What The Hell Is That? - A Beginner's Guide To Trench Crusade

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 114

  • @nicolasbravo1762
    @nicolasbravo1762 4 месяца назад +104

    Scanner glad to finally put a face to the vocie mate. Keep up the great work. "One man fall "is my favorite video.

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  4 месяца назад +9

      Thank you! I have a new story coming very soon! Putting it through final edits now, and I hope you enjoy it. :)

    • @Sara3346
      @Sara3346 4 месяца назад

      He did so before this video just as an FYI.

    • @Chinx313
      @Chinx313 4 месяца назад

      One man fall is an amazing video, gives me chills each time I rewatch it...

    • @benjaminstevens6043
      @benjaminstevens6043 4 месяца назад

      Love and support! Your storytelling drawl certainly carved out a piece of the youtube niche well. Wss one mans fall yours? If so or otherwise great work, looking forward to more.

  • @Cab00se90
    @Cab00se90 4 месяца назад +38

    I just came across this, I’m a professional historian by trade and I think there’s a lot about this setting which is reminding me of the darker elements of the 80 Years’ War and the wars of the Three Kingdoms. There’s a lot of violent religious symbology and themes from the early modern era. Really enjoying your content, love the concise descriptions.

  • @muhammadjawadzahid9675
    @muhammadjawadzahid9675 4 месяца назад +32

    This is what I imagined the world look like in pre unification in 40k...

    • @YourHighnessIV
      @YourHighnessIV Месяц назад +2

      This has perfectly summed up my initial thoughts thanks for putting it into words

  • @BruceThaJuiceBanner
    @BruceThaJuiceBanner 4 месяца назад +26

    Safe to say, you're YT's foremost expert (& enthusiast) on Trench Crusade! SUBSCRIBED.

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  4 месяца назад +7

      Thanks, Bruce! I think the community is growing nicely and there are definitely some dope people out there making fun stuff. :)

  • @ChaseHendersonWV
    @ChaseHendersonWV 4 месяца назад +47

    I was listening to this while dropping things off at the church rummage sale.

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  4 месяца назад +9

      Why did this make me chuckle.

    • @ChaseHendersonWV
      @ChaseHendersonWV 4 месяца назад +6

      @@scannerbarkly there’s something delightfully mischievous about it

    • @smelltheglove2038
      @smelltheglove2038 Месяц назад

      I was listening to this while dropping off a load at the porcelain pool.

    • @emilioblanco2803
      @emilioblanco2803 Месяц назад +2

      Sounds to me like someone left behind enchanted relics for a hapless adventurer to find 😊

    • @ChaseHendersonWV
      @ChaseHendersonWV Месяц назад

      @ one of the most excited I’ve ever been in my life was when I found a book entitled “Satanic Rituals” in an antique store. It was just like the movies!

  • @marcrodriquez5153
    @marcrodriquez5153 4 месяца назад +19

    Great to put a face to the voice. Nothing like coming in at the start of something new! Thanks and keep up the great work.👍

  • @InterpolBulliedMe
    @InterpolBulliedMe 4 месяца назад +13

    Bro, I wasn't expecting you to look awesome.

  • @trevort9372
    @trevort9372 4 месяца назад +24

    Jakub Rozalski would be the perfect artist to work on TC. He tells relatively complex stories with pretty few elements in his art, but he conveys scale in such a way that you really feel how a battle is about to go down

    • @ДмитроДорофеєв
      @ДмитроДорофеєв 4 месяца назад +1

      Pretty good choice, it would also be cool if Seb Mckennon would do some art for the hell factions, it has a lot of macabre and darkness in his mtg cards

    • @tomatoblast3465
      @tomatoblast3465 3 месяца назад

      I'd also wager for Simon Stalenhag being another good pick for this

  • @Colonel-WhiteRaven126
    @Colonel-WhiteRaven126 18 дней назад

    OK, I’m gonna be honest. my feed for these videos has not been in any particular order, but the battle reports did have a very Mordheim feel. And that game was so much fun. Excitement level is now through the roof

  • @sorasorisora
    @sorasorisora 3 месяца назад +4

    so I accidentally discovered TC after some stupid Twitter back and forth, likely won't be getting the game physically but the lore is incredibly fascinating, which led me to your channel. thanks so much for this explainer. subscribed!

  • @trevort9372
    @trevort9372 4 месяца назад +6

    Love learning more about the lore from your videos. It's awesome! I wish they had more books and novels. There are lots of cool stories that could take place in the setting

    • @bearistotle2820
      @bearistotle2820 Месяц назад

      Give it time. I think this game will take off.

  • @mofinadesdita6890
    @mofinadesdita6890 4 месяца назад +3

    I will probably not buy any minis, but I will absolutely try to get any knowledge so I can play online! It just sounds incredibly great, the lore and how the game will play in general, every unit is unique and feels like I will get emotionally attached without reason hehe.
    Thanks a whole lot for spreading the game and showing it off for those who wouldn't have found it otherwise, I am truly grateful.

  • @samttolainen
    @samttolainen 4 месяца назад +3

    been loving your lore videos!

  • @emiliogonzalez9555
    @emiliogonzalez9555 4 месяца назад +4

    Glad to see your face! I've always been the type who likes mystery and enjoys the faceless voice of knowledge 😂.
    Thank you for the content! Trench Crusade is new to menandninlove learning about it from you

  • @cmoney581
    @cmoney581 4 месяца назад +2

    Love the content, dude, thanks for all the work

  • @Viperess77
    @Viperess77 Месяц назад

    The art looks INSANE. Can't wait for this to pickup so I can start buying some minis and build/paint them

  • @TheDeepSeaCreature
    @TheDeepSeaCreature Месяц назад

    My excitement is off the charts, I would love some books on this

  • @mudge843
    @mudge843 4 месяца назад +3

    This may be the first time I’ve ever been first to like and leave a comment.
    I love this series mate. Keep it coming!

  • @bertyamgeebler1865
    @bertyamgeebler1865 4 месяца назад +2

    You should do more audiobook style narration you have an excellent voice and tonality for it. That Amice and Farruk short still sticks with me

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  4 месяца назад +1

      Got a new one on the way! Just putting the finishing touches on it. :)

  • @TomFromMars
    @TomFromMars Месяц назад +2

    The lore is extremely inticing. It reminds me of WH40K and Hellraiser but also feels fresh and new. Using biblical/abrahamic mythos mixed with eldritch horror is genius as it draws for a source of inspiration that is huge and undertapped. Most often, Christianity is presented in media as corrupt and authoritative. There is a little bit of that here but they are also the good guys along with an islamic faction and possibly more cultural variety down the line.
    It's a shame that it's confined to being oplayed with minature so far as it is a huge investment both monetary and in time and effort. I would buy a video game version in a heart beat.

  • @Liched4ever
    @Liched4ever Месяц назад +2

    I wanna see a rogue fallen angel that helps the undead martyrs against the devil and in the name of God. Like a dark paladin type

  • @thecheesewheel4388
    @thecheesewheel4388 4 месяца назад

    Dude nice to see a face! I have been listening and watching your vids all through work. Really digging into the trenches (pun intended) I'm big into tabletop and you have given me a new addiction!! Thanks for the vids sir o7

  • @widdrshinswonders
    @widdrshinswonders 3 месяца назад

    I like the art and lore of Trench Crusade - got into it even more thanks to Forbidden Psalm: Last War. Subscribed!

  • @evo1ov3
    @evo1ov3 2 месяца назад

    Love the artwork!

  • @mokron1015
    @mokron1015 4 месяца назад +2

    Info i needed. ❤

  • @EE-iv5ej
    @EE-iv5ej 3 месяца назад +2

    I like how the 6 main factions contrast with one another in some way(?)
    New Antioch, the super organized military force of the holy. vs The Heretic Legions, scum unholy human forces that will cause dissent, disorder, unholy revolts to spite the almighty.
    Trench Pilgrims, disorganized militias whose faith is their strongest weapons, so much that they manifest to reality causing changes to their bodies (and eat the flesh of christ literally), vs The Black Grail, literal Dead Space-like mutated body horror demonic plague zombies.
    Iron Sultanate, users of alchemy, researchers of knowledge, wisdom in their fight against the unholy, vs The Seven Head Serpent, actual primordial demon lords, some sorta looking almost Jinn-like(?)

  • @therencepalino8111
    @therencepalino8111 4 месяца назад +2

    I had no idea that Scanner is a TRENCH CLERIC!

  • @kieran2221
    @kieran2221 4 месяца назад +4

    I'm pretty sure that the thumbnail illustration is one of the meta-christs. I've been looking at it for a while - the people supporting it are probably trench pilgirims because of their headgear. In which case - what the hell else could it be!?

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  4 месяца назад +9

      That is a Heresiarch Demon. They feed on the heresy of others, I believe.

    • @TheIgnoramus
      @TheIgnoramus 4 месяца назад

      @@scannerbarklythe irony

    • @kieran2221
      @kieran2221 4 месяца назад

      @@scannerbarkly So the pilgrims are heretics then? Like hell-aligned trench pilgrims with the capiote?

    • @notjustanother3191
      @notjustanother3191 4 месяца назад +2

      ​@@scannerbarklyI asked this question ages ago on a short. Your title baited me for an answer and I had to go to the comments for one! For shame! I thought we served the great serpent together! I was meant to betray you first.

  • @dadeffone
    @dadeffone Месяц назад

    Scanner Barkly is such a good handle.

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you! It seems to make the right people laugh.

  • @mayanmaster92
    @mayanmaster92 4 месяца назад

    Yo it's the guy with the voice from the videos with the cool art!

  • @MarsHottentot
    @MarsHottentot Месяц назад +1

    Kickstarter slated to go live October 29th 2024!

  • @seranonable
    @seranonable 16 дней назад

    Hoping the setting gets fleshed out enough for a roleplaying game.

  • @cursling9
    @cursling9 Месяц назад

    Hey, thanks for this, it's the first of your videos I've watched so far. I've just been soaking up as much as possible about the game so far, the art and lore have really hooked me. How would you (singular and community) recommend getting into the game?

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  28 дней назад

      The best thing to do is hit www.trenchcrusade.com and download the lore primer and rules. Give them a read then jump in the Discord and chat with people/ask questions/check out what other people are doing. Do you have any particular faction that really catches you eye right now?

  • @someone496
    @someone496 4 месяца назад +2

    I really hope the Temple of the Metamorphosis becomes a playable faction.

    • @Mrarmageddon8
      @Mrarmageddon8 4 месяца назад +2

      Painting the models if they were a faction 💀

    • @desgildanphi8825
      @desgildanphi8825 4 месяца назад

      That sounds metal as hell where can i read more about them?

    • @dawnansara1662
      @dawnansara1662 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@desgildanphi8825 i just googled "church of metamorphosis trench crusade reddit" and found a couple posts going over em, theyre a bit of older lore from what i can tell and i dont remember there being all that much about them in the lore primer but they have baller ass designs and really add to the eldritch themes of the setting

    • @fumu776
      @fumu776 4 месяца назад +2

      they're planned for expansion factions if the game becomes a success with the base 6 factions

  • @oldex6564
    @oldex6564 Месяц назад

    Been really enjoying your Trench Crusade content as podcasts on my dog walks. Thank you for the excellent and charmingly sweary infotainment! In your (what I regard to be expert) opinion, what is the most LADS LADS LADS faction? Pilgrims? Thank you.

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  Месяц назад

      Definitely the Pilgrims. You can just do so much with them, personality wise. The might be mad for Jesus, but they are not bound to the same rigid social structures as the other good factions.

  • @dseanm21
    @dseanm21 4 дня назад

    Besides trench crusade and 40k ive been trying to find this series that is a game like 40k that see human advancement with technology but wasn't allowed to be Immortals, because a God in the form of a Planet didnt allowed it and would just disappear. I just cant remember the name. It had advanced mech

  • @Kankan_Mahadi
    @Kankan_Mahadi 4 месяца назад

    I cannot unsee that chubby Squirtle behind you.

  • @tombrasch3387
    @tombrasch3387 4 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for making this😂 I've been trying to show some buddys but the shorts and basic random stuff doesn't appeal to the COD brain fellas🤣

  • @Yaarmehearty
    @Yaarmehearty 3 месяца назад

    Nice minidisc deck

  • @FatherGoz
    @FatherGoz 4 месяца назад +9

    What the hell is a Meta Christ?

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  4 месяца назад +15

      If I knew, you'd know! It's basically a Jesus clone but we gotta wait till Tuomas gives us full details, hopefully in the lore book.

    • @nootrecruit
      @nootrecruit 4 месяца назад

      the closest we have to actual info is that they're clones of Jesus

    • @socksleeve
      @socksleeve 3 месяца назад +3

      @@scannerbarkly god I need an art book to go along with this game, I’d buy it in a heartbeat

    • @nomadicle6867
      @nomadicle6867 3 месяца назад

      @@scannerbarkly That implies that they had created the antichrist, there's no possible way to clone Yeshua the Christ, feel like that would lead to a crazy twist in the lore

    • @wawawuu1514
      @wawawuu1514 2 месяца назад

      @@nomadicle6867 Sounds like it would take away from the singularity of Jesus (or one aspect of the Trinity, I guess), doesn't it.

  • @Shdwgeist1031
    @Shdwgeist1031 2 месяца назад

    thank you fior all this
    are there just story lore books coming?

  • @jackrook8715
    @jackrook8715 4 месяца назад

    I require Eire Ranger lore !!!

  • @level20eevee75
    @level20eevee75 4 месяца назад

    Nice beard, mate!

  • @tamlandipper29
    @tamlandipper29 Месяц назад

    Risky actions sounds like the Bloodbowl system?

  • @patrickferryman6579
    @patrickferryman6579 28 дней назад

    Are the witchburners gonna be available for purchase again?

  • @Emanon...
    @Emanon... Месяц назад

    You need to be sponsored by Manscaped or a similar brand. Desperately.
    Just having a go 😉

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  Месяц назад

      I don't do sponsorships, but from time to time I do shave my beard a little. lol

  • @WeOnlyEatSoup
    @WeOnlyEatSoup 3 месяца назад +1

    Is it still possible to get these miniatures or will they be re releasing them when the game fully launches? Im all in on this game

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  3 месяца назад +2

      There will be a Kickstarter soon and you'll be able to get physical minis or STLs.

    • @WeOnlyEatSoup
      @WeOnlyEatSoup 3 месяца назад

      @@scannerbarkly Thanks appreciate the speedy reply 🙏 I signed up the newsletter, so now I guess I just wait for the Kickstarter

  • @TheSniperTroll
    @TheSniperTroll 3 месяца назад

    How dare you dismiss the close combat capabilities of the humble Azeb!

  • @codyfoster7183
    @codyfoster7183 2 месяца назад +1

    I wonder if they will release a U.S. faction and if so I say "holy fire" dragons breath shotguns would be sweet. Just make them look like doughboys with crosses or something.

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  2 месяца назад +3

      I doubt we will get a US faction but i don't think there will be a US. We know that the Brits never made it across the Atlantic, and it seems likely the Heretics shut down any sea routes for most of Europe, so whatever the US becomes its like to have happened either without English/Spanish/Portuguese/French etc influence, or with those but in Heretical format.

    • @codyfoster7183
      @codyfoster7183 2 месяца назад

      @@scannerbarkly well I suppose a guy can dream. Lol, I wanted to make a "blazing Baptists" shock troop squad modeled after WW1 shotgunners.

    • @bryandibella3482
      @bryandibella3482 Месяц назад

      Perhaps the native Americans across the north and south of the area will have developed in ways to fight the demonic pirates. They'd definitely have ways to patrol the waters, they'd probably behave like the Marines would in combat settings.

    • @lloroshastar6347
      @lloroshastar6347 19 дней назад +1

      My guess is that all the factions are likely to fit certain themes within the game rather than intentionally reflect our existing geo-political situation. An alternative history that dates back so far would lead to an awful lot of changes, I imagine if there were more factions it would be for different sub-factions within the existing one's, like servants of another Arch Demon, perhaps some kind of Angelic force with a grimdark twist. Either that or other denominations of existing Abrahamic Faiths, such as a distinct Sunni and Shia faction, an Orthodox faction etc.

    • @CorporalCookie
      @CorporalCookie 19 дней назад +1

      I believe Saint Kateri is mentioned somewhere in the lore from what I remember, so there is some reference to North America baked in.

  • @Melonsworth
    @Melonsworth 11 дней назад

    Homie, where did you get those shelves?

  • @seanodonnell7169
    @seanodonnell7169 3 месяца назад +2

    They should have a Jewish faction all about robotic golems

    • @rudolfambrozenvtuber
      @rudolfambrozenvtuber 3 месяца назад +1

      That seems...easy to fuck up!

    • @seanodonnell7169
      @seanodonnell7169 3 месяца назад +3

      @@rudolfambrozenvtuber they already have a Muslim faction. they clearly don't care about being sacrilegious and offensive. and judging by the existing factions I'm sure they would do their research to make them rich and interesting, and not just stereotypes.

    • @maciejulatowski2044
      @maciejulatowski2044 Месяц назад

      Expand please. Im fascinated

    • @seanodonnell7169
      @seanodonnell7169 Месяц назад

      @@maciejulatowski2044 ok, here is my lore, after the gates of hell were opened by the Crusaders, the church looked for a scapegoat everywhere, through no small amount of mental gymnastics some people blamed Jews for the situation. antisemitism ran rampant throughout Europe (much like real life),
      Now, in real life, because charging interest was considered a sin, Christians couldn't be bankers and so forced Jews to do their banking. this gave Jews an important position in society and thus they couldn't just be killed. In this time line a similar thing happens but with the art of golem creation. seeing the effectiveness of the homunculus, the church sought to create their own artificial warriors but saw it as a sin to try and replicate God's work. some rabis offered their service of golem making in return for their safety.
      The golems were very effective constructs of magic and machine. They were able to function autonomously thanks to the "agile in moyl" (the scroll in the mouth), which is, in essence, a magic computer program/ AI created by the Rabihs.
      The tribes Of Israel grew tired of their oppressors though, and after generations of service, the new world was discovered. those that could left Europe and stated there new life in the Americas, the rabihs took the Megile-in-moyl, and ran off. The church tried to pursue, but the machine armies foiled the church's attempts to prevent the exodus. the church was left with the machines, but no AI, and would go on to develop the technology into the power armor they use today.
      The tribes of New Israel are now considered co belligerents of hell and send soldiers and golems to fight on the front. though they are equipped with self destruct protocols to prevent the tek from being stollen.

  • @markfreeman4727
    @markfreeman4727 4 месяца назад

    i wish the subfactions had unique units or gear
    (if they do i have not found any evidence of them)

    • @TheSniperTroll
      @TheSniperTroll 3 месяца назад

      Some, like the Knights of Avarice variant for the Heretics have 2-3 pieces of unique gear, but mostly the subfactions offer alternate list building options both for models and equipment (i.e. increased/decreased number of weapons of a particular type available) and some extra customization options, like uprgading some models with abilities they won't normally have access to.

  • @Kernel_Kertz
    @Kernel_Kertz 3 месяца назад

    How do we connect to the discord server?

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  3 месяца назад

      If you visit www.trenchcrusade.com you can find the invite there is a link at the bottom of the page.

  • @eyeofthoth2003
    @eyeofthoth2003 12 дней назад

    There are two things I really want from this universe; a Jewish faction and rpg rule set. I love the setting but the first Abrahamic religion isn’t there and I’m more of a ttrpg guy than a skirmish game guy

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  12 дней назад +1

      I believe the rules for the Jewish faction are currently being worked on! The main rules dev has said it's something he really wants to get done.

  • @xavierrodriguez8432
    @xavierrodriguez8432 4 месяца назад +2

    You don’t look at all like you sound (no offense)

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  4 месяца назад +5

      No worries. I am an old fuck who has been ill for a long time, so I am generally just happy that I look vaguely alive. lol

    • @tombrasch3387
      @tombrasch3387 4 месяца назад +3

      @@scannerbarkly naw man u sound younger than you look😁

  • @YahBoiDrip
    @YahBoiDrip 4 месяца назад

    Honestly thought you were way younger, like 20-23yrs old. Love your content and voice, though.

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  4 месяца назад

      Thanks, homie. I shall endeavour not to get any older. Fuck time. lol

  • @stevenwilliams8660
    @stevenwilliams8660 3 месяца назад

    When you keep getting to each new piece of lore:

  • @thesmilyguyguy9799
    @thesmilyguyguy9799 4 месяца назад


  • @abundure9257
    @abundure9257 4 месяца назад +3

    40k but not 40k

  • @lithium1770
    @lithium1770 4 месяца назад +1

    i wish it was more accurate to actual Christianity.

    • @scannerbarkly
      @scannerbarkly  4 месяца назад +8

      Why? If it did that people would be even madder. I think it's good that this is very obviously a work of fiction that draws inspiration from the Abrahamic religions, it helps people separate a little bit better that this is just a game.

    • @tamlandipper29
      @tamlandipper29 Месяц назад

      I don't see how it could be similar. If you know hell is real, and heaven is real then the entire edifice of religion changes from faith to fact.

  • @sakkoyaba4482
    @sakkoyaba4482 4 месяца назад

    Any other world like 40k and trench crusade