Starfield - Best Backgrounds and Skills for New Players

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Looking to level quickly and avoid the wrong skills? Rolling that first or next character? New or returning player?
    Make the most of your first few hours in the game. Starfield gives new players 21 different Backgrounds options with very little information on what's ahead.
    In this guide we cover some of the best Skill choices, the Roles (Background) that have them and why they matter.
    Choose skills that give you a head start on Rank 2 as you kill pirates in space and on Kreet. What skills can you skip if you're going to use the new Gameplay Options? How do Skills and Challenges work?
    #starfield #bethesda

Комментарии • 48

  • @Ahglock
    @Ahglock 3 месяца назад +6

    Bounty hunter is the only one where I think every one of its skills is something every build will use. Once you've played the game a bit you might want to make something where every skill in some other tree fits as well. But for a beginner, you will use every one of the bounty hunter skills. And you will put at least one point into each of them so it is mechanically the best choice.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад +3

      As RP, bounty hunter has great old and new popular recognition because of Mandalorian. Doesn't hurt those skills are all useful
      Even target lock is useful pretty quickly. I always assumed it was necessary for Old Neighborhood as well, but read somewhere later you could just blast the ship until you could board.

    • @1001pierre
      @1001pierre 3 месяца назад +3

      @@kineer Even better, as a Bounty Hunter you get a lot of cool dialogue options and some very cool lines from NPCs.

    • @dkindig
      @dkindig Месяц назад

      @@kineer Yes, subtlety is not needed for missions where you are INTENDED to disable, you can just blast til the engines quit and then board. This applies to the Freestar rescue hostage missions too. As long as the mission goal is to disable you can't destroy the ship accidently.

  • @dkindig
    @dkindig 3 месяца назад +5

    I like bounty hunter. You can steal a boost pack through a gap in the fenced storage area at Vectera and that will let you boost directly to the top of the building at Kreet and sucker in Brogan, the pirate captain (persuade him that there's nothing on Frontier, stack some fuel cans around them and blow them up). With the targeting skill I was able to steal 2 out of the three ships in the tutorial on the way to Kreet.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад +3

      Great tip on the boost pack.

  • @gummibear359
    @gummibear359 3 месяца назад +4

    My only piece of advice is to take it slowly.
    I did the same as most players in my first run through and rushed to get to the end. But Starfield has no end.
    Just do it slowly and enjoy the moment don't get addicted to the chase for the artifacts.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад +1

      Good advice.

    • @raphael2407
      @raphael2407 3 месяца назад +2

      Best advice ever! Take your time, build a well rounded character, enjoy the game.

  • @magickaddict
    @magickaddict Месяц назад +1

    Awesome video! Thanks for that cool spreadsheet mapping roles with those classes (I would say backgrounds are the classic RPG 'Class').
    What background would you suggest for a character that only uses one ship, wont bother with ship combat and will focus on exploration and scientific research?

    • @kineer
      @kineer  Месяц назад

      Homesteader, Explorer, Professor give you points early in key areas for that but after a few levels most paths can be shaped to your goals.

  • @pontuss9838
    @pontuss9838 3 месяца назад +3

    Alien DNA, Introvert/Extrovert, and Terra Firma notably double or triple your o2 efficiency while sprinting, reducing downtime for catching your breath when exploring. I would say Alien DNA isn't worth it due to the painful % healing debuff, but terra firma and introvert/extrovert are mandatory for any optimized build.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад +2

      I've been choosing Extrovert because of all the companions I'm dragging on my ship. I seem to take someone with me so why not?

    • @pontuss9838
      @pontuss9838 3 месяца назад +2

      @@kineer Yep, I'm the opposite, crewless & companionless for that sweet solitude. Bethesda AI and repeated voicelines make me livid past the first playthrough.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад +2

      I do tend to run with a non-Constellation crew. They are slightly better, but are still repetitive. Just less judgemental. :)

    • @pontuss9838
      @pontuss9838 3 месяца назад +1

      @@kineer I'm also biased toward introvert because I always pick up the isolation skill early as well, doubling down on lone wolf operations.

    • @raphael2407
      @raphael2407 3 месяца назад +1

      serioiusly I ended up running traitless in my longplay NG+ playthrough and I never regretted it. All the traits are pretty useless or tie your hands too much ( "can never play with/without a companion because Introvert/Extrovert") in the long run and nothing is mandatory.
      I ended up with a well rounded Spacecombat/Groundcombat focused soldier background without any traits to tie me into a specific playstyle, and I highly enjoy it 🙂

  • @ghengisbobber
    @ghengisbobber 3 месяца назад +2

    I've tried a few and I agree it's more like a flavor/rp thing in the long run. I will say bounty hunter gives you an extra dialogue option during the Crimson Fleet line. With traits I finally decided to try kid stuff but I found myself in an alternate uni, and that seems to interfere with it.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад +2

      I don't remember the one in CF, but it makes sense. It's also very popular role now due to the SW content.
      have one character with Kid's Stuff, but mainly because I wanted to see the gear. I don't mind it, but it's not top of my list. I did notice [Wanted] provided a nice dialog option at the Akila City standoff and wonder if I'll get more.

    • @raphael2407
      @raphael2407 3 месяца назад

      @@kineer Wanted never gave me any more, other than that one dialogue option in Akila. Except the "not so random as it seems" ship spawns. After capturing multiple Claymores from them, for credits, I never use them as I rather build my own ships, after a while it became more of a mild annoyance and I ended up turning it off (NPC in Cydonia, pay 3k credits and you are not wanted anymore).
      I find all the traits are pretty useless in the long run. Alien DNA helps a little bit in the beginning when you put some points in medicine skill to oounter it's downside, and taskmaster seems to make sense even though I never seen the "instant repair" happen in space combat. UC Native has some dialogue options with questions only an idiot would ask, and I ended up running traitless (no traits at all) in NG+ ever since...

  • @raphael2407
    @raphael2407 3 месяца назад +1

    Played multiple bountyhunters, scoundrel and beasthunter. Finaly settled on my Soldier background because the "roleplay" aspect. My Character is Frank Castle ("the Punisher"), his Soldier background fits and I never understood why a Bountyhunter would become a miner on Vectera. For a soldier I can find reason.
    As I played on, all of his decisions made total sense. Like, become a Vanguard, don't side with Vae Victis because he bombed his own soldiers, chose the Aceles over the Microbes because "big things I can shoot", romance either Andreja or Sarah and let her die to become the broken angry man he is in the Marvel series...(I did not quite pull that off in the basegame, I romanced Andreja but couldn't let her die so Sarah bit the dust. Still, old Frank is now angry, armed, and very very dangerous...)
    The character made total sense in the world and I still play him, never regret his Soldier background. 👍
    The Bountyhunter starting skills I max out right at the start anyway (Simulator for Piloting 4 and Targeting 2). It's just flavour anyway, there is no "best".

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад +1

      Hard to describe how much I enjoy your description of "your" character vs. a role assigned by a team at Bethesda.
      I believe you could play the game, building meaning as long as you choose to with this approach. Simply fantastic way to take the framework and build your own story around it. I did something similar with my first 'pirate' play through. Reminds me of my earliest days around table, rolling dice and building an adventure that existed mostly in the minds of 4-5 friends.
      The last line jumped out as well.
      >It's just flavour anyway, there is no "best".
      We all have to eat, but some of can enjoy it more than others. I hope more people season their story like you did. In my own experience, it adds to the satisfaction. In an old cooking instruction, "flavour to taste."

    • @raphael2407
      @raphael2407 2 месяца назад +1

      @@kineer Agree, I often found myself quitting games or starting over because the character didn't feel right. I like to take my time in large open sandboxes like Starfield, walk my own path, let things develop, and my playthrough character needs to have a soul, needs to somehow fit in the world and make sense.
      I started "PIrate" playthroughs (Character: Charles Vane) but somehow it's hard to pull it off with Constellation and all that. Not enough options to play in the spirit of those who sacrificed so much to live free. The game pushes us so hard in being the goodiegoodie hero...
      That's a major downside of the game imo, you can't really play "the bad guy".
      That's how I ended up with Frank Castle.
      Broken angry ruthless, a good man with a good heart, doing bad shit to get the job done. Quote: "You put them down they get back up. I put them down, they stay down.".
      Makes total sense, he is the muscle in Constellation, he's a Vanguard (and a Ranger) who gets the job done and he has reason to stay with Constellation. When Andreja asked him why he stayed: "I don't know. They are good people, and they need my help".
      God I love that character, I even made him look like Jon Bernthal in the Punisher series.
      But now, with the June update, the Trackers allience quest and the Bountyscanner, I could make a "No Mandalorian" Bountyhunter background work.
      I already have an idea for "Red Harlow" 😁👍

    • @kineer
      @kineer  2 месяца назад

      great idea

  • @Shoooder1
    @Shoooder1 3 месяца назад +2

    Bounty hunter is the only way to go. I need the pilot and ship upgrades asap. The 3015s are unlocked at level 24, so you can have a really great ship. I unlock isolation asap. The 40% weapons buff and 60 points in resistance is the best buff in the game, if you play lone wolf style.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад +1

      Good plan.

    • @dkindig
      @dkindig 3 месяца назад

      Actually, that's 40% plus 120 damage. You get +60 physical dmg on both your spacesuit AND your helmet, so it's a massive bump. Does not affect resistance to energy and particle weapons so you can still get hammered by robots or turrets using lasers.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад +1

      I maxed Isolation on a character. The damage bonus is great and even the damage mitigation feels effective. I tended to ignore drinks after that the stacking is crazy.

    • @Shoooder1
      @Shoooder1 3 месяца назад +1

      I like that I can ignore the weapon perks til after level 30 and get my weapon and suit skills next. It's no fun getting a great weapon with a shitty build. Also, I like the balanced pack and most early ones found are not that. The rejuvenate feature is excellent as well. It's pretty easy to find a superior bounty hunter or explorer suit early on. Having a good defense early makes hanging out East in the high level planets makes the loot great and the XP increase makes early game leveling up easy and really fun.

  • @DuVtrell
    @DuVtrell 3 месяца назад +2

    For Solider I feel like Fitness and Boostpack training is redundant. I personally like the starting skills for Industalist, especially now that crafting is more useful because of the gameplay options. The only thing is I tend to play a jack-of-all trades character and I'm not the biggest fan of roleplaying as a industralist lol. FILE NOT FOUND is good for that since it's more of a blank slate. I almost never invest in combat skills lol. There are so many great tier 1 skills I often find myself barely scratching the tier 2 skills by level 25. Ugh. I drive myself nuts.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад

      I've maxed Fitness on my NG+ play, but the challenge process for it was crazy. I picked up a ridiculous amount of items and ran into a wall in my hab. Haven't circled back to see how it levels today.
      FNF is intriguing and feels like the "ok, I don't need a role just let me shoot things" option. Which is a great idea.

  • @Starcat5
    @Starcat5 2 месяца назад +1

    My first playthrough was as a Professor. Partly because of The Welsh Wizard, partly because my sister is a teacher, and partly because the work market sucks and far too many Collage Graduates spend their entire lives doing physical labor jobs. With this new update, and once I have a working PC again, I'll be starting a new playthrough as a Bounty Hunter.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  2 месяца назад

      That should give you a nice perspective on the roles too.
      I'm curious if you'll be trying different gameplay options (survival settings) with your Bounty Hunter.
      Also curious if you'll go all in and buy the Tracker's Alliance: Vulture DLC. Much of the Tracker Alliance content has been included for free, but the second mission has three potential paths to completion and some replay value.

    • @Starcat5
      @Starcat5 2 месяца назад +2

      @@kineer Question one: One of my favorite mods changed Very Hard to have enemies hit harder, but also take more damage. That is just a FEATURE now! Beyond that, the usual: Cranking up Ship Combat when I am on Land, cranking up Land Combat while I am on my ship, and basically gaming the system as much as I can.
      Question two: Oh Hell Nah! $7 for a single quest? Not even a quest pack or quest chain? I'd rather buy an Eleanora Hab pack.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  2 месяца назад

      I don't understand question 1 (or don't see it).
      On question two, I have a video in progress on the topic of DLC pricing soon. Family stuff to do this weekend so I'm hoping to get that one out Sunday.

    • @Starcat5
      @Starcat5 2 месяца назад +1

      @@kineer Hmm... Miscommunications...
      Those were my responces to *your* questions. Namely (1) Do I plan on using Survival Settings (Yes), and (2) Did I plan on getting Vulture (No).

    • @kineer
      @kineer  2 месяца назад

      Doh. RUclips shows me one comment and I forgot I asked.

  • @AlanW
    @AlanW 3 месяца назад +1

    It certainly was frustrating to be given options at the beginning of the game the first time for which you have no explanation about. Thanks Todd.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад

      lol, I think "Thanks Todd" doesn't get used enough and it's a fair way to wrap a lot of issues into a simple [polite] statement.
      I didn't meant to criticize the game too much. I don't find a lot of value in complaints, but I did literally have moments 10+ levels in where I thought, "It would have been nice to have chosen that skill instead of that one." Eventually that all fades as you wander past level 100. It just won't matter later.
      I am a huge fan of how they let you play immediately and before having to customize your character at all. I don't mind having to head to the mine just to start a new character. Overall, that path is a great trick and built into the game well.
      I hardly notice they didn't make me sit at a customization screen and study the game mechanics before I could even press the stick or W,A,S,D. Now I do when other games force it.
      By the time they ask me to choose a hair style and traits, I've already met two key characters, done some mining, listened to witty banter.
      So I guess I'll forgive them. ;)
      Thanks for the comment Alan.

    • @AlanW
      @AlanW 3 месяца назад

      @@kineer Hey, thanks for putting this up, I hope it helps some others that may be getting into the game!
      At least it looks like, with the updates, things are looking a lot nicer.
      Thanks also for the update summaries, I now kinda rely on your vids to let me know what's going on in the game!

  • @laughingalex7563
    @laughingalex7563 Месяц назад +1

    I found combat medic to be very, very tanky, an easy class to break into high difficulties with, especially if you dont take alien dna.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  Месяц назад

      Feel like healing it meaningful now with the survival options. Very nice to see.

  • @nikolaip
    @nikolaip 3 месяца назад

    I use File Not Found the most so I was surprised to see it rated so low, but I think you have it marked down incorrectly as Pistols when it's Piloting.

    • @kineer
      @kineer  3 месяца назад

      I think you might be right there. It is more balanced than I gave it credit for.

  • @z3brox254
    @z3brox254 2 месяца назад +1

    Survival fallout 4 =starfield extreme EASY mode 75+ Xp :)

    • @kineer
      @kineer  2 месяца назад +1

      Not sure what you mean, but I hope you're having fun with it!
      [settings / play style you like] = WINNING!

    • @z3brox254
      @z3brox254 2 месяца назад +1

      @@kineer 👍 sub 😏

    • @kineer
      @kineer  2 месяца назад

      @@z3brox254 Thanks!