Descriptive Text Descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid picture of characters, places, objects etc. have a purpose: 1. Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event 2. Describe a special place and explain why is special 3. Describe the most important person in your life generic structure: 1. Identification 2. Description features: Descrption is a style of qriting which can be useful for a variety of purposes : 1. To engage a reader’s attention 2. To create characters 3. To set a mood Language: 2. aims to show rather than tell the reader what something/someone is like 4. relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs. 6. is focused and concentrates only on the aspects that add something to the main purpose of the description. 8. sensory description use of adjectives, similes, meraphors to create images/pictures in the mind e.g. - what is heard, seen, smelt, felt, tasted. Precise their noses were met with the acrid smell of rotting flesh. 10. strong development of the experience that "puts the reader there" focuses on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns.
Miranti Sukma dewi 206121059 Mount merbabu Indonesia is a mountainous country. Some volcanoes are as active as volcanoes and semeru. There are also dormant mountains. One of them is mount merbabu. Mount merbabu is a mountain located in central Java. It is quite popular with hikers. To climb this 3142 m (3142 m) mountain, climbers can cross the celo, wetwork, and some others. On holidays it is not uncommon for hikers to visit the mountain. The less steep trail and the beautiful scenery provide the climbers with the purpose of climbing.
Name : Fauzul kamilah Class : 1E PBI Descriptive writing is usually used to help the writer develop an aspect of their work example to create a particular mood atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters objects etc.
Putri Siti Aisyah (216121034) - 1B/PBI Review Descriptive Text -Definition •Descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspects of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of character, places, objects, etc. -Purpose •Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, places, object or event. •Describe a special place and explain why it is special. •Describe the most important person in your life. -Generic Structure •Identification: contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described. •Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. -Features •Description is a style of writing which can be useful for a variety of purpose. •To engage a reader's attention. •To create charactes. •To set a mood. -Language •Aims to show rather than tell reader what something/someone is like. •Relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs. •Is focused and concentrates only on the aspects that add something to the main purpose of the description. •Sensory description-what is heard, seen, smelt, felt, tasted. •Strong development of the experience that "puts the reader there" focused on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns.
Avinda Defiana / 206121047 / PBI 1B Pacitan Regency Pacitan is a district located in southwestern East Java. Also known as the hometown of Indonesia’s sixth president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Pacitan is a small town which is not too crowded. Even so, pacitan has amazing natural beauty. The location is directly opposite the Indian Ocean so that it has a costline along its southern side. The beach is also very beautiful, most of the beaches are beautified by the presence of rocks with white sand that spoil the eyes. No wonder, pacitan is called a hidden paradise because besides having an amazing array of beaches it also has other beauties such as waterfalls, river and even hills to get sunrise and sunset. Pacitan has a unique culture so that many tourists come because they are interested, it’s no wonder that many foreign tourists from various countries are found there.
Ardhea Almayra Putri 216121113 Class 1E Descriptive text is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of their work so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, object, etc. Descriptive text is usually used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event. Generic Structure: 1. Identification: contains about the introduction of a person, animal or object will be described. 2. Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person.
Angga Dhaanar Kencana(216121045) PBI 1B Descriptive text is a text that clearly describes the inherent properties of something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object described to the reader.
Description Text Nama: Amelia Anggrahini NIM : 206121177 Kelas: PBI/1E MY PUPPY Ross is a small puppy. His size is as big as the palm of my hand. Ross is so fragile. Sometimes I afraid I will hurt him if I want to take him up. Dad said he found Ross near our house, crying looking for his mom. But Dad can’t see her, so Dad decides to bring him home and give him some comfort. Ross is a good eater. He always finished everything we gave him. Now, it’s been a year since Ross come to our family. His small body has grown up into a size of a football ball. Ross is a good dog, and we love him so much (description).
Firdausi Nandang Sukowati 216121122 1E Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Generic structure: -Thesis -Argument -Reiteration
Name : Muhammad Dedi Hernandi Nim : 206121061 Class : PBI 1B Pineapple pineapple is a plant that includes fruit. This yellow plant with thorns throughout its body can live in cool or hot weather. Pineapple contains high water and vitamin c. The leaves are green with thorns on each sides.
Nur'aini Choirunnisa 206121053 PBI 1B Klaten (Identification) Klaten is a city that is the center of government for the Klaten district, Central Java, Indonesia. (Description) Klaten has many beautiful tourist attractions, such as Prambanan Temple, Ratu Boko Temple, Plaosan Lor Temple, Sewu Temple, Breksi Cliff. Klaten also has many water tours. For example: Umbul Ponggok, Umbul Manten, Fishing Janti, OMAC (the object of the Cokro spring). Various tourist attractions are suitable to be visited when the holidays arrive with family.
Fitroh Naqiyah 216121124 Class 1E Review materi: Descriptive writing is usually used to help the writer develop an aspect of their work example to create a particular mood atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters places objects etc. The purpose of descriptive text: Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person place object or event. Describe a special place and explain why it is special. Describe the most important person in your life Review video: nice video and easy to understand
Name : Madarina Hikmah Nst Class : 1B PBI NIM : 206121055 Borobudur Borobudur is a Buddha temple that is located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. Borobudur is the biggest Buddha temple in the world and also it is one of the biggest Buddha monument in the world. The stupa-shaped temple is built by the adherents of Mahayana Buddh about 800th Common Era at Syailendra wangsa government era. It has the most complete of Buddha relief collection in this world. This monument is a model of nature and a building as a holy place to eulogize Buddha and also as pilgrimage place.
Nama : khilya Nurul Adiibah Class : PBI 1E Nim : 206121153 Description Text Mango The mango tree is large, can reach a height of 40 m or more, although most domestic mangoes are only about 10 m or less. Mango stems erect, branched slightly strong; with dense leaves forming a beautiful crown in the shape of a dome, oval or elongated, up to 10 m in diameter. The bark is thick and coarse with many small gaps and scales from petioles. The color of old pepagan (stem bark) is usually gray brown, dark gray to almost black. Mango taproot branching, so long that it can reach 6 m. The roots of the branches are getting less and less, at most branch roots at a depth of approximately 30-60 cm.
Name: Tiya jamillatun nikmah. Nim : 206121046. Class : PBI-1B. The 🐄 cow Identification. Cows are very useful to mankind,in supplying them with milk from which both butter and cheese are made. Description. Their young ones are called calves ,and the flesh of calves is veal.A good cow will give about fifteen or more quarts of milk a day,but much depends upon the quality of the pasture she feeds upon. Her age is told by her horns;after she is three years old a ring is formed every year at the root of the horn,so that by counting the number of circles,her age may be exactly known. Cows are sometimes prettily marked with black, brown,and yellow spots,and,as they lie scattered about a green meadow,add much to the charms of a landscape.
Name : Muhlishatul Amaliyah NIM. : 206121233 Class. : PBI 1G Borobudur Temple Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. Located in Central Java. Borobudur Temple is one of the seven wonders of the world that needs to be preserved.People all over the world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest works of art ever known. Borobudur temple was built by the Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century. More than two million river stones were required. This is the largest temple in the world.
Thank you so much Mr. DIMAS NALENDRA PBI 1E 206121170 GRAPES Grapes are fruit plants in the form of perrdu vines. Grapes originated in Armenia, but grape cultivation has been developed in the Middle East since 4000 BC. While processing wine into wine was first developed by the Egyptians in 2500 BC. Shrubs grapes, up to 10 m long, round leaves with jagged edges and sharp edges. Flowers arranged in panicles. Fruit round or slightly oval measuring +/- 2 cm, smooth skin, various colors.
Mufattiha chairani amma 206121064_ pbi 1b flowers I have so many flowers and so forth. Some of them are Cambodian, Cambodian flowers have pink and very beautiful petals, and then there are orchids, orchids have stems attached to other plants, they are colorful and beautiful, roses, roses have thorns in their trunks, and they have many colors, roses are very fragrant.
Dina Aprilia-206121173 Definition : Turkey is a country which has two continents. It is famous for a diverse set of both oriental and European elements from the traditional Turkish tea to the majestic Hagia Sophia. It’s also famous for its carpets, hammam and bazaars, destinations like Istanbul and Cappadocia, and sweet treats like Turkish delights and baklava. Description : Turkey has the best education. Because the quality of education in Turkey is really good. It has implemented the Bologna University for 19th years which make the education systme in Turkey equivalent to countries in Europe. The advantages of implementing the Bologna process itself are in terms of degree recognition, quality assurance of education etc. As for achievement, there are universities in Turkey that entered the 500 world universities ranks, such as Middle Technology University and Istanbul University, which have entered the 100 best universities in the world. Western and eastern values as well as meeting with new people are ways to make me learn things that will return the Internasional students and change their view of global world.
Name : Nadita Sejuk Hati NIM : 206121261 Class : 1G PBI City of Milk Boyolali is a regency located in Central Java. Known as the city of the largest cow's milk producer in Central Java, Boyolali is known as the City of Milk. In 2015, the Regent of Boyolali inaugurated a large cow statue located in Boyolali Square as an icon of the city of milk. Most of the areas in Boyolali Regency are home to dairy farming and cow milk production. With its quality, cow's milk from Boyolali is in demand by the wider community. Not only the area around Boyolali, but also outside the region and even the province.
Pratiwi Kusumajati (206121238) 1G Satay Satay was one of the specialties of Indonesia. Satay is a food made from meat, some are solidly textured and also pieces of meat that are skewered using a stick or pieces of bamboo and grilled over wood charcoal coals. It's delicious and seasoned with peanuts, making anyone who eats it addicted. Satay is also popular in several countries including Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines. The price is affordable and easy to find makes it liked by many people. Satay was named 14th in the 50 most delicious dishes in the world.
Nama : Niken Rahmawati NIM : 206121045 Kelas : 1B - PBI My Cat I had a cat named Garfield. Garfield is a cat with thick orange-colored hair, round eyes, a long nose, and a long body. Garfield is a lazy cat, every day he just eats, drinks, then sleeps. Garfield doesn't choose in food, but his favorite food is fish meat. If he's hungry, Garfield will follow anyone and let out his funny voice until he's fed and then he'll go back to sleep. Although Garfield's so lazy, he's a docile cat and we all love him.
Adi Faisal Arrozi 216121116 PBI/1E Discussion mendiskusikan pro dan kontra suatu fenomena yang terjadi di lingkungan. Descriptive writing biasanya digunakan untuk membantu seorang penulis mengembangkan suatu aspek karya, mis. untuk menciptakan suasana tertentu, suasana atau menggambarkan tempat sehingga pembaca dapat membuat gambar yang jelas dari karakter, tempat, objek dll. Generic sturcter: Identification, Description. Used rather to show rather than tell
LISTY FEBRIANA SHOLIHATI 206121071 / PBI 1B Finlandia (Identification) The Finland education system is considered to be one of the best education systems in the world. Education in this country routinely outperforms the United States in reading, science, and math literacy. (Description) Finland has always scored the best in international student assessment surveys (PISA) conducted every three years since 2000. Finland is ranked 13th for PISA math scores, 4th place in reading literacy, and 5th place for science. In fact, schools in Finland have shorter school days when compared to schools in other countries and they do not perform standard tests or exams. When the child reaches the age of 7, the child enters basic education. Finland does not divide basic education into elementary (SD) and junior secondary (SMP) schools. Instead, they offer nine years of single structure education for 190 days per year. Schools are given plenty of room to revise and modify curricula according to the unique needs of their students. Their stated goal for basic education is "to support the growth of students towards humanity and ethically responsible community membership and to provide them with the knowledge and skills needed in life." This guide covers what tests to administer, how to evaluate student progress and needs, and even the ability to set daily and weekly schedules. Teaching is a highly respected and professional field in Finland. Most of the elementary teachers hold a master's degree. Eighty percent of primary school teachers also participate in continuing professional development. This level of continuous learning and development ensures Finnish educators are immersed in the science of teaching.
Tegar Nur Sapitri 206121039 PBI 1B My cute cat Blacky I have a cat called Blacky, as the name implies he is jet black with bright white eyes. It has a long tail with very fine fur. Blacky really likes to play football and eat fish and rice. Blacky is very clean by peeing in the space provided. That's my beloved cat Blacky.
Syella Juniar Wulansari_206121239_PBI 1G *My Lovely Cat* -Identivication I have a stray cat as my pet. He is really playful, He loved to play with me and the new things he found. -Description He has orange and white fur, his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it for him. He has a long tail. He likes to play with it. He is also always try to catch his tail sometimes. I also like to hold him in my hand, when i hold him like that he will fall asleep.
Khana Sajida Nurrahma 206121257 PBI 1G My Bestie i didn't have a lot of friends but i have a friends. So i would tell you about mybestfriend. Her name is Rifiana Rahma, she is funniest person i have ever met. Sometimes she is doing such a ridiculous thing and that is make me laugh. Im glad to met her, she is one of my support system. I usually talked to her about my life 'trouble'. She always be there for me when i was sad, cried, and also happy.
BINTA NAILIL MUNAWAROH PBI 1G 206121250 My Friend, Sabrina I have a friend named Sabrina. I always call her Abi. She's 19 years. She has a beautiful face, her face looks like her mother. She has round eyes, pointed nose, and bright skin. She loves to chill and something humorous, she's a kind person, helpful, she always smile. That's are her good behaviour. Abi also loves to go out for shopping or just walking around shopping center. Whenever she got boring Abi always comes to me and tell me what is she feeling now and sometimes I give her some advice. She loves me and so do I. We love each other.
Rassiyani Dwi Yuliana 206121069 1B My Wedding Dress A wedding dress is the name for the clothes used by a bride on her wedding day. And the dress that I wore on my wedding day was like a Cinderella's dress. A fluffy blue dress, sweeping the floor. Not forgetting the knick-knacks that adorn my entire dress, adding an elegant impression.
Name: Arfiani Nur Halimah NIM: 206121179 CLASS: PBI 1E THE OURANG OUTANG The Ourang Outang is a species of the ape; it has long arms and hands, with very long fingers. It is much larger than the ape, and some have been found about six feet high, when standing erect. It is capable of walking nearly erect; but the usual gait on the ground is like a cripple who supports himself on his hands, and draws his body forward. Its home, like the monkey family, seems to be on the trees. The hair is of a brownish red color, and covers his back, arms, legs, and the outside of his hands and feet. The face has no hair except whiskers on its side. He inhabits Malacca, Cochin China, and particularly the island of Borneo.
Hakuna Mipaka Oasis was founded for animal lovers by a Switzerland guy named Dean Schneider. He moved to Africa and dedicated his entire life to the animal world. Hakuna Mipaka Oasis is a 400 Hectare in the wilderness of South Africa. There are thousands of other wild animals that inhabit the Hakuna Mipaka Oasis, from lions, giraffe, elephant, zebra, different reptiles, mammals, and birds. The Oasis is a home for many rescued wild animals born in captivity and also doing rehabilitation programs for animals before released back into the wild. Hakuna Mipaka Oasis is secure, wild, and lifelong for the animals, and that’s why it is not open for public and tourism because they don’t need to breed animals and not trading animals. The reason Hakuna Mipaka founded is to carry out the mission to preserve animal lives and bring animals into people's hearts.
Hammam Fadzillahtul Ardani_ 206121246 Class: PBI 1G Earth is the third planet from the eight planets in the Solar System . Estimated age of 4.6 billion years . The distance between the Earth to the sun is 150 million kilometers , round shape with a radius of ± 6,370 km. Earth is the only planet that can be populated with living things . Earth has two kinds of layers , namely internal and external coating layer . Forming the inner layer is a layer of earth. While the outer layer is the layer that protects the earth from a meteor or space objects other. In the structure of the layer in the earth , is divided into three parts , as follows : 1. The earth's crust is the outer skin of the earth 2. Blanket is a layer that lies beneath the crust layer. 3. Earth's core, which is composed of molten material, the main constituent of ferrous metals ( 90 % ), nickel ( 8 % ), and others. while the outer layer consists of Atmosphere. Atmosphere earth consists of several layers, including, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere. Earth has one satellite. It is the moon, the moon can be seen at night because of the sunlight bouncing ynag to earth.
Khalida Zahwa_206121249_1G Identification The Taj Mahal is India's famous architectural object because its best design incorporates elements of the architectural style of India, Persia and Islam. The historical building was built on the southern bank of the Yamuna river in agra. This building embody the tales of emperor Mughal Shah Jahan's abiding love for his beloved wife, dearly Mumtaz. In 1983, UNESCO registered the taj mahal as a world heritage site and one of the world's most admired world heritage sites." Description The taj mahal is a large tomb made of ivory white marble. It looks like a mosque and is a place of worship for muslims. If you look at it, it will leave a strong impression on the architectural style of Islam on the building. The dome was also made of marble and the top was decorated with the lotus flower pattern.If you enter from the main entrance, we will see a large pool in front of a building called a reflecting pool because it will reflect the taj mahal image into the sky.The main tombs of the building are at the bottom. The tomb of the costly Mumtaz and Shah Jahan was placed side by side in a large, Persian style.
Putri Amelia Rahmadani_206121259_PBI 1G My mother My mother was a beautiful person. She has a short body, and she has straight and black hair, her eye color is black and very beautiful, and she has a beautiful smile. Her weighs 60 kg. She's a very nice woman. She was very helpful, friendly, patient, and she loved me very much. I love my mom, because she's a good example to me. She loves to cook, and her cooking is my favorite.
Puput Yuliyanti Pratiwi (206121235) PBI 1G. My Family I am the fourth child of my father and mother. I have 2 older brothers, 1 older sister and 1 younger brother. My name is Puput yuliyanti pratiwi, 18 years old, and now an English language education student at IAIN Surakarta. My father is a farmer, he is 52 years old and my mother is a housewife who is 50 years old.Every day he always pays attention to us in carrying out activities when at home he is very concerned about his children.My brother is 32 years old and already married and now lives in Colomadu with his wife. They trade fruit and porridge ice, my brother is very worthy of being an example for his younger brother Because he is a person who is diligent and friendly in doing anything.My sister is 28 year old, sister is married and already has a daughter. My brother works as a housewife and tailor. My second brother is 24 years old still working and not married, he works in Surabaya. On a building project. And the last one is my younger brother who is 15 years old, he is still in grade 9 junior high school.
Descriptive Text
Descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid picture of characters, places, objects etc.
have a purpose:
1. Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event
2. Describe a special place and explain why is special
3. Describe the most important person in your life
generic structure:
1. Identification
2. Description
Descrption is a style of qriting which can be useful for a variety of purposes :
1. To engage a reader’s attention
2. To create characters
3. To set a mood
2. aims to show rather than tell the reader what something/someone is like
4. relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs.
6. is focused and concentrates only on the aspects that add something to the main purpose of the description.
8. sensory description use of adjectives, similes, meraphors to create images/pictures in the mind e.g. - what is heard, seen, smelt, felt, tasted. Precise their noses were met with the acrid smell of rotting flesh.
10. strong development of the experience that "puts the reader there" focuses on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns.
Miranti Sukma dewi 206121059
Mount merbabu
Indonesia is a mountainous country. Some volcanoes are as active as volcanoes and semeru. There are also dormant mountains. One of them is mount merbabu.
Mount merbabu is a mountain located in central Java. It is quite popular with hikers. To climb this 3142 m (3142 m) mountain, climbers can cross the celo, wetwork, and some others. On holidays it is not uncommon for hikers to visit the mountain. The less steep trail and the beautiful scenery provide the climbers with the purpose of climbing.
Name : Fauzul kamilah
Class : 1E PBI
Descriptive writing is usually used to help the writer develop an aspect of their work example to create a particular mood atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters objects etc.
Putri Siti Aisyah (216121034) - 1B/PBI
Review Descriptive Text
•Descriptive writing is usually used to help a writer develop an aspects of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of character, places, objects, etc.
•Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, places, object or event.
•Describe a special place and explain why it is special.
•Describe the most important person in your life.
-Generic Structure
•Identification: contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.
•Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe.
•Description is a style of writing which can be useful for a variety of purpose.
•To engage a reader's attention.
•To create charactes.
•To set a mood.
•Aims to show rather than tell reader what something/someone is like.
•Relies on precisely chosen vocabulary with carefully chosen adjectives and adverbs.
•Is focused and concentrates only on the aspects that add something to the main purpose of the description.
•Sensory description-what is heard, seen, smelt, felt, tasted.
•Strong development of the experience that "puts the reader there" focused on key details, powerful verbs and precise nouns.
Thank u so much sir🙏👍
Avinda Defiana / 206121047 / PBI 1B
Pacitan Regency
Pacitan is a district located in southwestern East Java. Also known as the hometown of Indonesia’s sixth president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Pacitan is a small town which is not too crowded. Even so, pacitan has amazing natural beauty. The location is directly opposite the Indian Ocean so that it has a costline along its southern side. The beach is also very beautiful, most of the beaches are beautified by the presence of rocks with white sand that spoil the eyes. No wonder, pacitan is called a hidden paradise because besides having an amazing array of beaches it also has other beauties such as waterfalls, river and even hills to get sunrise and sunset. Pacitan has a unique culture so that many tourists come because they are interested, it’s no wonder that many foreign tourists from various countries are found there.
Ardhea Almayra Putri
Class 1E
Descriptive text is usually used to help a writer develop an aspect of their work so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, object, etc.
Descriptive text is usually used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person, place, object or event.
Generic Structure:
1. Identification: contains about the introduction of a person, animal or object will be described.
2. Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person.
Boby Januar Pribadi
with this video we know about text descriptions. nice video
Angga Dhaanar Kencana(216121045)
Descriptive text is a text that clearly describes the inherent properties of something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects. The purpose of this text is to provide clear information about the object described to the reader.
Description Text
Nama: Amelia Anggrahini
NIM : 206121177
Kelas: PBI/1E
Ross is a small puppy. His size is as big as the palm of my hand. Ross is so fragile. Sometimes I afraid I will hurt him if I want to take him up. Dad said he found Ross near our house, crying looking for his mom. But Dad can’t see her, so Dad decides to bring him home and give him some comfort. Ross is a good eater. He always finished everything we gave him. Now, it’s been a year since Ross come to our family. His small body has grown up into a size of a football ball. Ross is a good dog, and we love him so much (description).
Firdausi Nandang Sukowati
Analytical exposition is a text that elaborates the writer's idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
Generic structure:
Name : Muhammad Dedi Hernandi
Nim : 206121061
Class : PBI 1B
pineapple is a plant that includes fruit. This yellow plant with thorns throughout its body can live in cool or hot weather. Pineapple contains high water and vitamin c. The leaves are green with thorns on each sides.
Nur'aini Choirunnisa
Klaten is a city that is the center of government for the Klaten district, Central Java, Indonesia.
Klaten has many beautiful tourist attractions, such as Prambanan Temple, Ratu Boko Temple, Plaosan Lor Temple, Sewu Temple, Breksi Cliff. Klaten also has many water tours. For example: Umbul Ponggok, Umbul Manten, Fishing Janti, OMAC (the object of the Cokro spring). Various tourist attractions are suitable to be visited when the holidays arrive with family.
Fitroh Naqiyah
Class 1E
Review materi:
Descriptive writing is usually used to help the writer develop an aspect of their work example to create a particular mood atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters places objects etc.
The purpose of descriptive text: Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of a person place object or event. Describe a special place and explain why it is special. Describe the most important person in your life
Review video: nice video and easy to understand
Name : Madarina Hikmah Nst
Class : 1B PBI
NIM : 206121055
Borobudur is a Buddha temple that is located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Borobudur is the biggest Buddha temple in the world and also it is one of the biggest Buddha monument in the world. The stupa-shaped temple is built by the adherents of Mahayana Buddh about 800th Common Era at Syailendra wangsa government era. It has the most complete of Buddha relief collection in this world. This monument is a model of nature and a building as a holy place to eulogize Buddha and also as pilgrimage place.
Nama : khilya Nurul Adiibah
Class : PBI 1E
Nim : 206121153
Description Text
The mango tree is large, can reach a height of 40 m or more, although most domestic mangoes are only about 10 m or less. Mango stems erect, branched slightly strong; with dense leaves forming a beautiful crown in the shape of a dome, oval or elongated, up to 10 m in diameter. The bark is thick and coarse with many small gaps and scales from petioles. The color of old pepagan (stem bark) is usually gray brown, dark gray to almost black. Mango taproot branching, so long that it can reach 6 m. The roots of the branches are getting less and less, at most branch roots at a depth of approximately 30-60 cm.
Name: Tiya jamillatun nikmah.
Nim : 206121046.
Class : PBI-1B.
The 🐄 cow
Cows are very useful to mankind,in supplying them with milk from which both butter and cheese are made.
Their young ones are called calves ,and the flesh of calves is veal.A good cow will give about fifteen or more quarts of milk a day,but much depends upon the quality of the pasture she feeds upon.
Her age is told by her horns;after she is three years old a ring is formed every year at the root of the horn,so that by counting the number of circles,her age may be exactly known.
Cows are sometimes prettily marked with black, brown,and yellow spots,and,as they lie scattered about a green meadow,add much to the charms of a landscape.
Name : Muhlishatul Amaliyah
NIM. : 206121233
Class. : PBI 1G
Borobudur Temple
Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist resorts in Indonesia. Located in Central Java. Borobudur Temple is one of the seven wonders of the world that needs to be preserved.People all over the world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest works of art ever known.
Borobudur temple was built by the Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century. More than two million river stones were required. This is the largest temple in the world.
Thank you so much Mr.
Grapes are fruit plants in the form of perrdu vines. Grapes originated in Armenia, but grape cultivation has been developed in the Middle East since 4000 BC. While processing wine into wine was first developed by the Egyptians in 2500 BC.
Shrubs grapes, up to 10 m long, round leaves with jagged edges and sharp edges. Flowers arranged in panicles. Fruit round or slightly oval measuring +/- 2 cm, smooth skin, various colors.
Mufattiha chairani amma 206121064_ pbi 1b
I have so many flowers and so forth.
Some of them are Cambodian, Cambodian flowers have pink and very beautiful petals, and then there are orchids, orchids have stems attached to other plants, they are colorful and beautiful, roses, roses have thorns in their trunks, and they have many colors, roses are very fragrant.
Dina Aprilia-206121173
Definition : Turkey is a country which has two continents. It is famous for a diverse set of both oriental and European elements from the traditional Turkish tea to the majestic Hagia Sophia. It’s also famous for its carpets, hammam and bazaars, destinations like Istanbul and Cappadocia, and sweet treats like Turkish delights and baklava.
Description : Turkey has the best education. Because the quality of education in Turkey is really good. It has implemented the Bologna University for 19th years which make the education systme in Turkey equivalent to countries in Europe. The advantages of implementing the Bologna process itself are in terms of degree recognition, quality assurance of education etc. As for achievement, there are universities in Turkey that entered the 500 world universities ranks, such as Middle Technology University and Istanbul University, which have entered the 100 best universities in the world. Western and eastern values as well as meeting with new people are ways to make me learn things that will return the Internasional students and change their view of global world.
Name : Nadita Sejuk Hati
NIM : 206121261
Class : 1G PBI
City of Milk
Boyolali is a regency located in Central Java. Known as the city of the largest cow's milk producer in Central Java, Boyolali is known as the City of Milk. In 2015, the Regent of Boyolali inaugurated a large cow statue located in Boyolali Square as an icon of the city of milk. Most of the areas in Boyolali Regency are home to dairy farming and cow milk production. With its quality, cow's milk from Boyolali is in demand by the wider community. Not only the area around Boyolali, but also outside the region and even the province.
Pratiwi Kusumajati (206121238) 1G
Satay was one of the specialties of Indonesia.
Satay is a food made from meat, some are solidly textured and also pieces of meat that are skewered using a stick or pieces of bamboo and grilled over wood charcoal coals. It's delicious and seasoned with peanuts, making anyone who eats it addicted. Satay is also popular in several countries including Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines. The price is affordable and easy to find makes it liked by many people. Satay was named 14th in the 50 most delicious dishes in the world.
Nama : Niken Rahmawati
NIM : 206121045
Kelas : 1B - PBI
My Cat
I had a cat named Garfield. Garfield is a cat with thick orange-colored hair, round eyes, a long nose, and a long body. Garfield is a lazy cat, every day he just eats, drinks, then sleeps. Garfield doesn't choose in food, but his favorite food is fish meat. If he's hungry, Garfield will follow anyone and let out his funny voice until he's fed and then he'll go back to sleep. Although Garfield's so lazy, he's a docile cat and we all love him.
Name: M.Fahlevi
Class: 1E
Can you explain the generale structure more specifically
Adi Faisal Arrozi 216121116 PBI/1E
Discussion mendiskusikan pro dan kontra suatu fenomena yang terjadi di lingkungan. Descriptive writing biasanya digunakan untuk membantu seorang penulis mengembangkan suatu aspek karya, mis. untuk menciptakan suasana tertentu, suasana atau menggambarkan tempat sehingga pembaca dapat membuat gambar yang jelas dari karakter, tempat, objek dll. Generic sturcter: Identification, Description. Used rather to show rather than tell
206121071 / PBI 1B
The Finland education system is considered to be one of the best education systems in the world. Education in this country routinely outperforms the United States in reading, science, and math literacy.
Finland has always scored the best in international student assessment surveys (PISA) conducted every three years since 2000. Finland is ranked 13th for PISA math scores, 4th place in reading literacy, and 5th place for science. In fact, schools in Finland have shorter school days when compared to schools in other countries and they do not perform standard tests or exams.
When the child reaches the age of 7, the child enters basic education. Finland does not divide basic education into elementary (SD) and junior secondary (SMP) schools. Instead, they offer nine years of single structure education for 190 days per year. Schools are given plenty of room to revise and modify curricula according to the unique needs of their students. Their stated goal for basic education is "to support the growth of students towards humanity and ethically responsible community membership and to provide them with the knowledge and skills needed in life." This guide covers what tests to administer, how to evaluate student progress and needs, and even the ability to set daily and weekly schedules. Teaching is a highly respected and professional field in Finland. Most of the elementary teachers hold a master's degree. Eighty percent of primary school teachers also participate in continuing professional development. This level of continuous learning and development ensures Finnish educators are immersed in the science of teaching.
Tegar Nur Sapitri
My cute cat Blacky
I have a cat called Blacky, as the name implies he is jet black with bright white eyes. It has a long tail with very fine fur.
Blacky really likes to play football and eat fish and rice. Blacky is very clean by peeing in the space provided. That's my beloved cat Blacky.
Syella Juniar Wulansari_206121239_PBI 1G
*My Lovely Cat*
I have a stray cat as my pet. He is really playful, He loved to play with me and the new things he found.
He has orange and white fur, his fur is so soft and I like to rubs it for him.
He has a long tail. He likes to play with it. He is also always try to catch his tail sometimes. I also like to hold him in my hand, when i hold him like that he will fall asleep.
Khana Sajida Nurrahma
My Bestie
i didn't have a lot of friends but i have a friends. So i would tell you about mybestfriend. Her name is Rifiana Rahma, she is funniest person i have ever met. Sometimes she is doing such a ridiculous thing and that is make me laugh. Im glad to met her, she is one of my support system. I usually talked to her about my life 'trouble'. She always be there for me when i was sad, cried, and also happy.
My Friend, Sabrina
I have a friend named Sabrina.
I always call her Abi. She's 19 years. She has a beautiful face, her face looks like her mother. She has round eyes, pointed nose, and bright skin. She loves to chill and something humorous, she's a kind person, helpful, she always smile. That's are her good behaviour. Abi also loves to go out for shopping or just walking around shopping center. Whenever she got boring Abi always comes to me and tell me what is she feeling now and sometimes I give her some advice. She loves me and so do I. We love each other.
Rassiyani Dwi Yuliana
My Wedding Dress
A wedding dress is the name for the clothes used by a bride on her wedding day. And the dress that I wore on my wedding day was like a Cinderella's dress. A fluffy blue dress, sweeping the floor. Not forgetting the knick-knacks that adorn my entire dress, adding an elegant impression.
Name: Arfiani Nur Halimah
NIM: 206121179
The Ourang Outang is a species of the ape; it has long arms and hands, with very long fingers. It is much larger than the ape, and some have been found about six feet high, when standing erect.
It is capable of walking nearly erect; but the usual gait on the ground is like a cripple who supports himself on his hands, and draws his body forward.
Its home, like the monkey family, seems to be on the trees. The hair is of a brownish red color, and covers his back, arms, legs, and the outside of his hands and feet.
The face has no hair except whiskers on its side. He inhabits Malacca, Cochin China, and particularly the island of Borneo.
Dwi Pramulia Agustin_206121244
Hakuna Mipaka
Hakuna Mipaka Oasis was founded for animal lovers by a Switzerland guy named Dean Schneider. He moved to Africa and dedicated his entire life to the animal world. Hakuna Mipaka Oasis is a 400 Hectare in the wilderness of South Africa. There are thousands of other wild animals that inhabit the Hakuna Mipaka Oasis, from lions, giraffe, elephant, zebra, different reptiles, mammals, and birds. The Oasis is a home for many rescued wild animals born in captivity and also doing rehabilitation programs for animals before released back into the wild. Hakuna Mipaka Oasis is secure, wild, and lifelong for the animals, and that’s why it is not open for public and tourism because they don’t need to breed animals and not trading animals. The reason Hakuna Mipaka founded is to carry out the mission to preserve animal lives and bring animals into people's hearts.
Nur Sari Dewi_206121159_PBI'E
Hammam Fadzillahtul Ardani_ 206121246
Class: PBI 1G
Earth is the third planet from the eight planets in the Solar System . Estimated age of 4.6 billion years . The distance between the Earth to the sun is 150 million kilometers , round shape with a radius of ± 6,370 km. Earth is the only planet that can be populated with living things .
Earth has two kinds of layers , namely internal and external coating layer . Forming the inner layer is a layer of earth. While the outer layer is the layer that protects the earth from a meteor or space objects other. In the structure of the layer in the earth , is divided into three parts , as follows :
1. The earth's crust is the outer skin of the earth 2. Blanket is a layer that lies beneath the crust layer. 3. Earth's core, which is composed of molten material, the main constituent of ferrous metals ( 90 % ), nickel ( 8 % ), and others. while the outer layer consists of Atmosphere. Atmosphere earth consists of several layers, including, troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere.
Earth has one satellite. It is the moon, the moon can be seen at night because of the sunlight bouncing ynag to earth.
Khalida Zahwa_206121249_1G
The Taj Mahal is India's famous architectural object because its best design incorporates elements of the architectural style of India, Persia and Islam. The historical building was built on the southern bank of the Yamuna river in agra. This building embody the tales of emperor Mughal Shah Jahan's abiding love for his beloved wife, dearly Mumtaz. In 1983, UNESCO registered the taj mahal as a world heritage site and one of the world's most admired world heritage sites."
The taj mahal is a large tomb made of ivory white marble. It looks like a mosque and is a place of worship for muslims. If you look at it, it will leave a strong impression on the architectural style of Islam on the building. The dome was also made of marble and the top was decorated with the lotus flower pattern.If you enter from the main entrance, we will see a large pool in front of a building called a reflecting pool because it will reflect the taj mahal image into the sky.The main tombs of the building are at the bottom. The tomb of the costly Mumtaz and Shah Jahan was placed side by side in a large, Persian style.
Putri Amelia Rahmadani_206121259_PBI 1G
My mother
My mother was a beautiful person. She has a short body, and she has straight and black hair, her eye color is black and very beautiful, and she has a beautiful smile. Her weighs 60 kg.
She's a very nice woman. She was very helpful, friendly, patient, and she loved me very much. I love my mom, because she's a good example to me. She loves to cook, and her cooking is my favorite.
Sintiya Choirunnisa_206121181_PBI 1E
Imroatin Afifah Lutfiah
Irwan Setiawan
Ainun Uwais Arkhorni (206121195)
Puput Yuliyanti Pratiwi (206121235) PBI 1G.
My Family
I am the fourth child of my father and mother. I have 2 older brothers, 1 older sister and 1 younger brother.
My name is Puput yuliyanti pratiwi, 18 years old, and now an English language education student at IAIN Surakarta. My father is a farmer, he is 52 years old and my mother is a housewife who is 50 years old.Every day he always pays attention to us in carrying out activities when at home he is very concerned about his children.My brother is 32 years old and already married and now lives in Colomadu with his wife. They trade fruit and porridge ice, my brother is very worthy of being an example for his younger brother Because he is a person who is diligent and friendly in doing anything.My sister is 28 year old, sister is married and already has a daughter. My brother works as a housewife and tailor. My second brother is 24 years old still working and not married, he works in Surabaya. On a building project. And the last one is my younger brother who is 15 years old, he is still in grade 9 junior high school.
Indah rejeki 206121253
Alia Ghina Farihah
Arfiani Nur Halimah_206121179_PBI 1E
Dina Aprilia-206121173-PBI 1E
Mufida Fauzia , 206121240 , PBI 1G
Achmad bayu setyawan_206121256_ PBI 1G
Rafi Arga Ramadhan 206121241 pbi 1G
Avista Eka Audila_206121151_PBI 1E
Amaliya Umi Istikomah_206121219_PBI 1F
Dyan Ajeng Setya Pratiwi_206121178_PBI 1E
Arfian Tegar Anggit Purwaka_206121236_PBI 1G
Khana Sajida Nurrahma 206121257 PBI 1G
Irvianinda Fatkhiatur Rohmah_206121073_PBI 1B
Mita Utami_206121183_PBI 1E
Aulive Diandra Cahayu 206121060 1B
Annisa Fathira Nur Cahyani-206121167-PBI 1E
Cinthya Wardani / 206131169/ PBI 1E
Niken Alfioni M_206121199_PBI 1F
Dewi Nugrahini_206121221_PBI 1F
Latifah Nur Rachmawati 206121050_ PBI 1 B
Muhamad Zakki Imama_206121194_PBI 1F
Ade Septiana_206121193_PBI 1F
Vina Oktaviani Dwi Pramesti_206121225_1G.
Vivi Novita sari_206121224 1F
Yeni Widyawati
Herda Nur Sita Resmi (206121190) PBI 1F
Nabilla Balqis Munawaroh_206121188_PBI 1F
Muhlishatul Amaliyah_206121233_PBI 1G
Afiyah Destyarini_206121174_PBI 1E
Ivany Oktanur Ardany_206121242_PBI 1G
Tri Amalia Ramadhani_206121220_PBI 1F
Rosyida Alfiani_206121150_PBI 1E
S.Risalatulchasanah_206121223_PBI 1F
Aqila Ahya Mumtaza Atmoko_206121211_1F
nurul rizka kusuma wardani_206121201_PBI_1F
Finkha Resti Fauzi_206121216_PBI 1F
Nadia Berliana, 206121162, PBI 1E