Introduction to Relapsing Polychondritis (RP) and how to explain RP to my family and friends

  • Опубликовано: 12 дек 2024
  • Short description
    Relapsing polychondritis is a very rare disease that is unknown to the general population but also to many doctors. The webinar aims to explain the symptoms and consequences of relapsing polychondritis in a language that is understandable for patients and their relatives. Different causes and courses of the disease as well as possibilities of treatment will be shown. It will be explained what the affected patient and the relatives can contribute to a better course of the disease. The webinar shows the medical professional point of view and that of the affected patients.
    More info about RP can be found here: reconnet.ern-n...
    Prof. Oliver Sander is senior physician and lecturer at Heinrich-Heine University/University Hospital in Düsseldorf, Germany. He has been involved in the medical and scientific care of patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases for 30 years and my scientific focus is on (imaging) diagnostics and targeted therapy with biologics. In ERN ReCONNET, he is a member of the "Relapsing Polychondritis" and "Education and Training" working groups.
    ePAG Lisa Matthews is an ePAG representing Relapsing Polychondritis (RP) patients in Europe. Her background was in Human Resource Management and she had to give this career up when she got diagnosed with RP. She’ve been living with RP for nearly 20 years now but sadly it took 7 of those years to get a definite diagnosis.
    Her mission now is to raise the awareness of RP and to support others in their quest for a diagnosis and treatment. We now have an international Facebook Group and a website which is an important step in achieving this.

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