Breathwork + instructions- simple movement for health, wisdom and balance - Fifth Chakra. Throat

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • - The breath is the gateway to our subconscious, our auto- immune system and our rhythms. Conscious breathing transforms your body and mind - this simple practice with movement and breath will help you access a profound balance.
    Part 1 - Movement synchronised with the breath - to balance the nervous system, develop cardiac resonance and play with your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels for vitality. This set massages the thyroid/parathyroid gland - and the pineal and pituitary glands. It works the throat chakra to help you speak your truth to yourself and others.
    Part 2 - Then chant to mind the mind - and again create a balance between the heart and the breath and this affect the brain - This is know as cardiac coherence - When the heart (which has 5000 x more electro-magnetic power than the brain is is sync with the breath - then your mind follows. The mind follows the breath.
    Part 3 - Silent meditation - Sat Nam (in your head) - with your four fingers on your wrist pulse point and silently chant the words in tune with the pulse. If your mind wanders - bring it back to the breath. Keep doing that over and over. This meditation is a beginner's practice and for anyone who wishes to find grounding and peace quickly.
    Additional notes
    - Always breathe through the nose
    - Focus on deep yogic breathing - Fill the abdomen and rib cage and upper chest - Exhale upper chest- rib cage - abdomen.
    The exhale is key
    Practise conscious breathing
    Breath holding has a miracle effect - on the exhale or on the inhale - it floods the brain with 300 x more blood afterwards - that is why we feel different.
    Join me as we practise together........
    Kriya instructions
    According to those who know - this kriya will make you humble forthright sincere and truthful Your word will gain force with yourself and others
    1. Stand arms in prayer push the pose out to 30 degrees and back again. In out. Put the head back as arms go out. So the pose - IS head back then forward to tilt chin as arms go. In And out. - do for two mins -
    NOTE - In the video I just demonstrate briefly..... so just do it for a bit longer (stop the video and do for two mins - sorry...)
    Rock pose left side breathe in deeply right side breathe out deeply . Hands are out straight from the shoulders palms facing up.
    Inhale exhale inhale
    Shoulder shrugs - shoulders back, no hunching - - breathe in pull up one shoulder breathe out . Left right. Pull your shoulders up and down while sitting in easy pose or rock pose or on a chair .
    Rock pose drop head back arms straight out breathe breathe of fire bring head back and tuck I chin slowly in
    Slowly sit up up . Sit inhale exhale
    Easy pose then Venus lock breathe of fire . I minute
    Inhale hold
    And relax
    Hands In Gyan mudra turn head to the right breathe in .Turn head to left breathe out
    One minute
    Slowly smile
    Now breathe into the centre - as you focus on the third eye
    Sit feet in front hands back at 30 degrees . Long deep breathing . Head back. Eyes closed.
    Rock pose breathe in breathe out hands above head by the ears - index fingers pointed at sky tip forward - breathe in - tip back breathe out. Spinal warm up breathing exercise.
    Now come back into easy pose close your eyes ,
    Meditate focus in the third eye
    Again sit meditate hands in Gyan mudra
    30 seconds
    Tune out sat nam - long sat - short nam
    Meditation and mantra
    Sa ta na ma 5- 7 mins Focus on the third eye.
    Then Sat nam 3 minutes . Focus on the third eye Find pulse with the four fingers of your right hand . Place over left pulse. Simple effective meditation to control the mind. Breathe in - sat. Breathe out - nam
    Then sit - reap the rewards of the peace you have just created.
    This is the time to ask yourself any questions.
    The mind is clear and only you know the answers. Listen
    . Focus on the third eye . Listen. The power of silence in a world full of noise.
    Brings a total balance to individuals psyche (via cardiac resonance - breath/heart and mind come into line)
    We will explore the art of the pause - at the top and the bottom in the next video.
    Dan Brule
    Just Breathe: Mastering Breathwork for Success in Life
    James Nestor 'Breath - the new science of a lost art'
    The Oxygen Advantage - P McKeown
    The throat chakra kriya from the Kundalini Yoga lineage (Maya Fiennes)

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