18:23 no one knew about the tunnel, not even Bernard, until that hard drive surfaced. He doesn’t know about that secret place George and Juliette were chillin’ at, AND THAT’S WHERE THE TUNNEL IS! On the video George left Juliette he tells her he found the door, and it isn’t hard to access.
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Good discussion.
I like idea of it being an experiment.
Oh I did see this episode!
@@dockaiju what did you think? What you looking forward to in the next episode.
We had such a great time with you all tonight discussing SILO. Join us tomorrow for out live on Earth Abides!
18:23 no one knew about the tunnel, not even Bernard, until that hard drive surfaced. He doesn’t know about that secret place George and Juliette were chillin’ at, AND THAT’S WHERE THE TUNNEL IS! On the video George left Juliette he tells her he found the door, and it isn’t hard to access.
Why do you think he does not know? Who do you think knows about it or made the silo to have one.
I missed the discussion…I fell asleep 😮 Good recap though