Ancient Jewish Prayer - תפילה יהודית

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • For better video quality, add " &fmt=18 " to the url (webaddress). www.torathmoshe...
    Beth Midrash "Ohel Moshe" ...a budding community which seeks a return to the sources that unite us.
    We're returning to the ways of the Talmudic sages, representatives of the Mosaic Court, whose binding instructions are codified in their entirety in the essential Mishneh Torah of RaMBaM.
    Yigdal 13 principles of Faith

Комментарии • 172

  • @seul970
    @seul970 14 лет назад +2

    As a muslim, I m very exited to see this jews people praying to God in calm and respect, very beautiful. nice song too

  • @alaadamy2
    @alaadamy2 11 лет назад +3

    Prayer life not often made available to the general public (in U.S. mainstream media ). The similarities of some the movements, and the ablutions that both Jews and we Muslims share are to me a validation of thee possibility of lasting peace between Muslims and Jews. Thanks for sharing. Salaam and Shalom !

  • @bamboorules
    @bamboorules 14 лет назад +2

    I found the song, lol! You already wrote it! Shalom Aleikhem B'HaShem. Todah.

  • @nimoza33
    @nimoza33 14 лет назад

    as a muslim i am really exited to see the people who pray for their God in sincere.
    especially jewish people.
    i swear that i have never seen any big differences between us.
    about believing and serious difference..

  • @RichardIIfan
    @RichardIIfan 15 лет назад

    I am afraid and sorry that I neither am Jewish nor do I live in Israel. I see something that is wonderful and see how we should relate to God and each other and reached the end of the road at where I hae been for most of my life. Thank you I shall look up the group if I may?

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  11 лет назад +1

    There is no limit on how many can join in Jewish prayer. It could, in theory, be 1,000,000 praying together. And there is not really a limit on how many Jews can pray together below the number 10. Jews can pray together even if they are just 2 people. The limit is only on certain special things that can only be done when there are at least 10 Jewish males (it can include converts). If there are at least ten, the qedusha, qadish, & "Aharonic blessing" can be said.

    @YODAJJ 11 лет назад

    OMG its so similar to the prayer in Islam exalting the oneness of God and the ablution including the feet is identical and the women covering during prayer the same way its so beautiful to watch thanks Yosef for sharing...God/Allah/Elohim (depending on your mother tongue) is soo wise!

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  15 лет назад

    When outside of the holy land, we pray in the direction of the holy land. When within the holy land, we pray in the direction of Yerushalaiyim (Jerusalem, the holy city). When in Yerushalaiyim, we pray in the direction of the Beith ha-Miqdash (the House of Sanctity / the Temple).

  • @Yaskaxaji
    @Yaskaxaji 14 лет назад

    I am muslim. I have seen this video by accident. Honest to God, I never knew the similiraity how we muslims pray (kneeling and facing down) and how jews pray. I am shocked to see this, but enlighten at the same time. It is more proof to me that massengers and prophets were from one source and that is God the Almighty.
    Nice Video

  • @Yamani_778
    @Yamani_778 15 лет назад

    עצם הנסיון לחזור למקור - זה טוב
    הם עדיין צריכים ללמוד הרבה
    זה נראה חובבני - ככה לא עושים רחיצה
    נראה שהם מנסים להיות מדוייקים ומקוריים וגם לרצות את היהדות ההלכתית שממנה הם באים
    מה שיהיה, תמשיכו ללמוד תשתפשפו ואל תחפפו.
    יהי יי) אלוהנו עימנו כאשר היה עם אבותינו - כל הכבוד

  • @qazdaf
    @qazdaf 15 лет назад

    תודה על ההסבר.

  • @RichardIIfan
    @RichardIIfan 15 лет назад

    I think I found the group, and so thank you again. I have read a lot about Judaism recently and now need to start doing a bit, so to speak. Shalom.

  • @kingofheartsxyz
    @kingofheartsxyz 14 лет назад

    מעולה תודה על שיתוף

  • @ttorrez25
    @ttorrez25 13 лет назад

    So understand the teaching of the Apostle Paul... a Jewish man, was not to throw away the law, but his teaching to the non jew was that the rituals of man wont get you to heaven, but the state of your heart in the eyes of God is what will get you in. Like jew cut the flesh to make covenant in circumsision.... the teaching of the new testament is to let God Circumsize your HEART daily that you be pure in God's sight.

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  14 лет назад

    According to all opinions, a left handed person (whose left hand is the dominant arm) puts tefillin on the right hand. He finished tying the shel yad around his fingers/hand because he keeps halakha according to Mishne Torah l-Rambam.

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  11 лет назад +1

    Jews are required to pray alone also. But if we have the option of praying with a group, that is preferred -- assuming the group act respectful during prayer, of course. There are some special parts of prayer that are added when we pray in a group of 10 or more, but those are small special additions. 90% of our prayers are said exactly the same when we are alone.

  • @Arabian5347
    @Arabian5347 14 лет назад

    Beutifull, just... Beutifull... Omar, you should be proud if yourself and your work, spreading your word and uniting Jews to return to the ancient Hebrew ways and reviving them. I really hope this works and happens I will pray for it. As a old saying goes "every man should be proud of his religion, every man shall respect another mans religion" just like Jews and Muslims for over 3000 years. Shalomalaichum my Jewish cousin

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  14 лет назад +1

    It is not a matter of denial. Most are simply unware. And those who refuse to pray this way even though they are aware that we originally prayed this way refuse NOT out of wickedness, but out of misunderstanding the processes of Torah - law. Many people have the VERY erroneous idea that if non-Jews start observing a Jewish practice, that it then becomes forbidden to us. Even IF so, clearly non-Jews (even idolators) prayed similar to this during Biblical times, but ancient Jews didn't cease.

  • @maybealover
    @maybealover 12 лет назад

    you know jewish prayer has an approach to inspire a spontaneous behavior, that will liberate the oppressed and end hierarchy and duality, total union with the universe

  • @shmulik1974
    @shmulik1974 15 лет назад

    שמחתי לראות את מנהג התפילה, שהוא חזרה למקורות, וגם את העובדה שהם מניחים תפילין בחול המועד (דבר שמחוייב לדעתי, אך אני בתוך עמי יושב...).

  • @mohammadhassanzadeh
    @mohammadhassanzadeh 13 лет назад +2

    Such a beuatiful video- i love the music but most importantly what is being said-- its absolutely touching- shaloommm---salam- peace be upon my jewish brothers and sisters- the good ones though-lol

  • @maybealover
    @maybealover 11 лет назад

    deep, whether i have ego or not, mystical experiences happen but in between ego gives me something to do, and it doesnt prevent me from being able to be silent also, but to permanently destroy it, that just serves no one and makes the world more boring, not my style hombre... show some love for the EGO its what makes stuff worth being passionate about

    @RIMJANESSOHMALOOG 14 лет назад

    im muslim too, that's great video! i do think if learned people from Jews and Muslims talk, they could at least have a peaceful conversation. the ancesters of the Jews were chosen people by Allah until they broke the covenant several times. Infact they were muslims, meaning that they submitted to Allah.The last Prophet PBUH came to shed light on the different misconceptions from the past.

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  14 лет назад

    Lyrics should appear at the top of the screen as "annotations." Make sure that you have "annotations" on. RUclips gives you the option to turn "annotations" off, which may be why you're not seeing the lyrics. The lyrics are the "13 Principles of the Torah Faith." Many Many Jews say these words every day, and even more Jews sing these words every Sabbath.

  • @OhevTorathMoshe
    @OhevTorathMoshe 15 лет назад

    (המשך מקודם) שתזכו לעלות מעלה מעלה בלימוד תורת הבמב"ם באשר הוא -- ולא לפי דעות הקודמות והמחשבה המרובעת של עולם הישיבות של ימינו.

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  13 лет назад

    @mrfuadhelmy Jews all over the world pray in the direction of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, as written to do in the Bible. This is because the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the holiest site in Jewish history and in the Jewish faith... and Jerusalem is the holiest city in the Jewish faith.

  • @d123s404
    @d123s404 13 лет назад

    This video just made my day.

  • @OhevTorathMoshe
    @OhevTorathMoshe 15 лет назад

    אחי, רוב הגדול של הציבור שלנו בעולם הרחב הם דוברי אנגלית. הלויי והיה לי את התמיכה הכספית לכתוב אפילו את רבע הדברים שברצוני לשטף עם העולם... קל וחומר בעברית. (ראה בהמשך)

  • @iamsheel
    @iamsheel 12 лет назад +1

    i love the song (i don't know what its callod) and i am a muslim .

  • @zaggy3110
    @zaggy3110 15 лет назад

    That's a tefillin. It serves as a sign and remembrance that God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt . The commandment (hebrew Mitzvah ) to wear the tefillin is to be found in the torah: " And you shall bind them as a sign upon your arm, and they shall be as totafot between your eyes" - Deuteronomy 6:8
    "You shall put these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall tie them for a sign upon your arm, and they shall be as totafot between your eyes" - Deut 11:18

  • @yokhanan
    @yokhanan 15 лет назад

    I'm a bit confused. Didn't you post this exact same one a few days back? lol Still a great video--can't stop watching it.

    @IMADOZIE 12 лет назад

    Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve. (Quran1:62)

  • @Ataturkistan
    @Ataturkistan 13 лет назад +1

    beautiful video

  • @Ehav4Ever
    @Ehav4Ever 15 лет назад

    التوراة والتلمود الأولى يعطي أعظم شرف لיהוה ، ومباركة هي ، أكثر من أي شيء. جميع الناس الذين يعيشون في إسرائيل من التوراة وصايا יהוה تعطى יהוה الشرف من قبل. أولئك الذين ليسوا من اليهود أيضا يتلقى وساما من יהוה لحفظ وصايا نوح 7.

  • @Arabian5347
    @Arabian5347 14 лет назад

    Thanks alot man

  • @morgan4586
    @morgan4586 13 лет назад

    There is a conflict between Jews and Muslims, actually I am a Muslim and i believed that Israel is my enemy, but this video does not deny that he had raised my feelings and admiration
    you can see its same the muslim prayer , that the religion of God follow the religion of Islam, it right from your Lord.

  • @TeKNiQ50
    @TeKNiQ50 14 лет назад

    this is very nice.

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  14 лет назад

    A brotherly hug sent to you across the web :) w-aleikhem ha-shalom.

  • @OhevTorathMoshe
    @OhevTorathMoshe 15 лет назад

    If you are Jewish and sincere, the answer is yes. We have weekly Torah classes as well. If you are Jewish and sincere about living by RaMBaM, but don't yet live in Israel, you can join our Ohal Mosha forum at yahoo groups.

  • @Pakistani966
    @Pakistani966 12 лет назад

    YOM TOV:))

  • @asktheanswer424
    @asktheanswer424 12 лет назад

    the unrecorded history of the earth
    the oral truth lives on
    eat of your kanneh for the spirit of God
    lives in you, beyond the outter we see through
    to the essence of whats true
    its not just one story repeating forever
    the pattern breaks, we make it our own, branching out finding our own way, connecting to things deep inside
    it is even more real, because it is self made,

  • @ttorrez25
    @ttorrez25 13 лет назад

    The law in itself is needed to teach us the ways of God... but Jesus came that we may not just follow the Law with our outward man showing people Holiness on the outside, but that the Holiness of God may be in our hearts. that worship move from not just what we do, but it is who we are. the state of the mans soul is not by what he does on the outward but who he is within the heart. and thats what Jesus came to do. Not teach a new doctrine, not turn people from God, not throe away the law.

  • @OhevTorathMoshe
    @OhevTorathMoshe 15 лет назад +1

    (תיקונים לשגיאות כתיב שלי בנקודת (4): לא "הפורדם" אלא "המפורסם". לא "יורופה" אלא "אירופה". עמכם הסליחה!

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  14 лет назад

    I like it also. Forgot his name. Could take me an hour to find his name... just don't have the time at the moment. I got this from a website with tons of traditional Jews songs. All I recall is that those singing the song are Yemenite Jews.

  • @RichardIIfan
    @RichardIIfan 15 лет назад

    Shalom! Fascinating and interesting in a way that gives me a feeling of how it should be done. Is the invitation to join real? My interest and desire just won't go away.
    I love the Yemeni version of the kippah. Hope you are well.

  • @salehkb
    @salehkb 12 лет назад

    by the way here are the conditions that must be present for marriage in islam:
    1) Consent of both parties.
    2) Witnesses.
    3) The marriage should be publicized. (It should never be kept secret).
    Do u still think that they have to remarry?

  • @OhevTorathMoshe
    @OhevTorathMoshe 15 лет назад

    (חלק 3 בנושא התכלת) אם אתחיל לפרט ולהסביר, אצטרך לכתוב לך מאמר שלם בעברית כאן בתגובות! שורה התחתונה: לע"ד, החלזון לארגמן הוא פסול לחלוטין לתכלת, בלי כל ספק. עדיין לא הגענו למסכנה סופית, אבל דעתי נוטה לדיונון כחלזון התכלת. (ראה בהמשך)

  • @imane4morocco
    @imane4morocco 13 лет назад

    woow, very similar to our muslim prayer, we all brothers ans sisters. Peace

  • @masrurulhoque6829
    @masrurulhoque6829 12 лет назад

    one God....for both the people,,,,

  • @islamchristian777
    @islamchristian777 13 лет назад

    @omedyashar yes,just like in the quran when prophet muhammad(saw)facing in the direction of the temple mount in jerusalem,and the angel gabriel came to him and said to face the kaabah in mecca so he did it,but I think he pray more facing the jerusalem than facing the qiblah

  • @RichardBligdon
    @RichardBligdon 13 лет назад +1

    Beautiful video.btw:As much as I hate to respond to spammers,a few facts need to be cleared up. 1)The N.T. is heavily-Gentile redacted,composed of "Roman Syncretisms" and 'corrupted stories passed down by Hellenized Jews",which the original Netzarim followers of Ribi Yehoshua(NOT the post 135 CE church created man-g_d image Jezeus),never accepted.He said,they ONLY accepted the Tanach and their own Hebrew Matityahu,excised Saul/Paul as an apostate from Torah and rejected his works

  • @varoshah
    @varoshah 15 лет назад

    The Mishneh Torah is an affront to Torah.
    G-D will judge us by the Torah, not by man's fanciful texts/

  • @Dravidian93gangster
    @Dravidian93gangster 12 лет назад

    I am muslim i lové jews

  • @RichardIIfan
    @RichardIIfan 15 лет назад

    Thank you very much ofr your unusually positive response. I have looked up your group and cannot find it yet. I really want to explore becoming Jewish as it seemds to me to provide answers which I have sought in vain in Xity. I think therefore that the BenNoahide covenant is a good start but not the end of the road. I have not got very far in learning Hebrew yet. I also have an introductory bood about RaMBaM. Thank you again perhaps you would confirm the name of the group as Ohal Mosha

  • @Arabian5347
    @Arabian5347 14 лет назад

    Plz tell me who sings/recites this audio??? I realy admire for
    It authentic sound and beutifull lyrics

  • @mrfuadhelmy
    @mrfuadhelmy 13 лет назад

    just out of curiousity, it seems that the prayers are being done facing towards a certain direction. but what is it?
    i know Muslims around the world pray towards the direction of Kaabah, in Makkah. but what about the Jews?

  • @OhevTorathMoshe
    @OhevTorathMoshe 12 лет назад

    Omedyashar, Shalom! What happened to the speaking at the end of the video? Those words are important. It would add a lot to this important video to add those words back in. Thank you!

  • @qazdaf
    @qazdaf 15 лет назад

    שלום לך יוסף,
    ראשית , העלת סרטון חמוד מאוד ועל כך שלוחה לך תודה.
    מהבנתי את עיקרי התפיסה בבית המדרש אוהל משה , עולה כי בית המדרש שם לו למטרה ללכת בדרכו הייחודית של הרמב"ם ע"ה.
    המשך בהודעה הבאה.

  • @marcelcol69
    @marcelcol69 13 лет назад

    could you please give me the reference for the command to face jerusalem? shalom

  • @livingfilmmaker
    @livingfilmmaker 14 лет назад

    Can any long cloth be used as a matsar, or does it have to be a specific kind and color? Also, if so, where does one find them, they are nowhere online that I've seen.

  • @salehkb
    @salehkb 12 лет назад

    Can I ask a question with respect?
    What is a son of God?

  • @pavelpavel9112
    @pavelpavel9112 12 лет назад

    we are all alike cuz we are all humans...just some of us dont behave that

  • @ttorrez25
    @ttorrez25 12 лет назад

    @salehkb Well in Scripture terms, the term son of God was made when talking about angles in the O.T. But also, Son of God meaning born of God, made of God, Created by God alone.

  • @gandoury
    @gandoury 12 лет назад

    shalom tall brothers, im want to know what this clip song name ??? please

  • @OhevTorathMoshe
    @OhevTorathMoshe 15 лет назад

    בהחלט אנו מכירים ומאוד מעריכים את הספרו של הבן. אבל הנחיותינו הם בעיקר מתוך השורות של עבודת אביו, המשנה תורה -- בפרט הל' תפילה וברכת בוהנים פרק ה' (בעניין כריעה והשתחויה).

  • @LonelyBelle
    @LonelyBelle 15 лет назад

    If you don't mind me asking what is that black strap on the guy's arm @ 1:52? Why is it done?

  • @Arabian5347
    @Arabian5347 14 лет назад

    Oh and can anybodytell me that audio that was playing I really admired it...

  • @Arabian5347
    @Arabian5347 14 лет назад

    And apart from loads of Islamic similarities which Muslims learned of Jewish people, the even do wusu (pronounced vuzu) "cleansing of the body and soul"

  • @rjs19862011
    @rjs19862011 13 лет назад

    where can i get a tafsir/ explanation of the taurat in half english and hebrew.

  • @drMetzitli
    @drMetzitli 14 лет назад

    why is he donning the shel yad tefillin around his right arm?????
    I learnt it has to be around the left arm because it ia closer to the heart with the part with the Torah towards the biceps side i.e. towards the heart?????
    also he completed the shel yad even around his fingers before the shel rosh being donned first ????

  • @rndmflw123
    @rndmflw123 13 лет назад

    @omedyashar Having watched your videos on Noahide Laws, do you consider Muslims to be Noahides?

  • @aliHAMOU
    @aliHAMOU 13 лет назад

    amazing how we muslims pray like jews and the ablution is almost the same, it only mean that the source is one and the god we pray to is one and the same.

  • @Yamani_778
    @Yamani_778 15 лет назад

    אם אתם תימנים או לא תימנים
    על המוזיקה התימנית לא ויתרתם?
    זה ממש יפה והולם את הסירטון

  • @MrHusada
    @MrHusada 12 лет назад

    what is the music background? so lovely

  • @generostunsky2244
    @generostunsky2244 11 лет назад +1

    the true teaching of nabi musa (MOSES) PBUH...May Allah/HaShem reunite both of muslim and the Jews..:)

  • @alaadamy2
    @alaadamy2 11 лет назад +1

    As a Muslim I can not disagree with the first part of your statement " we (Muslims) must not hate jews ". However, I must correct your statement 'all prophet(sic) before Mohammad is jews" by referring you to the Quran where The Creator spoke to Muslims and said: " مَا كَانَ إِبۡرَٲهِيمُ يَہُودِيًّ۬ا وَلَا نَصۡرَانِيًّ۬ا وَلَـٰكِن كَانَ حَنِيفً۬ا مُّسۡلِمً۬ا " "Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian " [HQ:3:67]. So Abraham was no more of Jew than Noah or Adam was a Jew. Salaam!

  • @shmulik1974
    @shmulik1974 15 лет назад

    תודה על תשובתך. תוכל בבקשה להתייחס לשאלות על התכלת ולגבי האתר? האם יש לאתר זה מקבילה בעברית??

  • @OhevTorathMoshe
    @OhevTorathMoshe 15 лет назад

    (המשך מקודם)
    אם תלמד היטב את מקור ההלכה שלנו, משנה תורה לרמב"ם כהלכה למעשה, נדמה לי שלא לא תמצא דבר חסר בביצוע של המארי. אז תבין גם שזה לא פוסל מנהגים אחרים כל עוד שהברכה לפני הנטילה. אולי פעם הבא תשאל על הנקודה הספציפית שהפריעה לך. כל טוב.

  • @jld181818
    @jld181818 14 лет назад

    "and they shall be for tefillin???"
    It says "and they shall be for/like Totaphot between your eyes!"

  • @amixofeverything
    @amixofeverything 14 лет назад

    Is this Aharon Amram? What album is it from?

  • @ttorrez25
    @ttorrez25 13 лет назад

    A few thoughts.... I think that we must understand as im sure you all do, let us remember that before the Christians and Muslims, the Jewish people were here. We must also understand that what we know as the "Christian Church" is not the Group formed by Jesus Christ, or any of His Apostles. So if the Prophet of Islam was married to a "Christian" then we must understand that her faith did not represent to origenal Faith group founded by Jesus Christ.

  • @Conspiracyknowledge
    @Conspiracyknowledge 13 лет назад

    1:00 are you kidding me? did i just see WUDU?? do you make ablution before prayer too?

  • @Yamani_778
    @Yamani_778 15 лет назад

    במסגרת הנסיונות שלכם לחזור למקורות יש עוד דברים שאתם צריכים לתת עליהם דגש
    אז תמשיכו ללמוד- ואני בעדכם ואני באמת מאחל לכם בהצלחה
    בברכת מועדים לשמחה
    שבועות התשס"ט

  • @00AliIbnAbiTalib00
    @00AliIbnAbiTalib00 14 лет назад

    Omar, do you have the lyrics of what he says in hebrew ?

  • @qazdaf
    @qazdaf 15 лет назад

    רציתי לדעת האם בית המדרש שם לו למטרה רק את פסיקתו ההלכתית של הרמב"ם או שמא גם את תפיסתו הכלללית על היהדות שבחלקה אף מזוהה עם התפיסה האריסטוטלית כפי שהביא הרב במורה הנבוכים.
    האם אתם לומדים פילוסופיה בבית המדרש?

  • @OhevTorathMoshe
    @OhevTorathMoshe 15 лет назад

    לע"ד יש הרבה מה ללמוד משני הסוגים של תלמידי חכמים. אני אישית רק נגד קיצונים בעניין הזה. מה שמאחד אותנו זה לימוד המשנה תורה כמקור פסיקת הלכה למעשה הסמכותית ביותר.

  • @darkness2noor
    @darkness2noor 12 лет назад

    Your definition of living like a man might not be the same as another person..who decides what the correct method is of living like a man?

  • @Arabian5347
    @Arabian5347 14 лет назад

    @omedyasher: :) learning my Hebrew!

  • @shmulik1974
    @shmulik1974 15 лет назад

    נכנסתי לאתר שלהם, מישהו מוכן להסביר לי מדוע הוא באנגלית? האם דוברי עברית לא זכאים לקצת הסבר?

  • @islamchristian777
    @islamchristian777 13 лет назад

    @Asambaboy no,he is not jew,he is arab,but we have only one ancestor.but the tribes has been divided by 2,arabs and jews.kuha mo?

  • @Arabian5347
    @Arabian5347 14 лет назад

    @omedyasher: can u tell me the website?

  • @qazdaf
    @qazdaf 15 лет назад

    בכל אופן, בין אם כך או כך, אין לומר "חלילה" שהרמב"ם ילמד דבריו מאריסטו , שכן אף הרמב"ם אמר שברגע האדם נפגש עם האמת עליו לקבלה מפי אומרה לא משנה מה דעתו של האומר -" קבל האמת ממי שאמרה".
    עוד שאלה קטנה- האם בבית המדרש מתעמקים במורה?

  • @yokhanan
    @yokhanan 15 лет назад

    Doh! Well that explains it. When I hit play I sat there going "either I've seen this already or I am having a seriously bad case of deja vu", lol. Hope to see more of these (in general, not duplicates I mean, :p).
    Yeah, holding up decently for now. How about yourself? Doing well too I hope? :-)

  • @shmulik1974
    @shmulik1974 15 лет назад

    אולי באמת אבקר בבית שמש? בא לי פעם אחת להתפלל איתכם כמנהגכם. בלי נדר, תודה על ההזמנה

  • @kingofheartsxyz
    @kingofheartsxyz 14 лет назад

    according to scriptures when will be the Messiah coming ?
    what will be the signs ?

  • @Talmeda505
    @Talmeda505 11 лет назад

    The music is there a CD to buy? If so, may I have the artist name...preferably translated please.

  • @MidEastAmerican
    @MidEastAmerican  13 лет назад

    @kingofheartsxyz I've posted many videos discussing this topic.

  • @tixonne91
    @tixonne91 12 лет назад

    I lové jews. Hindu buddhist muslim ôter religion Long live hindu jews buddhist muslim.

  • @SuperPricil
    @SuperPricil 13 лет назад

    2500 years agò In the book of Micah 5:2 it is written But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village among all the people of Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past.
    2000 years agò it was fullfiled this scripture,
    Most of Israelites they are yet waiting the born of the messiah.
    But why ??????

  • @d123s404
    @d123s404 13 лет назад

    @ovaisreza yes. The reason is that Muslims and Jews alike pray to Allah, and not to Jesus as Christians do. In addition, Muslims don't have depictions of God in Mosques as it is forbidden, whereas Chrisitains commonly depict God and the other Prophets.