All 10 series! History of the Rolling Guy Team (Translated by Maxy "Mx 64") One who is mainly attacking the circuit the one that used to run on the pass One that became the most lucrative team in C1 I love the Tokyo metropolitan expressway from the bottom of my heart. Rolling Guy Goichi Kobayakawa I can't tell you everything without kattobi tune. "The Yearning for Tokyo" a part-time job, a poor life. I can't tune my machine. i can't tune it! the man and the circuit guy are taking on the machine, and they're taking on the challenge. I have a strong yearning for the city because i live in the country for a long time. In particular, his younger brother, tetsu, is eager to run on the metropolitan expressway Team member "Imai" also dreams of running on the Metropolitan Expressway Other "Miyake" and "Takayanagi" He is conscious of Tokyo and the metropolitan expressway a few years later they were at the pass. once we've won the pass, the next one is the capital highway. A picture of the ring line was affixed to the room well, it's fine until i'm in the car with a big smile. the level of the table rokko was not so low miyake moved to tokyo my father's illness brought me back. the members are preparing to tune, save money, etc. the leader, satoru, came to tokyo first. The team became a 4-person system the most angry thing about the leader, satoru, who came to tokyo it was miyake who had a radical character For some reason, i didn't make that much of a face-to-face. Who became the leader of the new sunnari downhill guy ”Takayanagi" of No. 5 where the technique was piquant no offense to anyone on the team. His younger brother tetsu finally got on the board of the mountain pass drive The technique has come up as it is Even if you don't have to run until you go to tokyo、 i'll do a little bit here, iker? You don't have to go to tokyo and run、 i'll do a little bit here, iker?」 and i figured it out. you don't have to go to tokyo and run、 i'll do a little bit here, iker?」 and i figured it out. ”Satoru" who landed on the Capital Highway one step ahead― Next, the members also landed on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway of their dreams It started with these 4 members following the pass takayanagi, who was the last leader of the pass era I was late and entered from “Metropolitan High Battle 2” i'll miss the full attendance award. At the same time, Yoshimura joined the team The theory of running is in contrast to the perfect takayanagi It will continue to be compared as a synchronization 6 members in total this member went on for a while, but one the leader of rolling guy. He handed over Fumiyo to his younger brother. He was the leader of the previous generation "Falling Man", but handed over the next generation to his younger brother."Wanderer" Rolling Master They say, "I don't have any regrets about the team." when i put a circle of rolling man i will set up a battle with the feeling that i will give you training miyake was defeated by kechon kechon "Takayanagi" feels the spirit of the former leader for a long time I felt my immaturity. because his brother satoru suddenly left the team Tetsu became the team leader without fail i will attack the ring line to exceed my brother's rolling master. A good understanding person who supports the “philosophy” of such a new leader from behind if the leader is in a pinch, we'll quickly break in and cover him. the new face of metropolitan expressway battle 01 the leader of the previous generation, satoru. "Kido" one who had studied running without questioning that satoru is not on the team he is dedicated to training to surpass his master. In the heyday of the team, a total of 7 members. and the new team here! previously, the nagoya expressway was called "torn heartbeat". I was sleeping in the wake of the "heat" I came to the capital high school to train. A new team, suddenly given the title of rolling bastard. i'm confused. around this time 【Rolling Master】 is one He's still saying, "I don't have any regrets about the team." when I met him on the course, he looked happy I think he is still concerned they treat every member equally. "Origin regression" once i left the team for my dream The man of the horse race won (racing Guy) but if you lose to someone it was a fleeting reunion. the final members were back to 5 in terms of number The members from the beginning He became 4 of ”Tetsu,“ ”Miyake,“ ”Takayanagi,“ and ”Yoshimura." "A new system of Meritocracy" ”Imai“ who supported ”Tetsu" is no way out i missed the full attendance award. the one who remains ”Mitsu-ike" suddenly appeared from Nagoya on the other hand, 【Rolling Master】 is one at one point, he was running to avoid the eyes of his former comrades Recently, it seems that they support it in the shade Young genius driver “Satoru" who is expected worldwide Works Slash that is taking advantage of the F1 sheet for me to exist Rolling Guy Takashi Takayanagi "Satoru," "Imai," "Takayanagi," miss
@@minesbase めちゃくちゃ分かります!!
若者が一から少しずつチューニングして強くなっていくというドラマのようなストーリーを見ていると、動画を作っている途中も、まさに「青春してる感」を感じて、若いころに戻りたいなと少しうらやましく思いました 笑
個人的には Rolling Guy は旧レビトレのままで後半 C1 ボスチームになってて
Rolling Gal は 86/BRZ の初期スライム役に生まれ変わって欲しい
X と逆
走行距離…7桁いってる可能性もあり得るかもですね 笑
待 っ て た
元祖みんな大好きハチロク軍団、地味に強固でXでも生きてて安心感を与えてくれたよなこいつらw このメンツだと1番好きなのが3号(今井)さんなんよね、というのも派手好きでおちゃらけてるように見えて2号(哲)がリーダーになった時はしっかり相談役になってるし、ものすごくいい人だと思う
@@minesbase そういや、ローリングガールズ(曲じゃないよ)は取り上げなかったんすか?
@@onionwarrior-33R 関連性はないというと違和感ありますが、チームとの直接的な関わりがあまりなさそうなのと、今回の動画は内容を割と盛り込んだので絵的に似てるので別でやった方がいいなと思い取り上げてないです!
@@minesbase なるほど了解です
首都高と街道には欠かせないチーム、ROLLING GUY…
My favorite team in the entire series!
2回連続さすがです 笑
彼らのそれらのことをご存じの上で内容が当たったということは、相当ローリングガイのこと読み込まれてますね 笑
@@ATUAGE-RACING_MASA すごいですね!あの例のサイトですかね…笑
Finally, there are English subtitles and tell about the rolling guy team using the AE86 car
PS5で出れば手放しで喜べる。 せめてSteamでもいい。 ファンの準備は整ってる。
Please don't forget the legendary FUTO appearance in US Los Santos too! 🤣
All 10 series! History of the Rolling Guy Team
(Translated by Maxy "Mx 64")
One who is mainly attacking the circuit
the one that used to run on the pass
One that became the most lucrative team in C1
I love the Tokyo metropolitan expressway from the bottom of my heart.
Rolling Guy
Goichi Kobayakawa
I can't tell you everything without kattobi tune.
"The Yearning for Tokyo"
a part-time job, a poor life.
I can't tune my machine. i can't tune it!
the man and the circuit guy are taking on the machine, and they're taking on the challenge.
I have a strong yearning for the city because i live in the country for a long time.
In particular, his younger brother, tetsu, is eager to run on the metropolitan expressway
Team member "Imai" also dreams of running on the Metropolitan Expressway
Other "Miyake" and "Takayanagi"
He is conscious of Tokyo and the metropolitan expressway
a few years later
they were at the pass.
once we've won the pass, the next one is the capital highway.
A picture of the ring line was affixed to the room
well, it's fine until i'm in the car with a big smile.
the level of the table rokko was not so low
miyake moved to tokyo
my father's illness brought me back.
the members are preparing to tune, save money, etc.
the leader, satoru, came to tokyo first.
The team became a 4-person system
the most angry thing about the leader, satoru, who came to tokyo
it was miyake who had a radical character
For some reason, i didn't make that much of a face-to-face.
Who became the leader of the new sunnari downhill guy
”Takayanagi" of No. 5 where the technique was piquant
no offense to anyone on the team.
His younger brother tetsu finally got on the board of the mountain pass drive
The technique has come up as it is
Even if you don't have to run until you go to tokyo、
i'll do a little bit here, iker?
You don't have to go to tokyo and run、
i'll do a little bit here, iker?」
and i figured it out.
you don't have to go to tokyo and run、
i'll do a little bit here, iker?」
and i figured it out.
”Satoru" who landed on the Capital Highway one step ahead―
Next, the members also landed on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway of their dreams
It started with these 4 members following the pass
takayanagi, who was the last leader of the pass era
I was late and entered from “Metropolitan High Battle 2”
i'll miss the full attendance award.
At the same time, Yoshimura joined the team
The theory of running is in contrast to the perfect takayanagi
It will continue to be compared as a synchronization
6 members in total
this member went on for a while, but one
the leader of rolling guy.
He handed over Fumiyo to his younger brother.
He was the leader of the previous generation "Falling Man", but handed over the next generation to his younger brother."Wanderer" Rolling Master
They say, "I don't have any regrets about the team."
when i put a circle of rolling man
i will set up a battle with the feeling that i will give you training
miyake was defeated by kechon kechon
"Takayanagi" feels the spirit of the former leader for a long time
I felt my immaturity.
because his brother satoru suddenly left the team
Tetsu became the team leader without fail
i will attack the ring line to exceed my brother's rolling master.
A good understanding person who supports the “philosophy” of such a new leader from behind
if the leader is in a pinch, we'll quickly break in and cover him.
the new face of metropolitan expressway battle 01
the leader of the previous generation, satoru.
"Kido" one who had studied running
without questioning that satoru is not on the team
he is dedicated to training to surpass his master.
In the heyday of the team, a total of 7 members.
and the new team here!
previously, the nagoya expressway was called "torn heartbeat".
I was sleeping in the wake of the "heat"
I came to the capital high school to train.
A new team, suddenly given the title of rolling bastard.
i'm confused.
around this time
【Rolling Master】 is one
He's still saying, "I don't have any regrets about the team."
when I met him on the course, he looked happy
I think he is still concerned
they treat every member equally.
"Origin regression"
once i left the team for my dream
The man of the horse race won (racing Guy)
but if you lose to someone
it was a fleeting reunion.
the final members were back to 5 in terms of number
The members from the beginning
He became 4 of ”Tetsu,“ ”Miyake,“ ”Takayanagi,“ and ”Yoshimura."
"A new system of Meritocracy"
”Imai“ who supported ”Tetsu" is no way out
i missed the full attendance award.
the one who remains
”Mitsu-ike" suddenly appeared from Nagoya
on the other hand, 【Rolling Master】 is one
at one point, he was running to avoid the eyes of his former comrades
Recently, it seems that they support it in the shade
Young genius driver “Satoru" who is expected worldwide
Works Slash that is taking advantage of the F1 sheet for me to exist
Rolling Guy
Takashi Takayanagi
"Satoru," "Imai," "Takayanagi," miss
@@minesbase そこに私の翻訳を含めてくれてありがとう
このビデオに参加できて本当に感謝しています。特にローリング ガイの歴史はとても興味深いものです。次回の動画も楽しみにしています、またよろしくお願いします!
@@Mx64MaxyImpress そのように言ってもらえてうれしいです!他の翻訳してくれた動画も少しずつ追加していきたいと思います。
女性キャラクターは人気でなのですぐにでもピックアップしたいですが、他のリクエストがたくさんあるので、もう少し待ってください 笑
I've always loved your videos, but this one is simply next level! Great job!
Thanks for the comment! You made my day.
DOWNHILL GUYのステッカーは「影の謀反者」とまるっきり同じだが、何か裏設定でもあるのだろうか…江田島は実はDOWNHILL GUY出身で、独立してチームを作って解散、首都高に移って十二覇聖入りしたとか?(ただの使い回し説が濃いけど)
rolling guyキタ━(゚∀゚)━!
It's weird that takumi's 86 has a wing on the back
そういやpsp版のローリングマスターは地味にトレノなんすねw xで3号(今井さん)が抜けた理由は実力主義の方向になって、3号は元々走るのを楽しむのが好きだったから抜けたんじゃないかなって思う。
2コメ目大歓迎ですw ローリングガイたちは語れることが多いですよね。
PSPは車種のラインナップ上みんなトレノですよね…地味に言われないと気づけないレベルでしたが 笑
@@minesbase ですね、それか単に引退という線もあるかなって思います、というのも彼恐らく最年長らしき描写が所々にあって、それこそ2代目の相談役になったりなどあり、歳に勝てなくなって言ったのかなって思います。
@@onionwarrior-33R 尺的に入れられなかったのですが、高柳と哲は首都高を降りても付き合いがあるほど仲が良かったり、吉村はチームではムードメーカーだったり、三宅は同性から支持者が多かったりチームになじむ感じがあります。実力主義というものの、残ってるメンバーをみるとチームに溶け込んでる感がありますね。
@@minesbase なるほどです……後これは関係ないんですがリクエストってまだ受け付けてないんすかね、詳細が今日なかったので一応と思ったともので
@@onionwarrior-33R まだリクエストがいくつかあり、一年以上お待たせしてしまう方もでてきますので、まだ中止しております。申し訳ございません。
Finally you back!
I'm back! Thank you for waiting.
The first team that make the journey begins.
Edit: Thanks for the request.
Thank you for your request :)
@@minesbase you're welcome
Nah bro, you have to start adding english subtitles, vids are cool but can't understand a thing
I tried adding closed captions.
@@minesbase Now it's time to enjoy the vid, great job
@@ВалерийМихайлов-Вознюк Thanks to Me
@@Mx64MaxyImpress Thank you then