A Deeper Look at Venus in Aquarius


Комментарии • 74

  • @suncluster
    @suncluster 2 года назад +46

    Out of all my placements, Venus in Aquarius is the one that gets the most cringe from others looking at my chart. I don’t have a problem with it but I agree that Venus in Aqua doesn’t align with cultural stereotypes of how relationships are “supposed to be”. I value friendship over romance. And people who cringe at Venus in Aqua are probably not capable of that.

    • @claudialarsson7439
      @claudialarsson7439 2 года назад +5

      Venus in Aqua here. Yep. I get it.

    • @cherriesinthesnow
      @cherriesinthesnow 2 года назад +2


    • @BelleAB
      @BelleAB 2 года назад +3

      Same! I have the view that life partnerships, e.g., close af friendships, do not have to involve sex. It was a bit confusing at times when I was younger but I'm loving that energy now.

    • @BelleAB
      @BelleAB 2 года назад +1

      it does trine Uranus in Libra and the MC too ha

    • @crystallinecrow3365
      @crystallinecrow3365 2 года назад +2

      My Venus in Sag relates. So much judgment and misunderstanding. Fwiw, like a third of my friends have Venus in Aqua. Some of us are pickin up what y'all are laying down 😉

  • @Its-Lulu
    @Its-Lulu 2 года назад +8

    Good morning/afternoon/evening to everyone today! 🥰
    I hope you had/are having/have a wonderful day today!!!

  • @expressivelyalina
    @expressivelyalina 2 года назад +8

    Ninth house stellium in Aquarius with Venus included. Some themes I noticed for myself is I like quirky and weird aesthetic. As well, in terms of the Saturnian component, I love learning and listening to other’s beliefs and philosophies but if you try to change mine, I dig my heels in. A common saying I had growing up was, “don’t tell me what to do” 😅 Lastly, I value friendship A LOT. They’re more so my family than family. If I can be friends with a family member, it’s a deeper connection. As well, I’ve been with my partner for 10+ years and I truly believe the main reason is that he’s my best friend and we have a great friendship.

  • @annakobuk3618
    @annakobuk3618 2 года назад +7

    Aquarius people are eccentric. Regardles of what they have in Aqua but these with stelliums more. Sometimes to the point of being completely misunderstood. Aqua Venus nearly always put frienships and relatives before romantic partnerships. Many have unfulfilling love life, many resign from it completely for pursuing different goals.

  • @hglatGAIA
    @hglatGAIA 2 года назад +1

    My Venus is in Aquarius right now (16th January, 2023). I seem to intuit to look at your video's just at the right time. THANK YOU!

  • @kal2487
    @kal2487 2 года назад +1

    I have this placement. I'd never heard the frame of "innovating the past" before ==but it really does fit with me. I have a lot of ideas about bringing back more traditional lifestyles but making them work for today.

  • @bridgetkorns8174
    @bridgetkorns8174 2 года назад +2

    I loved these videos when they first came out and I'm very glad you're sharing them again. They are something we can watch over and over. 💗

  • @BelleAB
    @BelleAB 2 года назад +5

    before I watch this, I gotta share a realization last night that my love of being pleasantly surprised is such a Venus in Aquarius trait - anything that is both new and beautiful lights me up with joy!

    • @BelleAB
      @BelleAB 2 года назад

      it does trine Uranus in Libra and the MC too ha

    • @suncluster
      @suncluster 2 года назад

      I was commenting to a friend that I have being scared but I love being surprised. I agree that being surprised brings me immense joy too!
      Edit - I “hate” being scared.

  • @kaersten3623
    @kaersten3623 2 года назад +3

    I have Venus in Aquarius conjunct Mercury and The Lot of Spirit all in the 5 house. These placements are in opposition to my Moon and Jupiter in Leo in the 11th house. I love socializing and going out and having fun but when I’m tired, I want the fun to end. Yeah I also feed off of being alone. 😂I am a professor of fine art teaching visual art specifically sculpture and 3-D design. Although I teach traditional and contemporary approaches to Sculpture I myself I am a sculptor working in mixed media creating installations which are more contemporary faced. Yet I have also studied traditional book binding and paper marbling, Herbalism, and traditional astrology with you. although I love working on my installations I do find that I am much happier when I am working collaboratively with other artists which I’ve been doing for the past 20 years.

  • @suzdwyer4577
    @suzdwyer4577 2 года назад +3

    Yes as a Venus,sun, mercury in aquarius, I've always been very idealistic which has been hard. I'm idealistic in love too. I'm definitely future orientated towards growth and evolution, but I do find some ancient wisdom to be the ideal (I've always loved traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Hatha yoga philosophy and practice, Zen philosophy and practice and recent years Hellinistic astrology).
    I'm always after quality over quantity with friends or in love.
    In the past I have been intolerant and harsh at times towards those who don't embody my ideal traits and behaviours (dishonesty, betrayal, greed, inauthenticity, insincerity etc). It used to get me into a rage. My main friends these days are mix of Capricorn rising (three) two with Leo sun, one pisces sun, a sag rising, cancer moon and two Scorpio moon with Capricorn planets. Those who are real, loyal, sincere, grounded, sensitive and honourable or admirable for their deeper qualities and values.

  • @Chattianna
    @Chattianna 2 года назад +1

    I am an Aquarius moon/venus and on Vedic astrology and stellium with mercury. In relationships I tend to attract unavailable people(Capricorn) and they notice right away my quirks and let me know lol
    With a Sun/NN in Aries I am now accepting that I am a true individual who does not like to be bothered. I don’t feel part of any group but float about and am accepted in most groups. I definitely have “unconventional”thoughts about family/relationships. I thought about Oprah and realized her relationship with Stedman is very venus in Aquarius.
    My cancer rising attaches me to the past where I can figure out what went wrong and what is better in the future. I am not present at all and need to work on that. My

  • @tatisloveoth
    @tatisloveoth 2 года назад

    Loved that explanation of the past vs future quality to aquarius

  • @dharmabum1111
    @dharmabum1111 2 года назад +1

    My mercurial mind set off to analyzing my Venus and Saturn aspects right away! Natal Saturn in Aquarius, and I hope they'll be co-mingling nicely! Also have Venus natally in Libra, in the 5th. I Love Love and had just done an invocation to Venus asking for her blessings for more Love in my life (specifically a Divine Lover) Happy Venus day all! 💚💚💚

  • @jenbodhi1133
    @jenbodhi1133 2 года назад +8

    Very interesting, I’m Venus, mercury, mars in aqua. ( all 4 th house)
    I’m very progressive with equal rights for everyone, womens rights especially, support gay marriage, equality for minorities etc.
    BUT, I’m super conservative in a lot of ways, I’m celibate, despise being confined by relationships, kind of the rebellious loner type, but I deeply frown upon promiscuity and find it repulsive and immoral, I live the life of a nun essentially- eat healthy, celibacy, get up at 5 am, meditation and prayer constantly lol
    Very polar opposites in one person

    • @thrinedemol
      @thrinedemol 2 года назад +1

      I’m Scorpio rising with Venus conjunct the north node in Aquarius in the 4th house.
      I’m happy to read there are other human beings living the life of a nun 😅
      I’ve chosen celibacy since 2018, eat mainly raw food, meditate each day.
      My Mars in Capricorn is facilitating the ritual way of life I have.
      Only thing : I suffer a little to be an alien for most (if not all) the people around me.
      How are you dealing with that ? Do you have a social life ?
      Mine is very thin. Which is fine most of the time. I love silence and tranquility.

    • @jenbodhi1133
      @jenbodhi1133 2 года назад +1

      Oh this is very interesting, not only am
      I aqua Venus like you, I’m also a Scorpio rising, and I’m a Capricorn sun ( my moon is in Scorpio as well, conjunct Saturn)- so I also have the discipline to carry on with this nun lifestyle lol.
      I honestly don’t socialize much, I’m not shy and people like me, but i also prefer silence and tranquility, tomorrow I’m going out into the mountains to hike alone, so I can have solitude and silence, but k don’t mind it either, I like being alone and I don’t get really get lonely.
      What is your moon? Does it also aspect Saturn?

    • @thrinedemol
      @thrinedemol 2 года назад

      @@jenbodhi1133 same with me, I’m not shy, and when I meet people they seem to like being around me.
      Most of them don’t understand that one can be at ease with spending time in solitude.
      My sun, moon and mercury are all in Aries (thus in the 6th house of health, daily routine…). It gives me a strong will to do things by myself, and with the Capricorn vibes I have also the discipline (which again, for most, sounds boring and depressing, while for me there’s a real pleasure in the Saturnian energy - like doing intermittent fasting, sitting every morning with my breath, walking in silence, aiming for less desires…).
      Saturn in conjunct the descendant in my chart, in Taurus, 7th house. No aspect with the moon, but as it is opposite the ascendant it might explain its strong influence.
      Do you have planets in Taurus ?
      In which year are you born ?

    • @reignz6968
      @reignz6968 Год назад +1


  • @Chapps1941
    @Chapps1941 2 года назад +1

    You should try having your Chart and Solar Ruler, Moon, in Aquarius. The Ruler of the most emotional sign in the most unemotional sign!

    • @Chattianna
      @Chattianna 2 года назад +1

      Cancer rising moon in Aqua. The most unemotional emotional person lol…my ability to detach is wild…also my emotions are always in my head…I think them instead of feeling them. Sun in Aries

  • @nickischneider6771
    @nickischneider6771 2 года назад

    My venus is at 21 degree Pisces ♓️ in my 12th house - Can’t wait to see the Pisces ♓️ video . This one was great . With a sun in Aquarius - most definitely love the conservative but do have a twist of modern - the struggle is real to decide 😂from a good ole Catholic girl to an astrology student . Life goals best of both worlds . ❤🎉

  • @juliabreaux4226
    @juliabreaux4226 2 года назад

    1:11 Yessss!!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  • @Jaiyea
    @Jaiyea 2 года назад +3

    I have mercury in Aquarius and I’ve discovered that I like to push conversations in unusual directions (Uranus) to find where the boundaries (Saturn) are.
    Wondering if with Venus in Aquarius you may like to push the boundaries of what you see as valuable/love to find who is willing to love you with as many of the eccentricities as you can get away with showing…?

    • @kaersten3623
      @kaersten3623 2 года назад

      Oh boy, I’m sitting here shaking my head with a heavy heart. Ever since Saturn has been in my sis house in Aquarius I have purposefully pulled away from friends. I had to do that because of some similar similar things that you’re talking about. I couldn’t take being labeled as too eccentric or weird or confrontational I had to reassess myself and it took three years I’m looking forward to Saturn leaving that position.

  • @rubyblu21
    @rubyblu21 2 года назад

    My Venus in aqua is opp Lilith in 1st, square pluto. Im thankful Venus is in an air sign with this combo.

  • @electranica777
    @electranica777 2 года назад

    Thank you 🙏🏿

  • @rewfrog
    @rewfrog 2 года назад +1

    I appreciate the Burning Man art picture you put in there haha, I have Venus in Aquarius, was lucky to see that art in person and know it was made with dichroic acrylic panels 😆
    Totally true about Burning Man becoming more materialistic, some of the problems in our society are flagrant at that festival, and it makes the environment, dotted with beautiful art, also feel kind of gross.
    This was a very instructive talk!

    • @esperanzavencetarot
      @esperanzavencetarot 2 года назад +1

      Yes. Also nobody has ever been able to rectify the idea of “MOOP” for me…i just dont understand how they all preach that moop stuff, then burn toxic (albeit artful) chemicals into our shared atmosphere year by year 🤷🏽‍♀ why not just stay home, build an artistic utopian experience in your own hood year round, moop it up and maybe burn your garbage metaphorically? Just sayin 😂

    • @rewfrog
      @rewfrog 2 года назад

      @@esperanzavencetarot I'm totally into what you're saying, you see it too. I like to bring what I've learned and love from burns into my everyday life as much as possible. We need more connection, creativity, joy and spontaneity up in here!

  • @softseagreens
    @softseagreens 2 года назад +3

    I'm Venus at 1' Aquarius.
    I had been addressing a (unresponsive) man via his relative; someone without a single personal planet in air - or earth, for that matter. He's Scorpio stellium including Venus, square a Leo stellium of Mars-Pluto-Saturn.
    I have seven planets in air, in two grand trines, including Venus-Mars-Pluto.
    "I don't know if there's karma, but many say so, and I don't know what else would make me address a stranger so insistently. Things had to be talked out, and I suspect that's why we're here.
    Language proves to be erotic - it titillates, lures, seduces - while being a great song and dance, an ode to life.
    I never really believed in the necessity of language. I simply weren't too interested in others... or so I thought.
    And there I found myself writing to a stranger. I suspect it was curiosity. I wanted to ask... why extend himself so insistently, why touch a stranger giving her a free pass to intimacy, and why attempt to incinerate me with a gaze?
    I meant to invite him to unbind that knot together. We're here to talk, and there was the convenient safety of distance - we'd never meet.
    I would have welcomed any word that could make him feel better: I gave a first-hand example how one could write in utter honesty. It didn't have to be thought-out, or profound, or erotic; just an expression.
    I only meant to say: I am a friend."

    • @kaersten3623
      @kaersten3623 2 года назад +1

      What a beautiful story. I’d say you went where no one else had gone before with this particular person, which seems very fitting for your Aquarius placements especially with Mars. You’re courageous, and inquisitive. more power to you.

  • @fmcsound3609
    @fmcsound3609 2 года назад

    Venus 29 here. Beginning the listen now

    • @fmcsound3609
      @fmcsound3609 2 года назад

      Venus Trine Mars

    • @fmcsound3609
      @fmcsound3609 2 года назад

      There is a unique style to Venus in Aquarius. Each person on your list, in my opinion, are easily identified by their unique look and style as if we have an individual uniform. Individual Beauty Venus in Aquarius

  • @bdanniexO
    @bdanniexO 2 года назад

    Natal Venus in Aquarius… LOVE death core and classical music 🥹 as well as jazz 🤤 completely tattooed but I love to dress like a classy lady

  • @GoldenRam31
    @GoldenRam31 2 года назад

    lol loved the 'make america great again', did not expect that at all.

  • @AnitaJones-n5p
    @AnitaJones-n5p 10 месяцев назад

    I have Venus in Aquarius

  • @venustalunara2261
    @venustalunara2261 2 года назад

    I have Venus 13° Aquarius in my 11th house

  • @LoveLeigh313
    @LoveLeigh313 2 года назад +2

    I have Venus Aquarius 9H square to 6H Scorpio Mars. I don’t seem to resonate with much of any Venus in Aquarius explanations I’ve heard 😅

    • @LoveLeigh313
      @LoveLeigh313 2 года назад

      @WhammyWhammy I became a witch several years ago which has definitely helped to change the opinions many people view of witches 🤠

  • @brooke1496
    @brooke1496 2 года назад

    The fixed-ness is why I'm holding my breath as others cheer the Aquarius age.

  • @jelenavidovic1289
    @jelenavidovic1289 Год назад

    One question:You never mention Uranus, so I'm a little bit confused? Besides that, i like the way you describe this Venus position

  • @dawnevans7628
    @dawnevans7628 2 года назад

    My moon is in Aquarius 3H. Saturn in Cancer 8H. Any advice Taurus sun , Scorpio Rising.

  • @kristine8338
    @kristine8338 2 года назад

    The Planet of Aquarius is Uranus, and the planet of Capricorn is Saturn. Am I wrong?Aquarius means also when the stars are connected the water is poring down. I am not an expert at all…

  • @jesselle_
    @jesselle_ 2 года назад +1

    I thought Aquarius was the domicile/ruled by Uranus?

    • @bbelsy
      @bbelsy 2 года назад

      Only for some modern astrologers… others agree the outer planets don’t rule signs.

    • @amydiazhollis6642
      @amydiazhollis6642 2 года назад

      In modern rulership, but in traditional rulerships Aqua is Saturn ruled.

    • @Kate-hh8yi
      @Kate-hh8yi 2 года назад

      in ancient times, Uranus had not been discovered. Some astrologers consider the significations of Uranus to directly apply to Aquarius. Some view the outer planets as more powerful than an individual zodia.

    • @Kate-hh8yi
      @Kate-hh8yi 2 года назад

      Depending on the astrologer- Uranus may be appointed to the domicile of Aquarius.

  • @amydiazhollis6642
    @amydiazhollis6642 2 года назад

    My Sun is in Aquarius 2H, my Venus is Pisces 3H, but is like literally minutes away from Mars in pisces.

  • @brandonburrell8517
    @brandonburrell8517 2 года назад

    Neptune was in Capricorn, when Burning Man began.

  • @maylay_rising
    @maylay_rising 2 года назад

    Hi Adam! What's the name of the Astro app you use? 😊😊

  • @amydiazhollis6642
    @amydiazhollis6642 2 года назад

    Also I think it's interesting you've got Oprah up there, because I share a birthday with her

  • @celestejamerson5281
    @celestejamerson5281 2 года назад

    It’s really unfortunate the version of Mozart created in the play “Amadeus” - the real history is quite different as told by expert historians. This video is excellent and much appreciated, however.

  • @jessicastephens9712
    @jessicastephens9712 2 года назад

    There is no burning man without the man 🤣

  • @thequeenofreads
    @thequeenofreads 2 года назад

    The Maga reference threw me for a loop 😅. Just a suggestion that we keep hot topics like politics out of the teachings! Otherwise keep up the good work. I learned a lot.

  • @esperanzavencetarot
    @esperanzavencetarot 2 года назад

    Burning man started on fire island. Burning the man was a symbolic burning of one’s former self, before being “out” as a free gay person.

  • @aide-toietlecieltaidera3724
    @aide-toietlecieltaidera3724 2 года назад
