December 10, 1963 - Interview with Ruth Paine, friend of Marina Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald's wife

  • Опубликовано: 20 июн 2024
  • Ruth Hyde Paine is a former friend of Marina Oswald, who was living with her at the time of the JFK assassination. According to four government investigations, Lee Harvey Oswald stored the 6.5 mm caliber Carcano rifle that the Warren Commission held he used to assassinate U.S. President John F. Kennedy in Ruth Paine's garage, unbeknownst to her and her husband, Michael Paine.
    Ruth Paine answered more than 5,000 questions for the Warren Commission. There were over 500 witnesses for the Warren Commission, and the average number of questions asked for each witness was less than 300. Furthermore, Ruth Paine has given more interviews than any other Warren Commission witness, always consistent with her Warren Commission testimony.
    Paine was born Ruth Avery Hyde in New York City, to William A. and Carol E. Hyde.[ She went to Antioch College in Ohio and became a Quaker. Through her interest in folk dancing and music she met her future husband Michael Paine. Though not a Quaker himself, Michael attended meetings with Ruth. They married on December 28, 1957.
    In 1959 Michael Paine got a job with Bell Helicopter in Fort Worth, Texas,[6] 30 miles from Dallas, and the Paines moved into a house in the suburb of Irving (Michael Paine's step-father, Arthur M. Young, designed the first Bell Helicopter). As liberals in Dallas, the Paines were isolated, and Ruth Paine was quite lonely.
    Ruth Paine had been studying Russian since 1957. In the late 1950s she participated in Quaker pen pal programs and the East-West Contact Committee, which sponsored visits by three Soviets to the US. In 1963 she signed up to teach a summer class in Russian at St. Mark's School in Dallas, but only one student signed up (William Hootkins, who became an actor and had a minor role in the movie Star Wars as X-wing pilot Jek Porkins).
    Ruth Paine met the Oswalds through her interest in the Russian language. She had learned to read Russian, but she had difficulty with conversational Russian. Also, she and Michael Paine were separated at this time. A mutual friend from their Madrigal singing group, Everett Glover, invited her to a party at his apartment on February 22, 1963, because he thought she would be interested in meeting two interesting people who spoke Russian.
    The attendance of the couple, Lee and Marina Oswald, was arranged by Oswald's friend, 51-year-old White Russian émigré aristocrat George de Mohrenschildt] a well-educated petroleum geologist with intelligence connections.
    John F. Kennedy assassination
    Involvement with Oswald family
    Ruth Paine drove Marina Oswald to New Orleans when the Oswalds moved there in May 1963 and back to Dallas when they moved again in September 1963. When the Oswalds resettled in the Dallas area, Marina and her child with Lee, June, moved in with Ruth Paine in the suburb of Irving, Texas, while Lee stayed in a boarding house under the name O.H. Lee. The second Oswald child was born after Marina moved in. Marina helped with the housework and Ruth's Russian studies while Lee visited on weekends. Michael and Ruth had long been separated, but remained on good terms. Michael was a frequent visitor and cared for his children deeply. At the suggestion of a neighbor, Linnie Mae Randle, Ruth Paine told Lee Oswald about a job opportunity at the Texas School Book Depository.
    Lee Harvey Oswald stayed at the Paine home with Marina and his children unannounced on Thursday night, November 21, 1963-the night before President Kennedy was assassinated. When Oswald left for work on the morning of November 22, he brought a large package that he had kept in the Paine's garage with him to work at the Texas School Book Depository. Oswald's coworker and friend, Wesley Frazier testified that Oswald told him the bag contained curtain rods The Warren Commission later concluded that the package actually contained the rifle used by Oswald in the assassination.
    Eight days after the assassination of President Kennedy, on November 30, 1963, Ruth Paine inadvertently discovered evidence possibly linking him to an attempted assassination of General Edwin Walker. Among the letters that Ruth Paine reportedly sent to Marina was a thick book of household advice in Russian. The book contained an undated note left by Lee for Marina on April 10, 1963 (the day of the Walker assassination attempt) that Marina later testified she had concealed. Before the Kennedy assassination, Dallas police had no suspects in the Walker shooting.
    Ruth Paine testified before the Warren Commission and has been interviewed by a number of authors, including Priscilla Johnson McMillan, William Manchester, Thomas Mallon, and Gerald Posner. She has appeared in numerous documentaries and even a mock trial of Lee Harvey Oswald. She also testified in Jim Garrison's trial of Clay Shaw. Paine was not called to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

Комментарии • 136

  • @jimmylieb5225
    @jimmylieb5225 8 дней назад +17

    she played a key role in setting up Lee as the patsy!! horrible!!

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 8 дней назад

      We look forward to you calling a press conference tomorrow morning, presenting your ironclad evidence Ruth Paine is a murderer and traitor, saving the country, and of course fearlessly challenging her not to sue your butt for libel and slander.
      Wesley Frazier got a job at the Depository.
      Frazier heard there might be another job opening.
      Frazier mentioned this to his wife.
      Mrs. Frazier mentioned this to Ruth Paine.
      Ruth Paine mentioned this to Marina Oswald.
      Marina Oswald mentioned this to Lee Harvey Oswald.
      Lee Harvey Oswald went and applied and was hired.
      This is one heck of a roundabout way of "setting up" somebody.
      Your "patsy" owned and smuggled the rifle, immediately fled the plaza, murdered a cop, was caught red-handed trying to murder a second cop, fought police so violently 3 officers were injured just disarming him, lied to police, refused to cooperate, refused help from the President of the Dallas Bar Association, acted so smug he even convinced his own brother he was guilty, made no attempt to blow any conspiracy to anybody, and just shrugged a hollow, rambling reply when asked on live TV, "Did you shoot the President?"

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 5 дней назад

      In that case you will of course now be calling a press conference tomorrow morning, presenting your ironclad evidence she is a conspirator, and fearlessly bolster your own credibility by openly challenging her not to sue your ass for libel and slander, yes? We'll be waiting.

    • @markwinchester3005
      @markwinchester3005 5 дней назад

      She knew Byrd & just 'happened to find a job opening' at the SBD that Byrd just happened to own.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 5 дней назад

      B.S. Wesley Fraizer heard there was a job opening at the Depository, he applied, he heard there was possibly another job opening, he passed this on to his wife, she passed it on to Ruth Paine, she passed this on to Marina Oswald, Marina passed this on to Lee Harvey Oswald, he applied and was hired. Oooooh! Sinister!
      I repeat my long-standing open challenge to you: call a press conference TOMORROW MORNING, present your ironclad evidence against this woman you are publicly accusing of murder and treason, and fearlessly challenge her not to sue your ass for libel and slander, yes?

  • @Fnstine
    @Fnstine 8 дней назад +37

    Retired federal agent. Pretty good actor. Played her part rather well.💀

    • @Drottninggatan2017
      @Drottninggatan2017 8 дней назад +9

      She has some revealing facial expressions in this interview.
      Similar to Marina.

    • @randalthor6872
      @randalthor6872 8 дней назад +17

      She is definitely a handler. Poor oswald never had a chance. He thought he was fighting the good fight, working for our intelligence agencies to fight russians, but he was being set up to take the fall the entire time :(

    • @PostalWorker14
      @PostalWorker14 8 дней назад +1

      Why would Paines help the Oswald’s total strangers? Disfunctional couple People were different in western states and people were more trusting back then

    • @joinjen3854
      @joinjen3854 8 дней назад +12

      ​@PostalWorker14 the Paines were all c I a and blood lined connected. They owned a few homes and at least 3 vehicles. Michael Paine worked at Bell helicopter because of his step Dad. Bell did great with Vietnam profits.

    • @PostalWorker14
      @PostalWorker14 8 дней назад

      Paines were religious more trusting

  • @DavidArbuckle-sc8zc
    @DavidArbuckle-sc8zc 8 дней назад +29

    She meets with Allen Dulles on a private Island in the summer of 1963, and then immediately travels to New Orleans and is "introduced" to the Oswald's by a "friend" at a party. Within 2 weeks she has invited Marina to move in with her in Dallas, where Oswald will store his rifle for over 6 months even before the General Walker murder attempt, and then Ruth Paine acquires a job for Oswald at the Book Depository which just happens to be owned by one of LBJ's closest friends and the founder of the Civil Air Patrol that Oswald and David Ferrie met at years earlier. This new job happens one month before the Motorcade. "Photographic layout work" That is an interesting description Ruth Paine used for the top secret work that the company that Oswald worked for which would be IMPOSSIBLE if you had defected to the Soviet Union.

    • @jimmylieb5225
      @jimmylieb5225 8 дней назад +1

      excellent summmary!! 🎯💯👍

    • @barryirvin2417
      @barryirvin2417 8 дней назад

      @DavidArbuckle-sc8zc What are your sources ? Post them here . Thanks

    • @DavidArbuckle-sc8zc
      @DavidArbuckle-sc8zc 8 дней назад +4

      @@barryirvin2417 Vince Palamara, James DiEugenio, Vince Salandria, CIty of Allen, Jefferson Morley, WFAA Archives, Robert Groden, America's Untold Stories, Men on the Sixth Floor, David Talbot, Mark Lane, Doug Horne, etc etc etc.

    • @barryirvin2417
      @barryirvin2417 8 дней назад

      Sounds like a conspiracy in the making months before the assassination. Some believe that anyway . I don’t . Thanks for the info though .

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 8 дней назад

      @@DavidArbuckle-sc8zc Just couldn't wait to give this poor lady your middle finger yet again with more B.S. libel she's a conspirator in murder and treason with no evidence as though you are just gagging to get sued. As for your "sources:"
      a) Mark Lane:
      - soundly condemned by 2 commissions for misleading them with conspiracy theories he refused to back up with evidence
      - described by Charles Brehm as "a despicable liar"
      - described by John Connally as "evil"
      - disgusted interview subjects with his omissions and leading questions
      - packed his books with demonstrable lies
      - right hand stooge to Rev. Jim Jones
      - helped set the stage for the Jonestown massacre by misleading the public and the authorities about what Jones was up to
      - made no attempt to warn Leo Ryan and Jackie Speier of the deathtrap they were visiting at Jonestown
      - gave top priority to saving his own worthless butt while they were getting gunned down at the airstrip
      - subject of Bob Katz's Mother Jones expose "Mark Lane - The Left's Leading Hearse Chaser..."
      b) Robert Groden:
      - gives his middle finger to the family of a decorated police officer as he opines away without evidence the man was a conspirator so long as it suits his crackpot "theories" (just like you do)
      - screens Zapruder's film with a bogus soundtrack full of phony gunshots dubbed over it without once telling the audience he's grifting is a fake
      - packs his books with demonstrable fabrications
      - volunteered his services at the O.J. Simpson civil trial to prove O.J. was framed by a conspiracy (of course) and ended up discredited and sitting on the stand looking like a freakin' FOOL
      - stages bus tours through Dealey Plaza with gunshots playing over the speakers...
      c) Vince Palamara:
      - cranks out whole videos giving his middle finger to Tippit's family as he accuses him of being a conspirator without evidence (what is it with you lot?)
      - does the same to Ruth Paine as though he is just gagging to get sued
      - I asked him under one of his videos accusing the Secret Service of murdering the President just one direct question, how one safely approaches the Secret Service and persuades them to murder the President, and his one and only response was to make NO attempt to answer the question, immediately type in all caps, "LONE NUTTERS WILL BE BANNED," and start bragging about how he refuses to answer people who are only asking questions to "bother" him, even as he happily slanders anybody he feels like, as though that settled the matter
      - acts hysterically and berserk in general...
      d) America's Untold Stories:
      - cranks out videos giving the middle finger to Tippit's family and to Mrs. Paine, among many others, without evidence
      - ignores evidence and just goes on about how the "Deep State" is out to get us all
      - has no qualms whatsoever about hawking books written by that unspeakable monster Alex Jones...
      Funny how your list of sources consists of these "heroes" but doesn't include the "evidence..."

  • @alfredfreedomjones5105
    @alfredfreedomjones5105 7 дней назад +11

    What all of these people did to Jack Kennedy, his wife and young children was DESPICABLE. Not a shred of humanity. Cold blooded

  • @gilbertgiles
    @gilbertgiles 6 дней назад +5

    with friends like these you don't need enemies.

  • @windycitykitty
    @windycitykitty 8 дней назад +12

    Amazing that Mrs. Paine, now 91 years old, is still alive. She is one of the last living links to this tragedy. Thank you for the upload.

    • @itsover6082
      @itsover6082 8 дней назад

      actually marina oswald is still alive, and ms. Paine had connections with the c.i.a, I’m sure she was marina handler or something. The entire assassination was probably one big false flag operation

    • @arcanondrum6543
      @arcanondrum6543 8 дней назад +3

      God gives people plenty of time to repent. Some hold out because they've been too busy being evil to believe in anything or anyone.

    • @Laika57
      @Laika57 7 дней назад +1

      She's part of the cabal.

    • @jamescalifornia2964
      @jamescalifornia2964 7 дней назад +1

      ​@@Laika57 ~ That certainly would explain her longevity ...

    • @CommunityNotesVerified
      @CommunityNotesVerified 5 дней назад

      *Military Coup 🪖

  • @DubaiCanary
    @DubaiCanary 7 дней назад +9

    I wonder if she will make a deathbed confession of her involvement ? I guess if she has kept up the pretense for 60 odd years, she will take it to her grave.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 5 дней назад

      What freakin' "involvement???" Wesley Fraizer got a job at the Depository, he heard there might be a second opening, he mentioned that to his wife, she mentioned it to Ruth Paine, she mentioned it to Marina Oswald, she mentioned it to Lee Harvey Oswald, he applied and got hired. OOOOOOH, sinister...

    • @DubaiCanary
      @DubaiCanary 5 дней назад

      @@aaronz7056 The Paine's played a key role in the assassination. Given how many people closely involved met untimely ends, it is not surprising that her silence on the truth was easily assured. Have a watch of the "The Assassination and Mrs. Paine". Do you still buy the official "lone nut" narrative, who in turn was taken out by another "lone nut" ?

    • @packtothefuture188
      @packtothefuture188 5 дней назад +1

      @@aaronz7056Why are her tax returns part of the sealed documents? Explain that one official story/narrative slave

  • @fionafinch348
    @fionafinch348 7 дней назад +8

    I wish Mrs. Paine would have left the Oswalds alone.

    • @DavidArbuckle-sc8zc
      @DavidArbuckle-sc8zc 5 дней назад +1

      She was crucial in the Assassination planning. So was Michael Paine. So was Jack Ruby. So was Allen Dulles.

  • @asbeautifulasasunset
    @asbeautifulasasunset 8 дней назад +16

    If only she had done something... besides get Oswald hired at the Book Depository in October 1963 and lie about him afterward.... She didn't know Oswald had been to Russia! Didn't know that was where he met Marina...She knew, she knew.

    • @jimmylieb5225
      @jimmylieb5225 8 дней назад +1

      she knew. she and her husband were CIA operatives!!

    • @davidmoss4280
      @davidmoss4280 7 дней назад +2

      What rubbish one speaks

    • @larrymuncy3506
      @larrymuncy3506 4 дня назад

      Eventually history will record the fraud that she is and her part in the JFK assassination. Professional liar.

  • @Rocks_Dad
    @Rocks_Dad 8 дней назад +5

    Thanks, good upload !!! I was proud to read that the American public started sending donations to Marina and her children when her situation was revealed. Enough that she was able to have a decent home and get the resources she needed as a young immigrant widow with two small children.
    It would have been understandable for her to have been mistreated over this but it made me very proud to see how my elder countrymen treated her with kindness.

    • @alfredfreedomjones5105
      @alfredfreedomjones5105 5 дней назад

      Unfortunately some of these donations weren’t kind hearted, they were just glad her husband killed the president because they didn’t agree with his policies. A few years back, I read a particularly disgusting letter sent by a man, thanking her husband for “taking care of the n*gger problem” (referring to how JFK introduced the civil rights bill to abolish segregation a few weeks before he was assassinated)

  • @mustafabinsober1248
    @mustafabinsober1248 8 дней назад +5

    Perfect crime committed in broad daylight

  • @beautypablotamarini7315
    @beautypablotamarini7315 8 дней назад +13

    So cold, calm and rational.

    • @jimmylieb5225
      @jimmylieb5225 8 дней назад +4

      cold and calculating. she was an excellent actress!!

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 7 дней назад

      @@jimmylieb5225 We look forward to you calling your press conference tomorrow morning and presenting your ironclad evidence Mrs. Paine is a traitor and murderer, and don't forget to bolster your own credibility by fearlessly challenging her not to sue you for libel and slander, of course.

  • @user-yx2tb3sy2z
    @user-yx2tb3sy2z 7 дней назад +5

    The last among the conspirators still alive ! Wow !

  • @davidsipos302
    @davidsipos302 7 дней назад +6

    Coincidence....Speaks Fluent Russian in Deep Texas just across the Street from Maria Oswald who speaks no English who's Husband Lee needs a Job which She Coincidentally gets him a job at Texas School Book Depository where Coincidentally JFK Motorcade passes by...... Coincidence!

  • @arcanondrum6543
    @arcanondrum6543 8 дней назад +7

    She's as pretty as she is honest.

    • @LocoCanada
      @LocoCanada 8 дней назад +2

      Oh she is such a babe alright

  • @jabberjaw2567
    @jabberjaw2567 7 дней назад +3

    She confirms the assassination saying on this early date that he “ must have done”. Why the emphatic statement of guilt ?

  • @mclifer
    @mclifer 7 дней назад +5

    Marina's lesbian lover and KGB contact.

  • @beautypablotamarini7315
    @beautypablotamarini7315 8 дней назад +10

    I hope she'll tell whole truth before she died.

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 8 дней назад +2

      She lied to protect her daughter and others. It’s never been just about her!

    • @joinjen3854
      @joinjen3854 8 дней назад +7

      ​​@ronniebishop2496 Ruth also has a son. Ruth was a good c I a handler, the battle axe. The c i a.teaches people to be convincing liars. Research the family ties.....Paines, Forbes and Cabots.

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 8 дней назад

      @@joinjen3854 Yes them and the Paine family are in it up to their rumps. And George d Morhenschildt was the one who introduced her to the Oswald’s at a White Russian party. I think that’s right?!

    • @jimmylieb5225
      @jimmylieb5225 8 дней назад +1

      don't hold your breath.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 8 дней назад

      @@joinjen3854 We now look forward, of course, to you calling a press conference tomorrow morning and presenting your ironclad evidence this lady you are giving your middle finger to so long as it suits your crackpot "theories" is a murderer and traitor, yes? And don't forget to bolster your credibility by openly challenging her not to sue you.

  • @jabberjaw2567
    @jabberjaw2567 7 дней назад +2

    Security clearance? Interesting choice of words

  • @ynp1978
    @ynp1978 8 дней назад +17

    He was not "judged quickly and hanged". He was murdered in Police custody with no chance of ever defending himself. Which is of course what the real people behind this crime wanted.

    • @ktm4234
      @ktm4234 8 дней назад

      I also was wondering why she was saying that!?

    • @arcanondrum6543
      @arcanondrum6543 8 дней назад +4

      The same people who enjoy pointing out that Nixon resigned before he was Impeached fail to acknowledge that Oswald was never convicted of anything.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 7 дней назад

      We look forward to you explaining how the people framing him decided they could safely approach scores of witnesses, police, FBI, Secret Service, military personnel, whole commissions, etc., and persuade them all to obey illegal orders to assist a bloody coup, help in the successful escape from justice of the "real killers" of a brother police officer with a wife and 3 children, and bend over backwards making themselves all eternally loyal accessories to murder and treason.

  • @ralphgilson9989
    @ralphgilson9989 7 дней назад +3

    She sounds scripted.

  • @harrygoodhorn2825
    @harrygoodhorn2825 7 дней назад +5

    A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says,
    "Hey, why the long face ?"
    This terrible woman worked the Oswald's like the professional government agent she was and she did it with no remorse. She was there to help convict Lee in the eyes of the nation.

  • @randalthor6872
    @randalthor6872 8 дней назад +10

    Sad that oswald was so patriotic that he thought he was fighting the russians by pretending to be a defector, only to have his own bosses in the CIA set him as a legit defector :(

    • @frankfacts6207
      @frankfacts6207 8 дней назад +3

      He was ONI not CIA

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 8 дней назад +4

      They set his butt up. Double Cross down and dirty.

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 8 дней назад

      Yes, of course, that's why he murdered a cop, was caught trying to murder a second cop, and never attempted to blow any conspiracy to any cop, any member of his family, to the President of the Dallas Bar Association, or to a live TV audience of millions.

  • @cristiavasquez1602
    @cristiavasquez1602 8 дней назад

    Gracias buen contenido Hermes

  • @jabberjaw2567
    @jabberjaw2567 7 дней назад +2

    She was surprised that he had a gun? In Texas , where open carry in holster was common and over 50% of residents owned guns

    • @joeyg2860
      @joeyg2860 6 дней назад

      Open carry of a handgun was not legal in Texas in 1963.

    • @jabberjaw2567
      @jabberjaw2567 6 дней назад +1

      Thanks for the correction. However it was allowed in your vehicle. Ownership was still well over 50%

    • @joeyg2860
      @joeyg2860 6 дней назад +2

      Prior to the current constitutional carry provisions, carrying a handgun in one’s vehicle was permitted if one was ‘traveling’. Vaguely defined as across county lines. Practically unenforceable. Just had to keep it out of sight. Not certain but, gun ownership among Texas men is probably 80+%. Overall, well over 50%…Best Wishes.

  • @closeoutsaleusa5322
    @closeoutsaleusa5322 5 дней назад

    She was best friends with Allan Dulles' mistress. This woman was Oswald's handler and the fact that she's still alive may be the reason there are still over 5000 pages of documents regarding the JFK assassination not released to the public.

  • @frankfacts6207
    @frankfacts6207 8 дней назад +6

    Brought the nation pain

  • @spudjohnsonn8122
    @spudjohnsonn8122 5 дней назад +1

    Lee Oswald never killed anyone!

  • @January.
    @January. 5 дней назад

    Ruth Paine is an extraordinarily kind, humane, and intelligent person = a rarity in this gncrzythird-worldcountry offirst-worldcountries

  • @lynnpineda7615
    @lynnpineda7615 5 дней назад

    seeing as Ruth is still alive, she should sue the Academy of Motion Pictures for NOT nominating her in 1964 for Best Performance in a Fiction film, for this interview, and her Warren Omisson perjury

  • @1olddirtroad
    @1olddirtroad 8 дней назад +6

    So many questions she could answer. Wonder how she liked Nicaragua....

    • @ronniebishop2496
      @ronniebishop2496 8 дней назад

      No one person knew everything, just one piece of a big big puzzle.

  • @scottblanton3182
    @scottblanton3182 5 дней назад

    I'm surprised she isn't laughing, she laughs at everything else.

  • @victorbonilla4634
    @victorbonilla4634 8 дней назад +9


  • @leighshepherd8356
    @leighshepherd8356 8 дней назад


  • @HugoMaus
    @HugoMaus 8 дней назад +5

    If evidence matter as she said Oswald is innocent

    • @aaronz7056
      @aaronz7056 7 дней назад

      In that case we look forward to you explaining how the people framing the "innocent" Oswald could possibly have known:
      - he would show up unexpectedly at the Paine house Nov. 21, otherwise they can't pretend he smuggled the rifle Nov. 22
      - he would suddenly possess a package AT ALL the next morning
      - he wouldn't simply stand out on the sidewalk during the parade
      - nobody would ever find any bullets or fragments that don't match to his rifle
      - nobody would ever see any unidentified persons inside the building
      - he would lie to police about his whereabouts during the shooting
      - he would immediately flee the crime scene and the plaza
      - he would take evasive action to sneak back to his rooming house
      - he would decide at the last minute to put on a jacket AT ALL
      - he owned a revolver AT ALL, where it was, and he would obtain and retain it
      - an imposter who looks so much like him he is guaranteed to fool the nearly dozen Oak Cliff witnesses who ID Oswald needs to be hanging around 10th and Patton
      - a cop will be there at exactly the right moment to plausibly place Oswald at the crime scene
      - the imposter can be certain, as he risks attacking a cop on a public street, Oswald is still at liberty somewhere, has no alibi, and has come to that general neighbourhood
      - the cop won't simply outdraw and capture the imposter
      - a shoe store clerk will happen to have his radio on, hear the APB on the assassination suspect, notice Oswald trying to hide in his store front from passing police, be suspicious enough to follow him, see him duck into a theater to dodge more passing police, and decide to call a tip into police
      - Oswald would be caught red-handed trying to shoot a second cop
      - he would fight police so violently 3 officers would be injured just disarming him
      - he would observe, "Well, they say it only takes a minute to die" after asking about the penalty for cop-killing
      - he would refuse to cooperate with any investigator
      - he would refuse help from the President of the Dallas Bar Association
      - he would only be interested in a lawyer living in another state who specialized in left-wing causes
      - he would insist on acting so smug he would even convince his own brother he was guilty
      - he would make no attempt to blow any conspiracy to anybody
      - he would shrug a hollow, rambling reply when asked on live TV, "Did you shoot the President?"
      - the Dallas PD was guaranteed to be on board for the successful escape from justice of the "real killers" of a brother officer with a wife and 3 children
      - they can safely approach scores of witnesses, police, FBI, Secret Service, Oswald family members, military personnel, doctors, pathologists, photographers, ballistics experts, x-ray technicians, whole commissions, lawyers, congressmen, senators, the D.A., the Chief Justice, etc., and persuade them all to obey illegal orders to commit crimes, assist a bloody coup, and bend over backwards making themselves all eternally loyal accessories to murder and treason...
      Thanks in advance for clearing all this up, really looking forward to it.

    • @spudjohnsonn8122
      @spudjohnsonn8122 5 дней назад

      @@aaronz7056 You are a sickening guy! You must go on every JFK site and spew your BS.

    • @spudjohnsonn8122
      @spudjohnsonn8122 5 дней назад

      You are a sickening guy! You must go on every JFK site and spew your BS. @aaronz7056

  • @LocoCanada
    @LocoCanada 8 дней назад +3

    I can't stand her hairdo

    • @Fnstine
      @Fnstine 7 дней назад +1

      It goes well with that face.🤢

  • @carydavidhoffson6014
    @carydavidhoffson6014 6 дней назад

    She killed jfk from the book building

  • @jabberjaw2567
    @jabberjaw2567 7 дней назад +1

    How did she know blood squirted from him? The Zapruder film was public for years later.

    • @robertperry4439
      @robertperry4439 День назад

      She also knew Oswald was guilty before the Warren Report.

    • @jabberjaw2567
      @jabberjaw2567 День назад

      @@robertperry4439 Ruth and Michael Paine were recorded by the FBI discussing they new who was involved without mentioning names. They set him up to coincide with the narrative. She was an artful skilled interviewee. An ability the that qualified her for the Oswald assignment. Lee Harvey was one of many who could be accused of for assassination in several cities

  • @JeffCrow1313
    @JeffCrow1313 6 дней назад +4

    Oswald acted alone in killing JFK

  • @Mrrobackenson1
    @Mrrobackenson1 6 дней назад

    Deep state Ruth 😂