Badma Wededu you are right. From Eritrea tigrigan speakers has dry land like Tigray. The red sea and asab are belong to Afar.And Afars love their mother land Ethiopia. This all evil work created shabya and TPLF .
We tegaru we really love with no war no peace strategy until dumb ertrawiyan is destroying from the country we will be continue for another 50 years no matter what viva tplf = tigray people one heart one people the golden people of all time tigray people
Wedi Tigray We know you, you are not wedi tigray, you are one of the stupid Jeberti from Eritrean. hahahaha, who do you think we are????? You are trying to spread hate between Eritrean and tegaru, no way we love our people, they are not woyane. Nice try
Do not trust this guy, he is someone who has two tongues, he thinks people don’t know his old story. Don’t waste your time listening to his stories. Let the people who know him well come out and tell what he did when Eritrea declared her independence.
Bereket already admitted his father was a unionist and have blood on his hands. Bereket tried to minimize his believe as "Federalist". What the difference between the two? Eritreans knew you for long but gave you more chances in case you change but a traitor never change. Yesterday was traitor, today is a traitor, and dead as traitor.
No federation and no confederation at all with Ethiopia in any condition we can stand talk with our own feet . alas! We don’t listen those two failed professors.
Professor Breket. Doesn't represented Eritrea and its people if Ethiopia wants peace with Eritrea they have to respect what they signed in Alger and they have to hand BADME. then we can talk by the way professor Bereket where is the ERITEAN FLAG
This guy suffers from dementia.His father was an Ethiopian spy and Ato Berekhet remained obedient servant for successive Ethiopian regimes. When he realized that the struggle of Eritrean people confirmed he stood by the struggle. He is opportunist who are looking his benefits.
We do not need another Tigraye we have enough Tigraye for temporarily right now. Of course when time is coming up we will give to your brother and sister because they belongs to you. No more tigers in Ethiopia.
Men Kem I know you've a country called Eritrea there no question about that what I'm saying is you left a Trattoria with us that must be belongs to Eritrea which is Tigraye we just figured out 100% they much with your people. Absolutely they do not look like us , by culture, language, traditional whereas much more.
I think you didn't understand what the professor said on the video and for another time please comment after you watch the whole video and another thing is you have no idea about Eritrean people and if you don't know about Eritrean and Eritrea please I suggest you to Google us and there you will find out how much blood we were sacrifice just not to be a part of Ethiopia (not to be called Ethiopian) and we have an independent brand new country and we don't wanna be Ethiopians anymore but we wanna be a good neighbor, we won't wanna live peacefully with your country and we also wanna work with your country for mutual prosperity. For another time have respect for yourself and don't disgrace yourself on social media. Respect and peace for Eritrea and Ethiopia
why you are missing your basic respect ? can't you wait a moment and then do a discussion amongst all eritreans? please try to analyse the consequences on your personal diginity
This old man guy I always wondering when he make speeches in tigrigna he said ertrawiyan is much better than ethiopia when he speeches on amaharic completely different than tigrigna how do he get PhD this old hailesilase riziraz neger new
Bereket, i won't add any title to your name ( for the educational title that you earned is at the expense of the suffering of every eritrean family that paid everything for the sake of this nation). I have read your books and saw some of your videos including this one and all that i can see is, a man who is intellectual dishonest to himself and deceives those who exalt him because of whatever reason they might have. But I assure you that eritreans who are versed of their history and the eritrean patriotism are well aware of 1) your intentions (to heal the identity crisis that your children have is the least out of the long list that everyone knows) and 2)the systematic way of revising history and misleading people that are clearly manifested in your books. 3) your obsession with the megalomaniac and murderer Haileselassie. Every eritrean wants to live in peace with the neighboring countries but we couldn't do that because of the tyrant regime that we have in Eritrea. And to redeem your mistakes, i believe you would have played a great roll by making your priority to unify the eritrean opposition groups so that we as Eritreans could live in peace and tranquillity in our homeland instead of disrespecting what the foundation of Eritrea and eritreans stands for. FYI, i personally believe that the predicament that eritreans are facing right no, will be over soon and to stop the likes of you from day dreaming, when all these is over, building electrified border fence in the Ethio-eritrean border is the only solution that i can see. Eritrea for eritreans and peace to every real eritrean.
Those of us who supported an equivocal Independence of Eritrea and its people has been skeptical about you for a very long time. Your history has been always one foot in Abay Ethiopia and your other weaker foot for independence of Eritrea. You never believed the independent of Eritrea sincerely. That is why your mind has been always fixated in the Federation-Confederation fiasco. How would a healthy brain would entertain those cover up words after we scarified 65k for independence of Eritrea and another 20k during the border war with Ethiopia. One can understand you might have a divided heart since you married an Ethiopian women and your kids most likely consider themselves as an Ethiopian. Its a common phenomenal which happens in a lot of Ethio-Eritrea families. But its intellectually dishonest carrying Eritrean identity for your evil agenda. Its because of people like you our parents had to fight a costly war for 30 years while most African nations got their independence with a silver plate. At the time you were serving at a cabinet level for emperor Haileselasie while he was committing atrocity over the people of Eritrea. That's your history Gashe Bereket. FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON YOU: FOOL ME TWICE , SHAME ON ME !!!
This ertrawiyan facking he give up his hund to dergoch kkkk this is the result off tplf strategy which is No war no peace strategy we continue this strategy
coconfoderation is like creating another kelele in is like creating another tigeraye kelele.we ethiopian have already a big proboem rather creating another kelele.
we will see who is the engine and the car- who is exploiting every resource from Ethiopia and taking to Tigray?? hahaa....when people don't know themselves is in sane and they must be rock head.
The biggest problem with most Eritrean is, the just repeat the same thing what the majority say without analyzing the issue deeply.if you starts a speech in the name of ERITREA then the rest speech can be any rubbish as long as you don’t say something about the mountain and the hills of the count ,, people are not important, Democracy is not important , free speech not important, human right is not important ,,, individuals are not important ,, what is wrong with the idea of Bereket to think as Eritrean confederation or other type of relation with Ethiopia. What is wrong with when Germans want unity with France or other country ? Or the other way Britain exited from Europe ,, it is every mans right to want and choose the way he sees things right ,, this is democracy,, individuals crest idea and things not The masses
Bereket ab erganu ztezerogo medenageri. Ethiopia bshim federation atyom kushetatna andidom adetatnan yehwatnan tegasisom tnusatna bkara zelzilom meneseyna ab fekodo godonatat zahzihom higi nzeytekm genzeb mennet Eritrawnet dagmay kettfa ab erganka mbgaska xlat amlak eyu. Amlak ymharka.
አጆሀ አቦይ ሀብተስላሴ. ያቀኔለይ. ዳግማዊ ዘረዓይ ደረስ ብየዎታለሁ ጎይታየ.
ዘረዓይ ደረስ ለናት አገሩ ኢትዮጵያ የከፈለው መስዋዕትነት እንዳይጠፋ ህዝባችንንና አገራችን ቶሎ እንሰብስበው.
ወደፊት የገዛ አገራችንን ሌላ ባእድ በመበታተናችን ቀዳዳ መግባቱና የባሰ እንዳያገኘን ቆም ብለን እናስብ.
Haree gohaf
እኛ አንድ ነን እግዚአብሔር አንድ ያድርግን
God bless you too dear Prof. Bereket.
ትክክክል በፀሎት ልናስበው ይገባል
My favorite person dr bereket
ሕሱር ርካሽ ፡ላሓሲ ናይ ኣምሓሩ።
ኘሮፌሰር በረከት የሰላም አምባሳደር ፣ የፍትሕ ሰው ስለሆንክ ደግሞ በዚሁ ማዕረግ phdህን ሰራህ ፣ ረጁም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ተመኝሁ
*ፕሮፌሰር በረከት አንተን ፔንዱለም ብየሃለሁ አንዴ እዚህ አንዴ እዛ ንፋሱ በነፈሰበት ሁሉ የምትነፍስ* *አቋም የሌለህ ሰው አንተን አየሁ ተንከረባበታለህ ራስ ወዳድ ነገር ነህ* *ለዚህ እኮ ነው አንዴ ከንጉሱ ጋር አንዴ ከደርግ ጋር አንዴ ኤርትራ አሁን ደግሞ ፌድሬሽን ፈላጊ በቃ መንከረባብት ነው*
*ያንተን በዙ ኢንተርቭው ሰምቻለሁ ደግሞ ከሚገርመኝ ነገር ኤርትራዊያን* *ጋዜጠኞች ሲጠይቁህ ሌላ ኢትዩጵያዊያን ጋዜጠኞች ሲጠይቁህ ሌላ እረ ምን ይሻልሃል? እናንተ* *ሽማግሌዎች አርፋቹ ተቀመጡ*
Professor Bereket Dedeb nek . Tasaznalek .
ተስፋፅዮን አይትድከም ሀደ አይኮናን አይንደለኩምን አህዋትም አይኮናን
መን ከምዚላአኮኩም ንፈልጥ ኢና ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ግን ሃሊፍዎ ኢዩ
100 አመት ቀቲሊሞምና ተመሊስና ንምንታይ አብ አፍ ሃዊ ንአቱ
ምስ ሱዳን ዘይንገብር ንምንታይ
ታሪክ ኢትዮጵያ ምስ ኩለን ጎረባብታ ሓደ ዐይነትን ኢዩ ንምንይት ምሳና ሕውነት ደሊዮም
ኮራኩር ወያነ አብ ትበጽሕዎ የብልኩምን አብ ዘለኩም ሃሊኩም ፈሊጥናኩም አለና
በርከት ናይ ሃገርካ ኢትዮጵያ ንፍዐ ወኪል ኢካ
ደም ኤርትራዊ መጻወቲ አክላባት አይኮነን
ኢቶም ማሳካ ኮይኖም ዝንቁው ዘለዉ ህዝቢ ዝፈለቅጦም ጋሓፋት ኢዩኦም
እንታይ ትብል ኣለኻ ኣታ ዓሻ መስኪናይ።
Sub-human. Go to school to see light at the end of your deep dark tunnel. ነፍጠና ኤሪትራዊ ኢኻ ትኸውን። ከማና ኤሪትራዊ ኣይኮንካን ማለት እዩ ከምዚ ሓተላ ኣዛራርባኻ። ። ፍቶ ጽላእ ተቐበላ ኣይትቀበላ እታ ትኸውን ድሕሪ እዚ ኲሉ ዝሓለፈን ህልኽልኽን ጥፍኣትን ብውድዓውነት ይነግሩኻ ኣለው ላህመት ሃገር ዝኾኑ ፈላጣት ምሁራትን ለባማትን ኣርሒቖም ዝሓስቡ ኤሪትራውያን እዮም እሞ ስምዓዮም። ንስኻ ናይ ባሓቂ ዕዳ ናይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኢኻ። ካም ባዓል ንስኻ ናብ ንቡር ኩነተ ኣእምሮ ክንመልስ ብዙሕ ስራሕን ጻዕርን ክሓተና እዩ ድሕሪ ኪኖ ሓጹር። ኤህ ህግደፍ ናይ ኢድኩም ድኣ ክትረኸቡ ኢኹም እምበር ከምዚኦም በላዕቲ ሳዕሪ ናይ ስነ ኣእምሮ ጊሊያታት ፈጢርኩምልና? ቃላት የሎን ነዚ መግለጺ።
we are one people! We young generation should strive for the peace and stability of th two people!
we are not one people .if so sudanese and eritreans , Djiboutians and eritrean are one poeple .so ethiopeans and eritreans are not especial.
ሁለት ሀገር ሆኖ አንድ ህዝብ መሆን አይቻልም................. ክልተ አዲ ኮይኑ ሀደ ህዝቢ ምኳን አይካአልን .......
Teferra Woldu nihibin hameman hade aykonun eyom. Eritrawuyan mis agame hade koynom ayfelitun eyom
Bravo Bereket. You are the man !
ኣንቱም ዑሱባት ኣንድነታውያን ኣቲ ዝጠቀስካዮ ዓድታት ሃዘጋ ጸዓዘጋ ኣቲ ንሕበነሉ እድና ኣዩ ንስኩም ግን ኣምሓሩ ኣለኩም ኣርትራ ናርትራውያን ኣያ ትምህርትካ ኣማዓኮርካ ዎትፎ።
Cha Bereket
ፕ/ር በረከት ኤርትራ እናንተን የመሰለ ሙሁሮች አሉዋት ይሄን ማር የሆነ ቃል ስላሰሙን ክብረት ይገባዎታል ጤናና እድሜ ይስልኝ ፈጣሪ አሜን አሜን አሜን
Yemane Yemane zmbel bdatam yeshermuta lij
belete gugsa እኔ አልሰድብህም እራስክን ምትሰደብ ደሀ ጭንቅላት ነው የታቀፍከው
ንጃንሆይ ክምዚ 'ኣ ኢለዮም ክትብል ከም ዓባይ ነገር ተቖጺራስ ዓሰርተ ጊዜ ክትደጋግማ ሕለትካ ሞሊቅካ። ዘሕንዝን እዩ። ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ህዝቢ አቲዮጵያን ሓደ ህዝቢ ኣይኮነንን የግዳስ ጎረባብቲ ህዝብታት ኢዮም። ብጽቡቅ ጉርብትና ዘይነብርሉ ኣብነት ክኣ የልቦን ምዓልቱ ሓልዩ ክምጽ እዩ ። እዚ ግን እንዳ ዝምትካ እንዳ ኣፋራራሕኻ ዝኸውን ኣይኮነን። ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣብ ጌ ሃይለ ስላሴ ኣይፈርሀ ኣብ ጊ ዜ ደርጊ ኣይፈርሀ። ድሕሪ መሪር ቃልሱ ናጽንቱ ምስ ዓተረ ሞኸኣ ይትረፍ ከምወያን ትካቱን ዝኣመስሉ ምንግስታት ኢትዮጵያ ከምቲ ኣብ 99 ጎረባብቲ ተሓባቢሮ ኢንተምጹውን ክፈርህ ኣይኮነን። ወጺኢቱ ኸኣ ዓይኒ ዘላቶ ኣብ ግብሪ ሪኢዎ ኣሎ። እቲ ዓይኒ ከሎዎ ምርኣይ ኣቢዎ ዘሎ ጽባሕ ክምዝሪ ዉሁብ ውሲድናዮ። ሄለን '' እቲ ዝኣመነ ኣሚኑ 'ሎ እቲ ዘይኣመነ ጽባሕ ከምዝኣምነ ውሁብ ወሲድናዮ'' ምኽንያቱ እቲ ኣብ ምሬት ዘሎ ሓቂ ንሱ ስለ ዝኾነ። ጽቡቅ ጉርብትና ጽቡቅ እዩ። ግን ብዋጋ ምሬትን ህዝብን ኤርትራ ክኸውን ክኸውን የብሉ። ከምዚ ምሁራትና ትብልዎ ዘለኹም።
ቁዋም ኣጽዲቅና ኢሳይስ ምትግባር ኣብይዎ ናይ ወአትሩ ጸለመኻ እዩ። እታ ኣብቲ ቅዋም ኣጽዲኣናዮ እትብሎ ዘላ ባንዴራ ኤርትራ ኣብቲ ተኣኪብክምሉ ዘለኹ ኣዳራሽ ዘይምውልብላ ኸ እንታይ 'ዩ ምኽንያቱ። እቶ ምሁራት ኢትዮጵያውያስ እባ ከዘይከማኹም ብባንዴራኦ እዮም መሊኣኦሞ። ምህረይ ትስፋጽዮን ኣሞ ኣይትሓዞምን 'እ። ቅድሚ ዓሰርተ ዓመት ዝጸሓፍዋ ምጽሓፍ ኣንቢበያ ነይረ። ኣብቲ ገበራ ናይታ ምጽሓፍ ባንዴራ ኢትዮጵያ ገይሮም ብዘይ ባንዴራ ኤርትራ ምስ ኣሕትምዋ ትዕዝብተ ሽዑ ወዲኤ እየ። ሓጺሩኒ ተ ልኩስ ትደቢሩ ይስዕዕስእ ትብል ሰብይቲ ነገሩ። ናቱ እንትብልኩስ ናይቶ ካላኦት።
ንናጽነት ዝተኸፍለ ዋጋን ኣብ 21 ክፍል ዝመን ዓለም ከመይ ትዘውር ኣላ ዝረኢ መነጽር ዓይኒ ይኹን መንጽር ርእሲ ኣይውነንኩምን። ሓሻካ ይብሉ ሓማሴን። ሓሻካ ምጻወቲ ኣምሓሩ ኼንኩ። ኣብ ዘዝዓድምኹ ጸብል ኬድኩም ከተላቋምጽ።
ምስ ምሁራት ኢርትራውያን ተራኺብካ ሽግርካ ምምይያጥ ደድሕሪ ኣምሕሩ ከም ክልቢ ኣብ ዘዝውጠጡኻ። ዓግብ ዘይባህሪ ኤርትራዊ።
Amen , dear Prof . !!!!
Bereket never learns from his mistakes. He always undermine ERITREA. He will never succeed his ill agenda against ERITREA.
ኤርትራ ማለት ለትግሬዎች ትግርኛ ብሄረሰበ ብቻ የሚኖርባትና የትግራይ ግዛት አድርገው የራሳቸው ሀገር ለማድረግ መብት እንዳላቸው የሚመለከቷት ነች፡፡ ኤርትራ ግን 9 ብሄረሰቦች የሚኖሩባት ሀገር ስትሆን ትግረ፣ ትግርኛ፣ አፋር፣ ኩናማ፣ ሳሆ፣ ቤጃ፣ ሊበን፣ ናራና ራሽዳ ናቸው፡፡
ትግረ በኤርትራና ከሰላን ጨምሮ በሱዳን ይኖራል፡፡ ትግርኛ በኤርትራና በትግራይ የሚኖር ሲሆን ሰራየ፣ ሀማሲንና አካለ ጉዛይ በሚል የተከፋፈለ ነው፡፡ ትግርኛ ተናጋሪ ቢሆንም ዘሩ ግን ትግሬ አይደለም፡፡ አፋር በኢትዮጵያ፣ ኤርትራና ጂቡቲ ይኖራል፡፡ ኩናማ በኤርትራ፣ ጥቂቶች በጎንደር ሁመራ አካባቢና በትግራይ በሽሬ አውራጃ በኢትዮጵያ ይኖራል፡፡ ሳሆ በኤርትራና ኢሮብ በሚል ስም ትግራይ ውስጥ በኢትዮጵያ ይኖራል፡፡ ሊበን አገው ሲሆን አገው ማለት ግን አንድ ብሄረሰብ ማለት ሳይሆን
በውስጡ የተለያዩ ብሄረሰቦችን የያዘ ነው፡፡ የተምብየን ህዝብ ትግርኛ ቢናገርም ዘሩ ግን አገው ነው፡፡ ሰው ግን እየተሳሳተ አገው ማለት አንድ ብሄረሰብ ይመስለዋል፡፡ አብዛኛው የኤርትራ ትግርኛ ተናጋሪ ማላትም ስራዬ፣ ሀማሲንና አካለ ጉዛይ መሰረቱ አገው ነው፡፡ ሊበን እንደ ኩናማዎች ናይሎቲክ ነው፡፡ ራሸዳ አረብ ነን የሚሉ ናቸው፡፡ ቤጃ በሱዳን፣ በኤርትራና በግብጽ ይኖራል፡፡
የኤርትራ ውስጣዊ ሁኔታና ታሪክ የዚህን ያህል ውስብስብ ሆኖ እያለ ነገር ግን በብሄር ፖለቲካና በክልል ሰበብ ኢትዮጵያን ለማፍረስ ለ27 አመታት ልክና ስፍር የሌለው ወንጀል በተለይም በአማራ ላይ የሚፈጽሙ አረመኔ ትግሬዎች ኢትዮጵያን ለመቅበር የቆፈሩት ጉድጓድ የራሳቸው መቀበሪያ እንደሆነ በመረዳት ትግሬ-ትግርኛ በሚል ሰበብ ኢርትራንም በብሄር ስም በመከፋፈልና በማፍረስ እነሱ የሚቃዡለትን ትግራይ ለመመስረት በመድከም ላይ ናቸው፡፡
የኤርትራ ቀይ ባህር 1200 ኪ.ሜ ርዝመት ያለው ሲሆን 800 ኪ.ሜ የአፋር ግዛት ነው፡፡ 75 ኪ.ሜ የሳሆ ነው፡፡ 375 ኪ.ሜ የራሸዳ ነው፡፡ በተለይም የቀይ ባህር አፋር ህዝቦች ከኢትዮጵያ አፋር ጋር ለመቀለቀል የሚፈልጉ ብቻ ሳይሆኑ ጦርነትም የከፈቱ ናቸው፡፡ ህወሀትና ሸቢያ ናቸው ኢትዮያጵያን ለማፍረስ ሲሉ በኣፋር ላይም ጦርነት ከፍተው በሁለቱም ቦታ
በቅኝ ግዛት አፋርን ይዘው እየመዘበሩትና እየጎዱት የሚገኙ፡፡
ኢትዮጵያና ኤርትራ ግን ተስማምተውና ተቀራርበው በጋራ ቢሰሩ በብዙ መንገድ የሚጠቀሙ ናቸው፡፡ ነገር ግን ይህ እንዳይሆን ላለፉት 40ና 50 አመታት ጦርነት ክፍተው ሁለቴንም ሀዝቦች እየጎዱ የሚገኙ ትግርኛ ተናጋሪዎች ናቸው፡፡ በተለይም ትግሬዎች ለሁለቱም ሀገሮችና ህዝቦች ነቀርሳዎች ናቸው፡፡ የኤርትራ ህዝቦች ማለትም ሁሉም ብሄረሰቦች ግን መልካም ህዝቦች ናቸው፡፡ ትግሬዎች ግን ሰውነትን ያጡ ስብእና የሌላቸው ሰይጣኖች ናቸው፡፡
ስለሆነም ኢትዮጵያንና ኤርትራን በማቀራረብ ሰላም ሰፍኖ በጋራ ለመጠቀም እንዳይቻል የሚያደርጉ መሰናከሎች ትግሬዎች ብቻ ስለሆኑ በጋራ ክንድ እነዚህን ነቀርሳዎች አንድ ማድረግ ግድ ይላል፤ በተለይም ህወሀት ትግሬዎችንና ጭፍሮቻቸውን፡፡
Badma Wededu you are right. From Eritrea tigrigan speakers has dry land like Tigray. The red sea and asab are belong to Afar.And Afars love their mother land Ethiopia. This all evil work created shabya and TPLF .
abat ahun humera yegna newu lemalet newu wey amara 100 amet yegoteten keidget yegteten amara newu naftegna bfelg sewu yasgedlal bfelg sewu ygelal begebabet yenane newu mil jib besewu bat gebto agoza antifulgni ylal
አንተ የሻዕብያ ተላላኪ ፡ ትግሬ ትግሬ ነው ፡ ግን እኮ አንተንም ሚገዛህ ከትግራይ የመጣ ትግሬ ነው ፡ በጣልያን ስለተገዛህ ጣልያን ነን እንዳትለን ብቻ ። ከምዞም ንአኻ ዘመሰሉ ክነጥፋኩም ኢና ወድዛ ከልቢ ሸርሙጣ ወጣጢ ግመል፡ Viva agazian ,
Badma Wededu አየ የአማራ ነገር ድንቁሪናቹህ ይህ አይባልም ወሬ ብቻ የአማራ ስም መስማት የምይፈልግ ድፊን ኤርትራዊ ነው ትግራይና ኤርትራ አንድ ቤተስብ ናቸው ያባሪይው ሚኒልክ አብረው ከኖሩ አልችላቸውም ብሎ ለጣሊያን ግማሽ ጒኑ ግማሽ ወደ ኢትዪ ቀላቅሎ ይኖር ነበር ባጭሩ እኛ አንድ ነን ውሽት እያወራቹህ ያልሆነ ታሪ እያወራቹህ እስክ መቸ ነው? እናተ ለቀይ ባሕር እንደሆናቹሁ ሁሉም ያውቃል በአንድ ባሕል ቋንቋ የእንድ ሕዝብ አካል አማራ እይደለም ትግሬዎች ናቸው እናተ ሞኞች ለማን ሞኝ ለማረግ ነው የእናንተው ታሪክ ሳይታለም የተፈታ ነው ቀልዳቹህ እዛው ኤርትራ የአማራ እንድነት ጎረቤት የሆነ ነገር አትፈልግም በትግርኛ ተናጋሪዎች የምታደርጉ ግልጽ ነው ያለፈው ይበቃናል በምንም ዓይነት አንገናኝም ዘረኞች እንድን ሕዝብ እየጨፈጨፉቹህ እንድነት ከኛ ጋር አይስራም እንድንታቹህ ከሕዝባቹህ ጋር አድርጉት ኤሬ አትገኝም የፈለገው የተበላሻ ታሪክ ያላቹህ ሕዝቦች ሁላቹህም እንደፈለጋቹሁት ነው ታሪኩን የምታደርጉት ታሪክ ግን እንድ ነው በየጊዜው ስዓቱ ዓይነቱ ይላያያል ግን ሁሉም እኛ ነን አይስራም በስነስርዓት የሚኒልክ ታሪክ እውቁ መጀመሪያ እሱ የሠራው ተንኮል ነው ለሁሉም ስቃይ መከራ እስክ አሁን ጉራው ምንቅኝነቱ ውሽቱ ወዘተ የሚንፀባረቀው እዛው አንፈልጋቹሁም ቻው ቻው ቻው።
ጉራ ብቻ
Askut wediza lemani agame.
I’m Eritrean
Professor you are one of the greatest Habesha!
Most Eritrean are denakur, Isaias is the one who betrayed the martyrs::
Bekele blow eritrean semechi alawkem😁😁
ሕማም ድሓር። ክብረት ጽሉል ከልቢ ኮይና ክብርትካ። ደድሕሪ ኣምሓሩ ሎኽሎኽ። እንታይ ኣምጽኦ።
ሃይለ ስላሴ ደግ ሰው ናቸው። እንታ ዓይነት ዘረባ ኢና ንሰምዕ ዘሎና። ህዝቢ ዘጽነት ሰብኣይ ሲ ከምዚ ይብሃል። እሞ ኸኣ ብሓደ ኤርትራዊ እየ ዝብል ሰብ። ሓቅኻ ሰብ ብሃይለስላሴ ክትሕረድ ኾላ ንስኻ ምዕኮር ፊውዳላውያን እንዳልሕስካ ክትምሃር ኪኢልካ ኢኻ።
ዕድሜኻ ጥራይ ኣይኮነን ኣሪጉ ዋላ ኣታሓሳስባኻ እዩ ኤክስፓየርድ ኮይኑ። ማዕረ ማዕረ ዓለም ኣስጎምካን። ብ3 ኢፋል ንሓዋሩ ካብ መደብ ሽንግርዋ( ካብ መደብ ኣስተምህሮ) ተኣሊኻ ኣለኻ። ስለ 'ቲ ናይ ነዊሕ ዓምታት ቁምንገር ዘይብሉ ተሳትፎኻ እናኣምስግና ከስምዓ ኮንካ ክትሳተ ይክኣል 'ዩ። የቐንየልና Ms. ሕማም ድሓር።
Any sound person can do a paradigm shift, if you followed his history, he has been consistent in what he is reiterating.
Pro. Bereket 👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍Respect to You
Come on, Mulu Berhe change your own woyane flag, we know you, you are not Eritrean.
ሀይለ ሥላሴ ኤርትራን ከኢትዮጵያ ያዋሀዱት ከምንሊክ ለመብለጥ በለው ይላል እንዴት ስሜታቸውን እነዳወቀ የገረማል። ይህ አባባል በሌላ መልኩ ግንቦት 7 ከኢሳያስ ኩሺና እየተልከሰከሰ ያለው ኤርትራን ከኢትዮጵያ በማዋሀድ ከተሳካለት ከኢህአዴግ ለመብለጥ ነው ማለት ነው። ደግነቱ አዲሱ ትውልድ ኤርትራ የሚባል ፓራሳይት አይመኝም ለሀገሩ።
በረከት ሙሽሙሽ
ግራ ገባን እኮ?
#ትግራይ ጠመኔ የላትም ሲሉ ዝም አልን.
ዝም ስንል በአፍሪቃ አንደኛ የተባለ ዩኒቨርሲቲ (MIT) ትግራይ ውስጥ ተገነባ አሉን.
#ትግራይ ድንጋያማ ናት ሲሉንም ዝም አልን.
ዝም ስንል ድንጋይ ናት ካልዋት ክልል ውስጥ ወርቅ ተገኘ ይሉናል; የወርቅ ፋብሪካም ተገነባ ይሉናል.
#ትግራይ ተራራማ ናት ሲሉን ዝም አልን.
ዝም ስንል ተራራውን አፍርሰው መሰቦ የተባላ ፋብሪካ ገነቡ ይሉናል.
#ትግራይ ድንጋይ ትግጣለች ሲሉን ዝም አልን.
ዝም ስንል በአለም ደረጃውን የጠበቀ እምነበረድ ለምን አመረታቹ ይሉናል.
#ከትግራይ ራሃብ እና በሽታ እንጂ ሌላ የለም ሲሉን ዝም አልን.
ዝም ስንል የመድሃኒት ፋብሪካ ገነባቹ ይሉናል.
ሲደክማችው የትግራይ የበላይነት ብለው መጡ .
#የትግራይ የበላይነት ማረጋገጫቸው ትግራይ ለምን ለማች ነው።
#ትግራይ አትለማም ሲሉ ከርመው አሁን ለም ለማች የሚለው አማርኛ ለምን መጣ?
እናማ ግራ ገባን!!
ተረፍ መረፍ ማሕበር ሓድነት
ስዩም=የእግዚኣብሔር መልእክተኛ
ለህዝቡና ለሃገሩ ስል ከህፃንነቱ ጀምሮ መስዋእት የሆነ የማ.ገ.ብ.ት መስራት
የህወሓት መስራች ይሁሉ ያደረገው በልጅነቱ ብቻ ነው፡ ሌሎች የመሰረታቸው ብዙ ነገሮች ኣሉ። ው
ሌላው ቀርቶ ልጅነቱ ወጣትነቱ በምን እንዳሳለፈው ራሱ ማያውቀው እንደ ሌላው ወጣት ኣንድ ቀን ሳይዝንና ልጅነቱን ሳያየው ለሃገር ዋልታ የሆነ እሱ ነው።
እኔ ማለት ምፈልገው የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች ምይህን ጀግና መተካት ኣለባቸው ኣባታችን ነው ህይወቱ የሰጠን ጀግና ከስንት ሞት ኣፋፍ ያመለጠ ልዩ ጀግና ነው።
ህወሓት/ኢህወዴግ ማለት
ጀግንነት ማለት
ታርክ ማለት
ኩራት ማለት
መስዋእት ማለት
ስዩም ነው!!!
ታርክህ ታርካችን ነው ረጅም እድሜ ለኣንተ ይሁን!!!
"ወርቅ በወርቅ ሆኗል ትግራይ" አዎ ከወርቅም በላይ ነው ትግረዋይ።
ትግራይ በወርቅ ተሸፍናለች የሚሏችሁ ከሆነ አዎን በሏቸው። ወርቅ እኮ ናቹ። የትግራይ ህዝብ እኮ ወርቅ ነው። በእሳት ተፈትኖ ያለፈ ህዝብ ነውና። ሞትን ፊትለፊት ገጥማችሁ ሞትን ያሸነፈቹ ጀግኖች ስለሆናችሁ ወርቅ መባል ሲያንሳችሁ እንጂ አይበዛባችሁም።
አዎን ወርቅ የሆነ ህዝብ ነው። ጠ/ሚኒስተር ዶክተር አብይ አህመድ።
May God help him
በረኸት ብጣዕሚ ትሕፍር አርትራዊ አየ አናበልካ ትግሪኛ ምዝራብ ዝሕፍረካ ውርደተኛ
ፕሮፌስር ማን በለጠ ታዲያ ምኒልክ ወይስ ኅይለሥላሴ? ማለት በኤርትራ ጥያቄ ላይ. እኔ ግን አርቆ አሳቢው ምኒልክ ነው የምለው። እርሶስ?
ህወሓት የትግራይ ህዝብ የደም ዋጋ እንጂ ተራ የፖለቲካ ሰዎች ስብስብ አይደለም ፡ ህወሓትን ለመንካት ሲነሱ መዘዙን አይርሱ ፡ መልካም የገና በዐል ይሁንልን አሜን !!!!!!
lol if so you all will go to hell soon !
good job enamesegnalen
ኢሳቶች ተንጨርጭረው የለም እንዴ?
ጭራሽ ጠ/ሚ ከአማርኛ ውጭ መጠቀሙ በህግ ያስጠይቃል፣ "cheap popularity"፣ ተራ ፖለቲከኛነት፣ ማስመሰል፣ ወዘተ ብለው አብጠለጠሉት።
አንዳርጋቸው ጽጌ ከታሰረ ወዲህ ኢሳቶች እንዲህ ሲበሳጩ አይቼ አላውቅም።
ወይ ግሩም!
Game over ኣንድ ሆነኝ ኣናቃቅም ኣንሆንም ዶም ኣንፈልግም
Berkat werda sheba
We tegaru we really love with no war no peace strategy until dumb ertrawiyan is destroying from the country we will be continue for another 50 years no matter what viva tplf = tigray people one heart one people the golden people of all time tigray people
Wedi Tigray
We know you, you are not wedi tigray, you are one of the stupid Jeberti from Eritrean. hahahaha, who do you think we are????? You are trying to spread hate between Eritrean and tegaru, no way we love our people, they are not woyane. Nice try
ቆራጽ ተሳኢኑ who is jeberti I don’t even know this guy who is this guy
ቆራጽ ተሳኢኑ believe or not am weyane tigray fuck jeberti
ኤርትራ እራሷን ማስተዳደር አልቻለችም ያላቹህ የለም ። ፈንጂ አትቅበሩ: መስዋእትነት የከፈልነው ለዚህ አይደለምና።።
ፕሮፌሰር ትግራይ ብለን አምነን ካልጀመርን ኢትዮጽያም ሆነ ኤርትራ ብሎ ትርጉም አይነረውም ሀቁን መካድ የለብም እላሎሁኝ
መጀመሪያ ኤርትራ ሕገ መንግስት አላት?በርከት ፀረ ኢትዮጵያ ፍጡር ነው እሚሆነውንም እማይሆነው እማይለይ ተናጋሪ እንሰሳ
ኢሳያስ ኣፈወርቂ
ዶብ ናብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘእቱ ንሰለስተ መዓልቲ ነጻ እንተ ዝገብሮ ኣብ ኤርትራ ክንደይ ሰብ ምስ ተረፈ ነይሩ 🤔??
ክንደይ ትግራይ ከ ናብ ዶብ ዓሰብ ምጣሓሉ ኩሉ ዓጋመ
ስራ ፈቶች ፕ/ር ይሁዳ ብትለው አይሻልም የወጋ ቢረሳ የተወጋ “---“
hank , yhe bereket habteslase yetebale sew. seww endayimeslish , 60 yetemaru ethiopia be 100 amett litekachew yematchilachewn mirtt ministroch endinreshenu gulih mina techawutual . yemigermew yengusu yekirb balemual yenebere neger gin lemetfiyachew gudguad sikofir yeneber aderbay kehadi befitsum eminett yemayitalibet yeteregeme ye enchet shibet new. ahun degimo min felgo endehone ayitawekim ende ebab kab lekab tsehay filega eyeweta yimeslal. yesew kifu chingaff tgrena bereketoch. ayibejunim !!
Do not trust this guy, he is someone who has two tongues, he thinks people don’t know his old story. Don’t waste your time listening to his stories. Let the people who know him well come out and tell what he did when Eritrea declared her independence.
Don't talk about ethiopia,Don't talk about ethiopians king stay there.
የ3,250 ታሪክ የኢትዮጵያ ሳይሆን ☞ የትግራዋይ (አግኣዚያን) ታሪክ ነው።
ምክንያቱም፦ የ3ሺ ዘመን ታሪኮች ተጋሩ የሰሩት መሆኑን አይካድም እልፍ ማሰረጃም አሉ። ከተጋሩ ውጭ የታሪክ ማሰረጃ ማንም ሊያቀርብ አይችልም። ትግራይ ግን ጥንትም አሁንም ለወደፊትም የሰልጣኔ ማማ ነች።
ለማንኛውም የትግራይ ቅርሰ ሲሆን የኢትዮጵያ ቅርሰ ትሉና የፓለቲካ ችግር ሲሆን የትግራይ ህዝብ የምትሉት አካሔድ ልታፍሩ ይገባል።
Bereket already admitted his father was a unionist and have blood on his hands. Bereket tried to minimize his believe as "Federalist". What the difference between the two? Eritreans knew you for long but gave you more chances in case you change but a traitor never change. Yesterday was traitor, today is a traitor, and dead as traitor.
ዶብ ብምሉ ብመንደቅ ክሕጽር እዩ። ንግዚ እኳ ከም ቅዳምነት እንተዘይተሰርዔ፡ ኣብ ቅጻሊ ግን ክሕጸር እዩ። ቻው ቻው ዓስብ። ኣግማልና ብድምጽ ማካይን ከይጸመማ ማይ ክሰቲያሉ እየን። ምኽንያቱ ግመል መግዛእቲ ተቧሕጉጉ ንኽወጽ ብዘርኣየቶ ጥበብን ትዕግስቲን ብዝኸፈለቶ ምስዋእትን ከምድላያ ክትዕንድረሉ ሓዚእናለን ኢና።
ንልቢ ክኾነኩም ከኣ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ካብ ንህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያ ብኹሉ መለክዒ ( ባህሊ፡ ቛንቛ፡ ሃይማኖት፡ ) ንህዝቢ ስዳን ይቀርብ። ንስኻትኩም ደቅኹም ሓቁፍኩ ጠጥዑሙ እንዳ በላዕኹም ክትምሃሩ ከለኹም፡ ን60 ዓመት መመላእታ ሰብ ብፋጭኡ ደም ዛርዩ ዝመለሳ ኤርትራዊ መንነት ንኸተጥፍኡ ህርድግ ዝብለኩም ዘሎስ እንታይ ኮን ይኸውን? ሕልሚ ኣለኩ ንመዋእል፡ ወይውን ክሳብ ህላወ ምድሪ ክፍጸም ዘይክእል ሕልሚ። ጨለታት ሓለምቲ።
No federation and no confederation at all with Ethiopia in any condition we can stand talk with our own feet . alas!
We don’t listen those two failed professors.
ብላሽ professor ተማሂርካ ትጥቀመሉ እምበር ኣብ ሓሽውየ ዶ ትነብር ኢኻ ንናጽነት ኤርትራ ተጋዲለ እንዳበልካ። ከመይ ሕጂ ተመሊስካ ብዛዕባ ፈደረሽን ምዝራብ እንታይ እዩ ፋይድኡ፡ኤርትራን ኢትዬጵያን ጎራባብቲ ሃገራት እምበር የሕዋት ኢና ዝብሃል ኣዘራርባ ቁቡል ኣይኮነን፡ ብወገነይ ደንቆሮ ምህሮ እዩ ናትኩም። ይብል።
Those people for ever does not respect by Eritrean citizen because
they were not believe Eritrean Independent.
Professor Breket. Doesn't represented Eritrea and its people if Ethiopia wants peace with Eritrea they have to respect what they signed in Alger and they have to hand BADME. then we can talk by the way professor Bereket where is the ERITEAN FLAG
Snkul n snkul ywaku b dnkul. Kulukum hade. Gasa zhshelu gze. Eritrea gn seb alewa kab mhro yemro. Zeytemahre yhsysh kabakum.
Ata wedi shormota berkit rukos men Eriterawi gero mes koterka idot 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 temlase eka neska eti zemdkan
ኣየ ኣቦይ በረኸት ንኢሰያስ ቃል ትህብሉ ግዚ ሓሊፉ እዩ! ሕጂ በተክርስትያን ኪድኩም ንዝጋቢሂር ቃል ትህብሉ ግዚ እዩ ኣይትዓሽዉ ኣቦታት?
Amharay anko xelaei hzbi Eritrea ayu mshknay dkem eilka abharay ntgraway bayni xlei andarayo nanaw wn kemau.
Wehhhhhh beteket muhur denkoro resi adgi
Less Berket we’re very u say Eritrea only for Eritreans
This guy suffers from dementia.His father was an Ethiopian spy and Ato Berekhet remained obedient servant for successive Ethiopian regimes. When he realized that the struggle of Eritrean people confirmed he stood by the struggle.
He is opportunist who are looking his benefits.
We do not need another Tigraye we have enough Tigraye for temporarily right now. Of course when time is coming up we will give to your brother and sister because they belongs to you. No more tigers in Ethiopia.
me agame tigray belongs to Ethiopia not to Eritrea. proud to be Eritrean not agame
me hahahahahahahaha we Eritreans already have a country but tell your agame(donkeys)
Men Kem I know you've a country called Eritrea there no question about that what I'm saying is you left a Trattoria with us that must be belongs to Eritrea which is Tigraye we just figured out 100% they much with your people. Absolutely they do not look like us , by culture, language, traditional whereas much more.
I think you didn't understand what the professor said on the video and for another time please comment after you watch the whole video and another thing is you have no idea about Eritrean people and if you don't know about Eritrean and Eritrea please I suggest you to Google us and there you will find out how much blood we were sacrifice just not to be a part of Ethiopia (not to be called Ethiopian) and we have an independent brand new country and we don't wanna be Ethiopians anymore but we wanna be a good neighbor, we won't wanna live peacefully with your country and we also wanna work with your country for mutual prosperity. For another time have respect for yourself and don't disgrace yourself on social media.
Respect and peace for Eritrea and Ethiopia
Resah seyak alyet
why you are missing your basic respect ? can't you wait a moment and then do a discussion amongst all eritreans? please try to analyse the consequences on your personal diginity
This old man guy I always wondering when he make speeches in tigrigna he said ertrawiyan is much better than ethiopia when he speeches on amaharic completely different than tigrigna how do he get PhD this old hailesilase riziraz neger new
Bereket u lost my respect, now call me Isaise supporter but i can tell u clearly i m not unionist
Bereket, i won't add any title to your name ( for the educational title that you earned is at the expense of the suffering of every eritrean family that paid everything for the sake of this nation). I have read your books and saw some of your videos including this one and all that i can see is, a man who is intellectual dishonest to himself and deceives those who exalt him because of whatever reason they might have. But I assure you that eritreans who are versed of their history and the eritrean patriotism are well aware of 1) your intentions (to heal the identity crisis that your children have is the least out of the long list that everyone knows) and
2)the systematic way of revising history and misleading people that are clearly manifested in your books.
3) your obsession with the megalomaniac and murderer Haileselassie.
Every eritrean wants to live in peace with the neighboring countries but we couldn't do that because of the tyrant regime that we have in Eritrea. And to redeem your mistakes, i believe you would have played a great roll by making your priority to unify the eritrean opposition groups so that we as Eritreans could live in peace and tranquillity in our homeland instead of disrespecting what the foundation of Eritrea and eritreans stands for.
FYI, i personally believe that the predicament that eritreans are facing right no, will be over soon and to stop the likes of you from day dreaming, when all these is over, building electrified border fence in the Ethio-eritrean border is the only solution that i can see.
Eritrea for eritreans and peace to every real eritrean.
Rip bereket
ኣጋ እርጋን ዝርጋን ክክክ ከምዚ ዝበሉ ሃተውተው ሰባእይ ኣሪጊ
Bereket habteslase and tesfazion they don’t reprent eritrea
Sorry sir I do not trust you,
50 amet atmeslim 90 amet new yemtmeslew ante wsha yeweyane wusha
Lekbats demoz meblei dyu ezi zereba alena deka eza halal meret
Zeregna zeregna gar hedeh sile zer taweraleh anten bilo professer
Mulugeta Tsegai ante agame silehonk tenadedk hahahahahahahaha
Hateftef-tef ayetebele
Those of us who supported an equivocal Independence of Eritrea and its people has been skeptical about you for a very long time. Your history has been always one foot in Abay Ethiopia and your other weaker foot for independence of Eritrea. You never believed the independent of Eritrea sincerely. That is why your mind has been always fixated in the Federation-Confederation fiasco. How would a healthy brain would entertain those cover up words after we scarified 65k for independence of Eritrea and another 20k during the border war with Ethiopia. One can understand you might have a divided heart since you married an Ethiopian women and your kids most likely consider themselves as an Ethiopian. Its a common phenomenal which happens in a lot of Ethio-Eritrea families. But its intellectually dishonest carrying Eritrean identity for your evil agenda. Its because of people like you our parents had to fight a costly war for 30 years while most African nations got their independence with a silver plate. At the time you were serving at a cabinet level for emperor Haileselasie while he was committing atrocity over the people of Eritrea. That's your history Gashe Bereket. FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON YOU: FOOL ME TWICE , SHAME ON ME !!!
ኣቶ በርከት ስታያቸው ገበሬ ይምስላሉ ,,,ጭንቅላታቸው ደሞ የገበሬ ሞሆኑ ኣሁን ራሳቸአው ነገሩን ,,በርግጥ ለፖለቲካ ማሃይም ናቸው,,፡እንድያውም ደደብ ,,,፡
This ertrawiyan facking he give up his hund to dergoch kkkk this is the result off tplf strategy which is No war no peace strategy we continue this strategy
ETHIO tupe chemero hulachu ENATACHU LEBDALACHU YEA SHERMUTA zear hula
Fesam shintam ertrawiyan even this not ethiopia flag this meeting is dergoch and fuckin shintam shabiya
Ante ebab
Ewnetu new Esayas bante yerekeke kiwam (hige mengst) yezegaw . Memermer alebet yantema ayseram ewnet new.
Atum sebat kemzea melkea Bay kunama wey gala amhara eyou kabey eyou ezea sebai zeru keyfket alowo
coconfoderation is like creating another kelele in is like creating another tigeraye kelele.we ethiopian have already a big proboem rather creating another kelele.
ክክክክክክክ you are not docter. I am 19 year old. I am from eritrea
Nezi Aregit Sebia'ay Beteket Zibliwo Bizuh Silezeygideselu Zerebiu'u Wen Aqalibelu Ayfeliten iye, Hiji Gin Kisemie'e Keloku Kurkur Nay Husur Gujile Woyanen Korakuromn Kemzikone Berihuley...(Ayfelton iye Neremo inquae'e Kemzi Aynet Husur Seb Ayfeletiku ile)...iti Medhanie Zibiluwo iqa Hade Gize Ab German Hanti Seb Kitxerfo Kela Rie'eyeya, iti Tihizto Nay Zerebo'om intay Mukuanu Ayfeletikun Gin " Kid Anta Leqlaqi/Hasawi Hizbi Eritrea Kemaka Hageru Aysheytin iyu...Lomis Kea Adikum Ab Edaga Awriduwa Ziblu Guohalalu Mexio'omina inabelet Kitxerfon/Ketewaridon Semie'eya...Shiu'u iye Rie'eyeyo...Silezi Kilitio'om Keda'at, Hageromn/Hizbomn Ahlifom Zihibu Qumneger Zeybilom, Tarik Temazizom Gele Zikiteleo'om Sebat interekebu Hanefnef Ziblu, Tarik Zifenfenom Sebat iyom imo..." Xebelom Aylkeyena " Mibal Akali Yimesleni...Egziabiher Hagerna Kibarek Kelo N'Tegadalay ISAIAS'n N'Hizbawi Ginbarn Bariku Hibuna imber Hager Qedem Mitefie'et Nera...Tegadalay ISAIAS is one of the best leaders in Africa and the World...Very Smart, intelligent and above all the strongest leader in history...long live EPLF, long live Tegadalay ISAIAS and long live True Eritreans
anta aregit waeg mergem eu halewlow zebleka zol aregit kelbi
Bereket fokiska Fikis tanika
Minm Enquan Yesewyewin hasab bekefil balkebelewim (kezi befitm slemakachew)ahun yetenagerut abso le Dr Abiy mognotachew yegelexubet menged betam des yilal.
Mis adgea zewale tratadgea lemede
Yedro bre jegna nachewu
ገና "ትግራይ" የሚል ስም ሲነሳ ብቻ በ የበታችነት ስሜት(inferiority) የሚሰቃዩ ሠዎች ሣይ ያሳዝኑኛል። ኣይዛቹሁ ትግራይም እኮ የኢትዮጵያ ኣንድ አካል ነች። የትግራይ ህዝብ በእሳት የተፈተነ ወርቅ ነው። ኢትዮጵያ ያለ ትግራይ ደሞ መኪና ያለ ሞተር እንደማለት ነው
we will see who is the engine and the car- who is exploiting every resource from Ethiopia and taking to Tigray?? hahaa....when people don't know themselves is in sane and they must be rock head.
The biggest problem with most Eritrean is, the just repeat the same thing what the majority say without analyzing the issue deeply.if you starts a speech in the name of ERITREA then the rest speech can be any rubbish as long as you don’t say something about the mountain and the hills of the count ,, people are not important, Democracy is not important , free speech not important, human right is not important ,,, individuals are not important ,, what is wrong with the idea of Bereket to think as Eritrean confederation or other type of relation with Ethiopia. What is wrong with when Germans want unity with France or other country ? Or the other way Britain exited from Europe ,, it is every mans right to want and choose the way he sees things right ,, this is democracy,, individuals crest idea and things not The masses
ዛሬ ጥሩ ተናገሩ ። ከዚህም በሁዋላ ጥሩ እንናገሩ ለአምላኬ እነግረዋለሁ ። ሁሉም ነገር እንደኛ ሳይሆን እንደ ፈጣሪ ፈቃድ ይፈጰም ። እነእርሳቸው ከጠሉን እንኳን (እኔ የሚገባኝ ይህ ነው ) ከአዶሊስ ጀምሮ (የጥንቱ የነገስታት ወደብ ) ያለ ውጊያ በስጦታ ወረቀት ጠቅልላችሁ ለናትዋ ታስረክባላችሁ ።ይህን ለማለት ያስቻለኝ አጠገቤ ያሉ ሀማሴኖች እንደ ግመል የገማ አፋቸው ስለሚሸተኝ ነው ።
Helina Nadew hahahahahahahaha sew neh weys agame?
+Men Kem sewu negn. kehulum belay ethioian negn. ahuns tegbaban?
Helina Nadew agame kalhonk ok. agame kehonk gin ende Meles Zenawi ....... hahahahahahahaha.
Helina Nadew አንተ ቅዘናም አማር የታባክ የባህር በር አያተህ ታውቃለህ ቅዥታም እርሰሃው እንዴ ኤርትራዊ አስቀዝኖ ሱሪህን አስወልቆ ገርፎ ከ ኤርትራ ያባረረህን? የደርግ ወታደራ የነበሩትን ጠይቃችው።
ያሄ አተላ በረክት እና እምሶ የሚገማው ቁናሳም ሳባ ስልተናገርች ኤርትራ የምትገኚ መስሎህ አትቃዝ።
+ephraim tik ኤፍሬም ልክ ብለሀል። ያኔ ውጊያ ከኮሎኔል መንግስቱ ጋር እንጅ ከኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ጋር አልተዋጋችሁም። ዛሬ ባህረነጋሽን እና ወዲ አፎምን የሚጠብቁ የትግራይ ወጣቶች እንደሆኑ እንዴት ተረሳህ? ፈስህን እያዳመጡ ያሉት እነርሱ እንደሆኑ አትርሳ። አፎምም ከፊል አጋመ መሆኑንም ልብህ ላይ ፃፍልኝ። ወያኔ ሊቀጠቅጣችሁ ሲያስብ ግ፯ እና የአማራው ኦሮሞ ጦር ስላለ መቀመጫችሁ ከመርጠብ ተረፈ እንጅ ትግራይ በዳዴ ልታስኬዳችሁ ነበር ። ባህረነጃሽ የሴቶች ሀገር ነው ። ሴቶችን አፎም ልክ እያገባልኝ ነው ። እድሜ ይስጠው ። እንግዲህ ስለሰደብከኝ ምላሽህ ይህ ሆኖዋል ። ባህረነጋሽ ፕሮግራም (B)ስለሆነ የዚያ ሰው ይበለን ። ከናንተ ኢትዮጵያ ፍፁም አትቀላቀልም። አላበደችም ።
በአንድ ምሰል አርጎ የፈጠረውን (ሕዝብ)ማለያየቱ ከባድ ያህል ነዉ
ቢለያዩትም መልሶ ይገናኛል።