"He kept beating my son, tossed out all his stuff, and called the cops on him because I refused to feed him, AND I stuck with him." Can we just talk about how bad of a mother she was to her son for a moment in that last story?
I don't know the entire situation, but typically the mom would have also been a victim in this instance. Since the op doesn't mention the mom engaging in the abusive activities, and all she does is allows it to happen, this is most likely the case.
Mother-bear protection, beats I’m a victim, too. She may choose -out of fear or necessity - to remain being abused. However, she is morally and ethically obligated to not allow it for her children. I feel bad for her, but she is first and foremost responsible for her kids, even above herself. FYI: The same is true for men who stick around abusive women that abuse them, or especially, their kids.
I agree with you also I would like to add she finally decided to divorce him or separate from him after she figured out she was dying. How could you let someone beat your kid like that? I would at least try to protect my kid by sending them away from their abuser. I don't care if she was getting abused you're still gonna try to protect your kids and the sister was a little snot bucket I would have stopped talking to her as well.
Blame It OnThe Aliy Hall My mother came from an abusive mother and they reconciled. Her mother was a heavy drinker mainly because she was repeatedly raped and abused by her husband. That drained her and she wasn’t there for my mom, but she forgave her after hearing the full story.
Damn, that Stepdad got destroyed. He must feel like having wounds all over, which get passionately hugged with a stick made out of salt every time OP goes to Walmart.
Also also mean step dad: *threw away skateboard,half pipe, ice hockey gear, anything relating to a physical activity; wonders why hes just being a nerd*
I was shooketh listening to that and all I could think is "😱😳What would the guy do if OP was female instead?!😱😳" I play video games, watch anime, read manga, stick to cartoons, am a fan of the MCU, play an instrument, want to travel, and am female. So what would he have done to me if I were in OP's shoes? I was genuinely scared.
"Ness cam" You walk into a room, you start hearing "PK FIRE!" You start looking around the room for the noise. All you see is a small camera with a hat.
DoucheDad: I got rid of your card collection because you don't like football. Me: Well, if you look out the window, you'll realise that... hehe... your car's on fire.
I totally cracked up when he made sugar grout :-D I feel bad for the guy that got beat up by his stepdad but I also feel good that he got revenge on the guy.
The one with the guy who would have to be hungry at school (around 13:00) hit me hard. I live with my dad in a run-down old apartment. There was a time my father was so sad and having so much trouble with money, I refused to eat so he didn't have to pay the school a sh*t load of money that he didn't really have to spare. My best friends, the saints that they are, noticed how I never ate and only took leftover food from the "Unwanted" bin. So, in response, they started each sharing their food with me from the kindness of their hearts, splitting entire pizzas and paying extra for milk cartons so I could make it through the day without being sick from starvation pain. Whenever I refused to take their food, they would put it in my hands and say "I'm not going to eat it. ill just throw it out. You can have it" I am ever grateful to this day. Hannah, Ian, Domonique, Garret, Ron, and Alexis...If any of you are reading this. You saved my life. Thank you
AlexAndHisVids OP said that his Pokemon card collection was dumped too. Wonder what cards he had? If there was a rare card in the collection like Holo Charizard or an EX Mewtwo, *the gloves come off.* (I specifically mentioned Holo Charizard, because this reminded me of a more recent story RSlash read where an entitled mother and brat stole someone's Pokemon cards and the people at the camp didn't do shit about it.)
When my parents bought our new (actually 150 year old) house, back in the late 70s, he hired these two guys to do a bunch of work. They never finished any projects. And took my dad for hundreds of thousands. Years later, I was dining out with some friends who work in the trades. These two men were sitting nearby, and everyone started talking. They started bragging about all the times they screwed gullible customers over the years. And spent a good share of their time on what they'd done to my dad. They didn't recognize me, since I'd grown up by then. But when they left, I explained the situation to my friends. My friends had exchanged cards with these guys. And my friends were really well known and respected in the area. They got these guys blackballed from working ANYWHERE in the extended metro area of our state. A few years later, we were forced to update our kitchen. My dad paid to have the new garbage disposal, dishwasher, and fridge (with water and ice)installed. They weren't able to do it, because our electrical wiring was 40 years out of code. 20 years earlier, those 2 guys had supposedly brought it up to code, for thousands of dollars. 😡 And we had to spend thousands more to have it actually brought to code. I am pretty sure those guys are both dead now. I personally hope they're rotting in h*ll.
When I look for a tradie here are some tips 1: always ask for their builders license and verified it online 2. Never pay the full amount or large amounts up front 3. The maximum deposit should be 10 to 20% 4. And if the tradie turns aggressive or intimidating that is a huge warning sign
@@blue_4502 So you'd rather be a doormat? I don't care if I'm one of the last two people on earth. I'm not letting someone take advantage of me or my parents
People from older generations were generally from a time and/or culture where they had to be polite and ever cause a scene. My Nanny (Grandmother), may she rest in peace, was born in 1913 and was born within the sound of the "Bow Bells" or near the church of St. Mary-le-Bow in London, so she was a Cockney and was overly polite to everyone as she never wanted to make a scene. There are several cultures in the world where their small knit communities, when they emigrate to other countries, are even more extreme with this mindset. Romani, Orthodox Jews, certain types of Muslims etc. all still are like this and can easily get scammed by people in their own communities.
@@BestBES I would stand up and not accept that to happen and since OP had evidence that he didn't do the work it would be an easy case. But we're talking that you're in the shoes of older people, why would they cause a scene with a person that's from the same culture as them and live in the same town as them. And even though it wasn't planned you do know that they ended getting back 42 fold.
With the child beating story, I genuinely hate hearing those stories they make me phisically ache knowing what happened and even if the person (OP) got their revenge in the end I feel, they really didn’t, the years of trauma and torture and suicidal thots will still haunt their memories, I’ve been through some things, no where near being beaten, but with the stuff I’ve been through still scaring me, I feel like In the end of these types of stories they “won” but still carry the scars, this may sound far fetched but it in a way reminds me of D-day, they won the battle but at what cost the loss of many men and ptsd to the survivors, so to OP he still has to carry the horrible memories his whole life even though he won in the end, and I’ve see the posts r/slash has read where the person has actually gotten ptsd, I just don’t feel completely satisfied with the revenge as these people still carry the long term scars. Sorry about the long rant probably doesn’t make much sense especially with the D-day thing or whatever just wanted to give my personal insite, I just hope these people live the best life they possibly can(sorry for any spelling errors)
Don’t apologize. I understand completely. The D-Day thing actually does make sense because it’s all PTSD, just in slightly different forms. And while I do enjoy stories of people getting back at their abusers (bc that’s exactly what I want to do) this aspect bothers me too. Even if I could get some kind of revenge on my “parents,” it wouldn’t undo the pain. It wouldn’t get rid of my PTSD. It wouldn’t fix all of the things I’ve missed because of my ptsd. It wouldn’t eliminate the need for therapy and medication for my excessive mental health problems. I know that getting revenge is never a REAL Happy Ending because of all the scars and the permanent aspects of that abuse, but sometimes I like to pretend it is and that the OP’s problems are washed away with their satisfying story. I know it’s not real, but fantasy (escapism really) has always been my preferred coping mechanism. I hope you’re doing okay, getting on with life, coping with your trauma. Therapy works wonders if you find a good therapist. The best thing survivors can do is live a good life despite the deterrents. Keep on living your best life💕
No need to apologise, because some of us child abuse survivors do end up with PTSD & complex-PTSD from that long term abuse, it changes how you think, you’re on edge often, you’ve several trigger dates, you’re extremely wary of people, you can’t trust anyone, certain sounds/smells can force flashbacks, hyperarousal (flight or fight feeling), not sleeping for 36 hours and getting only 90-120 minutes sleep, plus lots more fun. It’s never far from your mind because sadly with PTSD, it’s always there to annoy you and doesn’t go away. It does at least help us let others know they’re not alone in their struggles and being able to find people who are actually understanding and loving, but equally you get “HoW cAn YoU hAvE PTSD WhEn YoUrE nOt A sOlDiEr” and other associated attitudes from those who just don’t want to understand mental health conditions. Thankfully more and more people are aware these days, so on the rare occasion I have faced that attitude from idiots, they get shut down by kind strangers online who aren’t in the mood for some demeaning butthole!
@@kranberry3318 absolutely spot on. Like I’m happy in life now, I feel safe, I’m able to enjoy life where I can, but I still have PTSD and permanent nerve damage (which has left me mostly bedridden) from said childhood, so I might be able to enjoy life now but it doesn’t make up for the hurt, suffering, physical scars and mental scars. It took a long time to not blame myself, that my mother would never love me, that my brother was allowed to abuse me because that’s what she wanted, and it’s left lasting impressions. Revenge would be cool I guess, but it wouldn’t change anything. The best “revenge” I got was making a lengthy online post, with a load of receipts, that held my mother and brother accountable, where friends commented about the abuses they’d seen in person (from either mother or brother towards me), abuse they had faced themselves from either of them, and some remembering specific incidents from years ago. My mother panicked and tried lying to everyone in the comments (before I blocked her) where she realised she couldn’t convince everyone I was somehow super evil for “airing dirty laundry” (LMAO) and how everyone were “gullible to believe obvious lies”, this was despite folk saying “I’ve literally seen your son harass/scream/punch your daughter” and “you’ve literally neglected your daughter the whole time I’ve known her”, and my favourite was actually “always knew you were a narcissist, nothing you ever told me at work made sense as to why your kid never spoke to you, so glad you shared this on your Facebook crying about how “rude”, “ungrateful” and “spiteful” your daughter somehow is for being literally traumatised her entire life by you” So in my area of Scotland she’s been socially castrated and is a pariah, folk know the kind of person she is in general but hadn’t seen her full narcissism, they knew she was a horrible, neglectful, hateful woman who was deeply sexist, homophobic and ableist, but they didn’t realise the extent of the abuse. Was that “revenge” cool? I guess? It’s nice folk could see who she truly was, but it doesn’t heal that trauma, that’s sadly there forever.
Dude, props to OP in that last story. I had to deal with some shit-stain, waste of a human being like that before. I know how terrifying it can be. My and my brother were lucky enough that he never tried to hit us (my mother might have murdered him if he tried), but he often wailed on his own son, even in public places. And he would spend hours on end screaming at us about how if we kept going the way we were, we would end up as failures, and how we had been "pampered" up until that point, simply because we would start crying when he yelled at us like he did. Sometimes this would stretch into the latest hours of the night, even of school days. (Which, side note, we *have* been yelled at before, but only if we were being corrected. My parents don't agree on many things, but they NEVER screamed at us unless it was necessary.) I'll stop there, but honestly could go on for a while. Those kinds of people are the worst waste of human flesh I can physically imagine, and I'm insanely pleased that OP got the revenge they deserved.
That mom in the last story is a real piece of work. so four months into dating this guy, she lets him insult her kid, throw away his stuff much of which was expensive, and then proceeded to physically abuse him to the point where he ran away from home twice including a larceny charge over three dollars. All of which resulted in the kid going to Juvie. And the only time she dumps this guy is when she found out she was terminally ill and did not want to spend the rest of her nine months of life with him? Not when he’s abusing her kid… The sisters honestly know better. 15 years old and telling on her brother knowing full well that he’s going to get his butt kicked over three dollars and chores. The 3 of them deserve each other
You’d think the police would, y’know, investigate why this fifteen year old was constantly running away from home instead of just tossing him into juvie.
That mother let her son be physically and verbally abused, and only left her abusive partner when she found out she was dying. She was a terrible mother.
I had a friend in elementary school who was beaten by his father. He ended being aggressive due to it as well (Couldn't fight back) In highschool he had a growth spurt (Bring up to just under 6 ft (At the age of 15) and he had gotten into weightlifting, suing his recess and time during lunch in the school's weight room. (he went from a guy smaller than me to a hulking giant) He wasn't beaten anymore. A few times he even asked my to punch him in the stomach to see if he could handle it (I am not the strongest guy myself but I did as asked. He eventually started asking bigger guys to do so.) The aggressive kids I new in elementary school was gone, he was a relatively nice guy, who would stand up for the kids he saw getting bullied. He would get suspended a few times for cracking the skull of a bully. (probably having a bit of reminiscent aggression) I later found out that his father had been hospitalized a few times for hitting his (Now ex) wife and daughter. Primarily because his son would beat his ass for it. It's one of those "Be careful who you pick on" stories.
It was my own act of revenge to write a book with an antagonist based on specifically on 2 people who caused a lot of pain to me and my family. That antagonist died two bloody deaths in the book
I will never understand abusive boyfriends/girlfriends, who think that because they're dating someone, they have the right to lecture, discipline or order around their partner's kids. You're not the parent of the child, you're not even married to the child's parent you're dating. Once you become a step-parent, maybe a little leeway for legitimate discipline can be given. But not the blatant abuse that OP describes. x.x
I had people bully me growing up, kids in school, family, so I love your channel so much. Sure I did get a dig to a few tormentors but hearing other people exact well deserved just come upence is very satisfying.
The best kind of content while being sick in bed playing Okami on my switch, fishing up some fishies and throwing up. While I have your videos in the background, your voice soothes me a little and it also covers the noise of me puking.
We had a plumber who would take 12 hours to fix a leaky faucet and charge us out the rear and we would always wonder why. One time he happened to come by while I was home and I had plans but my parents weren't home and didn't want him to be there by himself this time in case he was stealing, well turns out he would buy the wrong size faucet ON PURPOSE and so he told me "sorry wrong faucet" and left 5 hours passed my parents call and I'm sitting there like "he left 5 hours ago to get a new faucet and never came back" my mother was livid, told his boss and he showed up in 10 minutes. Turns out he was sitting at a restaurant and just joy riding the whole time and his boss called him and he rushed to our house and he was later "Taken Care Of" if you know what I mean
I love that last story it reminds me of when I was younger grew up in foster care had this one home horrible people lady used to lock us in the closet for days and beat us wouldn't feed us anything and no matter what any of us told our social workers no one would listen to us so eventually I just burned her house down got sent to juvie for 3 months don't regret it at all totally worth it
… Huh. Normally I don’t get this until a half hour or so. Cool! Now if I was OP in that first situation, I would’ve paid and then told him I won’t be hiring again. “If it takes you six hours to do a small job like this, then I can’t imagine how long it would’ve taken you for a bigger job. Sorry; you’re just not efficient enough.” Also, for the last story, “OP shouldn’t be playing with nerdy garbage!” He says after he gets rid of his stepson’s sporting equipment.
I know this is super late, but hang on. You’re telling me this MOTHER…didn’t want to spend the rest if her life with this guy. If you don’t want to spend the rest if your life with him, WHY DID YOU MARRY HIM??!! And on top of that! If your child is being beaten on the regular, then there should be physical evidence of that, and a case should be easily made. But she just…let that happen. Look, I get it, abusive relationships, bad cycles, being comfortable with the abuser, blah blah blah. I have a really hard time empathizing with parents who allow their children to be abused and not do anything about it, especially with all the resources available to get away from that situation.
A couple of things about that last story. 1. Gotta love how the stepdad sells all of OP's sporting stuff, but then says that he should be doing sports later on. Dude's clearly a hypocrite on top of being a despicable human 2. That story was so brutal, I'd say it's bordering on Nuclear Revenge. OP straight up ruined a man's entire livelihood
OP with the abusive step father. Your mom is just as much to blame for his abuse as he is. She enabled him doing it and didn’t divorce him until she got diagnosed with cancer because SHE didn’t want to deal with his bullshit? What about you and all the bullshit she let him do? Sounds like you had 2 abusers.
That is me on every video that I arrive early on. But if I am early, that means either I was already perusing, or I ran out of things that interested me.
When rSlash says that collecting coins is more of a nerd thing than collecting Pokemon cards, they are both equally interesting when people show there massive collections and you get to see what kind of Pokemon or coins they have.
the last story hit so close to home for me with the experience i had with my step dad growing up and i really feel for op. a lot of people are pointing out that the dad was a hypocrite and from what i experienced and from what i’ve heard from others that’s a very common thing in mental abuse. the dad didn’t care what OP liked, it was all about control and power. if op was a football player i’m sure the dad would’ve found a way to use that to hurt just the same as he did with the comic books and skateboards. what truly breaks my heart is that the police officers who brought OP home when he ran away didn’t even seem to question why he did it, or if they did they didn’t believe him. the thing i wonder about most in this story is why OP’s mom never stood up to him. i wonder if the father was as cruel to her as he was OP and he just never knew. i hate think that OP had no one on his side. but it seems he’s doing better now and that’s amazing and i hope it continues. if you’re suffering from abuse: please please speak up. find help. there’s someone out there who will listen to you and you deserve better.
I buy a lot commemorative coins and antique money (confederate bills for example) but wouldn't call myself a collector. I also invest in silver. what I am a collector of is Zippos and skulls. I have more than 60 Zippos and somewhere around 30 skulls. the biggest 2 skulls I have are a buffalo and a zebra. I have a lot of small ones as well and a few big ones. black bear, coyote, iguana, opossum, bobcat, beaver, and a lot of others. I have a good size collection going. and I always get 1 in the mail from skullsunlimited.com but right now im also signed up for their limited edition which runs for 6 months. it is going to end in October I think. so until then I will be getting 2 skulls in the mail.
Open youtube at 1:59PM (BST), or whenever he usually uploads Ad continuously refresh the page. It's the only way to beat those who accidentally open youtube at the perfect time
Maybe another youtuber covered them? The last few weeks theres been some noticable story overlap (airline seat one from last episode covered by 3 different youtubers ) But I honestly didnt recognise any duplication. Ive been subbed here for months now, and occasionally listen to others (Voicy and Oz). Voice acting varies.
@@Gurlan1n Fair enough. Sometimes I get a bit of Deja Vu, and others its legit because at the ones I listen to share source material once in a while. So deffo going with both then xD He probably does so many of these hes just forgotten which ones. Likely they all sound the same after a while.
I sometimes think that stories that haven’t even been covered yet are repeating so the Deja Vu thing might be the case. Anyway the quality of the voice acting is great so why not listen twice?
Man, hearing people get the karma they deserve is justvso satifying. Espeacially when one of my oh so favorite RUclipsrs reading it. I swear, listening to and reading these story's are oddly satifying and help me calm down after a long day _-RSLASH-_ You are hilarious 😂👌💙
I always finding myself getting stuck on your videos when I'm binging on youtube. I'm like, "one more video" lol I really like your channel. I think it's how you speak for EM's or ET's that reel me in. Regardless, you're doing an awesome job and keep it up.
I've got new merch!
I'm about to cop it
Cool mate
rSlash love these videos
Imma soo excited
"He kept beating my son, tossed out all his stuff, and called the cops on him because I refused to feed him, AND I stuck with him." Can we just talk about how bad of a mother she was to her son for a moment in that last story?
I don't know the entire situation, but typically the mom would have also been a victim in this instance. Since the op doesn't mention the mom engaging in the abusive activities, and all she does is allows it to happen, this is most likely the case.
Mother-bear protection, beats I’m a victim, too. She may choose -out of fear or necessity - to remain being abused. However, she is morally and ethically obligated to not allow it for her children. I feel bad for her, but she is first and foremost responsible for her kids, even above herself.
FYI: The same is true for men who stick around abusive women that abuse them, or especially, their kids.
I agree with you also I would like to add she finally decided to divorce him or separate from him after she figured out she was dying. How could you let someone beat your kid like that? I would at least try to protect my kid by sending them away from their abuser. I don't care if she was getting abused you're still gonna try to protect your kids and the sister was a little snot bucket I would have stopped talking to her as well.
Considering how fake the entire story sounds, I doubt she exists.
Blame It OnThe Aliy Hall My mother came from an abusive mother and they reconciled. Her mother was a heavy drinker mainly because she was repeatedly raped and abused by her husband. That drained her and she wasn’t there for my mom, but she forgave her after hearing the full story.
Damn, that Stepdad got destroyed.
He must feel like having wounds all over, which get passionately hugged with a stick made out of salt every time OP goes to Walmart.
Dream Walker I bet OP’s favourite place to hangout is Walmart, specifically the cashier line his stepdad works at
Lol passionately hugged
I only got pissed at him taking the PS2.
You don't do that to a fellow gamer.
I hope that step dad realized all of this is his own fault, that necklace marshmallow can get "passionately hugged" by a cactus
The sad part is he got away with it for years before meeting his karma.
Lol rSlash so frustrated like “THAT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE”
For a second, I thought somebody else was speaking.
"Workers that know ALL of their dirty secrets
Also mean step-dad: *had a coin collection*
I'm a nerd AND collect coins
Alycornz coin collections aren’t nerdy, they’re fucking badass.
Also also mean step dad: *threw away skateboard,half pipe, ice hockey gear, anything relating to a physical activity; wonders why hes just being a nerd*
Yes, we know. We watched the video, and we listened to Rslash's comments afterward.
I was shooketh listening to that and all I could think is "😱😳What would the guy do if OP was female instead?!😱😳"
I play video games, watch anime, read manga, stick to cartoons, am a fan of the MCU, play an instrument, want to travel, and am female. So what would he have done to me if I were in OP's shoes?
I was genuinely scared.
"Ness cam"
You walk into a room, you start hearing "PK FIRE!"
You start looking around the room for the noise.
All you see is a small camera with a hat.
Noob Owl This is the comment I DIE for
this. i love this
This is the best goddamn comment I've ever seen
PK Rockin Alpha
"my mom and I eventually reconciled"
Rookie mistake
*Puts them in a position to ruin the other ones life*
Wait, that was actually brilliant
That teacher/stepparent story was really heavy.. That guy is a massive Catch U Next Tuesday. He genuinely deserved that revenge.
DoucheDad: I got rid of your card collection because you don't like football.
Me: Well, if you look out the window, you'll realise that... hehe... your car's on fire.
"And to other side i just sold your rare coins."
The Satisfaction On The Last Story Though, that made my day thanks R/slash for bringing us satisfactory revenge stories
That last 1 was sooo good, shopping at his store and flashing the coins from *his* collection is a stroke of genius
I totally cracked up when he made sugar grout :-D
I feel bad for the guy that got beat up by his stepdad but I also feel good that he got revenge on the guy.
The one with the guy who would have to be hungry at school (around 13:00) hit me hard. I live with my dad in a run-down old apartment. There was a time my father was so sad and having so much trouble with money, I refused to eat so he didn't have to pay the school a sh*t load of money that he didn't really have to spare. My best friends, the saints that they are, noticed how I never ate and only took leftover food from the "Unwanted" bin. So, in response, they started each sharing their food with me from the kindness of their hearts, splitting entire pizzas and paying extra for milk cartons so I could make it through the day without being sick from starvation pain. Whenever I refused to take their food, they would put it in my hands and say "I'm not going to eat it. ill just throw it out. You can have it" I am ever grateful to this day. Hannah, Ian, Domonique, Garret, Ron, and Alexis...If any of you are reading this. You saved my life. Thank you
Im just gonna say if someone sold my comic collection some hands are going up.
He didn't sell it.. He got rid of it
There would be a detached arm falling to the floor if that happened to me
OP said that his Pokemon card collection was dumped too.
Wonder what cards he had? If there was a rare card in the collection like Holo Charizard or an EX Mewtwo, *the gloves come off.*
(I specifically mentioned Holo Charizard, because this reminded me of a more recent story RSlash read where an entitled mother and brat stole someone's Pokemon cards and the people at the camp didn't do shit about it.)
Derek Forrester
For me, it'd be a leg or a hand.
15:43 "he reacted exactly as I expected"
Ah yes, just as expected.
Everybody gangsta until Karen calls for the manager
It should be the other way around
@@konscole1155 lol
@@konscole1155 Everybody manager until Karen calls the gangsta.
@@InternetinaNutshellChannel everybody karen till manager calls the gangsta
@@Ray.6406 Gangsta Karen until the manager calls for everybody
When my parents bought our new (actually 150 year old) house, back in the late 70s, he hired these two guys to do a bunch of work. They never finished any projects. And took my dad for hundreds of thousands.
Years later, I was dining out with some friends who work in the trades. These two men were sitting nearby, and everyone started talking. They started bragging about all the times they screwed gullible customers over the years. And spent a good share of their time on what they'd done to my dad. They didn't recognize me, since I'd grown up by then. But when they left, I explained the situation to my friends. My friends had exchanged cards with these guys. And my friends were really well known and respected in the area. They got these guys blackballed from working ANYWHERE in the extended metro area of our state.
A few years later, we were forced to update our kitchen. My dad paid to have the new garbage disposal, dishwasher, and fridge (with water and ice)installed. They weren't able to do it, because our electrical wiring was 40 years out of code. 20 years earlier, those 2 guys had supposedly brought it up to code, for thousands of dollars. 😡 And we had to spend thousands more to have it actually brought to code.
I am pretty sure those guys are both dead now. I personally hope they're rotting in h*ll.
you should post this on the subreddit
When I look for a tradie here are some tips
1: always ask for their builders license and verified it online
2. Never pay the full amount or large amounts up front
3. The maximum deposit should be 10 to 20%
4. And if the tradie turns aggressive or intimidating that is a huge warning sign
Those parents were dumb af. I'm not paying extra just to not "cause a scene"
Or, you know, trying to be nice
He was from the same country as them and why would u want bad blood with one of the few people you share a culture with, especially if ur older.
@@blue_4502 So you'd rather be a doormat? I don't care if I'm one of the last two people on earth. I'm not letting someone take advantage of me or my parents
People from older generations were generally from a time and/or culture where they had to be polite and ever cause a scene. My Nanny (Grandmother), may she rest in peace, was born in 1913 and was born within the sound of the "Bow Bells" or near the church of St. Mary-le-Bow in London, so she was a Cockney and was overly polite to everyone as she never wanted to make a scene. There are several cultures in the world where their small knit communities, when they emigrate to other countries, are even more extreme with this mindset. Romani, Orthodox Jews, certain types of Muslims etc. all still are like this and can easily get scammed by people in their own communities.
@@BestBES I would stand up and not accept that to happen and since OP had evidence that he didn't do the work it would be an easy case. But we're talking that you're in the shoes of older people, why would they cause a scene with a person that's from the same culture as them and live in the same town as them. And even though it wasn't planned you do know that they ended getting back 42 fold.
With the child beating story, I genuinely hate hearing those stories they make me phisically ache knowing what happened and even if the person (OP) got their revenge in the end I feel, they really didn’t, the years of trauma and torture and suicidal thots will still haunt their memories, I’ve been through some things, no where near being beaten, but with the stuff I’ve been through still scaring me, I feel like In the end of these types of stories they “won” but still carry the scars, this may sound far fetched but it in a way reminds me of D-day, they won the battle but at what cost the loss of many men and ptsd to the survivors, so to OP he still has to carry the horrible memories his whole life even though he won in the end, and I’ve see the posts r/slash has read where the person has actually gotten ptsd, I just don’t feel completely satisfied with the revenge as these people still carry the long term scars. Sorry about the long rant probably doesn’t make much sense especially with the D-day thing or whatever just wanted to give my personal insite, I just hope these people live the best life they possibly can(sorry for any spelling errors)
Don’t apologize. I understand completely. The D-Day thing actually does make sense because it’s all PTSD, just in slightly different forms. And while I do enjoy stories of people getting back at their abusers (bc that’s exactly what I want to do) this aspect bothers me too. Even if I could get some kind of revenge on my “parents,” it wouldn’t undo the pain. It wouldn’t get rid of my PTSD. It wouldn’t fix all of the things I’ve missed because of my ptsd. It wouldn’t eliminate the need for therapy and medication for my excessive mental health problems. I know that getting revenge is never a REAL Happy Ending because of all the scars and the permanent aspects of that abuse, but sometimes I like to pretend it is and that the OP’s problems are washed away with their satisfying story. I know it’s not real, but fantasy (escapism really) has always been my preferred coping mechanism. I hope you’re doing okay, getting on with life, coping with your trauma. Therapy works wonders if you find a good therapist. The best thing survivors can do is live a good life despite the deterrents. Keep on living your best life💕
It's like 2 people shooting each other and one dieing, yeah THEY died, but I still got shot.
You're absolutely right, those memories last a lifetime.
No need to apologise, because some of us child abuse survivors do end up with PTSD & complex-PTSD from that long term abuse, it changes how you think, you’re on edge often, you’ve several trigger dates, you’re extremely wary of people, you can’t trust anyone, certain sounds/smells can force flashbacks, hyperarousal (flight or fight feeling), not sleeping for 36 hours and getting only 90-120 minutes sleep, plus lots more fun.
It’s never far from your mind because sadly with PTSD, it’s always there to annoy you and doesn’t go away. It does at least help us let others know they’re not alone in their struggles and being able to find people who are actually understanding and loving, but equally you get “HoW cAn YoU hAvE PTSD WhEn YoUrE nOt A sOlDiEr” and other associated attitudes from those who just don’t want to understand mental health conditions. Thankfully more and more people are aware these days, so on the rare occasion I have faced that attitude from idiots, they get shut down by kind strangers online who aren’t in the mood for some demeaning butthole!
@@kranberry3318 absolutely spot on. Like I’m happy in life now, I feel safe, I’m able to enjoy life where I can, but I still have PTSD and permanent nerve damage (which has left me mostly bedridden) from said childhood, so I might be able to enjoy life now but it doesn’t make up for the hurt, suffering, physical scars and mental scars.
It took a long time to not blame myself, that my mother would never love me, that my brother was allowed to abuse me because that’s what she wanted, and it’s left lasting impressions. Revenge would be cool I guess, but it wouldn’t change anything. The best “revenge” I got was making a lengthy online post, with a load of receipts, that held my mother and brother accountable, where friends commented about the abuses they’d seen in person (from either mother or brother towards me), abuse they had faced themselves from either of them, and some remembering specific incidents from years ago. My mother panicked and tried lying to everyone in the comments (before I blocked her) where she realised she couldn’t convince everyone I was somehow super evil for “airing dirty laundry” (LMAO) and how everyone were “gullible to believe obvious lies”, this was despite folk saying “I’ve literally seen your son harass/scream/punch your daughter” and “you’ve literally neglected your daughter the whole time I’ve known her”, and my favourite was actually “always knew you were a narcissist, nothing you ever told me at work made sense as to why your kid never spoke to you, so glad you shared this on your Facebook crying about how “rude”, “ungrateful” and “spiteful” your daughter somehow is for being literally traumatised her entire life by you”
So in my area of Scotland she’s been socially castrated and is a pariah, folk know the kind of person she is in general but hadn’t seen her full narcissism, they knew she was a horrible, neglectful, hateful woman who was deeply sexist, homophobic and ableist, but they didn’t realise the extent of the abuse. Was that “revenge” cool? I guess? It’s nice folk could see who she truly was, but it doesn’t heal that trauma, that’s sadly there forever.
Dude, props to OP in that last story. I had to deal with some shit-stain, waste of a human being like that before. I know how terrifying it can be. My and my brother were lucky enough that he never tried to hit us (my mother might have murdered him if he tried), but he often wailed on his own son, even in public places. And he would spend hours on end screaming at us about how if we kept going the way we were, we would end up as failures, and how we had been "pampered" up until that point, simply because we would start crying when he yelled at us like he did. Sometimes this would stretch into the latest hours of the night, even of school days. (Which, side note, we *have* been yelled at before, but only if we were being corrected. My parents don't agree on many things, but they NEVER screamed at us unless it was necessary.) I'll stop there, but honestly could go on for a while. Those kinds of people are the worst waste of human flesh I can physically imagine, and I'm insanely pleased that OP got the revenge they deserved.
That last story.. Kriffin SAVAGE!!🤣🤣🤣🤙
Doctor: Karen you have 1 more day to live
Karen: only one day! Make it into a year
Doctor: What I can't do that!
Karen: Let me speak to your manager
Sorry, the manager is coming tomorrow.
That mom in the last story is a real piece of work. so four months into dating this guy, she lets him insult her kid, throw away his stuff much of which was expensive, and then proceeded to physically abuse him to the point where he ran away from home twice including a larceny charge over three dollars. All of which resulted in the kid going to Juvie. And the only time she dumps this guy is when she found out she was terminally ill and did not want to spend the rest of her nine months of life with him? Not when he’s abusing her kid… The sisters honestly know better. 15 years old and telling on her brother knowing full well that he’s going to get his butt kicked over three dollars and chores. The 3 of them deserve each other
You’d think the police would, y’know, investigate why this fifteen year old was constantly running away from home instead of just tossing him into juvie.
that story with the child abuse fills me with rage and disgust and literally that guy did not get what he deserved he deserve so so much more.
The last story....his mom failed him.!!!
That mother let her son be physically and verbally abused, and only left her abusive partner when she found out she was dying. She was a terrible mother.
That moment when a costumer "tips" you 15k for absolutely no reason.
-Disappointing- Happy thoughts.
No please stop commenting please my pain
Wha- This isn't a John Wolfe vid.
@@notaplic8158 hey we meet again!
@@TheBluePhoenix008 you vanished for like 3 weeks
I usually wait about 2-3 weeks (or less) then binge watch the videos rSlash uploaded.
Just on reddit reading r/pro revenge and I get this notification
That once happened to me and I hated it because everything I read on the subreddit was on the video.
The Last Revenge Story is so Beautiful that I may consider it art
Hi, I always watch your vids while playing a boring part of a game like farming it. Awesome vids!
I had a friend in elementary school who was beaten by his father. He ended being aggressive due to it as well (Couldn't fight back) In highschool he had a growth spurt (Bring up to just under 6 ft (At the age of 15) and he had gotten into weightlifting, suing his recess and time during lunch in the school's weight room. (he went from a guy smaller than me to a hulking giant) He wasn't beaten anymore.
A few times he even asked my to punch him in the stomach to see if he could handle it (I am not the strongest guy myself but I did as asked. He eventually started asking bigger guys to do so.)
The aggressive kids I new in elementary school was gone, he was a relatively nice guy, who would stand up for the kids he saw getting bullied. He would get suspended a few times for cracking the skull of a bully. (probably having a bit of reminiscent aggression)
I later found out that his father had been hospitalized a few times for hitting his (Now ex) wife and daughter. Primarily because his son would beat his ass for it.
It's one of those "Be careful who you pick on" stories.
It was my own act of revenge to write a book with an antagonist based on specifically on 2 people who caused a lot of pain to me and my family. That antagonist died two bloody deaths in the book
Two? Well you didn't let them get off light >:D
Is this nuclear?
Or Thanos-snap level revenge?
Noel Luna That’s sad 😂
I will never understand abusive boyfriends/girlfriends, who think that because they're dating someone, they have the right to lecture, discipline or order around their partner's kids.
You're not the parent of the child, you're not even married to the child's parent you're dating.
Once you become a step-parent, maybe a little leeway for legitimate discipline can be given.
But not the blatant abuse that OP describes.
I love rslash I watch him every day and i look forward for his next upload
the one about the abusive stepfather should definitely be nuclearevenge not prorevenge
Infinity stone revenge
I just read that it got put into nuclearrevenge!!!!!!
If it’s legal it’s prorevenge
If it’s illegal it’s nuclearrevenge
The last one is just, amazing. You can’t abuse someone and expect everything to be fine
I was literally counting the seconds for this episode XD
I had people bully me growing up, kids in school, family, so I love your channel so much. Sure I did get a dig to a few tormentors but hearing other people exact well deserved just come upence is very satisfying.
*When you realize*
It is ProRevenge to take Donations with harsh comments from people who hate you
The last story reminds me a lot of what I dealt with when I was young. OP I'm am over the moon you are getting this guy back! Keep it up
Didnt know what to comment,
Dont complain call my manager now,
*Here’s half a dozen donuts for compensation*
Those donuts have holes in them GET ME YOUR MANAGER
The best kind of content while being sick in bed playing Okami on my switch, fishing up some fishies and throwing up. While I have your videos in the background, your voice soothes me a little and it also covers the noise of me puking.
We had a plumber who would take 12 hours to fix a leaky faucet and charge us out the rear and we would always wonder why. One time he happened to come by while I was home and I had plans but my parents weren't home and didn't want him to be there by himself this time in case he was stealing, well turns out he would buy the wrong size faucet ON PURPOSE and so he told me "sorry wrong faucet" and left 5 hours passed my parents call and I'm sitting there like "he left 5 hours ago to get a new faucet and never came back" my mother was livid, told his boss and he showed up in 10 minutes. Turns out he was sitting at a restaurant and just joy riding the whole time and his boss called him and he rushed to our house and he was later "Taken Care Of" if you know what I mean
Ugh, dishonesty always catches up with people. It make work short-term, but eventually, it bites them.
You are my favorite language coverer. I have fun listening to the way you creatively replace the cuss words that pepper seemingly all of these posts.
What?! No Puppy Bloopers?! I rate this 5/5 buttholes.
I agree😤😫
@Rafael Fitch and @Melanie Baker if you listen very carefully near the end you can hear Yugo's tag/collar in the background as he is talking
I love that last story it reminds me of when I was younger grew up in foster care had this one home horrible people lady used to lock us in the closet for days and beat us wouldn't feed us anything and no matter what any of us told our social workers no one would listen to us so eventually I just burned her house down got sent to juvie for 3 months don't regret it at all totally worth it
… Huh. Normally I don’t get this until a half hour or so. Cool!
Now if I was OP in that first situation, I would’ve paid and then told him I won’t be hiring again. “If it takes you six hours to do a small job like this, then I can’t imagine how long it would’ve taken you for a bigger job. Sorry; you’re just not efficient enough.”
Also, for the last story, “OP shouldn’t be playing with nerdy garbage!” He says after he gets rid of his stepson’s sporting equipment.
I know this is super late, but hang on.
You’re telling me this MOTHER…didn’t want to spend the rest if her life with this guy. If you don’t want to spend the rest if your life with him, WHY DID YOU MARRY HIM??!!
And on top of that! If your child is being beaten on the regular, then there should be physical evidence of that, and a case should be easily made. But she just…let that happen.
Look, I get it, abusive relationships, bad cycles, being comfortable with the abuser, blah blah blah. I have a really hard time empathizing with parents who allow their children to be abused and not do anything about it, especially with all the resources available to get away from that situation.
A couple of things about that last story.
1. Gotta love how the stepdad sells all of OP's sporting stuff, but then says that he should be doing sports later on. Dude's clearly a hypocrite on top of being a despicable human
2. That story was so brutal, I'd say it's bordering on Nuclear Revenge. OP straight up ruined a man's entire livelihood
I appreciate how he gives credit to all of the redditors he uses for these stories.
My soul died a bit when OP said he sold the expensive ratcheting wrenches. WHY NOT KEEP THEM HOLY SHOOOTTTT
well he didnt remove them from existense. there was then one more set ready to be purchased by people who have an interest inthese items
Lit stories bro
The last story should be called Nuclear Bombardment
OP with the abusive step father. Your mom is just as much to blame for his abuse as he is. She enabled him doing it and didn’t divorce him until she got diagnosed with cancer because SHE didn’t want to deal with his bullshit? What about you and all the bullshit she let him do? Sounds like you had 2 abusers.
Early but doesn't have notifications on squad?
Right here
@@kiwiduck5522 lmao
That is me on every video that I arrive early on. But if I am early, that means either I was already perusing, or I ran out of things that interested me.
H a r l e y here
When rSlash says that collecting coins is more of a nerd thing than collecting Pokemon cards, they are both equally interesting when people show there massive collections and you get to see what kind of Pokemon or coins they have.
First to say new merch is dope as f**k
Edit: i Freaking LOVE your videos!!!
the last revenge was savage , I think it boarders Nuclear Revenge cause he will have to deal with it every time OP see's him
EM: My son needs your RUclips Channel, he deserves it! He gets 0- in every class!!!!
r/slash: Not today lady...
Frank Franklin no u
Frank Franklin Minecraft is the greatest game ever.
Frank Franklin like at least half your liked videos are super Mario, dafuq you got on him?
14:00 these kind of people deserve every single thing to happen to them
I haven't seen the video yet but imagine I said something funny 😂 🤣
Haha that's so funny man
OneManAccapella wow, a Donald trump joke? How original...
@@monketakingyoutoparadise5609I didn't get it from Donald Trump
@@monketakingyoutoparadise5609 my friend made it
OneManAccapella I was joking, as if the joke I was imagining was about Donald Trump, sorry if it was unclear.
the last story hit so close to home for me with the experience i had with my step dad growing up and i really feel for op. a lot of people are pointing out that the dad was a hypocrite and from what i experienced and from what i’ve heard from others that’s a very common thing in mental abuse. the dad didn’t care what OP liked, it was all about control and power. if op was a football player i’m sure the dad would’ve found a way to use that to hurt just the same as he did with the comic books and skateboards. what truly breaks my heart is that the police officers who brought OP home when he ran away didn’t even seem to question why he did it, or if they did they didn’t believe him. the thing i wonder about most in this story is why OP’s mom never stood up to him. i wonder if the father was as cruel to her as he was OP and he just never knew. i hate think that OP had no one on his side. but it seems he’s doing better now and that’s amazing and i hope it continues. if you’re suffering from abuse: please please speak up. find help. there’s someone out there who will listen to you and you deserve better.
12:02 couldn’t listen to that story because of PTSD...
I feel that. I’m further along in my therapy, so I can now. I hope you get better too!
Oh and the revenge is awesome and never truly ends, just fyi.
I want to find this guy who thinks that comics and video games are gay and show him what gay truly is
Are you OK?
Chicken Nugget Playz no, they’re not.
Love these stories man they all give me so must satisfaction to here the revenge part of the story.😌😌
1k views in 1 min
*Balanced as everything should be*
15 mins 5 likes.
*Not* perfectly balanced.
That last revenge. I cant even form words with how good that felt to listen to.
Op in the last story is a anti Karen and Kevin because he calls the manager for the right reasons.
I love that last video. Revenge is so sweet over and over again. Especially on a child beater!
I collect coins and if you think it’s nerdy then you obviously haven’t made any money.
That last story was GLORIOUS
Youre welcome rslash your welcome... NOW GIVE IT BACK
@@andrewabate2570 no one cares about grammar
Many people actually do you absolute salty lad
Random Gamer r/madlads ❌
r/saltylads ✅
The emoji system is trash on Apple dude.
That last revenge was absolute art. Love it.
No views but 25 likes.r/ truly is the emperor of RUclips
OMG, that last one was definitely nuclear revenge, and it was so satisfying.
I buy a lot commemorative coins and antique money (confederate bills for example) but wouldn't call myself a collector. I also invest in silver. what I am a collector of is Zippos and skulls. I have more than 60 Zippos and somewhere around 30 skulls. the biggest 2 skulls I have are a buffalo and a zebra. I have a lot of small ones as well and a few big ones. black bear, coyote, iguana, opossum, bobcat, beaver, and a lot of others. I have a good size collection going. and I always get 1 in the mail from skullsunlimited.com but right now im also signed up for their limited edition which runs for 6 months. it is going to end in October I think. so until then I will be getting 2 skulls in the mail.
omg the final story, the prorevenge combined with his petty follow up...glorious
When you tried to be early but failed miserably
I failed even more 3.3k views
I'm at 273k.
Open youtube at 1:59PM (BST), or whenever he usually uploads
Ad continuously refresh the page. It's the only way to beat those who accidentally open youtube at the perfect time
@@thehiddenninja3428 what's the point in watching first. We all are gonna watch it anyways
@@YoDay The point is winning an imaginary competition
Everybody gangsta till your own stepson literally obliterates you and everything you have.
That story fills me with joy
So my father is a nerd coin collector.
Ernesto Ayudan don’t knock it till you try it
@@thequantumfluff7854 thanks.
The last story OP had a terrible mom I’m glad he got his life together
Its weird,that it has 35 vievs,but 178 likes.😅. Still love ur videos.
Views charge before likes
shut up 🙄
That last OP is playing with fire, taunting his stepdad like that. Guy got nothing to lose, he might react violently one day.
Not first but I’m in the top! Hi Rslash I’ve been here for a while and I DESERVE TO BE NOTICED.
I love you, rSlash.
The second story already appeared in previous episode.
Edit: The fourth one seems to have appeared previously as well.
Maybe another youtuber covered them? The last few weeks theres been some noticable story overlap (airline seat one from last episode covered by 3 different youtubers ) But I honestly didnt recognise any duplication.
Ive been subbed here for months now, and occasionally listen to others (Voicy and Oz). Voice acting varies.
@@Gurlan1n Fair enough.
Sometimes I get a bit of Deja Vu, and others its legit because at the ones I listen to share source material once in a while.
So deffo going with both then xD
He probably does so many of these hes just forgotten which ones. Likely they all sound the same after a while.
I sometimes think that stories that haven’t even been covered yet are repeating so the Deja Vu thing might be the case. Anyway the quality of the voice acting is great so why not listen twice?
The op in the last story is my hero and rslash your definitely right about the coin collecting lol.
Sad story: (Exists)
Me: This is so sad Alexa play Decpasito
You couldn't even spell your awful joke correctly.
Bren I feel that that adds to the joke
It adds nothing but more disappointment to humanity.
The abuse you went through is horrid, I’m sooo glad you got such great revenge on him !!!!
This video made me so satisfied 😜
15:48 a raid shadow Legends ad played so perfectly well timed that I was impressed.
“Collecting coins is nerdier than collecting Pokémon cards”
Me, who collects both: ..........um..........
Man, hearing people get the karma they deserve is justvso satifying. Espeacially when one of my oh so favorite RUclipsrs reading it.
I swear, listening to and reading these story's are oddly satifying and help me calm down after a long day
You are hilarious 😂👌💙
Ahh, rSlash. Always dependable quality uploads every night before bed. Love from a young Aussie lady, my dude.
This is my favorite so far!!
I always finding myself getting stuck on your videos when I'm binging on youtube. I'm like, "one more video" lol I really like your channel. I think it's how you speak for EM's or ET's that reel me in. Regardless, you're doing an awesome job and keep it up.
That reels me in, I meant. 👍
Flawless!!! Great job op!??