The white cross on a red field was the actual colors of the French Soldiers for the early part of the Hundred'Years war, in fact ! While the other one was used until the end of it by the English.
@@rade6912 Belgian here. Didn't you guys even take lands that belonged to the Plantagenet? Gascony (Bordeaux included) belonged to the english kings prior to the Hundred Years' War. They ruled it as vassals of the french crown. Hell, the Plantagenet even owned over half of the lands in the Kingdom of France 150 years prior to the Hundred Years' War.... until Philip Augustus conquered most of it between 1202 and 1214, leaving them with only Gascony. In the Hundred Years' War, Charles VII then took that whole region from them while reconquering his own occupied territories and only left them with tiny Calais, which was later seized in 1558. No wonder they hated you so much. You guys can't be mad at the Brits for having either joined or bankrolled coalitions against you from 1453 onward or for having snapped New France in the Seven Years' War... Pretty balanced lol
@Nikola Tesla Yep. Flanders was a County of the Crown of France from the very begining (partitions of Charlemagne's Empire) until 1529 and the treaty of Cambrais, were François I was forced to relinquish any soverainty on the county ruled by the Habsburg of Spain after the inheritance of the Burgundian Estates since 1477 and of Charles the Bold through its daughter Marguerite.
Interestingly, Old French looks so familiar yet it looks so different. I am nkt a native French speaker yet when I hear it, I can still pick out certain words and understand without the lyrics. The difference between Old French and Modern French is so much less compared to Old English and Modern English for example.
Welcome to the comment section where the English and the French are still Fighting the ever living heck out of each other in the 21st century and a few Spanish dudes siding with the French
@D Anemon No, the line has been broken a couple of times...the Windsors are German in origin. The closest England came to a 'French' dynasty was the Plantagenets...who would not have described themselves as 'French', however were from regions that would become part of France eventually.
A better translation would be " may all their lineage be cursed " Mauldite : cursed En soit : may be by it (hard to translate) Tratoutz : throughout, entire La lignée : the lineage (here the entire English race).
L'esprit Français ! Qu'est ce que tu veux que je te dise d'autre !? Étant Calaisien (l'une des très rare villes que les Anglais ont pu garder après la guerre de 100 ans , avant d'être libéré 200 ans plus-tard) cette joie de voir des Anglais insulté sa fait un bien fou !
K. Ô France mon merveilleux pays bien aimé ! L'église catholique dont tu es la fille aînée, ta royauté, le peuple gaulois, le peuple franc, l'Empire romain, la pensée grecque, tes splendides terroirs t'ont façonné. À travers les siècles tu as rayonné, tu as tant apporté de bienfaits à l'humanité. Ta culture, tes inventions de génie, tes colonies, tes conquêtes ont éclairé le monde entier. Mon cœur saigne de te voir saccagée, parasitée, pillée, écroulée. Ces traîtrises, ces ingratitudes, ce vampirisme vont cesser. Nos ennemis seront châtiés, humiliés. Nous combattrons toujours pour te sauver, pour que ta dignité, ton éminence soient conservés et respectés. Grande, fière, catholique, latine, européenne, française tu es et tu vas rester. amen. 👊🏻✌🏻⛪️⚜️🇫🇷
movie is mostly accurate except from Henrys desire to attack France,which in reality he did wantto attack,in the movie it is shown like he is pushed into war,which is not true. But from the rest,it is entertaining,great score,great development of the main character and great visuals.
Interesting facts about this song, first is about the french word "couez" that literally means "to have a tail" The French use to believe that the English were devils and so they had a tail to fit the picture. The word would slowly makes his way to the english vocabulary and will later become the word "Coward" . Also, the "Roy Engloys" is Henry V of England. The song says that he died at Saint Fiacre-en-Brie but he really died at Vincennes. This historical mistake is probably because the song was written 100 years after the war. Godon is also an insult used by the French in the middle age, it's a word distortion of the Old English "God Dam" that was meant to insult the English invaders
Un officier anglais aurait dit à Robert Surcouf, officier français : "Vous, Français, vous vous battez pour de l'argent. Et nous, Anglais, nous nous battons pour l'honneur". Et Surcouf lui aurait répondu : "Chacun se bat pour ce qui lui manque !" Sacrés rosbifs ! On s'est battus pendant des siècles mais je crois qu'au fond on vous aime bien.
Et au XIXéme siècle, le vaisseau Anglais TRAFALGAR fait escale dans le port de Toulon (l'entente cordiale entre la France et L'Angleterre vient de commencer). L'amiral Anglais fait ostensiblement remarquer a un officier Français le nom du navire. Celui si répondra que nous Français n'avons pas assez ne navire pour y inscrire toutes nos victoires.
La haine de l'anglois, la détestation du britannique et la volonté de faire chier l'anglais sont inscrit dans notre patrimoine génétique....mais ça reste nos meilleurs ennemis! Au fond on les aime bien...mais faut juste pas leur rappeler que c'est un certains français appelé Guillaume qui a créé leur pays
The Hundred Years’ War wasn’t really a struggle between England and France, but more between two french families over the french throne, the house of Capet (France) and the house of Plantagenet (England). It is also divided into three phases and actually took place over 116 years, by which point the Angevin empire had collapsed, leaving England with Calais and the Channel Islands as the last remnants of English rule in France.
You are right but after the Reign of the French king Charles V who beat the shit out of Edward 3 and the Black Prince, this Plantagenet became an illusion.
An oversimplification. By the early stages of the war English nationalism had started to emerge, and the kings of England were no longer French at all. This very melody is proof of that.
You have no idea how difficult it is for me to choose a side in European history because I’m half English, half French, and a Roman Catholic. This song is very divisive, to half of me.
@@Xezlec It’s hardly because of a song, but rather the conflicts in which this and songs like it arose, which were foundational to the history of both countries and set precedent for literal centuries of conflict whose impact is still around today!
You don't need to "pick sides" in history, just respect it as it is. Also enjoy it, that's the best way to honor your ancestors and their contributions to humankind.
Vraiment beau chanson. Merci beaucoup pour le téléchargement. J'aime trop les formes plus anciennes du français, même si je ne suis pas français moi-même. Salut de Grèce.
I think pronunciation is all over the lace though. Unless they change between Modern and Old pronunciation on purpose, but still the Old one doesn't sound right. I'm no expert though. Par example, le mot "France" est prononcé comme "Frantse" mais aussi come "Frans". Χαιρετίσματα απ' την πατρίδα.
Something that astonishes me still is just how close the 'roys engloys' came to being 'roys françois' as well. After the Battle of Agincourt, Henry V was de facto regent of France, had married the daughter of the king of France, and a treaty had been signed which recognized their son as the rightful heir. All Henry V had to do was live long enough to ensure his dream would come true and the succession happened smoothly. But of course he didn't. He died prematurely and the dream of the English kings to rule over France died with him. The whole thing collapsed.
Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Lot of irish people think like this. But france is worst against brittonic culture. With england u can negociate something.
Vous avez raison, c'est une chanson impressionnante. Mes respects, Aetius. Espérons que dans les années à venir, notre rivalité se caractérisera par l'amitié.
J'arrête pas de revenir à cette chanson, les paroles et les instruments montre un sorte d'espoir dans l'âme des françois d'avant, c'est magnifique et ça me donne un sentiment bizarre voyant ce qu'est la France aujourd'hui. Allez bref, moment émouvant et patriotique terminé, descendez un peu y'a un commentaire qui insulte les anglais je crois.
K. Ô France mon merveilleux pays bien aimé ! L'église catholique dont tu es la fille aînée, ta royauté, le peuple gaulois, le peuple franc, l'Empire romain, la pensée grecque, tes splendides terroirs t'ont façonné. À travers les siècles tu as rayonné, tu as tant apporté de bienfaits à l'humanité. Ta culture, tes inventions de génie, tes colonies, tes conquêtes ont éclairé le monde entier. Mon cœur saigne de te voir saccagée, parasitée, pillée, écroulée. Ces traîtrises, ces ingratitudes, ce vampirisme vont cesser. Nos ennemis seront châtiés, humiliés. Nous combattrons toujours pour te sauver, pour que ta dignité, ton éminence soient conservés et respectés. Grande, fière, catholique, latine, européenne, française tu es et tu vas rester. amen. 👊🏻✌🏻⛪️⚜️🇫🇷
Le Roy engloys est une chanson appartenant au Manuscrit de Bayeux, recueil de plus de cent chansons réunies au début du xvie siècle par Charles III de Bourbon et composées à la fin du xve siècle, c'est-à-dire quelques dizaines d'années après la fin de la guerre de Cent Ans. La chanson contient de nombreuses erreurs historiques dues au fait que sa composition a eu lieu près d'un demi-siècle après les événements qu'elle relate. Le roi anglais Henri V y meurt ainsi à Saint-Fiacre en Brie, alors qu'en réalité c'est à Vincennes. Le « Cappitaine Prégent » est Prégent de Coëtivy, l’un des vainqueurs, avec Jean de Clermont, de la « frottée » de Formigny, le 18 avril 1450 (3 500 morts côté anglais, 500 chez les Français). Le mot « couez » est une allusion au fait que les Anglais étaient alors considérés comme des diables, si bien que l’imagination populaire leur attribuait une queue. Ce mot est apparenté au mot « couard » en français et coward en anglais. Paroles: Le Roy engloys se faisoit appeler Le Roy de France par s’appellation. Il a voulu hors du païs mener Les bons François hors de leur nation. Or est-il mort à Sainct-Fiacre en Brye, Du pays de France ils sont tous déboutez. Il n’est plus mot de ces Engloys couez. Mauldite en soit trestoute la lignye ! Ils ont chargé l’artillerie sur mer, Force biscuit et chascun ung bidon, Et par la mer jusqu’en Bisquaye aller Pour couronner leur petit roy godon. Mais leur effort n’est rien que moquerie : Cappitaine Prégent lez a si bien frottez Qu’ils ont esté terre et mer enfondrez. Mauldite en soit trestoute la lignye !
Concernant Henri V, vous avez raison, il est bien mort à Vincennes, mais dans l'esprit de l'époque, il aurait signé son arrêt de mort à Saint Fiacre en Brie, dans les environs de Meaux, quelques temps avant en pillant et saccageant le monastère. Cela avait été considéré par les français comme un blasphème, une offense à Dieu. Ce qui peut en effet nous paraitre à première vue une erreur historique aujourd'hui ne l'était pas dans l'esprit du XVème siècle qui avait lié ces 2 évènements.
In some french dialects of north of the France there are always this medieval way for to speak with sound. To listen «La bonne du curé» by Annie Cordy. From a french in Marseille (⚜️France)
@@Nicolas-Vive-Le-Christ-Roi Indeed our country's have been allies for what now nearly 500 years and France is my favourite foreign country as well I've always wanted to go to Paris
@@viseurholo4077 As an English man, I approve of English being the international language of the world and not French due to us beating you everywhere all over the globe from India, to North America, to Europe, to the East indies, the Caribbean, Canada, and pretty much everywhere else.
I am half Indian and a Roman Catholic. I approve this message and I wish we could go back to this real patriotic and Catholic France (except the slavery). As a francophone I also prefer this to modern French.
@Ronaldjump Yes. What people don't realize is that muslims had way more slaves and were on their way to invade africa in 18th and early 19th centuries, until europeans started invading.
@Ronaldjump yeah serfdom was VERY different than slavery. Also people was nearly always at war , lbgt was passible of death in many case , racism was big , you must be catholic or be discrimined or worst , you can't eat like you wanted , etc.. a very good time , indeed!
Slavery wasn't a thing at this time. It was illegal in France, but some mad "bourgeois" and noble pressured the crown to authorize the slavery, since the king cannot change law that easily "Every man that put a foot on the French Kingdom is a free man" since Saint Louis I think, but since the colonization, all the territory outside of Europe wasn't considered for this law somehow. But if a slave managed to put a feet on mainland France then he was free and could became French. Louis XVI tried to change that but as I said, to much pressure from the bourgeoisie and some nobles.. But somehow the bourgeoisie change that after the revolution, idk since the King wanted this change way earlier. As you can see, a French King is not that powerful in terms of political power at least compared to our actual "leader"
@@eliehoue Mont-joie Saint Denis ! « Le Royaume a été fondée par des gros rois avec des glaives d’un mètre, la république par des mecs habillés de froufrous et de perruques »
There are some minor mistakes in the lyrics and translation. For example... There is nothing about the English being buried on land and sea as "terre" wasn't even said during that part but appears in the lyrics for unknown reasons. The right translation for that part is "Captain Prégent gave them such a good thrashing that they ran all the way back to jump into the sea (running back to England basically)". This shit is basically a medieval disstrack lmao.
@@anime-cu7sqwell yes, but on the other side its the UK who stole more Greek stuff for the english museum earlier on with the agreement of the 'Ottoman Sultan', the small bitterness could remain haha
Tabarnak ! T'inquiète en tant que Calaisien , je peux comprendre ce que ça fait (notre ville est resté Anglaise puis espagnol pendant 2 siècle avant d'être libéré !)
Ce qui est vrai mdr. Leur empire a toujours été plus grand. Cependant si on ajoute tous les empires successifs que nous avons eu, y'a une possibilité qu'on les dépasse. Entre le premier empire colonial, l'empire de Napoléon, le second empire colonial y'a moyen je pense. 🤔
@@Ifoundnohappinesshere Not really, they claim to had more territories than they truly had with maps of their "empire" showing territories they didn't even landed before.
Spanish Empire was the biggest, and unlike the others, Spain truly recognized those territories as part of Spain instead of colonies and truly improved them. The other "empires" were wastelands whose only purpose was to be to feed the european metropolis with their resources.
Vive la France 🇷🇺🤝🇲🇫 La Russie et la France ont beaucoup en commun. Nos pays sont amis depuis onze siècles. Nous aimons la France et les Français. La Russie et la France sont deux grands pays. Amitié forte et durable entre nos pays et nos peuples.
@@maskr5520 Évidemment, ils l'ont joué à l'anglaise. Mais c'est quand même un peu rude de les oublier dans l'histoire, surtout qu'ils ont aussi leurs victoires militaires en mer.
It's kind of ironic for me to do this, but I've done my best to make an English-language version of this song, out of sheer boredom: thought I would share it with you guys, since you'll likely enjoy it as much as I do. Note, some liberties have been taken with the lyrics in order to preserve the song's flow. So, without further ado, here you all go! ======================================== The English king Declared himself to be the King of France By his own decision. He wished to lead, Out from their homes and fields: The good Frenchmen, Forced from their motherland. But he was killed, At Saint-Fiacre-en-Brie... From the lands of France, They have all been repelled: There's no more word of these tailed Englishmen. May God condemn the whole of England's people! English ships charged, our artillery by sea, With plenty soldiers, and each one a canteen. And by the sea, They travelled to Biscay, To coronate Their little Godon king. But their effort Was just a mockery: Capitaine Prégent Gave them a good beating, So that they all Were in the seas entombed. May God condemn the whole of England's people! The English king Declared himself to be the King of France By his own decision. He wished to lead, Out from their homes and fields: The good Frenchmen, Forced from their motherland. But he was killed, At Saint-Fiacre-en-Brie... From the lands of France, They have all been repelled: There's no more word of these tailed Englishmen. May God condemn the whole of England's people!
Very nicely done. I tried singing it to the melody and it fits perfectly while still retaining the original message and meanings of the Middle French original.
@@MBasu-km8by Remember when we took London ? I Know it happened many times. Like the day when we invaded your country with 1200 knights. Remember ? It was a war of two French dynasties so why are you proud of it ? Most of your "English" army was actually mainly composed of troops from France (Normandie, Anjou, Guyenne, Bourgogne... Etc..). So if you are anti French, why are you proud of victories made by French rulers of England ? Just trying to understand.
@Winston Churchill > and the English nobility didn’t stop using French until the arrival of the Tudors. Well, they never really stopped. It is just that it became required for their Foreign Language credit. John of Gaunt barely understood Parisian when spoken and his grandson Henry V spoke English like a native and French like an Englishman.
northen old french (francien, picard, normand and so on) change less that the south multiple dialects who look like spanish/catalan. i like thoose old languages
@@jeanpaul7413 Non, les R roullé n'étaient pas utilisé par la langue francaise a l'époque, le R roullé est typique de certains patois de France, mais certainement pas tous. Le Francais par ailleurs que l'ont connais aujourd'hui est directement issu de 2 patois qui sont directement lié au domaine royal ( Paris / Orléans )
Story of France : Loose a big part of his territory, a simple teen : Hey guys, lets fight France : Oui. France : Push back, recover his territory, and gain a big part of land, become one of the master of Europe. and of the world for some centuries. My respect for Engalnd, a good adversary, even if not always fair. My respect to our adversaries through History, maybe one day, peace will run the world.
@@MelerionTheFirst Two years after, I don't think he was mocking you, he's just right, we instinctively give gender to everything since we don't have neutral gender so that's a common mistake for us, but nothing to make fun of, of course.
France in history is pretty much "im rich, and in the middle of Western Europe, so like we got 2 choices, go down as a failed civilisation while our neighbors profits, or we Screw them up at every turn until they simply cant stop us anymore" The French chose the 2nd choice and became a dominant European power for litteraly its entire 1200+ years of History with only 1 SINGLE time where they became nothing in 1940-1945, since even after 1871 the French were still a Great power (cripple ofc but not done yet)
@Basil II "The war ended in 1453 with a crushing victory of the French over the English at the battle of Castillon."
@Basil II If losing all your continental possessions except the Pale of Calais to France and having ur dynasty weaken to the point of being destroyed in a massive civil war is winning what the hell is losing?
@@gringologie9302 la guerre est déjà fini, le suicide est consommé, les esprits corrompus. La moindre personne qui voudrait lever le petit doigt pour changer les choses sera violemment combattu par ses propres concitoyens
@@geewilly9822 the problem is that litteraly everyone else in europe is a damn joke now, and frankly its normal, since this is the 1st era in history where we can say for sure that Europe is in decline (the medieval age did get rid of a few older stuff but it didnt mean Europe lost in importance, the Mediteranean coast was the only real important part before it then extanded to the rest of the continent over time), you also have to realise that yes France is filled with stupid politicians politics, policies economy thats somehow ALWAYS in crisis and ALWAYS lacking with an increasing differance between the lower middle class and higher middle class in terms of how much money they can afford to spend, and still a large differance between the poorer class and the low middle one because the aid is stuck at a ceiling that makes it so that low middle class is just above the aid and other stuff similar. But Germany for all of its "oh Europe is just the 4th reich haha" which truthfully has argument in favor of that and against it, is also a damn joke what with its immigration policy, its energy policy that still focuses on keeping the coal factory on eventhough their population itself HATES polluting and risks to the point where they got rid of Nuclear reactor (eventhough it pollutes far less lol). Or maybe you want Italy corrupted to the core, unable to even get rid of the root of the problem because ofc politics heading the country doesnt want that. Spain and Portugal both countries have a decent amount of problem that litteraly cripples their growth. UK, their pride led to brexit, their economy which is heavily turned around trading with others in turn got hit very hard wow that was unexpected really. Ireland, huh well they STILL have yet to recover from its famine from the 1800's century, true enough it was not exactly their fault, but its definitly not a problem a country thats not a joke would have. The Scandinavians, they have their own brand of trouble where they went so far into progressive stuff it created some very inconvénient problems to say the least lol (tbf i havent checked in a while but last time i did it was very funny in a sarcastic way) The Benelux, well Belgium is having some problems as always but yknow if you are french i doubt youd move into the joke thats our neighbor. Luxemburg and other "rich countries thats for the rich" well are self explanatory, central and Eastern Europe are jokes in their own ways. What you wanna move to like Greenland, Iceland?(well actually they got their own problems),’the Faroe island, Canada? (Lets be real Canada is that one country with the same problem as the rest but their superbe reputation and conveniant laws makes it look like an ideal place to move in) Welcome to the modern world where everywhere is a f***ing circus and we are all watching from the side as they hope we dont just remember that clowns shouldnt rule
I may be English, but i am proud of this eternal rivalry between my people and the French, to a degree of harsh comradery. We have our differences, and willing to fight and push for them, but always band together whenever someone bigger comes to kick down our doors. We may not see eye to eye, but we have each others backs when need be, and its rather beautiful
@Anglo Zone Wow! Talking about the past and the future at the end in a respectful way! I wonder if you got mad at the song when the lyrics showed up. Since it called the English... you know. Heck I am not English and yet I feel mad about it. 😂
@@augure2589 that idea breaks me internally. It's about time France conquers the UK, would make this place 100% better. Also, I'll put it another way: "Ce n'est pas" voudrais", c'est "habiterai" maintenant." } :)
@@xavier01110 La manche was your natural defense against France for Millenia exempt that now there is a tunnel, jets, parachutists and 50 working nuclear reactor for France to produce thousands of atomic bombs to remove England from existence (keeping Scotland out of it obviously, Auld Alliance pour toujours) Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense ! les angloys Dieu Est Mon Droit !
@@ommsterlitz1805 In modern warfare France have no advantage over the UK. Our militaries are equally as good. The French government and army is made up of cowards and their leadership would not give France the victory. Like I said we would paint the English Channel red with French blood. The French haven't seen military success since WW1 so I don't think they'll stand a chance against her majesty's army, navy, and airforce. Give it a month of war and the French will fly the white flag. Dieu et mon droit🏴🇬🇧
"May thy lineage be cursed" - a very medieval way of telling someone you don't like them. In the modern world, people are "cursing their own lineage" willingly out of belief it is necessary to stop the world dying.
@@mrronron7328 actually this song is in middle french (XV-XVIth century), any modern frenchman could litteraly be sent in the XVth century and understand it. the french spoken during the crusade was indeed the real old french and you'll have a hard time trying to understand it. as for this song, the only differences beside vocabulary and orthography (tratoutz, Godon, couez...) is the pronunciation of the R (rolled) wich changed recently, until the 1920's it was really common to roll the "R".
@IFFs 35th It was a way to say that the statement of this guy (that these lyrics are closer to Latin than to modern French, that these lyrics sound like Latin) is false (because this is middle French, basically like modern French, except a few words). If you studied Latin, then you know that Latin definitely doesn't sound like French. We are speaking about phonetics and pronunciation here. Calm down edgy teenager.
I'm English but I'm proud to have had the French as one of our most absolute worthy adversaries in history. And also, it turns out that particularly in southern and eastern England, we have A LOT of "French" DNA from French immigrants who came to England to live here in the Middle-Ages :) This is just me, but I respect the French a lot. And Middle French is really beautiful Edit: supposedly English people have 23% of their DNA from the French who came to England as immigrants during the Middle Ages
I'm French half bretonne so I probably have British dna xD I find it cool that now it's only became a friendly rivalry with unfunny joke on the internet xD
@volt-staralice7226 I think it's funny. I like making jokes about French people. But, I don't really mean it of course. I know many French people hate us English but I feel sad about it really and I think it's very disrespectful when people call French soldiers "cowards", it's simply untrue. And I think English people should focus their hatred on Welsh people instead
@kaikwa4160 I'm talking about migrations from France during the Middle Ages. There are studies on this and genetic science has come a long way over the last few years. In the south and east of England there is more "French" DNA from these medieval migrants than Iron Age British DNA. Of course, there is also a lot of original English "Anglo-Saxon" DNA. As you know, in certain ways, England became more French after the Norman Conquest, so it makes sense. I didn't just pick that number out of my ass :P
Absolutely magnificent! Makes me think of the French court, and all those proud soldiers, from noble to commoner, who stood at Agincourt, Crecy, Poitiers.. Its exhilirating and gives me goosebumps. France is such a proud country.
J'aime ce chauvinisme anglais qui oublie à sa convenance les déroutes comme Patay, Baugé, La Brossinière, Formigny ou Castillon et qui a foutu les Plantagenets à la mer 🤭
@@seigneurcanardo7030 To be fair, I am not an expert on the subject, and I probably only know the aforementioned battles from a very Anglo-centric perspective. I should learn about the French ones, for they have, ultimately, won the war!
@@ivansalamon7028et oui la rivalité Franco-anglaise montre en avant les batailles gagné de chacun de notre camps sans parler des défaites que l'on a subit
Medival war art:
One side: *Has uniforms in some form of colour*
Other side: *Same Uniforms with same colours but the colors are inverted*
@Mike Toreno lol
@Mike Toreno seen that in tons of medival art and it can be greatly unoticed
Reason enough to s.t.a.b.
The white cross on a red field was the actual colors of the French Soldiers for the early part of the Hundred'Years war, in fact ! While the other one was used until the end of it by the English.
@Space Or also Savoy vs England
Damn red and white crosses was the real fashion thing back then, every one wanted to wear it.
This is a medieval version of a distrack
diss track, serf
Did anybody notice the France map slowly expanding as the song goes on.
yes, we are gradually taking back our land to the "Engloys"
@@rade6912 Belgian here. Didn't you guys even take lands that belonged to the Plantagenet? Gascony (Bordeaux included) belonged to the english kings prior to the Hundred Years' War. They ruled it as vassals of the french crown. Hell, the Plantagenet even owned over half of the lands in the Kingdom of France 150 years prior to the Hundred Years' War.... until Philip Augustus conquered most of it between 1202 and 1214, leaving them with only Gascony. In the Hundred Years' War, Charles VII then took that whole region from them while reconquering his own occupied territories and only left them with tiny Calais, which was later seized in 1558. No wonder they hated you so much. You guys can't be mad at the Brits for having either joined or bankrolled coalitions against you from 1453 onward or for having snapped New France in the Seven Years' War... Pretty balanced lol
@Herdan From a strictly legal perspective, did the English kings have a stronger claim to the French throne?
@Nikola Tesla Yep. Flanders was a County of the Crown of France from the very begining (partitions of Charlemagne's Empire) until 1529 and the treaty of Cambrais, were François I was forced to relinquish any soverainty on the county ruled by the Habsburg of Spain after the inheritance of the Burgundian Estates since 1477 and of Charles the Bold through its daughter Marguerite.
Just like what happened
As a francophone who speaks modern french, this pronunciation and written grammar is very interesting.
old french is so different
les parisiens dirait qu'ils ont un accent xD
As a Spaniard I'm mostly confused. Good song though
Interestingly, Old French looks so familiar yet it looks so different. I am nkt a native French speaker yet when I hear it, I can still pick out certain words and understand without the lyrics.
The difference between Old French and Modern French is so much less compared to Old English and Modern English for example.
Je suis Québécois et ça ressemble plus à notre Français que votre français ressemble au notre du point de vue de la prononciation.
People today: Music is so full of violence, I wish we could bring back old music
Also old music:
Violence will always be part of music
@@ibigboy6950 As will Love be....
True Culture
I don't see where the violence is in this song.
To be fair, it's a song about the longest war in human history. 'Twould be weird for it to not, you know, talk about war.
Welcome to the comment section where the English and the French are still Fighting the ever living heck out of each other in the 21st century and a few Spanish dudes siding with the French
You won't find many Spanish taking France's side actually
You won't find anyone willing taking side with English actually.
@D Anemon I saw a couple...rare though...think about the atrocities committed by the French in Spain and you'll understand why
@D Anemon Haha...that comment is why Spanish patriots hate the French mon ami
@D Anemon No, the line has been broken a couple of times...the Windsors are German in origin.
The closest England came to a 'French' dynasty was the Plantagenets...who would not have described themselves as 'French', however were from regions that would become part of France eventually.
I await the day I'll be able to use "May thy lineage be cursed" in a conversation
A better translation would be " may all their lineage be cursed "
Mauldite : cursed
En soit : may be by it (hard to translate)
Tratoutz : throughout, entire
La lignée : the lineage (here the entire English race).
@@pestylenz7344 That means the same thing
Maybe you can say it in a diss track to someone
Don't do that. That's a terrible thing to say.
@@mchausverbot I would reply "may thy lineage be cursed" but you're already british
from a spanish, this is more intelligible than modern parisian french
Idk if this is why, but the only place I found the lyrics was on the Wikipedia for the Picard Language.
At that time, the French rolled the "Rrr" like the Spaniards too.
@@tibsky1396 It did help that they were directly in the European crucible of war, and their large populations for the time.
@@tibsky1396 My great grandfather who was born in 1899 in Burgundy (Bourgogne) used to roll the 'rrr' when he talked haha
taux de patriotisme : + 100 points
Pour mon école je dois faire un poème alors je viens ici pour regarder et entendre l’ancien français
As a good françois I instinctively love all the songs which speak badly of Engloys, I don't know why
Un héritage vieux de plusieurs siècles. J'ai le même sentiment.
nous l'avons tous
Ah ces rosbifs
And i as a good hispanic, must always pee as if i was pointing to England.
L'esprit Français ! Qu'est ce que tu veux que je te dise d'autre !? Étant Calaisien (l'une des très rare villes que les Anglais ont pu garder après la guerre de 100 ans , avant d'être libéré 200 ans plus-tard) cette joie de voir des Anglais insulté sa fait un bien fou !
111 mauldits engloys n'ont pas aimé cette chanson.
Mais leur effort n'est rien que moquerie.
T'es un génie mec
Mauldite en soit trestoute la lignye!
K. Ô France mon merveilleux pays bien aimé !
L'église catholique dont tu es la fille aînée, ta royauté, le peuple gaulois, le peuple franc, l'Empire romain, la pensée grecque, tes splendides terroirs t'ont façonné.
À travers les siècles tu as rayonné, tu as tant apporté de bienfaits à l'humanité.
Ta culture, tes inventions de génie, tes colonies, tes conquêtes ont éclairé le monde entier.
Mon cœur saigne de te voir saccagée, parasitée, pillée, écroulée.
Ces traîtrises, ces ingratitudes, ce vampirisme vont cesser.
Nos ennemis seront châtiés, humiliés.
Nous combattrons toujours pour te sauver, pour que ta dignité, ton éminence soient conservés et respectés.
Grande, fière, catholique, latine, européenne, française tu es et tu vas rester.
@@DibipableAmen mon frère en Christ 🙏🏻✝️
When someone says The King is a good historical movie
yeah reply this, this movie is awful lies.
@@augure2589 I replied for some reason
A true shit hole
Then German won WW1? no Versailles "traité" . Reality Germans are really close to jew and black/arabs... yes they do!
movie is mostly accurate except from Henrys desire to attack France,which in reality he did wantto attack,in the movie it is shown like he is pushed into war,which is not true. But from the rest,it is entertaining,great score,great development of the main character and great visuals.
If you listen real close, you can hear every country except England singing along.
Edit: And about half of Africa, etc.
oi oi oi, are you one of them frogs then? (seriously though, no bad blood, I love you guys)
As an Englishman, that makes me proud.
@@bernardmcavoy1864 Northern Ireland is with you
Lmao 🤣😆
@@skeptic781 The republic isn't
Its crazy how something so old is still known to exist
Thanks to the "manuscrit de Bayeux", composed after the HYW and that has a hundred of these songs !
Dude search up the Hurrian Hymn
@@theArab__ thats a reconstruction
Dude, we have poems from ancient rome and greece. That and the epic of gilgamesh
We have the Hebrew bible, the epic of Gilgamesh, books from ancient greece and rome, china and more. It's really fascinating
Interesting facts about this song, first is about the french word "couez" that literally means "to have a tail" The French use to believe that the English were devils and so they had a tail to fit the picture. The word would slowly makes his way to the english vocabulary and will later become the word "Coward" . Also, the "Roy Engloys" is Henry V of England. The song says that he died at Saint Fiacre-en-Brie but he really died at Vincennes. This historical mistake is probably because the song was written 100 years after the war. Godon is also an insult used by the French in the middle age, it's a word distortion of the Old English "God Dam" that was meant to insult the English invaders
there is a slightly old french word: "couard" that has the same meaning as coward too
who was the english or the french in the first picture
@@AnAlbanianDude The English wore white with a red cross. I believe the French wore the opposite.
@@Nobody-Ever what about second picture
100 years after the war ? No this song was written around 1480 or 1490
Un officier anglais aurait dit à Robert Surcouf, officier français : "Vous, Français, vous vous battez pour de l'argent. Et nous, Anglais, nous nous battons pour l'honneur". Et Surcouf lui aurait répondu : "Chacun se bat pour ce qui lui manque !"
Sacrés rosbifs ! On s'est battus pendant des siècles mais je crois qu'au fond on vous aime bien.
Et au XIXéme siècle, le vaisseau Anglais TRAFALGAR fait escale dans le port de Toulon (l'entente cordiale entre la France et L'Angleterre vient de commencer). L'amiral Anglais fait ostensiblement remarquer a un officier Français le nom du navire. Celui si répondra que nous Français n'avons pas assez ne navire pour y inscrire toutes nos victoires.
@@benoitvandevoorde185 Probably because they had no ships left 😉
Rap contenders
La haine de l'anglois, la détestation du britannique et la volonté de faire chier l'anglais sont inscrit dans notre patrimoine génétique....mais ça reste nos meilleurs ennemis! Au fond on les aime bien...mais faut juste pas leur rappeler que c'est un certains français appelé Guillaume qui a créé leur pays
@@abysslheritier2252 puis leur rappeler qu'ils ont pas d'honneur aussi
The Hundred Years’ War wasn’t really a struggle between England and France, but more between two french families over the french throne, the house of Capet (France) and the house of Plantagenet (England).
It is also divided into three phases and actually took place over 116 years, by which point the Angevin empire had collapsed, leaving England with Calais and the Channel Islands as the last remnants of English rule in France.
You are right but after the Reign of the French king Charles V who beat the shit out of Edward 3 and the Black Prince, this Plantagenet became an illusion.
But also in this war they've firstly feel the nationalism
YES, bassically and kinda oversimplified the "Hundred Years War" was just (another) French civil war
An oversimplification. By the early stages of the war English nationalism had started to emerge, and the kings of England were no longer French at all. This very melody is proof of that.
When the bullied French kid turns up on an armoured cheval to school, wearing armour and with a lance.
Me: *Merde*
Hes gonna lance the bullies by stabbing them in the head
I get a vision of that at my own high school and I'm also a part of French descent myself👏😂🇫🇷
Tous les autres gamins avec ses souliers ne peuvent pas vaincre mon cheval blindé.
Every bully gangsta until the French kid brings his big sister
Sans parler du texte, suis-je le seul à trouver la mélodie magnifique ?
Le texte est très violent, j’aime ça
Non, tu n'es pas le seul.
J'aime la cocaïne
@@ZhangK71 d'accord are you welcom my crusaders
I'm scottish and i approve this message
@Samuel Antoine bien sur
I'm American and I approve this message as well
@@Ilostmyschmungus Now waiting for an Irish comment.
@@ProfesseurSims I mean I'm like 50% irish does that count?
Long live to auld alliance
You have no idea how difficult it is for me to choose a side in European history because I’m half English, half French, and a Roman Catholic. This song is very divisive, to half of me.
Side with germans
Entre le courage des Francais et la couardise des Angloys le choix est vite fait je pense.
The fact that people feel they have to take sides because of a song really illustrates the problem with humanity
@@Xezlec It’s hardly because of a song, but rather the conflicts in which this and songs like it arose, which were foundational to the history of both countries and set precedent for literal centuries of conflict whose impact is still around today!
You don't need to "pick sides" in history, just respect it as it is. Also enjoy it, that's the best way to honor your ancestors and their contributions to humankind.
I, a proud Spanish Catholic, support my French brothers
Both countries are not in a good shape.
@@renaudfabre4791 none country is in good shape
et nos tecum sumus
love it
You didn’t support them in ww2
Vraiment beau chanson. Merci beaucoup pour le téléchargement. J'aime trop les formes plus anciennes du français, même si je ne suis pas français moi-même.
Salut de Grèce.
On est deux là, il me semble. Ἑλλάς-Γαλλία-Συμμαχία.
I think pronunciation is all over the lace though. Unless they change between Modern and Old pronunciation on purpose, but still the Old one doesn't sound right. I'm no expert though. Par example, le mot "France" est prononcé comme "Frantse" mais aussi come "Frans". Χαιρετίσματα απ' την πατρίδα.
@@Jim63071 Χαχα, πολύ όμορφα! Je l'apprécie trop!
@@aantony2001 Ναι, ισχύει πως η προφορά έχει αλλάξει. Όπως και από τα Παλαιά Αγγλικά, ή από τα Αρχαία Ελληνικά.
Moi aussi! Je suis ukrainienne mais je vis 10 ans dans le pays francophone
Why i feel like crying for no reason , its a true masterpiece 🥺
Because you are a great guy. As french I don’t cry but laught.
As french i think it’s very beautiful too, the melody and voice is beautiful
Yes. It's a beautiful song, and old French is so interesting
Something that astonishes me still is just how close the 'roys engloys' came to being 'roys françois' as well.
After the Battle of Agincourt, Henry V was de facto regent of France, had married the daughter of the king of France, and a treaty had been signed which recognized their son as the rightful heir. All Henry V had to do was live long enough to ensure his dream would come true and the succession happened smoothly.
But of course he didn't. He died prematurely and the dream of the English kings to rule over France died with him. The whole thing collapsed.
Je viens de Russie, salutations de la ville russe d'Alexandrov Aux frères français je respecte ton souverain Henri II de Valois
Henri 1er de France et Anne de Russie ou de Kiev , France et Russie pour toujours salutations a mes frères slave.
La France et la Russie alliés depuis 1892. Amis depuis des siècles.
Здравствуй славянский брат! Я украинка, но живу в Монреале, какраз в французском регионе Канады
Vive la Mère Russie !
I’m Irish and love this song viva le france! 🇮🇪🤝🇫🇷
Vive l'Irelande Libre et réunifier et Vive la France ! 🇫🇷🤝🇮🇪
Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Lot of irish people think like this. But france is worst against brittonic culture. With england u can negociate something.
@@bretagnejean2410 Yeah you can negociate your slavery with the english.😂
no potatoes ?!!!???! 😢😢😢😢😢
just imagine the guy who composed this back in the day if he ever found out that people were still listening to this in the 21st century
I would love to meet that guy and see his reaction XD
Beautiful song and my respect to our Engloy eternal rival, 1000 years, 35 wars, the rivalry that litteraly shaped the modern world.
Vous avez raison, c'est une chanson impressionnante. Mes respects, Aetius. Espérons que dans les années à venir, notre rivalité se caractérisera par l'amitié.
@Cynical Frenchface Yes, and we won 25 of them.
And when you think that this entire rivalry was started by a French Duke in 1066.
Your telling me In 1000 years. France and England only had 35 wars? America had like 100 in the span of like 8 years
J'arrête pas de revenir à cette chanson, les paroles et les instruments montre un sorte d'espoir dans l'âme des françois d'avant, c'est magnifique et ça me donne un sentiment bizarre voyant ce qu'est la France aujourd'hui.
Allez bref, moment émouvant et patriotique terminé, descendez un peu y'a un commentaire qui insulte les anglais je crois.
@Ronaldjump Que dieu t'entende
K. Ô France mon merveilleux pays bien aimé !
L'église catholique dont tu es la fille aînée, ta royauté, le peuple gaulois, le peuple franc, l'Empire romain, la pensée grecque, tes splendides terroirs t'ont façonné.
À travers les siècles tu as rayonné, tu as tant apporté de bienfaits à l'humanité.
Ta culture, tes inventions de génie, tes colonies, tes conquêtes ont éclairé le monde entier.
Mon cœur saigne de te voir saccagée, parasitée, pillée, écroulée.
Ces traîtrises, ces ingratitudes, ce vampirisme vont cesser.
Nos ennemis seront châtiés, humiliés.
Nous combattrons toujours pour te sauver, pour que ta dignité, ton éminence soient conservés et respectés.
Grande, fière, catholique, latine, européenne, française tu es et tu vas rester.
When you just defeat a full french knight army using mudly puddles but now they have a 16y old girl leading their army and you're losing.
History is interesting, isn't it ?
That was like almost 100 years apart lol
@@breakerdawn8429 what no
@@breakerdawn8429 only like 30 yrs?
@@memeboi6017 twenny. Henry V would've had Joan on a spit by dinner time had he lived.
Impressionant de voir de l'ancien français et tous les mots qui ont bien changé !
@Vexillarius J'ai trouvé que c'était beaucoup plus facile à comprendre en lisant à haute voix.
C’est sûr que la prononciation de beaucoup de mots est hyper différente mais en soi l’orthographe a pas changé des masses
I'm British and in Paris rn, pretty dope place you Frenchmen have! Merci! 🇫🇷
Actually, "godon" was a french medieval derogatory term for English ;) It came from the english term "goddam"
A similar thing has happened in the Foreign Legion, wherein they call the English speakers "Les Fuckings"
@@noahrodriguez293 Les FuCkiNGs
@@vitaurea *Stuka*
Well, english took more from french than they'd like to admit.
@Secret Baguette Non Alsace, les couleurs sont inversées pour la Pologne ;)
Le Roy engloys est une chanson appartenant au Manuscrit de Bayeux, recueil de plus de cent chansons réunies au début du xvie siècle par Charles III de Bourbon et composées à la fin du xve siècle, c'est-à-dire quelques dizaines d'années après la fin de la guerre de Cent Ans. La chanson contient de nombreuses erreurs historiques dues au fait que sa composition a eu lieu près d'un demi-siècle après les événements qu'elle relate. Le roi anglais Henri V y meurt ainsi à Saint-Fiacre en Brie, alors qu'en réalité c'est à Vincennes.
Le « Cappitaine Prégent » est Prégent de Coëtivy, l’un des vainqueurs, avec Jean de Clermont, de la « frottée » de Formigny, le 18 avril 1450 (3 500 morts côté anglais, 500 chez les Français).
Le mot « couez » est une allusion au fait que les Anglais étaient alors considérés comme des diables, si bien que l’imagination populaire leur attribuait une queue. Ce mot est apparenté au mot « couard » en français et coward en anglais.
Le Roy engloys se faisoit appeler
Le Roy de France par s’appellation.
Il a voulu hors du païs mener
Les bons François hors de leur nation.
Or est-il mort à Sainct-Fiacre en Brye,
Du pays de France ils sont tous déboutez.
Il n’est plus mot de ces Engloys couez.
Mauldite en soit trestoute la lignye !
Ils ont chargé l’artillerie sur mer,
Force biscuit et chascun ung bidon,
Et par la mer jusqu’en Bisquaye aller
Pour couronner leur petit roy godon.
Mais leur effort n’est rien que moquerie :
Cappitaine Prégent lez a si bien frottez
Qu’ils ont esté terre et mer enfondrez.
Mauldite en soit trestoute la lignye !
Concernant Henri V, vous avez raison, il est bien mort à Vincennes, mais dans l'esprit de l'époque, il aurait signé son arrêt de mort à Saint Fiacre en Brie, dans les environs de Meaux, quelques temps avant en pillant et saccageant le monastère. Cela avait été considéré par les français comme un blasphème, une offense à Dieu. Ce qui peut en effet nous paraitre à première vue une erreur historique aujourd'hui ne l'était pas dans l'esprit du XVème siècle qui avait lié ces 2 évènements.
@@TraditionPatriotisme 🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴
I like Italian songs, but this song is very good
Love from Italy 🇮🇹❤️🇫🇷
Love Italy ! from France 🇮🇹❤️🇫🇷
N O I C E Love Italy from France (but our food is still better >:D)
@@mrronron7328 your wine, but we have pizza XD
@@mrronron7328 in my opinion France and Italy are the best country in Europe
@@kingdomofitaly6544 Latin gang, let us not forgot our spanish Friends!
As a french speaker, i love how they pronounce the sound "oi/oy".
C'est de la que viennent les déformations "Français" et "Anglais" d'ailleurs.
Le bon Fransouhait et l'Angloué. mdr
@Ind Yett Oui j'ai remarqué ça tiens !
Quebecois still do this like they say “moé and toé” for moi and toi, but only in casual speech
In some french dialects of north of the France there are always this medieval way for to speak with sound. To listen «La bonne du curé» by Annie Cordy.
From a french in Marseille (⚜️France)
Listen «La bonne du curé» by Annie Cordy with french accent of north of the France.
Je suis Ecossis et j'amie
Sorry for the poor french I'm a beginner to the language
Scotland is my favorite foreign country. You are our oldest friends
@@Nicolas-Vive-Le-Christ-Roi Indeed our country's have been allies for what now nearly 500 years and France is my favourite foreign country as well I've always wanted to go to Paris
Darth Reklaw
Paris is truly amazing
But French countryside is wonderful
Auld Alliance my friend !
As Italian I approve this message.🇮🇹🇫🇷
As an Englishman, I approve of sinking your navy in a single day during WW2 😆
@@Belisarious5-600 As a Frenchman, I approve hardly influencing your langage since 1000 years
@@viseurholo4077 As an English man, I approve of English being the international language of the world and not French due to us beating you everywhere all over the globe from India, to North America, to Europe, to the East indies, the Caribbean, Canada, and pretty much everywhere else.
@@Belisarious5-600 As another Italian, I approove French being much more beautiful than English 🇮🇹🤝🇲🇫
I am half Indian and a Roman Catholic. I approve this message and I wish we could go back to this real patriotic and Catholic France (except the slavery). As a francophone I also prefer this to modern French.
@Ronaldjump Yes. What people don't realize is that muslims had way more slaves and were on their way to invade africa in 18th and early 19th centuries, until europeans started invading.
@Ronaldjump yeah serfdom was VERY different than slavery. Also people was nearly always at war , lbgt was passible of death in many case , racism was big , you must be catholic or be discrimined or worst , you can't eat like you wanted , etc..
a very good time , indeed!
@Ronaldjump You could say that but not a lot of people will believe you . Troll is on the rise here i guess .
Slavery wasn't a thing at this time. It was illegal in France, but some mad "bourgeois" and noble pressured the crown to authorize the slavery, since the king cannot change law that easily "Every man that put a foot on the French Kingdom is a free man" since Saint Louis I think, but since the colonization, all the territory outside of Europe wasn't considered for this law somehow. But if a slave managed to put a feet on mainland France then he was free and could became French.
Louis XVI tried to change that but as I said, to much pressure from the bourgeoisie and some nobles.. But somehow the bourgeoisie change that after the revolution, idk since the King wanted this change way earlier. As you can see, a French King is not that powerful in terms of political power at least compared to our actual "leader"
Je suis mongol et non français mais quand j'écoute de la musique patriote et nationaliste française j'en suis tout ému ! Vive Le Roi Louis XX !
Christ le Roi!!
Same for me with Mongol throat songs somehow haha, your country is awesome
@@eliehoue Mont-joie Saint Denis ! « Le Royaume a été fondée par des gros rois avec des glaives d’un mètre, la république par des mecs habillés de froufrous et de perruques »
@@eliehoue sauf que Louis XX ne descend pas de Louis XVI car son fils Louis XVII est mort jeune à cause des républicains
Je suis français et j'adore la musique mongole, quel soit traditionnelle (avec ces vocalises transandantes) ou moderne notamment le groupe the hu
There are some minor mistakes in the lyrics and translation. For example... There is nothing about the English being buried on land and sea as "terre" wasn't even said during that part but appears in the lyrics for unknown reasons. The right translation for that part is "Captain Prégent gave them such a good thrashing that they ran all the way back to jump into the sea (running back to England basically)". This shit is basically a medieval disstrack lmao.
I think captain Prégent and the soldiers were buried, or the english could have been buried in blood 🩸 aka dying by the french
Long live France! 🇫🇷❤️🇧🇷
Love u Brazil 🇨🇵💙🇧🇷
Não 🇧🇷🖕🇫🇷
@@vod347The real France is the monarchy not the Republic
Vive l'France
I'm a Greek living in Quebec. The French helped Greece in their independence so I am greatful to France
О привет с России 🇷🇺☦️🇬🇷
so did the uk lol
Love y’all.🇫🇷🤍🇬🇷
@@anime-cu7sqwell yes, but on the other side its the UK who stole more Greek stuff for the english museum earlier on with the agreement of the 'Ottoman Sultan', the small bitterness could remain haha
Just incase the english kid destroys your sand castle again
Québec fera la revenge aux Anglais;) (j'habite à Montréal)
Vive le Québec libre !
@@antonmoulard Vive la nation Québécoise!
Tabarnak ! T'inquiète en tant que Calaisien , je peux comprendre ce que ça fait (notre ville est resté Anglaise puis espagnol pendant 2 siècle avant d'être libéré !)
@@mrronron7328 D'ailleurs petite question qu'elle est le sentiment québécois en vers les français et l'histoire commune de nos deux pays ?
@@warshinlataupe823 bonne question !
When England says their empire was bigger
Actually, they still the biggest empire ever exist to be fair
Ce qui est vrai mdr.
Leur empire a toujours été plus grand.
Cependant si on ajoute tous les empires successifs que nous avons eu, y'a une possibilité qu'on les dépasse.
Entre le premier empire colonial, l'empire de Napoléon, le second empire colonial y'a moyen je pense. 🤔
@@Ifoundnohappinesshere Not really, they claim to had more territories than they truly had with maps of their "empire" showing territories they didn't even landed before.
Spanish Empire was the biggest, and unlike the others, Spain truly recognized those territories as part of Spain instead of colonies and truly improved them. The other "empires" were wastelands whose only purpose was to be to feed the european metropolis with their resources.
Luis Rincón the British empire was far larger than Spain ever was
Shoutout to the guy who went back in time and recorded this for us
French songs are really violent, i love it.
Vive la France 🇷🇺🤝🇲🇫 La Russie et la France ont beaucoup en commun. Nos pays sont amis depuis onze siècles. Nous aimons la France et les Français. La Russie et la France sont deux grands pays. Amitié forte et durable entre nos pays et nos peuples.
Amen frère ! ( Bratan ) 🇫🇷🙏🏻💪🏻🇷🇺
Qui d’autre que les russes auraient pu arrêter Napoléon après tout ?
@@maskr5520 Les Anglais du coup.
@@alexism.7441 ils sont juste venus nous achever et filer du fric aux ennemis de l’empire. C’est loin d’être ceux qui ont causé notre perte
@@maskr5520 Évidemment, ils l'ont joué à l'anglaise. Mais c'est quand même un peu rude de les oublier dans l'histoire, surtout qu'ils ont aussi leurs victoires militaires en mer.
I imagine french soldiers follow Jeanne 'd Arc into battle with this.
Too epic
That would be epic
Non, apparemment la chanson a été ecrite 50 ans après les faits, d'où les quelques erreurs historiques
Beautiful song. Greetings from Poland.
The fact that you understood "force" meant "lots" is incredible, Merci Ingen, Vive la France
C'est des français présent sur son discord qui l'ont aidé pour la traduction aha
Tu as fort raison, c'est incroyable...
It's the same in modern Occitan and modern Catalan (força).
@@AthoMIcroN It's also the same in modern French to be fair, although it's not very commonly used and of a higher register.
@@AthoMIcroN Vesi que sètz un òme de cultura tanben.
It's kind of ironic for me to do this, but I've done my best to make an English-language version of this song, out of sheer boredom: thought I would share it with you guys, since you'll likely enjoy it as much as I do.
Note, some liberties have been taken with the lyrics in order to preserve the song's flow. So, without further ado, here you all go!
The English king
Declared himself to be
the King of France
By his own decision.
He wished to lead,
Out from their homes and fields:
The good Frenchmen,
Forced from their motherland.
But he was killed,
At Saint-Fiacre-en-Brie...
From the lands of France,
They have all been repelled:
There's no more word
of these tailed Englishmen.
May God condemn the whole of England's people!
English ships charged,
our artillery by sea,
With plenty soldiers,
and each one a canteen.
And by the sea,
They travelled to Biscay,
To coronate
Their little Godon king.
But their effort
Was just a mockery:
Capitaine Prégent
Gave them a good beating,
So that they all
Were in the seas entombed.
May God condemn the whole of England's people!
The English king
Declared himself to be
the King of France
By his own decision.
He wished to lead,
Out from their homes and fields:
The good Frenchmen,
Forced from their motherland.
But he was killed,
At Saint-Fiacre-en-Brie...
From the lands of France,
They have all been repelled:
There's no more word
of these tailed Englishmen.
May God condemn the whole of England's people!
I tried singing it, i agree with you. The flow matches the French poetic version a lot.
@@RSA_Mapping same and the flow matches perfectly with the French one
Very nicely done. I tried singing it to the melody and it fits perfectly while still retaining the original message and meanings of the Middle French original.
@@nathandei1674 it really does
Virgin Roy Engloys : tHis couNtry iS mIne
Gigachad Capitain Prégent : Non.
I like how the language sounds. Especially the rolling "R".
"May thy lineage be cursed"
*Top 10 countries England is too afraid to diss*
When the Chevalier has had enough, and drops a diss track on the longbowmen for killing his amis.
@@MBasu-km8by Remember when we took London ? I Know it happened many times. Like the day when we invaded your country with 1200 knights. Remember ? It was a war of two French dynasties so why are you proud of it ? Most of your "English" army was actually mainly composed of troops from France (Normandie, Anjou, Guyenne, Bourgogne... Etc..). So if you are anti French, why are you proud of victories made by French rulers of England ? Just trying to understand.
@Eru Clusivus Actually more of a Spaniard living in Denmark but yes I'm both :)
@Winston Churchill > and the English nobility didn’t stop using French until the arrival of the Tudors.
Well, they never really stopped. It is just that it became required for their Foreign Language credit. John of Gaunt barely understood Parisian when spoken and his grandson Henry V spoke English like a native and French like an Englishman.
Vive la France 🇫🇷 prêt à mourir pour ses valeurs et son histoire
This is surprisingly close to modern French, I can actually understand most of it.
What parts or words didn't you understand?
@@slickrick2420 It's just that the pronunciation and sometimes the grammar sound off. Like someone speaking with a heavy accent.
The song is not medieval but late 16th century, so nothing surpising about the similarities
northen old french (francien, picard, normand and so on) change less that the south multiple dialects who look like spanish/catalan. i like thoose old languages
as a québécois i understand it and a lot of the word still used in québec joual
I love the way French without the gutural "r", such a shame that sound was replaced
I also love they pronounce every letter of the words. I never liked the way they pronounce french nowadays.
Wholly disagree
As someone who isn't familiar with French, can you explain what you mean?
@@evangelosvasiliades1204 Today r in French is like j in Spanish, whereas it was a rolled r before
@@jeanpaul7413 Non, les R roullé n'étaient pas utilisé par la langue francaise a l'époque, le R roullé est typique de certains patois de France, mais certainement pas tous.
Le Francais par ailleurs que l'ont connais aujourd'hui est directement issu de 2 patois qui sont directement lié au domaine royal ( Paris / Orléans )
A very beautiful version of this classic medieval song !
Story of France : Loose a big part of his territory,
a simple teen : Hey guys, lets fight
France : Oui.
France : Push back, recover his territory, and gain a big part of land, become one of the master of Europe.
and of the world for some centuries.
My respect for Engalnd, a good adversary, even if not always fair.
My respect to our adversaries through History,
maybe one day, peace will run the world.
Of course you're a Frenchman, since you've used "his" instead of "its". lol
@@buccaschie ... Try to speak french, laugh after
@@MelerionTheFirst Two years after, I don't think he was mocking you, he's just right, we instinctively give gender to everything since we don't have neutral gender so that's a common mistake for us, but nothing to make fun of, of course.
Love my ancestral nations 🇫🇷🇪🇸🇮🇹🇦🇷
Viva France💙🇫🇷❤
@@syndon1747 ☺👍
@@syndon1747 Soit libre le peuple français!
@@slavicball3550 🇫🇷💪❤
@@rikaweimann6063 🇫🇷❤
@@Rafale.France 😀💙
In history, it never been the french vs the brits, but more likely the french against Europe
Or French against French (Anjou kings vs French kings for exemple)
Or french kings of Englanf vs french king of France
France in history is pretty much "im rich, and in the middle of Western Europe, so like we got 2 choices, go down as a failed civilisation while our neighbors profits, or we Screw them up at every turn until they simply cant stop us anymore"
The French chose the 2nd choice and became a dominant European power for litteraly its entire 1200+ years of History with only 1 SINGLE time where they became nothing in 1940-1945, since even after 1871 the French were still a Great power (cripple ofc but not done yet)
Remind me again. Why do the English act like they won the HYW?
@Basil II
"The war ended in 1453 with a crushing victory of the French over the English at the battle of Castillon."
@Basil II how ?
@Basil II If losing all your continental possessions except the Pale of Calais to France and having ur dynasty weaken to the point of being destroyed in a massive civil war is winning what the hell is losing?
Basil II Remind me of how much land the British own in France.
@@baronofbahlingen9662 So by that logic France won the Napoleonic Wars ? "Look at how much of Europe the French conquered !"
Medieval France was the jewel of Europe! Love from Poland!
Now it's the joke of Europe and I will leave it soon
@@geewilly9822 vaincre sans péril c'est triompher sans gloire.
@@gringologie9302 la guerre est déjà fini, le suicide est consommé, les esprits corrompus. La moindre personne qui voudrait lever le petit doigt pour changer les choses sera violemment combattu par ses propres concitoyens
@@geewilly9822 the problem is that litteraly everyone else in europe is a damn joke now, and frankly its normal, since this is the 1st era in history where we can say for sure that Europe is in decline (the medieval age did get rid of a few older stuff but it didnt mean Europe lost in importance, the Mediteranean coast was the only real important part before it then extanded to the rest of the continent over time), you also have to realise that yes France is filled with stupid politicians politics, policies economy thats somehow ALWAYS in crisis and ALWAYS lacking with an increasing differance between the lower middle class and higher middle class in terms of how much money they can afford to spend, and still a large differance between the poorer class and the low middle one because the aid is stuck at a ceiling that makes it so that low middle class is just above the aid and other stuff similar.
But Germany for all of its "oh Europe is just the 4th reich haha" which truthfully has argument in favor of that and against it, is also a damn joke what with its immigration policy, its energy policy that still focuses on keeping the coal factory on eventhough their population itself HATES polluting and risks to the point where they got rid of Nuclear reactor (eventhough it pollutes far less lol).
Or maybe you want Italy corrupted to the core, unable to even get rid of the root of the problem because ofc politics heading the country doesnt want that.
Spain and Portugal both countries have a decent amount of problem that litteraly cripples their growth.
UK, their pride led to brexit, their economy which is heavily turned around trading with others in turn got hit very hard wow that was unexpected really.
Ireland, huh well they STILL have yet to recover from its famine from the 1800's century, true enough it was not exactly their fault, but its definitly not a problem a country thats not a joke would have.
The Scandinavians, they have their own brand of trouble where they went so far into progressive stuff it created some very inconvénient problems to say the least lol (tbf i havent checked in a while but last time i did it was very funny in a sarcastic way)
The Benelux, well Belgium is having some problems as always but yknow if you are french i doubt youd move into the joke thats our neighbor.
Luxemburg and other "rich countries thats for the rich" well are self explanatory, central and Eastern Europe are jokes in their own ways.
What you wanna move to like Greenland, Iceland?(well actually they got their own problems),’the Faroe island, Canada? (Lets be real Canada is that one country with the same problem as the rest but their superbe reputation and conveniant laws makes it look like an ideal place to move in)
Welcome to the modern world where everywhere is a f***ing circus and we are all watching from the side as they hope we dont just remember that clowns shouldnt rule
@@Freedmoon44 why did you write so much text
finally someone is bringing this song to mainstream, thx m8, glory to France, God, and King
We don't need kings, thank you for nothing
@@nicolasdubus669 I never asked about the opinion of a tankie or any socialist rat, thank you for nothing too
Je trouve ça incroyable de redécouvrir ma langue à travers une musique qui date d'une époque qui paraît incroyablement lointains
The lyrics are very violent but this is a beautiful song.
Compared to the french anthem this is a child song
I may be English, but i am proud of this eternal rivalry between my people and the French, to a degree of harsh comradery. We have our differences, and willing to fight and push for them, but always band together whenever someone bigger comes to kick down our doors. We may not see eye to eye, but we have each others backs when need be, and its rather beautiful
Nice idealised view but it's sadly not the case
@Anglo Zone
Wow! Talking about the past and the future at the end in a respectful way! I wonder if you got mad at the song when the lyrics showed up. Since it called the English... you know. Heck I am not English and yet I feel mad about it. 😂
@@BlackHawk2b But it is true.
@@plantboy6249 Not really. States only have interests and we were never really nice to each other
@@BlackHawk2b You can see it doesn't refer to a state in the comment, but the people who inhabit it.
When the imprudent English exchange student dislikes in your home-cooked Grenouille.
I am from England, but I love this song!
@@adam_ic 🇬🇧❌🇫🇷 before
@@babooon7837 They might've been rivals, but they're forever comrades ever since Rome.
Jeaaaanne au secours !!! 😱😱
History: *Confused screaming*.
As someone from Cornwall, I one hundred percent approve of this message. Vive la France ! On adores la France, je voudrais y habiter.
Yes you always would! This is the point, but you’ll stay on your island 😉 ... forever.
@@augure2589 that idea breaks me internally. It's about time France conquers the UK, would make this place 100% better.
Also, I'll put it another way:
"Ce n'est pas" voudrais", c'est "habiterai" maintenant." } :)
as a breton i'll say you're always welcome to brittany
@@gregkerna7410 thank you, Cornwall and Britanny have always had strong cultural ties and connections!
Ahhh yes, the Cornish. A minority in their own land. Every emit who's been here 5 minutes claims to be Cornish and wears the kilt. Few of them are.
Brutally epic
Love France, from the USA 🇺🇸🤝🇫🇷
King Henry V: No
Joan of Ark: yes
Sick disstrack, how can the Engloys ever recover?
Pro tip: they can't.
A naval battle perhaps? A good chance to sink some French ships and paint the English Channel red with the blood of the French men and women.
@@xavier01110 Like Lagos?
@@xavier01110 La manche was your natural defense against France for Millenia exempt that now there is a tunnel, jets, parachutists and 50 working nuclear reactor for France to produce thousands of atomic bombs to remove England from existence (keeping Scotland out of it obviously, Auld Alliance pour toujours) Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense ! les angloys Dieu Est Mon Droit !
@@ommsterlitz1805 In modern warfare France have no advantage over the UK. Our militaries are equally as good. The French government and army is made up of cowards and their leadership would not give France the victory. Like I said we would paint the English Channel red with French blood. The French haven't seen military success since WW1 so I don't think they'll stand a chance against her majesty's army, navy, and airforce. Give it a month of war and the French will fly the white flag. Dieu et mon droit🏴🇬🇧
@@SaintJust1214 Remind me, who is it of either of us, who hasn't lost a major war since 1783?
the first disstrack in history
Prince edward been real quiet since this dropped out 😬😴
@@maskr5520 the entire Plantagenet Dinasty has been real quiet since this appeared, one may say they got killed
L'Europe commence par la France.
Salutations de Russie.
L'Europe oui mais L'UE
De l'Atlantique jusqu'à l'Oural....
@@benoitbvg2888 De l'océan à l'océan)))
et se termine a la grande Russie
@@thekyler9529 oui
"May thy lineage be cursed" - a very medieval way of telling someone you don't like them.
In the modern world, people are "cursing their own lineage" willingly out of belief it is necessary to stop the world dying.
French sounded more like latin back then.
It's called Old French ! and you didn't see Old French in crusades times !
@@mrronron7328 actually this song is in middle french (XV-XVIth century), any modern frenchman could litteraly be sent in the XVth century and understand it.
the french spoken during the crusade was indeed the real old french and you'll have a hard time trying to understand it.
as for this song, the only differences beside vocabulary and orthography (tratoutz, Godon, couez...) is the pronunciation of the R (rolled) wich changed recently, until the 1920's it was really common to roll the "R".
That's not Old French and these lyrics are very close to modern French, not close to Latin at all. There are just some words that aren't used anymore.
Faux archi faux
@IFFs 35th It was a way to say that the statement of this guy (that these lyrics are closer to Latin than to modern French, that these lyrics sound like Latin) is false (because this is middle French, basically like modern French, except a few words). If you studied Latin, then you know that Latin definitely doesn't sound like French. We are speaking about phonetics and pronunciation here.
Calm down edgy teenager.
how parisians imagine the countryside:
Old French sounds so much better than modern French, but this might be because I’ve only heard it being sung.
Yes indeed in a conversation its sounds like farmers not that great trust me im french myself
No no, it’s just different.
From a french in Marseille (France)
The map at 1:03 is painful to watch. Much better at 2:08
Vive le Roy Charles VII !
What a delightful song for my ears, all hail France, i'm born Francois and proud of it !
I'm English but I'm proud to have had the French as one of our most absolute worthy adversaries in history.
And also, it turns out that particularly in southern and eastern England, we have A LOT of "French" DNA from French immigrants who came to England to live here in the Middle-Ages :)
This is just me, but I respect the French a lot. And Middle French is really beautiful
Edit: supposedly English people have 23% of their DNA from the French who came to England as immigrants during the Middle Ages
I'm French half bretonne so I probably have British dna xD
I find it cool that now it's only became a friendly rivalry with unfunny joke on the internet xD
@volt-staralice7226 I think it's funny. I like making jokes about French people. But, I don't really mean it of course. I know many French people hate us English but I feel sad about it really and I think it's very disrespectful when people call French soldiers "cowards", it's simply untrue. And I think English people should focus their hatred on Welsh people instead
Not 23%, no. But maybe a little. There were many Huguenot refugees in England
@kaikwa4160 I'm talking about migrations from France during the Middle Ages. There are studies on this and genetic science has come a long way over the last few years. In the south and east of England there is more "French" DNA from these medieval migrants than Iron Age British DNA. Of course, there is also a lot of original English "Anglo-Saxon" DNA. As you know, in certain ways, England became more French after the Norman Conquest, so it makes sense. I didn't just pick that number out of my ass :P
virgin Balkan online argument vs Chad anglo french friendly rivalry
Tu découpe souvent tes amis ?
@@karkkaz7912 The hell-
Balkan?🤣 third world like arabs without oil
Absolutely magnificent! Makes me think of the French court, and all those proud soldiers, from noble to commoner, who stood at Agincourt, Crecy, Poitiers.. Its exhilirating and gives me goosebumps. France is such a proud country.
J'aime ce chauvinisme anglais qui oublie à sa convenance les déroutes comme Patay, Baugé, La Brossinière, Formigny ou Castillon et qui a foutu les Plantagenets à la mer 🤭
@@seigneurcanardo7030 To be fair, I am not an expert on the subject, and I probably only know the aforementioned battles from a very Anglo-centric perspective. I should learn about the French ones, for they have, ultimately, won the war!
@@ivansalamon7028et oui la rivalité Franco-anglaise montre en avant les batailles gagné de chacun de notre camps sans parler des défaites que l'on a subit
Just ask her out! The worst she can say is no!
Her: 1:57
Medieval Rap battle......England got slammed on that one
Great song!Greetings from Greece.
I’m sure Québécois will still agree with this song
Congratulations for your national holiday on 14th July France from your friends in Germany
This song is implying the "fuck you english gays"
Love you guys as well
Germans Brothers
The first disstrack
😂 English and french rivalry in the medeviel times it's so strong love it
Its still going on lmao
@@nibulsheep8214 Not really.
I wrote this comment as one year ago, France and England had a dispute over islands and fishing rights in the northern sea.
@@reid488 Je confirme on les déteste toujours autant ces sale batard
Mauldite en soit trestoute la lignye !
"The only english who will stay in France will be the dead ones" . Joan of Arc , 1429.
That's paraphrasing
As a Frenchman myself I will say… this is good
I had just gotten into this song and now you upload it lmao. Are you spying on me?
that kind of stuff happens to me too
medieval french is like modern french except you actually pronounce the words