I have a friend who has a ranch in Elgin, Texas and he has a large tank/pond that I used to go fishing in all the time. Last year he called me and said the tank was GONE, and it was. Feral hogs descended on it and you would have had to see it to believe the damage they did. It looked like someone took a back hoe to it--what used to be a beautiful place to fish was turned into nothing but dredged up mud, tons of it. No water remained--just mud. I couldn't believe my eyes. Yeah these pigs are a HUGE problem.
Have him post a place for hunters to contact him so they can set up hunts. Just ask that the hunters agree to not cause further harm to the land or leave trash. There are many hunters that would jump on this. Just a place to pitch a tent or park a RV/camper (maybe hook ups but I would charge for that) and I bet they would clear out every hog on/near his land quickly.
Have let hunter come to his land and hunt I came to Oklahoma couple days ago and killed 9 hogs with me and 3 of my brother us.. We plan to go to Texas to hunt next but we need a spot
Heres a thought. There are many people (like me) who would hunt hogs everyday if we had a place to hunt them that didnt mean buying an expensive lease or paying thousands to hunt on private property. If we need to get rid of hogs...why not make hog hunting free instead of charging. And i dont mean licensing. I mean the cost of the hunts themselves
Need to put them on the menus of all the high end restaurants. Same with lionfish. Feral hogs are good eating, much better than venison, put a market on them.
If a pig or hog knows its going to die its adrenaline runs into the meat and ruins the taste, you have to electrocute them then cut their throat for nice tasting meat
they can give you undulant fever which can last from weeks to months. the possibility that a restaurant might not cook it to 170 degrees every single time is small. plus, cooking past 170 degree makes the meat pretty tough and less appetizing. if you cook it past 180 it can maybe be an okay food source in times of emergency, even though i wouldnt bet on it being safe 100% of the time.
When the ranches stop charging huge dollars to hunt them i can start to feel sad for what there going through. I think there is a bunch of us that will deal with problem for them and even supply our own ammo.
I’m pretty sure that if I owned a ranch I wouldn’t want just anybody running around on my land shooting things up. Having seen goats, cattle and horses shot during deer season in Maine, exercising control of your private land seems a pretty smart move. The ranchers aren’t getting rich off hog hunts, they’re trying to control their property and turn a bad thing into a not as bad thing while keeping their families and their animals safe. Ask the farmers and ranchers who aren’t charging for hog hunts and I’ll bet you can find a place to hunt hogs to your hearts content.
@@Wayne-O-5169 I live in Maine and every farmer I've talked to has never had an animal shot by hunters ... ever. Texas ranchers could offer hunting-by-permission-only. Then they'd know who was on their land.
@@davidjenson4512 They do that now: You have permission to hunt, AFTER you pay me this FEE. And sometimes, "And depending on the size of the hogs you take, it's this much, or this much, or this amount here." It's a big money grab a lot of places. In my opinion, the whole thing has gotten turned around. To me, if a single hog can do say a hundred dollars of damage in a night, (just using that as a figure), you would think the land owner would be happy to have someone take it out for free. Maybe even offer a few dollars toward a person's ammo and fuel. But the way it is a lot, if not most places, no, you have to pay them. It's about like someplace like Orkin paying you to come spray your house for bugs. Doesn't make sense. Maybe if places that do crop insurance would refuse to pay if the farmers were charging to hunt, it would change. I don't know, but it's a thought.
They've tried hunting and even organized shootings with automatic rifles, night vision, trucks, and helicopters, but it doesn't work. A big haul can put a dent in a population, but shooting disperses the hogs and many escape just to reproduce quickly and come back just as strong. The only way they can be eradicated is through very careful coral trapping that takes months and months to get a sounder of reproduces to get trapped all at once. You can't get only a just a few, you have to trap the whole sounder because those that escape become educated to avoid corals. Since sounders range slowly, you can remove a whole sounder, then move on to he range of the next sounders and set up a new coral. And on and on. This takes time, cameras, and remote triggers, but it works. Hunting, sadly, has failed as a single intervention, but it can be useful in conjunction with trapping to get any left behind.
And yet many landowners still want to charge sizable fees to hunt feral hogs on their land. Very frustrating for hunters whether they just enjoy the challenge or are looking to fill a freezer. Trapped hogs can be sold and generate income or be butchered to feed the homeless.
But tpwd still wanna use those poisons they invested millions into. And though they made it legal to shoot them without a license on private property they haven't loosened any of the regulations or cost to landowners wanting to lease their property specifically to hog hunters.
@@FlySwann there is no cost from TPWD to the landowner to lease out his/her land for hunting. And only the landowner can shoot pigs and other invasive species on their land w/o a license. Everyone else must have a license.
Wm H I owe a good deal of land and use to allow people to hunt for free and had to stop because people junked up the land with camping supplies and water bottles to beer cans it's pathetic really but when I charge hunters I get a different class of people who are more respectful to me and the land so it's not us landowners at fault it's the people who didn't raise their kids right
@@rockyreynolds4027 that's also a big problem, lots of folks really ruined it for allot of others. Lucky I have friends with land that'll let me hunt for practically free if I help clean up sites and clean deer during the busy part of the year.
Feral hogs in suburban areas along Walnut Creek in Austin are an ongoing problem that is rapidly increasing in severity. I greatly appreciate the guidance from these videos and TPWD's valiant efforts to control the swine population. This video, in particular, addresses the very complex issue in a concise and educational format. I believe a follow-up video, in the same style, that is tailored to educate the public on safely dealing with the increasing number of suburban feral hog encounters would be welcomed and highly beneficial. Unfortunately, we still have folks who do not understand the dangers and ineffectiveness of hunting or engaging these animals in an urban or suburban setting. Many Texans are frustrated at the lack of cooperation between agencies and their current efforts to control these populations in non-rural areas. Inevitably, this frustration and lack of education will lead to some very poor choices on the part of some residents who live in close quarters with these hogs and each other. Please consider a video by TPWD that specifically highlights the potential consequences of these poor choices. Thank you for all of your tireless efforts.
Is feral hogs meat edable? If so, why is it not commercialized It could feed a lot of hungry peoples Is it because of beef meat lobbys? Or hunting lobbys? Thank you
@@MIKE2111ful As I understand it, they were brought here from Europe. They had no predators to begin with. Then, imbeciles transported them around the country to hunt for sport, spreading them far and wide.
@@MIKE2111ful 7, 8 billion people breeding like rats. Almost all of them with an insatiable greed for anything and everything. It's a wonder there is any wildlife left on earth whatsoever.
@@VirgoCali89 ...actually laloni, militant left wing activists call out daily for the death of trump voters but i digress.... Feral hogs otherwise referred to as giant rats or tiny godzillas...monsters either way.... they can root several feet into soft soil, eating invertebrates and the bulbs and rhizomes of plants, so they’re having negative effect on the plant community as well as wildlife,” said Rob Denkhaus, natural resource manager for the city-operated Fort Worth Nature Center. “They can be predators on some wildlife species such as ground-nesting birds, reptiles and amphibians and the like,” Denkhaus said. “So their impact is far-reaching, and ALL negative.” Rick Taylor, a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wildlife biologist in Uvalde and author of the booklet “The Feral Hog in Texas,” would agree. “Feral hog activity can destabilize WETLAND AREAS, springs, and creeks by excessive rooting for food, trampling and wallowing,” Taylor said. “In addition to WETLAND HABITAT DESTRUCTION and alteration, hogs damage trees and destroy countless thousands of acres of farmland...try driving a 4wheeler after some wild pigs came thru and uprooted the field....Wild hogs are also predators at times....wild hogs prey on FAWNS, YOUNG LAMBS and BABY GOATS...If the opportunity arises, they may also destroy or consume EGGS of GROUND NESTING BIRDS, such as turkeys and quail.” these things are basically tearing up the good earth...do u hate mother earth laloni?...oh and dont let one of these things get between your child and something it wants cuz itll kill your child to get it...these cockroaches on the landscape breed like cockroaches too...they get preggo at SIX MONTHS like a cat and can litter three times a year...they are CONSTANTLY pregnant and constantly squeezing out destructive little baby beasts...too fast for us to hunt them into manageable numbers...when they make it into subdivisions thennthe fun really starts...forget having a garden or flower bed...rioters would be better for the hood than these damn things.....🤧
Laloni, unfortunately for the cute little hogs, there's no way to establish some type of hog ranch where we can release them, and let them live out the rest of their lives in heavenly bliss.
I've just read that feral hogs have been here since 1493. There are now over 6-7 MILLION of them ranging from Texas all the way north to Ohio and Michigan. I don't think we are controlling them fast enough. Need MORE hunting and other methods.
Just make hunting hogs free in these areas so that others can eat them or sell to restaurants. It’s not rocket science. 🤷♀️ Why don’t these farmers catch these pigs and sell them?? If they r doing harm to crops, sell them.
We pay $4,000 a year to be on a lease... 52 weeks of hunting, fishing, setting around a fire... a bargain! Want to hunt? Go find 8 to 12 friends and get a lease...
One thing I think would help a lot, NO HOG LEAVES A TRAP ALIVE. This deal of trapping them and selling them to a place that does paid hunts isn't really helping a whole lot in my opinion.
I agree, over the past few weeks I have been reading and watching every bit of information on these hogs. From the way it sounds to me, Texas isn't super serious about getting rid of them and this is a money maker for them.
Y'all need to have your governor declare a free, year round, open, hunting season on feral hogs, with no limits. As to the ones who show up in urban areas? Maybe bring in some specialists and hold lots of pork roasts and/or donate the meat to some food pantries and homeless shelters. Putting it up for sale might help offset some of the costs, as well. Meat is good food!
Here are the requirements for becoming a Texas Game Warden: tpwd.texas.gov/warden/recruiting-careers/requirements and here is the application process tpwd.texas.gov/warden/recruiting-careers/process
feral hog trap: 12v. batteries in series (assuming no access to 120v/220v power) with supercapacitor electrifying simple metal mesh say 40'x40' and corn in middle, when sounder in middle, electrify grid. Increase lethality by stringing 3 wires also electrified, spaced around perimeter of mesh grid = no escape. Could set off remotely with cell pics/video.
another one is a design challenge for MIT: autonomous RC drones with simple 2 part metal jaw to clamp and hold them, must be capable of 40mph: re-usable so you only need 20, 30 of them to tackle sounder. You could incorporate lethal injection or electrocution, but keep it simple and dispatch or bind live and toss in cage truck.
It's real hard to use electic fence on the ground, it shorts out too easily. Plus, pigs feel it under them, they don't know where to go. Half would run out. Must get whole sounder.
At 2.43... As a hunter in the Czech Republic, it's the first time i see 'feral' hogs with eartags.... So they must have been caught or at least have been under control by humans once before? What's the point of turning them loose again??
They might have been domestic farm pigs that got loose. Pigs adapt very quickly to being set free so even farm pigs can look and act like wild boars not too long after being released
Howdy Sir As hog trapping has evolved with the advancements in technology, cell cameras and triggers. Hogs becoming trap wise. Has anyone made up-dates to the latest and best techniques for trapping wild pigs?
I saw a few of them heavy Feral Hawgs in my Trailer Park bar last night. After about 5 Jäegerbombers and a 12pk, man they sure looked nice. So they have a open season on them? They sure eat all the fast food and Nachos so I can see why.
How is this even a problem? Texans have a lot of guns. Texans love to hunt. Hogs are a great source of food for humans. Add it up, and its basically free "organic" and "free range" food supply.
2 words, private property. If it's your property like in my families case we hunt it regularly especially out in rural areas but when you get out near the cities people start charging to hunt their land which in that case you hope the hogs tear enough shit up on their property to reconsider, which unfortunately is still just a temporary solution. Me and my family have wiped hogs out multiple times only to have new ones move back in because the neighbors couldn't be bothered and we dont always have the time to drive 2 hours out to regularly purge them either as we have personal lives to attend too. Not to mention we had to cull the coyotes because too many were born and started harassing everything but the hogs.
@@mikekean8344 yeah man, people are greedy when it comes to hunting hogs. I just shot my first one last night. Luckily where I hunt I can shoot for free. But many people charge ridiculous amount to hunt these pests.
"Hunting is not logistically feasible in urban areas." Yeah, that's a lie. I participate in an urban archery program in Virginia that manages the size of the deer herds in public parks and the adjacent private lands. Very logistically feasible, but with the whacked out liberals in this area, it's contested constantly. But it's highly effective, and many if not most of the park hunters donate the venison to food pantries and soup kitchens.
Processing feral hogs could aid government food programs for the millions of immigrants coming from accross the Southern border. Utilizing feral hogs for this purpose would minimize the use of taxpayers money for feeding the multitudes of border crossers and improve Great Leader Joe Biden's raitings in NAFTA and the UN for his humanitarian accomplishments.
@port nut , California's homeless are mostly Liberals and support the border crossings. Their generosity would dictate to feed the immigrants first before themselves. Long live Great Leader Joe Biden! Jawohl Herr Kommandant!
3:34 Every effort should be made to ensure humane treatment of animals during trapping (and preparing them for the extermination process). Sounds comedy gold to me. Instead I would suggest to play Metallica "Kill 'em all" during that phase.
Indeed. An anesthesiologist should be at hand to euthanize each and every wild boar not killed on the spot by hunters and trappers. A cardiologist must also be employed to determine time of death and write out a certificate of death. Unless regulated properly, there will be unnecessary suffering to these cuddly animals. PETA and Greenpeace observers must be present during hog-hunting events to ensure compliance with the above mentioned preconditions. Long live Great Leader Joe Biden!!!
you folks in texas are no where near serious at all about gettin control of this pig problem...you would rather be able to hunt them for hunting sake than really get rid of the problem...to everyone else its a problem..:for texans tho, its only a hunting opportunity...and i love hunting but you guys love it too much in this case of these pigs....
Actually more would rather hunt deer. There are just so many hogs and they are destructive, so why not? Plus they taste good. What's your solution? Napalm?
Not true. Here in San Antonio they have been known to attack small children, dogs, etc. I bought a twelve gauge a few days ago, hehe😋. Primarily to fire warning shots and scare them off but I’ll shoot if need be
Yeah and that's part of the problem dumb Texans like to shoot anything that moves and that's why there is no predators left to keep the pig population in check.
@@MIKE2111ful hold on now...what predators are you referring to?...what predator in texas would go after a pig?...a bear?...not many bears in texas...a cougar?...again, not alot of those either....
If things are as bad as this video has stated then it may only be a matter of time until an urban hog kills or seriously injures a human, perhaps a child. They are a very powerful animal with the means and ability to do it and will be aggressive if cornered. I hope really that doesn't happen.
TPW is not serious about hunting pigs. Every park I've hunted boasts no limit, kill all you can, but wont let you hunt at night which is when they are active in most parks. Out of more than 30 parks and 7 public lands, I've seen pigs in daylight...Bastrop SP, Government Canyon and Kerr WMA.
On the upside, at least nobody in Texas ever goes hungry!!😀🐷Hog roast every night, and it’s for free (apart from the initial cost of a rifle & some ammo)😀👍🏻😋🐷
Less talk, more action. Take a look at the Pig Brig trapping systems. Unfortunately for the cute little hogs, we don't have some type of hog ranch where we can release them, and let them live out the rest of their lives in heavenly bliss.
Crocodiles, lions, tigers and cheetahs are natural predators of wild hogs. Maybe Texas could take initiatives to expand the population of those animals.
Lions tigers and cheetahs are out of the question for texas but introducing more crocodiles and coyotes bobcats etc. would be good but there is also the problem of ranchers and hunters killing the predators that are supposed to keep the feral hog population under control.
@@alanstevens1296 not really, not enough wildlife around. All private property and rbentually they will be a risk to the people or the livestock and ranchers and farmers will go out and kill them. And not enough land for them to roam.
Had something similar to that happen to me 6 years ago, but only I was in my old VW Jetta and the hog had been hit by another car and had it rear hind quarters shattered. It was still dark and I didn’t see it until I was on top of it. Hit the damn thing at 70-75 MPH, totaled my car.
Excellent presentation. The comments section gives valuable insight. Capture of whole sounders seem to be a viable region wide solution. Alternative methods may result in a smarter, low productive breed that can survive with humans.
I'm a retired 49 yr old man, if my beloved state of Texas or any farmer out there provides me a place I can stay anywhere you need help with this issue, I'll volunteer full-time , I'm from Laredo Texas and if y'all want police record, I'll provide one , never been in trouble with the law, just want to help out with this nusence ,used to be a farmer so I know how important it is to get rid of these pest !!
I think the wire mesh traps have a few elemantary mistakes: 1) the whole grid should be covered with an opaque foil or with wooden plates! Otherwise the outer hogs see what the inner hogs do - and in this case don´t enter the trap. The hogs are very curious and so they enter the traps rather than otherwise. In much of the videos you see a few hogs waiting out of the trap -> and these hogs learn for their life and teach it to their youngsters. 2) The trapdoor have to operate extremely noiseless to avoid panic! 3) The trapdoor(s) should be constructed typically selfopening/ closing: So the hog have to open it by crawling through the trapdoor with it´s own willpower! Sorry for bad English! Good luck from Tom/ Austria!
Shoot 'em! Would be nice to see some great recipes too. I'm hoping Texas will deliver some great tasting pork and feed the world. ..or maybe just me. :-)
The hog population isn't gonna go down until the big game ranches that offer "trophy boars" are gotten rid of as well. It incentives land owners to managing a herd instead of eradicating them or knocking them down to a acceptable number. It'll also help if more public hunting land was available to hunters wishing to go after them without having to pay expensive leases and fees for them. $25.00 for a hunting liscence and another $48.00 should be all it takes to get rid of them.
You said they’re using a types to control the it is safer with hunting but only good and responsible hunters like island archer privileged bow hunter or meat eater ok that’s how we do it in Hawaii
For the record. Truly shocked by the unconcerned attitude of people who should be. Wild pigs……. I live in South Africa. And have taken note of the devastation transpiring e.g. in Australia. In the US bigtime. Also in Canada. So have I emailed the leaders of quite a few Australian Farmers Organisations. Contact was made right into inner circles of the Canadian wild-, actually there, the "super pig", research-scene. In the US State of Texas, e.g., were some, really important people. Those of note. In politics. Agriculture and Wildlife as well, contacted. All emails, sent to the correct addresses. Or on the correct forums. Where required. And replied as received. I offered consultancy to eradicate large or small. Knock the problem, for six-sixes. In only one innings. Taking no prisoners. Matters which were stated include real workable answers. Although exclude any viruses or poison. For which in a hundred years or research by a thousand most brilliant people, stays poison. With no answer. No trapping. No shooting. No collaring. No birth control - how excruciatingly stupid in view of the problem? No expensive feeding systems. Most uncomplicated resolves. Actual workable solutions. Ridiculously cheaply in relation to magnitude. And, with the least physical input. Now a most alarming avenue to this present misery. Is. And proven. No interest. Not a whisper in reply. The wild boar, wild pig, super pig, Sus scrofa, whatever infestations. And accompanying annual damage. They just don't give a farthing. And as astounded as I am with the situation. It just is-what-it-is. Further more. In Texas. By authority. For instance. Is it reported to have 3,6 million wild pigs. (Might be more.) With an annual population growth of 0,32. After general predation. As stated. Simply equates to that within three years. A hundred become 230. And. 3,6M will be 8,28M. (Which to my reasoning is a bit of a long shot.) Although possible. Anyway. Australia could have 2,3M. As per 0,32 growth. 5,3M in three years. With conflicting reports available. A figure of 1,2M in Canada seems a good average. 2,75M in three years from now. If reasonably controlled there. Which I’m not certain of at all. Should there be 2,5M. Which could be. 5,75M in three years. Also. Now. Are pigs from Saskatchewan and Alberta migrating to, and infesting Montana and North Dakota. And the moral of this story. There is no urgency to reach consensus. Discussions and arguments and reports and studies and conferences and acknowledgements and denials and yeas and nays and every thinkable excuse to all the farmers and the totality of humanity why a concrete and definitive plan of action is to be ignored and averted. Authorities are not serious. Not at all. In fact. Don’t give a hog’s arse. Even about the 2,5B $ ag loss, as reported, in the US. Or skimpy loss reports reflected elsewhere. Annually. And the answer is obvious. Anton Human.
Walked up on a group tonight while I was hunting. Had issues with these devils my whole life as I live in east Texas... tonight I made a mistake... Went in the property pretty deep checking game cameras decided to walk instead of take the four-wheeler mistake number one. Second mistake I chose the sks over my AR 15 and left it in the car I knew it was going down when I heard those babies start to cry. Let's just say i never got to finish what I started and I made the trip back to camp in 10 minutes instead of 30.
non residents still have to get a license to hunt public lands. alot of ppl would come down to shoot hogs for free but if im going to have to buy a licence forget it
If we gonna kill many hogs let’s not waste the meat. I’m seeing helicopters shooting these hogs and just leaving them stranded. Could be used to feed people who needs it.
Mostly their meat contains diseases and the helicopter shootings that leave the hogs is because they cant really take them and its also good as they leave the corpses and nature will take care of it, other predators can come and eat the meat.
@@RacketTattoo ok but what about third world countries. If we can provide solutions that sanitize and give it to them it’s obviously better than them having nothing to eat.
@@RacketTattoo maybe in how you think it. But smart people can always put forth solutions that fixes issues like these. It’s all theory anyways. Nothing is impossible. The only thing that’s withholding progress is greed and politics.
@@froggie1847 its cheaper to raise cattle in their country than export the meat from america. And the only thing that is witholding progress is greed and politics is a stupid answer. Some ideas just dont work
I have a friend who has a ranch in Elgin, Texas and he has a large tank/pond that I used to go fishing in all the time. Last year he called me and said the tank was GONE, and it was. Feral hogs descended on it and you would have had to see it to believe the damage they did. It looked like someone took a back hoe to it--what used to be a beautiful place to fish was turned into nothing but dredged up mud, tons of it. No water remained--just mud. I couldn't believe my eyes. Yeah these pigs are a HUGE problem.
Have him post a place for hunters to contact him so they can set up hunts. Just ask that the hunters agree to not cause further harm to the land or leave trash. There are many hunters that would jump on this. Just a place to pitch a tent or park a RV/camper (maybe hook ups but I would charge for that) and I bet they would clear out every hog on/near his land quickly.
@@tyneshaanthony5768 I'll tell him. Thanks
Have let hunter come to his land and hunt I came to Oklahoma couple days ago and killed 9 hogs with me and 3 of my brother us..
We plan to go to Texas to hunt next but we need a spot
One word: bacon
So is one Religious community, they are damaging our Mother Earth. They should be given the same treatment as Feral Hogs.
Heres a thought. There are many people (like me) who would hunt hogs everyday if we had a place to hunt them that didnt mean buying an expensive lease or paying thousands to hunt on private property. If we need to get rid of hogs...why not make hog hunting free instead of charging. And i dont mean licensing. I mean the cost of the hunts themselves
Your so right... its about the money ! Not eliminating the hogs !
THIS. All of it. 👍🏽
Plenty of public hunting grounds here in Texas.
@Guardian Exactly.
@Guardian I did not know that and thanks I will give that a try!
Need to put them on the menus of all the high end restaurants. Same with lionfish. Feral hogs are good eating, much better than venison, put a market on them.
You ve must of never tasted a properly cooked piece of venison
@port nut that’s if you don’t cook it enough or correctly
If a pig or hog knows its going to die its adrenaline runs into the meat and ruins the taste, you have to electrocute them then cut their throat for nice tasting meat
they can give you undulant fever which can last from weeks to months. the possibility that a restaurant might not cook it to 170 degrees every single time is small. plus, cooking past 170 degree makes the meat pretty tough and less appetizing. if you cook it past 180 it can maybe be an okay food source in times of emergency, even though i wouldnt bet on it being safe 100% of the time.
When the ranches stop charging huge dollars to hunt them i can start to feel sad for what there going through. I think there is a bunch of us that will deal with problem for them and even supply our own ammo.
I’m pretty sure that if I owned a ranch I wouldn’t want just anybody running around on my land shooting things up. Having seen goats, cattle and horses shot during deer season in Maine, exercising control of your private land seems a pretty smart move. The ranchers aren’t getting rich off hog hunts, they’re trying to control their property and turn a bad thing into a not as bad thing while keeping their families and their animals safe. Ask the farmers and ranchers who aren’t charging for hog hunts and I’ll bet you can find a place to hunt hogs to your hearts content.
@@Wayne-O-5169 I live in Maine and every farmer I've talked to has never had an animal shot by hunters ... ever. Texas ranchers could offer hunting-by-permission-only. Then they'd know who was on their land.
@@davidjenson4512 They do that now: You have permission to hunt, AFTER you pay me this FEE. And sometimes, "And depending on the size of the hogs you take, it's this much, or this much, or this amount here." It's a big money grab a lot of places.
In my opinion, the whole thing has gotten turned around. To me, if a single hog can do say a hundred dollars of damage in a night, (just using that as a figure), you would think the land owner would be happy to have someone take it out for free. Maybe even offer a few dollars toward a person's ammo and fuel. But the way it is a lot, if not most places, no, you have to pay them. It's about like someplace like Orkin paying you to come spray your house for bugs. Doesn't make sense.
Maybe if places that do crop insurance would refuse to pay if the farmers were charging to hunt, it would change. I don't know, but it's a thought.
“Texas Porks And Wildlife”
Spam it because to destroy it's not a mistake it's a masterpiece
We need a Porks and recs show now 😂👍🏻
Or a Slavic hotline at Russia
They've tried hunting and even organized shootings with automatic rifles, night vision, trucks, and helicopters, but it doesn't work. A big haul can put a dent in a population, but shooting disperses the hogs and many escape just to reproduce quickly and come back just as strong. The only way they can be eradicated is through very careful coral trapping that takes months and months to get a sounder of reproduces to get trapped all at once. You can't get only a just a few, you have to trap the whole sounder because those that escape become educated to avoid corals. Since sounders range slowly, you can remove a whole sounder, then move on to he range of the next sounders and set up a new coral. And on and on. This takes time, cameras, and remote triggers, but it works. Hunting, sadly, has failed as a single intervention, but it can be useful in conjunction with trapping to get any left behind.
And yet many landowners still want to charge sizable fees to hunt feral hogs on their land. Very frustrating for hunters whether they just enjoy the challenge or are looking to fill a freezer.
Trapped hogs can be sold and generate income or be butchered to feed the homeless.
But tpwd still wanna use those poisons they invested millions into. And though they made it legal to shoot them without a license on private property they haven't loosened any of the regulations or cost to landowners wanting to lease their property specifically to hog hunters.
@@FlySwann there is no cost from TPWD to the landowner to lease out his/her land for hunting.
And only the landowner can shoot pigs and other invasive species on their land w/o a license. Everyone else must have a license.
@@RenaissanceThinking at the very least they have to pay for a leasing license which the cost depends on the land owners acreage.
Wm H I owe a good deal of land and use to allow people to hunt for free and had to stop because people junked up the land with camping supplies and water bottles to beer cans it's pathetic really but when I charge hunters I get a different class of people who are more respectful to me and the land so it's not us landowners at fault it's the people who didn't raise their kids right
@@rockyreynolds4027 that's also a big problem, lots of folks really ruined it for allot of others. Lucky I have friends with land that'll let me hunt for practically free if I help clean up sites and clean deer during the busy part of the year.
I've filled my whole blocks freezers full during the shutdown with these suckers. Going back this weekend 👍🏼
HOw do they taste?
I wanna go! Like a roast
Where u @
@@stanleystephens9475 SE Texas
@@2wheeleddemon999 Thank you for helping to address this problem and I hope you dine like a king for years to come!!
I am disturbed by the fact that there are hungry people while this perfect source of food is allowed to fester.
Feed them fermented corn (MASH) which slows reaction time they most likely can not react a hunter can pick more off.
If they were serious about removing hogs, they’d start paying hunters a bounty on these things.
Feral hogs in suburban areas along Walnut Creek in Austin are an ongoing problem that is rapidly increasing in severity. I greatly appreciate the guidance from these videos and TPWD's valiant efforts to control the swine population. This video, in particular, addresses the very complex issue in a concise and educational format. I believe a follow-up video, in the same style, that is tailored to educate the public on safely dealing with the increasing number of suburban feral hog encounters would be welcomed and highly beneficial. Unfortunately, we still have folks who do not understand the dangers and ineffectiveness of hunting or engaging these animals in an urban or suburban setting. Many Texans are frustrated at the lack of cooperation between agencies and their current efforts to control these populations in non-rural areas. Inevitably, this frustration and lack of education will lead to some very poor choices on the part of some residents who live in close quarters with these hogs and each other. Please consider a video by TPWD that specifically highlights the potential consequences of these poor choices. Thank you for all of your tireless efforts.
The ineffectiveness of hunting is because you are barely allowed to hunt anywhere...
Is feral hogs meat edable?
If so, why is it not commercialized
It could feed a lot of hungry peoples
Is it because of beef meat lobbys?
Or hunting lobbys?
Thank you
Not only it's edible but also tastes 10 times better than domestic, farm raised pigs
Too many diseases on, basically unfeasible to do so
Great video. Everyone in the state needs to see it. Thanks for posting.
Farmers want to charge an arm and a leg to hunt them. It’s their fault!!
They're probably over taxed and are trying to make some of it up.
Dig deep enough, and you'll usually find the problem lies with gov't. idiots.
Yeah it was also the db farmers that killed all the predators to begin with .
@@MIKE2111ful As I understand it, they were brought here from Europe. They had no predators to begin with. Then, imbeciles transported them around the country to hunt for sport, spreading them far and wide.
@@rgh267 I'm aware of that but there used to be a much larger population of wolves and cougars than there are today
@@MIKE2111ful 7, 8 billion people breeding like rats. Almost all of them with an insatiable greed for anything and everything. It's a wonder there is any wildlife left on earth whatsoever.
That meat costs 8-10 dollars/kilogram at my place in west papua.
If this is such a problem why is there so little info on TPWD website about hunting them.
Love the video and how the animal isn't demonized like in other documentaries
....they still need to be KILLED...the mommies the babies, ALL OF THEM....
@@tjones8719 That's just mean What if someone said that about us?
@@VirgoCali89 ...actually laloni, militant left wing activists call out daily for the death of trump voters but i digress....
Feral hogs otherwise referred to as giant rats or tiny godzillas...monsters either way.... they can root several feet into soft soil, eating invertebrates and the bulbs and rhizomes of plants, so they’re having negative effect on the plant community as well as wildlife,” said Rob Denkhaus, natural resource manager for the city-operated Fort Worth Nature Center.
“They can be predators on some wildlife species such as ground-nesting birds, reptiles and amphibians and the like,” Denkhaus said. “So their impact is far-reaching, and ALL negative.”
Rick Taylor, a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wildlife biologist in Uvalde and author of the booklet “The Feral Hog in Texas,” would agree.
“Feral hog activity can destabilize WETLAND AREAS, springs, and creeks by excessive rooting for food, trampling and wallowing,” Taylor said. “In addition to WETLAND HABITAT DESTRUCTION and alteration, hogs damage trees and destroy countless thousands of acres of farmland...try driving a 4wheeler after some wild pigs came thru and uprooted the field....Wild hogs are also predators at times....wild hogs prey on FAWNS, YOUNG LAMBS and BABY GOATS...If the opportunity arises, they may also destroy or consume EGGS of GROUND NESTING BIRDS, such as turkeys and quail.”
these things are basically tearing up the good earth...do u hate mother earth laloni?...oh and dont let one of these things get between your child and something it wants cuz itll kill your child to get it...these cockroaches on the landscape breed like cockroaches too...they get preggo at SIX MONTHS like a cat and can litter three times a year...they are CONSTANTLY pregnant and constantly squeezing out destructive little baby beasts...too fast for us to hunt them into manageable numbers...when they make it into subdivisions thennthe fun really starts...forget having a garden or flower bed...rioters would be better for the hood than these damn things.....🤧
It doesn't matter how much youboove animals, a group of newlyborn turtles are better living in the habitat than death in one of those beast's stomach.
Laloni, unfortunately for the cute little hogs, there's no way to establish some type of hog ranch where we can release them, and let them live out the rest of their lives in heavenly bliss.
I've just read that feral hogs have been here since 1493. There are now over 6-7 MILLION of them ranging from Texas all the way north to Ohio and Michigan. I don't think we are controlling them fast enough. Need MORE hunting and other methods.
Get some wild dogs, tigers, and jaguars here.
My Hog Control Program Includes,, Barbeque Sauce,, Swamp Cabbage & Friends Wth A Big Appetite. ❤👦🐷👧❤
Send them to California
They'd be able to outsmart the average LA resident.
@@fredricknoe3114 Agree
If you dumb Texans didn't shoot anything that moves you wouldn't have this problem 🤷🤦
Don't hate, deep down you wish you were here.
These his are already in parts of California
Just make hunting hogs free in these areas so that others can eat them or sell to restaurants. It’s not rocket science. 🤷♀️ Why don’t these farmers catch these pigs and sell them?? If they r doing harm to crops, sell them.
Yeah. Charging money, is both stupid and counterproductive.
Wrong. Charging money is both enlightened and productive.
We pay $4,000 a year to be on a lease... 52 weeks of hunting, fishing, setting around a fire... a bargain! Want to hunt? Go find 8 to 12 friends and get a lease...
That is a stupid amount of money to kill an invasive animal. It this were a real problem, it would be free.
"Kill them, kill them all." Rico from Starship Troopers.
"kill them all,kill them all,kill them all" frenzied soldier from The Second Renaissance, Animatrix
lol..good one ..lol
One thing I think would help a lot, NO HOG LEAVES A TRAP ALIVE. This deal of trapping them and selling them to a place that does paid hunts isn't really helping a whole lot in my opinion.
I agree, over the past few weeks I have been reading and watching every bit of information on these hogs. From the way it sounds to me, Texas isn't super serious about getting rid of them and this is a money maker for them.
Y'all need to have your governor declare a free, year round, open, hunting season on feral hogs, with no limits. As to the ones who show up in urban areas? Maybe bring in some specialists and hold lots of pork roasts and/or donate the meat to some food pantries and homeless shelters. Putting it up for sale might help offset some of the costs, as well. Meat is good food!
Then why on Texas public lands you can only hunt with a shotgun? Farmers should allow people to hunt them without trying to make money off them.
I would love to start a private company to help deal with it. any programs or grants
I wish.
I'm in the 12th grade and I've been wanting to be a game warden since 12 years old..will someone please reply and tell me the steps I need to take
Here are the requirements for becoming a Texas Game Warden: tpwd.texas.gov/warden/recruiting-careers/requirements and here is the application process tpwd.texas.gov/warden/recruiting-careers/process
@@texasparksandwildlife, as always, you guys are first rate. Keep up the good work and the excellent community outreach and mentoring.
Nice to have Wild Hog roast with barbecue sauce. Or Hickory smoked wild hog meat. When I had some of that boy was it good tasting or what.
wouldn't they make good pet food or fertilizer?
Won’t venomous snakes kill them?? If it managed to bite it??
feral hog trap: 12v. batteries in series (assuming no access to 120v/220v power) with supercapacitor electrifying simple metal mesh say 40'x40' and corn in middle, when sounder in middle, electrify grid. Increase lethality by stringing 3 wires also electrified, spaced around perimeter of mesh grid = no escape. Could set off remotely with cell pics/video.
another one is a design challenge for MIT: autonomous RC drones with simple 2 part metal jaw to clamp and hold them, must be capable of 40mph: re-usable so you only need 20, 30 of them to tackle sounder. You could incorporate lethal injection or electrocution, but keep it simple and dispatch or bind live and toss in cage truck.
It's real hard to use electic fence on the ground, it shorts out too easily. Plus, pigs feel it under them, they don't know where to go. Half would run out. Must get whole sounder.
Whats wrong with this picture / video ? Feral hogs born with ear tags in their ears ? I thought they were suppose to be shot on sight ?
At 2.43... As a hunter in the Czech Republic, it's the first time i see 'feral' hogs with eartags.... So they must have been caught or at least have been under control by humans once before? What's the point of turning them loose again??
They might have been domestic farm pigs that got loose. Pigs adapt very quickly to being set free so even farm pigs can look and act like wild boars not too long after being released
I can put the small ones on my smoker!
Yeah, and your Bloodstream loaded with parasites too.
Howdy Sir
As hog trapping has evolved with the advancements in technology, cell cameras and triggers. Hogs becoming trap wise. Has anyone made up-dates to the latest and best techniques for trapping wild pigs?
I've heard stories of private landowners in Texas importing boars from Europe to improve the breed on their property.
They are coming to AZ. Last Friday at my place! Stink to high heaven and damage everything in their path. This group was very aggressive!!!
I saw a few of them heavy Feral Hawgs in my Trailer Park bar last night. After about 5 Jäegerbombers and a 12pk, man they sure looked nice. So they have a open season on them? They sure eat all the fast food and Nachos so I can see why.
There's no closed season for hog hunting in Texas.
How is this even a problem? Texans have a lot of guns. Texans love to hunt. Hogs are a great source of food for humans. Add it up, and its basically free "organic" and "free range" food supply.
2 words, private property. If it's your property like in my families case we hunt it regularly especially out in rural areas but when you get out near the cities people start charging to hunt their land which in that case you hope the hogs tear enough shit up on their property to reconsider, which unfortunately is still just a temporary solution. Me and my family have wiped hogs out multiple times only to have new ones move back in because the neighbors couldn't be bothered and we dont always have the time to drive 2 hours out to regularly purge them either as we have personal lives to attend too. Not to mention we had to cull the coyotes because too many were born and started harassing everything but the hogs.
@@BIGmlems they charge money?? What idiots! The hunter are doing them a favor, for God's sake!!!
@@mikekean8344 yeah man, people are greedy when it comes to hunting hogs. I just shot my first one last night. Luckily where I hunt I can shoot for free. But many people charge ridiculous amount to hunt these pests.
Hunting and mass shooting is being tried using automatic weapons and helicopters. But
"Hunting is not logistically feasible in urban areas." Yeah, that's a lie. I participate in an urban archery program in Virginia that manages the size of the deer herds in public parks and the adjacent private lands. Very logistically feasible, but with the whacked out liberals in this area, it's contested constantly. But it's highly effective, and many if not most of the park hunters donate the venison to food pantries and soup kitchens.
@Costeño Salao glad for that
@@tdvprocessors764 I think they should bring in a small team and give it a try, on a small basis. They can always expand as they go.
do they mostly come out at night? any videos I have seen has always been during the nighttime with thermal scopes.
Look up helicopter hog hunting. I think they try to stay inactive during hot periods, like most of us.
Processing feral hogs could aid government food programs for the millions of immigrants coming from accross the Southern border. Utilizing feral hogs for this purpose would minimize the use of taxpayers money for feeding the multitudes of border crossers and improve Great Leader Joe Biden's raitings in NAFTA and the UN for his humanitarian accomplishments.
Good point.
@port nut , California's homeless are mostly Liberals and support the border crossings. Their generosity would dictate to feed the immigrants first before themselves. Long live Great Leader Joe Biden! Jawohl Herr Kommandant!
Sodium nitrite poison bate is the answer. You'll have them critically endangered within a year. But Texas doesn't want an answer.
If you truly want to get rid of the wild hogs you need to not worry about constraints !!!
How about the HogGone bait traps? Do they work?
3:34 Every effort should be made to ensure humane treatment of animals during trapping (and preparing them for the extermination process). Sounds comedy gold to me.
Instead I would suggest to play Metallica "Kill 'em all" during that phase.
There are humane kills and inhumane kills though, no reason an already trapped hog should die inhumanely(like starvation, dehydration or infection).
Indeed. An anesthesiologist should be at hand to euthanize each and every wild boar not killed on the spot by hunters and trappers. A cardiologist must also be employed to determine time of death and write out a certificate of death. Unless regulated properly, there will be unnecessary suffering to these cuddly animals. PETA and Greenpeace observers must be present during hog-hunting events to ensure compliance with the above mentioned preconditions. Long live Great Leader Joe Biden!!!
All good eats
Have a good day be safe
All the meat could feed many people. Is the meat good?
3 times better than domestic, farm raised pigs
@@michmanusa but a higher risk of disease
Why can’t we do trap-neuter-release, like is done with feral cats?
There's far too many and that doesn't stop them from invading farms or attacking people or killing pets
release ,what?
you folks in texas are no where near serious at all about gettin control of this pig problem...you would rather be able to hunt them for hunting sake than really get rid of the problem...to everyone else its a problem..:for texans tho, its only a hunting opportunity...and i love hunting but you guys love it too much in this case of these pigs....
Actually more would rather hunt deer. There are just so many hogs and they are destructive, so why not? Plus they taste good. What's your solution? Napalm?
@@thebes118 New Mexico controlled their problem. Ask your neighbors. Too arrogant?
Not true. Here in San Antonio they have been known to attack small children, dogs, etc. I bought a twelve gauge a few days ago, hehe😋. Primarily to fire warning shots and scare them off but I’ll shoot if need be
Yeah and that's part of the problem dumb Texans like to shoot anything that moves and that's why there is no predators left to keep the pig population in check.
@@MIKE2111ful hold on now...what predators are you referring to?...what predator in texas would go after a pig?...a bear?...not many bears in texas...a cougar?...again, not alot of those either....
What's the difference between a hog and a wild boar?
1 syllable
If things are as bad as this video has stated then it may only be a matter of time until an urban hog kills or seriously injures a human, perhaps a child. They are a very powerful animal with the means and ability to do it and will be aggressive if cornered. I hope really that doesn't happen.
It’s already happened. Google the news stories.
oh, and please STOP calling it ‘rooting’...its just the opposite...they deroot. unroot. disroot. thats it
Alot of people from california
are starting to move to texas this
is going to make the problem worse
Introduction of Bears and wolves would be helpful 🤣
No wonder why Abbott legalized open carry
TPW is not serious about hunting pigs. Every park I've hunted boasts no limit, kill all you can, but wont let you hunt at night which is when they are active in most parks. Out of more than 30 parks and 7 public lands, I've seen pigs in daylight...Bastrop SP, Government Canyon and Kerr WMA.
On the upside, at least nobody in Texas ever goes hungry!!😀🐷Hog roast every night, and it’s for free (apart from the initial cost of a rifle & some ammo)😀👍🏻😋🐷
Getting HARDER to get ammo THANKS to the PRESIDENT.
THANKS to the PRESIDENT we may not even have our guns for much LONGER.
Angry birds: why do I hear boss music?
Lets donate them to some poor countries with starving people making their death worth it
A lot of places want eat hogs.
And what about all the sickness and the worms?
Theres food banks that want take hog meat because of this.
Less talk, more action. Take a look at the Pig Brig trapping systems.
Unfortunately for the cute little hogs, we don't have some type of hog ranch where we can release them, and let them live out the rest of their lives in heavenly bliss.
Crocodiles, lions, tigers and cheetahs are natural predators of wild hogs.
Maybe Texas could take initiatives to expand the population of those animals.
Lions tigers and cheetahs are out of the question for texas but introducing more crocodiles and coyotes bobcats etc. would be good but there is also the problem of ranchers and hunters killing the predators that are supposed to keep the feral hog population under control.
What's wrong with lions, tigers and cheetahs for Texas?
@@alanstevens1296 not their habitat.
They wouldn't prosper in Texas?
@@alanstevens1296 not really, not enough wildlife around. All private property and rbentually they will be a risk to the people or the livestock and ranchers and farmers will go out and kill them. And not enough land for them to roam.
This woman is crazy. Gun and rifle owners are in paradise for hunting hogs.
Motion camera's with lights and alarms noises and light SCARED the heck out of THEM.
Feral Hogs in the City...Just gives me the creeps
What if we reintroduce Jaguars to South Texas. That is their original habitat and they're apex predators.
I'd rather come upon a pack of hogs on my run than a freaking jaguar.
They would have an easier time eating the whitetail than the hogs which creates a different problem
Dónde puedo ir a casa cuál es la dirección
We can feed half America with them we should
And you sure don't want a 300lb hog running out in front of your motorcycle!!! my worst nightmare!
Had something similar to that happen to me 6 years ago, but only I was in my old VW Jetta and the hog had been hit by another car and had it rear hind quarters shattered. It was still dark and I didn’t see it until I was on top of it. Hit the damn thing at 70-75 MPH, totaled my car.
Excellent presentation. The comments section gives valuable insight. Capture of whole sounders seem to be a viable region wide solution. Alternative methods may result in a smarter, low productive breed that can survive with humans.
Contact your local trapper, hunter squad, rifle club etc...
No need for tax-eating municipal officials.
15 Lang also on farm losse they will keep your crops save
This is another good reason to have an AR
What I can't eat or put up, I give to to my neighbors and sell.
I would like to take a moment to thank my 12 gauge, lol
State of Florida needs to do this as well.
Why not just introduce wolves to check the population of feral hogs
Or lions
@@sylviahinsen3821tigers, wild dogs, and Tasmanian devils
I'm a retired 49 yr old man, if my beloved state of Texas or any farmer out there provides me a place I can stay anywhere you need help with this issue, I'll volunteer full-time , I'm from Laredo Texas and if y'all want police record, I'll provide one , never been in trouble with the law, just want to help out with this nusence ,used to be a farmer so I know how important it is to get rid of these pest !!
I think the wire mesh traps have a few elemantary mistakes:
1) the whole grid should be covered with an opaque foil or with wooden plates! Otherwise the outer hogs see what the inner hogs do - and in this case don´t enter the trap. The hogs are very curious and so they enter the traps rather than otherwise. In much of the videos you see a few hogs waiting out of the trap -> and these hogs learn for their life and teach it to their youngsters.
2) The trapdoor have to operate extremely noiseless to avoid panic!
3) The trapdoor(s) should be constructed typically selfopening/ closing: So the hog have to open it by crawling through the trapdoor with it´s own willpower!
Sorry for bad English! Good luck from Tom/ Austria!
Hog = food = money = life = fitness grahm pacer test
Shoot 'em! Would be nice to see some great recipes too. I'm hoping Texas will deliver some great tasting pork and feed the world. ..or maybe just me. :-)
Soda pop OVER NIGHT then put in slow cooker with your favorite BBQ
😋 yummy
The hog population isn't gonna go down until the big game ranches that offer "trophy boars" are gotten rid of as well. It incentives land owners to managing a herd instead of eradicating them or knocking them down to a acceptable number.
It'll also help if more public hunting land was available to hunters wishing to go after them without having to pay expensive leases and fees for them.
$25.00 for a hunting liscence and another $48.00 should be all it takes to get rid of them.
This doesn't make sense. Land owners are belly aching about the problem but want to charge you to help them? These could feed the hungry.
@2wheel i wanna go!
Here's an idea landowners...invite hunters to your land, rather than charging them.
I've no idea why eda and perihan,two broke and homeless feral cats can easily bossy around other people house
You said they’re using a types to control the it is safer with hunting but only good and responsible hunters like island archer privileged bow hunter or meat eater ok that’s how we do it in Hawaii
For the record.
Truly shocked by the unconcerned attitude of people who should be.
Wild pigs…….
I live in South Africa. And have taken note of the devastation transpiring e.g. in Australia. In the US bigtime. Also in Canada.
So have I emailed the leaders of quite a few Australian Farmers Organisations.
Contact was made right into inner circles of the Canadian wild-, actually there, the "super pig", research-scene.
In the US State of Texas, e.g., were some, really important people. Those of note. In politics. Agriculture and Wildlife as well, contacted.
All emails, sent to the correct addresses. Or on the correct forums. Where required. And replied as received.
I offered consultancy to eradicate large or small. Knock the problem, for six-sixes. In only one innings. Taking no prisoners.
Matters which were stated include real workable answers. Although exclude any viruses or poison. For which in a hundred years or research by a thousand most brilliant people, stays poison. With no answer. No trapping. No shooting. No collaring. No birth control - how excruciatingly stupid in view of the problem? No expensive feeding systems. Most uncomplicated resolves. Actual workable solutions.
Ridiculously cheaply in relation to magnitude. And, with the least physical input.
Now a most alarming avenue to this present misery. Is. And proven.
No interest. Not a whisper in reply.
The wild boar, wild pig, super pig, Sus scrofa, whatever infestations. And accompanying annual damage.
They just don't give a farthing.
And as astounded as I am with the situation. It just is-what-it-is.
Further more.
In Texas. By authority. For instance. Is it reported to have 3,6 million wild pigs. (Might be more.) With an annual population growth of 0,32. After general predation. As stated. Simply equates to that within three years. A hundred become 230. And. 3,6M will be 8,28M. (Which to my reasoning is a bit of a long shot.) Although possible. Anyway.
Australia could have 2,3M. As per 0,32 growth. 5,3M in three years.
With conflicting reports available. A figure of 1,2M in Canada seems a good average. 2,75M in three years from now. If reasonably controlled there. Which I’m not certain of at all.
Should there be 2,5M. Which could be. 5,75M in three years. Also. Now. Are pigs from Saskatchewan and Alberta migrating to, and infesting Montana and North Dakota.
And the moral of this story.
There is no urgency to reach consensus.
Discussions and arguments and reports and studies and conferences and acknowledgements and denials and yeas and nays and every thinkable excuse to all the farmers and the totality of humanity why a concrete and definitive plan of action is to be ignored and averted.
Authorities are not serious. Not at all. In fact. Don’t give a hog’s arse. Even about the 2,5B $ ag loss, as reported, in the US. Or skimpy loss reports reflected elsewhere. Annually.
And the answer is obvious.
Anton Human.
Walked up on a group tonight while I was hunting. Had issues with these devils my whole life as I live in east Texas... tonight I made a mistake... Went in the property pretty deep checking game cameras decided to walk instead of take the four-wheeler mistake number one. Second mistake I chose the sks over my AR 15 and left it in the car I knew it was going down when I heard those babies start to cry. Let's just say i never got to finish what I started and I made the trip back to camp in 10 minutes instead of 30.
"Devils"? WTF? They are living beings. That's like calling human beings "evil". Why are human beings less evil than hogs?
Ran into a herd of these buggers on the Terry Hershey trail in Houston this week!!! There was 20-30 of 'em and they were fast!
Here to in spring.
Wish I could steal one of they Babies, neuter one and keep it as a pet.
Two Words:
Predator Drones
There's a company that makes a trap to catch the whole sounder call them
non residents still have to get a license to hunt public lands. alot of ppl would come down to shoot hogs for free but if im going to have to buy a licence forget it
Why did I watch this?
Hunt them for Bacon and Ribs!
Those are my hogs. I let them free-range in all y'alls lawns. How do you like me now? Yeee-haaawwwww!
If we gonna kill many hogs let’s not waste the meat. I’m seeing helicopters shooting these hogs and just leaving them stranded. Could be used to feed people who needs it.
Mostly their meat contains diseases and the helicopter shootings that leave the hogs is because they cant really take them and its also good as they leave the corpses and nature will take care of it, other predators can come and eat the meat.
@@RacketTattoo ok but what about third world countries. If we can provide solutions that sanitize and give it to them it’s obviously better than them having nothing to eat.
@@froggie1847 not feasible , transportation won't work and won't be cost effective
@@RacketTattoo maybe in how you think it. But smart people can always put forth solutions that fixes issues like these. It’s all theory anyways. Nothing is impossible. The only thing that’s withholding progress is greed and politics.
@@froggie1847 its cheaper to raise cattle in their country than export the meat from america. And the only thing that is witholding progress is greed and politics is a stupid answer. Some ideas just dont work
The music was not needed