch whoop to use o3 i think you really tried hard to come up with some purpose of this :D the footage looked decent for sure, but so will be on 2.5 inch which you can fly better than this one, i still have questions for its purpose lol thanks mate enjoying your content on the morning coffee before work :)
There are a few reasons honestly. First one is that this is so small it is really easy to get into the tight spots like narrow hall ways, small openings in walls, and above lighting fixtures in vaulted areas. Now for outdoors, hands down a bigger quad makes more sense. I really think 3.5" cinewhoops are where it is at for open spaces! I will say, showing the options to my real estate contacts they will pick this little thing 99% of the time for indoor shots if they can just because there is less of a likelihood that I break any of the furnishings I am flying around when the owners havent moved out yet, lol.
There manufacturers are always trying to come up with something new! This is a contest to get the 03 on the lightest craft. Not that it's a good idea, but they did it. We all know lighter is better in whoops, but this is just too heavy for a whoop. Sure, it cruises, but that's about it. If you make money with cruise videos, buy it. But, if you wanna RIP, use a Naked Vista or make it analog! 🤔👍
So if I shoot something commercially but it’s indoors the whole time (not in any FAA governed airspace) I don’t need RID, right? Does anyone know the answer to this? It sounds right but I wanna make sure
As long as it is completely in doors and you never cross into outdoor air space, you are good :) (not a lawyer, but that is the way the regulations read)
Hi bacon ninja could you help me pick out antennas for a fpv rc car build? I have hdzero freestyle,transporter 2 and hdzero VRX. I watched your antenna video on hdzero but I'm going to be on the surface and in a house mostly etc. I still plan on giving super thanks too $ ❤️
great. BTW alexwalter, what do you think about all gubments drawing a line around you(Antarctic Treaty) and saying you are not allowed to leave? If you don't know what I mean, read my about tab.
I have the Pavo Pico. It doesn't fly too well. Battery life sucks too. I'm only getting about 3min. on 2S 720mah HV. The O3 is just too heavy. The stock tune on the Pico is weird too. Maybe it would fly better with the Flywoo Lite O3 kit. Does anyone have a better tune than stock for this?
way out of my cost lol heck I'm still trying to get some ev800d goggles lol but i love to still watch the hd stuff even tho it will be a long time before i can anything hd thanks for sharing
TIME OUT! Dude, it also has a nice All In One Flight controller/ESC! It's a fully functional drone except for VTX and camera. You can make it analog, Walksnail, Caddx Vista, etc. The point maybe you should be making is how damn heavy this quad is after adding the 03 to it! It's hefty! Maybe it's fine for slow to medium speed cruising, but freestyle ain't it's forte! But, at $104, you can add a little $12 analog camera and $12 VTX and for under $130 you've got yourself a killer analog freestyle RIPPER!! 😎🤘
great review. I've had mine flying for about a week now. I got the version for my Vista system and using the vista air unit for command and control as well. I had to snip off the business end of the DJI wiring and attend to the fussy soldering of short wires to the air unit, but the process went along without a hitch. I'd like the DJI 3 someday (who wouldn't?), but the vista still broadcasts enough quality footage to work with in post to fit in with other 4k video. I mention using Vista because a lot of people are still on the original DJI/Vista air units and it works satisfactorily for my cinematic cruise-style flying. Since the flight time is just 2.5 minutes, I'm glad I purchased 4 extra batteries which I charge in parallel. I think it took a week from the date of the order to receive this little quad direct from BetaFPV.
Lil drone. This would be cool with the flywoo lightweight thing.
I am really wanting to check out one of those Flywoo's!
You are ready for a RUclips blow up my guy. One banger video away and 100k 200k half mill subs.
When you said the best case use for this quad, at 3:50 I instantly said for being a fan boy and giving yourself more stress than if you ( the royal you NOT you in particular brother ) just manned up and used something bigger or use analog for it! 😅 talk about polishing a turd 😂 👍
( this is from a self admitted fanboi and absolutely merch hype beast 😁🤝 )
lolol...there is a reason that I only own 2 of them :p Now, back to your hype cave sir!!!!! jkjk
@@BaconNinjaFPV 🤣 I like what you did with yours mate 👍
Response had me pmsl 😅 glad it read in the humours manner it was intended ✊🤝
This maybe the way I lean into Dji because I could make a killing filming these houses with this. Honestly a gimbal is better for most applications but when you have a nyc skyline this would make a great ending clip sorta usage for me
Great overview of the Pico 03 cruiser. Cute little guy. I could see uses for it, in particular indoor flying. The naked O3 should give it more flight time and agility. I'm not a content creator but I really like the fpv footage of the O3 air unit. I've got mine in an Openracer build 😎
Got the idea from Limon-Iven's Openracer + DJI O3 video. Happy flying everyone, stay greasy. 🥓
The O3 really does do a good job for most uses! I am just one of those weirdos who likes to spend forever color grading and that 10 bit out of a gopro just makes me giddy :p
If you are flying indoors, FAA rules do not apply, including having to have a part 107 to make money.
very true, they don't control airspace indoors so you are free to do as you please. This is a nice little rig for those indoor flights too!
I have the Pavo20 Pro version and it's pretty much a 2.2" cinewhoop + mild freestyle quad. All the points you mention about the Pico lacking the Pro delivers.
I bought one of these last week, as a beginner I wanted something I could fly inside as "Winter is Coming!" and I know stock on a lot of FPV drones are backordered. I love that you show a variation of the frame color in use! I wondered that. Great video and opinions given for your flight types!
If you wanna learn to fly, get a Mobula6 or the equivalent in BetaFPV and learn on a 65mm. They break way less than larger whoops because they're so light. Plus they will go anywhere...and every chair leg, lamp next to a wall, etc, etc... Becomes a gate!
Best to learn on, many have done it and attested to it. 😎🤘
I grabbed a Mobula 8 and stuck an 03 I wasn't using and its now my most favourite kwad.
I do think it's a before choice than this Pavo Pico! 😎🤘
My 85mm whoop, with a very rugged frame, real battery strap so I can fly any lipo I want, and Naked Caddx Vista with Nebula Pro comes in at under 60 grams. I don't care about 4K video and don't sell my flights, so I'm over the novelty of recording 4K video in such a small craft, and know "It's all about weight with whoops!"
I'll take the huge weight reduction that makes this a little freestyle RIPPER that still has crystal clear video with outstanding range and penetration. But, instead of this Pavo Pico that's a cruiser, mine gives me everything BUT the 4K, and it's actually a blast to fly and not nearly so fragile.
Remember the two bonuses...
It flies longer on the same lipo because it's lighter, and it gets damaged less often because of it has less inertia in crashes. Sure, if I sold flights, I'd get the 4K, but if you want something super fun to FLY build your own or buy this kit (or I think the Mobula8), add a Naked Vista and RIP IT UP! 😎🤘
I have snipped the battery cage off and use a tiny battery strap to hold any 2s pack 👍
Do I have the budget to start fpv?: No
Will I build this setup?: No
Did I watch till the end?: Hell yeah
Fantastic flying, dude! Really excellent review, thanks! 😃
Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
I love it. Have the first batch. What about a 3S battery?
it is a pretty sweet little quad! On the first batch, I wouldn't try to push a 3S pack on it. That run only had a 12A ESC rather than the 20A used in batch 2 so you have a higher likelyhood of desync and ESC failure when you up the voltage.
The motors will not like it and probably burn.
You can use vista nano pro (like I did) too
That's what I was saying! I could care less about the 4K video. I'm not in the video filming business and I know my videos would sit on a hard drive never getting watched after the first time viewing. So, since it's all about weight with whoops, it makes much more sense to put a Naked Vista in it!
Now, I know with an 03, it's gonna fly like a bloated cow or flying barge. 🐮 🚢 It's really, Really heavy and that's top heavy too!
My version I built isn't top heavy and is a low rider, meaning only a tiny camera sticks up from the top. It weighs under 60 grams with a battery strap that allows me to use any lipo I currently own.
It's just a better idea to make it as light as possible and use a 95mm or larger whoop for carrying those heavier VTX/cameras.
That's the way to go! I did that too!
Awesomeness Bacon. I like the Pavo pico . Reminds me of the a tiny Avata . Betafpv and DJI had a baby avata😂
Yeah, both will break in one crash! Lol. Both way too heavy.
I've put one flywoo extreme naked O3 in it and guess what cruise time went up to 5 min, amazing. The downsides of doing it is a) to use zip ties because the over all size is smaller and b) to go without a SD card and ending up with 20 MB internal storage.
oh man, the no SD card thing would kind of kill it for me :( That is some serious flight time though!!!
@BaconNinjaFPV You have to take a notebook to cache some takes after let's say four or five packs. The O3 has to cool down anyway, haha. An other issue occured using these ND filters. They have two slits on the side that reflect light objects from behind onto the lense, e.g. windows or lamps while flying indoors. I covered them with black sticky tape
I would like to see a test flight with a 3S battery. How long would the flight take? smooth flight.
I want to work in real estate and Shows!
I am from Brazil!
Success to you!
Honestly I think 2S is right at the sweet spot for this one. 3S would add some significant weight and likely make the flight time much worse. On something this small every gram counts and you would be way up in the throttle to keep it in the air on a 3S pack, so you might net a few seconds extra but likely wouldn't be worth it really.
The FC from the batch "two" is capable of 3S, but the original motors are not. When you try to change motors you will be faced with the problem that there are no other motors which will fit to the 3 hole mounting pattern. So you have to replace the carbon frame to a 4 hole one...
I suggest to buy a frame kit and FC separately (and all other parts). We did and it flies great now as expected!
The big reason why I’m looking at this is because yes, I want something to fly in my house to be able to get super comfortable flying FPV before I go fly bigger stuff (I live in a big city where flying outdoors is pretty hard), but I don’t want to invest in an FPV system that I’ll have to upgrade in the future anyway.
Yes, it’s kinda expensive with the Air Unit and the Integra goggles, but I’ll be able to use that gear (mostly the goggles unless I wanna take the entire air unit out, which I’m not entirely ruling out) with any future stuff I do.
That makes it expensive now, but cheaper in the long run.
Walksnail told me they have 4k coming soon, i couldn't afford dji so got ws vrx, can't wait!
I‘d really like to see Flywoo send ME one of these naked O3 air units 😂😊
Great review, I think I will get it but as a walksnail build!
analog user here ( shame me later), what 3.5 inch bnf quad that flies like a 5'' would you recommend?
no shame at all!!! Honestly, there aren't any realllllly good BNF quads in that size at the moment. I think we will see more as this year plays out, but the prior market really didn't have much space for them. I would say your best bet is to go to someone like catalyst machine works and have them build you one on their frame. Almost guaranteed to rip!
@@BaconNinjaFPV hey, thank you so much for the responds. I'll reach out to them
Brother I need help Please! i have a 3.5 in quad that was working perfect until i crashed it and broke a motor. i replaced the motor but now the quad acts like i have the motor output limited to 10% . it will arm and it followes the sticks like rocking it back and forth or side to side with the sticks. i have checked everything. all is set right. but no mater how much throttle i give it it is not enough to take off from the ground. i have re flashed everything and tried older versions. checked the esc's in blhelisuit. nothing makes any difference. Do you have any idea where to start> have you ever seen this before? Please help! By the way i build quads for the public so i know what im doing. but this one has me stumped. im to the point of just randomly changing parts. i thought maybe the new motor was weak and the Fc was dumbing down the other motors to match the week one so i took it off and it still does it. it never tries to freak out or anything all seems correct.
Hmmmmmm, does it sound like it should be taking off or does it sound more like it is down at idle? Also, if you just full stick it roll or pitch while it is in the ground will it flip over and roll or does it barely lift in that direction too?
@@BaconNinjaFPV it had low power no matter what i did. i replaced the 4in1 esc and that fixed it. thanks brother.
nice little one i just get it to burn in the air (first bash), just 10 flys on it. I dont know if I will get another one, Im still waiting to know if my o3 still alive or not...
well that makes me sad :( I never had any issues out of mine other than the whoop breakage...but I know that the scope of my experience with a product is only limited to the one, or one's, that I am given.
Yeah digital is way more sensitive my Walksnail broke after about 20 flights, granted I was flying inside with a 75mm. I was able to get it repaired, thanks to Happymodel. It has broke again though. This time I only flew it outside exclusively. I think it was the heat because it blew up on a 💯 degree day. I don’t know 🤷♂️ how good DJI is about warranting there products. Happymodel is awesome about warranty’s though.
I'd love to see how much more flight time a naked 03 would get.
Can I use it for indoor real estate videos?
You sure can! That is actually one of the best uses of it to be honest. Since it is so small and has prop guards, the risk is low and you can get into tight spaces. Using the O3 footage for indoor photography means making some manual settings adjustments to the camera so that it can handle the lighting conditions, but once you do it looks great!
ok now this exists lol, i understand but why not 2.5inch whoop to use o3
i think you really tried hard to come up with some purpose of this :D
the footage looked decent for sure, but so will be on 2.5 inch which you can fly better than this one, i still have questions for its purpose lol
thanks mate enjoying your content on the morning coffee before work :)
There are a few reasons honestly. First one is that this is so small it is really easy to get into the tight spots like narrow hall ways, small openings in walls, and above lighting fixtures in vaulted areas. Now for outdoors, hands down a bigger quad makes more sense. I really think 3.5" cinewhoops are where it is at for open spaces! I will say, showing the options to my real estate contacts they will pick this little thing 99% of the time for indoor shots if they can just because there is less of a likelihood that I break any of the furnishings I am flying around when the owners havent moved out yet, lol.
There manufacturers are always trying to come up with something new! This is a contest to get the 03 on the lightest craft. Not that it's a good idea, but they did it.
We all know lighter is better in whoops, but this is just too heavy for a whoop. Sure, it cruises, but that's about it. If you make money with cruise videos, buy it. But, if you wanna RIP, use a Naked Vista or make it analog! 🤔👍
@@BaconNinjaFPVYes, that's it's use. 👍
Is there a analog version of this quad
I just got it and it's amazing 😁😁
flies a whole lot better than I expected, lol.
So if I shoot something commercially but it’s indoors the whole time (not in any FAA governed airspace) I don’t need RID, right? Does anyone know the answer to this? It sounds right but I wanna make sure
As long as it is completely in doors and you never cross into outdoor air space, you are good :) (not a lawyer, but that is the way the regulations read)
Hi bacon ninja could you help me pick out antennas for a fpv rc car build? I have hdzero freestyle,transporter 2 and hdzero VRX. I watched your antenna video on hdzero but I'm going to be on the surface and in a house mostly etc. I still plan on giving super thanks too $ ❤️
Some people are saying the flight controllers burn on these easily, I wonder how it compares to the Mobula8?
That's why he says in the video that they've upgrade the AIO from 12 amp to 20 amp. Watch it all and you'd know this...🤷🤘
I'm not putting remote ID on that thing but it will be making me money.
BTW alexwalter, what do you think about all gubments drawing a line around you(Antarctic Treaty) and saying you are not allowed to leave? If you don't know what I mean, read my about tab.
2-3$ just for the "whoop" portion; frame is 3-4$
I have the Pavo Pico. It doesn't fly too well. Battery life sucks too. I'm only getting about 3min. on 2S 720mah HV. The O3 is just too heavy. The stock tune on the Pico is weird too. Maybe it would fly better with the Flywoo Lite O3 kit. Does anyone have a better tune than stock for this?
Those battteries are just way too heavy for the Pico. BetaFPV advises to use 450 mAh batteries on this thing
Great review, good analyst, ultra greasy! Perfect! 🗿😤
way out of my cost lol heck I'm still trying to get some ev800d goggles lol but i love to still watch the hd stuff even tho it will be a long time before i can anything hd thanks for sharing
I wish DJI o3 to record audio 😅. With this image quality i can’t imagine what would be up for next generation DJI air unit 🤩
Audio would be awesome!!! Idk if we are ever going to see another DJI VTX have it though since they stopped integrating it after the OG air unit.
@@BaconNinjaFPV you’re right… time will tell
Binging bacon ninja
18:32 to this point.
Idk. I'd still rather get run over buy a speeding ostrich than buy into DJI.
Wow $104 for 4 tiny motors and a whoop frame. No thanks!
TIME OUT! Dude, it also has a nice All In One Flight controller/ESC! It's a fully functional drone except for VTX and camera. You can make it analog, Walksnail, Caddx Vista, etc.
The point maybe you should be making is how damn heavy this quad is after adding the 03 to it! It's hefty! Maybe it's fine for slow to medium speed cruising, but freestyle ain't it's forte!
But, at $104, you can add a little $12 analog camera and $12 VTX and for under $130 you've got yourself a killer analog freestyle RIPPER!! 😎🤘
@@KOrnhOliO1 OK That makes more sense!
Nope, 20 seconds of that was more than enough