Raid numbers are always the bare minimum playing the game. Non-raiding/daily leveling are the true numbers that can't be tracked. Raid numbers are just the tip of the iceberg above water. The unknowable lies below.
Raid numbers are the most important numbers because those are the players that are going to keep your game alive. For example, Classic era had roughly 17k players playing the game for 4 and a half years since the 2020. Those players raided every single week religiously while the casuals (the category you are in) eventually quit and withered away. If you aren’t at max level by this point, you more than likely are not going to be part of that raiding community which will probably make you less inclined to keep playing.
@@andrew2616 I've been a casual gamer for 16 years, 2 accounts and ever subbed the entire time. And I am not naive to think myself unique in the wow multiverse this entire time. Just because raiders can't see us. Doesn't mean we don't exist. As is with sociopaths... we look like every body else :) And raid loggers are not my definition of community. I'll even reckon I play more wow then most raiders do at this point.
I have been plain sod since lunch weekly and loving almost every minute of it. It’s my favorite version of Wow. I understand the phases, especially phase 3, really put a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, but if that phase never happened, I truly believe the numbers would be significantly better everyone just has to give it a better shot. It’s not phase 3 anymore.
This excuse is completely voided because Fresh was released during Holiday Season. If you haven’t hit max level during Holiday Season, odds are you are going to be leveling even slower once January comes around and RL starts picking back up with the start of the year.
@@andrew2616well not everyone is a nerd using there holiday time off on playing warcraft..lmao, I'm sure large majority spending time with family/traveling
SoD numbers here on the SoDlocked Lash NA. Ultra-low as they are. Have doubled in the weeks since CC- went live and Mythics turned into a shirtshow with Delves, in Retail. Delves are a disrupter to Retail. Similar to Incursions in SoD. Delves can gear up toons to Mythic level in gearscores. But it now means players brand new to Mythics are geared to jump into mid'level runs. With zero knowledge, and little experience, of doing a timed run, where every other member of the team, has the run adapted to memory muscle. And there's zero tolerance for failure, or deviating from the meta. Now folks are breaking from Retail and Mythics, for simpler wow fun.
They simply have too many games. Era, cata, sod, hc, anivarsy, retail. Splitting the player base this much just makes 6 dead games and a never ending hamster wheel where we jump game to game depending on content droughts
Wow is going through a cycle many companies experiment with: a phase of cheap product diversification followed by realizing 90% of it just cannibalizes the audience for the other products. 2 game modes/eras is probably enough. SoD, Annoversary and Classic split up the pop too much for their own long term health
Looking at the chart for SoD P5 and P6. It's actually the alliance with the stable numbers. Our losses appear to come of the horde for the most part. Past week SoD alliance gamers was almost the equal of both CC-'s and Era's total raid numbers combined, both factions.
Away from the streamer optics. The Sodcore are forming their niche in the wow multiverse. And I'm seeing a small resurgence in SoD CC. Not much, but it's a start. While, outside of a fading OnlyFangs event. CC minus has zero traction. It's all been done before. And the only thing worse then having to do the 1 to 60 slog with no new reward for one's efforts... is watching someone do the slog, while pretending it's a new fantastic experience.
48% of 2019 for anniversary is EXTREMELY much. now there isn´t just retail and classic. it´s retail and cata and era and anniversary (also in heroic which means slower leveling and no raiding). there is also no worldwide corona lockdowns right now + it has not been 15 years since we played it. so no big nostalgia bonus
I’m in a great guild filled with people that enjoy pvp, dungeons and leveling. Raiding is whatever, don’t really care. To each their own, we’re having a great time. No rush to 60, just having fun
I really enjoy playing Classic WoW on the anniversary server. I have played WoW Retail on and off for maybe 15 years, but i like Classic WoW best and i will continue playing for until at least Blackwind Lair i think.
From what I hear. If you compare classic classic's numbers to classic's numbers on it's release. CC- isn't holding up to original classic. CC- is actually the waiting room for Classic Progressive's reboot. So they don't have to try to sell WoD to the base, a second time round.
i hit 60 and now idk if i just have the time commitment or motivation for the end game content? Im not sure. I want to level more characters too, but it also feels like such a long grind to do again
Could you do a Phase 6 Warrior Guide? I can't find any recent ones and apparently people are running something completely different from P5. No Execute at all :(
I hope other people see his comment. It would be really interesting to gather together as well players on this kind of video because we are all interested in the same questions. What if we formed a guild from the people viewing these videos?? I myself am pretty casual at the moment just because of the phase of life that I’m in, I’m leveling and enjoying it, but in a couple months, I’m going to want to raid hard-core. There’s always like a shifting thing in classic that a lot of people don’t always capture.
Whoever does their product release lineup probably deserves to find the breadline. Not going to lie.. because I mean.. they release products of the same audience very often at the same time. Do I raid in the new Cata raid? The new SOD raid? Try out the new classic? Level in retail? Insane! Options are great, don't confuse this with me saying this isn't the case. But how about we space these launches out a little you know? Firelands just dropped? Cool.. lets give them a month to cycle that down to raid logging and drop the new Classic. Retail? Well it is its own monster so it overlapping doesn't bother me as much because it has to aim at its target audience. SOD? Hey I got an idea.. lets not release the new tier with a week of the new Cata raid, a week or two from the new Classic launch. Its sheer insanity to me. I do understand that they are probably trying to just throw mud at the wall to find whatever will stick and by sticking I mean find those 2019 numbers again.. but.. it just isn't going to happen. A lot of the more boomer types had their run in 2019. We don't have a world wide pandemic going on now where everyone is sitting at the crib chilling. SOD probably is to blame because of its early success. They saw that and were like.. WE CAN BE BACK BABY!!! Truth is.. and this circles back.. SOD released at a really good time.. WotLK was on the tail end, retail was on the tail end, and it was a NEW product people from all sides of the isle could be interested in.
I personally think i have a pretty good grip on the situation imo. Sod failed because everyone wanted classic +, not a year long edge for the same content, if people had to do the same content over again theyd just be better off doing a jew fresh, that's where all the players went who wanted a new fresh went to (along with players who were already on classic who were tired of gold inflation). No one from my knowledge wanted cata or panda for that matter but seeing how popular classic has been they wanted to squeeze out as much as they could before it died. From the start of sod it was obvious people wanted classic +, thats even how it wasarketed to us, and with half a million players in phase one, id say 80% of them were let down phase 2 when it was obvious the "new content" was just revamped dungeons and rune quests that make alting a pain in the ass. People wanted classic +, is the only reason im still fucking playing sod, for what was promised to me over a year ago. Legit all they had to do from the get go was rework the talent trees so all specs worked, fix some gear peices, and add some content from beta that was cut. Instead of edging us for a year, give us 3 months to get to 60 and start releasong new content, and they could have kept 45% at least of the population from phase 1.
MoP isn’t going to bring the numbers….at this point they need to let SoD go finish out Classic with MoP if thats what they want (dont think they should) and release Classic Plus bc that will bring the numbers if they dont have everyone mixed up in 4 other games. Daumn
I recommend you to log on your sod char after Christmas and check how many low lvls is there. I lvl new char now and played with list 20-30 new people that never played wow somehow …
@@AmongRevenantswait u get all the runes free now? I quit cuz it was a mission to get some runes, I said for this I rather just level on fresh vanilla
They won’t rush MoP out they are pacing classic cata so they can catch up china classic so they can just do releases together and not everything all staggered
Done with SOD and have been since for a long time. Once the Emphasized PvP in Stranglethorn it was over as far as I am concerned. Left Classic/Cataclysm before the launch of Cataclysm as I hated it the first time and said so over and over again, as did the entire Guild I was in... everyone in the guild left the game. Poked at "fresh" but the botting and toxicity made me abandon my character set at level 20. Just not playable or enjoyable. HC Classic has the same problems and then some as "fresh". When you lose 20 characters to Layering inflicted DCs its time to stop believing in their tech solutions. My only play these days is on one of the Legacy servers. That will continue only as long as the friends there keep playing. If they decide its time quit then I'll walk away as well. I play a back bencher for the raid team, mostly doing consumables support, and am happy with that niche. Bliz is not getting anything from me again except the sub... I left Retail back in BFA and have no plans of going back to that toxic pay to win mess.
idk man i feel like raid lockouts doesnt show the bigger picture in terms of player population so i find it kinda silly that people call certain versions dead because there aren't 3 million people raiding actively 🤷♂ side note: i wonder how lfr is going to change the graphs when it eventually comes out for dragonsoul 🤔
Absolutely agree. I've done the tryhard speedrun thing for 2 years when Classic was re-released originally and I'm pretty sure I'll just never raid again. Had enough of that. Levelling slowly, playing a couple times per month or so, is fun though.
Raid numbers are just the absolute minimum of gamers on any realm on any given week. In SoD there's a minimum 53K players using that game platform weekly. In CC- it's 25K minimum. Era, 9k and CATA 115k.
There are visibly more ppl leveling on sod and preparing for new content. Classic fresh failure was obvious. You mostly have casuals there experiencing wow for the first time I think. Nothing thats attractive for ppl that have been playing 2019, SoM or SoD
Obviously it's also an opinion so I think you're getting so hurt over it that you feel to insult me just shows me that you're a kid bro. It's fine, just grow up and learn from it
here is what blizard will doo they will relese 25 storemounts on retail and put it to sod too and add many many micro transactions monotize the game squeze it dry and let it die
Omg no wonder why I can't find BRD/UBRS groups on fresh. Game is fucking dead, and we're over a month in. Blizzard should kill SoD servers if not then fresh seems doomed.
I have difficulty believing these numbers tbh. Dreamscythe is by far the most populated server I've ever been in. Way more than 2019. 5 layers where literally every area is flooded by other players. Constant world buff spams, on cooldown. Devilsaurs, or thorium mines that are spawn camped around the clock, etc. You can't do a single quest without at least running into several players already there.
I'm not even 60 yet in fresh, and every zone is packed with non 60's. I don't think anniversary will be as popular as 2019 classic. Not every player is a streamer, unemployed or a sweat lord.
SoD is doing completely fine, I would be more concerned with Fresh numbers. That’s are stupid low considering all the noise the loud minority made. The only Classic Variation that suffered from all this was Classic Era. More than 50% of the player base dropped in Era. Those servers won’t exist in the next month if this trend continues.
I heard CC- is more a bot version of wow at this point. Rumoured 12K bots across 3 servers. And that's just the Taiwan Bot Mafia alone. Gold-sellers are starting to boohoo about a depressed AH and economy. I love how SoD 's removed the need for a gold hustle while leveling. Making the AH optional.
In 2019 people left private servers to play offical. Now not only have people gone back to private, they've gone back in record numbers. Over 1 million people are on these servers now, not to mention Epoch/CoA are launching very soon for +.. both make SoD look like a joke.
"Classic" is just not a good format for this game for long-term growth. They really need a Classic Plus with class balancing and new content. That would make Vanilla feel truly "fresh" again. As it is now, it's the exact same game as 2019. Everything is known, everything is explored, all the content is time-locked, everyone knows exactly what classes will be balanced or broken or unplayable, so it's just not as fun to play through again and again and again. As a sidenote, I believe during Wrath Classic, a lot of players realized how much better TBC was than they initially remembered. It's always been an underappreciated expansion seen only as the connection between Vanilla and Wrath, but after this second time playing through it, many people realized how good it truly was. I recall many streamers expressing this same opinion as their enthusiasm for Wrath dropped off. I could see a lot of people being excited to play TBC again with more intention.
I played cata phase 1, but quit cause I just wasn't dedicated to the raid grind anymore. But I started a hardcore character and SoD character for just the leveling fun, and I missed out a bit on SoD cause I was raiding the current classic content and didn't have time for it. I raided through all of vanilla classic through naxx so if I were to roll in fresh vanilla I probably wouldn't raid unless I just got into some pugs, but I missed tbc classic cause I took a break after my server fell apart at the beginning of tbc, so I would def try and get back into it once tbc came back out.
I think after SOD I'm completely done with WoW fkin game is 20 years old, and even when you drop all the features that have destroyed social interactions in retail, It still feels like a single player game most of the time
@@shadyaov7041the numbers he is showing is from raid logs, since there are no official numbers, the closest we can get to guesstimate population is raid logs, but of course this only a fraction of the population.
They need classic plus. They need what they did in sod phase 1 and do it better. They know its going to work. They killed the game during phase 3 on purpose. All they have to do is not half ass classic plus
True. Dynamic progression to 60 is good, maybe at a faster pace that they did. Runes are just too much though, they changed the game to retail and I personally didn't like it, balance is fine but changing the whole game design...
You're only looking at raiding numbers, myself and a lot of other players I know are leveling and not raiding right now, just enjoying the game.
Raid numbers are always the bare minimum playing the game.
Non-raiding/daily leveling are the true numbers that can't be tracked.
Raid numbers are just the tip of the iceberg above water. The unknowable lies below.
Me and my friends almost exclusively do bgs
Yeah my group we are going at our own pace. I just hit 40 lol
Raid numbers are the most important numbers because those are the players that are going to keep your game alive. For example, Classic era had roughly 17k players playing the game for 4 and a half years since the 2020. Those players raided every single week religiously while the casuals (the category you are in) eventually quit and withered away. If you aren’t at max level by this point, you more than likely are not going to be part of that raiding community which will probably make you less inclined to keep playing.
@@andrew2616 I've been a casual gamer for 16 years, 2 accounts and ever subbed the entire time.
And I am not naive to think myself unique in the wow multiverse this entire time.
Just because raiders can't see us. Doesn't mean we don't exist.
As is with sociopaths... we look like every body else :)
And raid loggers are not my definition of community.
I'll even reckon I play more wow then most raiders do at this point.
I have been plain sod since lunch weekly and loving almost every minute of it. It’s my favorite version of Wow. I understand the phases, especially phase 3, really put a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, but if that phase never happened, I truly believe the numbers would be significantly better everyone just has to give it a better shot. It’s not phase 3 anymore.
Blizz looked at how fast people leveled in 2019 and forgot we aren't mid covid gaming anymore. MC released a week or 2 early imo
I agree 100% one week later would have made a world of difference
Covid wasn’t a thing in August 2019 lmao what does this even mean
This excuse is completely voided because Fresh was released during Holiday Season. If you haven’t hit max level during Holiday Season, odds are you are going to be leveling even slower once January comes around and RL starts picking back up with the start of the year.
@@josephdickson8176Exactly what I was thinking. Covid didn’t hit the States until March 2020. That’s when everything started shutting down.
@@andrew2616well not everyone is a nerd using there holiday time off on playing warcraft..lmao, I'm sure large majority spending time with family/traveling
My SoD guild is growing. We are almost ready to make a 3rd raid group again. We dropped down to 2 groups in phase 3
SoD numbers here on the SoDlocked Lash NA. Ultra-low as they are. Have doubled in the weeks since CC- went live and Mythics turned into a shirtshow with Delves, in Retail.
Delves are a disrupter to Retail. Similar to Incursions in SoD.
Delves can gear up toons to Mythic level in gearscores. But it now means players brand new to Mythics are geared to jump into mid'level runs.
With zero knowledge, and little experience, of doing a timed run, where every other member of the team, has the run adapted to memory muscle. And there's zero tolerance for failure, or deviating from the meta.
Now folks are breaking from Retail and Mythics, for simpler wow fun.
They simply have too many games. Era, cata, sod, hc, anivarsy, retail. Splitting the player base this much just makes 6 dead games and a never ending hamster wheel where we jump game to game depending on content droughts
Wow is going through a cycle many companies experiment with: a phase of cheap product diversification followed by realizing 90% of it just cannibalizes the audience for the other products.
2 game modes/eras is probably enough. SoD, Annoversary and Classic split up the pop too much for their own long term health
Looking at the chart for SoD P5 and P6.
It's actually the alliance with the stable numbers. Our losses appear to come of the horde for the most part.
Past week SoD alliance gamers was almost the equal of both CC-'s and Era's total raid numbers combined, both factions.
Away from the streamer optics. The Sodcore are forming their niche in the wow multiverse. And I'm seeing a small resurgence in SoD CC. Not much, but it's a start.
While, outside of a fading OnlyFangs event. CC minus has zero traction. It's all been done before.
And the only thing worse then having to do the 1 to 60 slog with no new reward for one's efforts... is watching someone do the slog, while pretending it's a new fantastic experience.
48% of 2019 for anniversary is EXTREMELY much. now there isn´t just retail and classic. it´s retail and cata and era and anniversary (also in heroic which means slower leveling and no raiding). there is also no worldwide corona lockdowns right now + it has not been 15 years since we played it. so no big nostalgia bonus
Id say 70 percent of the people in my guild have quit out of 300
Race to 60 get burnt out and quit
I quit with level 50, it was just too boring. The magic is gone for me :(
@wurzelbert84wucher5 which class did you play mate? Alot of people quit around 50, it's like the 3rd hump
@@veddyveng Priest. It felt like there were tons of Priests and nobody needed a healer in grps.
@wurzelbert84wucher5 healers are the hardest to get now,
@@veddyveng Really? Maybe I should come back ^^
I’m in a great guild filled with people that enjoy pvp, dungeons and leveling. Raiding is whatever, don’t really care. To each their own, we’re having a great time. No rush to 60, just having fun
I really enjoy playing Classic WoW on the anniversary server. I have played WoW Retail on and off for maybe 15 years, but i like Classic WoW best and i will continue playing for until at least Blackwind Lair i think.
im new and still leveling and taking it all in
From what I hear.
If you compare classic classic's numbers to classic's numbers on it's release.
CC- isn't holding up to original classic.
CC- is actually the waiting room for Classic Progressive's reboot. So they don't have to try to sell WoD to the base, a second time round.
i hit 60 and now idk if i just have the time commitment or motivation for the end game content? Im not sure. I want to level more characters too, but it also feels like such a long grind to do again
Here's my crazy
We are here
A few in my SoD guild are doing just what you said. Our guild message on the Anniversary server is "try to be 58 by November of 2025."
While I’m at work I keep telling myself I want to play fresh pvp but when I get home I can’t bring myself to re sub
Could you do a Phase 6 Warrior Guide? I can't find any recent ones and apparently people are running something completely different from P5. No Execute at all :(
I hope other people see his comment. It would be really interesting to gather together as well players on this kind of video because we are all interested in the same questions. What if we formed a guild from the people viewing these videos?? I myself am pretty casual at the moment just because of the phase of life that I’m in, I’m leveling and enjoying it, but in a couple months, I’m going to want to raid hard-core. There’s always like a shifting thing in classic that a lot of people don’t always capture.
Probably have better luck trying discord or reddit for something like this
Grats on 10k subs! I'm playing SoD (barely) and classic ATM, but I'm an outlier cause I have no life, lol
Whoever does their product release lineup probably deserves to find the breadline. Not going to lie.. because I mean.. they release products of the same audience very often at the same time. Do I raid in the new Cata raid? The new SOD raid? Try out the new classic? Level in retail? Insane! Options are great, don't confuse this with me saying this isn't the case. But how about we space these launches out a little you know? Firelands just dropped? Cool.. lets give them a month to cycle that down to raid logging and drop the new Classic. Retail? Well it is its own monster so it overlapping doesn't bother me as much because it has to aim at its target audience. SOD? Hey I got an idea.. lets not release the new tier with a week of the new Cata raid, a week or two from the new Classic launch.
Its sheer insanity to me. I do understand that they are probably trying to just throw mud at the wall to find whatever will stick and by sticking I mean find those 2019 numbers again.. but.. it just isn't going to happen. A lot of the more boomer types had their run in 2019. We don't have a world wide pandemic going on now where everyone is sitting at the crib chilling. SOD probably is to blame because of its early success. They saw that and were like.. WE CAN BE BACK BABY!!! Truth is.. and this circles back.. SOD released at a really good time.. WotLK was on the tail end, retail was on the tail end, and it was a NEW product people from all sides of the isle could be interested in.
I personally think i have a pretty good grip on the situation imo. Sod failed because everyone wanted classic +, not a year long edge for the same content, if people had to do the same content over again theyd just be better off doing a jew fresh, that's where all the players went who wanted a new fresh went to (along with players who were already on classic who were tired of gold inflation). No one from my knowledge wanted cata or panda for that matter but seeing how popular classic has been they wanted to squeeze out as much as they could before it died. From the start of sod it was obvious people wanted classic +, thats even how it wasarketed to us, and with half a million players in phase one, id say 80% of them were let down phase 2 when it was obvious the "new content" was just revamped dungeons and rune quests that make alting a pain in the ass. People wanted classic +, is the only reason im still fucking playing sod, for what was promised to me over a year ago. Legit all they had to do from the get go was rework the talent trees so all specs worked, fix some gear peices, and add some content from beta that was cut. Instead of edging us for a year, give us 3 months to get to 60 and start releasong new content, and they could have kept 45% at least of the population from phase 1.
MoP isn’t going to bring the numbers….at this point they need to let SoD go finish out Classic with MoP if thats what they want (dont think they should) and release Classic Plus bc that will bring the numbers if they dont have everyone mixed up in 4 other games. Daumn
SoD (Season of Diddy)
COVID Classic 2019-2021
Those were the tines
I recommend you to log on your sod char after Christmas and check how many low lvls is there. I lvl new char now and played with list 20-30 new people that never played wow somehow …
Here on The Lash NA. Low level toons are on the raise thanks to full runesets at lvl 1 now.
@@AmongRevenantswait u get all the runes free now? I quit cuz it was a mission to get some runes, I said for this I rather just level on fresh vanilla
@@erawwwww There are rune vendors at every start zone and in capital cities. 1 copper a rune.
It was the devs xmas present for the Sodcore.
Blizzard are going to crank out more mounts and cosmetics sell more boosts
They won’t rush MoP out they are pacing classic cata so they can catch up china classic so they can just do releases together and not everything all staggered
Done with SOD and have been since for a long time. Once the Emphasized PvP in Stranglethorn it was over as far as I am concerned.
Left Classic/Cataclysm before the launch of Cataclysm as I hated it the first time and said so over and over again, as did the entire Guild I was in... everyone in the guild left the game.
Poked at "fresh" but the botting and toxicity made me abandon my character set at level 20. Just not playable or enjoyable.
HC Classic has the same problems and then some as "fresh". When you lose 20 characters to Layering inflicted DCs its time to stop believing in their tech solutions.
My only play these days is on one of the Legacy servers. That will continue only as long as the friends there keep playing. If they decide its time quit then I'll walk away as well. I play a back bencher for the raid team, mostly doing consumables support, and am happy with that niche.
Bliz is not getting anything from me again except the sub... I left Retail back in BFA and have no plans of going back to that toxic pay to win mess.
idk man i feel like raid lockouts doesnt show the bigger picture in terms of player population so i find it kinda silly that people call certain versions dead because there aren't 3 million people raiding actively 🤷♂
side note: i wonder how lfr is going to change the graphs when it eventually comes out for dragonsoul 🤔
Absolutely agree. I've done the tryhard speedrun thing for 2 years when Classic was re-released originally and I'm pretty sure I'll just never raid again. Had enough of that. Levelling slowly, playing a couple times per month or so, is fun though.
Raid numbers are just the absolute minimum of gamers on any realm on any given week.
In SoD there's a minimum 53K players using that game platform weekly.
In CC- it's 25K minimum. Era, 9k and CATA 115k.
I mean, Vanilla servers die after a couple months because vanilla is not a good game after 60.
At least on SoD, you need half the players for raiding.
Your vids are great. Lots of good info, I'm glad I found your channel.
I enjoy sod but it’s hard to find raid groups
My time in WOW is coming to an end, POE2 will eventually be my main game.
I quit retail and enjoy fresh classic
Blizz will do as little as possible as long as you are paying your monthly sub…they don’t care about the game at all…
Plus if you take away the bot numbers as players, it get worse :(
Still levelling - also Christmas holidays
There are visibly more ppl leveling on sod and preparing for new content. Classic fresh failure was obvious. You mostly have casuals there experiencing wow for the first time I think. Nothing thats attractive for ppl that have been playing 2019, SoM or SoD
You are on crack
@skykam9448 what a wise thing to say. Totally does not make you look like a tool
@ well everything you said was wrong so I’m not too worried if you think I look like a fool you have brain damage
@skykam9448 I just have to look up h comments you wrote on this channel to see your full of ****
Obviously it's also an opinion so I think you're getting so hurt over it that you feel to insult me just shows me that you're a kid bro. It's fine, just grow up and learn from it
Anniversary is 41% of classic 2019 at this point!
A person that raided like 50+ lockouts in 2019 is level 20 in anniversary :) Just sayin. Should of gave it a chance before changing it so damn much.
here is what blizard will doo they will relese 25 storemounts on retail and put it to sod too and add many many micro transactions monotize the game squeze it dry and let it die
Hardcore is popping still not sure about normal servers
Wow pop goes down even on private servers. Meanwhile single player wow projects with controlable bots and experimental ai are more and more popular.
Omg no wonder why I can't find BRD/UBRS groups on fresh. Game is fucking dead, and we're over a month in. Blizzard should kill SoD servers if not then fresh seems doomed.
I hope that some of the population shakes off in fresh classic. Leaving the people who truly want to be there and are there for the content
I hope the tourist quit soon so I can do quest.
Any Pantheon mmo enjoyers? It's a new indy mmo
It’s ass u can tell they been working on it for 15 years
Horde of bots killed classic ann for me, canceled my sub and going back to pservers.
Me encanta tu inglés bro, pero me encanta más que aunque sepas tanto inglés te valga p*to la pronunciación XDDDDD
no permitas que los anglosajones te digan como hablar su propio idioma
I have difficulty believing these numbers tbh. Dreamscythe is by far the most populated server I've ever been in. Way more than 2019. 5 layers where literally every area is flooded by other players. Constant world buff spams, on cooldown. Devilsaurs, or thorium mines that are spawn camped around the clock, etc. You can't do a single quest without at least running into several players already there.
I play many hours per day and I’m lvl 55
Im back to SoD
Cool video
we are bunch of junkies
I'm not even 60 yet in fresh, and every zone is packed with non 60's. I don't think anniversary will be as popular as 2019 classic. Not every player is a streamer, unemployed or a sweat lord.
SoD is doing completely fine, I would be more concerned with Fresh numbers. That’s are stupid low considering all the noise the loud minority made. The only Classic Variation that suffered from all this was Classic Era. More than 50% of the player base dropped in Era. Those servers won’t exist in the next month if this trend continues.
I heard CC- is more a bot version of wow at this point. Rumoured 12K bots across 3 servers. And that's just the Taiwan Bot Mafia alone.
Gold-sellers are starting to boohoo about a depressed AH and economy.
I love how SoD 's removed the need for a gold hustle while leveling. Making the AH optional.
In 2019 people left private servers to play offical. Now not only have people gone back to private, they've gone back in record numbers. Over 1 million people are on these servers now, not to mention Epoch/CoA are launching very soon for +.. both make SoD look like a joke.
"Classic" is just not a good format for this game for long-term growth. They really need a Classic Plus with class balancing and new content. That would make Vanilla feel truly "fresh" again. As it is now, it's the exact same game as 2019. Everything is known, everything is explored, all the content is time-locked, everyone knows exactly what classes will be balanced or broken or unplayable, so it's just not as fun to play through again and again and again.
As a sidenote, I believe during Wrath Classic, a lot of players realized how much better TBC was than they initially remembered. It's always been an underappreciated expansion seen only as the connection between Vanilla and Wrath, but after this second time playing through it, many people realized how good it truly was. I recall many streamers expressing this same opinion as their enthusiasm for Wrath dropped off. I could see a lot of people being excited to play TBC again with more intention.
Only watching raiding numbers when fresh is split between hardcore and normal isn’t very accurate. Hardcore raiders are an absolute minority
Tell you what classic fresh is not dead. Spineshatter has 10k players and like 6 full layers. Its flourishing at the moment
I played cata phase 1, but quit cause I just wasn't dedicated to the raid grind anymore. But I started a hardcore character and SoD character for just the leveling fun, and I missed out a bit on SoD cause I was raiding the current classic content and didn't have time for it. I raided through all of vanilla classic through naxx so if I were to roll in fresh vanilla I probably wouldn't raid unless I just got into some pugs, but I missed tbc classic cause I took a break after my server fell apart at the beginning of tbc, so I would def try and get back into it once tbc came back out.
I think after SOD I'm completely done with WoW
fkin game is 20 years old, and even when you drop all the features that have destroyed social interactions in retail,
It still feels like a single player game most of the time
Try turtle wow
I won't ever do offical again. But the private servers in development and the existing ones are great!
Another thing worth noting is how many of those actual numbers are players and how many are bots
Bots are raiding?
I think you missing my point bro what has raiding has to do with players number?
@@shadyaov7041the numbers he is showing is from raid logs, since there are no official numbers, the closest we can get to guesstimate population is raid logs, but of course this only a fraction of the population.
They need classic plus. They need what they did in sod phase 1 and do it better. They know its going to work. They killed the game during phase 3 on purpose. All they have to do is not half ass classic plus
True. Dynamic progression to 60 is good, maybe at a faster pace that they did. Runes are just too much though, they changed the game to retail and I personally didn't like it, balance is fine but changing the whole game design...
we dont need classic+
Tell me what they did in p1 that was so different than all other phases?
For the love of God can we get a wow youtuber I can understand? Like how the fuck am I supposed to understand what you're saying?
if the numbers are too complicated perhaps you can follow the on-screen graph it helps a lot