Chelsea has always been more of the same but very solid, with a notable evolution with the temporary arrival of Jason Richardson in 2013. Sound quality and well-paced rhythm led the band to gain recognition and be a great reference in the genre. I wouldn't say it's a band that takes a lot of risks sonically and that might be a negative point for some people. Tom Barber brought new air, the number of members was reduced to the essentials, it is currently better than it ever was.
Chelsea has always been more of the same but very solid, with a notable evolution with the temporary arrival of Jason Richardson in 2013. Sound quality and well-paced rhythm led the band to gain recognition and be a great reference in the genre. I wouldn't say it's a band that takes a lot of risks sonically and that might be a negative point for some people. Tom Barber brought new air, the number of members was reduced to the essentials, it is currently better than it ever was.
old chelsea grin > recent chelsea grin
Ateizm eternity. Zagryebisj.