African Islands Still Controlled by Europe

  • Опубликовано: 18 июл 2022
  • Africa looks pretty normal when you look at it on a map. But things start to get a bit strange when you zoom in a bit closer and look at its islands. There seems to be a lot of land that's part of Europe that's on the wrong continent in Africa’s territorial waters. Both Spain and France retain possession of a number of territories in Africa in the form of islands in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Atlantic Ocean in the case of Spain, and in the Indian Ocean in the case of France. Italy, the United Kingdom and Portugal also retain possession of small islands in the Atlantic Ocean.
    We already know the story of how Europe scrambled Africa and how African countries gained their independence but the primary question of this video is not what happened on Africa’s mainland or even on its seaboard but rather what happened on its oceans that resulted in this oddity so in this video i will go through the list of these awkward places which despite being on African coasts are actually owned by European countries and answer these questions
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Комментарии • 297

  • @Hiro-eb4zx
    @Hiro-eb4zx Год назад +34

    I believe the majority of people in Mayotte voted to remain under France in the democratic referendum.

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад +7

      So has madeira, they decided for a high level of autonomy and it suited them fine as their imports are subsidized, their population is financed for healthcare and unemployment benefits etc.
      It's not like the people of these territories are being colonized they are actually wining something out of it.

    • @SikhoGuwa
      @SikhoGuwa Год назад

      Thing is didn't those people spend alot of under European rule so they have more loyalty towards Europe

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад +7

      @@SikhoGuwa it's basic economic: they are highly funded, they have access to a lot of government services etc. The inuit did a referendum in Greenland where they were asked 2 questions: did they wanted independence? Yes where they ready to diminish their life style by a lot to pay for army, hospitals, etc? No. See independence comes with a price and no one wants to loose their finance and acquisition level for some other politician policies and public spending-its just a smart choice!

    • @anthonymanderson7671
      @anthonymanderson7671 Год назад +2

      Maybe it's because they don't want to become like comoros

    • @AAA310
      @AAA310 Год назад

      Because they are brainwashed and indoctrinated looking for their west saviors doesnt mean Europe is entitled to own that land

  • @LittleSpiderman
    @LittleSpiderman Год назад +52

    Hello, I'm from Canary Islands 🇮🇨
    I have some things to point out, first of all, the archipelago was never part of Morocco, so there's nothing to "Return" second of all, I acknowledge that we, the canarian people never had the opportunity to decide if we wanted to be part of Spain or not, we were colonized and treated unfairly for over 400 years until Spain was forced to abandon the Sahara desert and its other colonies (btw this was relatively not so long ago, there's still a lot of racism, hate and poverty in the islands and even if other Spanish or even canarian who don't wanna admit it, there's still a colonial features you can acknowledge in the way of the economy, status and social classes works in the archipelago, one example of this is that the richest ppl are the descendants of the landlords and ppl of power that exploited the canarian ppl during and after the colonization, another one is that after the Spanish government realized they could lost the Canary islands they changed the way they referred to us on the media (the latest example was during the event of the Volcano in La Palma, they referred to this volcano as an European event even though we are talking about a geographic event which is really stupid bc obviously the Canary islands are African islands, but also on a more personal level, I remember hearing while growing up ppl from the peninsula being racist/xenophobic to us by calling us "Africans" or "Moros" as a curse, seeing us as inferior but now every time I say I'm African they rush to say "No, you're a Spanish, European!!" So basically our identity would only serve whatever fits their word)
    There was a big independent movement during the 70s but it lost a lot of strength after the Spanish government shoot Antonio Cubillo, the "creator" of this movement.
    Right now the situation on the islands is not good for young people, there's no job offers with a decent payment, most of the canarian youth have to leave their homes meanwhile European rich people buy our land and make their millionaire resorts destroying the nature and making life for Canarians even more difficult, (similar in a way to what it's happening in Hawaii) and this is not something new, it has been like this since the beginning due to being a colony (even if some ppl don't want to admit it)
    If you want to know my opinion on all of this as a Canarian person, I think the opportunity and decision on whatever we want independence or not should be granted bc I believe every nation has this right, but what I know for sure is that not even one canarian wants to "belong" to Morocco bc our culture is beyond far from theirs even though they are our neighbors, that's like asking a Mexican if he wants to belong to the USA.
    I also want to point out as someone who has grown up here, there's a lot of Canarians who identify as Spaniards, or feel close to them culturally, some other feel even closer to other countries like Venezuela or Colombia due to our connection to latinoamerica and some other will feel absolutely nothing to Spain and only feel "canarian" and I totally understand this three ways of thinking, ours history is complicated and big
    As for me, I identity myself only as a canarian bc I don't feel deeply emotionally or culturally connected to Spain (peninsula) and I have family in both, peninsula and latinoamerica.
    I see myself as a canarian, this means that yes, my nationality is Spanish, but I'm not European and I will never be, you cannot tell me I'm European when not even one of my fingers have step on the European continent in my 20 years of life.
    If there was a vote about this, I don't know if I would choose to still be part of Spain or not, I don't hate Spain at all (even after having this sad history with them), actually it's one of my favorite countries BUT, if I look at the facts, they have not treated us the best they could have, right now The Canary islands is the poorest Autonomic Community of Spain, how do they want us to feel Spaniards if they don't do anything about this issue or others like ppl in risk of social exclusion, unemployment, destruction of nature, economy based only in tourism (you can only imagine the disaster after covid in my home bc of this tourism based economy) and the list go on. I think most Canarians wouldn't mind being Spanish if Spain improve our quality life, but if this doesn't change soon... the people who live in canarias will be only rich Germans, Italians and ppl from the peninsula.
    I love my home, that's why I took the time to write this long ass comment 😂 if you took the time to read it I really appreciate it, if any of you have doubts about this little archipelago you can ask me no problem, I speak both Spanish and English

    • @maywallan
      @maywallan Год назад +8

      Thanks for the info. Of all the long messages I have come across on RUclips, yours is the only one I found interesting and encouraging to read.
      How does mainland Africa's proximity to the Canary islands affect your daily lives. Do you interact much with Africa? Have you ever gone to the mainland and if yes then how do you feel about your experiences with it.

    • @MrLock90
      @MrLock90 Год назад +1

      Thank you for the insights! It was very interesting to read, muchas gracias

    • @LittleSpiderman
      @LittleSpiderman Год назад +9

      @@maywallan About your first question I think the first issue that comes to my mind is the immigration of African mainlanders to the archipelago, we get a lot of Africans, both black and Maghrebi people, usually from Senegal, Ghana and Morocco.
      It's a important issue due to the impossibility to offer good condition to this people (of course you can imagine that the poorest of Autonomic Communities on Spain is not the best one handling people looking for job and opportunities when we don't even have that for ourselves😂) nevertheless I and many others, as Canarians who are proud of our history know that our people have been immigrants since the beginning, if we refused help to them we would be hypocrites, and a lot of those immigrants are young ppl of my own age or even minors, not helping would be betraying our own people.
      Usually what those immigrants try to do is get into the archipelago illegally by boats, which of course is very difficult and sadly a lot of people die during those travels, from here, after getting a permit they expect to go to the peninsula or other parts of Europe to find a jobs or better quality of life but what they found is that even though they got the permit to travel through the entirely of the "Spanish Land" they have problems to travel to the peninsula, there's not a reason of why this happens but my guess it's bc 1-) Institutional racism and 2-) bc Canarias is still acknowledged in certain aspects as a colony that isn't not the same as the rest of the territory bc if not, then it makes no sense of why they wouldn't let them move to other places.
      You asked if we interact a lot with mainland Africa, I think one of the most important moments of deep interaction between us was while the Sahara was under Spanish occupation, in this time the canarian ppl went to the Sahara looking for new opportunities, looking for a job at the time was very difficult, apparently during this years both Saharaui and canarian ppl became really close bc they were both treated the same way by the Spanish officials (as citizens that are not equal to the "real" Spaniards), there were also those stories about how "Canarians and Saharaui kids would play together as brothers", and fortunately still today there's this fraternity between the Saharaui and the canarian ppl, we can see this in our teams of "Lucha Canaria" (a traditional canarian game/sport which it became also popular in the Sahara bc of this story) also due to the current situation of The Sahara (basically Morocco wanted the territory after the Spanish left but since Spaniards literally abandoned the Sahara without making the bureaucratic procedure now everything a mess) a lot of programs were proposed, an example of this was "Vacaciones en Paz" which means "Peaceful Holidays" in which during summer season some canarian families would let Saharaui kids in their home so they could enjoy at least one of two months without being in a refugee camp
      I have memories of those kids, we would play together during summer camps, I have asked some of my friends and they told me that they also grew along Saharauis, that's why they are so important to us.
      Another important thing about the connection between mainland Africa and canarians is in our culture and heritage, to understand were the canarians come from first you need to look at the people who lived here before the arrival of the Spanish colonizers.
      This people were called different in every island but the most known name for them is "Guanche" this people come from the Amazigh people in north Africa (You can try to look for them on Google if you're interested)
      I want you to realize that sadly a lot of my culture have been lost due to repression and colonization, for example the original canarian language have been lost, a lot of our traditions and culture were prosecuted or changed by Christianity.
      Oh, also I wanted to mention something very important, the Amazigh ppl have not only one color or features, they can be black, white, brown... And this is very important in canarias even though it's not acknowledge at all.
      Do you remember in my first comment when I said that my identity would be changed every time so it fited the words of others?
      Canarians have been treated as inferior for a long time, they were not seen as pure Spaniards bc they have "Guanche" blood this would affect them economically and socially, they could not get high ranks or power bc of their blood (I'm sure you're aware of the casta system in latinoamerica, well it's something similar) but the truth is that if you pick a canarian person and a Spaniards of that time they wouldn't look that different at all.
      If you go to Hawaii most of the time you can differentiate so fast who is native from someone who is just living there just by their looks, but in canarias that's impossible bc our language and tradition were destroyed, our blood have been mixed with native south American, Spaniards, portuguese, north European, and African slaves and the Guanches already had different skin color or features from one another to begging with.
      This is why identity in canarias is such a big issue, it's really difficult to fit if there's not something to fit into.
      In a way I find it similar as when black people who is "light skin" from the USA get denied their identity as black by both black and white people only to suffer racism from time to time. But it's kinda difficult to compare our reality to theirs bc the views on what is "white" or "black" varies from county to county
      Lastly, about traveling to Mainland Africa, sadly I haven't travelled yet, but I would definitely love to, of course the first place I would like to visit is the Sahara and if it's possible I would like to meet with Amazigh ppl from the mainland to see how really similar we still are to them, what We have maintained, what have been lost, if the words we still keep from our original language are similar to theirs.... So many things
      Also it would be interesting to mention something that not Spanish nor canarians want to admit but its the reality, in Spain it doesn't exist this strong racism against black ppl (of course you can still suffer this discrimination in Spain but it's not as strong as the discrimination against Romani and Maghrebi ppl), Mostly for Morocco, and I understand where this comes from, since they invaded the peninsula and stayed for around 800 years, so there's this historical reason.
      This hatred towards the Maghreb has also reach into the canarians so there's a lot of repulse against Morocco, bc we were called Moroccan as an insult, Now of course I'm older and I did my research, and understood that using a nationality as an insult is wrong, but I and so many others have been listening to this since they were young and this can shape the way we see or acknowledge our neighbors.
      I'm really grateful for your interest in my home, so many people come here every year just to enjoy their vacation but no one has ever asked me really deep questions about my home, To me is really funny bc they always told me "You're so lucky you live in a paradise" I always laugh at that😂
      I'm sorry it took me so long to respond but I hope my response helps you to understand us a little better

    • @LovelyMusic.
      @LovelyMusic. Год назад +4


    • @LittleSpiderman
      @LittleSpiderman Год назад +5

      @parris I really recommend you next time you wanna talk about my home to open a book before you open your mouth 👍🏼

  • @Chebet_Surah
    @Chebet_Surah Год назад +4

    Very informative video as usual

    • @RisenAfrica
      @RisenAfrica  Год назад +2

      Many thanks for always watching

  • @anthonymanderson7671
    @anthonymanderson7671 Год назад +2

    Really informative video

  • @mikeybarboza3086
    @mikeybarboza3086 Год назад +2

    Cape Verde where I was born (my parents were on vacation there and I happened to pop out in 1987) only gained their freedom in 1975. All of my grandparents where born there while under Portuguese control.

  • @revolvernariope5924
    @revolvernariope5924 Год назад

    love this channel and hope your doing well.

  • @Jazzmarcel
    @Jazzmarcel Год назад

    excellent channel! 👍🏾

  • @brontewcat
    @brontewcat Год назад +32

    It’s a bit of a stretch claiming the territories of St Helena, Tristan de Cunha and Ascension Islands as African. They are all in the mid Atlantic and well over 1000kms from the African coast. They were uninhabited before Europeans arrived.
    Further at least one of the Italian islands looks to be halfway between Italy and the African continent, so again a bit of a stretch claiming it as African.

    • @tomasfinzi
      @tomasfinzi Год назад +13

      Geologically speaking they are part of the african continental shelf, but they are inhabited by italian people, hence why they are part of Italy. Stating that a place should belong to another country based on geology and not the will of his inhabitants is foolish.

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад +2

      @@tomasfinzi geologically speaking the indian subcontinent belongs to the african shelf which makes ur point a strech too.

    • @miliba
      @miliba Год назад +5

      no, the indian subcontinent forms with australia one contiguous shelf

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад +3

      @@miliba oh I went to check and I stand corrected, weirdly I saw a geographic show when I was a kid and indian subcontinent was presented as a breakaway portion of africa that had colided with asia, maybe cause I'm old new discoveries found evidence as an australian shelf. Thanks for the correction.

    • @blackassjitt65
      @blackassjitt65 Год назад

      @@puraLusa 😂

  • @clementhudson4788
    @clementhudson4788 Год назад +3

    Would it be possible for you to start putting citations in your video descriptions so that we can do further reading? Wonderful work anyhow!

  • @muhammadasruni8992
    @muhammadasruni8992 Год назад +7

    Why you put Indonesia map as the thumbnail background?
    Indonesia isn't in africa!
    + Niue actually in oceania.

  • @A.Mayflower127
    @A.Mayflower127 Год назад


  • @Alex64912
    @Alex64912 Год назад +1

    Hello! Any plans on releasing any new videos in the future? I love your channel and the work you do!

  • @wabi-sabi6155
    @wabi-sabi6155 Год назад +15

    I was born in the archipelagos of Cape-Verde which was uninhabited until the Portuguese arrived and the same thing applies to Madeira and Azores. The Portuguese even gave us, the Cape-Verdeans, independence in a peaceful way but they could have just kept us since half of the population also wanted to remain, while Madeira and Azores are autonomous regions and always had a large majority Portuguese population.

    • @AfricanMaverick
      @AfricanMaverick Год назад +1

      CV was inhibited, the portugues lied.
      Half pop. didn't want independence? 🤣 That's false.

    • @ems7623
      @ems7623 Год назад +4

      @@AfricanMaverick the number is not accurate but the general point remains true. A large percentage of Cabo Verdeans wished to remain tied to Portugal.
      The idea that every postcolonial situation should follow the same trajectory is nonsense. The principle applied everywhere has been self-determination. That was the right approach then. It is the right approach now.
      And if the residents of these islands wish to remain part of Europe, then it would be extremely hypocritical of Africans to claim that those people don't deserve the same right of self-determination that Africans asserted when they won their own independence. In fact, denying that right and taking those lands regardless would be, by definition, colonialism.

    • @AfricanMaverick
      @AfricanMaverick Год назад +3

      @@ems7623 lol try harder, the majority wanted independence, people were dying of hunger, drought, disease, etc... and Portugal didn't do anything they didn't care, it's estimated that half cape Verdean population died. And you thing people wished to remain.😂

    • @arturjcrebelo3275
      @arturjcrebelo3275 Год назад +3

      @@AfricanMaverick You're a liar.
      Now we see where all the CV want to run and where they go even today?
      I dont want to discuss about CV, they are independent, and Portugal dont want that islands. But about Madeira is a very small island without anyone when the Portuguese find the islands. We dont Colonize anyone because we call (Madeira translate the word is wood) because the island have only trees, no one live there.

    • @josemonteiro5988
      @josemonteiro5988 Год назад

      @@arturjcrebelo3275 não tentes explicar, hoje em dia para eles é tudo africano e todos os europeus são demónios.

  • @Mr.Nichan
    @Mr.Nichan Год назад +2

    10:07 Your map makes those islands look a lot closer to Sicily than to Tunisia, though the southern ones do look a bit closer to Libya than even to Sicily, so maybe Libya should have gotten those islands.

  • @luca4297
    @luca4297 Год назад +6

    So following this reasoning trans continental countries shouldn't exist. Turkey should give half Istanbul to greece, egypt should give back asian part, russia should renounce to either asian or european part and so on. This is just wrong on so many ways.

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      Do you believe in Colonialism or Imperialism is the question? And not only when it benefits you, but also when it harms you.

    • @veridicusmaximus6010
      @veridicusmaximus6010 Год назад +1

      @@angrybritches1854 Irrelevant is so many of these cases.

  • @svenmarkert6368
    @svenmarkert6368 Год назад +2

    Woohoo! Congratulations to 100,000 subscribers! I hope you are doing alright. I haven't seen any updates in four weeks. Wishing you all the best!

  • @UniquelyCritical
    @UniquelyCritical Год назад +12

    Self determination, exclusive economic zones and the ability to place military bases are what drive these claims. Also, domination of the sea is power projection.

  • @jayjay5852
    @jayjay5852 Год назад +4

    If the Arab league hadn't backed Morocco..that island wouldn't be declared a no man's land

  • @jayjay5852
    @jayjay5852 Год назад +1

    Awesome video!..keep 'am coming!

  • @bfdiepictennisballbfdi2359
    @bfdiepictennisballbfdi2359 9 месяцев назад +2

    But the UN itself doesn't consider Ceuta and Melilla as colonies, While considering Gibraltar a colony, you should have actually done a bit of research before talking. Also, it is simply impossible to return any more land to Morocco since they never held it

    @JAYFULFILMZ Год назад +1

    The Island of Saint Helena in the south Atlantic about 1200 miles off the coast of Angola was also used by the British as a holding post during the Atlantic slave trade in the 1800’s

  • @flotix_3704
    @flotix_3704 Год назад

    The icons one the maps are quite inaccurate,but anyways good video

  • @tomasfinzi
    @tomasfinzi Год назад +18

    The pelagie islands are inhabited by italian people, hence why they are part of Italy. I like your channel, 'cause it gives a different point of view on global issues, but stating that a region should be part of another nation just for being on the same continental shelf and not the will of its inhabitants seems foolish to me

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад +2

      Indian subcontinent is in african shelf - but strangely pan africanism never claims these countries 😂

    • @AAA310
      @AAA310 Год назад

      Those are not indigenous inhabitants tho? Get tf off our continent u Colonizers

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад +1

      @@puraLusa And yet Spaniards claimed the Americas. 🤣

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад +1

      @@angrybritches1854 strangely u are refering to a group of people that no longer exists 🤷‍♀️

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад +2

      @@puraLusa Was there DNA taken out by asteroids with the dinosaurs?

  • @nikhiljha306
    @nikhiljha306 Год назад +1

    Please make video on refugee settlement like Dadaab and Bidbidi

  • @nana1official
    @nana1official Год назад +12

    I pray Africa will be free indeed. Thanks for always keeping us updated 💯👍

  • @GeographyNuts
    @GeographyNuts Год назад +5

    Yap, most small islands around Africa has been a mess, most of the treaties and agreements neglected to include these small island so European countries became a de facto controllers.

  • @spear8492
    @spear8492 Год назад +1

    So what you guys want the Islands back?

    • @RisenAfrica
      @RisenAfrica  Год назад

      Good question @OECV Yes😇

    • @spear8492
      @spear8492 Год назад +1

      @@RisenAfrica well even tho I understand part of your claims . What's the point of claiming madeira ? Just beacuse it's on the African shelf? Like ? And claimed by who? Who would be the country that would have to do that?

  • @gabrielel-kharraz9221
    @gabrielel-kharraz9221 Год назад +3

    يتحدثون عن ديموقراطية و القانون و هم يحتلون افريقيا خاصتنا

  • @iLatrell62
    @iLatrell62 Год назад +1

    Not to lie I wanna watch your video but you need to work on your audio. Like where the hell are you recording

  • @JSB-Polymath
    @JSB-Polymath Год назад +3

    That was fascinating; thank you. The original theft of African properties [and therefore, natural resources and strategic locations] continues. And they wonder why they are burning up w/high temperatures & fire, drowned out with floods, or swept away by winds they can't withstand! And so it goes...

    • @veridicusmaximus6010
      @veridicusmaximus6010 Год назад

      Most of those islands were not even discovered or settled by Africans!

  • @KarelCudej007
    @KarelCudej007 Год назад +5

    Great video, explains a lot about political tensions between Europe and Africa.

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад +1

      It really doesn't as it forgets why some of these claims are made it just present a bias view.

  • @sunflowersamurai10
    @sunflowersamurai10 Год назад +1

    Tbf even the mainland is still under western control, correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't France literally control the majority if west africa's currency reserves?

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад +1

      I know Ghana only controls 2% of their gold, so that sounds about right.

    • @sunflowersamurai10
      @sunflowersamurai10 Год назад

      @@angrybritches1854 2%?! Nah this is taking the piss now.

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      @@sunflowersamurai10 We both know power corrupts. It's just going to take time to balance all this out. The U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, & Japan dropped Toyotas & Hondas on the U.S.

    • @sunflowersamurai10
      @sunflowersamurai10 Год назад

      @@angrybritches1854 neocolonialism never ends it wont balance itself out

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      @@sunflowersamurai10 "By any means necessary"

  • @petergschaider238
    @petergschaider238 Год назад +6

    This time I have to make 2 comments because I have the impression that this video is unfairly one-sided in some places.
    1) Mayotte: It should be mentioned that in 1974 the population of Mayotte voted with a clear majority to remain in France.
    2) Canary Islands: there is no socio-cultural, ethnic or even linguistic link in the past with Africa. Even as far as the former indigenous peoples are concerned, it is assumed that they came from southern Spain. The 2.2 million Canarios have seen themselves as Canarios, Spaniards and inhabitants of the EU for generations.
    So what, apart from geographical proximity to the African continent, would be an argument for this group of islands to be part of an African state?
    (These considerations could also be applied to Madeira).

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад +1

      The point is to address Colonialism and the acquiring of land and resources that were already occupied or in the vicinity of another country. The only argument here is you are either for or against Colonialism. And from what I've seen everyone defending Colonialism are European and those opposing it are African, obviously.

  • @omarelazab8897
    @omarelazab8897 Год назад +2

    I was always confused about the concept of Canary Islands belonging to Africa or Europe, so it was explained pretty well 👍🏻

    • @tomasfinzi
      @tomasfinzi Год назад +4

      They are in Africa geologically, but that land is inhabited by spanish people, the video suggesting thay should be moroccan and that Spain is occupying them for 500 years is misleading

    • @Mr.Nichan
      @Mr.Nichan Год назад +2

      @@tomasfinzi Unlike many other "African" islands, though, the Canarias were once actually populated by Berbers ("Guanches") before Castile took them over 1402-1496. The Guanches were not part of Morocco, nor even Muslims, though. Pliny the Elder notes that the Numidian (Berber) King Juba II (48BC-AD23) found the Canary Islands uninhabited, but that he found man-made structures there, so the islands must have been inhabited from at least that time.

    • @AAA310
      @AAA310 Год назад

      @@tomasfinzi stolen by Spaniards stop spreading your racist white supremacist propaganda on every comment

    • @veridicusmaximus6010
      @veridicusmaximus6010 Год назад

      @parris Of course it is Spanish - that is who now controls it!

    • @ThomasDOsborn_1999
      @ThomasDOsborn_1999 Год назад

      The islands belong to Spain for so long also Western Sahara 🇪🇭 is disputed territory it should independently county

  • @jaykiass
    @jaykiass Год назад +1

    Amazing lesson

  • @martinduartediniz5889
    @martinduartediniz5889 Год назад +6

    Madeira was never colonised it was a deserted island no one ever lived there What the hell are you talking about

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      Are there locals on the islands who say otherwise?

    • @veridicusmaximus6010
      @veridicusmaximus6010 Год назад

      @@angrybritches1854 Oh geeee locals with no education and a bias. What evidence is there that it was inhabited when Europeans arrived? I'll wait!!

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      @@veridicusmaximus6010 I love the insults. Right off bat it tells me that you have a weak argument so you use insults to prop up a struggling ego. It's basic psychology. It just gets old seeing pubescent thought patterns from adults.
      Why do you think that people of color are a majority on this planet? Why is it that brown people are intimately connected to the Earth, and Europeans or most any flavor of white literally have colonized the planet in an attempt to adapt the Earth to their natural living environment, and have done nothing but apathetically abuse it? Why do you not have melanin? That is the answer to your question. If you don't think melanated people are native to the Earth, then you are mistaken, and science has told you this many times over, despite their reluctance. Africa is the cradle of humanity. It's not an opinion.

  • @AfricanMaverick
    @AfricanMaverick Год назад +6

    I am glad my islands 🇨🇻 is not controlled by Europe 💪🏿
    Why did you put a EU flag on Cape Verde? CV not is controlled by europe.

    • @AfricanMaverick
      @AfricanMaverick Год назад +1

      Shout-out to 🇸🇹

    • @WillmobilePlus
      @WillmobilePlus Год назад +2

      "Before the arrival of Europeans, the Cape Verde Islands were uninhabited"

    • @AfricanMaverick
      @AfricanMaverick Год назад +4

      @@WillmobilePlus fake

    • @WillmobilePlus
      @WillmobilePlus Год назад +1

      @@AfricanMaverick Yeah, ok.

    • @AfricanMaverick
      @AfricanMaverick Год назад +4

      @@WillmobilePlus Wikipedia is editable and CV was inhabited by mandinka people etc...

  • @ismantc1653
    @ismantc1653 Год назад

    This is a Mess.

  • @JustFluffyQuiltingYarnCrafts
    @JustFluffyQuiltingYarnCrafts Год назад +24

    "African lands should be in African hands." Period.

    • @tomasfinzi
      @tomasfinzi Год назад +4

      I think it should be people to be asked about in which country they want to be in, not land

    • @tomasfinzi
      @tomasfinzi Год назад +1

      The pelagie islands are inhabited by italian people, hence why they are part of Italy for example, despite being on african continental shelf

    • @Dragon-mv6vy
      @Dragon-mv6vy Год назад

      OK gengsta, than catch all the muslims from the muslim conquest and try to deport them, you will not, cause there are milions of them, so yo will not get ride of the europeans, many of them have been born there and it's a part of europe now, period!

    • @Dragon-mv6vy
      @Dragon-mv6vy Год назад +2

      ​@@tomasfinzi These people don't care, they are just angry, despite having other much older colonizers like muslims from the muslim conquest, they rather complain about the new ones, a big joke and hypocrisis.

    • @YouYou-sm8tf
      @YouYou-sm8tf Год назад +3

      @@Dragon-mv6vy I don’t understand them, they can’t even manage their own countries who are far bigge in size but cry a river for small territorry/islands.

  • @DataBaseComparison
    @DataBaseComparison Год назад +12

    African leaders are to blame for every problem in Africa.
    I dont blame europeans I blame African leaders for being disorganized, corrupt and refusal to develop
    If African leaders were organized and developed, capable of transforming our continent into an industrialized first world continent with all kinds of technologies, then no one will mess with us.

    • @rubinortiz2311
      @rubinortiz2311 Год назад

      There’s a few things wrong with this. Most of our leaders are unorganized and corrupt because all of the organized and uncorrupt ones keep getting killed by guess who. The west. It’s hard to develop when you are constantly being set back when you try and make progress. It’s not that they refuse it’s just that they often times get killed. Also keep in mind a lot of the time it is the west who after they kill a strong leads installs a corrupt and disorganized leader.

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      You're uneducated like most defending Colonialism & Imperialism, while gaslighting, turning the perpetrators into victims and victims into their own perpetrators. You're Italian, let's get that out of the way. I've made a long post on here, and if you researched, you'd realize that most African countries have only regained their independence for 50 years or less. Despite all countries that re-establish themselves after an occupation, it takes time to rebuild and rebalance themselves. Look at Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana, Botswana, Rwanda, South Africa, and see what they have done in such a short time. That is far from being disorganized or refusing to develop. Gadaffi was about to unify Africa with the gold Dinar and reacquire Africa's resources but we see how that ended. Lastly, most of the corruption comes from leaders being offered money by Europeans and the leaders putting money before their people.

  • @GazilionPT
    @GazilionPT Год назад +2

    0:14 You just put an EU flag on Cape Verde, an *independent* African country...
    Also, Madeira (Portugal) was uninhabited when Portugal discovered the archipelago, and they were *never* inhabited by Africans, so putting it in the same bucket as the "scramble for Africa" is just moronic.
    Ascension is on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge but, if we want to be very specific about it, it is actually *west* of it, i.e. actually on the South American Plate, so not at all part of Africa.
    And why is Socotra, just 240 km off the coast of Africa (Madeira is over 700 km away) but controlled by Yemen, not mentioned as an "African island colonised by non-Africans"?

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      I personally don't believe 'Madeira' was uninhabited. There wasn't that much work that needed to be done, so there would be no need to imprison Africans and bring them here. The same with most of these islands. I know Europeans are lazy. That's self-evident from the Atlantic Slave trade, but they could surely build up a few islands by themselves.

    • @GazilionPT
      @GazilionPT Год назад +1

      @@angrybritches1854 Your personal beliefs are of little worth. What matters is historical and archeological data.
      The fact is that Madeira is 700 km away from Africa and was uninhabited before the Portuguese arrived there. They never hid the fact that they subjugated native peoples whenever are wherever they could (as any other military power -- "European or otherwise -- would), so there is no reason they would hid the fact that they found people in Madeira. There is no mention of people in Madeira before the Portuguese got there, and no archeological evidence either, so that settles it.

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      @@GazilionPT It's a personal belief that you have a belief in people who conquered other people, so that settles that. Wouldn't be the first lie written as fact in history books.

  • @kugul1683
    @kugul1683 Год назад +1

    Lampedusa isn't inhabited by Tunisians

  • @BrunoRibeiro-po2bv
    @BrunoRibeiro-po2bv Год назад +8

    I really don't understand the point of this video. Most, if not all, os this territories voted to stay with this countries.

    • @Speedy300
      @Speedy300 Год назад

      Because they transplanted their own people to steal islands that belong to Africa

    • @Speedy300
      @Speedy300 Год назад +1

      Sickness is they think they own everything 🤦‍♂️

    • @uviweboyana8936
      @uviweboyana8936 Год назад +1

      Because those islands were repopulated by Colonizers and their descents... thus making them cultural "European "

    • @BrunoRibeiro-po2bv
      @BrunoRibeiro-po2bv Год назад

      @@uviweboyana8936 humm of course of course, guess the birds in madeira were culturally african, I'm sorry

    • @Speedy300
      @Speedy300 Год назад

      @@uviweboyana8936 it doesn’t matter. Europeans like to take take and take and never want to return anything back. And those places are not in Europe if we are going by the UN definition (created by Europeans again🤦‍♂️) The hypocrisy is what I could not handle. Russia went into East Ukrain and repopulated by killing the natives but everybody knows it is still part of Ukrain and not Russia.

  • @zladvevo9724
    @zladvevo9724 Год назад +13

    This video is mostly a mess. Self determination applies to the people who live on those islands as well and if they want to be a part of the European nations they have a right to do so. Just look at the boarder between Turkey and the Greece - all the islands are closer to Turkey, but Greece nevertheless has the authority over them, because the population is Greek.

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад

      Or greenland and iceland - both of these are part of europe because the people who live there made a referendum and chose it. Its a pan african video - all pan movements and ideas start with good intentions and end up being racists. 🤷‍♀️ Politics have the ability to corrupt everything.

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      @@puraLusa It is a Pan African movement. How is it racist if you want Europeans to get off your land and stay off? That's not political. I truly don't understand defending Colonialism as if it were ever some humanitarian expedition. I bet if a homeless person squats in your backyard, 5 years later you'll still be pissed about it. Does that mean you hate homeless people? I say, and I say again, this is truly just gaslighting where the perpetrators are made into victims.

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      This video is addressing Colonialism & Imperialism, and of course there are those who defend it, and always when it is their country not being colonized by some virus that spread across the Earth.

    • @zladvevo9724
      @zladvevo9724 Год назад +1

      @@angrybritches1854 it’s not about countries being colonized, its about a person saying islands that are rightfully one’s should be of other countries just because of proximity. No nuances involved just because of proximity.

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад +1

      @@angrybritches1854 ur racist against europeans, u just don't wanna it called that way. Who is to say who land is whose? Does ethnicity equates to land? If yes, than congrats, hitler thought exactly the same.
      Anyhow, u still on the same rock as me and everybody else of all shades and shapes, called earth, and nothing u can do about.

  • @martinote510
    @martinote510 Год назад +1

    This is about oil, gas, mineral & fishing rights with the occasional military base thrown in. The europeans heavily subsidize their overseas territories with money & sometimes citizenship or other benefits

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      Which part of get out & stay out do you people not understand? Subsidizing a country for rape, murder & current occupation is never going to vindicate your crimes. Again, "I know I'm raping you, but here is some money." Get out of here with that bullshit.

  • @Haniboy7911
    @Haniboy7911 Год назад +4

    We will never stop fighting 💪 until africa be free fully

  • @Drockyeaboi12
    @Drockyeaboi12 Год назад +3

    Hi guys I’m thinking of starting a non profit to develop Africa where Africans in the diaspora can donate to Africa as a whole or a country of their choice. Would you guys be interested in such a project ?

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      Programs need to be developed from the country's side, like Ghana has done with the Year of Return. You want long term investment both financially and strategically.

    • @monsterx3055
      @monsterx3055 Год назад


  • @A.Mayflower127
    @A.Mayflower127 Год назад +1

    Fantastic video as always

    • @RisenAfrica
      @RisenAfrica  Год назад +1

      Much appreciated @May Ladybird.. Thanks for always watching

    • @A.Mayflower127
      @A.Mayflower127 Год назад +1

      @@RisenAfrica hey, it’s been a while since you posted. I’m assuming you’re just taking a much needed break, but I thought I would reach out just in case something happened.
      I miss your uploads, but more importantly, I’m worried you may be sick or you just went through something traumatic
      I’m here if you need someone to talk to
      0.4K away from 100K!!! You’re so close

  • @Ipn7068
    @Ipn7068 Год назад +6

    I never regret subscribing to this great African channel,very informative and Africa centered! Very soon Africa is rising and will reclaim it's glory in the entire world!!

    • @monsterx3055
      @monsterx3055 Год назад +2

      i hope to see that day, greeting from a brother in the USA

  • @mrjanaab3998
    @mrjanaab3998 6 месяцев назад

    These European powers couldn't do same with India and China..

  • @ems7623
    @ems7623 Год назад +7

    The residents of the Canaries are European, not African. They deserve to determine their own political allegiance. The same goes for any other remaining lands that are still part of France, Britain, Portugal, Italy or Spain. As with all the African nations that asked for and were given independence, the people of those lands deserve self-determination.
    This notion that they must be given back to "Africa" because of where the are geographically might sound great, but you'd just be denying people their rights in a way that's just as abusive as the worst moments of 19th century imperialism.

    • @Speedy300
      @Speedy300 Год назад +4

      After they illegally brought their people to the island,now it is Italy😂😂😂 but Africans or other groups of people will do that to Europe.

    • @petejackson7976
      @petejackson7976 Год назад

      They are occupiers and they need to go back where they came from. All the Islands belong to Afrikans

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад +1

      "I know I shot your dad in the face, but it's my house now. See?" Colonialism definitely needs defending. Every defense is ridiculous, but it is entertaining to see all the gaslighting. "Colonialism is good for you".

  • @mohamed6401
    @mohamed6401 Год назад +4

    I'll tell them to remain in the EU. Us in the mainLand that Got independence are struggling with corruption & passports with no value to name but a few.

    • @puraLusa
      @puraLusa Год назад +1

      This is why when referendums are made they tend to show that the people are actually wining something from EU - subsidies and rights that increse well-being.

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      Which country do you want to invade your country? Now name one country that has been invaded and within 50 years of regaining their independence, they were not struggling to establish order and balance. Listening....
      I love how everyone that defends Colonialism, doesn't defend it when it happens to their own country.

  • @reginaldbenson777
    @reginaldbenson777 Год назад

    Fantastic those islands should be Africa hands🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @shisuiuchiha480
    @shisuiuchiha480 Год назад +5

    Relax. We will get em back as soon as we have economic(military) power.

    • @mwatuwangoma3415
      @mwatuwangoma3415 Год назад +5

      That's what i've been telling them......and even much more...

    • @mwatuwangoma3415
      @mwatuwangoma3415 Год назад +3

      @neyou That didnt block Taliban and Vietnam from winning and Apartheid from ending.

  • @SuegCatafratto
    @SuegCatafratto Год назад +2

    Lampedusa Linosa and Lampione are historically, ethnically and culturally italian, the languages spoken are italian and sicilian (two latin languages) and no one there is willing to pass under tunisian sovereignty, case closed

    • @ThomasDOsborn_1999
      @ThomasDOsborn_1999 Год назад +1

      It’s geographically part of africa and you Italians dare to be racist towards Africans in their own African land

    • @Adxa-fl9zj
      @Adxa-fl9zj 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@ThomasDOsborn_1999they are Italian lands

  • @MissingGamer
    @MissingGamer Год назад +4

    🇳🇺 Niue isn't African also interesting video idea

    • @yocoloco532
      @yocoloco532 Год назад +1

      It isn’t controlled by Europeans either

    • @MissingGamer
      @MissingGamer Год назад

      @@yocoloco532 ye

    • @djpumpinjumpin7425
      @djpumpinjumpin7425 Год назад +2

      Who know new Zealand was a European country and owns an African island because of its colonial past 😂😂😂

    • @djpumpinjumpin7425
      @djpumpinjumpin7425 Год назад +1

      @Justin Y. i know, my comment was sarcasm because he made an error.

  • @bean420man
    @bean420man Год назад +2

    The Falkland Islands are nowhere remotely close to Africa. If anything, they are closer to South America. St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Ascension Island are all hundreds of miles of the coast of Africa and in the middle of the Atlantic. It’s a very far stretch to say that Africa has any claim over these islands.
    They should either stay the way they are or let the residents decide what happens. The last thing that should happen is that they become African. Africa has its own issues to work through before they can start dealing with other things.

    • @monsterx3055
      @monsterx3055 Год назад

      Tristan da Cunha = Inbreed asthma island.

  • @christinecelestial5024
    @christinecelestial5024 Год назад

    Where are the true children going to gather

  • @Millenium77716
    @Millenium77716 Год назад

    Dont forget Bouvet Island close to south Africa which is controlled by Norway.

  • @davu5637
    @davu5637 Год назад

    The Bull Romania Pontifex (Nicolas the V) January 8, 1455 Pope Alanander VI. Decmarcarion Bull Granting,Spain Possessions of Lands Discovered by Columbus Rome, May 4, 1493 Both of these Papal Bulls (papal Bull is a type of public decree, gave permissions to all the Catholic counties in the in Europe to go our into the world with ships and gun powder and by force, to go to cultures that were considered pagan by Christian Catholic church. And so ships went out, carrying these Papal bulls that authorized them to go and discovered all this cultures in the world. that were not Christian.
    You could not discovered a Christian cultures they were already Christian. The purpose of this discovery process which is now a legal term, at least in the US is still legal terms. And as the reason that the first nation people off the Unite State are not the same status as the citizens of the Unite States, because they are not exactly people. I am sure these are new ideas for you. But the ship that went out into the world, now with the permissions of the pope's to bull papal encouragement, went out to discover. And to discover means to take whatever in the hand of the people, no matter who they were or where they live if they were not Catholic may Christian. Than you could take all their possessions, own their land steal their resources, you could pillage, even rape, take everything, and slave them, And the land that they live on is under a doctorant called terram inais these are legal terms from the Catholic church, terram inais the land of empty unless out is owned by Christian, occupied by Christian essentially by Catholics.
    The second word persona non grata (litually meaning "an unwelcome person person' ) you may think you know that one because it is someone not welcoming in your social group, in accrual fact it mean being like a person but isn't really one. We don't hear that much this day and know you know the truth, that the land that were occupied by those off not Christian is empty. And that being appears to look human but not but not Christian were under this principle persona non grata not persons.
    These people who went out into the world and robed, slaved, and desiccated the cultures of the world degraded .All the cultures they've encountered.

  • @HasanNassrallah
    @HasanNassrallah Год назад

    I am glad we are still colonialised as we are are more corrupt than any other party 🥳

  • @monsterx3055
    @monsterx3055 Год назад

    the more i learn all i have nothing but hate in my heart for Europeans

  • @gonzalesfrederic6213
    @gonzalesfrederic6213 Год назад +5

    Mayotte is integral part of France. The good people of Mayotte are French, and they are bored by the depredation committed by the Comorians

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      Keep polishing up that turd of Colonialism, thinking it will make it look prettier. I love how everyone that defends Colonialism, doesn't defend it when it happens to their own country.

  • @A.Mayflower127
    @A.Mayflower127 Год назад +4

    4:06 this reminds me of the Islas Malvinas situation between Argentina and UK
    I hate how major colonizing powers like Spain, Portugal, UK, France, (and to a lesser extent Netherlands and Denmark who have overseas territories but they’re treated as separate countries) still have colonies
    Like Islas Malvinas and the islands you mention belong to Morocco and Argentina and the colonialist countries claim to them are just an extension of their colonialism smh
    Edit: and I think the most egregious part of it is if countries like UK and France are so dead set that these colonies are a part of their country, why aren’t they treated in the same way? Like if this island is French, why isn’t it given the same opportunities as the rest of France. Smh
    11:16 I 100% agree and I also think that territories in the Americas lands should be part of countries that are in the Americas, and Oceania as well

    • @tomasfinzi
      @tomasfinzi Год назад +3

      Wouldn't be better to ask to the people of those lands in which country they wish to live in?

    • @brontewcat
      @brontewcat Год назад +5

      Do you really think these islands whose inhabitants are culturally and linguistically English speaking should belong to Argentina. Moreover they were uninhabited when discovered by Europeans and then settled by both the British and the French. The French gave their settlement to the Spanish.
      While there has been an ongoing dispute between Britain and Argentina for 200 years the Falkland Islanders regard themselves as British.

    • @ems7623
      @ems7623 Год назад +2

      So you don't care at all what the residents of those territories want. That's a very curious perspective. Very undemocratic. And it betrays the principle of self-determination that was used to achieve the indeoendence of all former European colonies around the world.
      It might bother you that there are three tony remaining fragments of European empires but the only opinion that should matter should be that of the people whose lives would be directly affected by any change in political status

    • @josemonteiro5988
      @josemonteiro5988 Год назад

      Portugal don't have... Wtf you talking about

    • @fearless6219
      @fearless6219 Год назад

      @@tomasfinzi 99.9% of the people in Gibraltar voted to remain British and only 3 people against it..

  • @cme1713
    @cme1713 Год назад

    create AFRICAN HOMESTEAD ACT. look at the USA HOMESTEAD ACT of 1862-present day. it has given EURO looking PEOPLE the advantage in USA. Why AFRICA hasn't done this for DIASPORA? Why Citizenship is hard for DIASPORA? it's not SMART to MAKE it difficult for DIASPORA with SKILLS and FINANCIAL POWER to become CITIZENS of AFRICA!

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      Yeah man. Thank you so much for this. ❤✊🏽 I'm glad you understand the power in this.

  • @angrybritches1854
    @angrybritches1854 Год назад

    I've offended so many people on RUclips regarding this topic, but it is extremely difficult not to have a hatred towards Europeans. People say, slavery was a long time ago, and I say it's still happening. When you have plenty of land and resources, but will voluntarily put your own life in danger to conquer natives lands, and resources, there is something inherently broken inside of you. How can a person not come to the conclusion that this trait is alien in form, as it has no balance or harmony with Earth.
    Please tell me how this quote from the Matrix doesn't define exactly what Europeans have been doing for thousands of years?
    "Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to another area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure."
    People say, if the Europeans hadn't come along and colonize you, you'd still be in the jungle hunting animals with spears. You're probably right, and we wouldn't be forced to drink water out of plastic, breathe in toxic air, or eat genetically modified plants and animals wrapped in plastic. I say it would look like paradise, compared to the effects of what most African people have to contend with after colonization. The same ancestral colonizers criticize the difficulties Africans currently endure 'because of' the aftermath of colonization by their forefathers. That is gaslighting at its best. Accusing those in chains for the destruction created by those enslaving, raping & murdering them.
    And like the Matrix, many colonized islands or country that are now "free" are still suffering from a colonized mind, which is displayed in corruption of leadership, Stockholm Syndrome which allows continued decimation of natural resources and wealth, internal conflict, caste systems based on skin color, and just general self-hatred and dependence taught by their captors.
    So, yes I have a hatred towards Europeans for what they did, the continued after effects, and the ongoing suppression either through neo-Colonialism & Imperialism, or through global policy, crippling African people. For the majority of most African countries they have only had their independence for 50 years or less. Think about that, and then think about the ongoing occupations of brown people by Europeans, & not just Africans.
    To my brothers and sisters out there, we both know that our healing process has already begun, & what the Most High has promised. It is simply amazing what we are about to build. I hope I see the complete unification in my lifetime. 🤎 - One Love

    • @veridicusmaximus6010
      @veridicusmaximus6010 Год назад +1

      Only if you are an idiot who generalizes about a whole group of people. It is also retarded to think that no other people have stolen lands, murdered, raped, etc. Please get real!

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      @@veridicusmaximus6010 Keep insulting. This is cognitive dissonance kicking in. Where there are people of color and whites amongst the mix, there is racism. It's not opinion. Anywhere you go there is destruction. You aren't just destructive towards indigenous people, you've done the same to the Earth, as if you were not from here or that your children will not grow up here in the future. Shocker. You're not, and they aren't. If you think Earth does not remove toxic, destructive life forms to protect herself, take a look at history.
      Your time here is limited. I enjoy the conversation. Do you even realize you are alien? When were you ever outside like every other race, beating on drums, dancing around a fire, painting on cave walls? Lol. You weren't. You're something else. Surely you must feel this inside of yourself, if your family has not told you this already.

  • @theslapchanel
    @theslapchanel Год назад +2

    Oh yeah the native madeirense africans want independence 😂

  • @bagzhansadvakassov1093
    @bagzhansadvakassov1093 Год назад +2

    I bet those islands are quite happy with European government, rather than african dictatorship.

  • @mikeilikeit9685
    @mikeilikeit9685 Год назад +5


    • @anthonymanderson7671
      @anthonymanderson7671 Год назад +4

      Being an african doesn't mean black. Don't bring americanism here just saying

    • @naes8258
      @naes8258 Год назад +2

      @@anthonymanderson7671 Arabs are not Africans, neither are the Europeans

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      @@anthonymanderson7671 It did before Europeans came to Africa, and realized African women were more beautiful than their own. 😂 Everyone loves chocolate. We know.

  • @dominicthomas6124
    @dominicthomas6124 Год назад +1

    There is no one who will escape the WRATH AND FURY of THE LORD GOD MOST HIGH.
    May the LORD GOD MOST HIGH be with the entire ALKEBULAN, and make these colonial idiots tremble in fear and run away.

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад +1

      The promise will be kept brother. 🙏🏽

    • @dominicthomas6124
      @dominicthomas6124 Год назад +1

      @@angrybritches1854 Glory be unto ELELOHEYISRA'EL YAHSHUAH HA'MOSHIACH.
      Amen. Yes indeed. Everyone will be held accountable.

  • @ErnaSolbergXXX
    @ErnaSolbergXXX Год назад

    Its sad, but remember europe is also under foreign possesion. Most people in europe are slaves at some some level. I have to pay around 80% tax of my salary, if i calculate everything im forced to pay to the government (salary tax, realestate, road, car and much more)

    • @ems7623
      @ems7623 Год назад +3

      This is nonsense

  • @diogocarvalho2934
    @diogocarvalho2934 Год назад +6

    This video is so bad in so many ways...

    • @beatricebukaba6514
      @beatricebukaba6514 Год назад +2

      State how bad it is, stop your negativity, where is you video we watch it

    • @angrybritches1854
      @angrybritches1854 Год назад

      @@beatricebukaba6514 🤣Exactly!