You have no idea how much this helps. Not many people know about this and know how intense the pain can be. No one understands what we go through. I think this is something that needs to be spoke about more often. As of now I do not have a normal life because of endometriosis, I'm about to see my gynie at the end of this month to be put on the waiting list for surgery. I have waited 2 years to find out what is wrong with me and finally I know.
Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that normally grows inside the uterus (endometrium) grows outside it. Most often this is on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissue around the uterus and ovaries.
eye-lish95 It actualy is the SAME doesn't "grow" other travels to other places instead of falling off the proper way...Mine is all "outside" of my uterus/fallopian tubes/ovaries etc... Mine is all over my insides..bladder, intestines...abdominal wall ..etc... It"s excrutiating!
Tons of women have/had this including myself. I was diagnosed at age 15, told I would never have children (which I have a son after many surgeries) and then I told them to get rid of all of my female parts so the pain that I had endured for 24 years was finally gone!!
I'm glad she shared about this. I got diagnosed in May. I had surgery before to remove a dermoid cyst and I also had it with it. I get pain a lot once a month more. It's so annoying and takes a lot out of you from the pain. I noticed lemon water or lemonade without a lot of sugar helps the pain. I've also been trying to cut out process foods. I can tell some difference. I hope you Julianne gets better from this also others who is facing this. Keep staying strong.
This is so similar to my story. When it ruptures, its extremely painful. I collapsed at work and had surgery a week later just as she did. Then I learned the pain I had been having for years had a name. Most woman just bear through it and have no idea their pain is not normal.
Prayers to you!! I have this disease and it's horrible and painful, landed me in the hospital for almost two weeks after my daughter was born. Took a few dr's to realize that was what I had. Made me very very sick, and very painful
Mine used to pass in 30seconds, now it lasts from 5minutes to an hour of excruciating pain! I'm waiting for surgery next month. I've had the pain for years but within the past 6 months it's comparable to giving birth!
I've had Endometriosis since I was 12 years old... I was given a surgery when I was 16 years old and it helped me a lot until 3 years later which is now. Yet again I'm in pain every day of each month. I've used every single hormonal treatment and Im currently using IUs and Contraception Pills but I have problems getting out of bed and going to work... My gynecologist refuse to let me have another surgery to releive the pain, it's just so frustrating. I just want to be able to go to work like most other people, my job means everything to me...
Sorry to hear that, but please take this advice from me. I had endo for years, I suffered from brain fog which was heavy on me, please get along with your desease and do not resist and take hard to yourself, I did, and I developed Fibromialgia. Please be careful. Endo puts you under lots of mental pressure. With endo brain fog you are alive but you do not live. Be careful, fibro is worse than endo!
I had it really bad. They did nothing I had the ablation but pain was extreme. I finally had a total hysterectomy and I feel so much better! They told me when they took my uterus out how bad it was. The er didn’t believe me.
myhulagirl2 My doctor keeps me on birth control to keep the endometriosis managed. It keeps the cells from growing or spreading. I start a new pack every 3 weeks. I had most of it removed (some couldn't be removed with a laser) and hopefully the rest will start shrinking.
katie baney I was on that same exact plan for decades, and had to keep changing to stronger brands of pills, but it didn't work as I got older, and it doesn't really keep the endo from growing, unfortunately ;-((. I had a massive DVT at age 36, and almost died, so my dr's took me off of the birth control was all downhill from there.....a year and four months later, I had a hysterectomy. This was in 2005, though, so I know that lots of advancements have been made, and the stage of endo is different for different people. Just, if you can catch it early, it is a godsend ;-). I, was not that lucky.
myhulagirl2 Check out Nancy's Nook for endometriosis on facebook. Has lots of accurate info. Hysterectomy is not a cure for endo. Excision surgery is the only way to get rid of endo.
myhulagirl2 Just check out the nook and you'll understand what I mean. You can get rid of endo with excision surgery with a nook doctor (not any regular obgyn because they dont know how to adequately remove endo and most use ablation)
I have never known that Julianne Hough has been going through endometriosis. She seemed charming while she was still the judge in dancing with the starts. This is so touching. She is such a strong woman. Even coming out with the problem that she has been undergoing. What I really learnt from the journey and some tips from Bio tex clinic. Is concentrating with lifestyle changes as you also do medication. Some tips that might be helpful include getting eight to nine hours of sleep each night. Taking naps if needed. Meditating. Eating healthy meals three times per day and nutritious snacks throughout the day. Continuing with enjoyable activities and staying in touch with friends and family. It’s also important to maintain a routine and keep up with work. Light exercise like yoga is also helpful to fight pain and some women find a hot water bottle or hot bath useful. The center also recommends women learn when and when not to push themselves. Plan ahead for unexpected pain exacerbations and talk to a counselor about their symptoms.
I don't have Endo but I have fibroids. I can imagine what some of you ladies go through it is painful, irritating and depressing.I don't like when people think that all women have the same periods when they have no nothing what we ladies experience. And the ones who are saying they don't know if they can have children.It's all about faith 🙏 timing. Keep your head high and think positive one love to all my sister's who going through this💜
I’m 12. When I was 9 I got my period, on my 5th or 6th period I started getting blood clots the size of golf balls, I couldn’t walk because of the pain, I also had huge ovarian cysts. I had a surgery to remove my ovarian cysts and my doctor ended up finding what we were expecting, but not expecting to find at that exact time... when I was 11 I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I had one more surgery and now take medication so I don’t get my period at all
I had no idea I had it until I was 42. Never heard of it until then. Surgery was the only option and I had all my female innards plus my appendix removed.
Cathie Soli I was told when I was 40 that I had it. At the time I went in for very excessive bleeding. I never had, and still don't get cramping. At this point I just have a feeling of pressure in my whole abdominal and pelvic area and sometimes sharp, strange 'pulls' in that area when I move a certain way. My digestive and urinary system is very abnormal and all over the place as well. I am now 45. All of these symptoms I now have scare me more than anything rather than having much pain. But I worry about it getting worse as I get older. I also have had difficulty with breathing/completely filling my lungs since I was young and wonder about that correlation, as that is getting worse as I get older as well. I also worry about the ovarian cancer risk that comes with it. I am wondering, did this surgery you have actually help you and are you now symptom free? Thanks for any input. :)
Dorilana --- you are at the perfect age really because endometriosis will stop once you are in menopause! But endometriosis and excessive period bleeding are not the same.... Endometriosis causes EXCRUUUUUUTIATING Pain!!!! ... It sounds to me like you might be suffering from something wouldn"t hurt to get it checked out..sometimes a simple xray or ultrasound can detect any abnormalities in your abdominal and stomach area
Dorilana and endometriosis doesn't have any cancer risks..? And it has absolutely NO connection to your lungs/breathing ...( unless you had a very rare case of endometriosis INSIDE your lungs. Which you would know cuz u would bleed out every sibgle month..) however there has been documented cases of endometriosis traveling to someone's eye even ...but those are soo rare u have betrer chances of getting struck by lightning! ..I have the worst case of endometrisis that the Top Endometrisos specialist in all of Canada have ever seen...and it"s all contained in my abdominal I wouldn"t worry if I were you..However..I would bring your concerns to your GP... It doesn"y hurt to asknquestions..and ps...endometriosis can ONLY be officialy diagnosed through unless u had surgery..which..if u had..all your questions would have been answered cuz u would have a loot morr information on the diagnose... So whoever "diagnosed" you without any proof was very wrong to do so!!! ... There are Zero Tests to diagnose this... The only way is by going in and seeing it for yourself theough surgery... Hope that helps!
Dorilana oh and ps.. The average woman stops her period at around 52... So you are pretty close and by should already be on your way to pre-menopause ...which, cures endometriosis
stephanie daigle Thank you for all that Stephanie. I have since been told by a gyno that she does not believe it is what I have. She says it is just likely due to my age. I have read that Endo is linked to cancer forming. But everything about both Endo and cancer is so in the dark and unknown that I try to take it all with a grain of salt. I have been trying to determine for years what might be wrong with my lungs/breathing... And when I read about the possibility of it travelling to the lungs I basically just wanted more answers... Not being able to breath well makes me anxious, the same as being anxious messes with my breathing, so of course with all these things I was learning about Endo, etc. My breathing became worse for a time. I am just very desperate to find answers. I have read a lot about Endo in the last while and I am sympathize with you and other sufferers. I truly hope the pain and general misunderstanding around it can be tempered for you and others. You are in my thoughts. Take care.
Me I had horrible bleeding and cramps .. We put me on birth control and it saved me cause I had horrible horrible pain and big blood loss with my anemia
I want to say you are incredibly talented. I would love for someone to reach out to me, I want to share my story I have stage four endometriosis and many other issues that took place over 10 years. I want to help women and raise awareness for other people.
Crystal Butler 8yrs old!?? That's impossible..!! ..You only get it when you start having your don't get your period at the age of 8!!!....
The doctors won’t tell you this, but a total hysterectomy helped me 10000000000% & I had stage 4 endo. I feel like a brand new person. Endo pain is completely gone. If you’re open to hysterectomy then you should 100% do it. I have details on doctors you can see that could help you, that helped me, with this, but ultimately a hysterectomy, that’s your choice. & a big life changing one at that. But I’m telling you. For me. With years and years of agonizing pain that would make me feel like I was literally dying, the total hysterectomy I had was definitely worth it. And I’m only 2 weeks and 5 days post op.
I was only diagnosed with this when I was 40, I am now 45. I went in initially not because of pain, but because of abnormal, excessive bleeding. I still do not get pain and my bleeding was abnormal (abnormal as in the timing was never consistent, but it was never heavy) my entire life which is why I never thought much of it. However, something that does concern me is my lungs. I have had difficulty breathing/fully filling my lungs for years since I was young. I am now learning how Endo can grow and develop around the diaphragm and lungs and am wondering if this could have been the problem all along? Because mainly I've been asymptomatic with regards to endometriosis all of this time. Does anyone else have problems with their lungs/diaphragm (which aids in breathing) in relation to Endo? I am very concerned and would like to help doctors find the correlation (in my particular case) very much and help me out. At this point I am heaving to get air in quite often and it has sprained my ribs as well as being pretty scary. Thanks for any help. :)
I was diagnosed with it last year and my best friend also has it and we are both married and trying to have kids. Don't give up and keep trying. IVF is hard but don't give up
Have a severe case. Ovary was bound by tissue to back of uterus. I do have two healthy sons, though. N im stage 4 on pain management contract so u know it's severe. Infertility isn't always the case
You have no idea how much this helps. Not many people know about this and know how intense the pain can be. No one understands what we go through. I think this is something that needs to be spoke about more often. As of now I do not have a normal life because of endometriosis, I'm about to see my gynie at the end of this month to be put on the waiting list for surgery. I have waited 2 years to find out what is wrong with me and finally I know.
SO SO SO glad she spoke about this! endo is so difficult and painful.
Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue that normally grows inside the uterus (endometrium) grows outside it. Most often this is on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and tissue around the uterus and ovaries.
Berly just a small correction it is similar tissue not the same common word thats forgotten but very important
eye-lish95 It actualy is the SAME doesn't "grow" other travels to other places instead of falling off the proper way...Mine is all "outside" of my uterus/fallopian tubes/ovaries etc... Mine is all over my insides..bladder, intestines...abdominal wall ..etc... It"s excrutiating!
But can grow on other organs.
Tons of women have/had this including myself. I was diagnosed at age 15, told I would never have children (which I have a son after many surgeries) and then I told them to get rid of all of my female parts so the pain that I had endured for 24 years was finally gone!!
I'm glad she shared about this. I got diagnosed in May. I had surgery before to remove a dermoid cyst and I also had it with it. I get pain a lot once a month more. It's so annoying and takes a lot out of you from the pain. I noticed lemon water or lemonade without a lot of sugar helps the pain. I've also been trying to cut out process foods. I can tell some difference. I hope you Julianne gets better from this also others who is facing this. Keep staying strong.
Brave young woman! Been there!
This is so similar to my story. When it ruptures, its extremely painful. I collapsed at work and had surgery a week later just as she did. Then I learned the pain I had been having for years had a name. Most woman just bear through it and have no idea their pain is not normal.
bluedance lilly when what ruptures? yikes do u mean the cysts
I was told can't have children but I do have a son.. I'm so lucky
Big Kahona I do too I was told I couldn't have kids and I have 2 children now
god bless!!
Dear you got the child after surgery or without having surgery?
I was about to have my op for endo then found out i was pregnant and had to cancel it! still in shock a year later after having my son! Crazy
Prayers to you!! I have this disease and it's horrible and painful, landed me in the hospital for almost two weeks after my daughter was born. Took a few dr's to realize that was what I had. Made me very very sick, and very painful
Thank you Julianne
Mine used to pass in 30seconds, now it lasts from 5minutes to an hour of excruciating pain! I'm waiting for surgery next month. I've had the pain for years but within the past 6 months it's comparable to giving birth!
I've had Endometriosis since I was 12 years old... I was given a surgery when I was 16 years old and it helped me a lot until 3 years later which is now. Yet again I'm in pain every day of each month. I've used every single hormonal treatment and Im currently using IUs and Contraception Pills but I have problems getting out of bed and going to work... My gynecologist refuse to let me have another surgery to releive the pain, it's just so frustrating. I just want to be able to go to work like most other people, my job means everything to me...
Sorry to hear that, but please take this advice from me. I had endo for years, I suffered from brain fog which was heavy on me, please get along with your desease and do not resist and take hard to yourself, I did, and I developed Fibromialgia. Please be careful. Endo puts you under lots of mental pressure. With endo brain fog you are alive but you do not live. Be careful, fibro is worse than endo!
I had it really bad. They did nothing I had the ablation but pain was extreme. I finally had a total hysterectomy and I feel so much better! They told me when they took my uterus out how bad it was. The er didn’t believe me.
Been there too....still there and was deemed infertile.....had a hysterectomy, and still have endometriosis and always will ;-((
myhulagirl2 My doctor keeps me on birth control to keep the endometriosis managed. It keeps the cells from growing or spreading. I start a new pack every 3 weeks. I had most of it removed (some couldn't be removed with a laser) and hopefully the rest will start shrinking.
katie baney I was on that same exact plan for decades, and had to keep changing to stronger brands of pills, but it didn't work as I got older, and it doesn't really keep the endo from growing, unfortunately ;-((. I had a massive DVT at age 36, and almost died, so my dr's took me off of the birth control was all downhill from there.....a year and four months later, I had a hysterectomy. This was in 2005, though, so I know that lots of advancements have been made, and the stage of endo is different for different people. Just, if you can catch it early, it is a godsend ;-). I, was not that lucky.
myhulagirl2 Check out Nancy's Nook for endometriosis on facebook. Has lots of accurate info. Hysterectomy is not a cure for endo. Excision surgery is the only way to get rid of endo.
myhulagirl2 Just check out the nook and you'll understand what I mean. You can get rid of endo with excision surgery with a nook doctor (not any regular obgyn because they dont know how to adequately remove endo and most use ablation)
myhulagirl2 Endo on those places CAN be removed. Just fyi.
So proud of her for speaking out publicly on endometriosis, i was recently diagnosed i have been in hell since January 335 days
I have never known that Julianne Hough has been going through endometriosis. She seemed charming while she was still the judge in dancing with the starts. This is so touching. She is such a strong woman. Even coming out with the problem that she has been undergoing. What I really learnt from the journey and some tips from Bio tex clinic. Is concentrating with lifestyle changes as you also do medication. Some tips that might be helpful include getting eight to nine hours of sleep each night. Taking naps if needed. Meditating. Eating healthy meals three times per day and nutritious snacks throughout the day. Continuing with enjoyable activities and staying in touch with friends and family. It’s also important to maintain a routine and keep up with work. Light exercise like yoga is also helpful to fight pain and some women find a hot water bottle or hot bath useful. The center also recommends women learn when and when not to push themselves. Plan ahead for unexpected pain exacerbations and talk to a counselor about their symptoms.
I don't have Endo but I have fibroids. I can imagine what some of you ladies go through it is painful, irritating and depressing.I don't like when people think that all women have the same periods when they have no nothing what we ladies experience. And the ones who are saying they don't know if they can have children.It's all about faith 🙏 timing. Keep your head high and think positive one love to all my sister's who going through this💜
I’m 12. When I was 9 I got my period, on my 5th or 6th period I started getting blood clots the size of golf balls, I couldn’t walk because of the pain, I also had huge ovarian cysts. I had a surgery to remove my ovarian cysts and my doctor ended up finding what we were expecting, but not expecting to find at that exact time... when I was 11 I was diagnosed with endometriosis. I had one more surgery and now take medication so I don’t get my period at all
Even after a hysterectomy I still have endo pain but people make you feel crazy
I had no idea I had it until I was 42. Never heard of it until then. Surgery was the only option and I had all my female innards plus my appendix removed.
Cathie Soli I was told when I was 40 that I had it. At the time I went in for very excessive bleeding. I never had, and still don't get cramping. At this point I just have a feeling of pressure in my whole abdominal and pelvic area and sometimes sharp, strange 'pulls' in that area when I move a certain way. My digestive and urinary system is very abnormal and all over the place as well. I am now 45. All of these symptoms I now have scare me more than anything rather than having much pain. But I worry about it getting worse as I get older. I also have had difficulty with breathing/completely filling my lungs since I was young and wonder about that correlation, as that is getting worse as I get older as well. I also worry about the ovarian cancer risk that comes with it. I am wondering, did this surgery you have actually help you and are you now symptom free? Thanks for any input. :)
Dorilana --- you are at the perfect age really because endometriosis will stop once you are in menopause! But endometriosis and excessive period bleeding are not the same.... Endometriosis causes EXCRUUUUUUTIATING Pain!!!! ... It sounds to me like you might be suffering from something wouldn"t hurt to get it checked out..sometimes a simple xray or ultrasound can detect any abnormalities in your abdominal and stomach area
Dorilana and endometriosis doesn't have any cancer risks..? And it has absolutely NO connection to your lungs/breathing ...( unless you had a very rare case of endometriosis INSIDE your lungs. Which you would know cuz u would bleed out every sibgle month..) however there has been documented cases of endometriosis traveling to someone's eye even ...but those are soo rare u have betrer chances of getting struck by lightning! ..I have the worst case of endometrisis that the Top Endometrisos specialist in all of Canada have ever seen...and it"s all contained in my abdominal I wouldn"t worry if I were you..However..I would bring your concerns to your GP... It doesn"y hurt to asknquestions..and ps...endometriosis can ONLY be officialy diagnosed through unless u had surgery..which..if u had..all your questions would have been answered cuz u would have a loot morr information on the diagnose... So whoever "diagnosed" you without any proof was very wrong to do so!!! ... There are Zero Tests to diagnose this... The only way is by going in and seeing it for yourself theough surgery... Hope that helps!
Dorilana oh and ps.. The average woman stops her period at around 52... So you are pretty close and by should already be on your way to pre-menopause ...which, cures endometriosis
stephanie daigle Thank you for all that Stephanie. I have since been told by a gyno that she does not believe it is what I have. She says it is just likely due to my age. I have read that Endo is linked to cancer forming. But everything about both Endo and cancer is so in the dark and unknown that I try to take it all with a grain of salt. I have been trying to determine for years what might be wrong with my lungs/breathing... And when I read about the possibility of it travelling to the lungs I basically just wanted more answers... Not being able to breath well makes me anxious, the same as being anxious messes with my breathing, so of course with all these things I was learning about Endo, etc. My breathing became worse for a time. I am just very desperate to find answers. I have read a lot about Endo in the last while and I am sympathize with you and other sufferers. I truly hope the pain and general misunderstanding around it can be tempered for you and others. You are in my thoughts. Take care.
Me I had horrible bleeding and cramps .. We put me on birth control and it saved me cause I had horrible horrible pain and big blood loss with my anemia
Dealing with stage 4 endo :( constant pain everyday. This sucks!!
Amanda Nikes stage 4?? I just had the surgery but nobody ever told me about different stages what do you mean if you don't mind me asking
I want to say you are incredibly talented. I would love for someone to reach out to me, I want to share my story I have stage four endometriosis and many other issues that took place over 10 years. I want to help women and raise awareness for other people.
Do you have Instagram or Facebook or any where we could chat?
I have this.. It's horrible. I have had it since I was 8 years old..
Crystal Butler 8yrs old!?? That's impossible..!! ..You only get it when you start having your don't get your period at the age of 8!!!....
Yes you can, my cousin was 8 when she got her period.
Yes you can I had mine at 9 years old .
Endometriosis is something you are born with, so yes she had it since she was 8 and before.
I've been wAiting for a girl like you, to come into my life! I love you Juliane Hough.
I love her
Have you ever tried a TENS unit? I’d really appreciate some feedback. I need to help my daughter who has endo pain everyday.
The doctors won’t tell you this, but a total hysterectomy helped me 10000000000% & I had stage 4 endo. I feel like a brand new person. Endo pain is completely gone. If you’re open to hysterectomy then you should 100% do it. I have details on doctors you can see that could help you, that helped me, with this, but ultimately a hysterectomy, that’s your choice. & a big life changing one at that. But I’m telling you. For me. With years and years of agonizing pain that would make me feel like I was literally dying, the total hysterectomy I had was definitely worth it. And I’m only 2 weeks and 5 days post op.
А что делать если врачи отказывают в гистерэктомии. Я 10 лет добиваюсь удаления матки!
I was only diagnosed with this when I was 40, I am now 45. I went in initially not because of pain, but because of abnormal, excessive bleeding. I still do not get pain and my bleeding was abnormal (abnormal as in the timing was never consistent, but it was never heavy) my entire life which is why I never thought much of it. However, something that does concern me is my lungs. I have had difficulty breathing/fully filling my lungs for years since I was young. I am now learning how Endo can grow and develop around the diaphragm and lungs and am wondering if this could have been the problem all along? Because mainly I've been asymptomatic with regards to endometriosis all of this time. Does anyone else have problems with their lungs/diaphragm (which aids in breathing) in relation to Endo? I am very concerned and would like to help doctors find the correlation (in my particular case) very much and help me out. At this point I am heaving to get air in quite often and it has sprained my ribs as well as being pretty scary. Thanks for any help. :)
Dorilana a regular routine of yoga helps relieve the pain is what I have found. It may help with the breathing too
Been there
I think I might have this but everyone I tell thinks I'm being over dramatic so know one believes me
I was diagnosed with it last year and my best friend also has it and we are both married and trying to have kids. Don't give up and keep trying. IVF is hard but don't give up
Whts the website she mentioned?
Have a severe case. Ovary was bound by tissue to back of uterus. I do have two healthy sons, though. N im stage 4 on pain management contract so u know it's severe. Infertility isn't always the case
AnchorManda22 wow you still had kids? Praise God I’m worried about my fertility
What do u mean by "stage 4" !?? Like who diagnoses that way!? They def don"t do it like that here in Canada ?
I have it and I hate it...
this stupid desease has robbed me of my fertility (:
ningaz me too😔😔😔😔
ningaz you can still have kids there’s protocols
I get the she’s been dramatic. And it’s hard for people to understand especially my boyfriend
Check Wendy Laidlaw webside it really will change your life if you are willing to make a life style change for good.
it made me infertile
im sorry 😢
I'd marry this woman if she had cancer !
that's nice I guess but it's a weird thing to say nonetheless
I have no word's
Clicked too fast cuz i thought it was Paris Jackson but i was wrong. Someone irrelevant. Ok bye