Few things I need to clarify since I see it said repeatedly in the comments: 1- There is a mistake in Bow Knight at 7:30. They don't get +1 range from leveling up bows, please disregard that, it was an error in my script that was not removed. My bad and sorry for the misinformation there. 2- For the love of Naga, the whole Sexist thing for War Master is literally a joke. No need to get hung up on calling out one class or the other. The only reason War Master got that in there is because it was first on the analysis for gender locked classes. Had it been either of the other two the exact wording and scripting would've been the same aside from the "waifus punching people" part, which would've been replaced with something else. Come on people... 3- I realize there are some units who can make use of Mortal Savant as a class. But this is an overall review, and the majority of units simply don't have the mixed level offensive growths to make use of the class much, and so are best left in Sword Advanced Classes, in my opinion. 4- Yes, growths are a pretty major factor for me in assessing units, along with their skills which I also mention. But I do appreciate that when looking into things on a more unit specific level that might do away with the need for boosts. Having said that RNG exists, and assuming a difference of 1-3 stats whichever way you choose to see it is both "average" but also not guaranteed. I like giving my units the best chance at excelling overall, just my way of playing I suppose. 5- This is not a be all end all factual best way to play the game sort of thing. It's just a bunch of my opinions based on having played a route and a half of the game so far, it's subject to change once newer difficulties come out, or as I play around with the system more. At the very least, I'm happy to provide a consolidated overview with all the information in general to help people make their decisions and play however they want!
From my perspective, having played NG+, I earned all the best abilities in my early playthroughs and now skip certain classes entirely unless they have the stats I want. I think on a first-run playthrough, going for bad classes to get good skills is wise.
@@kayeka4123 you can buy the abilities in NG+, only if you have them from your previous run. Having a plan and setup from the start will be vital if you intend to try the harder difficulties. On Insane, for example, the Death Knight will move first on Turn 1. Having the right abilities can allow you to survive and even kill him outright. You have to take the long perspective with higher difficulties in Fire Emblem. Planning starts early.
@@WarningStrangerDanger I highly doubt that the DK actually starts moving, rather than just attacking people in range. Otherwise, no skills could save you. Also, requiring NG+ to complete higher difficulties would be a serious break with tradition and common sense. I think you're going through a lot of trouble to suck what little challenge we're going to get out of Lunatic.
Funny...he was right. His spell list doesn't justify being a hybrid unit. Sylvain's do as he at least gets up to 6 offensive spells (Fire, Bolganone, Ragnarok, Sagittae, Nosferatu, and Seraphim).
Lysithea is made for this class. She has a hidden talent with sword and she is already a magic God. Give her a Levin sword and watch her destroy everything in her path.
Imo they are people who can use levin sword and magic. Wire could go gremory or w.e that female only class is called. But this is a valid option too. Levin sword users are best for this class. And I'd say that widens the options a bit.
@@geovanrich4916 Actually, Mortal Savant is not very good for Lysithia at all. The Black Tomefaire doesn't help her since all of her Reason magic is Dark magic, and, while the Swordfaire does technically help her Soulblade Combat Art, the higher class change magic stat bonus of Gremory will add to Mag-based Combat Arts or weapons just the same, since you can still use a sword with her in that class, or in Dark Knight or even Holy Knight if you prefer, since shes got a good selection of White magic attack spells as well. Not to mention, plenty of other characters have magic Combat Arts through Budding Talent or leveling weapon Skill Ranks. For instance, Marianne actually learns Soulblade as well at Rank C+ in Swords, and, while her Mag might be a bit lower, her Res will almost certainly exceed Lysithia's by a wide margin, making her an even stronger user of that same Combat Art. But most people will be distracted by wanting to get her Spear ranks up to more easily qualify for Holy Knight, or maybe even never bother to train her in a weapon, so they never end up finding that out. Besides, while having Soulblade on hand might be useful in a pinch for Lysithia, why outright focus on using it when you can be nuking targets 5 spaces away with her magic? All three of the other magical Master classes help her do that much better, while still not locking her out of Sword use.
I spent my full Blue Lions playthrough building Linhardt to become a Gremory. Only once I got him to A in faith and B in Reason did I realize it WASN'T EVEN AN OPTION FOR HIM So frustrating
AndersonWave17 only in Strenght, Def and Res, but the modifiers are almost the same, but Mortal Savant has -10% growth in speed and also a Dancer can grant an extra turn to anotase unit, so overall Dancer is better, Mortal Savant is only good with pretty fast units like Ingrid, Felix, etc, but they also need good spells and all that stuff, and a Magic Ingrid would be better as a Dark Knight, I think only Dorothea and Felix work as MS, but the Dancer class is better and for Felix even Swordmaster/Assassin/War Master
@@jesusfelicianoramoschaidez5788 dancers get a lot of hp for a mage class too, it will help them move up to dance for a melee ally and not die to enemies as easily.
On my first playthrough, once I saw Gremory only have x2 magic uses, I actually retrained Lysethia into a mortal savant. Even though she uses dark instead of black magic, and I didn't use swords ever, the 1 extra movement was worth more to me than anything Gremory gave.
@@bificommander7472 Well that's right more move is always a good choice for that reason i prefer dark knight. On my first playthrough i made Annette a dark knight she became a one shoting magical nuke with fukin canto.
The lack of diversity in Master classes in this game is one of the more frustrating things about the design imo. I really like the fact that they acknowledge the power of mounts in how the class progression works, but there really should be more combinations at Master level (like flying mages), and gender-locking classes is dumb as hell in a game so focused on customization.
Yeah, I really hope for DLCs/updates here, despite inferior caps Malig Knight was my favourite class. Plus, I'd appreciate ability to pick armor of an unlocked class/default armor while being in another class, Wyvern Lord should wear Dark Knight armor and nobody can prove me wrong (plus I hate WM/Grapples sado-maso armors)...
@Kainos Teleos Women are not more magic compatible, if anything, in FE men are typically offensive mages with women being healers, which is further reinforced by main teachers being Hanneman (reason) and whydoIkeepforgettingnames teaching faith, despite not looking to be a religious person. Also in talents scene male unirs have reason talent more often than women and the fact it's often blooming talent only suggest their early training was just stereotypical image of male warrior without taking real inclination into account.
Extra Warp/Rescue use can be VERY helpful. I used to think of it as the go to class for females, but sometimes the added movement can be real good on Mercedes and Lysithia (who are the best mages in the game).
Sagite yeah bonus casts are amazing but not necessarily needed on every single map. With the ability to reclass in the inventory menu + buy Master Seals from Anna, there is no reason not to certify someone you use often in multiple adv/mas classes so you can have options based on the map
Gremory can be a great utility class, but idk if it's the most power based mage class. I don't think I found myself running out of magic uses or even coming close tbh. But I WAS running out of physic, which Gremory helps with immensely, though at the loss of the Bishop's +10 healing which can also compensate in that way. Idk, it's an interesting class, jack of all trades, master of none is the way to describe it I suppose
Actually, Dark Knight tomefaire gives only +2 damage compared to Gremory (because of static Mag +5 as Gremory compared to Mag +2 as dark knight), and +1 for Holy Knights (same reason) Which makes Gremories ever so slightly better... but still not as good as the mounted mages in most cases
@@RobotnikPlngas I ended up making Felix a Warmaster with that fist rank I built alogside swords. Took a bit of axe training on the side, but man, it was way more worth it than Mortal Savant. Sure, no Swordfaire, but Warmaster is pretty much the only speed-based class in Mastery for male swordies who for the most part relied on their speed all the way to level 30.
Byleth's unique class is a Master class with a proficiency bonus in Gauntlets, but effectively all that means is that it makes it slightly faster to grind out Gauntletfaire the hard way. Still, if you want a female Gauntlet user, Byleth is literally your best option . . .
@@Zangelin And even then, I ended up barely using the Batallions by the end of the game because why would I use an attack that might not kill, when I can fully kill with Lance God Seteth? Or Holy Man Byleth?
Going for max authority feels entirely unnecessary though. Most of my units are sitting at a B or authority but I never noticed much difference. Main thing I love battalions for is repositioning enemies and instant armor breaks (resonant lightning)
Assassin class is one of the best classes in the game despite not being master class. It has: - Highest speed and dex growth of any class both at 20% - Has stealthy so enemies will target your nearby tank rather than the squishy damage source - Frees up inventory space so no one needs door/chest keys - Has very low requirements for a final class requiring nothing to be A rank - Has 2 different backup instant kill chances to roll extra divine pulses with, that even low damage output units can utilize
@@Hyperencrpted12345 if your assassin is the only one in range they will attack the assassin but if someone else is, they would always ignore the assassin
The real issue is that they called it Wyvern Lord so Claude breaks the consistency of the main characters getting unique Lord promotions. Though since it's Claude, it may have been part of his plan.
@@joshuagabrielcatindig7607 What the user was talking about was how Edelgard gets Armored Lord, Dimitri gets High Lord, and Claude gets Wyvern Master. Although interesting, apparently in Japan Wyvern Lord has always been Wyvern Master, so Claude does get Wyvern Lord as his personal class.
It could be a nod to the fact that the Alliance heeds no emperor nor king, so a class with the word ‘Lord’ in it wouldn’t be fitting for Claude. Just my guess.
Honestly, I love the customization, but the class system is one of the weirdest and clunkiest things I can complain about this game for. This was a very cool and informative video.
I made him a great knigt too, but I haven't really used him after the timeskip since he is not avaible at the begining, and when he becomes avaible the enemy army has way too much magic users, making him totally useless. 😅
I never got him up in riding enough for him to be a Great Knight, but then after the timeskip he shows up... and he's a Great Knight. Well, saved me the trouble I guess.
Hero might be my pick for worst class in the game, honestly. Youre not missing out on anything you can't get from swordmaster and assassin. Built in vantage is something i guess? but you already have that skill learned from Merc Mastery.
Chaz Aria LLC Oh yeah I mean after playing all the routes, I couldn’t agree more. But it still feels really disappointing that some are gender locked like the War Master or Dark Priest.
@@Choops6969 It feels like hero should have been the master class for swordmaster/assassin path and they screwed up and placed it with advanced classes instead by accident.
Don't feel bad. Hero is a crappy class in this game. It's like a shittier Swordmaster. You can get Vantage from mastering Merc. The only thing it has going for it is that Ballin' outfit the characters wear while in that class.
I think the design philosophy behind master classes is literally just "get into these classes when your comfortable with where you are number wise" unless you ride a horse with wings or a lizard with wings.
Mortal savant is weird, but I almost feel that Felix was made to be a mortal savant. Having a budding tallent makes players want to build it. On second hand, lysithia makes great use of warding blow when paired with her budding sword tallent which increases damage with resistance. They are really the only two I would make into a mortal savant. Small note that luck is avoid rate, so I guess the point is to focus on becoming a dodge tank. Byleth makes a decent mortal savant, but their main class is better. War master gets quick repost, instant target class for dedue XD. Gremory is great for units that can use warp, rescue, siege tomes, or any single use spell. That's the main reason it doesn't have passives.
Gotta super disagree on Mortal Savant. Felix only gets 30% Mag growth. So unless you've ran him down the magic path (or stat boost the fuck out of him), he'll do minimal damage with any spell you use on him (even if you run him down the mage path, depending on RNGesus he'll very likely still do equal to higher melee damage, lol). Not to mention he doesn't learn any especially useful spells. He'll be far more useful if you made him a Swordmaster, then equipped him with a bow if you need range. His SPD/STR will have him doubling with massive damage. As for Lysithea? She's even more awful. 15% str growth means her STR will be minimal. Meaning you'll get no use out of swords at all. Warding Blow build.... maybe if we get some DLC where things like that are required. I really have no fucking why this class is even in the game. Maybe for challenge runs or something, lol. I do agree on Gremory though. Dorthea and Manuella make awesome use of it. Can also make a strong case for Lysithea for double Warp (It's nice...) because due to her insane damage, she'll never need the faire skills, and if you have Thrysus it can minimize losing Dark knights sweet movement
Personally, I wouldn't make any of the magic users to Mortal Savant. I don't see much point in having your slowest, lowest HP characters with such weak defense perform melee attacks unless it's highly situational. Basically, it's only useful if you have a have a confirmed kill and there aren't any ranged attackers nearby. Otherwise, you're setting up your most vulnerable characters to take a free shots from the enemy.
@@omgstopturd6566 Felix as a Mortal Savant is okay if you're looking for a little more utility I think. If he's coming up against an armored opponent, if you're ranged attacks (especially against magic users), or if you want to use Nosferatu to tank for a turn. Granted losing a net 30 speed growth from swordmaster/assassin is a big hit, but it's not an unreasonable tradeoff and Felix is fast enough and should have already banked enough speed to continue doubling most enemies through the mid-game at least.
@@JonSmith-hk1bq even against armored units you can just use Levin sword or armorslayer in assassin and one round just fine. I honestly can't stand how little mortal savant brings to the table for sword units compared to assassin.
I think Wyvern Lord, Falcon Kight, and Bow Knight are worth it for any physical unit. Flying is absolutely broken this game, especially with dismounting and canto. Bow Knight growths are pretty bad, but that doesn't really hurt you much at the end of the game, so the 5 range on bows is absolutely worth it. Dark knight is good for any offensive magic-user (Annette, Hubert, etc.) because of the mount and is fine for healers without physic. However, healers with physic are better staying in bishop so they can have x2 while magic uses and +10 healing. They don't need the mount because physic has a huge range. Anyone with warp should also stay away from Dark/Holy Knight because having two warps is better than a horse, especially with stride + dance because they let you finish many of the late game maps in 1 to 2 turns.
I'm highly skeptical about Defiant skills for player units in general. Right now the game is easy enough that it's probably fine, but once they release the higher difficulties I doubt that it will be safe to keep units in Defiant range without a more across the board buff from a skill like Resolve. I would downplay the role Defiant skills play in these choices.
Defiant skills will help with new game plus when you're able to purchase mastery skills from previous playthroughs. Imagine Bernadetta with her personal skill, defiant spd, and desperation. It also means playing around at lower difficulties can benefit you when you need to get serious for lunatic and above, which will probably require NG+ for the average player.
As everyone on this comment thread i agree, they are not good skills unless you are building bernie who benefits of being damaged cause of her personal skill and well... she learns vegeance, being damaged is her thing basically
I feel like you're putting more importance on growth rates in this analysis than they deserve in this case. I'm not saying growth rates don't matter, far from it (especially in this game), but by the time a unit is actually ready to enter a master class, they're probably already going to be closer to level 35 than 30, and by endgame you'll for sure have a few units around level 45, but I found that the vast majority of my own units were near level 42. Essentially, you're putting quite a bit of emphasis on stat gains for only seven levels at a point in the game where your exact stats don't even really matter as much anymore. By the time you're going into master class, I think you should be focusing on the utility of the class itself first, and consider any growth rates it may offer as a nice bonus. Just so you know, I still agree that mortal savant and great knight are terrible classes, just entirely from their utility, rather than their growth rates.
You raise a good point, and that's one I kind of failed to address here. I think that I should've said being not worth it is more meant as not worth promoting them early on, or at least not until they've settled into good enough stats for them to get into that class. Most of my units promoted at 30 in their run when they could, but yeah, the rest had to wait, either because they needed the growth boosts. Maybe I overestimate it, but having my Shamir stay in Swordmaster until level 39, when she was "ready" to move to Bow Knight was invaluable in raising her strength and speed up to respectable levels because that 10% Str and 20% Speed boost she gets from SM is pretty major.
@@Tazura92 The speed means more for her. Shamir's speed is rather average, and going bow knight too early might push her into doubling problems if you're unlucky. To be honest it depends how how the units grow in practice. With flexible reclassing you should always take some time to consider what the current stats and level are for a unit and if growths present a oppertunity, and risk, or are not relevant. The average impact with a few levels is very low, but also means the Variance is higher, which can present a problem if a unit can't take more setbacks.
I mean Great Knight is obviously terrible if youre already a Paladin, but moving from Fortress Knight into Great Knight is honestly super good. In the late game, mobility is king since there's just so many enemies and terrain to cover. Staying as a Fortress Knight is honestly probably stronger as an individual unit, but unless you plan on committing your Warp to your Fortress Knight on every single map, it isn't viable in the long run. Plus, if you warp in your FK and it turns out to be more than they can handle, well guess that's a Divine Pulse because they aren't getting out any other way. And since you can't warp them in, they're just gonna be useless for the rest of the map. Great Knight is basically a trade off between a little bit of defensive ability for general utility and usefulness overall.
I think you’re really underselling the use of Gremory’s double magic uses on units with either warp or seige magic. These tomes have criminally low uses, and being able to double those allows you to break the game in half, warp especially. Getting Lysithea/Manuela both there and having 4 warps, potentially 4 total in one turn if you have Linhardt and a dancer, it’s absolutely crazy. Having an extra meteor or 2 extra boltings help a lot too, can remove multiple choke points from afar consistently.
not sure about "for the most part" since there are a couple that are leagues above their advanced counterparts. Holy/Dark/Bow Knights over priests/warlocks/dark priests/sniper/paladin (those last two are a bit more arguable ig) come to mind as examples of this. Also wyvern lord is insane and it's not gender locked either. Gremory is gender locked and its only redeeming quality is the 2x white magic uses for warp/fortify/etc. utility. Otherwise it's pretty lacking compared to the mounted magic master classes, even considering the class stat bonuses. I will admit though great knight and mortal savant are so awful compared to paladin and assassin that I can't help but sympathise with the master class hate sometimes lol. I think they're supposed to be progression for fortress knights and warlocks though, which I find are some of the worst advanced classes as well so ig it makes sense.
Unveiled um no, holy and dark knight are not better than dark bishop, warlock, and bishop, you lose out on key skills like magic use x2, Heal +10, or a built in fiendish blow. The only benefit is movement which isn’t hat important to mages anyway due to all the long ranged spells and staves in the game like meteor, thyrrsus, physic, bolting, etc., not to mention that dark knight and holy knight have negative speed growth and modifier. Bow Knight is better than sniper yes because of bow range plus 2 and more movement, but not Paladin, You have to go out of your way to awkwardly teach your cavalry units Bows for a somewhat mediocre result for your grinding.
Unveiled warlock is amazing too idk what game you’re playing, they hit like trucks with black tomefaire, magic use x2, and fiendish blow from mages. Your probably one of those people who put mages in the front lines on enemy phase 🤦🏼♂️
edelgard was a missed opportunity gameplay wise. decent magic growth and budding talent in reason, yet her unique class cannot use magic. armored mages are not unheard of in FE
7:30 "bows can get range +1 from leveling your rank normally" where do you get that part. S rank gives bow crit and S+ rank gives bowfaire. Some bows have 2-3 range such as longbows or magic bow + but bow range skills are class skills only. Also you are making too big of a deal of growth rates, side from going from assassin/swordmaster to mortal savant in term of speed, it's negligible. 10% is 1 point every 10 lvls and you will rarely reach much higher than lvl 50 anyway. Utility will always be better than growth rates and/or little stat advantages.
The +1 range was a mistake on my part in the script that I didn't remove later. That's wrong, and I apologize for that part. However, in terms of Mortal Savant, I actually don't think the utility is good enough to make up for the bad growth in speed. Overall, most unit either have an affinity for magic, or they don't. Trying to force a unit into a path for more utility does a disservice to their good growths and inclinations. But hey, I'm not trying to force anyone to play a certain way, it's just my opinion. On the contrary, I applaud creativity, and want to see Mortal Savant Raphael and stuff like that tbh. If everyone used the same classes all the time it would get rather dull
@@LinkKing7 OK, make sense. Also when I mentioned utility, I meant in general, definitely not mortal savant which has basically 0 utility over assassin. It's just like you said, neat concept but poorly executed. I still get some fun with it from time to time, but it's a pretty bad class for sure.
@@LinkKing7 ok but mortal savant is amazing for a good mage with a sword build. Levin swords are stupid easy to come by and you can give em 3 base range
@@LinkKing7 mortal savant deals more damage with a levin sword than with half of its spells, essentially having more spells at hand than a gremory will ever use, and 10% speed won't make a fast unit suddenly slow. We are talking end game scenarios where you only level up around 10 to 12 times after getting into the class the difference between 40 and 50% speed growth is around 2 to 3 points on average, on top of the speed already built on the character during the previous 30 levels.
Most of the sword classes have budding talent on reason so it might worth to train their reason skill for the unique ability anyway. Also with a little bit of investment in faith mortal savant can use heal. Of course I am not saying to make them a healer, but it's a nice utilty to have. It can be very usefull to have more option of healing.There are also semminars whitch boost sword and faith or faith and reason, they might just sit in to a lesson where they learn faith by '' accident''
IMO it's best to plan on advanced classes+getting A's in main weapon of a unit and then just set goals/tutoring to maybe unlock the master class later.
I made Cyril a Wyvern Lord, but had him use bows a lot of the time. He could just sit in water and pick off melee units if he wanted, or go over a building, snipe, then duck back behind it. It's not the most conventional or optimal, but if built right, you can basically have a better version of a Kinshi Knight. I often used him to pick off powerful units turn 1, before they could kill my units. It was fun to use.
He is, until the speed penalty hits him. If you upgrade him at lvl 30, there is a good chance he'll lose his ability to double most enemies 5 to 10 levels later. I've had the opportunity to use him in two playthroughs, and both times he didn't get enough speed points to double. Still, he hits like a truck and has access to Thoron as a Mortal Savant, which slightly remedies that speed.
When I decided to make Sylvain into a Dark Knight, I decided to go monk - mage - warlock then dark knight because cavaliers and paladins can't use magic while mages can use lances. Such a shame there is no dark flier/ harrier class in this game because units like Manuela or Flayn who both have strengths in flying and faith have to resort to gremory or just bishop as their final class since Falcon Knights cannot use magic. Magic weapons are an exception though but they cannot heal.
@@LinkKing7 There is an unused item in the game "combination seals" who's text says they are used to unlock combined classes. Maybe future DLC will let us fuse wyvern lord and dark knight or fix classes that only unlock class specific skills like sniper and sword master by letting their combinations use them.
Sylvain rocks as a Dark Knight. Although I did take him through Cavalier and Paladin and so he was a solid tank while being able to deal out consistent damage to everyone. I spammed Lance and Riding very early on and then at a certain point switched his goals to pure Reason. I made the requirements right on time and he was a very well-rounded character.
@@joelsasmad i suspect they were a precursor to master classes, its odc that gremory and warmaster are gender locked without alternatives and that all the other master classes are weird unbalanced fusions that dont have much nstural progression to previous classes
I used to think Mortal Savant was horrible, but it does have its niches after some experimentation in it. I find it's better to think of it as a side grade mage class first and foremost rather, than a physical one. Felix believe it or not, is NOT the best choice for it. Someone like Marianne or Dorothea is as they get innate access to Soul/Hexblade. Assassin's a bit underrated and honestly could have an argument as the master class for physical sword units. 6 Mov, unrestricted movement through forests, and still has Swordfaire.
sdw4527 agreed, some of the advanced classes are better than master classes at what they do. They’re specialized, have excellent growths and get the job done. I’ll be covering those next
I guess I can give mortal savant another shot but soulblade Marianne did well for me in holy knight. I just have trouble believing that what mortal savant brings to the table can ever outdo dark knight or assassin.
Unveiled I can’t say she would be better, but in terms of pure damage output, you can’t beat her as a Mortal Savant. Mobility’s probably still large enough of a factor that Dark Knight’s still better, at least for now. Might change when Maddening is here though.
I mean free black magicfaire and swordfaire on Byleth is pretty great if you want to go magic. Beefs up his sword of the creator and Levin sword + that gets the 3 range none of his spells do. Unlike felix he has decent magic.
Linhardt/edelgard/seteth were the only ones that performed well for me as mortal savants. but thats just my experience coupled with stats/combat rng. im using manuela as a mortal savant rn and she aint too bad.
My biggest issue with the master classes or even a few advanced classes are the unnecessary skills they want you to know. Take holy knight for example. To make a healer into one... You have to spam instruct on lances for them.. which they will never use, just to get a more mobile healer (which is entirely useless on desert/beach maps, where swapping BACK to normal mage class is better).. this is a huge waste of instruction that could be better spent elsewhere for a white mage, like maybe put some into reason to get more black magic, or more into authority for those high class battalions. It's just stupid they put that kind of requirement on it. It's the same for most heroes that move in the direction of paladin. Paladin only requires swords and lances and riding, which makes sense really for the class... but then the ONLY class up from that requires... Heavy armor? so now you have to mass instruct into another skill you don't use much because... reasons. I'd much rather focus on something else like, again, authority cause battalions are so useful. War master is the only straightforward level up in the game. It's an amazing class and so easy to skill into for an end game powerhouse really. everything else requires these tedious hoops to jump through that just end up annoying you in the long process of grinding. I've beaten one path and working on my second, so I know what I need to grind for to reach master classes, but it still bugs me that they added those dumb prerequisites for classes that have no use for them. That is my hatred for master classes.
to be fair holy knight can Dismount their Horse so they can walk on desert/beach maps just fine Honest master class should be cut out of the game and just had them to be up to advanced classes only case not many unit can really use master class
@@dillydel2252 it wasn't actually. All you have to do with dark/holy Knight on beaches is dismount whereas OP suggested fully reclassing to a regular mage class
@@wuxiagamescentral yea, but I wanted a crit machine because of her passive skill if they survived the first hits she will finish them after. I have settled with cyril war master thou. From lv20-30 as assassin you have a 80% chance on spd n dex which helps sort of fix the lack of a crit based passive and his base growth+passive are all equal or greater than petra.
The absolute ideal combination of characters and classes to use is: Dedue: War master Caspar: War master Raphael: War master Felix: War master Alois: War master Dimitri: War master Balthus: War master Ferdinand: War master Byleth: War master and Seteth: War master The more similarities between who you use and how you use them to this, the better.
Having Marianne as a Holy Knight and Mercedes as a Gremory in my BL route is definitely a good thing. Most of my units in that route were mounted units (Sylvain as a Dark Knight, Ingrid as a Falcon Knight and Ashe as a Bow Knight to give an idea) so having a healer to those units and one to the not so mobile ones really helps
Thank you for helping walk me through this. I classed Bernadetta into Bow Knight and *totally* wasn't using her right - I had no idea about all that range. Again, helpful! :)
On my Blue Lions run, Felix as a Warmaster ended up with no less than a 60% Crit chance on any given enemy. Cyril becoming Wyvern Lord gave him the extra Strength boost he needed for him to deal massive damage and then Canto away. Mercedes as a Gremory gave her double Fortify, which saved me a couple times. I think the star of the show was Ashe though, my only Bow Knight, who somehow ended up doubling literally everything, and one-rounding everything with either a crit or two, Lethality, or just his stupidly high Strength stat (I'm convinced he was blessed). I love the Master Classes we were given, I prefer them to the Advanced ones 100%, I do just wish there was more diversity. And that means Diversity in gender as well. I thought from the beginning that the genderlock for classes IN A GAME ABOUT CUSTOMISATION was stupid, but Linhardt's stuck having four move and double Warp as a Bishop, or stuck with just one use of the spell in Dark Knight. Why cant we have something like Sage or Archsage, a male Gremory class? And Hilda, I want her to punch things dammit, and that 20 Crit for Warmasters would make her unstoppable. I think genderlock classes is the second worse choice they made in the game, after the insulting gay Supports (but thats a discussion for another time)
I agree, I don't like the gender lock at all either. While Falcon Knight can make sense for example, they already did away with that with Shigure for example in Fates.
Honestly it wouldnt bother me hardly at all had Fates not existed. As much as I can't stand the games for the most part, Fates was a massive step-forward (at least for me) by having classes no longer gender-locked; and as terrible as the female Fighters and male Pegasus Knights were in my runs, the fact they existed was super nice. Three Houses feels like it just stepped back in that regard.
Ashe has crap strength growth so you must have been blessed. I took Felix through bow knight and made Ashe a Wyvern Lord. Felix has str growth to spare and Ashe can always deadeye from wyvern back as needed.
My Ashe was built for Dexterity on Bow Knight. Aegis, Pavise, Lethality, with Lifetaker and Vantage to keep him alive forever. He can just go on YOLO missions alone to loot chests from horseback with a Mini Bow+ and nuke everything that targets him. I had been farming Green Flowers from the start and give him all the Ailell Pomegranates they give you, so his Dexterity is now so high he activates his DEX abilities in almost every engagement. Ashe is one of the most capable jack-of-all-trades characters in the game, who can really accomplish anything you need done on the map. Doors or chests? Ashe's got this. Fleeing enemies? Horseback and Range+ with Deadeye means he can basically hit anywhere on the map. Enemy with a drop item, but too far out of the way? Not for Ashe. Boss is the win condition? Say no more. He ended up tankier than my Dedue thanks to the constant Aegis/Pavise/Lethality/Lifetaker/Vantage activation.
I feel like you should at least give Gremory a little credit for the fact that it's arguably much easier to meet the skill requirements for than dark/holy knight, especially since there aren't any other mounted magic-using classes. You only have to focus on two skills at a time - which most mages will be using frequently anyway - rather than having to spam lance/riding instruction or put your mages into a physical class where they become quite weak Though i do definitely agree that gender-locking classes and making most of the master classes have wonky requirements was *really* stupid on nintendo's part
Great Knight is mainly a viable class on very specific units, namely Gilbert. Gilbert is designed to be a physical wall/tank and his proficiencies and starting skill levels when you get him are geared towards him progressing into the Great Knight Class (he starts off as a Fortress Knight). His main purpose when you're using him is to tank physical fighters like a champion, and Great Knight's added movement when you get the chance to upgrade him allows him to continue being useful in later chapters as he no longer has to suffer Fortress Knight's horrible movement while fulfilling his niche being a strong physical tank that takes little damage from hordes of enemies and can act as a unit who draws fire. I would like to say Dedue could be a usable Great Knight, but he has a weakness in riding so him going that route is not feasible (Dedue is better off as a War Master anyway). Ferdinand can also be a very good Great Knight, even if that's not his best class, as he has good physical bulk and very good physical strength, as well as proficiencies in Axes, Lances, and a budding Talent in Heavy Armor that can allow him to naturally get there if you invest some, and he can be an extremely solid tank with added bulk+recovery from Ochain Shield and Spear of Assal, which give him nice recovery thanks to his Crest of Cichol, making him extremely hard to take down, while the Swift Strikes Combat Art can allow him to double units on player phase if necessary, making up for Great Knight's low speed. Sylvain also works if you go there because he has the powerful Lance of Ruin to deal heavy damage to opponents and also has Swift Strikes like Ferdinand does and is naturally physically bulky. That being said, Great Knight is generally not feasible on most units because investing in Heavy Armor is very hard to pull off and requires an immense amount of effort, and often times Riding+Axe+Armor is a huge investment that is often not worth the time over other possible skill investments, but there are certain units who can reach the proficiency requirement reasonably well thanks to their proficiencies and can fulfill Great Knight's niche as a mobile physical wall very effectively.
I just make my professor use the Enlightened One and use every stat boost on my professor so they become unbelievably op as fuck, so it feels more believable when they become anime Jesus.
Personally, I only use Great Knight for tanks -- Dedue, Hilda, Edlegard. My Paladins all go into Dark/Holy Knight. Felix is the *only* person I *consider* as Mortal Savant, and even then it depends on how RNG has been up to that point with growths.
My opinion comes down to something more simpler: Does the class have good movement? Use it. Does it have bad movement? Then don't. There was nothing worse than Gremory or Mortal Savant lagging behind the entire team in my first playthrough. I learned my lesson in my second. PS: All the Cav/Wyvern classes are busted and worth using. War Master is surprisingly decent for a non-knight class and I endorse it. Fist weapons are really, really good, even the training ones. Meh to the rest of the classes. Cavs all the way. PSS: Best class? Bow Knight, by far. Claude's endgame class is also busted, but Bow Knight is the most stupidly good universal class in the entire game. Bows in general are busted. It's surprising that people thought they were so weak before the game's launch. That's the biggest surprise to me.
saying just mobility is the best stat is stupid and I think in lunatic this kind of rushing through the map isnt possible. If you have low mobility units.. just wait a turn! And the my only question is either: "has the class enough movement or range to get out after an hit?" or "can this unit actually tank sh*t?"
Agree to disagree on the Gremory, because double Warp is double Warp. They themselves may not be mobile but they'll make a lot of other classes a heck of a lot faster at getting in (and out for cavalry/fliers) then they would normally be.
Bow Knight is probably my favorite class, the fact that they can run in snipe pretty much any unit from out of counter range and run back out again is insanely good.
Agree to a point, lysithia is a must have for me so I always put her gremory since she is double warp, also thrysus and s rank in fth/reason give more range than bow Knight, which helps
@@mrgrad07 Exactly. But unfortunately three houses didn’t introduce a lance focused class like Halberdier as an option like the warrior and swordmaster or grappler or sniper 😞
Regarding Great Knight, I honestly think it was meant from the ground up to give more mobility to tanks. I got Dedue and Gilbert to this class and didn't regret it on my first playthrough, but I worked hard on making sure they got the most out of their time as Fortress Knights. The fact is I was so sick of my tanks lagging behind everybody else when so many had mounts or increased on-foot movement. That I felt it a logical step for the sake of my own enjoyment. I had not planned to take Dedue into anything mounted because I was trying to play "canon" and he had a weakness there with no hidden talent in it, but having 4 mov when at least half of my team has 6-9 mov and the rest have 5 made me really question effectiveness when trying to play without dragging out matches.
3:20 I had Lysithea become a Savant because she's good with swords and naturally went along the mage classes. And then I attempted a Sword Tournament because she had an A in Swords and was 5 levels higher than the recommended. She IMMEDIATELY lost because her Str was hilariously low. Like, despite being around level 40, she had less than 20 in Strength. Turns out, the only reason she carries so well is because Levin Swords care more about Magic than Str, and I had just never noticed. I'm focusing solely on her Faith so she can become a Gremory at this point, but I am really displeased with Savant. Trickster is what Savant should have been imo
To be honest, Dorothea was GREAT for the Mortal Savant class cause she started off wanting to learn swords and reasoning. So I gave her a bit of both, and when I got to the mid-game and saw this class available I was like "hell yes!"
Yeah there were a couple of things I was confused about when looking through the classes, like why Great Knight was a Master Class as opposed to Advanced and why there wasn't some sort of actual upgraded Cavalry class that was a good upgrade to the two, Mortal Savant is cool and I think the best thing about it is that it is a Magic class so you have have a frontline unit that can also heal. I really need to try out Warmaster because I didn't during my first playthrough.
Honestly, all of the horses only saving grace is the lack of a flying option. (Excluding bow knight). The massive drawbacks on terrain and reduction in speed growth. Come now, what could possibly convince people to take a horse instead of Falcoknight or Wyvern lord. Mortal savant. Nice movement. You won't do anything on medium size maps. Gremory: double the warp, physic and meteor, good luck reaching any enemies without Thyrsis. Warmaster: Murder EVERYTHING, if you can get there before your fliers clean everything up. Heavy horse boi: Hahahahaha... no.
arrows weaknesses for flying units is literally only a minor annoyance with how broken dismounting is, you can just dismount after moving and mount before you move next turn
The way I went that was easiest run for me was teaching everyone white magic, then flying for wait=avoid. Everyone had assists, rescue, psych, warp. Super helpful. But only downfall is you need classes that can use reason.
Gremory gives more base magic than the mounted classes, so the lack of a specific isn't THAT detrimental, it's mostly good on units like Lysithea/Dorothea to double up on spell uses of Warp/Meteor
I think Felix is a really great fit for Mortal Savant. His stats and growths are gonna be good enough as is and his hidden talent in reason gives him Black Magic crit +10, which would be used in no other class.
Post is taken from the viewpoint of a classic player: Short answer, mastery classes are not worth it unless you're a flyer or a horseback rider. Now for more detail, Swordsmen and mages benefit more from their advanced class's abilities and class masteries. Master Class masteries are masteries you will want to avoid using because they only take effect when your unit is in critical danger. The defiant "x" bonuses seem nice but at that point you're going to die regardless of the bonus unless you're running a vantage desperation crit etc. build. You only get so many ability slots and defiant "x" do not cut it at all. Why go for an ability that will see minimal to no use if you're playing rationally over an ability that will be active all the time in battle? Very few units can fit into the Mortal Savant class and Gremory is trash minus a couple exceptions, but even then you'd still want the swordfaire and sword crit bonus or assasin skills for swordsmen and the tomefaire or bonus heal power instead for mages. You don't need those extra magic uses Gemory gives you. Exceptions to Mortal Savant would be Felix because of his budding talent and he does have a level of aptitude for magic and the extra utility he gets from being able to use magic is invaluable. Exceptions to Gremory would be characters with access to Meteor so you can have one extra but even then I don't think it's worth it. The only exception to Gremory I see is Lysithea since she's so powerful she wont need the tomefaire or extra heal power and this allows you to use warp an extra time which can be invaluable in a fight for objective taking among other things.
Gremory is pretty much only good for Lysithea. Once she gets Thyrsus, she nukes things from afar and has farther range than most archers. It gets even crazier when you S-rank her reason and faith skills, because they both give another +1 to her range. I literally have my dancer follow her around and rain down Miasmas and Seraphims on all the sinners lol
I will say in regards to Mortal Savant, I prefer it over Swordmaster and Hero because +1 movement is so good a lot of the time, and can both save a unit, and allow it to have leeway when reaching the front lines. Assasin is way better though than MS though.
Felix is the only character I would honestly make a mortal savant, because for the rest magic growth just isn’t important and he’s never really been a tank anyway, he’s there to kill and that’s it. With his hidden talent of plus 10 crit black magic, it almost makes it a no brainer to make him one when you are comfortable with his stats
Lol, in fire emblem sacred stones sword master Joshua with brave sword was broken as hell, especially if you got really lucky with skill, speed, and luck with him, as he'd crit every swing and when he didn't crit he was usually using his sword master special attack which did even more damage. Love the idea of an all bow squadron in fire emblem heroes where everyone is a bow knight XD actually, you can mix and match. Go from fortress knight to bow knight and pray for decent res gains further on making your Archer boy a meaty tank that just says fuck off to anything and everything.
@@gvaz9636 I've been watching a let's play of the Golden Deer house and it looks great, though the new game plus does make subsequent playthroughs easier, I have to agree with you, it is really close
I think you underestimate the value of mobility a bit here. Even without skills, just being able to move toward or away from enemy threats and being able to pick the fights you want is super valuable. The biggest buff from Warlock to Gremory is the +1 movement buff without having to invest a ton in riding skills. Faith and reason are two skills that you want to train together a lot of the time, so gremory doesn't need to be super strong to be worth the investment, since you're more likely to be able to reach S faith and reason using it. The lack of +damage skills does hurt gremory a bit though. Meanwhile, the biggest buffs the riding classes give is the additional movement, which can be huge late game, and since you get them pretty late, the low growth rates aren't all that bad since they don't have time to factor in a ton. I agree the mortal savant is disappointing though. Things like the levin sword or armorslayer is just a whole lot better if you want ways to deal with enemies with high defense, it addresses a weakness that sword users have that the game already addresses for them. Meanwhile, if you're a magic user, you usually have pretty low strength, which means this class is really only good to give you a levin sword, and you usually have spells that are better anyway.
I probably underestimate it because I'm talking from more of a general overview perspective in this video, and not really an "LTC" perspective. We also don't really have any difficulties that have forced us to rely on high movement to clear things, so my opinion will probably change once we get Lunatic
Doesn't Gremory give +3 Magic base on promotion? That's like Half of a Faire, but for all magic types. Plus that magic stat bonus can be applied to staff ranges, compared to Faires only going towards one type of magic attack.
I'll admit I'm not entirely sure on what promotion bonuses are, but I believe that they work differently in this game. I think you only get the bonus if your base stats are below the average for a certain class. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember
@@LinkKing7 You get bonus stats to meet the minimum, as well as a class bonus that goes along with it. Warlock gets +3 Mag, Bishop gets +2 Mag and Grimory gets +5 Mag. Sure it doesn't have a full Faire skill, but it has 2 more over a Warlock and 3 more over a Bishop, and that extra Mag stat can be used on support spells, where Faires can't. +1 Mov is very impactful as well, since more move is just better overall, and units who want to be Grimory are already going to be learning both types of magic anyway. Having full requirements for a class isn't required anyway; being close enough will give a decent pass chance, with at least one requirement being met and another met at least 70% gives about 70% pass rate.
My thoughts: Savant: only use for Felix. Noone else really gains anything from this. Great Knight: Worse than Paladin, only reason to go for it is if you have an armour knight who hasn't trained in lances. Gremory: Only really useful for Dorothea and Lysithea as they want to take advantage of double meteor or warp. Bishop is better for Marianne and Mercedes bc additional healing. Annette doesn't get any WMagic to put this above the movement from Dark Knight. Holy Knight: What is the point? Is there anyone who would rather go here than Paladin, Dark Knight, Gremory or Bishop? I guess some hit and run healing is ok, but physic is very strong in this game, so why would you want that? Dark Knight: Best route for dark magic users. Also pretty could for some paladins aswell to help deal with armour knights (looking at you sylvain). Kinda meh but still pretty good. Bow Knight: By far teh best Knight class. 1 mov and +5 speed on the other knights might not seem much but it really helps, as well as from being a sniper or assassin. Probably the best grounded class in the game: only competitor being Warmaster: Amazin' . only drawback is the movement. Astounding for the 2 biggest bois. Fliers: AAAAAAAAASOOOOOOOGOOOOODAAAAAAAAAAA The exclusive classes aren't good either, with the exception of Claude's "Best class in the game but with the best weapon in the game" Basically the only worthwhile classes are the fliers, warmaster, bow knight, dark knight, Bishop, Gremory for Dorothea and Lysithea and maybe Savant for felix, or hero/swordmaster/assassin. Maybe GK for armour knights, but you really shouldn't send them down that road to begin with imo.
To be fair there were only one male Pegasus Knight at base (and to be fair Hinoka was the only other female Pegasus Knight) and lets be honest here. Subaki tended to suck and you had to get Azura to a S support for a Pegasus Knight that works better as a Dark Flier in Shigure.
I hate the lack of variety in magic users. Also IGNATZ HAS PHYSIC, WTF, DIS BOI CAN HEAL GUD. Stuck between Assasin and Mortal Savant, he can be your stealthy instakill thief or your key wall breaker that crits and bypasses any tank, while healing anyone and everyone too. Ignatz is amazing.
I had him go thief->assassin->mortal savant, and mostly had him use a levin sword and he just cleaned up, it's even better seeing a shy nerdy kid in glasses doing nonstop flips as an assassin
Master Classes don't seem like the end goal, just additional specializations that you can use. It is entirely viable to use the Advanced Classes, and likely you are supposed to stick with Advanced Classes save for the couple of units you want to specialize in different areas. I like to think of Master Classes as additional options rather than necessary advancements. On the other hand, the fact that the game never once told me that Master Classes weren't better than Advanced Classes made me really screw up the skill progression in my first playthrough... As for specific classes, it depends on the character, really. Mortal Savant isn't exactly one to use for most units, but Felix naturally progresses toward it without any problem and Marianne ROCKS the class. Because of the skill she unlocks by boosting Sword Skill to begin with, you're likely going to want to focus on Sword and Reason at the start. If you don't make Marianne into a Dancer, make her into a Mortal Savant. I've found Gremory to work well for support characters, like Dorothea, or to give some extra uses to certain magic skills. Lysithea, for instance, really made use of the extras that Gremory gave her. She already had a lot of attack output due to her Magic growth and really only suffered in the defense areas, which the added movement of Gremory helped and the lack of Faires didn't make killing any more difficult. Giving me two uses of Warp alongside keeping the doubled amount of Reason magic made it worth the change.
With the Gremory, I find that Dorothea's magic is honestly really the best one because of her access to Meteor, and the fact you can double down on it That and also Lysinthea as she can access Warp and double that down Both make for great aggressive supports
You're putting a bit too much stock in faire skills imo. They're great but they aren't necessary to make a class good. Gremory only has x2 on all magic, but that's all it really needs to be good, especially when characters like Lysithea and Dorothea exist. The benefit to them is if you build them as mixed magic users, which the aforementioned two ladies work infinitely superior as. (Dorothea pretty much being designed as a mixed mage in mind and Lysithea having some of the strongest light and dark offensive magic in the game) In either case, making them a Dark or Holy Knight wastes the potential of half their kit that only a Gremory could take full advantage of. As an addendum, while Faire skills help a ton, Lysithea doesn't really need them. She hits hard enough on her own to one-shot any non-boss enemy, monsters included, in the game and oftentimes even the monsters themselves
After mulling over it some, I came to the conclusion that the Prowess skills, except for Authority and Faith, are pretty good to have just for the all around bonuses they provide, especially against bosses on harder difficulties. In fact, if you have the extra slots, they might be preferable over the Breaker skills since they're more versatile, but don't quote me on that. So that's gonna be Bernie's fifth and final skill. That does mean that Shamir, Ashe and Ignatz are gonna be using the lance, axe and sword respectively for more versatility, but I think that's more interesting that way. Same with the Paladins and Fortress Knights - I think giving them different sub-weapons will make each character feel a little more unique even if they share the same class. Not sure what to do with Hilda, however. Her personal battalion is what will ultimately determine if she's gonna stay a Warrior, or rain death of and destruction from atop a dragon. I also decided that Felix might not be too bad as a Mortal Savant after all. Sure, he loses Sword Crit and the drop to his speed growth is kind of a bummer, but he does gain access to more reliable ranged attacks, which is usually a problem for Swordmasters since sword mains tend to do poorly on maps with a lot of chokepoints, and he just so happens to learn Thoron, which is enough to make most black magic mains jealous. Plus, since Swordmaster gives you a lot of of ability slots to work with, I guess there's the argument of raising his swords skill to S rank to get Sword Crit back. I might also make Dorothea into a Mortal Savant too just to get some mileage out of her sword skill to make her something of an anti-mage unit on the Black Eagles route since only she, Linhardt and Hubert can tank any sort of hit from mages, and give her free movement bonuses since I like to have her wear her one true wife Ingrid's ring at all times. Plus she learns Hexblade, so they were at least aware that most people would capitalize on her magic. Catherine, however, is gonna be fisting her enemies to death as a Swordmaster, because few things are more hot than a gorgeous chick pummeling her foes into submissions with her bare hands. Regarding Holy Knights, I guess the loss of Heal +10 isn't too bad once you remember that Healing Staves exist, though between having to spec into Reason to actually fight and Riding just to meet the basic requirement, they're still annoying to grind for. I still stand by Flayn being better off as a Bishop since she's bad at Riding, and I feel Manuela just joins too late and with too low a Ride skill to make into a Holy Knight in time without spending some Renown, and that Tomefaire should've been for all magic in general since White Tomefaire by itself is essentially worthless.
Great Knight is only a Fortress Knight transition IMO, it's a HUGE up only in that case and leveling heavy armor is too hard otherwise. Gremory is the late game Support Commando - double Warp is a beautiful thing, you can +5 move on bow knights and quite literally kill the boss turn one on some maps. It's comical.
An interesting point on mortal savant is that their -10 speed penalty will only take away 2-3 points of speed every 10 levels (compared to their previous classes). This isn't great, but if a unit is well above a certain doubling threshold (whether that's doubling normal enemies or doubling the really fast ones), they may be able to take the hit. While it's certainly not the best master class, some units can utilize its magic well enough to make it worthwhile.
I was going to say that this video should include the classes bases, but I looked them up, and wow, they're low. I guess they don't matter too much. 0% growths is gonna be tough...
Oh the game screenshots are class bases? That makes total sense, it just didn't occur to me that you were using a character with low enough stats to show all of them. Good job and I take it back :)
@@SharurFoF Oh, no that's not the actual class bases, I misunderstood, I thought you meant the growths and not the actual stats. I am not worthy of that praise.
Honestly putting felix on mortal savant worked well for me. He rarely gets hit and the range on thoron plus his healing ability, while nit alway my best option takes the load of my softer characters
They finally made bows amazing in an FE game. I'm sure there's exceptions here and there but generally speaking, bow units tend to be lacking in most other FE games.
Gremory is pretty character specific honestly. For some characters staying in warlock/bishop or going into D/H knight may be better, but gremory's advantages is that you only need to level faith and reason (which most dedicated mages will do anyways) and still increase your mage's movement up to five from the baseline four all the other grounded mages are stuck at. The spell doubling also is nice for characters who get warp or rescue, since having not one but two uses of those spells can be a game changer. For characters without those, or who have a bane in either faith or reason, then going to the knights or staying in an advanced may be better though for the faires or extra healing amount in the bishop's case.
Few things I need to clarify since I see it said repeatedly in the comments:
1- There is a mistake in Bow Knight at 7:30. They don't get +1 range from leveling up bows, please disregard that, it was an error in my script that was not removed. My bad and sorry for the misinformation there.
2- For the love of Naga, the whole Sexist thing for War Master is literally a joke. No need to get hung up on calling out one class or the other. The only reason War Master got that in there is because it was first on the analysis for gender locked classes. Had it been either of the other two the exact wording and scripting would've been the same aside from the "waifus punching people" part, which would've been replaced with something else. Come on people...
3- I realize there are some units who can make use of Mortal Savant as a class. But this is an overall review, and the majority of units simply don't have the mixed level offensive growths to make use of the class much, and so are best left in Sword Advanced Classes, in my opinion.
4- Yes, growths are a pretty major factor for me in assessing units, along with their skills which I also mention. But I do appreciate that when looking into things on a more unit specific level that might do away with the need for boosts. Having said that RNG exists, and assuming a difference of 1-3 stats whichever way you choose to see it is both "average" but also not guaranteed. I like giving my units the best chance at excelling overall, just my way of playing I suppose.
5- This is not a be all end all factual best way to play the game sort of thing. It's just a bunch of my opinions based on having played a route and a half of the game so far, it's subject to change once newer difficulties come out, or as I play around with the system more. At the very least, I'm happy to provide a consolidated overview with all the information in general to help people make their decisions and play however they want!
From my perspective, having played NG+, I earned all the best abilities in my early playthroughs and now skip certain classes entirely unless they have the stats I want. I think on a first-run playthrough, going for bad classes to get good skills is wise.
@@WarningStrangerDanger But why even bother with optimisation if you're on NG+?
@@kayeka4123 you can buy the abilities in NG+, only if you have them from your previous run. Having a plan and setup from the start will be vital if you intend to try the harder difficulties. On Insane, for example, the Death Knight will move first on Turn 1. Having the right abilities can allow you to survive and even kill him outright. You have to take the long perspective with higher difficulties in Fire Emblem. Planning starts early.
@@WarningStrangerDanger I highly doubt that the DK actually starts moving, rather than just attacking people in range. Otherwise, no skills could save you. Also, requiring NG+ to complete higher difficulties would be a serious break with tradition and common sense.
I think you're going through a lot of trouble to suck what little challenge we're going to get out of Lunatic.
@@kayeka4123 watch the Lunatic mode datamine footage! He really does. It is incredible. I'm looking forward to it.
They made war master male only because Hilda would rip hell out of the earth if she could gain war master
I'm actually starting to develop a soft spot for Hilda because she's becoming such a monster on my current playthrough!
Or just be me and make Hilda to a Dancer with Axe Nuke Hits
I need my switch modding to remove gender barricades so I can make bare fist skullcrusher Hilda. She's an absolute beast do NOT FK WITH HER.
Hilda was everyone's "eww, snooty patooty" at release, but quickly became everyone's "Best girl" lol
Why would you make Hilda a War Master when Wyvern Lord is an option
"I don't wanna learn magic."-Felix
"You gonna learn today."-Me seeing the mortal savant option
"Then you shouldn't have had reason as your budding talent then!"
I did that too in my first BL playthrough
INFERN 0 literally doing it rn too 😂
"I don't wanna do the dance competition"-Felix
And thus Felix became my Dancer
Funny...he was right. His spell list doesn't justify being a hybrid unit. Sylvain's do as he at least gets up to 6 offensive spells (Fire, Bolganone, Ragnarok, Sagittae, Nosferatu, and Seraphim).
"but they lOoK CoOL" my thoughts on mortal savants
Ninja is cool. Look at their counter magic animation
Lysithea is made for this class. She has a hidden talent with sword and she is already a magic God. Give her a Levin sword and watch her destroy everything in her path.
Imo they are people who can use levin sword and magic.
Wire could go gremory or w.e that female only class is called. But this is a valid option too. Levin sword users are best for this class. And I'd say that widens the options a bit.
@@geovanrich4916 Actually, Mortal Savant is not very good for Lysithia at all. The Black Tomefaire doesn't help her since all of her Reason magic is Dark magic, and, while the Swordfaire does technically help her Soulblade Combat Art, the higher class change magic stat bonus of Gremory will add to Mag-based Combat Arts or weapons just the same, since you can still use a sword with her in that class, or in Dark Knight or even Holy Knight if you prefer, since shes got a good selection of White magic attack spells as well.
Not to mention, plenty of other characters have magic Combat Arts through Budding Talent or leveling weapon Skill Ranks. For instance, Marianne actually learns Soulblade as well at Rank C+ in Swords, and, while her Mag might be a bit lower, her Res will almost certainly exceed Lysithia's by a wide margin, making her an even stronger user of that same Combat Art. But most people will be distracted by wanting to get her Spear ranks up to more easily qualify for Holy Knight, or maybe even never bother to train her in a weapon, so they never end up finding that out.
Besides, while having Soulblade on hand might be useful in a pinch for Lysithia, why outright focus on using it when you can be nuking targets 5 spaces away with her magic? All three of the other magical Master classes help her do that much better, while still not locking her out of Sword use.
@@Shalakor Mar as a holy knight fuck why didnt I do that
Still mad about Gremory being female only. Linhardt would be a perfect Gremory.
I just made him a dancer and it worked pretty well.
Tbh unless your doing a true black eagles route, recurit lysithia and she does his job better.
@@AshleyTailored I've been doing true house routes for first three then later ones will be whatever I fancy.
I spent my full Blue Lions playthrough building Linhardt to become a Gremory.
Only once I got him to A in faith and B in Reason did I realize it WASN'T EVEN AN OPTION FOR HIM
So frustrating
@@dorohime7001 YES . I was kinda hyped to turn my boi Linhardt to Gremory too only to be disappointed later on
Mortal Savant: Who are you?
Dancer: I’m you but better.
I think, and correct me if im wrong, the dancer class in three houses gives -5% in all growths :(
Train a mortal savant then change the class to dancer :))))
AndersonWave17 only in Strenght, Def and Res, but the modifiers are almost the same, but Mortal Savant has -10% growth in speed and also a Dancer can grant an extra turn to anotase unit, so overall Dancer is better, Mortal Savant is only good with pretty fast units like Ingrid, Felix, etc, but they also need good spells and all that stuff, and a Magic Ingrid would be better as a Dark Knight, I think only Dorothea and Felix work as MS, but the Dancer class is better and for Felix even Swordmaster/Assassin/War Master
@@jesusfelicianoramoschaidez5788 dancers get a lot of hp for a mage class too, it will help them move up to dance for a melee ally and not die to enemies as easily.
LinkKing7: Gremory lacks the umph
Anette: hold my beer
Lysethia: hold my deer
On my first playthrough, once I saw Gremory only have x2 magic uses, I actually retrained Lysethia into a mortal savant. Even though she uses dark instead of black magic, and I didn't use swords ever, the 1 extra movement was worth more to me than anything Gremory gave.
@@bificommander7472 Well that's right more move is always a good choice for that reason i prefer dark knight. On my first playthrough i made Annette a dark knight she became a one shoting magical nuke with fukin canto.
bificommander you could’ve just given her an item to increase her movement tho
Why the FUCK would you make Annette a Gremory
Have you seen her spell list? She needs a horse far more than 2x uses on fucking recover and Sagittae
@@NieOrginalny thats no argument everyone needs a mount
The lack of diversity in Master classes in this game is one of the more frustrating things about the design imo. I really like the fact that they acknowledge the power of mounts in how the class progression works, but there really should be more combinations at Master level (like flying mages), and gender-locking classes is dumb as hell in a game so focused on customization.
Yup, I hope they add more via DLC or something, it would really spice things up a bit in terms of planning for end game!
Yeah like Linhardt was made to be a gremory but alas he has the wrong parts
@@veiotisligon9140 It would be hilarious if he was the only male who could become a gremory, considering how he looks post time skip...
Yeah, I really hope for DLCs/updates here, despite inferior caps Malig Knight was my favourite class.
Plus, I'd appreciate ability to pick armor of an unlocked class/default armor while being in another class, Wyvern Lord should wear Dark Knight armor and nobody can prove me wrong (plus I hate WM/Grapples sado-maso armors)...
@Kainos Teleos Women are not more magic compatible, if anything, in FE men are typically offensive mages with women being healers, which is further reinforced by main teachers being Hanneman (reason) and whydoIkeepforgettingnames teaching faith, despite not looking to be a religious person. Also in talents scene male unirs have reason talent more often than women and the fact it's often blooming talent only suggest their early training was just stereotypical image of male warrior without taking real inclination into account.
In other words, if a unit uses melee weapons and can fly, *make them fly.* Otherwise, *make them ride a horse.*
Basically, movement is top tier endgame.
Gremory is made for Lysithea.
Yep, she does well in that!
Dorothea too
And Mercedes
Problem with Mercedes you want her to heal so Bishop is better on her. She is the best healer in the game.
LinkKing7 you mean DESTROYS at it
Gremory also gives you an extra Meteor cast which honestly feels like its whole purpose 🤷♂️
Extra Warp/Rescue use can be VERY helpful. I used to think of it as the go to class for females, but sometimes the added movement can be real good on Mercedes and Lysithia (who are the best mages in the game).
Sagite yeah bonus casts are amazing but not necessarily needed on every single map. With the ability to reclass in the inventory menu + buy Master Seals from Anna, there is no reason not to certify someone you use often in multiple adv/mas classes so you can have options based on the map
Jhon so does warlock, which also has +5 might to the meteor... so what’s your point?
Gremory can be a great utility class, but idk if it's the most power based mage class. I don't think I found myself running out of magic uses or even coming close tbh. But I WAS running out of physic, which Gremory helps with immensely, though at the loss of the Bishop's +10 healing which can also compensate in that way.
Idk, it's an interesting class, jack of all trades, master of none is the way to describe it I suppose
Actually, Dark Knight tomefaire gives only +2 damage compared to Gremory (because of static Mag +5 as Gremory compared to Mag +2 as dark knight), and +1 for Holy Knights (same reason)
Which makes Gremories ever so slightly better... but still not as good as the mounted mages in most cases
Still mad at whoever made Mortal Savant the only sword-based master class. It just doesn't work.
Works for Felix
Totally works for felix, the problem is, every other magic user is better off as gremory
@@RobotnikPlngas I ended up making Felix a Warmaster with that fist rank I built alogside swords. Took a bit of axe training on the side, but man, it was way more worth it than Mortal Savant. Sure, no Swordfaire, but Warmaster is pretty much the only speed-based class in Mastery for male swordies who for the most part relied on their speed all the way to level 30.
Yeah, I want Radiant Dawn's Trueblades back...
Dorothea is a fantastic Savant
*Lysithea as Gremory*
I didn't even know what warp was so my lysithia did literally nothing
@@dillydel2252 lmao I hope you train her faith magic in the future then
Still mad my fem Byleth can't master punching people to death.
I worked my Byleth Arms up and they were unstoppable.
You could master it with male Byleth and then buy the skill in new game plus
@@lucaspiano76 Can confirm. Female Lifetaker, Quick Riposte, Poison Strike Byleth is both possible and fantastic.
And im mad i cant ride a Pegasus as a man
Byleth's unique class is a Master class with a proficiency bonus in Gauntlets, but effectively all that means is that it makes it slightly faster to grind out Gauntletfaire the hard way. Still, if you want a female Gauntlet user, Byleth is literally your best option . . .
There needs to be the Strategist class why have Authority as a thing if Lord is the only class that uses it
What? You use it for batallions. Thats what its for.
Zangelin what he’s saying is that the Lord class is the only class that gets a bonus to it.
@@Zangelin And even then, I ended up barely using the Batallions by the end of the game because why would I use an attack that might not kill, when I can fully kill with Lance God Seteth? Or Holy Man Byleth?
Every character in the game wants high authority. Even if you don't use gambits, the stat boosts you get from simply equipping a batallion are huge.
Going for max authority feels entirely unnecessary though. Most of my units are sitting at a B or authority but I never noticed much difference. Main thing I love battalions for is repositioning enemies and instant armor breaks (resonant lightning)
Assassin class is one of the best classes in the game despite not being master class. It has:
- Highest speed and dex growth of any class both at 20%
- Has stealthy so enemies will target your nearby tank rather than the squishy damage source
- Frees up inventory space so no one needs door/chest keys
- Has very low requirements for a final class requiring nothing to be A rank
- Has 2 different backup instant kill chances to roll extra divine pulses with, that even low damage output units can utilize
Also has 6 move, over other Advanced infantries 5. I'd say top 3 Advanced classes, being on par with Wyvern Rider and Paladin.
Tacet the Terror yup, I may cover the advanced classes next and assassin is definitely up there in rank
Wait, assassin has stealthy? No wonder enemies never attacked my assassin Petra.
@@Hyperencrpted12345 if your assassin is the only one in range they will attack the assassin but if someone else is, they would always ignore the assassin
Assassin > Swordmaster
The real issue is that they called it Wyvern Lord so Claude breaks the consistency of the main characters getting unique Lord promotions.
Though since it's Claude, it may have been part of his plan.
Claude has Barbarossa as his personal promotion class.
@@joshuagabrielcatindig7607 He has Wyvern Master post timeskip, then unlocks Barbarossa a little later on.
@@joshuagabrielcatindig7607 What the user was talking about was how Edelgard gets Armored Lord, Dimitri gets High Lord, and Claude gets Wyvern Master.
Although interesting, apparently in Japan Wyvern Lord has always been Wyvern Master, so Claude does get Wyvern Lord as his personal class.
It could be a nod to the fact that the Alliance heeds no emperor nor king, so a class with the word ‘Lord’ in it wouldn’t be fitting for Claude. Just my guess.
Honestly, I love the customization, but the class system is one of the weirdest and clunkiest things I can complain about this game for. This was a very cool and informative video.
Glad you liked it and thought it was helpful!
They need to do more for the swords class lmao
Took me forever to get Dedue to the Great Knight cause of his negative on horses...
Oooof, my condolences, maybe War Mastah next time?
War master for quick riposte at class mastery! Best physical tank in the game
i did the worse version of this. I made Dedue a holy knight. Do I recommend it? no! but still... he was completly invincible
I made him a great knigt too, but I haven't really used him after the timeskip since he is not avaible at the begining, and when he becomes avaible the enemy army has way too much magic users, making him totally useless. 😅
I never got him up in riding enough for him to be a Great Knight, but then after the timeskip he shows up... and he's a Great Knight. Well, saved me the trouble I guess.
Best endgame classes:
1 Lysithea
Any questions?
+ 1 Dancing Dorthea. Or is that just me?
@@charleyyy182.0 that's a weird way of spelling Marianne.
Artillery Only (exclusively bow knights)
@@charleyyy182.0 Dorothea is a much better gremory considering all her low use spells. 2 uses of meteor 👌🏼
@@rhettmitchell yeah and 8 uses thoron
I hate that Females can’t be Heros. I literally planned for Petra to be a hero and I was so upset when I couldn’t.
Hero might be my pick for worst class in the game, honestly. Youre not missing out on anything you can't get from swordmaster and assassin. Built in vantage is something i guess? but you already have that skill learned from Merc Mastery.
Females could be heroes in fates I don’t see why they took that out
Chaz Aria LLC Oh yeah I mean after playing all the routes, I couldn’t agree more. But it still feels really disappointing that some are gender locked like the War Master or Dark Priest.
It feels like hero should have been the master class for swordmaster/assassin path and they screwed up and placed it with advanced classes instead by accident.
Don't feel bad. Hero is a crappy class in this game. It's like a shittier Swordmaster. You can get Vantage from mastering Merc. The only thing it has going for it is that Ballin' outfit the characters wear while in that class.
I think the design philosophy behind master classes is literally just "get into these classes when your comfortable with where you are number wise" unless you ride a horse with wings or a lizard with wings.
JaeAIK all the other ones are stride bot
@@LinkKing7 beep boop me stride beep boop
I made Felix a Mortal Savant, and it destroys everything with his Double Thoron.
me too and he looks super cool too its like hes saskue
axeking3440 lol when I saw Felix use Thoron in my Blue lions playthrough I was like ah Sasuke has learned Chidori
@@immortalslime2908 For me it was more like a Kamehameha
@@ender8887 It's very focused so its more like Kamehameha no doubt but Felix felt like a Sasuke to me.
felix's crest is pretty good too, i think hes one of the strongest chararcters in the game
Mortal savant is weird, but I almost feel that Felix was made to be a mortal savant. Having a budding tallent makes players want to build it.
On second hand, lysithia makes great use of warding blow when paired with her budding sword tallent which increases damage with resistance. They are really the only two I would make into a mortal savant.
Small note that luck is avoid rate, so I guess the point is to focus on becoming a dodge tank. Byleth makes a decent mortal savant, but their main class is better.
War master gets quick repost, instant target class for dedue XD.
Gremory is great for units that can use warp, rescue, siege tomes, or any single use spell. That's the main reason it doesn't have passives.
Gotta super disagree on Mortal Savant. Felix only gets 30% Mag growth. So unless you've ran him down the magic path (or stat boost the fuck out of him), he'll do minimal damage with any spell you use on him (even if you run him down the mage path, depending on RNGesus he'll very likely still do equal to higher melee damage, lol). Not to mention he doesn't learn any especially useful spells. He'll be far more useful if you made him a Swordmaster, then equipped him with a bow if you need range. His SPD/STR will have him doubling with massive damage.
As for Lysithea? She's even more awful. 15% str growth means her STR will be minimal. Meaning you'll get no use out of swords at all. Warding Blow build.... maybe if we get some DLC where things like that are required. I really have no fucking why this class is even in the game. Maybe for challenge runs or something, lol.
I do agree on Gremory though. Dorthea and Manuella make awesome use of it. Can also make a strong case for Lysithea for double Warp (It's nice...) because due to her insane damage, she'll never need the faire skills, and if you have Thrysus it can minimize losing Dark knights sweet movement
Personally, I wouldn't make any of the magic users to Mortal Savant. I don't see much point in having your slowest, lowest HP characters with such weak defense perform melee attacks unless it's highly situational. Basically, it's only useful if you have a have a confirmed kill and there aren't any ranged attackers nearby. Otherwise, you're setting up your most vulnerable characters to take a free shots from the enemy.
@@omgstopturd6566 Felix as a Mortal Savant is okay if you're looking for a little more utility I think. If he's coming up against an armored opponent, if you're ranged attacks (especially against magic users), or if you want to use Nosferatu to tank for a turn. Granted losing a net 30 speed growth from swordmaster/assassin is a big hit, but it's not an unreasonable tradeoff and Felix is fast enough and should have already banked enough speed to continue doubling most enemies through the mid-game at least.
@@JonSmith-hk1bq even against armored units you can just use Levin sword or armorslayer in assassin and one round just fine. I honestly can't stand how little mortal savant brings to the table for sword units compared to assassin.
Not to mention Lysithea can use Thunderbrand 👀
I think Wyvern Lord, Falcon Kight, and Bow Knight are worth it for any physical unit. Flying is absolutely broken this game, especially with dismounting and canto. Bow Knight growths are pretty bad, but that doesn't really hurt you much at the end of the game, so the 5 range on bows is absolutely worth it.
Dark knight is good for any offensive magic-user (Annette, Hubert, etc.) because of the mount and is fine for healers without physic. However, healers with physic are better staying in bishop so they can have x2 while magic uses and +10 healing. They don't need the mount because physic has a huge range. Anyone with warp should also stay away from Dark/Holy Knight because having two warps is better than a horse, especially with stride + dance because they let you finish many of the late game maps in 1 to 2 turns.
I'm highly skeptical about Defiant skills for player units in general. Right now the game is easy enough that it's probably fine, but once they release the higher difficulties I doubt that it will be safe to keep units in Defiant range without a more across the board buff from a skill like Resolve. I would downplay the role Defiant skills play in these choices.
They're nice add ons, but nothing to center a build around
Defiant skills will help with new game plus when you're able to purchase mastery skills from previous playthroughs.
Imagine Bernadetta with her personal skill, defiant spd, and desperation. It also means playing around at lower difficulties can benefit you when you need to get serious for lunatic and above, which will probably require NG+ for the average player.
As everyone on this comment thread i agree, they are not good skills unless you are building bernie who benefits of being damaged cause of her personal skill and well... she learns vegeance, being damaged is her thing basically
Defiant Avoid with Defiant Crit could make a nasty combo with any Vantage sweeper.
vantage+wrath+defiant+ brave means everything that attacks you has to survive getting doubled before it has a chance of killing you.
“Quick Dedue grab your bow!” 😂
Female classes: *extra flying utility with high res*
Male classes: am I a joke to you?
I feel like you're putting more importance on growth rates in this analysis than they deserve in this case. I'm not saying growth rates don't matter, far from it (especially in this game), but by the time a unit is actually ready to enter a master class, they're probably already going to be closer to level 35 than 30, and by endgame you'll for sure have a few units around level 45, but I found that the vast majority of my own units were near level 42. Essentially, you're putting quite a bit of emphasis on stat gains for only seven levels at a point in the game where your exact stats don't even really matter as much anymore. By the time you're going into master class, I think you should be focusing on the utility of the class itself first, and consider any growth rates it may offer as a nice bonus.
Just so you know, I still agree that mortal savant and great knight are terrible classes, just entirely from their utility, rather than their growth rates.
You raise a good point, and that's one I kind of failed to address here. I think that I should've said being not worth it is more meant as not worth promoting them early on, or at least not until they've settled into good enough stats for them to get into that class. Most of my units promoted at 30 in their run when they could, but yeah, the rest had to wait, either because they needed the growth boosts.
Maybe I overestimate it, but having my Shamir stay in Swordmaster until level 39, when she was "ready" to move to Bow Knight was invaluable in raising her strength and speed up to respectable levels because that 10% Str and 20% Speed boost she gets from SM is pretty major.
@@LinkKing7 okay but 10% extra strength growth means that you'll get 1 more strength in 10 levels on average. That really isn't major.
@@Tazura92 The speed means more for her. Shamir's speed is rather average, and going bow knight too early might push her into doubling problems if you're unlucky.
To be honest it depends how how the units grow in practice. With flexible reclassing you should always take some time to consider what the current stats and level are for a unit and if growths present a oppertunity, and risk, or are not relevant. The average impact with a few levels is very low, but also means the Variance is higher, which can present a problem if a unit can't take more setbacks.
Yes, people think that 10% is a huge difference, but it is really not that much for so few levels close to the end of the game
I mean Great Knight is obviously terrible if youre already a Paladin, but moving from Fortress Knight into Great Knight is honestly super good. In the late game, mobility is king since there's just so many enemies and terrain to cover. Staying as a Fortress Knight is honestly probably stronger as an individual unit, but unless you plan on committing your Warp to your Fortress Knight on every single map, it isn't viable in the long run. Plus, if you warp in your FK and it turns out to be more than they can handle, well guess that's a Divine Pulse because they aren't getting out any other way. And since you can't warp them in, they're just gonna be useless for the rest of the map. Great Knight is basically a trade off between a little bit of defensive ability for general utility and usefulness overall.
I think you’re really underselling the use of Gremory’s double magic uses on units with either warp or seige magic. These tomes have criminally low uses, and being able to double those allows you to break the game in half, warp especially. Getting Lysithea/Manuela both there and having 4 warps, potentially 4 total in one turn if you have Linhardt and a dancer, it’s absolutely crazy. Having an extra meteor or 2 extra boltings help a lot too, can remove multiple choke points from afar consistently.
Master classes are bad for the most part (aside from the gender exclusive ones) go into them if you want the move. Advance classes are still amazing.
Yeah, rather disappointing in general aside from a small few
not sure about "for the most part" since there are a couple that are leagues above their advanced counterparts. Holy/Dark/Bow Knights over priests/warlocks/dark priests/sniper/paladin (those last two are a bit more arguable ig) come to mind as examples of this. Also wyvern lord is insane and it's not gender locked either. Gremory is gender locked and its only redeeming quality is the 2x white magic uses for warp/fortify/etc. utility. Otherwise it's pretty lacking compared to the mounted magic master classes, even considering the class stat bonuses.
I will admit though great knight and mortal savant are so awful compared to paladin and assassin that I can't help but sympathise with the master class hate sometimes lol. I think they're supposed to be progression for fortress knights and warlocks though, which I find are some of the worst advanced classes as well so ig it makes sense.
Unveiled um no, holy and dark knight are not better than dark bishop, warlock, and bishop, you lose out on key skills like magic use x2, Heal +10, or a built in fiendish blow. The only benefit is movement which isn’t hat important to mages anyway due to all the long ranged spells and staves in the game like meteor, thyrrsus, physic, bolting, etc., not to mention that dark knight and holy knight have negative speed growth and modifier. Bow Knight is better than sniper yes because of bow range plus 2 and more movement, but not Paladin, You have to go out of your way to awkwardly teach your cavalry units Bows for a somewhat mediocre result for your grinding.
Unveiled warlock is amazing too idk what game you’re playing, they hit like trucks with black tomefaire, magic use x2, and fiendish blow from mages. Your probably one of those people who put mages in the front lines on enemy phase 🤦🏼♂️
@@tsuki5985 they have 4 mov and mediocre everything, dark knight and gremory are better. You can take fiendish blow into either of those classes.
Dimitri broken? My blue lion playthrough was insane. He oneshot everything and rarely took damage.
Even though it's suboptimal I still took advantage of Edelgard's surprisingly high magic growth and made her a mortal savant. It was fun.
That's what I like to hear! Purpose of the game is to have fun after all!
I turned my Edelgarde into a Gremory. She's a really strong mage, almost as strong as Hubert, and can off heal too.
edelgard was a missed opportunity gameplay wise. decent magic growth and budding talent in reason, yet her unique class cannot use magic. armored mages are not unheard of in FE
@@Underworlder5 She would have been so broken as an Armored Mage lol
@@Underworlder5 that's what the bolt axe is for ;)
7:30 "bows can get range +1 from leveling your rank normally" where do you get that part. S rank gives bow crit and S+ rank gives bowfaire. Some bows have 2-3 range such as longbows or magic bow + but bow range skills are class skills only.
Also you are making too big of a deal of growth rates, side from going from assassin/swordmaster to mortal savant in term of speed, it's negligible. 10% is 1 point every 10 lvls and you will rarely reach much higher than lvl 50 anyway. Utility will always be better than growth rates and/or little stat advantages.
The +1 range was a mistake on my part in the script that I didn't remove later. That's wrong, and I apologize for that part.
However, in terms of Mortal Savant, I actually don't think the utility is good enough to make up for the bad growth in speed. Overall, most unit either have an affinity for magic, or they don't. Trying to force a unit into a path for more utility does a disservice to their good growths and inclinations. But hey, I'm not trying to force anyone to play a certain way, it's just my opinion. On the contrary, I applaud creativity, and want to see Mortal Savant Raphael and stuff like that tbh. If everyone used the same classes all the time it would get rather dull
@@LinkKing7 OK, make sense.
Also when I mentioned utility, I meant in general, definitely not mortal savant which has basically 0 utility over assassin. It's just like you said, neat concept but poorly executed. I still get some fun with it from time to time, but it's a pretty bad class for sure.
@@LinkKing7 ok but mortal savant is amazing for a good mage with a sword build. Levin swords are stupid easy to come by and you can give em 3 base range
@@LinkKing7 mortal savant deals more damage with a levin sword than with half of its spells, essentially having more spells at hand than a gremory will ever use, and 10% speed won't make a fast unit suddenly slow. We are talking end game scenarios where you only level up around 10 to 12 times after getting into the class the difference between 40 and 50% speed growth is around 2 to 3 points on average, on top of the speed already built on the character during the previous 30 levels.
Most of the sword classes have budding talent on reason so it might worth to train their reason skill for the unique ability anyway. Also with a little bit of investment in faith mortal savant can use heal. Of course I am not saying to make them a healer, but it's a nice utilty to have. It can be very usefull to have more option of healing.There are also semminars whitch boost sword and faith or faith and reason, they might just sit in to a lesson where they learn faith by '' accident''
IMO it's best to plan on advanced classes+getting A's in main weapon of a unit and then just set goals/tutoring to maybe unlock the master class later.
I made Cyril a Wyvern Lord, but had him use bows a lot of the time. He could just sit in water and pick off melee units if he wanted, or go over a building, snipe, then duck back behind it. It's not the most conventional or optimal, but if built right, you can basically have a better version of a Kinshi Knight. I often used him to pick off powerful units turn 1, before they could kill my units. It was fun to use.
Felix as a Mortal Savant is soooooooo good via both Blue Lions and Black Eagles plus I made Marianne a Mortal Savant
Okay, but hear me out:
Dancer Felix
@@sammykennedy9860 This.
I made marianne a dancer and felix a mortal savant.
@@sammykennedy9860 i actually used felix as a dancer for a while, hes not thaaat bad and +20 sword avoid is awesome
He is, until the speed penalty hits him.
If you upgrade him at lvl 30, there is a good chance he'll lose his ability to double most enemies 5 to 10 levels later. I've had the opportunity to use him in two playthroughs, and both times he didn't get enough speed points to double.
Still, he hits like a truck and has access to Thoron as a Mortal Savant, which slightly remedies that speed.
When I decided to make Sylvain into a Dark Knight, I decided to go monk - mage - warlock then dark knight because cavaliers and paladins can't use magic while mages can use lances. Such a shame there is no dark flier/ harrier class in this game because units like Manuela or Flayn who both have strengths in flying and faith have to resort to gremory or just bishop as their final class since Falcon Knights cannot use magic. Magic weapons are an exception though but they cannot heal.
I just want my Flying Dark Mage Hubert, is that too much to ask for?
@@LinkKing7 There is an unused item in the game "combination seals" who's text says they are used to unlock combined classes. Maybe future DLC will let us fuse wyvern lord and dark knight or fix classes that only unlock class specific skills like sniper and sword master by letting their combinations use them.
Sylvain rocks as a Dark Knight. Although I did take him through Cavalier and Paladin and so he was a solid tank while being able to deal out consistent damage to everyone. I spammed Lance and Riding very early on and then at a certain point switched his goals to pure Reason. I made the requirements right on time and he was a very well-rounded character.
@@joelsasmad i suspect they were a precursor to master classes, its odc that gremory and warmaster are gender locked without alternatives and that all the other master classes are weird unbalanced fusions that dont have much nstural progression to previous classes
@@LinkKing7 funny how you want the one character who is afraid of heights to be a flier
I used to think Mortal Savant was horrible, but it does have its niches after some experimentation in it. I find it's better to think of it as a side grade mage class first and foremost rather, than a physical one. Felix believe it or not, is NOT the best choice for it. Someone like Marianne or Dorothea is as they get innate access to Soul/Hexblade.
Assassin's a bit underrated and honestly could have an argument as the master class for physical sword units. 6 Mov, unrestricted movement through forests, and still has Swordfaire.
sdw4527 agreed, some of the advanced classes are better than master classes at what they do. They’re specialized, have excellent growths and get the job done. I’ll be covering those next
I guess I can give mortal savant another shot but soulblade Marianne did well for me in holy knight. I just have trouble believing that what mortal savant brings to the table can ever outdo dark knight or assassin.
Unveiled I can’t say she would be better, but in terms of pure damage output, you can’t beat her as a Mortal Savant. Mobility’s probably still large enough of a factor that Dark Knight’s still better, at least for now. Might change when Maddening is here though.
I mean free black magicfaire and swordfaire on Byleth is pretty great if you want to go magic. Beefs up his sword of the creator and Levin sword + that gets the 3 range none of his spells do. Unlike felix he has decent magic.
Linhardt/edelgard/seteth were the only ones that performed well for me as mortal savants. but thats just my experience coupled with stats/combat rng. im using manuela as a mortal savant rn and she aint too bad.
My biggest issue with the master classes or even a few advanced classes are the unnecessary skills they want you to know.
Take holy knight for example. To make a healer into one... You have to spam instruct on lances for them.. which they will never use, just to get a more mobile healer (which is entirely useless on desert/beach maps, where swapping BACK to normal mage class is better).. this is a huge waste of instruction that could be better spent elsewhere for a white mage, like maybe put some into reason to get more black magic, or more into authority for those high class battalions. It's just stupid they put that kind of requirement on it.
It's the same for most heroes that move in the direction of paladin. Paladin only requires swords and lances and riding, which makes sense really for the class... but then the ONLY class up from that requires... Heavy armor? so now you have to mass instruct into another skill you don't use much because... reasons. I'd much rather focus on something else like, again, authority cause battalions are so useful.
War master is the only straightforward level up in the game. It's an amazing class and so easy to skill into for an end game powerhouse really. everything else requires these tedious hoops to jump through that just end up annoying you in the long process of grinding.
I've beaten one path and working on my second, so I know what I need to grind for to reach master classes, but it still bugs me that they added those dumb prerequisites for classes that have no use for them. That is my hatred for master classes.
to be fair holy knight can Dismount their Horse so they can walk on desert/beach maps just fine
Honest master class should be cut out of the game and just had them to be up to advanced classes only case not many unit can really use master class
Same man
@@MattRogan28 first part was already explained, second part I agree with
@@dillydel2252 it wasn't actually. All you have to do with dark/holy Knight on beaches is dismount whereas OP suggested fully reclassing to a regular mage class
If War Master is sexist because women can't use it then Falcon Knight and Gremory are sexist because men can't use it
I didn’t want to reuse the joke too much, but yes, gender locked classes suck
I was so pissed when Petra couldn't be a war master. I was going to have my girl decimate anything that could get crited with her bare hands.
@@safehouse432 she's a good falcon knight or wyvern lord at least
@@wuxiagamescentral yea, but I wanted a crit machine because of her passive skill if they survived the first hits she will finish them after.
I have settled with cyril war master thou. From lv20-30 as assassin you have a 80% chance on spd n dex which helps sort of fix the lack of a crit based passive and his base growth+passive are all equal or greater than petra.
@@safehouse432 Just keep her assasin. nothing stopping you from using fists on it.
The absolute ideal combination of characters and classes to use is:
Dedue: War master
Caspar: War master
Raphael: War master
Felix: War master
Alois: War master
Dimitri: War master
Balthus: War master
Ferdinand: War master
Byleth: War master
Seteth: War master
The more similarities between who you use and how you use them to this, the better.
Having Marianne as a Holy Knight and Mercedes as a Gremory in my BL route is definitely a good thing. Most of my units in that route were mounted units (Sylvain as a Dark Knight, Ingrid as a Falcon Knight and Ashe as a Bow Knight to give an idea) so having a healer to those units and one to the not so mobile ones really helps
Thank you for helping walk me through this. I classed Bernadetta into Bow Knight and *totally* wasn't using her right - I had no idea about all that range. Again, helpful! :)
On my Blue Lions run, Felix as a Warmaster ended up with no less than a 60% Crit chance on any given enemy. Cyril becoming Wyvern Lord gave him the extra Strength boost he needed for him to deal massive damage and then Canto away. Mercedes as a Gremory gave her double Fortify, which saved me a couple times. I think the star of the show was Ashe though, my only Bow Knight, who somehow ended up doubling literally everything, and one-rounding everything with either a crit or two, Lethality, or just his stupidly high Strength stat (I'm convinced he was blessed). I love the Master Classes we were given, I prefer them to the Advanced ones 100%, I do just wish there was more diversity.
And that means Diversity in gender as well. I thought from the beginning that the genderlock for classes IN A GAME ABOUT CUSTOMISATION was stupid, but Linhardt's stuck having four move and double Warp as a Bishop, or stuck with just one use of the spell in Dark Knight. Why cant we have something like Sage or Archsage, a male Gremory class? And Hilda, I want her to punch things dammit, and that 20 Crit for Warmasters would make her unstoppable. I think genderlock classes is the second worse choice they made in the game, after the insulting gay Supports (but thats a discussion for another time)
I agree, I don't like the gender lock at all either. While Falcon Knight can make sense for example, they already did away with that with Shigure for example in Fates.
Honestly it wouldnt bother me hardly at all had Fates not existed. As much as I can't stand the games for the most part, Fates was a massive step-forward (at least for me) by having classes no longer gender-locked; and as terrible as the female Fighters and male Pegasus Knights were in my runs, the fact they existed was super nice. Three Houses feels like it just stepped back in that regard.
Yukiizura I now need Raphael as a pegasus Knight. I never knew I needed this until now
Ashe has crap strength growth so you must have been blessed. I took Felix through bow knight and made Ashe a Wyvern Lord. Felix has str growth to spare and Ashe can always deadeye from wyvern back as needed.
My Ashe was built for Dexterity on Bow Knight. Aegis, Pavise, Lethality, with Lifetaker and Vantage to keep him alive forever. He can just go on YOLO missions alone to loot chests from horseback with a Mini Bow+ and nuke everything that targets him. I had been farming Green Flowers from the start and give him all the Ailell Pomegranates they give you, so his Dexterity is now so high he activates his DEX abilities in almost every engagement. Ashe is one of the most capable jack-of-all-trades characters in the game, who can really accomplish anything you need done on the map. Doors or chests? Ashe's got this. Fleeing enemies? Horseback and Range+ with Deadeye means he can basically hit anywhere on the map. Enemy with a drop item, but too far out of the way? Not for Ashe. Boss is the win condition? Say no more. He ended up tankier than my Dedue thanks to the constant Aegis/Pavise/Lethality/Lifetaker/Vantage activation.
10:27 Hilda would LOVE being in this class.
10:30 Call it Valkyrie and with lances instead of axes
I feel like you should at least give Gremory a little credit for the fact that it's arguably much easier to meet the skill requirements for than dark/holy knight, especially since there aren't any other mounted magic-using classes. You only have to focus on two skills at a time - which most mages will be using frequently anyway - rather than having to spam lance/riding instruction or put your mages into a physical class where they become quite weak
Though i do definitely agree that gender-locking classes and making most of the master classes have wonky requirements was *really* stupid on nintendo's part
Great Knight is mainly a viable class on very specific units, namely Gilbert. Gilbert is designed to be a physical wall/tank and his proficiencies and starting skill levels when you get him are geared towards him progressing into the Great Knight Class (he starts off as a Fortress Knight). His main purpose when you're using him is to tank physical fighters like a champion, and Great Knight's added movement when you get the chance to upgrade him allows him to continue being useful in later chapters as he no longer has to suffer Fortress Knight's horrible movement while fulfilling his niche being a strong physical tank that takes little damage from hordes of enemies and can act as a unit who draws fire. I would like to say Dedue could be a usable Great Knight, but he has a weakness in riding so him going that route is not feasible (Dedue is better off as a War Master anyway). Ferdinand can also be a very good Great Knight, even if that's not his best class, as he has good physical bulk and very good physical strength, as well as proficiencies in Axes, Lances, and a budding Talent in Heavy Armor that can allow him to naturally get there if you invest some, and he can be an extremely solid tank with added bulk+recovery from Ochain Shield and Spear of Assal, which give him nice recovery thanks to his Crest of Cichol, making him extremely hard to take down, while the Swift Strikes Combat Art can allow him to double units on player phase if necessary, making up for Great Knight's low speed. Sylvain also works if you go there because he has the powerful Lance of Ruin to deal heavy damage to opponents and also has Swift Strikes like Ferdinand does and is naturally physically bulky.
That being said, Great Knight is generally not feasible on most units because investing in Heavy Armor is very hard to pull off and requires an immense amount of effort, and often times Riding+Axe+Armor is a huge investment that is often not worth the time over other possible skill investments, but there are certain units who can reach the proficiency requirement reasonably well thanks to their proficiencies and can fulfill Great Knight's niche as a mobile physical wall very effectively.
I just make my professor use the Enlightened One and use every stat boost on my professor so they become unbelievably op as fuck, so it feels more believable when they become anime Jesus.
Personally, I only use Great Knight for tanks -- Dedue, Hilda, Edlegard. My Paladins all go into Dark/Holy Knight. Felix is the *only* person I *consider* as Mortal Savant, and even then it depends on how RNG has been up to that point with growths.
God Dammit let Hilda be a warmaster
no, she's useless
Mercie and Flayn are like the only characters I make Gremories because I'm Bad™ and extra Fortify is dumb useful
Petra is Elder God Tier as a Wyvern Lord or as a Falco Knight.
What characters aren't God Tier as Wyvern Lord?
She's pretty decent as an Assasin. She only has a >0% chance of being hit against bosses in forests.
My opinion comes down to something more simpler: Does the class have good movement? Use it. Does it have bad movement? Then don't. There was nothing worse than Gremory or Mortal Savant lagging behind the entire team in my first playthrough. I learned my lesson in my second.
PS: All the Cav/Wyvern classes are busted and worth using. War Master is surprisingly decent for a non-knight class and I endorse it. Fist weapons are really, really good, even the training ones. Meh to the rest of the classes. Cavs all the way.
PSS: Best class? Bow Knight, by far. Claude's endgame class is also busted, but Bow Knight is the most stupidly good universal class in the entire game. Bows in general are busted. It's surprising that people thought they were so weak before the game's launch. That's the biggest surprise to me.
To be fair, archers have been pretty shit in the past, but giving them all that extra range, on top of close counter has made them broken as hell now
saying just mobility is the best stat is stupid and I think in lunatic this kind of rushing through the map isnt possible. If you have low mobility units.. just wait a turn! And the my only question is either: "has the class enough movement or range to get out after an hit?" or "can this unit actually tank sh*t?"
Agree to disagree on the Gremory, because double Warp is double Warp. They themselves may not be mobile but they'll make a lot of other classes a heck of a lot faster at getting in (and out for cavalry/fliers) then they would normally be.
Bow Knight is probably my favorite class, the fact that they can run in snipe pretty much any unit from out of counter range and run back out again is insanely good.
Agree to a point, lysithia is a must have for me so I always put her gremory since she is double warp, also thrysus and s rank in fth/reason give more range than bow Knight, which helps
Saying that Gremory doesnt get a movement boost seems right until you remember warlock and bishop only have 4 move.
"Quick Dedue, grab your bow and let's go!" LMAO so hard on the bow knight section
The lack of Halberdiers and Generals in this game is a damn crime
You probably already know this by now but the fortress knight is actually the General class with a different name
@@mrgrad07 Exactly. But unfortunately three houses didn’t introduce a lance focused class like Halberdier as an option like the warrior and swordmaster or grappler or sniper 😞
When you're running out of good points idea.
Literally what happened!
Regarding Great Knight, I honestly think it was meant from the ground up to give more mobility to tanks. I got Dedue and Gilbert to this class and didn't regret it on my first playthrough, but I worked hard on making sure they got the most out of their time as Fortress Knights. The fact is I was so sick of my tanks lagging behind everybody else when so many had mounts or increased on-foot movement. That I felt it a logical step for the sake of my own enjoyment. I had not planned to take Dedue into anything mounted because I was trying to play "canon" and he had a weakness there with no hidden talent in it, but having 4 mov when at least half of my team has 6-9 mov and the rest have 5 made me really question effectiveness when trying to play without dragging out matches.
hey hey
falcon knight is also sexist i want my sweet sweet dimitri to be flying while piercing the souls of my enemies
Alicorns are for WOMEN. Dragons are for MEN
@@librathebeautifulwarmonk1283 Oh shucks I forgot. DAMMIT, LET MY MEN RIDE ALICORNS
hear me out:
*Ashe as a falcon knight*
3:20 I had Lysithea become a Savant because she's good with swords and naturally went along the mage classes. And then I attempted a Sword Tournament because she had an A in Swords and was 5 levels higher than the recommended. She IMMEDIATELY lost because her Str was hilariously low. Like, despite being around level 40, she had less than 20 in Strength. Turns out, the only reason she carries so well is because Levin Swords care more about Magic than Str, and I had just never noticed. I'm focusing solely on her Faith so she can become a Gremory at this point, but I am really displeased with Savant. Trickster is what Savant should have been imo
To be honest, Dorothea was GREAT for the Mortal Savant class cause she started off wanting to learn swords and reasoning. So I gave her a bit of both, and when I got to the mid-game and saw this class available I was like "hell yes!"
Watching g these back well after the meta has settled is very entertaining
One thing you missed is that Falcon Knights lack the inherent weakness to magic that wyvern users have
Good point, definitely missed that one!
Yeah there were a couple of things I was confused about when looking through the classes, like why Great Knight was a Master Class as opposed to Advanced and why there wasn't some sort of actual upgraded Cavalry class that was a good upgrade to the two, Mortal Savant is cool and I think the best thing about it is that it is a Magic class so you have have a frontline unit that can also heal. I really need to try out Warmaster because I didn't during my first playthrough.
lysithea as a gremory was one of my best units i've had, in any path i chose
Honestly, all of the horses only saving grace is the lack of a flying option. (Excluding bow knight). The massive drawbacks on terrain and reduction in speed growth. Come now, what could possibly convince people to take a horse instead of Falcoknight or Wyvern lord.
Mortal savant. Nice movement. You won't do anything on medium size maps.
Gremory: double the warp, physic and meteor, good luck reaching any enemies without Thyrsis.
Warmaster: Murder EVERYTHING, if you can get there before your fliers clean everything up.
Heavy horse boi: Hahahahaha... no.
Considering what I’ve seen Felix do as a Mortal Savant? Yes I’d say it’s worth it
arrows weaknesses for flying units is literally only a minor annoyance with how broken dismounting is, you can just dismount after moving and mount before you move next turn
The way I went that was easiest run for me was teaching everyone white magic, then flying for wait=avoid. Everyone had assists, rescue, psych, warp. Super helpful. But only downfall is you need classes that can use reason.
your content is always so concise and informative, keep it up
Gremory gives more base magic than the mounted classes, so the lack of a specific isn't THAT detrimental, it's mostly good on units like Lysithea/Dorothea to double up on spell uses of Warp/Meteor
I think Felix is a really great fit for Mortal Savant. His stats and growths are gonna be good enough as is and his hidden talent in reason gives him Black Magic crit +10, which would be used in no other class.
Post is taken from the viewpoint of a classic player: Short answer, mastery classes are not worth it unless you're a flyer or a horseback rider.
Now for more detail, Swordsmen and mages benefit more from their advanced class's abilities and class masteries. Master Class masteries are masteries you will want to avoid using because they only take effect when your unit is in critical danger. The defiant "x" bonuses seem nice but at that point you're going to die regardless of the bonus unless you're running a vantage desperation crit etc. build. You only get so many ability slots and defiant "x" do not cut it at all. Why go for an ability that will see minimal to no use if you're playing rationally over an ability that will be active all the time in battle? Very few units can fit into the Mortal Savant class and Gremory is trash minus a couple exceptions, but even then you'd still want the swordfaire and sword crit bonus or assasin skills for swordsmen and the tomefaire or bonus heal power instead for mages. You don't need those extra magic uses Gemory gives you. Exceptions to Mortal Savant would be Felix because of his budding talent and he does have a level of aptitude for magic and the extra utility he gets from being able to use magic is invaluable. Exceptions to Gremory would be characters with access to Meteor so you can have one extra but even then I don't think it's worth it. The only exception to Gremory I see is Lysithea since she's so powerful she wont need the tomefaire or extra heal power and this allows you to use warp an extra time which can be invaluable in a fight for objective taking among other things.
Gremory is pretty much only good for Lysithea. Once she gets Thyrsus, she nukes things from afar and has farther range than most archers. It gets even crazier when you S-rank her reason and faith skills, because they both give another +1 to her range. I literally have my dancer follow her around and rain down Miasmas and Seraphims on all the sinners lol
I will say in regards to Mortal Savant, I prefer it over Swordmaster and Hero because +1 movement is so good a lot of the time, and can both save a unit, and allow it to have leeway when reaching the front lines. Assasin is way better though than MS though.
Felix is the only character I would honestly make a mortal savant, because for the rest magic growth just isn’t important and he’s never really been a tank anyway, he’s there to kill and that’s it. With his hidden talent of plus 10 crit black magic, it almost makes it a no brainer to make him one when you are comfortable with his stats
Lol, in fire emblem sacred stones sword master Joshua with brave sword was broken as hell, especially if you got really lucky with skill, speed, and luck with him, as he'd crit every swing and when he didn't crit he was usually using his sword master special attack which did even more damage. Love the idea of an all bow squadron in fire emblem heroes where everyone is a bow knight XD actually, you can mix and match. Go from fortress knight to bow knight and pray for decent res gains further on making your Archer boy a meaty tank that just says fuck off to anything and everything.
Silver Moogle sacred stones is the best fire emblem in terms of unit customization and three houses comes dangerously close!
@@gvaz9636 I've been watching a let's play of the Golden Deer house and it looks great, though the new game plus does make subsequent playthroughs easier, I have to agree with you, it is really close
The o boy character whose kit is an exact for for Great Knight is Ferdinand, and I still haven't given this a try.
I think you underestimate the value of mobility a bit here. Even without skills, just being able to move toward or away from enemy threats and being able to pick the fights you want is super valuable. The biggest buff from Warlock to Gremory is the +1 movement buff without having to invest a ton in riding skills. Faith and reason are two skills that you want to train together a lot of the time, so gremory doesn't need to be super strong to be worth the investment, since you're more likely to be able to reach S faith and reason using it. The lack of +damage skills does hurt gremory a bit though.
Meanwhile, the biggest buffs the riding classes give is the additional movement, which can be huge late game, and since you get them pretty late, the low growth rates aren't all that bad since they don't have time to factor in a ton.
I agree the mortal savant is disappointing though. Things like the levin sword or armorslayer is just a whole lot better if you want ways to deal with enemies with high defense, it addresses a weakness that sword users have that the game already addresses for them. Meanwhile, if you're a magic user, you usually have pretty low strength, which means this class is really only good to give you a levin sword, and you usually have spells that are better anyway.
I probably underestimate it because I'm talking from more of a general overview perspective in this video, and not really an "LTC" perspective. We also don't really have any difficulties that have forced us to rely on high movement to clear things, so my opinion will probably change once we get Lunatic
Finally a helpful FE three house's video, cheers man.
Glad you found it helpful!
Doesn't Gremory give +3 Magic base on promotion? That's like Half of a Faire, but for all magic types. Plus that magic stat bonus can be applied to staff ranges, compared to Faires only going towards one type of magic attack.
I'll admit I'm not entirely sure on what promotion bonuses are, but I believe that they work differently in this game. I think you only get the bonus if your base stats are below the average for a certain class. I could be wrong, but that's what I remember
@@LinkKing7 You get bonus stats to meet the minimum, as well as a class bonus that goes along with it.
Warlock gets +3 Mag, Bishop gets +2 Mag and Grimory gets +5 Mag.
Sure it doesn't have a full Faire skill, but it has 2 more over a Warlock and 3 more over a Bishop, and that extra Mag stat can be used on support spells, where Faires can't.
+1 Mov is very impactful as well, since more move is just better overall, and units who want to be Grimory are already going to be learning both types of magic anyway.
Having full requirements for a class isn't required anyway; being close enough will give a decent pass chance, with at least one requirement being met and another met at least 70% gives about 70% pass rate.
I made Dorothea a Mortal Savant, which was quite easy, giving her that thundershaped magical sword and she was overpowered
My thoughts:
Savant: only use for Felix. Noone else really gains anything from this.
Great Knight: Worse than Paladin, only reason to go for it is if you have an armour knight who hasn't trained in lances.
Gremory: Only really useful for Dorothea and Lysithea as they want to take advantage of double meteor or warp. Bishop is better for Marianne and Mercedes bc additional healing. Annette doesn't get any WMagic to put this above the movement from Dark Knight.
Holy Knight: What is the point? Is there anyone who would rather go here than Paladin, Dark Knight, Gremory or Bishop? I guess some hit and run healing is ok, but physic is very strong in this game, so why would you want that?
Dark Knight: Best route for dark magic users. Also pretty could for some paladins aswell to help deal with armour knights (looking at you sylvain). Kinda meh but still pretty good.
Bow Knight: By far teh best Knight class. 1 mov and +5 speed on the other knights might not seem much but it really helps, as well as from being a sniper or assassin. Probably the best grounded class in the game: only competitor being
Warmaster: Amazin' . only drawback is the movement. Astounding for the 2 biggest bois.
The exclusive classes aren't good either, with the exception of Claude's "Best class in the game but with the best weapon in the game"
Basically the only worthwhile classes are the fliers, warmaster, bow knight, dark knight, Bishop, Gremory for Dorothea and Lysithea and maybe Savant for felix, or hero/swordmaster/assassin. Maybe GK for armour knights, but you really shouldn't send them down that road to begin with imo.
lysithea savant soulblade
Mortal savant is such a mess on paper, but Felix in my church route just yeeted anyone he came into contact with
When you realize fates did one thing right by not having gender lock. In the main game classes at least.
I'm so sorry please don't kill me
To be fair there were only one male Pegasus Knight at base (and to be fair Hinoka was the only other female Pegasus Knight) and lets be honest here. Subaki tended to suck and you had to get Azura to a S support for a Pegasus Knight that works better as a Dark Flier in Shigure.
I hate the lack of variety in magic users.
Also IGNATZ HAS PHYSIC, WTF, DIS BOI CAN HEAL GUD. Stuck between Assasin and Mortal Savant, he can be your stealthy instakill thief or your key wall breaker that crits and bypasses any tank, while healing anyone and everyone too. Ignatz is amazing.
I had him go thief->assassin->mortal savant, and mostly had him use a levin sword and he just cleaned up, it's even better seeing a shy nerdy kid in glasses doing nonstop flips as an assassin
Master Classes don't seem like the end goal, just additional specializations that you can use. It is entirely viable to use the Advanced Classes, and likely you are supposed to stick with Advanced Classes save for the couple of units you want to specialize in different areas. I like to think of Master Classes as additional options rather than necessary advancements.
On the other hand, the fact that the game never once told me that Master Classes weren't better than Advanced Classes made me really screw up the skill progression in my first playthrough...
As for specific classes, it depends on the character, really. Mortal Savant isn't exactly one to use for most units, but Felix naturally progresses toward it without any problem and Marianne ROCKS the class. Because of the skill she unlocks by boosting Sword Skill to begin with, you're likely going to want to focus on Sword and Reason at the start. If you don't make Marianne into a Dancer, make her into a Mortal Savant.
I've found Gremory to work well for support characters, like Dorothea, or to give some extra uses to certain magic skills. Lysithea, for instance, really made use of the extras that Gremory gave her. She already had a lot of attack output due to her Magic growth and really only suffered in the defense areas, which the added movement of Gremory helped and the lack of Faires didn't make killing any more difficult. Giving me two uses of Warp alongside keeping the doubled amount of Reason magic made it worth the change.
I'd they're not the end goal then they should be given a different name.
Dorothea support? wat. She needs to be a Levin sword dancer!
With the Gremory, I find that Dorothea's magic is honestly really the best one because of her access to Meteor, and the fact you can double down on it
That and also Lysinthea as she can access Warp and double that down
Both make for great aggressive supports
You're putting a bit too much stock in faire skills imo. They're great but they aren't necessary to make a class good. Gremory only has x2 on all magic, but that's all it really needs to be good, especially when characters like Lysithea and Dorothea exist. The benefit to them is if you build them as mixed magic users, which the aforementioned two ladies work infinitely superior as. (Dorothea pretty much being designed as a mixed mage in mind and Lysithea having some of the strongest light and dark offensive magic in the game)
In either case, making them a Dark or Holy Knight wastes the potential of half their kit that only a Gremory could take full advantage of. As an addendum, while Faire skills help a ton, Lysithea doesn't really need them. She hits hard enough on her own to one-shot any non-boss enemy, monsters included, in the game and oftentimes even the monsters themselves
After mulling over it some, I came to the conclusion that the Prowess skills, except for Authority and Faith, are pretty good to have just for the all around bonuses they provide, especially against bosses on harder difficulties. In fact, if you have the extra slots, they might be preferable over the Breaker skills since they're more versatile, but don't quote me on that. So that's gonna be Bernie's fifth and final skill. That does mean that Shamir, Ashe and Ignatz are gonna be using the lance, axe and sword respectively for more versatility, but I think that's more interesting that way. Same with the Paladins and Fortress Knights - I think giving them different sub-weapons will make each character feel a little more unique even if they share the same class. Not sure what to do with Hilda, however. Her personal battalion is what will ultimately determine if she's gonna stay a Warrior, or rain death of and destruction from atop a dragon.
I also decided that Felix might not be too bad as a Mortal Savant after all. Sure, he loses Sword Crit and the drop to his speed growth is kind of a bummer, but he does gain access to more reliable ranged attacks, which is usually a problem for Swordmasters since sword mains tend to do poorly on maps with a lot of chokepoints, and he just so happens to learn Thoron, which is enough to make most black magic mains jealous. Plus, since Swordmaster gives you a lot of of ability slots to work with, I guess there's the argument of raising his swords skill to S rank to get Sword Crit back. I might also make Dorothea into a Mortal Savant too just to get some mileage out of her sword skill to make her something of an anti-mage unit on the Black Eagles route since only she, Linhardt and Hubert can tank any sort of hit from mages, and give her free movement bonuses since I like to have her wear her one true wife Ingrid's ring at all times. Plus she learns Hexblade, so they were at least aware that most people would capitalize on her magic. Catherine, however, is gonna be fisting her enemies to death as a Swordmaster, because few things are more hot than a gorgeous chick pummeling her foes into submissions with her bare hands.
Regarding Holy Knights, I guess the loss of Heal +10 isn't too bad once you remember that Healing Staves exist, though between having to spec into Reason to actually fight and Riding just to meet the basic requirement, they're still annoying to grind for. I still stand by Flayn being better off as a Bishop since she's bad at Riding, and I feel Manuela just joins too late and with too low a Ride skill to make into a Holy Knight in time without spending some Renown, and that Tomefaire should've been for all magic in general since White Tomefaire by itself is essentially worthless.
But the question is, can you even reach the master classes in Maddening mode without NG+?!
Great Knight is only a Fortress Knight transition IMO, it's a HUGE up only in that case and leveling heavy armor is too hard otherwise.
Gremory is the late game Support Commando - double Warp is a beautiful thing, you can +5 move on bow knights and quite literally kill the boss turn one on some maps. It's comical.
Not only did they make astra sword master exclusive but they gave the class 5 mv... really?
An interesting point on mortal savant is that their -10 speed penalty will only take away 2-3 points of speed every 10 levels (compared to their previous classes). This isn't great, but if a unit is well above a certain doubling threshold (whether that's doubling normal enemies or doubling the really fast ones), they may be able to take the hit. While it's certainly not the best master class, some units can utilize its magic well enough to make it worthwhile.
I was going to say that this video should include the classes bases, but I looked them up, and wow, they're low. I guess they don't matter too much. 0% growths is gonna be tough...
I had them on the screen, which are the boosts each class gets. That stacks on top of unit growths.
Oh the game screenshots are class bases? That makes total sense, it just didn't occur to me that you were using a character with low enough stats to show all of them. Good job and I take it back :)
@@SharurFoF Oh, no that's not the actual class bases, I misunderstood, I thought you meant the growths and not the actual stats. I am not worthy of that praise.
Alas :P
Honestly putting felix on mortal savant worked well for me. He rarely gets hit and the range on thoron plus his healing ability, while nit alway my best option takes the load of my softer characters
They finally made bows amazing in an FE game. I'm sure there's exceptions here and there but generally speaking, bow units tend to be lacking in most other FE games.
Yup, bows are BUSTED!
They were awful in 7 for sure
Gremory is pretty character specific honestly. For some characters staying in warlock/bishop or going into D/H knight may be better, but gremory's advantages is that you only need to level faith and reason (which most dedicated mages will do anyways) and still increase your mage's movement up to five from the baseline four all the other grounded mages are stuck at. The spell doubling also is nice for characters who get warp or rescue, since having not one but two uses of those spells can be a game changer. For characters without those, or who have a bane in either faith or reason, then going to the knights or staying in an advanced may be better though for the faires or extra healing amount in the bishop's case.