Thanks for your time on this. Its been awesome to find your channel as your gaming preferences and mine align very closely. Your Pillars and WotR content has been excellent and really pulled me in to iso CRPGs even further.
I'm not great with social stuff but just wanted you to know that I catch every video you put out, even for games I have no interest in. You're the most informative gaming-related youtuber I've come across and you make for very easy listening. (Most people's content is too 'busy' for me) Anyway, probably an unnecessary comment but just wanted to send some thanks and positivity your way! Keep doing what you're doing!
I think Azata would be my pick for the mythic path. It fits with the nature theme of the class and the superpowers work great with it. The best superpower is probably Incredible Might (morale bonus to attack rolls equal to your mythic rank), because the morale bonus also adds to combat maneuvers like grapple and trip and you can double it with the Ring of Triumphant Advance from the Treasures of the midnight isles DLC (from act 3/4 not sure which)
God damn it, I want to play this so damn bad. Finally a "TRUE" shifter class with a Dragonic choice. Sadly, I've always felt like every Dragonic choice we got in every class has been lackluster, so this class seems perfect for a Golden Dragon playthrough
Is the Dragonblood Shifter any good? You get your transformation 5 levels later and you loose the stats and flexibility from minor/chimeric aspect in exchange for energy resistance. Looks like a downgrade to the base class to me.
@@epsilonfallen5830 Yeah, honestly it's disappointing, as always, BUT you get to be a dragon sooner than anyone without having to focus on the sorcerer class etc. So I don't really care, I just want to be a Dragon and breathe fire onto everyone :D
@@NarutoIIPrayer Understandable. It's probably fine on normal/core. I just enjoy building characters. Plus you could also respec once you get the Gold Dragon Shape from your mythic path if you want a bit of extra power
@@epsilonfallen5830 Oh for sure, but it seems that even with a terrible subclass like Dragonheir Fighter you can play on the hardest difficulty, but if you're on that level I doubt "theme" is worth the headache. Core/Hard is the max I go for and it all depends on how much I can be bothered to actually think :D But I do think there's something that can be done. Still kinda sucks that a "tiger" shifter is more powerful than a freaking come on...
I think Lich is one of the best to play with Vampiric Blade, Decaying Touch, Indestructible Bones and Fear Control + other buffs and spells all go very nicely with natural attacks. Demon with Kalavakus aspect + extra natural attack bonuses from other abilities.
Love your channel and I always look forward to your videos. Even though these are not usually the type of games I like to play, I like your perspective!
@@MC-yt1uv I hope not. I want them to finish rogue trader ASAP. I'm guessing this was a quick cash grab to fund rogue trader since the previous DLCs weren't well received at all.
I think I'm going to be doing some Midnight Isle dungeon crawling with this class for giggles. And also to see what the class can do, and how well it works with multiclassing
I wish they added a QOL "Augmented Start" feature. Like if you tick it it starts you off in the camp after the fight with minagho at Kenabres or at the fight. The primary game changing decisions can be made with the storybook things where you just select an option and be done with it. But then that causes an issue with the dialogue selection so idk how to solve that. It's like a quickstart feature and you get the item, choice effects and companions associated with your decisions . Truth be told I would rather have it start from drezen but given that that's most of the game I don't think that'll work. However just Kenabres should be fine and you start at the camp. What do you guys think ?
this would be a great idea. there was a mod for BG2 back in the day that skipped you completely out of irenicus's dungeon (but gave you the loot) - it was a nice quality of life feature for people on their umpteenth playthrough. really want something like that for wotr.
Well, you've got me sold! Always enjoy classes that can either transform or summon a companion/pet. Just feels like more to do than a class that just acts alone, not that that's a bad thing either. As I do enjoy getting into the RP side of these kinds of games, I often see a pet or alternate form as an extension of my character's personality or backstory (even if it's not optimal gameplay-wise). It's part of the reason I enjoy WotR with the addition of mounts. And since druid class is a personal favourite of mine, this class is right up my alley. At first glance, it feels more "feral" than a druid, being more melee hand-to-hand oriented. A welcome addition to the potential roster in my book! I would love to play around with shifter and the various dragonic options, which you tend to have to focus your build hard on to get to work really well, even then it's not usually "optimal" in my experience. Though I'm a fairly casual player so I tend not to concern myself with an optimised build, as long as it's fun and works alright it's chill lol. Opens up a lot of wacky combinations too playing this way that a serious build would likely shy away from. (A reason why I also love Divinity 2) I tend to play on an easier difficulty if I'm running a heavily themed character anyways, more for fun/flavour than challenge 😅
Awesome to hear that Wildshape Druids get a boost from this DLC/patch. As for Shifters, do they get to change for X Rounds per day, or can they eventually walk around permanently as an animal form?
It says it in the 4 min mark. The uses/day are Shifter level+Wisdom mod, the duration is 1 minute (60 rounds). The Master Shifter Mythic ability makes that permanent. So yes to both your questions.
Just picked up the main game at a huge discount and wanted to see what DLC I should add to enhance the main campaign. Just watched all the videos Mort has here for the add-ons and this one looks like the way to go..pumped to start playing..
Loving how in the soon to be released Lord Of Nothing DLC for WOTR Owlcat is adding a Weretouched archetype for the Shifter with new character models for the hybrid forms. Recently had a run with a similar Bloodhunter Order Of The Lycan character in Baldur's Gate 3 thanks to a mod so looking forward to it.
Sadly ou can't stack monk's unarmored defense with Defensive Instinct, this includes the scaled fist monk (and probably the Instinctual Warrior, haven't tested it yet). It's hard to multiclass with the dragonblood shifter tbh, because you get your big abilities so late. You probably want 9th/14th level at the very least, before you start to dip into other classes. 4 levels of Dragon Disciple should work for shifters in general, if you go strenght based. You also can get (arch)mage armor from the spellcasting class you need to take for Dragon Disciple, which is great because you can't wear armor while transformed.
Pathfinder looks so intimidating to me. Never played old crpg and only find this genre with Pillars of Eternity, but idea of player character ascending via Mythic Paths to greater heights looks intriguing.
It's not really as bad as it appears, WotR especially does a pretty good job of explaining every single mechanic if you want to deep dive into how things work, but there's no need to on standard difficulties. There's a tonne of options and builds laid out for you, but the game will straight up make recommendations for you and one of the great things about Pathfinder (compared to say DnD 3.5) is that going 20levels Pure in one class is almost always viable and sometimes optimal. So even if you just choose a class you like and put all your levels into it, without changing once, that's perfectly fine. That's what I do on most of my playthroughs honestly. Neither Kingmaker nor WotR mess around with their difficulty, so if you put it up to Hard or Core since you may be used to playing like that- if you're not familiar with the systems you'll probably get your ass kicked. You'll have a perfectly fine time playing on normal, but the difficulties are modular anyway, so you can tweak whatever aspect of it you like to make it fit what you want better. All in all, it may seem intimidating, it'll start you off and say "Which of these 50 classes do you want!?" which can absolutely be daunting, but if you give it a chance and just go with it, you'll find it's a lot more approachable and offers more guidance than you may have thought.
I think you're underselling what a Lich shapeshifter could do. Some of the Lich powers like Decaying Touch and if you're a Feyshifter Tainted Sneak Attack could probably do more for you than Angel.
Dinosaur Shifter...I'm going to get this DLC now. Lol...though it would have been cooler to be the triceratops rather than the raptor. Personal preference, but still awesome.
A big problem shifter in ttrpg had was, that all the shifter stuff was item type buffs(proficiency on skills, enhancement on stats, etc) so a druid with fighting items was just slightly worse at the one thing shifter does(shapeshift beatstick), while also beeing a fullcaster and having an animal companion
@EBD the game has a lot of replayability. With all the different choices, paths, builds, ect. But one of the downsides of that being true is that you have to play through the first 2 acts every time before getting to the meat of the campaign. They are not bad parts of the game, but if you eat cheesecake every single meal of the day for a year, you're going to hate cheesecake cake.
@@Zierohour1 I saw people suggest making save in act 2 and then using it to respec character to what you actually want to play instead of starting new one from very start every time.
I have both Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous. As well as Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2, but I don't have the dlc's for WotR. I'm used to rpg's with the 3rd person camera which also have a very different leveling system. I'm normally a calm and patient person, but for some reason I have difficulty sticking to these single player video game versions of tabletop games and idk why. Doubt it's the pacing because I level grind like mad in jrpg's and skill grind on Elder Scrolls for hrs on end. Just wondering what people recommend to help stick to this type of RPG?
Would have been cool for all the companions to have their own unique archetypes. For people who really want them, a mod would be easy enough to make them playable for the mc. Give the characters a more personalised theme tied to their stories. I hope their new game does something like this. EDIT: also, i dont know if its a bug, but the fiend shifter doesnt work with the master shapeshifter mythic ability. You dont get the scores, and you dont get the unlimited uses.
As much as I would like to play these DLC's that come after the initial launch, I just can't bring myself to restart the game from scratch for a new companion and a new quests. Unless it's a meaty expansion like White March in Pillars that happens post main story events I will never go back to try these mini dlc stories, because my "canon run" is already finished.
The content is decent sized but not huge. I haven't finished the dlc yet but it definitely seems bigger than the Wildcards companion dlc in Kingmaker. I've found a lot of unique items for shifter builds so far.
Is it just me or does Ulbrig for some reason only have a base movement speed of 25ft when unarmored and on foot? I keep looking and I can't find any in-game explanation as to why
He is NG, so he most likely will not like either very much at all. As a "child of nature" type dude, both paths would be against his nature and outlook.
Mortismal, are you interested in talking about pathfinder Wrath of the righteous mods? there are some with some new feats, archetypes, and fixes to make it more similar to tabletop. What do you think about them?
Do you have any videos on how you complete all the companion side quests? Do you run with the same party and only do theirs? Have one companion you can swap out? It feels so daunting to keep up with a usable build for each of the companions throughout the game. Any advice would be useful.
@@MortismalGaming maybe that's the answer. Maybe I just play on Normal instead of Core. Or whatever is between Core and Normal. Just get the story, then play again for more of a challenge. This is probably why I never finished Kingmaker. Lol.
Hm, they really did fix the shifter from tabletop. Very cool. I'm curious though, since you didn't touch this except the not stacking with monk AC bonusses but would you think the class would make a good multiclass and what would you pair it with?
If I go to the blackwing library on a old save pre patch that's still in Act 1 can I pick him up or have to start a new game? Also can you still pick him up as a companion without the dlc?
Is the 'so you want to play pathfinder' new player's guide still up to date for the most part or are there sweeping changes to what's laid out in the video?
That video is all the more immutable rules of pathfinder 1e and the game itself. They couldn't change them without basically making a new game, so it'll stay up to date.
I wonder though, if we recruit Ulbrig later in the game (like act 3), can we still complete his full story/companion quests? Minus those mentioned earlier interactions if they aren't required to finish his story. Or is he going to get bad ending no matter what if he is recruited later? Shifter class sounds fun considering various choices. Dragon shifter plus Gold Dragon = two dragon forms! Or Mythic Legend path with second class also having some draconic archetype.
does shifter work with natural weapons from other sources? Can you multiclass 1 level in shifter to keep other natural weapons relevant into late game? I have been trying to get that natural weapons warpriest subclass to be useful for a while.
Can you find this character in the middle of a playthrough? I was nearly done with Act 3 for my Lich run and I plan on starting a Legend run soon, so it's not a deal-breaker if I can't get him for now.
do you know if they'll offer more story content or add to the existing one? i was hoping for a Devil romance with Galfrey, since they share all that lawful aspect and it would be quite the accomplishment to turn a queen towards Asmodeus, since there is no chance for a dalliance with Abrogail herself...
That should have been their focus before a companion/ new class. The Devil and Gold Dragon paths aren't so great as is. I also wish there was some sort of third option for becoming a devil.
@@sixseven404 i was looking forward to play a Gold Dragon :( it was supposed to have the wisdom of the ages, so i thought all replies would be complex and interesting
I should reword this. I don't mind paying for more content, it's just I think content should be a "new story", not just an extra character, or an alternate plot-line. DLC #2 literally re-used 3 maps and that was the whole DLC, it was like 1 hour of extra play then the promise of continuation through DLC #5. So my take on it, was that DLC #2 should have been DLC #5 and it is very obvious when you play it that they used a DLC content slot just to introduce you to paying for another DLC, which is kind of a insult to people that paid for it.
Thanks for your time on this. Its been awesome to find your channel as your gaming preferences and mine align very closely. Your Pillars and WotR content has been excellent and really pulled me in to iso CRPGs even further.
I'm not great with social stuff but just wanted you to know that I catch every video you put out, even for games I have no interest in.
You're the most informative gaming-related youtuber I've come across and you make for very easy listening. (Most people's content is too 'busy' for me)
Anyway, probably an unnecessary comment but just wanted to send some thanks and positivity your way! Keep doing what you're doing!
I should clarify, I love Pathfinder WOTR and it’s through my interest in this game that I found your channel.
I think Azata would be my pick for the mythic path. It fits with the nature theme of the class and the superpowers work great with it. The best superpower is probably Incredible Might (morale bonus to attack rolls equal to your mythic rank), because the morale bonus also adds to combat maneuvers like grapple and trip and you can double it with the Ring of Triumphant Advance from the Treasures of the midnight isles DLC (from act 3/4 not sure which)
God damn it, I want to play this so damn bad. Finally a "TRUE" shifter class with a Dragonic choice. Sadly, I've always felt like every Dragonic choice we got in every class has been lackluster, so this class seems perfect for a Golden Dragon playthrough
Is the Dragonblood Shifter any good? You get your transformation 5 levels later and you loose the stats and flexibility from minor/chimeric aspect in exchange for energy resistance. Looks like a downgrade to the base class to me.
@@epsilonfallen5830 Yeah, honestly it's disappointing, as always, BUT you get to be a dragon sooner than anyone without having to focus on the sorcerer class etc.
So I don't really care, I just want to be a Dragon and breathe fire onto everyone :D
@@NarutoIIPrayer Understandable. It's probably fine on normal/core. I just enjoy building characters. Plus you could also respec once you get the Gold Dragon Shape from your mythic path if you want a bit of extra power
@@epsilonfallen5830 Oh for sure, but it seems that even with a terrible subclass like Dragonheir Fighter you can play on the hardest difficulty, but if you're on that level I doubt "theme" is worth the headache.
Core/Hard is the max I go for and it all depends on how much I can be bothered to actually think :D But I do think there's something that can be done.
Still kinda sucks that a "tiger" shifter is more powerful than a freaking come on...
@@NarutoIIPrayer @NarutoIIPrayer Yeah, makes as much sense as a naked monk having more AC than someone in fullplate with a shield :D
I think Lich is one of the best to play with Vampiric Blade, Decaying Touch, Indestructible Bones and Fear Control + other buffs and spells all go very nicely with natural attacks.
Demon with Kalavakus aspect + extra natural attack bonuses from other abilities.
Love your channel and I always look forward to your videos. Even though these are not usually the type of games I like to play, I like your perspective!
the dlc looks really cool, i don’t know if i can justify another 100+ hour play through just for one new character and class though
I am probably going to hold off for a bit. Hopefully, we get a few more DLCs to save them all up to do another playthrough with them all.
@@MC-yt1uv yeah I'm waiting for the season pass 2's last DLC
@@MC-yt1uv I hope not. I want them to finish rogue trader ASAP. I'm guessing this was a quick cash grab to fund rogue trader since the previous DLCs weren't well received at all.
Same. I was hoping for some story DLC. Miss the old days of expansions rather than these bite sized DLCs that feel more like mods.
@@reka10 Don't forget there's two more DLCs planned for WOTR
I think I'm going to be doing some Midnight Isle dungeon crawling with this class for giggles. And also to see what the class can do, and how well it works with multiclassing
@@quint3ssent1a rofl, this is out of some Cthulhu/Far Realm vibe going on here.
I wish they added a QOL "Augmented Start" feature. Like if you tick it it starts you off in the camp after the fight with minagho at Kenabres or at the fight.
The primary game changing decisions can be made with the storybook things where you just select an option and be done with it. But then that causes an issue with the dialogue selection so idk how to solve that.
It's like a quickstart feature and you get the item, choice effects and companions associated with your decisions .
Truth be told I would rather have it start from drezen but given that that's most of the game I don't think that'll work. However just Kenabres should be fine and you start at the camp. What do you guys think ?
that's such a good shout, I've grown to despise the first few hours of the game - partially my own fault due to MANY restarts!
this would be a great idea. there was a mod for BG2 back in the day that skipped you completely out of irenicus's dungeon (but gave you the loot) - it was a nice quality of life feature for people on their umpteenth playthrough. really want something like that for wotr.
@@harktischris should I suggest this on their forums 😂
Well, you've got me sold!
Always enjoy classes that can either transform or summon a companion/pet. Just feels like more to do than a class that just acts alone, not that that's a bad thing either. As I do enjoy getting into the RP side of these kinds of games, I often see a pet or alternate form as an extension of my character's personality or backstory (even if it's not optimal gameplay-wise).
It's part of the reason I enjoy WotR with the addition of mounts. And since druid class is a personal favourite of mine, this class is right up my alley. At first glance, it feels more "feral" than a druid, being more melee hand-to-hand oriented. A welcome addition to the potential roster in my book!
I would love to play around with shifter and the various dragonic options, which you tend to have to focus your build hard on to get to work really well, even then it's not usually "optimal" in my experience. Though I'm a fairly casual player so I tend not to concern myself with an optimised build, as long as it's fun and works alright it's chill lol. Opens up a lot of wacky combinations too playing this way that a serious build would likely shy away from. (A reason why I also love Divinity 2)
I tend to play on an easier difficulty if I'm running a heavily themed character anyways, more for fun/flavour than challenge 😅
I'm looking forward to playing through this! And wow grats on 160k subs feels like only a month ago that you hit 100k. Amazing! On to 200k :)
Thanks for the video! Always love your guys content!
Awesome to hear that Wildshape Druids get a boost from this DLC/patch. As for Shifters, do they get to change for X Rounds per day, or can they eventually walk around permanently as an animal form?
It says it in the 4 min mark. The uses/day are Shifter level+Wisdom mod, the duration is 1 minute (60 rounds). The Master Shifter Mythic ability makes that permanent. So yes to both your questions.
@@GeoGyf I must have missed that, so many thanks. That's good that that's the case.
@@GeoGyf Interesting that you need a Mythic ability to make it last forever in this.
Just picked up the main game at a huge discount and wanted to see what DLC I should add to enhance the main campaign.
Just watched all the videos Mort has here for the add-ons and this one looks like the way to go..pumped to start playing..
I'm thinking Lich with a few of its mythic abilities might be quite good.
Yah it has one for natural attacks. Thought of doing a Druid Lich play but this would prob work better, Shifter Druid instead.
Thanks for the thorough overview.
I’m excited for this DLC
Loving how in the soon to be released Lord Of Nothing DLC for WOTR Owlcat is adding a Weretouched archetype for the Shifter with new character models for the hybrid forms. Recently had a run with a similar Bloodhunter Order Of The Lycan character in Baldur's Gate 3 thanks to a mod so looking forward to it.
I missed you this morning! I have to admit, I was little concerned when you didn't show up during my coffee. :D
Thanks! Heaps of information and this might motivate me to actually finish this game :s
Thanks for the DLC review... I think my brain is leaking now. Onward to 200k. All glory to the algorithm.
I love the shifter class and look forward to winning olbrig's heart. Oh, and thanks for the detailed breakdown of the class.
Watching this while downloading the DLC. Now to figure out what class/mythic path to play! Thanks for your informative videos
Thank you for explaining some things, the class is simple but the abilities have a whole page of text
Always great stuff thanks
28.5 GB update this better be an amazing patch.
I wonder how well the dragonblood shifter will mix with things like draconic bloodragers and scaled monks
Sadly ou can't stack monk's unarmored defense with Defensive Instinct, this includes the scaled fist monk (and probably the Instinctual Warrior, haven't tested it yet).
It's hard to multiclass with the dragonblood shifter tbh, because you get your big abilities so late. You probably want 9th/14th level at the very least, before you start to dip into other classes.
4 levels of Dragon Disciple should work for shifters in general, if you go strenght based. You also can get (arch)mage armor from the spellcasting class you need to take for Dragon Disciple, which is great because you can't wear armor while transformed.
Great review
Great stuff! Thank you.
Pathfinder looks so intimidating to me. Never played old crpg and only find this genre with Pillars of Eternity, but idea of player character ascending via Mythic Paths to greater heights looks intriguing.
It's not really as bad as it appears, WotR especially does a pretty good job of explaining every single mechanic if you want to deep dive into how things work, but there's no need to on standard difficulties. There's a tonne of options and builds laid out for you, but the game will straight up make recommendations for you and one of the great things about Pathfinder (compared to say DnD 3.5) is that going 20levels Pure in one class is almost always viable and sometimes optimal. So even if you just choose a class you like and put all your levels into it, without changing once, that's perfectly fine. That's what I do on most of my playthroughs honestly.
Neither Kingmaker nor WotR mess around with their difficulty, so if you put it up to Hard or Core since you may be used to playing like that- if you're not familiar with the systems you'll probably get your ass kicked. You'll have a perfectly fine time playing on normal, but the difficulties are modular anyway, so you can tweak whatever aspect of it you like to make it fit what you want better.
All in all, it may seem intimidating, it'll start you off and say "Which of these 50 classes do you want!?" which can absolutely be daunting, but if you give it a chance and just go with it, you'll find it's a lot more approachable and offers more guidance than you may have thought.
Great video, Mortym. Keep grinding, man!
Nice video hope you do some new fun build guides!
I think you're underselling what a Lich shapeshifter could do. Some of the Lich powers like Decaying Touch and if you're a Feyshifter Tainted Sneak Attack could probably do more for you than Angel.
tainted sneak attacks for fey would be really good
Dinosaur Shifter...I'm going to get this DLC now. Lol...though it would have been cooler to be the triceratops rather than the raptor. Personal preference, but still awesome.
Makes me excited to do a demon natural weapon playthrough
I can't wait till spring break so I can actually dive into this.
A big problem shifter in ttrpg had was, that all the shifter stuff was item type buffs(proficiency on skills, enhancement on stats, etc) so a druid with fighting items was just slightly worse at the one thing shifter does(shapeshift beatstick), while also beeing a fullcaster and having an animal companion
Indeed, all of that was changed to inherent bonuses here so it stacks with equipment's enhancement bonuses
My question is, can the beast rider get a griffon mount now? because that would be dope.
After playing through the first two acts 20 times, please buy this, so you can do it the 21st time.
I don't understand what you're saying here. Do you mean the first two acts were the only part of the game that were good?
@@nr1771 the first 2 acts are like, 50 hours worth of game, I'm guessing that is what Zierohour means 😂
@EBD the game has a lot of replayability. With all the different choices, paths, builds, ect.
But one of the downsides of that being true is that you have to play through the first 2 acts every time before getting to the meat of the campaign.
They are not bad parts of the game, but if you eat cheesecake every single meal of the day for a year, you're going to hate cheesecake cake.
@@Zierohour1 Oh okay, I guess that's one way to look at it since you don't get your mythic path until the end of act 2.
@@Zierohour1 I saw people suggest making save in act 2 and then using it to respec character to what you actually want to play instead of starting new one from very start every time.
Another nice review.
Legend 20 Chimera Shifter 20 Demonslayer Ranger is what I'm thinking.
I have both Pathfinder Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous. As well as Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2, but I don't have the dlc's for WotR. I'm used to rpg's with the 3rd person camera which also have a very different leveling system. I'm normally a calm and patient person, but for some reason I have difficulty sticking to these single player video game versions of tabletop games and idk why. Doubt it's the pacing because I level grind like mad in jrpg's and skill grind on Elder Scrolls for hrs on end. Just wondering what people recommend to help stick to this type of RPG?
Would have been cool for all the companions to have their own unique archetypes. For people who really want them, a mod would be easy enough to make them playable for the mc. Give the characters a more personalised theme tied to their stories. I hope their new game does something like this.
EDIT: also, i dont know if its a bug, but the fiend shifter doesnt work with the master shapeshifter mythic ability. You dont get the scores, and you dont get the unlimited uses.
Looking forward to the shifter - but like a good version of it.
I tried a Fey 6 - MW 14, worked well but was told pure Fey is even better, we'll see.
I wish they made it easier to import character portraits 😂
I'm getting the DLC today! I don't want noo spoilers lol
Can't wait to play a shifter with the Demon mythic
As much as I would like to play these DLC's that come after the initial launch, I just can't bring myself to restart the game from scratch for a new companion and a new quests. Unless it's a meaty expansion like White March in Pillars that happens post main story events I will never go back to try these mini dlc stories, because my "canon run" is already finished.
Cool! Now I can play WotR as Halsin! (There is a bear form, right?)
Once all the DLC is released, I'll buy them and then play the game.
Didn’t even know it came out today literally just bought it
Good show sir 🥳
i hear what you’re saying about lich not being very good for this class, but i would like to raise an idea: dracolich.
Would be interesting to know how large the new area is and what new items, if any, were added or are obtainable as part of the new companion quests.
The content is decent sized but not huge. I haven't finished the dlc yet but it definitely seems bigger than the Wildcards companion dlc in Kingmaker. I've found a lot of unique items for shifter builds so far.
The real question is can I mount a shifter? And have all the mounting bonuses applied to the shifter?
@@MortismalGaming damn it DAMN IT ALL. Cool class tho
Is it just me or does Ulbrig for some reason only have a base movement speed of 25ft when unarmored and on foot? I keep looking and I can't find any in-game explanation as to why
What are Ulbrig's reactions to the various mythic paths? Generally speaking. Is he OK if you go demon or lich?
He is NG, so he most likely will not like either very much at all. As a "child of nature" type dude, both paths would be against his nature and outlook.
@@rochin76123 Fair.
Does anyone know how to get ulbrig at act 3
Mortismal, are you interested in talking about pathfinder Wrath of the righteous mods? there are some with some new feats, archetypes, and fixes to make it more similar to tabletop. What do you think about them?
Mods are fine, but I don't really have an interest in covering them
Picked up Master shapeshifter mythic feat, and now I cant change back to human....... can you make a vid to see if it is a bug, or how to do it?
Do you have any videos on how you complete all the companion side quests? Do you run with the same party and only do theirs? Have one companion you can swap out? It feels so daunting to keep up with a usable build for each of the companions throughout the game. Any advice would be useful.
If you're just playing on normal just use their auto build and slap some equipment on them when you do their quests
@@MortismalGaming maybe that's the answer. Maybe I just play on Normal instead of Core. Or whatever is between Core and Normal. Just get the story, then play again for more of a challenge. This is probably why I never finished Kingmaker. Lol.
Defensive Instinct seems to only mention a Monk WIS AC bonus and not the Scaled Fist CHA AC bonus. Wonder if those could stack?
@@TheQoogle didn't think of that.
Hm, they really did fix the shifter from tabletop. Very cool.
I'm curious though, since you didn't touch this except the not stacking with monk AC bonusses but would you think the class would make a good multiclass and what would you pair it with?
Classes like this don't multiclass well in general, at most you'd take a couple levels in something for specific bonuses like say mutagen or something
If I go to the blackwing library on a old save pre patch that's still in Act 1 can I pick him up or have to start a new game?
Also can you still pick him up as a companion without the dlc?
Is the 'so you want to play pathfinder' new player's guide still up to date for the most part or are there sweeping changes to what's laid out in the video?
That video is all the more immutable rules of pathfinder 1e and the game itself. They couldn't change them without basically making a new game, so it'll stay up to date.
@@MortismalGaming Thank you.
I wonder though, if we recruit Ulbrig later in the game (like act 3), can we still complete his full story/companion quests? Minus those mentioned earlier interactions if they aren't required to finish his story. Or is he going to get bad ending no matter what if he is recruited later? Shifter class sounds fun considering various choices. Dragon shifter plus Gold Dragon = two dragon forms! Or Mythic Legend path with second class also having some draconic archetype.
Story yes, romance and some unique stuff no is my understanding but I haven't tested every variation as it stands
@@MortismalGaming Thanks for info! Looks like I might use him in my party then if all of his quests are available.
Great, my backlog gets bigger and bigger.
Time to spend another hour in character creation😄
does shifter work with natural weapons from other sources? Can you multiclass 1 level in shifter to keep other natural weapons relevant into late game? I have been trying to get that natural weapons warpriest subclass to be useful for a while.
No just the claws and the primary natural attacks on their major forms
@@MortismalGaming ty for clarification :(
So its a Druid Monk.
Also, I hate that I own this game and pretty much all of its DLC and still haven’t finished this game.
I just want the gunslinger, goddamnit.
Any idea how the new companion interacts with Lich, as in, will he eventually leave the party?
Been planning on doing an evil Lich playthrough.
Sounds a little like the plot of The Last Airbender. Encased for 100 years, the last of his kind, huge war going on
Or Zelda BotW.
I'm just trying to decide, will I run a Shifter myself or do I want to go with Wenduag the Fiendish Shifter.
I'm going to go with Wenduag the Manticore.
Can you find this character in the middle of a playthrough? I was nearly done with Act 3 for my Lich run and I plan on starting a Legend run soon, so it's not a deal-breaker if I can't get him for now.
Supposed to be able to grab him in act 1,3, or 5
@@MortismalGaming that’s what I saw from Owlcat soon after I posted the comment. Hopefully as I wait for the Ziggurat project that will pop up soon.
do you know if they'll offer more story content or add to the existing one? i was hoping for a Devil romance with Galfrey, since they share all that lawful aspect and it would be quite the accomplishment to turn a queen towards Asmodeus, since there is no chance for a dalliance with Abrogail herself...
That should have been their focus before a companion/ new class. The Devil and Gold Dragon paths aren't so great as is. I also wish there was some sort of third option for becoming a devil.
@@sixseven404 i was looking forward to play a Gold Dragon :( it was supposed to have the wisdom of the ages, so i thought all replies would be complex and interesting
Guys I just brought limited edition of this game with 4 DLC I’m new. Should I do this DLC 1st.
Will you do a video on some builds?
Probably one at least
I want that death from above ability.... Need a mod for that asap
So would the mythic demon forms attacks scale with shifter abilities?
Likely not as the shifter claws state the bonuses apply while in their major aspect's form.
Well shit. Looks like another 40hr play through. Azata this time, though I’m not opposed to shape changing lich either.
So I bought the season pass and it’s not included 😢
Yeah this is for the second season, 1st of 3
At last I will be able to play as Kaidou from One Piece.
i’m thinking this might synergise with hagbound…
Where can I recruit Ulbric in Act 3?
Will you be doing a new play threw?
Probably to get the new achievements if nothing else
Well, demon rage no longer counts as bloodrage, so there goes my character
Death from Above? Someone at Owlcat is a Battletech fan instead of/along with the 40K fans, it seems.
Any chances we'll see a let's play with the class?
Not likely
@@MortismalGaming damn, at least i can look forward to any build videos
@@hereticFox2001 probably one at least
A low Will Save is not the best trait againts demons.
WOTC:Wildshape is OP so we made it just 1 generic statblock and no special abilities.
Owlcat/Paizo: LOL Wanna turn into a dragon?
It's weird seeing them carve out even what little variation actually exists in 5e to begin with.
Better I wait all dlc comes up to buy this game
Yeh, the Complete Edition should be worth the wait.
Not that interested in the shifter class, but this gives me an excuse to play PWOTR, again.
Somebody else cant unlock the achievements in steam? Even if you play in core difficult?
2:16 wait a moment what the hell is thast Snake dog/fox thing ? on the right.
pipe fox pet, been in the game since the start, act 1
@@MortismalGaming Never noticed, thank you ^^ !!!
I should reword this. I don't mind paying for more content, it's just I think content should be a "new story", not just an extra character, or an alternate plot-line. DLC #2 literally re-used 3 maps and that was the whole DLC, it was like 1 hour of extra play then the promise of continuation through DLC #5. So my take on it, was that DLC #2 should have been DLC #5 and it is very obvious when you play it that they used a DLC content slot just to introduce you to paying for another DLC, which is kind of a insult to people that paid for it.
Wild Effigy + Lich = New Meat Man?
Is this the last DLc or more to come?
at least two more in the works
@@MortismalGaming sweet
You mean I gotta play the game again.... fine but after 24548 times.. this is the last time.... until another DLC that is. But I'm warning you !