Malaysia's Mahathir Warns Chinese Investors

  • Опубликовано: 7 апр 2018
  • Apr.08 -- Chinese investors in Malaysia will face tougher scrutiny if former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad wins back power in the upcoming election. Mahathir spoke exclusively with Bloomberg's Haslinda Amin about what his rival Najib Razak has been doing wrong when it comes to China.

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @tcs97htc
    @tcs97htc 6 лет назад +495

    Hi Blomberg, we Malaysian welcome Foreign Direct Investment NOT Foreign Direct Invasion.

    • @herokiryu2652
      @herokiryu2652 6 лет назад +20

      This is propaganda, Dr M is playing deflecting, he knows that the DAP network right to China and Chinese across the world, and they expect him to die soon, so Lim Kit Siang can take over. This guy is a tongue twisting liar, hates Anwar and now joins Anwar, just shows these type of politician have no integrity, play the public with emotions rather than facts.. making up story of Chinese taking over Malaysia, when he himself is selling out to the chinese here... these DAP are all Singaporean agents.

    • @henrietta9206
      @henrietta9206 6 лет назад +43

      Marcus Tan agree. China is secretly n slowly invading using money....we locals shld be AWARE of ploys n WAKE UP! China stay in China! Stop letting them invade!
      Invest - welcome!
      Invade - no!

    • @Lance7282
      @Lance7282 6 лет назад

      Omg totally agree hahaha

    • @jimmychoo6341
      @jimmychoo6341 6 лет назад +5

      May Invasions using money. Welcome and why not. Food on the table with plenty of cash in my pocket. Hurray!!

    • @cyber1991
      @cyber1991 6 лет назад +9

      Don't talk nonsense like Mahathir. He's anti-Chinese. You should have more brains than him. If Mahathir was PM when your ancestors from China came to Msia, you would be the first to be kicked out. Do you think you would be given citizenship in Msia?

  • @thegreenperson9144
    @thegreenperson9144 6 лет назад +22

    By the way hes talking we should know that hes always loves and putting his country the nation above everything!!hes the best prime minister a country could have!

  • @kbt3081
    @kbt3081 6 лет назад +262

    A Leader with backbones 🇲🇾 #Malaysia Boleh! Respect, Dr.Mahathir.

    • @directorlunchie2322
      @directorlunchie2322 6 лет назад +5

      warning chinese investors shows that in his leadership, chinese are still second class citizens! malaysian chinese are not protected so the china's chinese rich are not gonna see their investment's return! malaysian government is mobster!

    • @calvinwang9729
      @calvinwang9729 6 лет назад +5

      Koh Bee Teng you must be a nut. This matihead is a hard cored racist. Anti Chinese. You are Abdullah Koh?

    • @calvinwang9729
      @calvinwang9729 6 лет назад +1

      Director Lunchie you are lucky if you are second, the Malaikia racist will treat you like an animal.

    • @loveme-zv2hi
      @loveme-zv2hi 6 лет назад

      Backbone to play up Anwar

    • @readingRoom100
      @readingRoom100 6 лет назад +1

      lol malaysia, a country that is now in the pocket of the CIA, giving scripts, I mean speeches, handed to it by the same

  • @gilabola4642
    @gilabola4642 6 лет назад +54

    same in indonesia, china invest billions for projects, but all workers brought in from china & in the end those housing are sold to foreigners. Its not a win win situation, china takes all

    • @aurakh2444
      @aurakh2444 5 лет назад +1

      Started when Ahok doubled the tax. Now we can't even pay land tax and we have to sell our land cheap to Chinese investors.

    • @freddie792
      @freddie792 4 года назад +1

      Indonesian already has huge labour population, it’s really ridiculous to bring their own workers

  • @arafat464
    @arafat464 6 лет назад +596

    Really doesn't look like he's 92, does it? He looks more like he's ~60.

    • @nordinabdulghani5432
      @nordinabdulghani5432 6 лет назад +41

      Ho look like younger than Najib in term of shrewdness and planning ahead for Malaysia

    • @GlobalPenguin2012
      @GlobalPenguin2012 6 лет назад +10

      mutaween464 do you know how much stem cell operations and $$$ Dr M has done to do achieve this? Guess where he got all these money to do this? Lol

    • @asiapiranha8976
      @asiapiranha8976 6 лет назад +1

      Planning ahead to re-snatch the throne? Do you mean all of these are "planned ahead" by Tun Kutty? Do you mean all these are only sandiwara like what the moron pakatun MP Tony Pua Chu Kang said? If yes, you must be something wrong to support Tun Kutty; if not, THEN YOU ARE THE FAKE NEWS SPREADER!

    • @NangongReng1973
      @NangongReng1973 6 лет назад +12

      He looks more like in 70's. He must have the " youth" genes.

    • @dimprabowo
      @dimprabowo 6 лет назад +22

      and he still has a sharp mind

  • @lewdongan2698
    @lewdongan2698 6 лет назад +186

    Smart man, his spirit still clear and conscious even this age, long live Mahathir!

    • @moonstruck0125
      @moonstruck0125 6 лет назад

      Musnahkan ɐᴉsʎɐlɐW AMEN!!! Stupid Indonesian!

    • @calvinwang9729
      @calvinwang9729 6 лет назад

      Lew Dong An long live Abdullah Lew Dong An

    • @calvinwang9729
      @calvinwang9729 6 лет назад

      LOKE HENG Try to distinguish yourself from Chinese ? No way unless you call yourself Abdullah Like Heng.

    • @sanyokasamuri8946
      @sanyokasamuri8946 6 лет назад

      We are malaysian chinese not china chinese, so is our responsible to defend our beloved Malaysia from invasion

    • @Phantom-fo5zn
      @Phantom-fo5zn 6 лет назад

      Its just like Northeast Indians right. They don't look Indian, don't believe in Hinduism but are still Indians.

  • @muhdfaizul1116
    @muhdfaizul1116 6 лет назад +145

    1. Dia lah yang menggerakkan negara Islam yang lain untuk membantu Bosnia Herzegovina ketika umat Islam disana disembelih oleh pengganas Serbia.
    2. Dia juga lah yang menghantar ratusan komando Malaysia yang dibawa masuk secara sulit ke Bosnia untuk membantu saudara seIslam kita ketika era pencerobohan dan pembunuhan beramai-ramai umat Islam di Bosnia ketika itu. “Kalau negara Arab ini tidak datang membantu, kita hantar sahaja askar kita,” kata kata siapakah ini?
    3) Dia juga lah berpakat dengan kerajaan Sultan Brunei menyediakan jumlah dana yang berjuta dollar untuk membeli senjata dan peluru anti kereta kebal untuk tentera Islam di Bosnia.
    4) Dia lah yang pernah menangis ketika melawat Bunker yang menjadi pejabat Yasser Arafat di Palestin.
    5) Dia juga lah pemimpin Islam yg Yasser Arafat hubungi meminta bantuan dan pertolongan ketika diserang oleh rejim zionis.
    6) Dia juga lah yang mempertaruhkan nyawa isterinya, menaiki pesawat ke Baghdad membawa bantuan kemanusiaan kepada umat Islam demi untuk melepaskan sekatan Amerika Syarikat.
    7) Dia lah yang digelar MahaFiraun dan dia jugalah yang lantang mengutuk kekejaman Yakjuj Makjuj / Zionis ke atas umat Islam serta mempertahankan Islam dimata dunia.
    8) Dia lah yang berusaha keras, tak hanya duduk berdoa tanpa berbuat apa2.
    9) Dia lah yang ketika saudara Islam yang berlainan parti mendoakan kecelakaan untuknya. Tapi dia diizin oleh Allah SWT masuk ke dalam KAABAH.
    10) Dia jugalah pernah ditembak dibahu dan mengorbankan jawatan tertinggi yang beliau ada bagi menyelamatkan umat Islam di Bosnia.
    Malah beliau kini dianggap sebagai seorang pemimpin dunia yang berjaya meskipun memimpin sebuah negara yang kecil. Beliau bukan hanya berjaya Memerdekakan negaranya dari semua segi, tetapi berusaha memerdekakan negara-negara lain dari belenggu falsafah pembangunan yang dijana dari barat yang jelas muflis idealistiknya..
    "Dari segi apa kamu menghukum dia tidak memperjuangkan Islam ? Dari segi apa ? Dia pernah DITEMBAK di bahu kanan beliau ketika beliau ingin menyelamatkan umat Islam di Bosnia suatu ketika dahulu. Tapi beliau tak nak bagitahu sesiapa pun.
    Malah, sebelum itu, Beberapa ahli kabinet telah "offer" untuk pergi menemani beliau tapi beliau enggan.... Beliau kata "tak pa lah, kalau hangpa mati sapa nak jaga negara, biar saya pi sorang ja"
    Kisah ini diceritakan sendiri tentera yang menjaga beliau ketika misi itu. Kuatnya hati beliau. Cekalnya hati beliau. Besarnya hati beliau
    Siapa dia? Ya.. dialah..
    Bercerita seseorang yg pernah menjadi pengawal peribadi beliau kepada saya.
    16hb Feb 2017
    Selepas Subuh

    • @b.dalius5136
      @b.dalius5136 6 лет назад +14

      Muhd Faizul Bro I love you! You speak the truth of Mahathir. Allah bless you brother

    • @ahmadnizamabdulkarim829
      @ahmadnizamabdulkarim829 6 лет назад +5

      Yaa.. btol..dia jugalah yg menyebabkan matawang malaysia jatuh utk pertama kali dgn skandal bmf..dia jugalah yg membunuh melayu dlm kes memali n lubuk merbau..dia jugalah yg menyebabkan parti keadilan ditubuhkan ..dia jugalah yg menjadi mentor kepada najib sekarang..dia jugalah yg memecah belahkan melayu dlm kes umno baru n lama n semangat 46 setelah beliau mengambil perintah mahkamah utk mengharapkan umno sewaktu beliau memerintah dulu..beliau adalah pencetus kepada apa yg berlaku sekarang kerana ini semua adalah hasil daripada legasi yg ditinggalkan dulu...najib n mahathir tkde bezanya kedua2 pemimpin sarat dgn kontroversi n rasuah menjadi amalan biasa semasa pemerintahannya...satu2nya parti yg tidak pernah dikotorkan dgn tuduhan rasuah adalah PAS dan ini diakui oleh pemimpin umno sendiri..buka mata hati anda seluas luasnya sebelum memilih pemimpin..melayu tidak akan maju n mulia melainkan dgn islam..

    • @ahmadnizamabdulkarim829
      @ahmadnizamabdulkarim829 6 лет назад

      Mengharamkan bkan mengharapkan..

    • @SayMyName504
      @SayMyName504 6 лет назад +2

      Ahmad Nizam Abdul Karim PAS??? Hmmmm aku nk Tanya kenapa kebanyakkan Ahli muda PAS cakap macam babi??? Kenapa depa ingin tidak mengikuti semua ajaran Islam? Nabi Muhammad S.A.W memberi kita 3 undang pilihan
      1) undang berasaskan Hudud
      2)undang yang dicipta oleh Pemerintah
      3) undang yang dipilih Oleh majority rakyat
      Islam mengajar kita untuk tidak menghina pemerintah kita..
      GST amat penting kepada sesebuah negara untuk menaikkan mata Wang kita.. America mempunyai 12% GST Jepun 8% Dan China 10%...GST juga diggunakan untuk brim yang diberikan untuk org miskin..
      Pemberian Wang kepada org miskin ialah kewajiban seorang pemimpin...
      Seumur hidup aku tinggal kat kampung x pernah sekalipun org PAS,DAP Dan PKR tolong.. Depa cuma Tanya kabar kami sekeluarga je tapi tengok BN..Beras,kicap,tepung,susu,pakaian depa bagi...
      Walaupun aku ni kecik lagi tapi aku tau mana bodo mana x bodo...Aku kenal sangat ngan org PAS...
      Sepupu aku PAS Dan Org yang duduk sebelah aku di Politeknik Gila PAS sampai panggil Najib n Mahathir anak Babi..
      Gile X Gile semua parti sama je

    • @cikicat2922
      @cikicat2922 6 лет назад +3

      Dia juga pembunuh pemimpin2 Sabah zaman 80an

  • @pradeepbalakrishnan3128
    @pradeepbalakrishnan3128 6 лет назад +333

    This is a PM. He talks like one. Everything he says makes sense. Right on the dot. God, I love him.

    • @kerrchingleong5818
      @kerrchingleong5818 6 лет назад +5

      Pradeep Balakrishnan u know mahathir call indian ppl keling. U still want to vote a pathetic racist?

    • @amirshafiq5299
      @amirshafiq5299 6 лет назад +21

      Kerr Ching Leong so u think because of the word 'keling' indian people will not voting for PH ? Tun M pardon for his statement.. Dont because of the word keling make malaysia ruled by cleptocrate najib kay ? Dont choose BN anymore for making our countrt suck

    • @pradeepbalakrishnan3128
      @pradeepbalakrishnan3128 6 лет назад +46

      So shall I brand all Chinese for using words like "kling kai", "Kling Chai", Kling mui racist? Hate all indian for calling Malays " Valiangkanthi" and the chinese "china pandi"? Shall all Malays hate Chinese for calling them "melayu bodoh"? If calling each other names is racism, then aren't we all racist? You are talking about prejudism and not racism. " I call my indian fren Keling and he does not mind". If you think someone who makes a statement like that is a racist, then you are not qualified to vote and not qualified to be a Malaysian at all.

    • @beruangpanda3027
      @beruangpanda3027 6 лет назад +5

      What Mahathir did to indian community during the years when he had absolute power?compare to Najib?or maybe u still wants to vote because he is half indian?

    • @pradeepbalakrishnan3128
      @pradeepbalakrishnan3128 6 лет назад +27

      many have priorities confused in this election. It's not what Mahathir did or did not do. This is about stealing. This is about the our MO1 landing in WSJ and other world medias and facing a money laundering charge. This is about bring back faith in our juridical system. It's about standing up to the truth and what's right. I can't fill my pockets and support corruption just because I gained something from it. Mahathir may not be the right choice but he is the best choice at the moment. Apart from having our 1st female Deputy (Wan Azizah is a wonderful, hardworking, honest woman) I am more excited by the possibility of Datuk Anwar Ibrahim becoming the PM, he is the most experienced politician out there today after Mahathir and I also can't wait to see how our line of new politicians like Nurul, Syed, Rafizi, Kit Siang, the very honest Muhyiddin, Gobind, and many more become MP's and run the economics and socials issues of our country. Nothing like a fresh breath of new air. Much better than Mahathir being half Indian.

  • @mohdzul6221
    @mohdzul6221 6 лет назад +263

    If Malaysian still wants najib ,i dont know what to said

    • @aimansebir6173
      @aimansebir6173 6 лет назад +7

      Nope, if that really happen, SPR had been compromised

    • @razaliawang6869
      @razaliawang6869 6 лет назад +2

      MOHD ZUL lim kit siang next malaysia PM.

    • @malaysianmalaysia6374
      @malaysianmalaysia6374 6 лет назад +21

      Razali Awang As Chinese I do not believe Lim Kit Siang shud be PM, I prefer Mahathir.

    • @malaysianmalaysia6374
      @malaysianmalaysia6374 6 лет назад +11

      Hidup Mahathir

    • @enamkay
      @enamkay 6 лет назад +2

      22 years kena maki now semua tukar pendirian..why? So I bet if tun leave pakatan 2morow korang will change ur mind once again... fool's

  • @samwoon1947
    @samwoon1947 6 лет назад +31

    Yes correct. No country wants huge foreigners coming in... Singapore govt please wake up! We want talent not ordinary Chinese...

    • @miyavizim
      @miyavizim 6 лет назад +3

      Way to simply the issue, the situation as described by Dr. M isn't happening to Singapore.

    • @Ugg_Son_Of_Thogg
      @Ugg_Son_Of_Thogg 5 лет назад

      Now I finally know why I hate Singapore all along it is because of China thank you my friend.

    • @hiroshiyamashita2090
      @hiroshiyamashita2090 4 года назад

      @@Ugg_Son_Of_Thogg Continue to hate for all I care, God bless Singapore

  • @bradermozz6667
    @bradermozz6667 6 лет назад +193

    This is it...we need a firm and visionary and defensive PM on our own land..not like MO1 ..

    • @32beckam
      @32beckam 6 лет назад +1

      Mohd Mostain well. Looks like he is the only option we have now.

    • @isay6757
      @isay6757 6 лет назад

      @Andrew Lim. Najis is blacker by far

    • @wilfredtankhoonpheow2605
      @wilfredtankhoonpheow2605 6 лет назад

      Mohd Mostain this kind of mentality won't go far, want to follow what the US are imposing?

    • @GoodSamaritan1972
      @GoodSamaritan1972 6 лет назад

      Mohd Mostain ..well said

    • @711TheOwl
      @711TheOwl 6 лет назад

      Mohd Mostain, Defensive? Do you mean PROTECTIVE? Indeed,he should protect our country and us,malaysians.

  • @anikakari5795
    @anikakari5795 6 лет назад +14

    Mahathir speaks direct from his heart and he can feel the sufferings of Malaysian people. Thank you. May Allah (swt) bless Malaysia, You and families and all Malaysian. Ameen...

    • @user-hn7zs9yr4e
      @user-hn7zs9yr4e 7 месяцев назад +4

      May alla stop hating non muslims first 😂😂😂😂

  • @lahpiye5229
    @lahpiye5229 6 лет назад +3

    We are facing the same situation here in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta now...

  • @shuilong52
    @shuilong52 6 лет назад +6

    during his tenure as PM, Chinese and Indian citizens are Pendatang and are sideline for university education and job promotion.

  • @hastinmy
    @hastinmy 4 года назад +1

    How do I invest in e gold?
    It can be bought as e-gold units in the demat form through the National Spot Exchange ( NSEL) platform, with each e-gold unit corresponding to 1 gram. Investors have the option to invest and trade in gold without taking delivery of physical gold, saving them the holding and storage cost

  • @fdja001
    @fdja001 6 лет назад +2

    the exact same thing also happens in New Zealand where Auckland house property is soaring like crazy. $1 million property in average for 3/ 4 bedroom house.

  • @chepa7465
    @chepa7465 6 лет назад +126

    Malaysia will be prosperous country again under his leadership...

    • @smoothbobby6230
      @smoothbobby6230 6 лет назад +6

      After him for 22years and still a Third World Country.

    • @starxhilmie
      @starxhilmie 6 лет назад

      Will you work at assembly line as labor ?

    • @Rotationbug
      @Rotationbug 6 лет назад

      Farhan Nafiz thanks

    • @loveme-zv2hi
      @loveme-zv2hi 6 лет назад

      Future PM Malaysia will be a Chinese.

    • @chepa7465
      @chepa7465 6 лет назад

      loveme小幸运 no way

  • @DrGru
    @DrGru 6 лет назад +8

    Yup,true... Good job malaysia and hopefully the new PM do a great job, from ur big bro (Indonesia).

  • @irishque
    @irishque 6 лет назад +1

    where can i get the full interview??

  • @emeryzalkhalid2907
    @emeryzalkhalid2907 6 лет назад +170

    Even our local Chinese don't like the mainland Chinese yet they keep coming to our country

    • @henrietta9206
      @henrietta9206 6 лет назад +2

      emeryzal khalid did they threatened with nuclear come Immigration ALL OVER keep on letting China in?????
      Im really CONFUSED!
      What happened to Border Control!!!??? Isnt Investment/Economy Control same like Border Control?????

    • @emeryzalkhalid2907
      @emeryzalkhalid2907 6 лет назад +7

      May with all due respect I'm really sorry but could u pls rephrase or explain back what r u trying to say? Am not sure whether u r on my side or not about this particular issue but u really made my day by this response anyways :)

    • @jarenong
      @jarenong 6 лет назад +20

      Local Chinese don't even like Malays. Malaysia is so divided it is hilarious. All thanks to this old man with his genius idea of dividing the race with bumi. Who ever thought Apartheid was a good idea? LOL NO ONE. Bumi is a joke, just like apartheid it will collapse one day. But too bad the damage is already done. Whites and blacks in SA will forever hate each other, just like Chinese Indians and Malays will forever hate each other in Malaysia. ENJOY!!!!

    • @emeryzalkhalid2907
      @emeryzalkhalid2907 6 лет назад +20

      From where I came from Malay, Chinese n Indian can seat together n discuss about anything..we even make jokes about each other sometimes, really..and bumi privileges is nothing unusual since the origin of this country r Malay n this also applied to other countries such as South Africa, new Zealand to name a few..n if u read the history, our national delegations to London that were discussing about independence were the one who agreed about the bumi privileges..they were Tunku Abdul Rahman, Ong Yoke Lim, Tun V.T Sambanthan n others

    • @emeryzalkhalid2907
      @emeryzalkhalid2907 6 лет назад +7

      Still waiting the feedback from both of u guys..but before giving any feedback try to listen properly first what is Tun M trying to say..don't get out of context yea :)

  • @TheSalam63
    @TheSalam63 6 лет назад +5

    The bravely Tun Mahathir , Verily he never scared anyone.Malaysia prosperity will emerge under the second round of his leadership

  • @marlinabasir
    @marlinabasir 6 лет назад +3

    Exactly what's happening in singapore!

  • @dspirit2
    @dspirit2 6 лет назад +4

    Ok that means it is risky to invest in Malaysia as a foreigner

  • @CZY108
    @CZY108 6 лет назад +5

    While I look forward to Chinese collaboration as a Malaysian Chinese myself, I do not agree with unregulated investment.
    Enforce stricter restrictions so that they are collaborating with Malaysia, not exploiting Malaysia.

    • @lohboonpin406
      @lohboonpin406 3 года назад

      Malaysia Chinese should plan for themselves, malaysia is not a good country

  • @mudatuananggung
    @mudatuananggung 6 лет назад +4

    Well said Sir MM, hope your honesty give vibrant to the heart of Malaysia citizen and citizen of neighbours countries

  • @thehulk1839
    @thehulk1839 6 лет назад +16

    A former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir is the righteous person to lead the country being serve the Government for over 22 years and believe that the people's desire to put him back in Government will be a perfect choice to rebuild the country back by the inspiration of the people to have a clean government administration.Due to the fact that there has been a large scandal cover-up for the last decade.

  • @metronight8332
    @metronight8332 6 лет назад +1

    thank you so much Tun. god bless you.

  • @beranihati2008
    @beranihati2008 6 лет назад +21

    The Chinese has money, but it doesn't mean they can buy everything. Malaysians are not going to sell land or give public projects out where they have no share to participate in building, use or live in it. The crux of having FDI is to have mutual benefit, not a lob sided one which does not align to the aspiration of the host country.

    • @aave865
      @aave865 6 лет назад +3

      beranihati2008 We are your neighbor and we hope your government is strong enough to resist China's invasion. They are quietly using the Chinese educated Malaysian to poison your political system. We already felt that.

    • @henrietta9206
      @henrietta9206 6 лет назад

      beranihati2008 im v confused how come they seem to "have money"
      Even in 2000s China like third world...
      Why suddenly like they swell?
      Why is everyone making them proud, give them opportunities!
      They are greedy, aggressive, selfish - why empower these people????

    • @danielyou6777
      @danielyou6777 6 лет назад +1

      +Me Win keep to your own country 's problem don't be a busybody like America

    • @danielyou6777
      @danielyou6777 6 лет назад +1

      +May old days under Mao China was closed to foreign investors and people were very very poor so they had to be greedy to survive now their country is open to foreign investors and because China is a huge country with huge population so labor is cheap then they learn from this and develope their country

    • @furrycheetah2000
      @furrycheetah2000 6 лет назад

      They don't have too buy everything,they buy what they need only.

  • @syedazharsyedibrahim1763
    @syedazharsyedibrahim1763 6 лет назад +4

    I worry for Malaysia's future. My fear is that in 20-30 years time when the economic engine of DEB has declined considerably, and Malaysia has no other source of income then only would the people say " I wish we had done the ECRL, we would have gained considerable wealth,job opportunity and development if the project was done. Malaysia would be the trading corridor between china with its massive population+ massive production and the rest of the world. If only Malaysia benefited 1% of the traded value, Malaysia would be rich beyond their dreams"
    But by that time it will be 20 years too late. The brilliant planning of Najib and his enormous effort to bring this about for the Malaysian people were savagely sabotaged. The people he worked for, the Malaysian public obviously did not accept his push for this development because instead of trying to understand what he is doing, they are more interested in hearing slanderous political talk on him and his family.
    Even now we can see the engine of our manufacturing, palm oil and natural oil&gas giving the signs of decline and fluttering. Mahathir who has ruled Malaysia for 22 years were very,very fortunate because he was riding on a giant strong wave of DEB which was made by his predecessor Tun Razak ( but the Malaysian public believes Malaysia's economical success was his doing). But now if Mahathir is still stubborn to maintain Malaysia's economy on the old and tired DEB, All future generation Malaysian will pay the price.
    All our children will suffer. At that time we will call it not the curse of Mahsuri but the curse of Najib. And we all rightly deserve it.

  • @fireflyvilla8054
    @fireflyvilla8054 6 лет назад +29

    Banyak Negara mengalu-alukan pelaburan luar Negara namun menetapkan syarat seperti mesti ada rakan kongsi tempatan, pekerja tempatan dipelbagai peringkat/jawatan, CEO tempatan setelah beberapa lama, nama syarikat tempatan dan sebagainya. Menjual Tanah/harta tanah kepada warga asing lebih lebih lagi yang strategic adalah sesuatu yang menakutkan. Ya lah mereka ni banyak duit. Seberapa mahal pun bolih beli. Lama lama anak tempatan tenggelam tah kat mana. Perkara ini perlu diulang kaji apabila Pakatan Harapan memerintah nanti.

  • @noosarabbit6311
    @noosarabbit6311 6 лет назад +2

    Spot on Dr. M!!!! This is the great mystery of Malaysian property development and the absurd prices being asked. Totally unsustainable! How can a population with an average annual income of $9,000 afford properties priced at over $300,000?

  • @sentival
    @sentival 6 лет назад

    where is the full interview?

  • @sparksman589
    @sparksman589 6 лет назад +3


  • @1derlust_mama
    @1derlust_mama 6 лет назад +8

    Foreigners investment causing a lot of issues in other countries too, causing the local people in the country could not afford to purchase the equity with high cost. Look at Vancouver and Ontario in Canada. The properties cost is high rocket. Canadian middle class are suffering for paying rentals and high cost residential. Half of the local can't even afford to pay, and a lot of people has no jobs. Only the rich foreign investors can afford to live in the high cost properties.
    Tun Mahathir is very intelligent ! He protected our country from getting influences by others. Malaysia has to take care and protect our home first. That way, we have a solid and strong base to be equally successful in the future.

    • @dereklkzlee4120
      @dereklkzlee4120 6 лет назад

      Elaine T closed all your borders to become a communist country. Or every nations are welcome to invest, following only the rules and regulations of the c'try.

    • @dereklkzlee4120
      @dereklkzlee4120 6 лет назад

      SANJAY RAMASAMY we welcomed the wealthy who can purchased our luxury flats. Singaporeans are very comfortable not envying or jealousy this is the vibrant of Singapore.

  • @hanzohattori2256
    @hanzohattori2256 6 лет назад

    Full version please

  • @worilek8083
    @worilek8083 5 лет назад

    Because the money didn't go to his pocket so new contract must re sign with him so that he can have new investment beside petron and st.miguel .

  • @az-fy3mp
    @az-fy3mp 6 лет назад +16

    Well TMJ like all those Chinese investment coz his Johor states are getting richer, though his people, the citizens didn't get employed. Foreigners are working and building those Johor new cities.

    • @sanyokasamuri8946
      @sanyokasamuri8946 6 лет назад

      az96001 to build a city with no people that can stay within? China ald have alot of ghost town, we don't need another ghost town here

    • @sanyokasamuri8946
      @sanyokasamuri8946 6 лет назад +1

      Arminius I agree on a word everyone have to strive for success but only for our country citizens, not those outsiders.
      The funny part of chinese in malaysia is that they still think siding with china will be beneficial to them but they forget to see how china treat taiwan, hk and singapore, forgot to see how they really treat the foreign chinese.

    • @roguerangerroger
      @roguerangerroger 6 лет назад

      Arminius you're right. Race shouldn't be the factor. What you can contribute is what people are looking for. There's a meme to this that says something like "minorities and special people are useless unless exploited".
      Remember, i said "something like" not "exactly".
      But that's what school taught us all about, being someone useful. The chinese who came to tanah melayu were poor. What else could driven them to work harder. Who would wanted to live in poverty his or her entire life. Also seeing this, local leaders hired them to run most jobs during tanah melayu, and might i add the indians as well.

    • @canismajoris6222
      @canismajoris6222 6 лет назад +1

      sanyo kasamuri Agreed, some malay still attach themselves to Indonesia.

    • @Saidiarco
      @Saidiarco 6 лет назад

      az96001 tmj rasa dah bagus.

  • @DarmintoJiang
    @DarmintoJiang 6 лет назад +3

    It should be the private sectors who invest in properties all over the world, and so is in Malaysia. It requires Mr. Mahatir to tell the whole truth not the half truth.

  • @suriyarobbie9129
    @suriyarobbie9129 6 лет назад +1

    We are so very happy and grateful for your comeback Sir

  • @alexpoon9048
    @alexpoon9048 6 лет назад +2

    Mahathir prefer manufacturing type of investment like Japanese, not property investment where price is jacked up beyond the reach of malaysian

  • @jjj7120
    @jjj7120 6 лет назад +14

    DR Mahathir, you said you wanted to fight for benefit for MALAYSIAN, do you mean BUMIPUTRA ONLY !! many non-muslim born in Malaysia are treated like 2nd citizens, we are MALAYSIAN, but we have not been treated as Malaysian citizen, your politic policy has divided the nation, your discrimination against non muslim and non bumiputera, and you created "Bumiputera's privilege that affected millions Malaysian in many ways and caused Malaysia a divided nation.

    • @judymckee5992
      @judymckee5992 6 лет назад +1

      You are right JJJ. Most younger generation is listening to these not reading about the past.

    • @azamanzaino1927
      @azamanzaino1927 6 лет назад +2

      Hello, bro you seem"s not really knowing about malaysian or you pretend to be stupid idiot no body is second class people it only your fell that, and furthermore if you think you treated as said you leave Malaysia and find other country that can treat you First Class citizens.

  • @hafizjumat
    @hafizjumat 6 лет назад +3

    look how our beloved Tun M speaking..genius!Long Live Tun M!

  • @kenny6921
    @kenny6921 6 лет назад

    yup makes sense

  • @sitirahmah3742
    @sitirahmah3742 6 лет назад


  • @ruhiandart7944
    @ruhiandart7944 6 лет назад +3

    being a prime minister is not about making money for yourself. but it is for rakyat and malaysia. from what Tun M said in this video,it means that the former PM didnt even think about rakyat at the first place. it makes me feel so sad and angry. praise to Allah, Allah heard us. i just feel so relieved and grateful the moment we have our hero back ! may Allah bless you Tun M 😊

  • @arthurwong6375
    @arthurwong6375 6 лет назад +9

    I totally agree and support the PM that all investments into Malaysia must be beneficial to Malaysia and its residents

    • @soupshi326
      @soupshi326 6 лет назад

      arthur wong ..u have good heart

  • @GoodSamaritan1972
    @GoodSamaritan1972 6 лет назад +2

    I love you should have never stepped down...but its all for good in the long not only brought this country up from nothing...but now you are uniting its people...may Allah give you and your loved ones a long and healthy life dear sweet Tun.

  • @ThePhyze
    @ThePhyze 6 лет назад +2

    What Tun Dr Mahathir said here, all are facts. We Malaysian who are able to think logically, agreed with him.

  • @LTG1985
    @LTG1985 6 лет назад +3

    this is what is happening in spore

  • @TheChaChaMarba
    @TheChaChaMarba 6 лет назад +51

    Totally agreed..brilliant comment from a true PM..

  • @kingofthedong3908
    @kingofthedong3908 6 лет назад +2

    give this man the Water of Youth and let him be young again so Malaysia would be great 100 years more 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾

  • @weeshiangyaw6493
    @weeshiangyaw6493 6 лет назад

    Nol, power stations, communication....

  • @ParachuteManiac
    @ParachuteManiac 6 лет назад +35

    Yea. I still remember 2 years ago, i went to Sabah to work for few weeks, went into rural area in beaufort And saw one group of chinese mainland and one local chinese driver. When i ask the villagers, they were force to sell their land to the chinese mainland. But they refuse.

    • @ashley-yz5cf
      @ashley-yz5cf 6 лет назад +4

      I live here kota kinabalu not far from Beaufort 1 - 2 hour drive depends on traffic your right mainland China are trying there best to buy up every cl tittle or convert nt title to there will maybe in 50 - 100 years it's no longer sabah but a China state

    • @bossliken9354
      @bossliken9354 6 лет назад +1

      can the Chinese bring the land back?? what logic are these brains???

    • @ParachuteManiac
      @ParachuteManiac 6 лет назад +3

      boss Liken no, but they will fill the area and bring their manpower to occupy the local work. It already happen in some places. If u go to sandakan, u will find there are a number of chinese, who does not speak malay, english or local dialect(bajau). Oh and fyi, chinese who r born in sabah sarawak are consider as bumiputra. There are also some cases in sapulut to be exact, the whole village was sold to a chinese. But i didnt get a full information from the local because i was working at that time, but i doubt its the mainland people. Sapulut is one of the heaven for illegal loggers.

    • @bossliken9354
      @bossliken9354 6 лет назад +3

      come on, if the work for local will take years to get done, for them to manage their worker is 5X faster, who want lazy people i.e local workers???

    • @ashley-yz5cf
      @ashley-yz5cf 6 лет назад +3

      boss Liken just saying then you don't like local people because they are lazy true but are you local.

  • @de0509
    @de0509 6 лет назад +3

    I can see his point. The big issue here is sustainability. Selling land to China for a short term gain helps the people with very little. The people needs experience. That is how we stop being a resource based economy so susceptible to market crashes. Look at venezuela. It is our right to want to have a different fate than them

  • @kohnkohn5735
    @kohnkohn5735 6 лет назад +2


  • @maxmoen9480
    @maxmoen9480 6 лет назад +1

    Now it's happening in Indonesia

  • @gordonsek
    @gordonsek 6 лет назад +3

    We welcome Chinese investments? Are we not Malaysians?

  • @getreal929
    @getreal929 6 лет назад +3

    Dr. M is a Legend. He is very mentally alert, speaks very clearly and doesn't look his age 👍

    • @danielyee9159
      @danielyee9159 Год назад


  • @shahmania01
    @shahmania01 6 лет назад

    Don't know if Singapore is hearing this.

  • @drcheungcheongchong1444
    @drcheungcheongchong1444 6 лет назад +1


  • @chandravythilingam3647
    @chandravythilingam3647 6 лет назад +3

    We have attracted low skill foreigners in this country for year banglas, indons rohinyas and the list goes on and this man was not concerned for it benefited his economic policy by keeping wages low which in return kept Malaysian from getting higher wages if people think this guy will take Malaysia to the next level by looking at just micro policies we Malaysian deserve what we get

  • @duor277
    @duor277 6 лет назад +15

    Najib suruh orang Malaysia kena bayar cukai tetapi orang cina China di Malaysia tidak dikenakan kena cukai. Najib ini Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke atau Perdana Menteri China ?

    • @MrBeary-cn3br
      @MrBeary-cn3br 5 лет назад

      Lol faham ke tidak dia cakap apa tu? Cuba re-watch. Aku pon x suka dia sangat tapi jangan la tuduh pelik2. Niat x menghalalkan cara bro.

  • @semarmanganov4767
    @semarmanganov4767 6 лет назад +2

    If you don’t want foreign investment just reject it so it is settled. But if you select a certain country only means there is some prejudice against some countries.

  • @rickchung9348
    @rickchung9348 6 лет назад

    Theory only,time will tell...just smart alec.

  • @ardiorbeck9242
    @ardiorbeck9242 6 лет назад +4

    We need this pm.. nothing else

  • @marthasuper1801
    @marthasuper1801 6 лет назад +59

    Mainland Chinese beda dengan local chinese. Bahkan local chinese tidak suka dgn Mainland chinese. kami beda budaya. hanya sama ras

    • @hussainibrahim6443
      @hussainibrahim6443 6 лет назад +2

      Faham dengan kamu maksudkan

    • @711TheOwl
      @711TheOwl 6 лет назад +7

      Martha Super, Malaysia must NOT allow mainland chinese to take over our territories. If we do it's not only the malay/indian/other ethnicity malaysians who will have no place to stand in their own country. So will the chinese malaysians. The mainland chinese are a very dangerous people and as a chinese malaysian I bantah keras2 the nonsense that najis did simply bcs the china gov lent him money to save his azz.

    • @gp2779
      @gp2779 6 лет назад +7

      Saya bangsa Malaysia, etnik Cina tapi tak suka org China. Ada bezanya kita ngan mereka.

    • @firstlast1924
      @firstlast1924 6 лет назад +2

      if u are chinese u have to back to your root, don't u ever feel homesick boost your own hometown they need u I'm exmalaysian now I'm married living in shenzhen I'm the real chinese

    • @shinchanpalooza007
      @shinchanpalooza007 6 лет назад +1

      haya busa Malaysian chinesse are born in Malaysia. that's their hometown, that's their root.

  • @nazrulzulkipli9460
    @nazrulzulkipli9460 6 лет назад +1

    that was the right way good job

  • @raymondchew8894
    @raymondchew8894 5 лет назад +1

    OM Mahathir, I really feel for Malaysia that you are really having a very difficult time to manage the crisis facing your country. Just like what you say, welcome China investors but not come to take over Malaysia. I am sure all Malaysians( all races irrespective Malays, Chinese, Indians and other races)will work very hard to support your policies to bring Malaysia back to normality. It is also very important for Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philipines and all Asians members to work together to achieve common objectives. From Singapore. Wish Asians all the best.

  • @johnlewis6585
    @johnlewis6585 6 лет назад +5

    Mr.Mahathir you are man of truth and honor.

  • @mediajewhad8898
    @mediajewhad8898 6 лет назад +4

    Open boarders for Israel !

  • @salihinzombie
    @salihinzombie 6 лет назад +1

    Lee kuan yew age 92, already shivering when giving speech. Dr M still able to process problems.

  • @AriVovp
    @AriVovp 6 лет назад

    Does she understand her question?

  • @asyerria
    @asyerria 6 лет назад +4

    What tun m trying to do. Is to bring balance in investment and less interference of foreign power in national asset and policy.. It's not being racist but to keep our own. Heritage n power to ourselves first.. Making China a single dominant of these countries investment will lead to catastrophic in economic and political landscape of these countries since they will able to. Influence the country decisions making... This is why FDI is not alway a good thing

  • @nicemilk01
    @nicemilk01 6 лет назад +31

    Make sense.. the current one belt one road is going to destroy our country. Tun already seen the consequences...

    • @aave865
      @aave865 6 лет назад +4

      Nick Ching We are your neighbor and we hope your government is strong enough to resist China's invasion. They are quietly using the Chinese educated Malaysian to poison your political system. We already felt that.

    • @cyber1991
      @cyber1991 6 лет назад +3

      Nonsense! So that's why Myanmar is a very poor country because there're no investments. Chinese and Myanmarese are blood brothers. They are called Sino-Tibetna for some reason.

    • @cyber1991
      @cyber1991 6 лет назад +4

      Nonsense! The Indon and Bangla have been invading Malaysia for decades but nobody complained? Now the Rohingya are coming too. Stop calling yourself Malaysian Chinese if you are so dumb,

    • @racistproud9189
      @racistproud9189 6 лет назад


    • @kennyjong0303
      @kennyjong0303 6 лет назад +6

      Tun mahatir says : welcome china investment that benefit our country. All of you interpreted wrongly

  • @Tyroneblu7
    @Tyroneblu7 6 лет назад +1

    Caveat Emptor - Let the buyer beware. Mahathir feels he can unilaterally change agreements.

  • @krugerbud
    @krugerbud 6 лет назад +1

    Sharp as hell mate, wish Australia would take measures now... its probably already too late

  • @tengkualiff
    @tengkualiff Год назад +3

    He looks very well rested and energetic here compared to some of his talks during this time. Its refreshing to see.
    Thank you for bringing Malaysia to new heights and bringing us up at the world stage.

  • @drjamesallen6012
    @drjamesallen6012 6 лет назад +4

    Most of them are in fact local Malays. And China is responsible for helping Malaya train its newer gen of engineers by hiring them in high-tech manufacturing plants like the ETS and state-of the-art concrete streamline

  • @udevi45
    @udevi45 6 лет назад +2

    This very experienced and visionary leader knows his stuff. He may have his flaws but his believe in this matter is no exaggeration!

  • @craveyounow
    @craveyounow 6 лет назад +1

    Congratulations Mr. Mahathir. I Indonesian, hope that the leadership of my country are aware with the tricks behind those shady investments.

  • @emnorkoeng1841
    @emnorkoeng1841 6 лет назад +10

    Syabas Tun M, we all love you...

  • @dragonel88
    @dragonel88 6 лет назад +7

    He talks about bring foreigners into country like he already forgot about "projek ic".

    • @johanmajid6135
      @johanmajid6135 6 лет назад +2

      Soki Moh ya mahadir la yg srh buat projek ic d sabah

    • @cikicat2922
      @cikicat2922 6 лет назад +2

      Mahathir is a hypocrite

  • @anikakari5795
    @anikakari5795 6 лет назад

    Tun, please help with the many years abandoned apartment in Taman Bayu Tebrau, Permas Jaya, Johor Bahru. We've been suffering for many years. Its our first house. We can't afford to pay rental and pay the bank at the same time. We hope you will look into this matter soonest possible. Its killing us inside. Please Tun. Thank you.

  • @woonfaseng8737
    @woonfaseng8737 6 лет назад +1

    he at most looks like 75..., despite already 92. he was already prime minister when i was in primary school (elementary school) in Singapore

  • @gingerteddy618
    @gingerteddy618 6 лет назад +3

    Love Dr M.

  • @azharshahid3524
    @azharshahid3524 6 лет назад +12

    May the force be with u Tun Mahathir and win this coming election over Darth Najib....

  • @adewala36
    @adewala36 6 лет назад +1


  • @sg8888888
    @sg8888888 6 лет назад +1

    01:33 "No country wants to have an influx of hugh number of foreign people into their country."
    Except goodu 1st world fishing village la.

  • @iceageseries9599
    @iceageseries9599 6 лет назад +13

    Mahathir= BEST!

  • @markbr9429
    @markbr9429 6 лет назад +11

    Can anyone disagree with him? Intelligent, wise and a good looking 92 year old man!

  • @eebengchong
    @eebengchong 6 лет назад +1

    Totally agree with him here.

  • @shasikkandar52
    @shasikkandar52 6 лет назад +1

    Mashallah Allah bless Malaysia! It,s very good to have a leader like Mahathir Sir.

  • @normakassim8688
    @normakassim8688 6 лет назад +7

    God bless Tun for farsightedness and TRUE GENUINE Bravery AGAINST abuse by Kleptomania. Tun is a BRILLIANT FORCE to be reckoned with.Great Deeds must be guarded AGAINST endless abuse and misuse of POWER and Greed. Malaysians all the WAY all out supporting you Ayahnda Tun and PH Grand Coalition 😘 The Avenger of all EVILS by the Grace of Allah SWT.. INSYAALLAH 🌹🌺💖💕💖 unite Msians to wrest POWER for PH CHANGES PRU14.
    Love Tun Love MALAYSIA RAYA 🌞🌟🌠

  • @jjj7120
    @jjj7120 6 лет назад +3

    Dr Mahathir, when you said MALAYSIAN, how do you define MALAYSIAN,

    • @bobsee8226
      @bobsee8226 6 лет назад +3

      J JJ For Mahathir. Malaysian are bumiputra only

    • @lunafringe10
      @lunafringe10 6 лет назад +1

      when Mathathir was in power before, there was a lot of bad news abt his reign of terror in Malaysia, and now he is a hero?

  • @bidiwazi
    @bidiwazi 6 лет назад

    Really great 👍

  • @princesssolace4337
    @princesssolace4337 6 лет назад

    So why and how is it that Najib is alleged to over rule or by passing the existing FDI? Was there a new bill/act for a improve FDI so he can remove the red tape to move with time?

  • @ChromaLuke
    @ChromaLuke 6 лет назад +14

    Wait wait. From what I heard and read the worker who worked in the construction site are 80% malaysian amd 20% from China. This is what I found when I was looking for job in the ECRL project. I don't know who to believe right now

    • @furrycheetah2000
      @furrycheetah2000 6 лет назад

      ChromaLuke It will be a different story after the election.

    • @daudselvan1601
      @daudselvan1601 6 лет назад +22

      u heard wrong .. i been there before .. i have personally seen how it looks in that place ..
      1. majority #90-95% people who work in this project is people from china
      2. all equipment was brought in direct from china
      3. all engineers n specialist is from china
      4. all meterial is brought from china
      #so how does it benifitting malaysia n malaysians ? ..
      this is indeed foriegn direct invasion n not a foriegn invesment as najib says ..

    • @johanmajid6135
      @johanmajid6135 6 лет назад +3

      Mahadir is a liar

    • @Ukit50
      @Ukit50 6 лет назад +6

      Johan, are you idiot. Dont you read by DPM that communication barrier are excuses given. We have Malaysian chinese as mean of communication. I believe these are part and pieces term and condition applied from desperate borrowing money for those projects. If you glance and browse Swak report or Finance Tweeter ( ECRL) only then you understand why such conditions as excerpt reported by China news

    • @johanmajid6135
      @johanmajid6135 6 лет назад

      Ukit50 sarawak report is a liar

  • @chiajoegm1045
    @chiajoegm1045 6 лет назад +16

    foreigners going to Europe are beggars who do not want to work but go on Welfare. These Chinese coming in are rich people who will spend money in Malaysia and not like those who enter Europe to ask for welfare.
    That is the big difference. Mahathir in fact has done less for the average Malaysians than Najib has.
    Mahahtir is rooting for the benefit of his son Mukhriz. But he speaks with fork tongue who confuses the simple people.

    • @wanrazul
      @wanrazul 6 лет назад

      Invasion by other means...please stay in China, tq..:)

    • @wanrazul
      @wanrazul 6 лет назад +2

      Wow, such blatant racism. I have no problems with Msian chinese, btw. And i think you're overestimating China's "motherland allure", same with how Msian Malays don't see Indonesia as their motherland.
      China is doing this everywhere, in Sri Lanka, Laos, Pakistan...whole towns are barred from the host country's citizens. BTW, I'm not pro-Malay, I'm pro-Malaysian. :)

    • @wanrazul
      @wanrazul 6 лет назад

      We just had an election, and the government who sold the country off is kicked out. The guy in the video is the new Prime Minister.
      I don't understand your hostility, I would guess that you're a PRC, but isn't RUclips censored in China? BTW, Malaysia's urbanization rate is higher at ~75%, China is at ~55%... (

    • @wanrazul
      @wanrazul 6 лет назад +2

      And the Malaysian Chinese voted for him in the recent election, BTW.
      I have no idea what your issues are, but with the old government out the country can finally turn away from race-based politics. This isn't about race, it's about national sovereignty.

    • @chiajoegm1045
      @chiajoegm1045 6 лет назад +1

      We have plenty of people like you ready to drive them out if they try to cause trouble , especially with your flying parang. so what is the problem ?. They are not bringing guns but money to spend in Malaysia.

  • @iamhanat6135
    @iamhanat6135 6 лет назад

    suzana holland company mana

  • @seanmomo2947
    @seanmomo2947 6 лет назад +1

    If only SG govt leaders have heart like Tun Mahathir's .